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Wrath of the Legion

Heron Presents

Wrath of the Legion

A Demon Campaign

Continues the end of the Undead Campaign. and focuses mainly on the three generals of the Burning Legion and the growth process of the Legion in the world.
And Archimonde, like a true villain, leaves the dirty work to others while he gains strength and executes his plan...


Dalaran's army failed to stop the summoning and Archimonde came into the world.
Now, he demands the magic power of Dalaran to increase his power... The Legion has sent Jaraxxus to carry out the plot...

Change Log

- I changed the demons' attack type to chaos.

- I tried to weaken the wave of enemy attacks in all stages but I ran into some problems with it so the change will be relatively small. (Sorry)

- I fixed a bit the part with the harpies and the centaurs.

- And some other small changes.








LISBOAH - campaign's tester
Blizzard Entertainment
Ujimasa Hoso
The Panda
Eagle XI
General Frank
Shar Dundred
If I missed someone, please PM me and I'll add you.

Important to Know

- I still learn how to make cinematic scenes to be skipped.

- The campaign is in the orcs category because I don't know how to make a background for the demons.

- This is still only a beta stage for me, in the future I will update it more along with the other campaigns.

- It is important for me to note that I am working on all this alone, so the maps may seem too simple to you and regarding the army of the Burning Legion, I did not use the familiar characters such as:
Infernals, Felguards and Fel Stalkers.
I just wanted to create a unique army with relatively new abilities and magic for them.
but for me this is only the first campaign of the demons.
And as I said to @LISBOAH (who checked the campaign for me and helped me improve it).
That I intend to continue creating campaigns in the future, I really like it and if the time is right I hope you like my creations.

Feel free to report any bugs, tips or suggestions!

Wrath of the Legion (Campaign)

Generally, a nicely made campaign. Would have loved more custom triggered spells. Approved. If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange! R U L E S Site Rules Map Submission Rules M A P - D E S C R I P T I...
Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
As usual from me, here some bugs!
Chapter III. Mighty Taurens

Harpys are not attacking anything or anyone after you fulfill their request. Bloodfeather's heart was wasted for nothing. +10 Agility is mad!


Chaos Berserk activation costs gold... I mean, this supposed to be free. Afterall, why it's researched? Like in the original game, when you research Berserk for the Troll Headhunters, and the ability is free. Basically here I need to pay to activate a last chance type of Immolation of a low tier unit. During he is going to die.

The Return of Kalimdor Chapter II. was extremly hard because the lack of Ranged units and healing units, but I did sucess in the mission. + I want to mention Juggernaut does not have the ability, to shoot a target/shooting to a ceratin point. Like in an Orcish Catapult or Ballista (here you need to research that). This ability means that the Juggernaut does not need to see what or where is shooting, just shooting. Every ranged siege weapon from the base game are capable to do that, mostly without any type of research.

Update: The description of this campaign does not have Screenshots. Atleast on my side. I forgot to mention it.
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Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Harpys are not attacking anything or anyone after you fulfill their request. Bloodfeather's heart was wasted for nothing. +10 Agility is mad!
A small correction. The harpies do attack the Tauren, but only the base that's standing next to their nests for some reason. After you destroy that base, they stop sending waves.
The Return of Kalimdor Chapter II. was extremly hard because the lack of Ranged units and healing units, but I did sucess in the mission.
Yeah, this mission was very hard for me too. All Tauren units have a lot of HP and deal quite a lot of damage, while our current units are pretty weak in comparison. I had to rely on a lot of Chaos Berserks just to deal with the waves they send.
Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
A small correction. The harpies do attack the Tauren, but only the base that's standing next to their nests for some reason. After you destroy that base, they stop sending waves.
For a +10 agility Item, I have my doubts.
Yeah, this mission was very hard for me too. All Tauren units have a lot of HP and deal quite a lot of damage, while our current units are pretty weak in comparison. I had to rely on a lot of Chaos Berserks just to deal with the waves they send.
There is no Tauren on the Second chapter. Only orcs, and the main quest is to destroy the Orcish shipyards. The Chaos Berserk ability was not worth it at all, because it's cost additional gold to use it, instead after research it should be free to use. After all, you kill the unit during the process after activation, and it cost 80% of the actual unit training cost. (Unit cost 135 gold, and the ability to activate cost 100 gold. The precentage is just a rough estimate, not precise calculation).
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Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
As usual from me, here some bugs!

Chaos Berserk activation costs gold... I mean, this supposed to be free. Afterall, why it's researched? Like in the original game, when you research Berserk for the Troll Headhunters, and the ability is free. Basically here I need to pay to activate a last chance type of Immolation of a low tier unit. During he is going to die.

The Return of Kalimdor Chapter II. was extremly hard because the lack of Ranged units and healing units, but I did sucess in the mission. + I want to mention Juggernaut does not have the ability, to shoot a target/shooting to a ceratin point. Like in an Orcish Catapult or Ballista (here you need to research that). This ability means that the Juggernaut does not need to see what or where is shooting, just shooting. Every ranged siege weapon from the base game are capable to do that, mostly without any type of research.

Hi, first of all thanks for the comments, I appreciate it.

As for the Juggernaut and the Harpies, I'll check it out again.
And as for the Fiend with their ability, I left it that way because I wanted to see people's opinions on it, if it's problematic for more people, I'll change it.
Besides, a little difficulty wouldn't hurt in these games :wink:
Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
Besides, a little difficulty wouldn't hurt in these games :wink:
Yes, challenge is part of the fun in games, but when I needed to destroy key Infrastructures on the last enemy base, basically I did it with the remaining 20 slaves (Peon/Peasant type unit), a hero and a fiend, because the juggernauts are killing the enemies front of the Fiends - they are fighting melee combat - and the Juggernaut projectile when make contact with the enemy or the ground they make AoE damage, and basically the juggernauts without absolute ultimate control are killing my own d***n units. God I hated that part of the map. Core Hounds are of course presented on the next map... So yeah, I was completed the second chapter, but there is nothing to be proud. It was a too costly victory what I achieved there. During the mentioned part of the map, I feeled myself as someone, who p**s b***d.
Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
OMG i didn t expect to see one of your campaigns here man you just changed my mood i will try it right away

enjoy friend
Just pay attention to the comments written above you, so that you know simply...

Yes, challenge is part of the fun in games, but when I needed to destroy key Infrastructures on the last enemy base, basically I did it with the remaining 20 slaves (Peon/Peasant type unit), a hero and a fiend, because the juggernauts are killing the enemies front of the Fiends - they are fighting melee combat - and the Juggernaut projectile when make contact with the enemy or the ground they make AoE damage, and basically the juggernauts without absolute ultimate control are killing my own d***n units. God I hated that part of the map. Core Hounds are of course presented on the next map... So yeah, I was completed the second chapter, but there is nothing to be proud. It was a too costly victory what I achieved there. During the mentioned part of the map, I feeled myself as someone, who p**s b***d.

By the way, if you think it's hard, wait when you get to chapter 6, @LISBOAH can tell you about it :hohum:
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Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
There is no Tauren on the Second chapter. Only orcs, and the main quest is to destroy the Orcish shipyards. The Chaos Berserk ability was not worth it at all, because it's cost additional gold to use it, instead after research it should be free to use. After all, you kill the unit during the process after activation, and it cost 80% of the actual unit training cost. (Unit cost 135 gold, and the ability to activate cost 100 gold. The precentage is just a rough estimate, not precise calculation).
Sorry, I mistook it for Chapter Three.
To me the hardest part of that mission was to deal with the orc surprise attack after we destroy the first base.

By the way, if you think it's hard, wait when you get to chapter 6, LISBOAH can tell you about it :hohum:
Yeah, you have absolutely no idea what lies ahead @HuanJuan. Chapters 6 and 8 will be a nightmare.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
I'm stuck in chapter one, I don't know what to do. I hate puzzles
There are two switchs.
The one in the right is behind a lot of trees. Use Jaraxxus' summoned golem to destroy said trees in order to reach the switch.
The one in the left is behind the iron gate, but this one is closed. In order to reach it, you have to go through a secret passage that is standing right next to the eastern gate. There's a blue rune standing at the entrance of said passage.
Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
@HuanJuan @Ahman
I went to check. There's a notice that appears right at the beginning of the mission that states that Kraator can destroy trees.
I was discovererd, that I'm wrong. Read my previous reply again, I edited it. Very sorry, I was wrong. I writed my previous post from memory, and I forgot to check it out, that is this the truth or not.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
I was discovererd, that I'm wrong. Read my previous reply again, I edited it. Very sorry, I was wrong. I writed my previous post from memory, and I forgot to check it out, that is this the truth or not.
It's fine, no harm was done. There's no reason to apologize.
Level 7
Mar 11, 2020
4th mission is absolutly retarded there is no skill or special tactic just mass armies rushing my base nonstop our units are trash how the hell do u call this units demons ? they are not demons they are trash 135 gold for feinds weaker then fking footmen how the fk are they demons ? i enjoy hard misssions but this is not hard its stupid and made so that u wipe multiple times with saves so u can cheese it orc base is massive about 80 towers in it 3 fortresses which means 3 bases attacking me with orange they have acces to air and i dont only 1 gold mine have to get orange how the hell can i do that when im being raped in base
Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
4th mission is absolutly retarded there is no skill or special tactic just mass armies rushing my base nonstop our units are trash how the hell do u call this units demons ? they are not demons they are trash 135 gold for feinds weaker then fking footmen how the fk are they demons ? i enjoy hard misssions but this is not hard its stupid and made so that u wipe multiple times with saves so u can cheese it orc base is massive about 80 towers in it 3 fortresses which means 3 bases attacking me with orange they have acces to air and i dont only 1 gold mine have to get orange how the hell can i do that when im being raped in base
First of all there is a way to write things, without getting angry or cursing.
Second thing, you have three heroes and the secondary bases are small and if you destroy them then the centaurs will help you.
Third thing, you're the only one who wrote about it, as long as I don't get comments on chapter 4, it will stay that way.
Level 7
Mar 11, 2020
First of all there is a way to write things, without getting angry or cursing.
Second thing, you have three heroes and the secondary bases are small and if you destroy them then the centaurs will help you.
Third thing, you're the only one who wrote about it, as long as I don't get comments on chapter 4, it will stay that way.
you dont exactly make great content when it comes to writing english or making stories but even ur gameplay is meh i usually play ur campaigns for passing time u know its regular stuff i did not mean to be offensive just stating the truth its not relaxing or has a good strategy its just spammy anyways gl
Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
First of all there is a way to write things, without getting angry or cursing.
Second thing, you have three heroes and the secondary bases are small and if you destroy them then the centaurs will help you.
Third thing, you're the only one who wrote about it, as long as I don't get comments on chapter 4, it will stay that way.
I can't complete Chapter 4 either. It's just pure brutality what the enemy do with me. Remember, there is not even a choice to lower the difficulty. I'm going to try once more, but I don't have big hopes. THe enemy is seriously overpowered here.
Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
you dont exactly make great content when it comes to writing english or making stories but even ur gameplay is meh i usually play ur campaigns for passing time u know its regular stuff i did not mean to be offensive just stating the truth its not relaxing or has a good strategy its just spammy anyways gl
It's all good friend, I would be happy if you create a campaign so that I can understand your thinking or what exactly you would like to happen in the campaign in general... If you write words like "stupid", it will not help me in improving the campaign.

*My English is not good enough.

I can't complete Chapter 4 either. It's just pure brutality what the enemy do with me. Remember, there is not even a choice to lower the difficulty. I'm going to try once more, but I don't have big hopes. THe enemy is seriously overpowered here.
I will check this chapter again
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
I can't complete Chapter 4 either. It's just pure brutality what the enemy do with me. Remember, there is not even a choice to lower the difficulty. I'm going to try once more, but I don't have big hopes. THe enemy is seriously overpowered here.
I too had a lot of difficulty in this mission, so I had to rely on two things: the fact that the enemy AI never attempts to rebuild their base and that we have the Centaurs as allies in this mission. The allied AI actually comes to help us if we use the warning in the minimap.
Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
I too had a lot of difficulty in this mission, so I had to rely on two things: the fact that the enemy AI never attempts to rebuild their base and that we have the Centaurs as allies in this mission. The allied AI actually comes to help us if we use the warning in the minimap.
Warning on the minimap? Centaurs as Allies? Man, I can't even properly get out the base and get my base up n' running, because of the continous attack from the Horde. Once you defended one of your side, then the other at the same time was attacked. Thinking about making forward progress when you can't properly build up Defensive infrastructure, or train enough units to pushed them back while you are taking a siege is impossible.
Look, I know this is some one man made project where is only one man are doing the whole thing, but gosh: Mission 4 was either way or another is brutal. I tried once again, I destroyed a grey outpost, and I destroyed 4 towers in the main base. Nothing more, and then my base defense is collapsed. I never met with any centaur, and I don't even know where the hell are they. Yes, there is a side quest, but I don't even get a chance to discover that.
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Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
Warning on the minimap? Centaurs as Allies? Man, I can't even properly get out the base and get my base up n' running, because of the continous attack from the Horde. Once you defended one of your side, then the other at the same time was attacked. Thinking about making forward progress when you can't properly build up Defensive infrastructure, or train enough units to pushed them back while you are taking a siege is impossible.
Look, I know this is some one man made project where is only one man are doing the whole thing, but gosh: Mission 4 was either way or another is brutal. I tried once again, I destroyed a grey outpost, and I destroyed 4 towers in the main base. Nothing more, and then my base defense is collapsed. I never met with any centaur, and I don't even know where the hell are they. Yes, there is a side quest, but I don't even get a chance to discover that.
Don't worry, I will update the campaign soon regarding the wave of enemy attacks.
I guess chapter 6 and 8 will be hard too...
Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
Don't worry, I will update the campaign soon regarding the wave of enemy attacks.
I guess chapter 6 and 8 will be hard too...
I suggests you @Kasrkin to ask for his/her opinion about this. He/She has youtube channel, and plays hard difficulty Arkain maps. Or I suggest you search for a person - probably a real masochist - who play in their free time uber brutal death hard maps and games, and they are further punishing themselfs If they ever going to think, to lower the difficulty of the map for fun & hobby.
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Level 7
Oct 6, 2021
Hello sir, I like this campaign telling about demon troops, I've played from chapter 1 to chapter 3 but I think every mission has a level of difficulty that is above normal, especially chapter 3 really made me last a little longer.. I have a suggestion sir for Minimizing the difficulty in the game is it possible to change the attack type of all demon troops from normal to chaos type so that it adds the impression of being a troop from the underworld or demons and also the gold mine capacity is added I hope,

By the way, I really like your terrain, every map is very aesthetic
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Hello sir, I like this campaign telling about demon troops, I've played from chapter 1 to chapter 3 but I think every mission has a level of difficulty that is above normal, especially chapter 3 really made me last a little longer.. I have a suggestion sir for Minimizing the difficulty in the game is it possible to change the attack type of all demon troops from normal to chaos type so that it adds the impression of being a troop from the underworld or demons and also the gold mine capacity is added I hope,
I do agree that most of our units are sometimes even weaker than those our enemy have. And while we later on get stronger units, this is mitigated by the fact that the difficulty will increase even further. Yes, the last missions will be even more difficult than these you mentioned. The last mission was a full-blown nightmare to me.

However, the creator stated that this was his first demon campaign and that there will be improvements later on.
Level 5
May 10, 2018
Hello sir, I like this campaign telling about demon troops, I've played from chapter 1 to chapter 3 but I think every mission has a level of difficulty that is above normal, especially chapter 3 really made me last a little longer.. I have a suggestion sir for Minimizing the difficulty in the game is it possible to change the attack type of all demon troops from normal to chaos type so that it adds the impression of being a troop from the underworld or demons and also the gold mine capacity is added I hope.
some tips from me for chapter 3, just spam the dog(sorry forgot the name) and devour every attack wave. i have like 18 dogs and it is easy enough to clear most of the attack waves, while the attack waves are pretty big that is not a problem. but yeah I think that these demon units should be given chaos type attack for the impression.

the optional quest is kinda not worth IMO. sacrificing the +10 agi for some small attack waves from the harpie is kinda lame. i think they should at least drop something for us for it to worth
Level 5
May 10, 2018
i wanted to point out that core hounds devour abillity is a little bugged i went full 'devour ' on mission 3 and units killed by it dont drop items tested again and they drop items when they are not devoured
good thing i only do it on attack waves
Level 9
Oct 20, 2021
well, I went through the campaign and I want to say that my impressions are mixed: at one time, I was pleased to play for the demon race itself with non-standard units, the other is very weak base troops, especially fiend infantry, who die once or twice, a wild imbalance in maps where there are no bases (everyone dies and has to run one hero) , reinforcements are few and they rarely appear anywhere, constant frequent computer attacks (you are attacked almost always when you have accumulated an army and leave the base) it would be nice to make them less frequent and the stupidity of artificial intelligence, satyres not only almost do not attack and require constant protection, but also turn around halfway and run back when you attack somebody.
If you can fix all this then the campaign will be quite comfortable to play, that's all.
Level 5
May 10, 2018
chapter 4 is brutal man. the only way I finish it is only by abusing the AI. the delay between one attack waves and another is too short to build and army to counter attack. Also where the heck is the centaur???
i see someone talking about the centaur in chapter 4 but I don't even find them
edit: nevermind I find the centaurs and the cutscene kill me because it didn't pause the action and I am in the middle of a fight.
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Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
well, I went through the campaign
Damn, the campaign was uploaded three days ago and you already completed it? Congrats! :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:

and the stupidity of artificial intelligence, satyres not only almost do not attack and require constant protection, but also turn around halfway and run back when you attack somebody.
Wait, the satyrs didn't assist you? That's weird, while I was playing, they even aided me in killing creeps and completing optional quests.

chapter 4 is brutal man. the only way I finish it is only by abusing the AI. the delay between one attack waves and another is too short to build and army to counter attack. Also where the heck is the centaur???
i see someone talking about the centaur in chapter 4 but I don't even find them
You have to destroy the orange orc base and the trolls' base in order for them to appear.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Satyrs is often attacked by nights elves and what worse they even cannot defend themselves because they troops too weak against tier3 upgraded night elves besides if they attack they attack small groups of units or beasts what comes from corners of the map, they dont try to attack elven bases.
Yeah, that mission was so annoying

-The forest beasts are annoying since they attack my allies. I had to leave the Doom Guards (our best units) behind to protect the satyrs' bases;
-The occasional aerial attacks not only attack our allies, but our base as well;
-The Night Elves having increased regeneration was such a pain;
Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
chapter 4 is brutal man. the only way I finish it is only by abusing the AI. the delay between one attack waves and another is too short to build and army to counter attack. Also where the heck is the centaur???
i see someone talking about the centaur in chapter 4 but I don't even find them
edit: nevermind I find the centaurs and the cutscene kill me because it didn't pause the action and I am in the middle of a fight.
How do you met with the Centaurs in the first place? If I can survive until I found them, probably I have a much better fighting chance against the Horde. I didn't even triggered the Cutscene. That's why I asking.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
How do you met with the Centaurs in the first place? If I can survive until I found them, probably I have a much better fighting chance against the Horde. I didn't even triggered the Cutscene. That's why I asking.
You have to destroy the Orange Orc base in the west, and the Troll base that appears in the East.

Once you destroy each base, the demons make a deal with the Centaurs and infuse them with Fel Magic. The Centaur units gain a lot of HP and Chaos attacks. Then three tents appear where the bases used to be that spawn centaur units that will start attacking the main orc base.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
So you say, only one base and they are come with full wings and makes the Horde Life more harder?
The Centaurs that spawn from these tents have around 1,000 of HP and their melee attack is of the Chaos type. They tend to spawn around 4 or 5 units before launching an attack on the orcs.
Sure, if they go by themselves, they will probably be defeated somewhat quickly. However, if you attack the orcs and make a sign at the minimap, they will come to support you. The only allied AI that sucks were the Harpies in Chapter Three.
And if you manage to destroy the Troll base as well, you will get two allied Centaur bases that will support you.
Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
The Centaurs that spawn from these tents have around 1,000 of HP and their melee attack is of the Chaos type. They tend to spawn around 4 or 5 units before launching an attack on the orcs.
Sure, if they go by themselves, they will probably be defeated somewhat quickly. However, if you attack the orcs and make a sign at the minimap, they will come to support you. The only allied AI that sucks were the Harpies in Chapter Three.
And if you manage to destroy the Troll base as well, you will get two allied Centaur bases that will support you.
Thank you very much for the tip, I try it out. Hope this time it brings some sucess.

No luck. They are tearing me apart like usual.

I further want to report, that the in the chapter intro Cutscene, Dalvengyr's brother soul was going to heaven 3 times in a row after death. (When the ethereal form of the hero's body are going upwards after death, it's part of the death animation). I thinked when you die one time is hard, but 3 times in a row?
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Level 1
Dec 13, 2022
Hello, i didnt see that someone metioned it so just a small thing, in the beginning, first cutscene there is a character that should be the Jaraxxus but theres a character with different name.
Level 5
May 10, 2018
How do you met with the Centaurs in the first place? If I can survive until I found them, probably I have a much better fighting chance against the Horde. I didn't even triggered the Cutscene. That's why I asking.
it's not worth it before crippling Drek'thar Base. here is what i do to at least survive
at the start of map immediately rush the orange base with your hero only but not destroy them entirely focus their barrack, spirit lodge, great hall. leave those farms to not trigger the cutscene.
but you also must macro your base and build an army.

P.S : you can abuse the gray AI by hit and run their entrance with your hero, this way you force them to attack you from the side you hit. also hero trio is strong enough to defeat 2 attack waves combined, so if you micro well you can live and making progress.
Level 7
Oct 6, 2021
chapter 4 is brutal man. the only way I finish it is only by abusing the AI. the delay between one attack waves and another is too short to build and army to counter attack. Also where the heck is the centaur???
i see someone talking about the centaur in chapter 4 but I don't even find them
edit: nevermind I find the centaurs and the cutscene kill me because it didn't pause the action and I am in the middle of a fight.
I agree bro, I've reached chapter 4, it's amazing that the attacks are a little desperate, I hope the creators lower the power of Ai's attacks or extend the attack time so that their attacks don't collect on all sides of our base :(

A terrible mission makes us want to use cheat :V



Level 3
May 30, 2018
So far in chapter 2, I see your custom faction is somehow interesting. However unit naming is rather, I would say generic. Example about weaponary upgrade things name, Metal thing naming I do not think is suitable for demon races. So, I would expect name change in the next patch for now. And, for some reason, Sinora's Death Curse did not work, level is exceed to level 9 which was supposed to be capped at level 6(I think), maybe because I am playing 1.31 version.
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Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
buena campaña estuvo super (aunque deberias poner un cuarto para comprar items para atacar unidades aereas y mejorar habilidades para defender)
You have a point that most of our heroes have few items that could help them deal with air units.

The Burning Legion is a force meant to ravage worlds, not one to build settlements or occupy regions, so you could see them mostly as an offensive force. This could explain why our ability to defend is this low.
Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
The Burning Legion is a force meant to ravage worlds, not one to build settlements or occupy regions, so you could see them mostly as an offensive force. This could explain why our ability to defend is this low.
Than I see why I have difficulties to battle with this forces. I like to settle & be confy. Maybe that's the serious issue with me.