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Wrath of the Legion

Heron Presents

Wrath of the Legion

A Demon Campaign

Continues the end of the Undead Campaign. and focuses mainly on the three generals of the Burning Legion and the growth process of the Legion in the world.
And Archimonde, like a true villain, leaves the dirty work to others while he gains strength and executes his plan...


Dalaran's army failed to stop the summoning and Archimonde came into the world.
Now, he demands the magic power of Dalaran to increase his power... The Legion has sent Jaraxxus to carry out the plot...

Change Log

- I changed the demons' attack type to chaos.

- I tried to weaken the wave of enemy attacks in all stages but I ran into some problems with it so the change will be relatively small. (Sorry)

- I fixed a bit the part with the harpies and the centaurs.

- And some other small changes.








LISBOAH - campaign's tester
Blizzard Entertainment
Ujimasa Hoso
The Panda
Eagle XI
General Frank
Shar Dundred
If I missed someone, please PM me and I'll add you.

Important to Know

- I still learn how to make cinematic scenes to be skipped.

- The campaign is in the orcs category because I don't know how to make a background for the demons.

- This is still only a beta stage for me, in the future I will update it more along with the other campaigns.

- It is important for me to note that I am working on all this alone, so the maps may seem too simple to you and regarding the army of the Burning Legion, I did not use the familiar characters such as:
Infernals, Felguards and Fel Stalkers.
I just wanted to create a unique army with relatively new abilities and magic for them.
but for me this is only the first campaign of the demons.
And as I said to @LISBOAH (who checked the campaign for me and helped me improve it).
That I intend to continue creating campaigns in the future, I really like it and if the time is right I hope you like my creations.

Feel free to report any bugs, tips or suggestions!

Wrath of the Legion (Campaign)

Generally, a nicely made campaign. Would have loved more custom triggered spells. Approved. If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange! R U L E S Site Rules Map Submission Rules M A P - D E S C R I P T I...
Level 5
Oct 28, 2018
Map 1, I dealt with the right first then use the circle of power to tele and now Im stuck and cant find a way to open the gate on the right side. Noted a switch by using vision cheat and i see that there is no way to access it. Can anyone help me with this.
Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
Map 1, I dealt with the right first then use the circle of power to tele and now Im stuck and cant find a way to open the gate on the right side. Noted a switch by using vision cheat and i see that there is no way to access it. Can anyone help me with this.
Note that at the beginning I put a message about Kraator, that it can destroy trees.
Level 3
Oct 16, 2023
I haven't finished playing this campaign yet.
As a campaign where the Legion is the player faction, I think there's a similar problem to From Ashes, in that the demons seem overly forgiving. It's called "demons" because someone working with demons means bad consequences and wreaks havoc on their own kind. But in this campaign, the demons just negotiated the centaurs and harpies to become allies, not something more "devilish" way like poisoning their fountains or something like that.
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
Probably the most unbalanced campaign I have ever played. Chapter 4 is designed to be cancerous, limitless legions of Orcs. AI is not even following the recruitment time rules or resources. Guess all the previous chapters were for nothing, despite the purpose of the missions which was to cripple the enemy's resources. Little did I know that the enemy in chapter 4 will be allowed to use "warpten" and "greedisgood" for 50 continuous years from now.

Completely unbalanced. Playing two chapters with peon level infantry, while the enemy using elite units. lvl 1 weaponry and armor, against again, elite enemies. The campaign begs the player to use cheats to win the unbalanced chapters like chapter 4 (literally limitless enemy armies with few seconds recruitment time).
Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
Probably the most unbalanced campaign I have ever played. Chapter 4 is designed to be cancerous, limitless legions of Orcs. AI is not even following the recruitment time rules or resources. Guess all the previous chapters were for nothing, despite the purpose of the missions which was to cripple the enemy's resources. Little did I know that the enemy in chapter 4 will be allowed to use "warpten" and "greedisgood" for 50 continuous years from now.

Completely unbalanced. Playing two chapters with peon level infantry, while the enemy using elite units. lvl 1 weaponry and armor, against again, elite enemies. The campaign begs the player to use cheats to win the unbalanced chapters like chapter 4 (literally limitless enemy armies with few seconds recruitment time).

Did you play the campaign after I made the changes?
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
Did you play the campaign after I made the changes?
I'm playing it now, maybe a glitch happened and broke the mission? Not sure. I will replay and see.
Cuz I'm pretty sure that lvl 10 Farseer lord came to attack every 2 mins with limitless stream of armies.
Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
I'm playing it now, maybe a glitch happened and broke the mission? Not sure. I will replay and see.
Cuz I'm pretty sure that lvl 10 Farseer lord came to attack every 2 mins with limitless stream of armies.
Most important question: Do you play the campaign under the recommended WCIII version? Or... let me guess... Do you play under Refunded?
Level 13
Jun 22, 2020
Dialogues - Although you managed to capture the demonic tone in the words of the characters, in some places they need improvement.

Tom Of Retraining in the Goblin Shop is never redundant or in more. In this campaign, I was going to take advantage of him several times if he had it.

Curse of Saronite - I couldn't see the benefit of this spell because, by the time it did its job, the cursed unit would always get killed by one of my other soldiers.

Chapter 4 - It was quite difficult for me, but this level became my favorite. A big surprise was that the level 10 dragon gave Scroll of Restoration. Frankly speaking, I expected more from him.

Chapter 6 - The first bears and wolves that attack after opening the Side Quest go to the Cruel Cloister, but they just stand or walk around it.

Chapter 7 - If the destruction of the Shrine coincides with the expiration of its protection time, a restart of Wc3 is required. Loading a saved game does not help. The same thing happens if the Gryphons destroy the Shrine a few seconds before the time runs out (3-5 seconds). This level is very annoying because of the second Shrine, as the Gryphons attack it directly and do not consider anyone else.

A demon is trapped here Warcraft III Screenshot 2023.11.18 -

I would say that the campaign was interesting and very dynamic from start to finish. There were new units, new buildings, new abilities, strong and interesting characters, and opponents who strike back and challenge. I hope there is a sequel. Thank you for sharing.
Level 24
Jul 26, 2008
Thought I would add some notes I wrote down from when I first played Heron's campaign:

Opening Interlude
At the start, we can see some shadows of invisible units.

Infernal contraption attacking orcs from behind portal before they have "teleported in" (they are just right behind it).
Why is the main base so far from the goldmine? We need like 16 workers to have a constant flow of gold.
I liked the triggered attack from that Orc leader after first shipward was killed.
There wasn't much explanation for how killing shipyards weakens the Orcs.

Mission completes with 2 remaining Kodos on the hashtable.
Harpies just defend my base from attacks, and never push out.

Lol at the interlude where the fat Dreadlord was surrounded and killed by grunts.
Hardest mission so far, the centaurs basically did nothing except draw out some of the Orcs so I could base aim the fortresses to cripple the bases. It was beat-able, but very difficult.

Gozirilla's head has same cooldown as greater HP potion; i can't use the potion after using the head's heal.

End cinematic talks about that woman escaping (night elf leader), but I definitely killed her (soul burned so she couldn't use any spells, not sure if your trigger was for her to use a spell to escape).

Very creative with not killing the buildings, and I liked the AI ally Satyr a lot. Probably my favourite mission.
One of the two night elves who is corrupted looks nothing like their previous night elf form.

I liked the AI allies, but having the whole team (2 AI, 1 player) on one side of the map makes AI susceptible to running back to base when you kill an oncoming attack wave. Can avoid this by spreading the AI allies across the map (like one top, one bottom, player on right). Also those random spawns of animals attacking the AI also created issues for the AI to attack. Basically, this whole mission became my heroes slowly Soloing everything.

General points

Overall, I really enjoyed this campaign. I don't recall playing a Demon campaign before on this scale, and it was pretty fun. Thanks for sharing this, Heron.