Warcraft III Reforged - Community Feedback

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Level 16
Jan 8, 2015
Well i would preffer option to keep wc3 downloads for maps/campaigns and other things like save files bound to wc3 folder instead of having it always in documents.

Local files should still work for sake of all people who have it as only option to avoid new dubbing on all non english versions. I'm glad game is being still worked on, because it gives hope for it to finally get better where it matters over time.

While i'm fine with mess that is menues and hd assets since its a bit too extensive to redo it the right way now, unless there is some effort to do some "mega patch" for wc3 later that would make things right in that department later, it's still something that should be adressed, even if it wont come back to be a more hardcoded robust menu.
It should be as robust as possible and should operate as much as original menu as possible(ideally how SC:R is so pretty much the same but with minor adjustments for new options and features - which in case of wc3 would mean original menues with similar changes).
Please focus on all core issues both ones that came prior to RF's release in lead up updates(i.e. desyncs) and all brought in with Reforged.

I hope that by end of this year we will have feature complete wc3 with all of it's features back including save and load in multiplayer and singleplayer, custom campaigns and all else.

From issues that may have been overlooked i want to repeat: local files not working since last patch and custom games not showing that people leave or get dropped including lack of desync notification.

Possibly because for no reason it was switched from host player to that blizzard bot in melee games, which isnt in customs.
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Level 14
Oct 26, 2015
Wrath of the betrayer. Mission 4 of sentinel campaign is still broken why did no one report this.

Bottom naga base doesnt attack

Reason? Simple its just like Sylvanas last mission


Can we get a hotfixerino

Weve fixed hyjal, new power in lordaeron, march of scourge, and made culling not retard easy to wipe out purple base (i still can) and you can no longer item farm malganis. He only drops items twice
1st time item 2nd time Consumable VS racking up 5 Strength Belts.

Lets fix another oopsie mission shall we!


Bug/Oversight or intended I will say unlike Hyjal and other levels being broken snorefests with the stuff we got them to fix.

I actually Enjoyed this level far more without the South base attacking. I think after level 2 and then following this up with level 5 and how frequently and unrelentingly spammy naga attacks are it starts to get very samey

This level however is supposed to feel like a race against time which while as a veteran i never felt it in classic it is severaly diminished in reforged to evoke it's intended tone.

This blocked path breaking AI makes it feel more like Another of those RPG no rush maps with only having to worry about the west base which 12 bears can deal with very casually. Even b etter if u teleport staff maeiv into the middle to FoK if youre feeling frisky.


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Level 14
Oct 26, 2015
when was that fixed?
It was fixed in 1.32.2 or 3

Archimonde was level one and anetheron and rage winterchill would stop spawning

The double azgalor and rage winterchill wave never happens because the enemy would foodcap block itself from TFT demon food cost values.

It ruined the mission

In the culling
The purple undead teleporting to your base when they left the base and the extra 4 towers surrounding malganis altar and him not dropping infinite items is also my doing for slamming the pathetic purple base offense and defense.

A new power in lordaeron sylvanas last level had ZERO attacks because all doodad gates were intack another fix i got them to make.

Also got them to fix tyrande and demo ic illidans missing inventory from the 1.31 patch that was still in classic that broke their inventories.

However minor i also got them to restore the long forgottten +6 claws that was removed in night elf campaign for killing furbolgs in the mission where you recruit druids of talon.

That had been missing well before 1.26

Other people had pointed out the lichs wouldnt attack or even ressurrect in March of the scourage arthas mission. Namely because the lichs were named and not original and thus had no AI.
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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Some 1.32+ feedback.

Would be nice, as before, for the game to take you back to the map you just played via Custom Games instead of bringing you to the first map from the folder.

Some text needs adjustment. For instance that from the Quest Log, it's too small and uncentered.

Also, Reforged maps should not be seen at all in Classic. Instead you get an error message and the loaded map details look like this:
But the map details are read fine before creating the game:

The cooldown blue timer FX on icons is too opaque. You can't tell what's behind it.

Would be neat to have an option to fill all slots with Computer players or close or open them.

AI might be causing lag spikes in melee games. See attached replay.


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Level 5
Apr 27, 2014
There should be some sort of maybe like options in the game (both for campaign and custom game) that the UPKEEP GOLD TAX CAN BE DISABLED or REMOVED.

Not all players prefer or are good with micro unit controls. Others, such as myself, prefer and enjoys LARGE ARMY unit control for massive war battles.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
There should be some sort of maybe like options in the game (both for campaign and custom game) that the UPKEEP GOLD TAX CAN BE DISABLED or REMOVED.

Not all players prefer or are good with micro unit controls. Others, such as myself, prefer and enjoys LARGE ARMY unit control for massive war battles.
That means editing the campaigns for the AI to do the same...
But the actual issue is that more than around 40-50 units per player makes those units not follow commands properly anymore.
Level 7
Nov 17, 2020
Does anyone know when they will finally fix the battle net login bug?

The login still asks for a validation key (sent per email) every single time I login to battle net, although the password is entered correctly.

Sometimes it takes hours until the mail with the key is sent out. This problem only exists since reforged.
That, we may not know for sure, and quite frankly, I think Blizzard would need entirely new, dedicated, talented staff to be able to properly fix W3 and Reforged before anything else. The storytelling, especially: the path they take is so bland, overdone, forced to the point of sickening boredom and overall terrible compared to games with better stories, like God of War and Witcher.
Level 9
Dec 31, 2016
I am sure someone has already suggested it, but I would really love to have a search option in custom games creation.

I have a lot of maps and I have problems finding specific maps I want to play.

I hope it will be added.
Level 28
Feb 2, 2006
Well, if it is optional it should work with some correct numbers. I want no AI to control them and not to be shown in the lobby but in the score screen it would be okay to see their score.
Here is anther strange thing with the stand animations of city buildings. They sometimes show their birth animation:

  • Something like a "rehost" button would be nice? If I have hosted a map or been part of it and I want to host it again immediately, it takes time to create a new game. Just add something like "Rehost".
  • Allow marking text or opening links in the browser. Many maps have URLs to Discord/Hive etc. to rate the map/give feedback. The URLs only work by making a screenshot. Or add some URL to every map like the description.

In the sound editor, when I use the same sound twice, once normal and once as 3D I get the following map script generated:
set gg_snd_death_short=CreateSound("war3mapImported/death_short.wav", false, false, false, 1, 1, "DefaultEAXON")
    call SetSoundDuration(gg_snd_death_short, 3751)
    call SetSoundChannel(gg_snd_death_short, 19)
    call SetSoundVolume(gg_snd_death_short, 127)
    call SetSoundPitch(gg_snd_death_short, 1.0)
    set gg_snd_death_short_threed=CreateSound("war3mapImported/death_short.wav", false, true, false, 1, 1, "SpellsEAX")
    call SetSoundDuration(gg_snd_death_short_threed, 3751)
    call SetSoundChannel(gg_snd_death_short_threed, 0)
    call SetSoundVolume(gg_snd_death_short_threed, 127)
    call SetSoundPitch(gg_snd_death_short_threed, 1.0)
    call SetSoundDistances(gg_snd_death_short_threed, 0.0, 10000.0)
    call SetSoundDistanceCutoff(gg_snd_death_short_threed, 3000.0)
    call SetSoundConeAngles(gg_snd_death_short_threed, 0.0, 0.0, 127)
    call SetSoundConeOrientation(gg_snd_death_short_threed, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
and it leads to the following syntax error:
Undecleared variable gg_snd_death_short_threed

I cannot change the size of an array global variable in the trigger editor (triggers list) but only the variables editor. When I change it, it will be reset to the previous value.

When watching a replay, I cannot open the quest log and I don't see the quests from the map. Besides, chat messages are shown twice from the player who is chosen. It would also be nice for replays to see the command buttons (to know what was available like upgrades). This was of course the behavior in classic.
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Considering the failure that is Reforged (lots of broken promises, removed features, etc., and above all, the art style is terrible in my opinion), I'm not sure a new Warcraft product is good news... Prove me wrong Blizzard!
Well i would estabilish warcraft 3 on a new engine, that has to be powerfull...
Sc2-wc3 mechanics work already exist,so i would make that fully compatibile...
Then i would pass it to new engine based on sc2 (btw hots is based on sc2 engine,just saying)

Then when i test some assets, i would redone whole wc3 reforged art from begining and estabilish a new core lifetime art style. Why core?

Because i would build a powerfull high quality base, with no heavy content, on which i would upgrade the product trough out years and deliver new expansions,new art content.

Within a decade,the game would become what we call Warcraft IV

So,dont do the whole content at once, blizzard cant do it anymore...

Step by step is better strategy...
Level 28
Feb 2, 2006
Multiple base Doodads have been deleted and make opening custom Doodads crash the World Editor and let models appear black! See [Crash] - Clicking the doodads-tab in Object Editor crashes World Editor and [General] - Converting a Frozen Throne modification with custom SLKs to a single multiplayer map in Reforged

They should restore ALL deleted base IDs for object data even if the model does not work anymore. Never delete anything which has already been used!

When working with a map in a folder structure and testing the map it seems that when saving the map while playing it sometimes textures cannot be accessed anymore and that the saving changes used texture and model files or even removing them. This is some strange behavior maybe because the testing map loads from the same directory.

Custom tilesets do not work as before (see [Import] - Import custom tilesets in reforged world editor). Most of the custom ground textures don't work anymore and those which work are not shown in the icons of the tool palette when working with a folder structure or in general with a map.

As probably pointed out many times: The custom minimap previews are not working anymore when hosting maps which is really annoying.
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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
I never thought I'd say this but I agree with DracoL1ch. Is there any particular reason to believe this thread can serve it's original purpose of informing a (non-existent) Blizzard team that can make these changes?
Who knows, maybe Retera and others who will mod his recreation of Warcraft III would use this thread. Or if anytime we'd get the original game's source code, fans/the community could patch.
Level 3
Jan 25, 2020
At the very least it can serve as a possible collection of ideas for future rts / game makers. Hive's certainly been a resource for many budding devs. And, on the dark side, it can also serve as a cynical reminder of what activision thinks of blizzard fans.
Multiple base Doodads have been deleted and make opening custom Doodads crash the World Editor and let models appear black! See [Crash] - Clicking the doodads-tab in Object Editor crashes World Editor and [General] - Converting a Frozen Throne modification with custom SLKs to a single multiplayer map in Reforged

They should restore ALL deleted base IDs for object data even if the model does not work anymore. Never delete anything which has already been used!

When working with a map in a folder structure and testing the map it seems that when saving the map while playing it sometimes textures cannot be accessed anymore and that the saving changes used texture and model files or even removing them. This is some strange behavior maybe because the testing map loads from the same directory.

Custom tilesets do not work as before (see [Import] - Import custom tilesets in reforged world editor). Most of the custom ground textures don't work anymore and those which work are not shown in the icons of the tool palette when working with a folder structure or in general with a map.

As probably pointed out many times: The custom minimap previews are not working anymore when hosting maps which is really annoying.

Do we know which doodads are deleted?
Level 28
Feb 2, 2006
Someone could compare the SLK files. For me and the other person it was 'ASbl'.

Doodad NSra (Archway) has the model path units\creeps\OrcWarlock\OrcWarlock now. I have a Warlock standing around in Northrend now instead of an archway. Apparently this is only bugged in the World Editor (different base data?).
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Level 60
Dec 29, 2014
Level 28
Feb 2, 2006
I know there is no team but this thread can still be useful to collect all issues.

Meaningful error messages on crashes

It would also be useful to have some more meaningful error logs in the directory "C:\Users\XXX\Documents\Warcraft III\Errors" when the game crashed. I have sent maybe 100 crash reports to Blizzard but what is the point if nobody is fixing the game? We need some kind of stack trace with parameter values to know the cause of crashes, so we can change something in the map to avoid the crashes.

Black Arrow level 5 limitation

Add level 5 as data value or Gameplay constant for Black Arrow to avoid this unit level limit.

Add flag and priority for stacking to all Orb based abilities

The flag can be set to true and then the orb ability will stack. There could also be some priority value to configure the order in which the orb damages and effects are applied.

AI should support custom Entangled/Haunted Goldmines

If I base a unit type on Entangled/Haunted Goldmine the AI does not know how to handle it.

Improved AI support for ships

AI should know how to attack with ships from sea and how to use transport ships.

Add GUI event for the generic damage event

Reforged as a damage event for any player unit. I think it is not available in the GUI trigger editor.
I think that many other new natives are still missing as well in the GUI trigger editor.

Native Item Unstacking

Add some native item unstacking support by right double clicking. We have to write our own system at this point.

Add natives to Remove/Replace/Add Hero Abilities

Some custom maps need dynamic hero abilities without creating X unit types.

Fix changing the movement type and other object fields

Changing the movement type of a unit by setting the integer field does not work. We still need another unit type which the source unit is morphed into.

Simplified/safe API for files in CustomMapData

Just provide a native to write and read files in "CustomMapData" with some safe size limitations and support for GetLocalPlayer() for files which do only exist for one player when reading them. We use these files anyway so why not provide some API?

Battle.net User Text Storage

We have all kinds of save/load systems but it would be much better if every Battle.net account would have some storage for text which could be filled by maps.
Maybe the user would have to allow it via some option.
The maps could load and write some texts only.
The text size could be limited and can only be overwritten completely.
This would massively improve the save/load systems.
In singleplayer it could just use a local space instead.
The current save/load systems require either to copy savecodes from generated files in "C:\Users\XXX\Documents\Warcraft III\CustomMapData" or to prestore some codes in the map which has to be updated all the time.

Support 4 cliff types

My map has 4 different cliff types but two of them are displayed as the other two.

Remove/increase the limit of "Hero Equivalents" in the Gameplay Constants

There is some low limit which is far too low for maps with many custom heroes.

Add SetRace native

It should change the UI to either Human, Orc, Night Elf or Undead. It can be useful for maps where you can repick your race.

Performance related stuff

Disconnects during long loading maps

My map WoW Reforged has a pretty long loading time. This leads to disconnects during the loading screen when waiting for other players. Hence, the game is ended before starting and we are returned to the main menu where we have to login or exit the game.

Just don't disconnect only because a map has a long loading time.

Decrease the loading time for big object data

Besides increase the loading time for maps with big object data if this is an option. Apparently, widgetizing object data is much faster, so maybe improve loading the whole object data into memory at once and mapping it to SLK data.

Editor crashes when opening player settings with high level object data

I cannot modify my player settings since the editor loads like X minutes when opening it and then crashes. I believe it is related to the high levels of my abilities. Maybe it loads that data since you can disable abilities etc. for players so maybe use different modules for the player settings or fix the crash/loading time.

Slow Trigger Editor for generated variables

The trigger editor is really slow if you have many generated objects like unit variables. It seems like the combo box has to be generated freshly every time you open it. It is even slow to click on a new unit on the map which generates a new variable. Maybe cache the list of generated variables to make it faster.

Slow Object Editor for high levels

The object editor is really slow if you have high levels like 100 or 1000 which I did for abilities and researches.

Native "Save As Optimized"

There should be a native "Save As Optimized" menu entry. We have custom tools like wc3optimizer or Widgetizer. However, I have some issues with these tools like "Out of Memory" or another error especially for big object data and many map strings. A native version could be more stable. Widgetizer needs the current SLKs etc. as input which have to be updated. The optimized version should do the basic stuff like adding the strings to the object and trigger data etc. reducing the war3map.wts file, removing unused fields from object, removing unused code, optimize the map script, remove files for editor only and maybe convert object data into SLK files (not sure about this one since it would be better to just improve the loading time for object data).


Spell Reviewer
Level 28
Nov 18, 2012
Add flag and priority for stacking to all Orb based abilities

The flag can be set to true and then the orb ability will stack. There could also be some priority value to configure the order in which the orb damages and effects are applied.
What if I don't want a specific orb ability to stack with another one, but can stack with some others?
Native Item Unstacking

Add some native item unstacking support by right double clicking. We have to write our own system at this point.
No, because not everyone wants to unstack by right clicking followed by left clicking on same item. At most, a way to disable and enable item stacking would be better as to prevent the stacking whenever you want.
Add natives to Remove/Replace/Add Hero Abilities

Some custom maps need dynamic hero abilities without creating X unit types.
What? In what world have you been to miss out the already existing functions for this?
Battle.net User Text Storage

We have all kinds of save/load systems but it would be much better if every Battle.net account would have some storage for text which could be filled by maps.
Maybe the user would have to allow it via some option.
The maps could load and write some texts only.
The text size could be limited and can only be overwritten completely.
This would massively improve the save/load systems.
In singleplayer it could just use a local space instead.
The current save/load systems require either to copy savecodes from generated files in "C:\Users\XXX\Documents\Warcraft III\CustomMapData" or to prestore some codes in the map which has to be updated all the time.
An file I/O API is enough. What does "prestore some codes in the map" mean? Do you mean that the map automatically reads, and loads data from CustomMapData? Why is this a bad thing?
Support 4 cliff types

My map has 4 different cliff types but two of them are displayed as the other two.
Why not say to support all cliff types, and terrain tile types?
Performance related stuff

Disconnects during long loading maps

My map WoW Reforged has a pretty long loading time. This leads to disconnects during the loading screen when waiting for other players. Hence, the game is ended before starting and we are returned to the main menu where we have to login or exit the game.

Just don't disconnect only because a map has a long loading time.
Just how much "long loading time" is? We could be talking about 5 mins, 10mins, 20mins.
Decrease the loading time for big object data

Besides increase the loading time for maps with big object data if this is an option. Apparently, widgetizing object data is much faster, so maybe improve loading the whole object data into memory at once and mapping it to SLK data.

Editor crashes when opening player settings with high level object data

I cannot modify my player settings since the editor loads like X minutes when opening it and then crashes. I believe it is related to the high levels of my abilities. Maybe it loads that data since you can disable abilities etc. for players so maybe use different modules for the player settings or fix the crash/loading time.

Slow Trigger Editor for generated variables

The trigger editor is really slow if you have many generated objects like unit variables. It seems like the combo box has to be generated freshly every time you open it. It is even slow to click on a new unit on the map which generates a new variable. Maybe cache the list of generated variables to make it faster.

Slow Object Editor for high levels

The object editor is really slow if you have high levels like 100 or 1000 which I did for abilities and researches.
The game is also really slow if you have 10000 units attack each other at all times. It's not a surprise, it's a known issue and a limitation of the game engine. There are further implications other than the obvious.
Native "Save As Optimized"

There should be a native "Save As Optimized" menu entry. We have custom tools like wc3optimizer or Widgetizer. However, I have some issues with these tools like "Out of Memory" or another error especially for big object data and many map strings. A native version could be more stable. Widgetizer needs the current SLKs etc. as input which have to be updated. The optimized version should do the basic stuff like adding the strings to the object and trigger data etc. reducing the war3map.wts file, removing unused fields from object, removing unused code, optimize the map script, remove files for editor only and maybe convert object data into SLK files (not sure about this one since it would be better to just improve the loading time for object data).
Big no. People already lose their maps to optimizers, or leave wc3 for good and close the doors for others to improve map, fix bugs. Saving as optimized will be even worse.

They missed out so many things such as a missile system; buffs that can stack with each other with exceptions or exclusively, additive, multiplicative; on unit removal... the list goes on indefinetely. Will microsoft help us? We wiill never know
Level 28
Feb 2, 2006
What if I don't want a specific orb ability to stack with another one, but can stack with some others?

No, because not everyone wants to unstack by right clicking followed by left clicking on same item. At most, a way to disable and enable item stacking would be better as to prevent the stacking whenever you want.

What? In what world have you been to miss out the already existing functions for this?

An file I/O API is enough. What does "prestore some codes in the map" mean? Do you mean that the map automatically reads, and loads data from CustomMapData? Why is this a bad thing?

Why not say to support all cliff types, and terrain tile types?

Just how much "long loading time" is? We could be talking about 5 mins, 10mins, 20mins.

The game is also really slow if you have 10000 units attack each other at all times. It's not a surprise, it's a known issue and a limitation of the game engine. There are further implications other than the obvious.

Big no. People already lose their maps to optimizers, or leave wc3 for good and close the doors for others to improve map, fix bugs. Saving as optimized will be even worse.

They missed out so many things such as a missile system; buffs that can stack with each other with exceptions or exclusively, additive, multiplicative; on unit removal... the list goes on indefinetely. Will microsoft help us? We wiill never know
Sure you can allow even more like lists of stacked abilities.

Unstacking is something which should be supported since they have a native stacking system which can be enabled with the Gameplay constants. You can disable item stacking by setting the maximum stacks to 0 in the object editor.

The only solution suggested was Engineering upgrade: [JASS] - Replace hero abilities via triggers/code without replacing the unit type
This is not a clean solution. Do you know any natives for removing/replacing hero abilities?

Prestore means that I add savecodes to my map from players so they can easily load them but it requires me to add them all the time.
Reading/writing CustomMapData is okay but a cleaner solution would be some storage with your account. Right now I have to store the player name or give them some password for their savecode since the files are created for everyone. A storage API would be connected to your Battle.net ID.

Sure they can support more tilesets and cliff types.

The loading time depends on your PC. For me it takes around 30 seconds to 1 minute. I am not saying it is a surprise but it would be nice to improve some parts of the performance.

The optimizing is not necessary if you improve the performance of the engine. If the engine is still slow it helps to reduce the loading time.

I just added some things I got annoyed over the last few weeks and picked up stuff which is not that hard to support.

You seem to be annoyed with more general things which the engine does not support.
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