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[General] Converting a Frozen Throne modification with custom SLKs to a single multiplayer map in Reforged

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I am trying to convert a modification for Frozen Throne into a single multiplayer map for Reforged. It worked with the allow local files solution which apparently still is working somehow (Issue with terrain.slk) with Reforged. However my goal is that you can download the map for Reforged and play it in multiplayer without changing anything manually.

It used various different custom SLKs:
  • "TerrainArt\Terrain.slk"
  • "TerrainArt/Water.slk" - not sure why I have this file. Probably, can be removed.
  • "UI\SoundInfo\DialogSounds.slk"
  • "UI\SoundInfo\PortraitAnims.slk"
  • "UI\SoundInfo\UnitAckSounds.slk"

I have saved the map as folder and copied my mod files into it and they all appeared properly in the Asset Manager (thank you Blizzard!). The sound SLK files can be removed for the dialogs now since I can use the dialog sounds in the sound editor. I am not sure about the unit sound sets. Is there any way to use custom unit sound sets in a single map without using triggers etc.?
The main issue are the custom ground textures in "TerrainArt\Terrain.slk". To remove the file do I have to simply use the file paths of the currently used ground textures in the map, so they will replace Blizzard's standard textures?

Is the multiplayer map filesize limit 256 MB? My map has a size of 500 MB (with music, dialogue sounds etc. etc.) but to make it work in multiplayer I will have to remove lots of stuff starting with all the music and maybe compress some stuff. Any tips here? I really want to make it playable in multiplayer and no extra tools, so everyone can play it easily.

Many model textures appear completely black in the World Editor and in the game but only for Doodads. The textures for icons, units, destructibles etc. work fine.

Again these are my concerns/issues:
  • Custom terrain textures.
  • Custom unit sound sets.
  • Custom dialog sounds.
  • Black Doodad textures.
  • Maximum file size in multiplayer.

I thought about releasing it as single player campaign but actually only one map is really playable and enjoyable so one multiplayer would be fine.

Here is a screenshot of the black Doodad textures:

This issue might be related to the Quenching Mod I just installed.
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bump I found a solution for the ground textures by finding the default ones in the Terrain.slk and placing my textures under their file paths in a directory and opening the directory as a Frozen Throne map. I could not replace the files in the Asset Manager since the ground textures had already been loaded.

For dialogue sounds I can get rid of the SLK file by just importing the sound files again. Maybe I will only enable the voice acting with "Allow Local Files" since the map must be under 256 MB for multiplayer.

Any ideas for the unit sound sets?

I got another issue: The World Editor crashes when I open the Doodad tab in the object editor of the attached object data. It also says in the beginning some of model scales are under 0.0 or something rescaling models of all the Doodads. There must be something wrong with the object data which worked perfectly fine in pre Reforged. Did something change with the object data file format? How can I convert it into Reforged?!


  • ObjectData.7z
    162.9 KB · Views: 15
bump So I used the custom object editor from Hive to open the broken Doodad and converted it into an SLK file. I can't see any issues there but when I exported the Doodad data from my other map World of Warcraft Reforged, Hive's object editor got some exceptions while loading it which arouses suspicion that the Doodad file format might have changed in Reforged but Reforged has somehow issues importing my format?!

Maybe someone can look at the SLK files and find some issues. I have already increased the min model scale but the World Editor will always print these issues when loading the map:

To me the SLK file looks okay but I have no idea about the binary format. I have exported it again after changing the scaling values with Hive's custom object editor and still got the same issue when using it as Doodad file for my map.
Even after removing all but 1 Doodad and exporting it I got the error. I cannot open the classic World Editor anymore :(

I just found this thread: [Crash] - Clicking the doodads-tab in Object Editor crashes World Editor and he has the same issue of crashing. His problem was that he used base Doodad IDs which did not exist in Reforged anymore, so I will check all of them. FUCK REFORGED!

Fixed my issue by writing a custom tool on Linux:
The tool can read custom object data files and convert a specific base ID into another one. I converted "ASbl" into "OOal" which still exists in Reforged. Now everything works and the models are shown properly.

I still got the following issues:
  • Not all custom tileset textures are shown in the editor and ingame. Only some are loaded properly.
  • How to use custom sound sets for units in a map?
  • I have to replace the Dialogue sound files with imported sounds and think of how to use the sound recordings optionally since they make the map bigger than 256 MB. It could be an option with Allow Local Files.


  • CustomDoodads.slk
    982.8 KB · Views: 16
  • CustomDoodadsWorldofWarcraftReforged.slk
    519.9 KB · Views: 21
  • DoodadData.7z
    5.9 KB · Views: 16
  • CustomDoodadsWorldofWarcraftReforged.slk
    519.9 KB · Views: 19
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