Warcraft III Reforged - Community Feedback

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Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
Vast majority that are angry are angry about cutscene . The 2018 revel ones we ugly FOR an RTS the current new and they are all new in reforged are good imo.
I agree about the notion that most people are angry about removed "reforging", i.e. lack of cutscenes, new things in maps, maybe in some cases even lore changes. That said, I disagree that the reveal cutscenes were ugly for an RTS games and personally I wish they didn't scrap them. That however is a matter of personal taste. Some will prefer the old style of cutscenes (like you), some the Blizzcon 2018 style ones (like me). Outside of having two versions of the campaign, there's no way they could have pleased everyone in that regard.

Or they are angry about not many reforged or shall i say deforged maps. Considering how pathetic their terrain and mapping and enemy AI are in those missions im glad they stopped when they did.
This, however, I wholeheartedly agree with. Before I refunded I've played through a decent chunk of the campaigns and honestly, I wanted to laugh at how poorly done their new maps were. And it's not even about the fact that they were super easy, I could forgive that if at least they had some interesting design behind them. They don't.

Probably my biggest issue was the Dalaran mission... Like, why? The whole point of the original mission was that you had this barrier that damaged your units, so you had to go in with beefy units like Abominations (which you got for this mission!) or Frost Wyrms, because they could soak some barrier damage and still be able to fight. And you had to fight, because there were enemy bases and some actual obstacles before you got to the mage. It was a simple concept, but it worked.

Reforged? That concept is completely gone. The mage that maintains the barrier is literally the first enemy you fight when you enter it. Why? It literally makes the whole barrier mechanic useless. And the fact that they've removed enemy bases... Like, forget difficulty - it doesn't make any sense in terms of the map fantasy. In the original, you could feel that the mages wanted to defend their city and the barrier was just a part of that. Reforged? The barrier was their only defence and they were dumb enough to have their mages in the front with no real defence... Again, why? That doesn't feel like the mages even tried to repel Arthas. And to make it worse, after this you go to another mission and boom, suddenly Dalaran has armies that attack you? HOW?! And why didn't they use these armies to defend the city? It makes no sense.

I have a similar issue with Silvermoon. You spend two missions fighting Sylvanas that eludes your every attack and then she just stands there in the middle of some field waiting to be killed... WHY?! She should have had her own base or some chase sequence or whatever. And then the city itself... You get teased by the side quest that you cannot let Sylvanas send a runner to Silvermoon... It was already dumb in the original that you fought her for two missions and she somehow didn't alert the city, but heck - at least Silvermoon had some actual defenders. Reforged? I've expected things to go south when I attacked Silvermoon, like mass of Elves jump out and murder me, but nope... Nothing happened. You just took a victory lap around the city, killed Anasterian (WHO SHOULD HAVE HAD AT LEAST ONE VOICE LINE!) and reached Sunwell...

Other changed missions weren't much better and I agree, they shouldn't have remade them. Not like this. As I've said, I would be fine if these new missions were easy, but had some nice fantasy or a mechanic or whatever that made them interesting to play through for the first time. And they didn't. In fact, they were less interesting than the originals. And that's a shame, because any half-decent modder on this site would have surely come up with something better.

blizzards EULA
That change was there for probably around a year now, if not more. I didn't hear of anyone who got hurt by it until now, nor do I think that's about to change, so...

While I can agree that it is a bit of a dick move from Blizzard and I can support asking to loosen their EULA regulations, I don't think it's anywhere close to being such a huge issue as some people make it out to be. In fact, I think that most people who rage about this now do it mostly because it's such an easy scapegoat to project your overall disappointment with Reforged on.

After all, most of the people who are outraged, didn't have an issue operating under these new rules for a long time and they weren't that bothered by ownership rights or other legal issues to read the EULA before (if they did, they would have discovered that ownership change long ago), so it does kinda make the whole affair seem a bit silly.

So, in short, I disagree on this part.

most importantly the gutted classic features
This I agree with.

#1 the client merge and retiring the old client
I'm torn on this. I get that they want to have only one client, because that's easier to support and that's fine and all, but...

I think they should have still left the Classic 1.31.1 client alone (with some necessary bug fixes), even as a singleplayer only option, especially if they knew (and they did) that so many features are getting cut. That said, if they bring back all of these features, fix inconsistencies between Reforged SD and Classic and provide a light-weight installer (i.e. Reforged with no HD assets and other junk not needed by people who just want to play SD mode), I will be completely okay with merging the clients.

As such, my problem with this change isn't so much that it was done at all, but it was simply done way too soon.
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Level 4
Feb 3, 2020
I really LOVE Reforged WarCraft. It is great to play it again. Yes, there is some issues like one broken cinematic, sometimes not so great camera, collapsing matchmaking, broken Blood Elf campaign and so on... well, so what? It is still better than old one and bugs will be fixed soon or later, right?

What I miss (and hope I will not miss it for long) is Custom Campaigns. Best stuff I remember from old days was campaigns and I want to play them again, not only the original ones. I dont need it at day one, but lack of Custom Campaigns is kind of deal-breaker for me.

Second thing I dont like is that some models changed in sense of composition. Like militia was wielding axe in classic and in reforged is armed with sword. Would look bit weird if you used militia model for unit named "Axeman". In other hand, model variety is great and well suitable for just nearly anything so Im still quite happy.

Well, Im returning to map making after more than 10 years - this has to mean something.
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Level 5
Apr 27, 2014
I agree about the notion that most people are angry about removed "reforging", i.e. lack of cutscenes, new things in maps, maybe in some cases even lore changes.

In all your posts, you do make very good points when it comes to the discussion about Reforged.... with an exception to what you said here about "lore changes" aka RETCONS, cause that will RUIN the entire story of the ORIGINAL Warcraft 3 storyline.... It would be a horrible wish for campaign retcons just so it could connect to the dumb WoW lore and all its ill-fitting story elements.
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
In all your posts, you do make very good points when it comes to the discussion about Reforged.... with an exception to what you said here about "lore changes" aka RETCONS, cause that will RUIN the entire story of the ORIGINAL Warcraft 3 storyline.... It would be a horrible wish for campaign retcons just so it could connect to the dumb WoW lore and all its ill-fitting story elements.
Thank you for the kind words - but, sadly, it appears you did misunderstand my point a bit :)

First of all, ever since Reforged was announced, I was in favor of some story additions - for example, Jaina mentioning Kel'thuzad being a former member of the Kirin'Tor when you first meet the necromancer. I feel adding some little stuff like this, along with some character cameos, would have been nice. It would add a bit more depth to the story without changing it in any way.

That said, I've never argued for straight-up retcons, because I share your sentiment that current Blizzard writers would most likely only make it worse.

Nor do I argue for them now.

Read my posts a bit more carefully - I didn't say that I'm personally "angry about removed "reforging", i.e. lack of cutscenes, new things in maps, maybe in some cases even lore changes". I said that looking at the complaints, a lot of people are angry about those things. And yes, I've seen quite a few posts from people who were disappointed by the lack of story changes, which is why I've included that in my argument.

Simply put, I think there's a not-insignificant group of people out there who wanted some story changes. Do I agree with them? No, but I can reckognize that they exist :)
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010

because Chromium menu is good, Chrome is life
Level 8
Mar 10, 2009
Sorry for off-topic.
Could anyone confirm if the random seed works for them in reforged singleplayer games now? Last time I checked it gave the same series of integers each time and in different maps (the option in WE was set to random, still didn't work). Blizzard ignored my question in bug forum for a week.
Oh, and I checked it on 2 different PCs.
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
Sorry for off-topic.
Could anyone confirm if the random seed works for them in reforged singleplayer games now? Last time I checked it gave the same series of integers each time and in different maps (the option in WE was set to random, still didn't work). Blizzard ignored my question in bug forum for a week.
Oh, and I checked it on 2 different PCs.
i've heard it's broken
Level 8
Aug 17, 2013
My feedback is solely related to the editor, not the campaigns/battlenet.

  1. Add more button GUI-trigger options. (not just up, down, left, right arrow keys, a-z pls maybe even the f1-12 keys)
  2. A simple model editor, possiply with build in animation merger.
  3. A way to transfer more than 1 player across maps, (make players leave -> make p1 host the next map/region -> make p2 join the game)
  4. A trigger option to actually change a units model (while not changing the base unit)
Level 8
Mar 10, 2009
Hi. Just wanted to say that I got my purchase refunded. (29,99 €)

Link: Blizzard is offering automatic refunds for Warcraft 3: Reforged
Thank you for this info <3. I'm pleasantly surprised by Blizzard's decision. That's a customer-friendly action. There's still some hope after all.
P.S. still, I would've preferred never seeing/facing such a situation at all... I'd rather pay 100 € for a mind-blowing top-notch Reforged (and I dare to assume I won't be alone here) and keep on working on my magnum opus in World Editor. Oh well, such is life.
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Level 28
Feb 2, 2006
  • Improve the performance. The game lags and I cannot open my maps in HD mode because it takes too much memory.
  • Store login data for the Battle.net. Whenever I have to log in again, I have to reenter the user email and password.
  • Allow importing folders in the import editor.
  • It seems that the registry entry "Allow Local Files" is always enabled? Readd the old functionality? It helps to mod with custom trigger data.
  • Add more key events.
  • Add all JASS functions as GUI trigger data. What about the frame functions?
  • Where can I play my custom campaigns? Is there a new folder for custom campaigns? Maybe I have to save my custom campaign with the new world editor. Should it appear in the campaign list?
  • Some German translations changed. Some items have different names now (I am not talking about translating words like Ashenvale into German). Maybe use the old translations to avoid confusion?
  • Restore the old campaigns. There are plenty of videos on YouTube which show you how you changed some cutscenes in the campaigns in a bad way. Fix it.
  • Maybe the whole look of the HD game should be darker? The classic one looks much darker to me but I guess you cannot change all HD models etc. It looks to similar to WoW which might be intended but I don't like it.
  • Support multiplayer campaigns/map transitions/game caches. Maybe allow some kind of hosting service where players can join and leave all the time. I guess this will never happen :(
  • Add better debugging support. For example, if a map has a disconnect because of some bug, create some report, so the developer can track down the bug? Besides, break points/stack commands etc. would be nice.
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Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
  • Improve the performance. The game lags and I cannot open my maps in HD mode because it takes too much memory.
  • Store login data for the Battle.net. Whenever I have to log in again, I have to reenter the user email and password.
  • Allow importing folders in the import editor.
  • It seems that the registry entry "Allow Local Files" is always enabled? Readd the old functionality? It helps to mod with custom trigger data.
  • Add more key events.
  • Add all JASS functions as GUI trigger data. What about the frame functions?
  • Where can I play my custom campaigns? Is there a new folder for custom campaigns? Maybe I have to save my custom campaign with the new world editor. Should it appear in the campaign list?
  • Some German translations changed. Some items have different names now (I am not talking about translating words like Ashenvale into German). Maybe use the old translations to avoid confusion?
  • Restore the old campaigns. There are plenty of videos on YouTube which show you how you changed some cutscenes in the campaigns in a bad way. Fix it.
  • Maybe the whole look of the HD game should be darker? The classic one looks much darker to me but I guess you cannot change all HD models etc. It looks to similar to WoW which might be intended but I don't like it.
  • Support multiplayer campaigns/map transitions/game caches. Maybe allow some kind of hosting service where players can join and leave all the time. I guess this will never happen :(
  • Add better debugging support. For example, if a map has a disconnect because of some bug, create some report, so the developer can track down the bug? Besides, break points/stack commands etc. would be nice.
you're writing that because?..
Level 4
Aug 7, 2010
Man, you're asking for all these advanced features... (I like your ideas btw) They didn't even fix the random seed bug and ignored the bug complaint.
And they set the language to just English mixed with your native language. A complete screw over. Prolly making data space for new WoW expansion lmao
Level 2
Jun 3, 2017
Yo, funny thing, asking for support relating decreased performance issues, lag and crashes, links you to their automated refund option. I guess it’s just damage control at this point, cut your losses and run. Imagine if Blizzard actually learned something from Hello Games instead of being the daftest company in the gaming industry as of right now. Luckily for EA, Blizzard exists. What a joke.
Level 2
Jun 3, 2017
I've been working on a huge mod for over a year in anticipation of reforged but by the time I finish it I feel like the playerbase will be gone. 1.9 on metacritic is abysmal. Also annoyed by some of the changes.. crystals are no longer transparent and my beautiful cavern filled with frozen spiders is so meh now. Also green water everywhere now wtf, hopefully UTM can fix it...
Try 0,6 on metacritic.
Level 8
Mar 10, 2009
Try 0,6 on metacritic.
To add to what NecroVirus said: well I've been there too. I had to force myself to resume the project, decided I'd finish it no matter what, even if I'm the only person who'll ever play it. The first natural reaction was to rage-quit. It's all about the principles. Well, we modders have got each other. That's at least something.
Level 8
Mar 10, 2009
Got back to 1.32.2
It works fine with some tweaks here and there. My biggest disappointment was fixed random seed, but thx to hive guys there's a workaround (in several fashions).
If Blizz ever fixes fixed random seed (pun intended), the said workaround can be removed via deletion of 1 library and 1 trigger.

They have altered the deal. Pray that they won't alter it any further (c) (Guess who said that?)
Level 28
Feb 2, 2006
The tavern in the screenshot allows you to hire a hero which is stuck between the tavern and the trees :(
The map is called Felaras LV.

Btw. I cannot change the player when watching a replay and when I watch replays on 8x speed chat messages appear twice from the player I have selected ....


  • WC3ScrnShot_030520_155626_001.png
    2.7 MB · Views: 189
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Level 4
Aug 7, 2010
The tavern in the screenshot allows you to hire a hero which is stuck between the tavern and the trees :(
The map is called Felaras LV.

Btw. I cannot change the player when watching a replay and when I watch replays on 8x speed chat messages appear twice from the player I have selected ....
XDD such a classic, purchased unit stuck lmao, even to this day, wow.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Do we have an exhaustive and compiled list of fix?

It's been a longtime since I'm lurking here to see what people think and want. I also have a lots of things to report but I had the feeling other people would have reported them as well so I didn't compile them.

But I might be fooling myself thinking we would be organized enough to produce something like a google document with an organized list?

For instance organized in a way which outlines what is an old bug / a new bug / something that was working that Reforged has broken / a nice addition we'd like to see / related to the editor / ingame / missing or promised features etc.

Do we have this?
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Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Would love to have a glance at that list and see what I can do to help.

EDIT: Would be great to have priority markers as well, based on what we deem more important here on the Hive.
Level 4
Aug 7, 2010
Possibility could be to organize a solid Discord group that summarizes all the issues on one list. Having structured time dates to when collect data and put it on the list and when to give the list to the developers. IDK just an idea, prolly already working like that
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
Possibility could be to organize a solid Discord group that summarizes all the issues on one list. Having structured time dates to when collect data and put it on the list and when to give the list to the developers. IDK just an idea, prolly already working like that
there are plenty bug trackers available for companies, trust me if they actually bothered with collecting bugs, they already have it done. hey, isnt that community managers what for? to tell us if they're in need of bugs because everything reported is fixed by now and they're wasting time fixing elves ears
Level 4
Aug 7, 2010
there are plenty bug trackers available for companies, trust me if they actually bothered with collecting bugs, they already have it done. hey, isnt that community managers what for? to tell us if they're in need of bugs because everything reported is fixed by now and they're wasting time fixing elves ears

Yea sadly this is true. All they do is add hairs to the Naga right xD. They seemed to be so open with the Grubby interview back then and now its all in the shadows. You already saw the invisible creep? So damn funny lmao.

Could be that they are mainly busy creating future content.
Or there are just two people in the team that can only focus on 2 bugs per patch.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Possibility could be to organize a solid Discord group that summarizes all the issues on one list. Having structured time dates to when collect data and put it on the list and when to give the list to the developers. IDK just an idea, prolly already working like that
A google document would be enough I think.

I'd still like to have a glimpse at the already "compiled" list.

If anyone is willing to grant me access ofc. @TriggerHappy
Level 28
Feb 2, 2006
Okay thx, two more minor things: When creating a new game in the local network (not logged in into Battle.net), the text input field is not focused. I have to click in it. Besides, there should be a button to change between channels.
Someone had to tell me that I have to use the tab key to change from the lobby into another channel.

Does the main menu and GUI have a bad performance for other people, too? Just wondering because I play the game from an external disk.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
If you hit enter-enter too fast while an unit is selected in the world edit viewport, it will make new windows have a chance to open with just their frame (and not their content) until you restart your computer.
Level 28
Feb 2, 2006
Just a minor thing but I cannot compare Minimap Icons in conditions and there is no initial value "No minimap icon". Hence, I need an additional flag to store whether there is a valid value in the variable or not! And it would be cool if you could show minimap markers only to specific players. Maybe it will work with an if statement and GetLocalPlayer but you should add a trigger action.

Besides, if I add a minimap icon to a hero it will always switch with the hero marker on the minimap marker. So maybe you should allow to configure which minimap icon has priority or can I somehow remove/replace the hero minimap icon dynamically?

Besides, maybe add test settings like in the JassNewGenPack where I can configure the exact players when testing the map. I have a map with fixed player settings, one computer player but I want to add another one. I have to copy the map into my maps folder now and start the game in Warcraft III: Reforged which is quite annoying!
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Level 28
Feb 2, 2006
The new trigger actions are not listed when I change the type of my trigger action. For example, it only shows the 3 trigger actions for special effects which existed before. When I add a new trigger action and choose the category special effect, it shows all available actions.

edit: My mistake, they are listed but much further below. Maybe group them together?
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