Warcraft III Reforged - Community Feedback

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Spell Reviewer
Level 28
Nov 18, 2012
Unstacking is something which should be supported since they have a native stacking system which can be enabled with the Gameplay constants. You can disable item stacking by setting the maximum stacks to 0 in the object editor.
I meant the option to disable and enable stacking whenever you want, even if the item is stackable. Example: you have stackable health potions with 5 charges max, you already have one slot with 5, now I would want, for whatever reason, to not be enable to stack the same item type at all on another slot.
The only solution suggested was Engineering upgrade: [JASS] - Replace hero abilities via triggers/code without replacing the unit type
This is not a clean solution. Do you know any natives for removing/replacing hero abilities?
I see what you meant. Your other phrase however didn't give me that impression :p (it does remove, but certainly not completely)
Prestore means that I add savecodes to my map from players so they can easily load them but it requires me to add them all the time.
Reading/writing CustomMapData is okay but a cleaner solution would be some storage with your account. Right now I have to store the player name or give them some password for their savecode since the files are created for everyone. A storage API would be connected to your Battle.net ID.
I'm still not sure what save/load system you're using that's giving you a such big hassle but I don't want to annoy you with this much. I think the codeless one is the best IMO.
The loading time depends on your PC. For me it takes around 30 seconds to 1 minute. I am not saying it is a surprise but it would be nice to improve some parts of the performance.

The optimizing is not necessary if you improve the performance of the engine. If the engine is still slow it helps to reduce the loading time.
Actually now that you mention it, I think the loading times of every map since reforged increased up to 10 seconds. Common maps used to quite short.
I just added some things I got annoyed over the last few weeks and picked up stuff which is not that hard to support.

You seem to be annoyed with more general things which the engine does not support.
You got annoyed, I'm annoyed. I think you've made some good points, and i feel your overall sentiment. However, one must have in mind that there are somethings that aren't (most likely) going to be ever done because of the limition of the engine.
Level 20
Jan 3, 2022
Grubby doesn't address the internal management mentality. No big hype on release = failed = no quick bucks = fire the entire team. I think the team kept working for a few more months only because they didn't want to fire them immediately.
What he hopes for is that Microsoft will suddenly reverse the entire management thinking and their decisions and reignite the work on WC3. This is in contrast with Microsoft's latest strategy: exclusives or at least exclusive perks for their latest desktop platform and Xbox. There's just not enough interest in WC3 to be a pull factor to leverage via exclusive offers to draw people to Windows 10/Xbox. In simple terms: Microsoft could, instead of reviving a dead horse, expand the Warcraft universe with new titles. But that's not WC3.
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Grubby doesn't address the internal management mentality. No big hype on release = failed = no quick bucks = fire the entire team. I think the team kept working for a few more months only because they didn't want to fire them immediately.
What he hopes for is that Microsoft will suddenly reverse the entire management thinking and their decisions and reignite the work on WC3. This is in contrast with Microsoft's latest strategy: exclusives or at least exclusive perks for their latest desktop platform and Xbox. There's just not enough interest in WC3 to be a pull factor to leverage via exclusive offers to draw people to Windows 10/Xbox. In simple terms: Microsoft could, instead of reviving a dead horse, expand the Warcraft universe with new titles. But that's not WC3.
Ye but expanding already happen, besides wow, now we have mobile game and that adventure warcraft-overwatch aliike game announced

I wish wc3 gets modernized with new engine and new art, basically microsoft would make new game out wc3.
5 years from its realise they could continue with expasions, which will imiddiately make the game wow rts or what we call warcraft 4 (with more accurate lore wc3 fans want)

You can even add open world mmo with dressing room, but we need to have 1.campaign 2. ladder 3.custom games just like wc3

Just good base with new art wisely reconsidered and estabilished for future development and powerfull engine for the start and game will 1 day evolve into literally wow rts-wc4
Looks like Torchlight.
Yep thats correct.
But for others who did not understand my intent wasnt to demonstrate or discuss graphic style , my intent was to demonstrate how open world mmo with fog of war looks alike (youtube torchlight 3 and corepunk)

In some ideal case some futuristic wc3 would have everything we already have 1.campaign 2.ladder 3.custom games + this open world mmo thing

Literally wow with isometric camera view...Literally leveling up killing mobs,bosses, dress your character, boost equipment,collect items, doing quests and ofc having your crew

What i am afraid is they already made mobile warcraft, they went adventure shooting game like overwatch just with warcraft characters, and they might went torchlight 3-corepunk game and they will say : Look we made diablo with warcraft characters we are awesome

So basically they would chop all possible ideas from original source and make standalone games pfffffff

And my only crime is i ask to seperate classic and reforged forever, where reforged would be rebuilt from scratch as a new game that would have all wc3 classic features and gameplay types + open world mmo (probably with fog of war)

Building a huge game just like once they did with wow, small team cant do it, but i would rehire them again to be there and speed up process.

5-7 years is alot of money and well alot of time - and ye i got a right to dream and i appologyse for being delusional :(
So, if I understand correctly, the CEO actually said they're going to continue working on the game?
CEO never even heard wc3 exist, he only knows for Call of Duty and he probably heard about WoW and considered it the only sucsesfull game in blizz.Everything else is classic for him , and thats what he literaly did

The other guy that replace J.Allen Brack, the president of blizzard said on twitch that theres reforged team out there working on fixing the game.

I heard from reliable source which i cant mentiion here that he is not well informed,theres a mantain engeneer in charge for all classic games not particulary reforged and thats it.

Its like : We are blizzard almighty multi bilionaire company , ofc that we are working to fix all our games how can you ask this guys, it is impossible that it will stay like that- and then he ask and no response,radio silence.

Cause he is not well informed he lives in illusion that everything is fine and that those stuff cant ever happen, and he thinks if someone did not response its a random coincidence.

He is not lying or trolling - noone informed him well...

And guess what? He might never check it again. And even if he does , and find out the terrible truth , that it would require a team gathering again to fix alot of stuff, and when he realise it might never happen, he will say : We are doing best to support our games.
Or he will radio silence and not twitch, or even ignore reforged questions.

And thats it.
This is it !
Level 12
Feb 20, 2020
CEO never even heard wc3 exist, he only knows for Call of Duty and he probably heard about WoW and considered it the only sucsesfull game in blizz.Everything else is classic for him , and thats what he literaly did

The other guy that replace J.Allen Brack, the president of blizzard said on twitch that theres reforged team out there working on fixing the game.

I heard from reliable source which i cant mentiion here that he is not well informed,theres a mantain engeneer in charge for all classic games not particulary reforged and thats it.

Its like : We are blizzard almighty multi bilionaire company , ofc that we are working to fix all our games how can you ask this guys, it is impossible that it will stay like that- and then he ask and no response,radio silence.

Cause he is not well informed he lives in illusion that everything is fine and that those stuff cant ever happen, and he thinks if someone did not response its a random coincidence.

He is not lying or trolling - noone informed him well...

And guess what? He might never check it again. And even if he does , and find out the terrible truth , that it would require a team gathering again to fix alot of stuff, and when he realise it might never happen, he will say : We are doing best to support our games.
Or he will radio silence and not twitch, or even ignore reforged questions.

And thats it.
This is it !
Again, FTC will probably greenlight buyout this during summer or before Bethesda-Microsoft's event.

these are the actions of a company who is trying to damage its new owner out of spite.
Level 60
Dec 29, 2014
Just saw this on Back2Warcraft


  • FB_IMG_1653776651029.jpg
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Level 19
Jan 1, 2018
Again, removing the forced online DRM, Login and making classic free and maybe even on steam would be a hug step
Steam also has a forced online DRM...
I agree except about steam, they should put it on GOG instead.
I wanted to play need for speed underground again recently. Since my cd drive is broken I had to connect an external cd drive. Then the installer didn't allow me to choose english even though I prefer that over my native language. After installing I couldn't even play because the game didn't detect the cd in the external drive...
DRM should just be illegal, then you wouldn't have these problems.
Level 15
Feb 1, 2020
Steam also has a forced online DRM
Actually, it's up to developers/publishers whether they want to use the DRM or not. Some games on Steam are DRM-free and can be launched directly from exes. The same also applies to Blizzard games and their own launcher: Starcraft 1 can be played offline (though you have to log in to play with HD graphics on). So the "always online" thing is a matter of choice, rather than necessity.

That said, I don't think Warcraft or any other Blizzard-made game that relies on B.net for multiplayer will be released on Steam.
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Theres a manager for whole warcraft franhise.
Hope they make purist reforged pack, cause theres alot of invention there and wrong proportions.

Guys if anyone knows retera tool modeling and wants purist reforged assets now its time to join me
Theres ton of assets that can be brought to purist state either by fixing proportions,deleting unecessery stuff, or mixing reforged parts

Heres my shoot,i opened retera once and look what i did in middle picture (not a modeler)

Not a big deal , its just an obelisk right? Not a big deal its just that, its just this, its just etc....
Well, using that logic then the game ends up having nothing to do with wc3

So join my purist crusade discord server right now and set your self free !

Level 12
Feb 20, 2020
Steam also has a forced online DRM...
steam online DRM is easy to bypass and valve doesn't give a shit about it either.
i say this because of gmod stuff and TF2 mods
And a few years ago the HLDM bypass to play HL single player from it
Actually, it's up to developers/publishers whether they want to use the DRM or not. Some games on Steam are DRM-free and can be launched directly from exes. The same also applies to Blizzard games and their own launcher: Starcraft 1 can be played offline (though you have to log in to play with HD graphics on). So the "always online" thing is a matter of choice, rather than necessity.

That said, I don't think Warcraft or any other Blizzard-made game that relies on B.net for multiplayer will be released on Steam.
And Microsoft will do the world a favor by nuking the Bnet 2.0 and erradicating blizzard

If anything just license the IP back to Dreamhaven and give them the chance to work with AoE/AoM team for the RTS

Mainly now that AoM: Definitive Edition may be real
Level 20
Jan 3, 2022
And Microsoft will do the world a favor by nuking the Bnet 2.0
This depends on management's view on Microsoft Store and how they'll fare forward. They keep some games/addons exclusive on the Store. They might turn Bnet2.0 to the gamer-y replacement of the Store. Example: Minecraft available over Bnet2.0 and integration (added friends list, chat etc.)
Level 12
Feb 20, 2020
This depends on management's view on Microsoft Store and how they'll fare forward. They keep some games/addons exclusive on the Store. They might turn Bnet2.0 to the gamer-y replacement of the Store. Example: Minecraft available over Bnet2.0 and integration (added friends list, chat etc.)
they wont because BNET 2.0 alone is a insult to multiplayer services in general

Plus Live store pretty much does it better along with steam.
Ok, they started bringing back features game always had.Thats a promising start after 2 years of silence and bringing back something that was implemented 20 years ago :)

Still 2 more very important things noone ever mentions :

1.Back in old classic, when you go create a map, under map preview (right side of screen) there used to be a tileset info (dominant tile that map use)

2.Back in old classic, it used to memorize last created map, so as long as client is on, the next time you enter map creation menu it will always send you to previously created map

I am telling you this simply cause its just we deserve to have old classic features back, and in practice if you want it looks like this :

- Someone who is tile maker and who literally test his tiles x100 times a day, has to guesss by the map preview color is it black citadel or outland (its same),
is it village or village fall or lordaeron fall (similar range of colors)
- And then when you guess which map is that, next time you want test some other map of same tileset type u have to guess again and again and again and
that ENDLESS SCROLLING AND GUESSINGS is killing your every free will to be creative by any means

It slows the production alot and kill your nerves and consume x5 more time then it should.

And if you want a daily dose of preach aka reforged killed my family and caused ww3 aka infernal from trailer was covid infected and thats why he did lion roar to warn us - you just need to clickbait my profile and read comments, there is a discord server that may set you free - by daily dose of purism for art designs

Just saying
Level 6
May 29, 2013
If the patch started, I would like to add a unit classification for editors. Things like suicidal or buildings. It's not too difficult to add, is it?
Level 6
May 29, 2013
What do you mean by this? Isn't that already there?

I would like to see more unit classifications besides Suicidal, Machine, and Building. If many unit classifications are added, the attack priority added in the last patch can be used more usefully.
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