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Warcraft 2 - Tides of Darkness - Humans

Ladies and gentlemen, i'm happy and proud to announce, after almost 5 years of continously interrupted and not-always-frequent works, my Warcraft 2 Remake of the Tides of Darkness Human Campaign.
"What? Only the human campaign??" You will ask. The Enhancement work is what took most of the time, and i had to continously improve and change it every time i was having new ideas(and that happened frequently, even in the latest weeks). However, worry not, as the Orc Campaign work is at its last map and will soon put on beta-test for final release. In the mean time you can enjoy this marvelous project i had so much passion and heart working on. Below you can read some of the most notable aspects of this project, including explanations of the brand-new original real deal of the remake; the Enhanced Mode.
Make sure you're using versions PRIOR to 1.29(preferably any within 1.28), in particular the one which can be found in my user signature below. Of course you need to own the original game first in order to be able to run it. Thank you all for your patience and please have fun playing my campaign.

- Single Player Human Campaign. All 14 maps remade for Warcraft 3 with lots of Warcraft 2 retrospective, including interface, tilesets, unit models and more!
- Old original Warcraft 2 music brought back and played stage by stage. It was originally intended to play in the order it was, but for reasons it has been set in a Warcraft 1 style, which means each level plays a different track in loop.
- Old spells recreated with some adjustments(read below).
- Accurate remake of the old levels' geography, and i must give a MASSIVE credit to @Cuore and @Stormshock for their job on the terraining. Some maps size is a bit over-scaled compared to originals, but the likelihood is still very impressive. Cuore himself provided the customized tilesets and i do believe that this remake wouldn't be considered as such without them!
- Artificial Intelligence recreated and improved(by default). The campaign has been tested, and many adjustments have been done. Credit goes to Clownboss for his patience(and to myself for having even more of it in dealing with his rants and complaints lol)
- Damage system will be the standard Warcraft 3 type. Just like Warcraft 2 was a "balance patch" of Warcraft 1, so this remake will be, compared to its Warcraft 1 predecessor. Catapults will no longer be imba, but they will still play their role in safely taking down enemy fortifications or responding to ships' cannons.
- Oil System recreated by Loktar. The cargo-collection ratio seems a bit faster than original and might break the game a bit but Oil is a relative resource compared to the two primary ones.
- Intro briefings displayed as cinematic maps that will precede the actual missions, accompanying the player through the original briefing musics and narration with a cinematic.
- Mission Objective tabs simplified but the Enhanced version will have new custom subfaction unit tabs for each mission that they will become available.

An element of warcraft 2 not possible to 100% replicate in Warcraft 3.
In warcraft 2 workers spend 4 seconds inside a mine, and 4 seconds inside a Town Hall during the resource gathering process. Although it would seem slow, the player could send an "unlimited" number of workers at once into a single mine, without one waiting for the other to come out first. I could set a simultaneous cargo possibility too, but in warcraft 3 workers make an instant drop-and-go to the Town Hall/Saw Mill, and it cannot be changed, so it would disrupt the economy rhytm. Hence I had to balance this up making calculations of resource trains over a pre-fixed amount of time. With the invaluable help of Clownboss calculations, the final result was setting the "mining time" to approximately 0.90 seconds and the gold harvested to 60 units per trip. This is the closest remake for warcraft 2 economy, as the standard for Warcraft 3, as i said, was too much disrupting.
Gold, lumber and oil cargo income increases normally(by +5/+10 iirc to fit with the readapted economy system) upon upgrading the Town Hall or building a Lumber Mill(+25) or Refinery(+25).

Paladin Healing will still work as in my Warcraft 1 remake. Most of the readaptations will be much notable from the Orc side and will be explained when the Orc Campaign will be up.
Lordaeron Paladins(Enhanced Mode) have now a new spell called Silver Halo, which works similarly as Rejuvenation: Heals 60hp over 20 seconds, with a 75 mana cost and a cooldown of 10 seconds. This adjustment has been made to try to balance the regular Healing spell that the Lordaeron Paladins had in the previous version, which favoured them more on the offensive than in the defensive.
Like the Dalaran subfaction, some Stormreaver units will benefit from a "Resistant Skin" ability called Runic Ward. Runic Ward and Arcane Plating will now properly reduce the duration and damage of some spells.
Polymorph duration has been changed from 10(600 seconds) to 5 minutes(300 seconds). Units with Runic Ward\Arcane Plating will stay polymorphed for 100 seconds.
Bloodlust has been adjusted and will now increase attack damage instead of attack speed. Also, it will no longer interfere with Haste, as apparently both spells had similar effects due to being generated from the same source-spell.
Exorcism spell implemented! Based on Disenchant, this spell removes all spell effects within a radius of 200, also dealing 30 damage to all undeads within. Dispel feature reflects the prestige(Master Paladin) and cost of the spell research. The catch is that it costs 120 mana and has 20 seconds of cooldown. With this spell, Holy Vision at 60 mana cost and Silver Halo at 75 mana cost, the Lordaeron Paladin might end up being out of spellcasting for a while, but the subfaction's Magik stat sits at 1 for a reason. ;)
Rune spell implemented! The spell creates a single rune for 40 spell points(5:1=200:40) which becomes neutral after casting and will damage anything stepping near it for 50 damage.
Fireball will still work as a sniping spell and not like the way it used to be in Wc2.
Death Coil has been reworked and it now works like a Chain Lightning spell(hooks to a target and does half damage to a target next to it).
Polymorph will turn enemies into sheeps for "only" 10 minutes instead of forever. This is to create some sort of "balance", expecially in the Orc Campaign, when you'll be facing attack waves of Mages in the Dalaran map.
Some spells mana cost/duration have been changed to be more balanced with their orc/human equivalents.
Exorcism and Runes aren't implemented(yet?) in this remake.

To better accomodate some features in the Enhanced mode, which include more ways of getting invisible units into the game, i've reworked some units to get a sort of balance around this frequent chance of encountering an invisible unit.
- Submarine units are "invisible", hence submerged only technically, but they are not. It means they can be spotted with some detection abilities from spells, units or buildings.
- Scout Towers, air units and Vision spells can detect invisible units.
Flying Machines and submarines have a very reduced detection radius compared to Gryphons. This reflects their cost and accessibility privilege.
- Upgrading a Scout Tower into any of its variations will prevent it from detecting invisible units. This creates actual usefulness in the Scout Towers, making them a reliable building to have within the base, should the need to face invisible units will arise.
- The topic of naval mechanics needs some explanations:
Naval units cannot be attacked from melee units in Warcraft 2. To recreate this in Warcraft 3 i had to classify all ships as "ancient" within the editor, so that ranged units may target them as ancient and melee units not. The reason why melee units cannot attack naval buildngs is because Submarines cannot attack ground targets in Warcraft 2. If neither naval buildings were not ancient it would have meant that Submarines were able to attack ground structures too. Hence, in order for this old Warcraft 2 mechanic to happen and be as balanced as possible i had to sacrifice the possibility for melee units to attack both ships and naval buildings. It was either them or the Submarines able to strike towards land. I preferred the first option.
- Catapult/Balistas, Ships and Flying Machines/Zeppelins can be repaired. ;)

- Oil system is not 100.00% perfect yet. If you destroy or cancel construction of an oil platform, the oil patch will disappear as well. I wanted to call Loktar and tell him to fix this, as he did every time i told him there was something wrong, but he is STILL inactive since January 2021! :( I hope he's ok, but i don't have the knowledge to be able to fix this on my own.
- When you build a Basic Structure and tell another worker to build an Advanced Structure, the first one won't be able to build the Basic Structure he was going to build, remaining idle at his last building placement location. This gets pretty annoying, expecially if you have multiple workers building a structure from different categories, or, worse yet, a construction command-chain.
- Loading a saved game will show "username" in the defeat/victory screen, instead of a forced "sub/faction name".
- When trying to build naval structures(Shipyard/Foundry/Refinery) not always your worker will be able to build them. This is because of the shallow water on shorelines. These structures are shown to be buildable on water, but the worker has to actually get to the location in order to build them(and he obviously can't swim onto it). In the initial testings we had many occasions of dealing with this issue, so i went into the editor and extended the shallow water shoreline a bit wherever possible because in some maps the tester was continously trying to place a structure in the water, only to be answered back "Can't build there!" over and over and over. It was kinda hilarious to see him hammering the hotkey looking for any possible valid point, but it was not a situation in which I, the player, wished to be in.

(Despite ok to build, the Shipyard can't be built because the peasant can't get to target location)


(with the target location placed a bit back in, now he can)


All shorelines should be ok now, but there might still be some sections that "escaped" my hand. Let me know with a screenshot if you find some.
- When you try to load a transport with a group of Knights or a group of units including Knights, the units will all stop for no reasons, either right after ordered to board or after one of the Knights boards. So far this happens only with Knights and not with Ogres or any other unit. Anyone knows why? Anyone can eventually explan how i can fix this? Let me know, please.
Other bugs might happen? Should anyone experience something weird, please come here and report. Thank you.

The Enhanced Mode is basically my childhood dream. However, even with the custom tilesets, it will never feel like playing the original game. Is something that i feel. The dazzling and exquisite graphic of Warcraft 2 is such an original and eternal work of heart that no 3d engine will be able to replicate.

- Once activated, complete a map with it and you will unlock it for the next one, and so on.
- It changes the game so that in each ACT of the campaign you play as a different subfaction(as partially described here https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/warcraft-2-the-remake.293076/ ) between the Nations of the Alliance.
- The enemy will change appearance of units and buildings according to the Orc subfaction in that map.
For example, in the first act you will play as the Azeroth subfaction, against the Blackrock subfaction. In the 2nd Act you will play as Stromgarde subfaction against Black Tooth Grin subfaction, and so on.
- Every subfaction has its perks, distinct traits and features(like customized icons, upgrades, spells, units etc.) that will let you discover multiple styles of gameplay and curious combinations of warfare to tackle your opponents with.
- Some maps will change drastically regarding position of enemy units or entire starting conditions of the map you're playing.
- Unlike my Warcraft 1 Hard Mode, the Enhanced mode will not feature Bonus Objectives or extremely hard AI opponents. The presence of subfaction units and their many abilities and features will be an asset that will enrich your gameplay and give you more variables and ways to complete a mission as you travel through the campaign.

Project is now on
PATCH v1.4



  • Changed Dragons Fireball attack model with the one I originally had from the project Rebirth. This one has a sparkling effect upon hit like the Gryphons' one. Same model has been set to the Fireball spell.
  • Swapped Gryphons/Dragons target effects' Death animation with Stand, so that the "clap" happens upon impact and hence without abnormal delay. Also, replaced the "clap" sound with the original fire explosion from Warcraft 2.
  • Added new models for Doomhammer, Turalyon, Khadgar(from Tauer) and Lord Perenolde(Khadgar_Young by Stefan.K) with due credits.
  • Added portraits for Gryphons and Black Tooth Grin Ogres. Gryphons' portraits have a bit of static lips when talking, and Ogres' portraits bug a bit(play not corresponding talking animations) due to the 2-headed Ogre voiceset, but they're both cool nevertheless.
  • Fixed tooltips for subfactions Mage Towers not displaying the correct name of mages to be trained.
  • Added a new skin for Dragons. This one looks even more like the one seen in Warcraft 2.
  • Added a new model for Death & Decay effect. This one looks more like the "boiling" effect seen in Warcraft 2. Also added a customized debuff effect for said spell.
  • Due to all subfactions' Holy Vision and Eye of Killrogg abilities now being separate spells for each corresponding casting unit, separate icons have now been created for each of them, with each own corresponding teamcolor! :)


  • All artillery units(except cannons) "small damage AoE" increased from 70 to 100.
  • Some maps show some excessive text croppings within their Subfaction Unit list tabs, so I made some fixes to make them readable.
  • All AoE spells should now work correctly, being able to damage building and units(friendly or enemy) alike, with Monsoon and Mana Storm only able to attack enemy units.
  • The "Khaboom!" ability couldn't target walls. Fixed. Also, damage increased by 410(total 810). In this way it should one-shot Farms like in the original game. Farms with Upgraded Masonry may still survive a blast.
  • Silver Halo and Healing Salve visual effects were accidentally swapped between each other. Fixed.
  • Added firing sound to the Ballista model.
  • Unholy Armor removed from Enhanced Mode. The spell is scripted and thus can't be dispelled nor spell-stolen. The "remade" version of Exorcism, though, may dispel the buff, but the script will still keep the spell active till its duration.
  • Added wc2 sound for Runes cast, Shipyard and Eye/Ward of Killrogg cast. Also, by popular demand: "I got the flying machine!".
  • Due to the fact that Stromgarde can no longer build Cannon Towers from this patch, all the Orc maps which feature them have their Cannon Towers swapped with Guard Towers.
  • Human maps 5 and 6 now have Black Tooth Grin Guard Towers swapped with Goblin Towers.
  • Enemy Lordaeron or Black Tooth Grin subfactions will have their signature Masonry/Barricades upgrades researched according to how far you are progressing in the campaign.


  • Reworked rogue prisoners mechanic in Enhanced human map "The Prisoners". Now the attacking Peasants will not turn into neutral, nor hostile, but will periodically engage player's units whilst remaining "friendly" and will count towards the required number for map completion objective.
  • Reworked cinematic in human intro map1. Human coastal town is now black teamcolored. Instead of depicting an orcish onslaught on a doomed human outpost, now the scene will better portrait what the narrator mentions as for "orcish marauders raiding coastal towns", showing a Gilneas outpost struggling with defenses, yet about to receive backup from a nearby party of Footmen.
  • Reduced number of Footmen in human intro map2 to reflect the starting force of Enhanced Human map2. Same done on Enhanced Human map6, adding two Stromgardian Footmen joining Turalyon and the newly acquired Knight on their way to the Dun Algaz outpost.
  • Enemy tankers weren't gathering oil in Orc map4. Fixed.
  • Objective completion on Classic Orc map10 wasn't terminating the map. Fixed.
  • Objective on Enhanced Orc map12 wasn't working as intended. Fixed.
  • Lordaeron Knights are no longer available in Enhanced human map "The Prisoners".
  • In Enhanced human map "The Dark Portal", the Blackrock Clan shows Warlocks in the intro but standard Death Knights in the actual map. Fixed.
  • Removed a bunch of unused stuff from the Grim Batol building tabs in the orc map "Badlands".
  • Repositioned enemy Troll Destroyers in Enhanced human map "Grim Batol". They will not patrol the river any longer, but will remain stationary within its inner section, so that none of your ground units can kite them from the shoreside.
  • Removed unused trainable ships in Classic orc map "Fall of Lordaeron".
  • In Enhanced "Betrayal of Alterac" the sun rises when the Archmage is rescued. This will now occour when the Archmage is teleported away at the Circle of Power.
  • Removed pre-placed Demo Squads, Destroyers, Battleships, and Shipyard from Enhanced map "Battle at Crestfall".
  • All Blackrock Clan's Guard Towers and Cannon Towers replaced with Frost/Hellfire Towers in Enhanced maps "Battle at Crestfall" and "Assault on Blackrock Spire". Improved Blackrock AI upon Burning Blade's defeat in the latter one.
  • Gryphons and other flying enemy units now have their map patrolling patterns in both Classic & Enhanced version of the orc map "Fall of Lordaeron".

Since the first release of this remake, armor types and attack types have been set to a different standard than Warcraft 3. But how? This is a list which you will also see in the game, from now on, by moving the cursor over the corresponding icons on every unit within the game.
"more/extra damage" is about 1.25 to 1.40 of the indicated amount.
"reduced damage" is about 0.75 of the amount dealt by the mentioned type.

CHAOS ATTACKS (i.e. Dragons, Gryphons) do more damage to Medium, Large and Fortified Armor. Other top-tier units in enhanced mode(including Archmages and Storm Knights) also have Chaos type attacks, mostly due to the fact that there are units whose abilities may make them immune to magic attacks. Note: This tooltip appears unexplicably cropped off in game, terminating at "Chaos".
NORMAL ATTACKS (i.e. Footmen, Knights) do extra damage against Medium armor.
PIERCING ATTACKS (all ranged non-spellcaster units, with few exceptions) do extra damage to Small armor, Heavy armor, Fortified armor, and reduced damage to Medium armor. Note that damage from Piercing attacks can be reduced through abilities.
SIEGE ATTACKS (Artillery units and few melee units within the Enhanced Mode) do extra damage to Normal armor, Heavy armor and Fortified armor.
MAGIC ATTACKS (i.e. spellcaster units) do extra damage against Heavy armor, Fortified armor, Normal armor, and reduced damage to Medium armor.
TORPEDO ATTACKS (submarines) cannot hit ground units. This was set before I decided to make submarine able to target ships and naval structures only. Being able to attack land units, even with a next-to-zero damage factor, simply couldn't stand up.

NORMAL ARMOR (standard troops) takes extra damage from Siege and Magic attacks.
FORTIFIED ARMOR (i.e. buildings) takes extra damage from all but Normal attacks. This is due to buildings having an average of 17 armor points(50% damage reduction) by default. Some have 11, also Lordaeron and Black Tooth Grin can upgrade their armor, etc.
HEAVY ARMOR (ships) takes extra damage from Chaos, Magic, Piercing and Siege attacks. Same as above, the standard armor of ships has a high damage resistance percentage factor.
HEROES (in Beyond the Dark Portal, will) take reduced damage from Magic, Piercing and Siege attacks.
LIGHT ARMOR (unused?) takes extra damage from Magic and Piercing attacks.
MEDIUM ARMOR (Flyers, some artillery units and some other units(i.e. Genbu) which encourage a melee response over a ranged one) takes extra damage from Chaos and Normal attacks, and reduces damage from Piercing and Magic attacks.

Upgrading spellcaster units for each subfaction in the Enhanced Mode will now unlock multiple advantages. These upgrades will not only grant additional spells for the corresponding unit, as usual, but will also stack up permanent stat benefits according to the type of unit, depending on which faction they belong to. The researches' tooltips will give you an idea.



  • Added independent Armor and Attack upgrades to the subfaction, with corresponding icons from Warcraft 1.
  • Crossbowman: Armor reduced from 2 to 1. Point per upgrade reduced from 4 to 3. A large Crossbowmen/Clerics team proves an incredible wall of defense, nevertheless, and this subfaction shouldn't excel in defense, anyway.
  • Conjurer: Increased attack range from 338 to 450. Replaced Fire Shield with Entangling Roots. This ability binds single targets in place for 6(3) seconds for 50 mana and 5 seconds of cooldown, also dealing 2 hit-points of damage per second.
  • Cleric now has passive "True Sight", with range 600(submarines/Scout Towers/flying Machines have 300, Gryphons have 600). Reason to give them this ability is that without being able to build Flying Machines or Scout Towers the Azeroth subfaction would be pretty penalized by only having to rely on Holy Vision or Water Dragons to scout invisible units. It's the same reason of why I decided to give them their own Destroyers with a small innate detection radius. However, this ability won't be unlocked before the last map and for the only reason of showcasing since the Orcish subfactions featured there do not have any invisible unit whatsoever. It will but play a small key role in the Alterac Campaign. ;)

  • Added independent Armor and Attack upgrades to the subfaction. Sword Upgrades have a balanced cost between each level. 800-1600-2400 instead of 800-2400-3000(which should have initially been 800-2400-4000, had I not made Level 3 a custom separate upgrade).
  • Peasant: Battle Hunger removed.
  • Cannon Tower removed.
  • Ballista upgrades removed.
  • New siege unit: Manticore(by Mechanical Man). Replaces Ballista. Deals double the damage of a Guard Tower in a small area. Medium armor type. Has two dedicated levels of Attack Upgrade at the Blacksmith.
  • Inquisitors were mistakenly given less base armor than Knights. Fixed.
  • Ranger: Poison Arrows bonus damage removed. Now the ability will only slow down enemy targets for 3 seconds.
  • Fiery Spirit can now be researched from the Barracks instead of the Church, with a Castle as Tech-requirement.
  • Pyromancer: new spell added: Rain of Fire. Channeling spell. Casts 3 waves of fire, dealing 13 damage on all units in a 400 radius area.
  • Phoenix: Tech requirement changed from Fiery Spirit to Pyromancer Master Training.

  • Added independent Armor and Attack upgrades to the subfaction.
  • Peasant: Spiked Armor removed.
  • Ballista upgrades removed.
  • New siege Unit: Cannon(by Khazmo). Replaces Ballista. Damage of a Cannon Tower. Medium armor type. Shares attack upgrades with Ships and defense upgrades with Footman and Knights(up to level 3; 2 points per upgrade).
  • Cryomancer: new spell added: Blizzard. Channeling spell. Casts 3 waves of ice shards, dealing 13 damage on all units in a 400 radius area.

  • Added independent Armor and Attack upgrades to the subfaction.
  • Ballista upgrades removed.
  • New siege unit: (runic)Catapult(by Em!). Replaces Ballista. Passive Magic attacks and Spell Immunity. Cannot be upgraded.
  • Iron Golem: changed model to JesusHipster's Siege Golem, which features teamcolor shoulder pads and a "Spinning Lariat" animation which inspired me to give it a new passive ability called "Whirlwind Attack", all and all matching the "Pulverize" ability from the Tauren.
  • Archmage: Damage increased from 6-8 to 8-14. Changed Attack Type to Chaos(bypasses units with Spell Immunity). Training time decreased from 60 to 40 seconds. Added minor passive health regeneration.

  • Added independent Attack upgrade to the subfaction. This dual-level upgrade increases base damage of Grunts and Raiders by 1 point(as opposed to common 2 points).
  • Cannon Tower removed.
  • Warlock Tower: tech requirement changed from Stronghold to Blacksmith.
  • Hellfire Tower: Damage increased from 2-6 to 5-9. The incinerate ability doesn't seem to stack damage, hence this building has never been that effective in Defense, yet it still caused explosion at the target's death.
  • Grunt: Attacks now upgradeable.
  • Raider: Base damage increased from 6-12 to 7-13. Armor upgrades reduced from 4 to 2 points per level. Blood Frenzy changed to a new ability which doubles attack damage and changes the unit skin to red(Fel). The reason is: Whether or not the Blood Frenzy could have been dispelled or Spell-stolen(it wasn't supposed to be but apparently it is in the Orc Campaign for some reason), a TRIPLE attack speed on top of a 2-levels attack/defense upgrade simply overshadows the rest of the subfactions' features for a unit of this tier, and the player would obviously cease training Grunts in favour of Raiders. In this way the player might still see some usefulness in the Grunts' Demolish ability in case of having to attack fortified locations.

  • Spearthrower: Armor reduced from 2 to 1. Point per upgrade reduced from 4 to 3. "Defend" still makes it a good unit for ranged defenses. Not to mention that it can always be healed by Ogre-Tinkers, or buffed by Goblin Sorcerers.
  • Troll Destroyer replaced with Goblin Destroyer(Goblin Steamboat by kellym0 & MiniMage). This clan really wants no Trolls, does it? Just a separate model without any difference in stats. And no, I won't call it Steamboat, because it's got to require Oil to be built! ;)
  • Catapult specific armor upgrades removed. Now the unit will benefit from defense upgrades for Grunts & Ogres(2 points per upgrade). Sharpened Tusks Upgrade still remains.

  • Storm Knight: Attack Range increased from 336 to 567. Damage increased from 6-8 to 8-14. Changed Attack-Type to Chaos(bypasses units with Spell Immunity). Added Vampiric Drain ability.

  • Added independent Armor and Attack upgrades to the subfaction. Attack Upgrades have a balanced cost between each level(overall cheaper, considering you can only upgrade Grunt's weapons with it). 500-1000-1500 Gold and 100-200-300 Lumber instead of 500-1250-2000 Gold and 100-300-500 Lumber.
  • Grunt model replaced with a variation from johnwar (sorry Tauer), which in my opinion has a closer look to a classic Wc2 Grunt(whose orange teamcolored pouldrons always seemed somehow bulkier to me). Also, the previous model showed a glitch which pasted some of its parts onto an enemy after being killed by it.
  • Ogre/Fel Ogre: Base Armor reduced from 11 to 7.
  • Fel Ogre now has a new spell called Fel Overdrive. It works as an Unholy Frenzy: increases attack speed by 300% but inflicts 4 hit-points damage per second.
  • Commander's Ward renamed into Commander's Battle Vest. This upgrade now increases Ogre/Fel Ogre hit-points by +10 on top of the additional defense upgrade.
  • Famine Knight: Increased attack range from 338 to 450. Added new Abilities called Vampiric Drain and Acid Web. Vampiric Drain restores life equal to 50% of the damage dealt by attacks; Acid Web binds single targets in place for 6(3) seconds for 50 mana and 5 seconds of cooldown, also dealing 2 hit-points of damage per second.
  • Hatred: Tweaked the combination between standard armor and Gelatinous Skin ability. Now the unit should be properly tanky for its designated role.

  • Shadow Dragon: Decreased hit points from 100 to 70. Decreased training cost from 2500 to 2000. New animation for its breath attack. Passive ability Fel Breath renamed to Void Bolt.
  • Spirit Walker: Added Vampiric Drain ability. Removed health regeneration during Ethereal form.

Once again i would like to thank @Helldoom and Stormshock for their kind availability, the latter expecially for his work on the terraining.
Cuore for the terraining and custom tilesets!
Loktar for his invaluable help with the oil system and many other systems and models adjustments.
Azazzello for his kind concession of his source material of his early Warcraft:Rebirth project. Special mention goes to him for his masterpiece, the warcraft 2 Daemon, which was one of the missing GOLDEN tiles for this massive puzzle of a project.
@Vanza Crandle for testing the campaign in Normal Mode and Clownboss for testing it in Enhanced Mode!
Other authors are mentioned in the ending credits.

Ujimasa Hojo

Custom tilesets, icons and musics from Warcraft 2 by Blizzard

Please enjoy FOR FREE my work of heart of these past 5 years, and if you want to be super generous and kind, please donate. ;)
Very much appreciated! ^^



Campaign screens from Warcraft 2: The Dark Saga, for both progression and Act Interludes



Original cutscenes remade



Custom ported tilesets for Grasslands and Dirt maps



Cinematic cutscenes for every mission briefing for a greater plot-involvement



All original musics and screens ported


Enjoy and explore the Enhanced Mode, which adds more plot content to the campaign and custom material to play

(A group of Stromgarde Rangers use their custom "Poison Arrow" ability to slow down a group of Black Tooth Grin Grunts, safely taking them out)


(A Dalaran force advances supported by a group of Footmen, with their signature Mana Shield ability active)


(A squadron of damaged Elven Destroyers advances relentless towards its next objective)


WCII - Tides of Darkness - Humans (Campaign)

Maps/chapters should start after the previous finishes. Every chapter's end leads to the campaign screen. The B hotkey from the Oil Platform doesn't work when pressing the key B. The Oil text in descriptions is mostly invisible. Destroy the orc...
Level 1
Sep 6, 2021
Ay man, look's great from what you've shown, but I have a small bug
it seems when I try to start ACT I, after the cutscene it takes you back to the Mission Select, any help getting past that? Thanks
Level 2
Jun 17, 2017
So i have the same problem with all the remake of warcraft 2 the lumber quit working on the third part
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
Campaign file re-updated.
Changes are within some spells, tooltips and inconsistencies within the campaign on Enhanced Mode, also regarding the latest received players' reports.
Sorry for who downloaded the campaign before now. Feel free to code your way up to where you've gotten so far.
Fireball and other similar abilities still won't work on friendly units(i guess it's a hardcoded factor from the Carrion Swarm ability).

There is a glitch with the Enhanced mission objective on Grim Batol map, which suggests you to destroy rock boulders in the southern section of the map in order to reach the enemy base. The problem comes most likely with the height of the hill the rocks are on, and the range of the Demo Squads Kaboom ability, as shown in this video.
What i did was turning the camera around in a way so that i could make sure the Demo Squad was sticking to the rock without any more room to go on to it and detonate, and it did manage to blow the rock up, as the remaining ones ahead. Unfortunately i cannot expand the blast area because if i do so the Demo Squad will be able to blow more structures in one blast, so what i suggest is just saving before that point and have a few attempts of VERY point-blank blasts using camera rotation. Ii do believe, though, that the problem might come with the height of the hill, so i lowered that rocky part to "almost" ground zero. Still haven't tested it though, but please bear with me and use the foretold method with some save/load attempts if necessary.
Thanks to @LordDxl for the report!
Last edited:
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005

Other than fixing those few tooltips problems mentioned above, together with the Archmage's command card, i thought of adding some more taste to the Enhanced Mode.
Since Stromgarde is a subfaction which you play only in the middle of the campaign, and you won't get to see the Bleeding Hollow Clan ever again after Grim Batol, i thought of giving the possibility to use Inquisitors, with the addition of being able to face the Bleeding Hollow's Orc-Shamans. You only get to see the developed Bleeding Hollow subfaction as you play the Orc Campaign so it wouldn't have made much sense to leave it like this. Plus, there are Paladins already scheduled to unlock normall in the following map(Tyr's Hand) so the idea would fit perfectly with the logical tech-flow of the campaign.

EDIT: changes tested and update now uploaded.
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Level 6
Jul 17, 2015
So, uhh, slight problem regarding Enhanced Mode in Tol Barad/Dun Modr...

While I love the holdout segment, are we supposed to overcome the Spy Sabotage? My Stromgarde Peasants are still unable to build any structures, and my Town Hall still can't build peasants. And my Azeroth/Stormwind Peasants cannot build Shipyards. I feel like something is broken here - or if not, poorly explained.

EDIT: I just built a second Town Hall (note: not a replacement, but a SECOND one), and that appears to have given my peasants and Town Hall their production back. But now I'm stuck with two Town Halls on one small island. I think there needs to be a second look here as to how to get your construction blueprints back.
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
So, uhh, slight problem regarding Enhanced Mode in Tol Barad/Dun Modr...

While I love the holdout segment, are we supposed to overcome the Spy Sabotage? My Stromgarde Peasants are still unable to build any structures, and my Town Hall still can't build peasants. And my Azeroth/Stormwind Peasants cannot build Shipyards. I feel like something is broken here - or if not, poorly explained.

EDIT: I just built a second Town Hall (note: not a replacement, but a SECOND one), and that appears to have given my peasants and Town Hall their production back. But now I'm stuck with two Town Halls on one small island. I think there needs to be a second look here as to how to get your construction blueprints back.
Well, the Azeroth reinforcements brought blueprints with them, basically. I tried to give the blueprints a timed unlock after the hold-out finishes, but it ends up leaving the Azeroth units and ships on the southern island where they show up after the hold-out without having to move them up at all. In this way you are compelled to bring them up and build their Town Hall to unlock the Stromgarde tech back.
As you cut down the trees you get more room to build. Food and resources are shared, so no need to build separate Farms or harvest gold/trees for each faction. Techtree is also still simple and you don't get a complex army to build.

EDIT: Regarding this report, i went through the whole campaign, and guess what? I found several irregularities here and there. Most notable of all, AoE spells not affecting any unit at all!(targets boxes were not ticked correctly).
It would have taken you towards the last maps to notice it(expecially in the Enhanced Mode) but it's been fixed now. ;)
Also, adjusted some tech availabilities, buildings icons repositioned within construction tabs, and more stuff!
Tested and re-uploaded.
Apologies once again.
I hope it's the last one, but something else might come up, expecially as i'll start working on the secret campaigns.
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Level 6
Jul 17, 2015
Well, unfortunately I do have a few more things to point out, bugs or just weird interactions that you may or may not be aware of.

-The third Attack upgrade for Stromgarde units doesn't display that it is at the third level; the damage is increased, the the unit's display claims it is still at only level 2 of upgrades. I thought the upgrade simply wasn't applying until I paid more attention. This also applies to Lordaeron's third armor upgrade.

-Peasants can return gold to an Oil Refinery. I imagine this is because Oil Patches, according to the minimap, are treated like Gold Mines, and this may not be fixable given your troubles with the Oil system. It's not terribly important, just amusing.

-Why do my Peasants slow down so drastically after their first few trips into the Gold Mine? Note: I observed this on the Grim Batol map. This doesn't seem to be happening in Tyr's Hand?

-The Castle's gold bonus seems to stop working shortly after the upgrade. It works briefly, but then my gold per trips drops back down to 60 per trip. Note, the Keep does not appear to suffer from this, only the Castle. Note: I observed this on the Grim Batol map. This doesn't seem to be happening in Tyr's Hand?

I've only gone as far as Grim Batol as of this writing, for reference, and I did grab the most recent update.
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Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
-The third Attack upgrade for Stromgarde units doesn't display that it is at the third level; the damage is increased, the the unit's display claims it is still at only level 2 of upgrades. I thought the upgrade simply wasn't applying until I paid more attention.
I know. I was actually wondering when anyone was going to report that. Anyway the damage still increases. It's a custom research only for specific units to avoid giving a cross-third upgrade to a subfaction you're not supposed to(as it instead happens on Alterac map iirc).
It would take a lot of copy 'n paste of the att/def upgrades, not to mention that i'd have to go through each map to deactivate them for being a new element within the Blacksmiths. I was starting to do something like that in the orc campaign. I might do it here too, probably later, as i'll start to work on the secret campaign.

-Peasants can return gold to an Oil Refinery. I imagine this is because Oil Patches, according to the minimap, are treated like Gold Mines, and this may not be fixable given your troubles with the Oil system. It's not terribly important, just amusing.
lol i never realized that, and the "Return Gold" ability it's not even a must, as the orc refinery doesn't have it! I must have left it there from years ago, when i was trying to create an oil system by myself(yeah, right).

-Why do my Peasants slow down so drastically after their first few trips into the Gold Mine?
It's a standard Warcraft 3 mechanic when you build a Town Hall too close to a gold mine within the limit range.

-The Castle's gold bonus seems to stop working shortly after the upgrade. It works briefly, but then my gold per trips drops back down to 60 per trip.
I just tested it and it does the same with me, on Grim Batol. As far as i remember it works normally on the other maps. I'll try to fix it.
EDIT: found the problem. Fixing it now.

Thank you for the report.

EDIT2: Fixed and re-uploaded. Also a couple of icons that were misplaced have been repositioned.
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Level 4
Jan 6, 2019
I'm playing classic mode (then I'll play enhanced) and I'm enjoying it a lot! This is really well done! I hope you'll do also the orc campaign. I love also the orc clan banners in thei encampments! Cool! I have some suggestions about models:

Alleria: use Scars of conflict version

Doomhammer: there are 2 better version here Ogrim Doomhammer and there Orgrim Doomhammer

Giant Turtle: I saw a better model somewhere but can't remember where :(

Mage: Better model here Warcraft II Mage

Peasant: use the Scars of conflict version

WC1 Warlock (in last mission): use the standard WC3 model, this one is not so good

Of course this is only my opinion, you can use whatever you want in your campaign ;)

Why no WC2 voices?
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
Alleria: use Scars of conflict version
I'm not using Alleria in this mod. I don't even recon i have it in the Import Manager, and if i do, it's there for the later expansion remake. Regardless, you're NOT supposed to look in the editor and tell me stuff going on in there!

Doomhammer: there are 2 better version here Ogrim Doomhammer and there Orgrim Doomhammer
Second one is too detailed for the purpose i gave to the character in this remake. Then, what makes you think the first one is a better one?? I respect the author's work, but nope, no can't do. The one i have it's just perfect as it is.
Giant Turtle: I saw a better model somewhere but can't remember where
I'm fine with the one I have. It's simple, cheap, lookalike, and does its job.

Mage: Better model here Warcraft II Mage
Doesn't look like the one in wc2.

Peasant: use the Scars of conflict version
Nope. I did use a younger version in my Warcraft 1 remake, but i'm leaving the standard wc3 for this one.

WC1 Warlock (in last mission): use the standard WC3 model, this one is not so good
You say it's not good, i say it's good. Standard wc3 looks too aged and it's more suitable for a Necrolyte, rather than a Warlock.
Of course this is only my opinion
....and I respect it. ;) Thanks for sharing it, and thank you very much for your feedback! I greatly appreciate it!
Why no WC2 voices?
1) It would skyrocket the whole campaign file size.
2) Because of their low quality, Wc2 voice files would not fit well along the rest of warcraft 3 sounds
3) No "voice-attack" sounds whatsoever.
I may do an exception with Heroes within the expansion. I may.

good evening lord perenoldeII! wanted to add my feed back. had a great time with this nostalgia you crafted, as well as the enhanced option.
keep up the good work, and may the muse never dull. bless be and regards
Very kind of you, sir! ^^ Stay tuned for the upcoming orc campaign!
Level 6
Jul 17, 2015
So, all in all, while a few levels were a bit nail-bitey, the Enhanced Mode was a lot of fun to play through. Gonna leave a bit of an novel on my thoughts on it all in the spoiler below. Spoilered because I talk in detail about aaaaall the fancy stuff that someone going into Enhanced Mode blind is gonna want to avoid reading about.

Stormwind/"Azeroth" (I will henceforth refer to the nation as Stormwind, Warcraft 2 was back in the days when they hadn't nailed down what exactly the name "Azeroth" was specifying) carrying forward their Warcraft 1 tech tree for the most part makes things very interesting. While certainly weaker in some respects, there are definitely merits to it. Crossbowmen have a far less oppressive setup cost, not needing all the Ranger Upgrades - they don't get the expanded vision range, or any sort of Marksmanship equivalent, but they have the extra HP and range by default, and benefit from armor upgrades. Not getting Paladins does weaken them on the healing front due to having to supplement their armies with squishy, fragile clerics, but having healing at all does admittedly still put them at the Silver Medal for healing.

Though having heal on Autocast is a wonderful asset and makes things so much easier. It reminds me of the AI back in regular Warcraft 2 and how they'd spam it flawlessly in combat.

Stromgarde are interesting, they definitely feel squishier, even with their Footman and Knights (eventually) healing for 33% of the damage they deal. It's kind of a shame they don't get to show off any of their top tier tech (aside from Inquisitors at Grim Batol, and even then they lack their final spell) until the final level.

Dalaran definitely make things interesting, getting mages really early on, and then being able to turn their Mage Towers into super tanky towers is very neat. Busting out Polymorph with the Archmagi is every bit as rewarding as I remember the spell being in Warcraft 2, even if it's not technically permanent and I still need to finish off the victim. Though I must admit, I accidentally Ethereal'd my peasants more times than I care to admit while trying to build farms. Mildly annoying, that.

It's interesting that Enhanced Mode means no single faction gets to have a single "complete" mage by regular Warcraft 2 standards; even Dalaran has two different units for all the spells at its disposal. Though Lordaeron's frost magi are wonderful assets, and Frostbolt saw a lot of use in my playthrough. To say nothing of the joy of massing Paladins, and just attack-moving through an enemy base and coming out nearly unscathed due to autocast heal. It's a joy. I don't even care if Lordaeron's offense is technically weaker than the other factions, they don't need to deal damage as quickly, because they are goddamn immortal. In a move that perhaps surprises no one considering these comments, I took Lordaeron forces for the final level.

As for the levels themselves...

Turning level 2 into a stealth mission is particularly interesting. It's a switch-up from the usual "take starting units and go" that is the standard, and forces the player to actually pay attention to their base, because once they reach the prisoners via your Mages' invisibility, you not only have to fight your way out without losing all the prisoners, but basically the rest of the orcs on the map, who you cannot have cleared out like the regular map due to the stealth requirement, then rush the player's base, so you need to have forces at home to defend. Makes a quick smash & go mission into something a lot more interesting for this early in the campaign.

The assault on Zul'dare doesn't seem to have any major twists, but playing as Stormwind does change things up a bit; normally this is where you get access to Towers, but Stormwind doesn't have towers. Instead, the player gets Clerics! A very interesting alternative, healing this early on is really fun. Though... the towers hidden in the center of the islands around the map. Jerk move, man. Jerk move. (<3)

When I really fell in love with Enhanced Mode was at Tol Barad, though... when I had to play out the "Hold the Line" segment before Stormwind's reinforcements arrived. Having the Flying Machine the player starts with in the regular version fly into position at around 1 minute remaining made me laugh. Still a bit iffy on having to build a second Town Hall on the, I still say pretty cramped island in order to unlock your Stromgarde tech tree doesn't feel great though. Though it might just be not being sure if that's what I actually needed to do or not? There's nothing that actually states that you need to build a Town Center with the Stormwind peasants in order to progress. Hell, if the player knows the map well, they could even just take the Stormwind Peasants and setup their town hall at one of the expansion sites on another island so as to not cramp Tol Barad.

Dun Algaz was tight though. Having to defend against the Bleeding Hollow attacks and spies (that kept sneaking past ANYWAY :angry:) drained so much of my resources that I used up both of the expansion Gold Mines, and the victory was by the skin of my teeth. The pressure is real.

Interesting twist with Grim Batol having to sneak around to a back route with Demo Squads, though it does mean the potential expansion gold mine is inaccessible, and the player has to win off of just the one mine.

Nothing much really to say about most of Act 3, though in Stratholme I did realize with some amusement that, after removing Blue as a threat by removing his naval abilities and planning to leave it at that, that I in fact needed to wipe him out anyway because I needed access to his lumber in order to finish the mission. Nice touch giving the player an actual reason to keep the defenders down by the Prisoners alive, though. And keeping that group of Dalaran units in Alterac is nice while they last, especially if you can keep those Spellbreakers around for when the enemy start tossing Bloodlust around. (I think they get Bloodlust? Been a few days and my memory isn't great)

I very much appreciate Crestfall actively pointing the player at a specific Oil Patch to aim for first, which is always my issue with the regular map, not being able to remember where to go first, when I remember what the actual oil situation is. The Archmage's mobility is very interesting, though sadly my attempts to gather lumber on a few remote islands drew the attention of some irate Horde warships.

Blackrock Spire. You absolute Masterclass Madlad. You wonderful, beautiful human being. I adore what you did to the Blackrock Spire map. IT'S NOT A WATER MAP! HUZZAH! You made it a LAND map, with oceans of TREES instead! THANK YOU! One less awful naval map to worry about. Warcraft 2 had a LOT of Naval maps that had no business being naval maps if one looked at the actual locations they were supposed to represent, but I know why, Naval Combat was the new thing. Gotta have lots of focus on it. But Blackrock Spire is still plenty interesting without it. I was amused to see the Water Dragon replace the Gryphon though, and appreciated the little callback to the Water Elemental by requiring the Conjurer's Master Training in order to build them.

And then the last level, being able to choose from any of the four factions is nice. Lets the player either take a risk and check out the rest of Stromgarde's tech tree, or just let loose with their favorite. (Hello, Lordaeron. Paladin-spam, Frostbolt Mages, yay!) For old times' sake, I just had to finish clearing the map with a victory fleet of Gryphon Riders. Though a nice touch requiring you to bring a mage to the portal itself; forces the player to actually get there by land, which a lot of players might not actually bother with in the regular game, since you can just take out the portal with Gryphons.

All in all, I had a blast with this. Very nicely done. Absolutely looking forward to the rest of this project.
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
I think it's the best and most rewarding review I've ever read! :D I shall answer you inside the quote to not cause any spoil and not overwhelm the thread with my already-too-many-quoted-bits posts. Thank you again and have a great time yourself. :) I'll come back soon with more.

Stormwind/"Azeroth" (I will henceforth refer to the nation as Stormwind, Warcraft 2 was back in the days when they hadn't nailed down what exactly the name "Azeroth" was specifying) carrying forward their Warcraft 1 tech tree for the most part makes things very interesting. While certainly weaker in some respects, there are definitely merits to it. Crossbowmen have a far less oppressive setup cost, not needing all the Ranger Upgrades - they don't get the expanded vision range, or any sort of Marksmanship equivalent, but they have the extra HP and range by default, and benefit from armor upgrades. Not getting Paladins does weaken them on the healing front due to having to supplement their armies with squishy, fragile clerics, but having healing at all does admittedly still put them at the Silver Medal for healing.
> No towers and no paladins but mass of Crossbowmen and Clerics(expecially in defensive formations) it's a quite devastating early-game option. Also Clerics are faster than wc1(due to being younger) and can have passive slowing attacks with slightly increased range.

Stromgarde are interesting, they definitely feel squishier, even with their Footman and Knights (eventually) healing for 33% of the damage they deal. It's kind of a shame they don't get to show off any of their top tier tech (aside from Inquisitors at Grim Batol, and even then they lack their final spell) until the final level.
> Which final spell are you talking about? Inquisitors already have Soul Burn on Grim Batol, and don't possess any 3rd spell. Anyway Stromgarde are squishy, yeah, but as Lordaeron, they get the maximum benefit in the late-game.

Dalaran definitely make things interesting, getting mages really early on, and then being able to turn their Mage Towers into super tanky towers is very neat. Busting out Polymorph with the Archmagi is every bit as rewarding as I remember the spell being in Warcraft 2, even if it's not technically permanent and I still need to finish off the victim. Though I must admit, I accidentally Ethereal'd my peasants more times than I care to admit while trying to build farms. Mildly annoying, that.
> Dalaran sometimes require more brain than the other faction to work. I found myself once using ethereal peasants as a human wall to protect my mage towers in the Crestfall map. The Feedback ability is what pairs them up with other factions for damage output(Paladins melt before it).

It's interesting that Enhanced Mode means no single faction gets to have a single "complete" mage by regular Warcraft 2 standards; even Dalaran has two different units for all the spells at its disposal. Though Lordaeron's frost magi are wonderful assets, and Frostbolt saw a lot of use in my playthrough. To say nothing of the joy of massing Paladins, and just attack-moving through an enemy base and coming out nearly unscathed due to autocast heal. It's a joy. I don't even care if Lordaeron's offense is technically weaker than the other factions, they don't need to deal damage as quickly, because they are goddamn immortal. In a move that perhaps surprises no one considering these comments, I took Lordaeron forces for the final level.
> My hope as a final goal of this project is to create a melee version of this remake to put up players against each other with the different subfactions. Allied combinations should prove as hilarious as formidable.

As for the levels themselves...

Turning level 2 into a stealth mission is particularly interesting. It's a switch-up from the usual "take starting units and go" that is the standard, and forces the player to actually pay attention to their base, because once they reach the prisoners via your Mages' invisibility, you not only have to fight your way out without losing all the prisoners, but basically the rest of the orcs on the map, who you cannot have cleared out like the regular map due to the stealth requirement, then rush the player's base, so you need to have forces at home to defend. Makes a quick smash & go mission into something a lot more interesting for this early in the campaign.
> I always get sweeped by the final assault. I just run elves through the portal with the grunts busy destroying my structure.

The assault on Zul'dare doesn't seem to have any major twists, but playing as Stormwind does change things up a bit; normally this is where you get access to Towers, but Stormwind doesn't have towers. Instead, the player gets Clerics! A very interesting alternative, healing this early on is really fun. Though... the towers hidden in the center of the islands around the map. Jerk move, man. Jerk move. (<3)
> Yeah, some of the towers are placed to prevent you from blindly heading to an oil expansion, others to force you to land on the islands to destroy them in order to finish the mission.

When I really fell in love with Enhanced Mode was at Tol Barad, though... when I had to play out the "Hold the Line" segment before Stormwind's reinforcements arrived. Having the Flying Machine the player starts with in the regular version fly into position at around 1 minute remaining made me laugh. Still a bit iffy on having to build a second Town Hall on the, I still say pretty cramped island in order to unlock your Stromgarde tech tree doesn't feel great though. Though it might just be not being sure if that's what I actually needed to do or not? There's nothing that actually states that you need to build a Town Center with the Stormwind peasants in order to progress. Hell, if the player knows the map well, they could even just take the Stormwind Peasants and setup their town hall at one of the expansion sites on another island so as to not cramp Tol Barad.
> More space clears out as you chop trees and the tech level is not yet that overwhelming, but I do agree with you.

Interesting twist with Grim Batol having to sneak around to a back route with Demo Squads, though it does mean the potential expansion gold mine is inaccessible, and the player has to win off of just the one mine.
> The Enhanced Mode adds the gold from the expansion gold mine on the eastern island into the one on the Black Tooth Grin base, so nothing that critical here. ;) Also, the resources normally used to build naval structures and units would go on ground forces(and several expensive Demo Squads), but i'm really proud of somewhat turning this naval map into a ground map.

And keeping that group of Dalaran units in Alterac is nice while they last, especially if you can keep those Spellbreakers around for when the enemy start tossing Bloodlust around. (I think they get Bloodlust? Been a few days and my memory isn't great)
> Yeah, the orcs get Bloodlust at that point.

Blackrock Spire. You absolute Masterclass Madlad. You wonderful, beautiful human being. I adore what you did to the Blackrock Spire map. IT'S NOT A WATER MAP! HUZZAH! You made it a LAND map, with oceans of TREES instead! THANK YOU! One less awful naval map to worry about. Warcraft 2 had a LOT of Naval maps that had no business being naval maps if one looked at the actual locations they were supposed to represent, but I know why, Naval Combat was the new thing. Gotta have lots of focus on it. But Blackrock Spire is still plenty interesting without it. I was amused to see the Water Dragon replace the Gryphon though, and appreciated the little callback to the Water Elemental by requiring the Conjurer's Master Training in order to build them.
> My favourite part! <3 I took inspiration from the Blackrock Spire map of the first Warcraft. I don't know how Blizzard got the idea of pouring all of that water into the Black Morass. I put so many trees that the map wouldn't let me place any more at some point, so i had to use cliffs and rivers to fill up some remaining sections. If you look closely on the outboundaries you'll notice that i couldn't even place enough trees in order to give a sense of continuity to the forest around the map.

For old times' sake, I just had to finish clearing the map with a victory fleet of Gryphon Riders. Though a nice touch requiring you to bring a mage to the portal itself; forces the player to actually get there by land, which a lot of players might not actually bother with in the regular game, since you can just take out the portal with Gryphons.
> Exactly. I wanted to get rid of the cheesy air-mass ftw(Daemons are also very effective against air units). Although the real cheat-not-cheat is when you capture the "over200k" Dragonmaw gold mine. xD
Overall I think I should definitely put a hint on the final mission in order to encourage players to finish it with each subfaction in order to unlock their respective ending(i guess you unlocked the one with Turalyon and Uther talking on Lothar's grave).
Level 6
Jul 17, 2015
"Which final spell are you talking about? Inquisitors already have Soul Burn on Grim Batol, and don't possess any 3rd spell."

Right, yeah, got confused with a passive ability they can get. Fiery Spirit, I think it is? I forget what it does.

"finish it with each subfaction in order to unlock their respective ending"

PARDON ME, GOING TO REPLAY THE LAST MISSION 3 MORE TIMES (ugh oh god that initial shore defense by the Burning Blade is still so brutal)

EDIT: One point off for Stormwind's shipyard still displaying the Submarine it can never build because they can't build a Gnomish Inventor. >_>
EDIT2: Uhh, I don't think the AI ever actually properly activated this time around. Black never attacked me (granted, I attacked him pretty fast), but white never sent a single dragon after me. He's mining gold, but that's all he's doing.

EDIT: Playing as Stromgarde now. My GOD the difference Fiery Spirit makes. Also, hurray for Fireball mages! :mwahaha:

EDIT: Last but not least, going through as Dalaran. Definitely my weakest group of the bunch, personally. The COMPLETE lack of healing by any means combined with the physical weakness made breaking Black very painful, and I actually ran out of gold in my second gold mine before I finished him off! Then, the lack of a flying attacker means I'm forced to create an actual Navy for combat for the first time in my four runs of this map, and I'll have to break White the old fashioned way. But a few Archmagi, some regular Magi, and a bunch of Rangers ought to do the job nicely.
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Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
"Which final spell are you talking about? Inquisitors already have Soul Burn on Grim Batol, and don't possess any 3rd spell."

Right, yeah, got confused with a passive ability they can get. Fiery Spirit, I think it is? I forget what it does.

"finish it with each subfaction in order to unlock their respective ending"

PARDON ME, GOING TO REPLAY THE LAST MISSION 3 MORE TIMES (ugh oh god that initial shore defense by the Burning Blade is still so brutal)
> This sounds somewhat like a passive-aggressive rant, like "ah sh** here we go again." thing.

EDIT: One point off for Stormwind's shipyard still displaying the Submarine it can never build because they can't build a Gnomish Inventor. >_>
EDIT2: Uhh, I don't think the AI ever actually properly activated this time around. Black never attacked me (granted, I attacked him pretty fast), but white never sent a single dragon after me. He's mining gold, but that's all he's doing.
> Alright, more elements to fix, more reason for me to get back to work!

EDIT: Playing as Stromgarde now. My GOD the difference Fiery Spirit makes. Also, hurray for Fireball mages! :mwahaha:
> Told you! ;) Late-game pulls out the best. Those Inquisitors feel like driving a Ferrari, isn't it? :D

EDIT: Last but not least, going through as Dalaran. Definitely my weakest group of the bunch, personally. The COMPLETE lack of healing by any means combined with the physical weakness made breaking Black very painful, and I actually ran out of gold in my second gold mine before I finished him off! Then, the lack of a flying attacker means I'm forced to create an actual Navy for combat for the first time in my four runs of this map, and I'll have to break White the old fashioned way. But a few Archmagi, some regular Magi, and a bunch of Rangers ought to do the job nicely.
> I think Iron Golems are tanky enough to be a solid break-through, expecially if accompanied by a few Mana Storms on their run. You noticed you could build them, did you? Also, Spell Breaker may get flexible due to the power of stealing buffs from the enemy, like the Healing Salve(Rejuvenation) from enemy Ogre-Tinkers :D , although their Feedback attacks against them are ineffective due to the absence of a mana pool.
Level 4
Jan 6, 2019
I've noticed in Human Mission 6 (the first mission where you have knights) and in first map (both in normal and enhanced mod). Not sure about the others, maybe I've never noticed, I'll take a look.
UPDATE 1: it seems this problem occurs in every mission. WTF i've played 6 maps without noticing it, I must be blind :D
UPDATE 2: Also noticed that when you complete a map instead of going to next map it shows the campaign menu (and you have to manually select the new mission)
UPDATE 3: I can't attack naval buildings with melee units: is this intentional or not? I usually destroy them with ships, ballistas and ranged units but when I used some footmen in Human Mission 5 they can't attack an orcish shipyard
UPDATE 4: Forgot to tell, not very important but in Warcraft II when you rescued a Town Hall of an allied player you gain control of all his units/builidings, not here, but I don't know it this was intentional or not
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Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
and in first map
I can't see how you should even notice it in the first map, as the Town Hall cannot be upgradeable there.
Wait, did you delete your comment??

Also noticed that when you complete a map instead of going to next map it shows the campaign menu (and you have to manually select the new mission)
Yes, because every map starts with a briefing map and in this way the player(expecially if he's performing a streaming ;) ) can take a break in between maps for some insights.

I can't attack naval buildings with melee units: is this intentional or not? I usually destroy them with ships, ballistas and ranged units but when I used some footmen in Human Mission 5 they can't attack an orcish shipyard
I forgot to explain this in the main post:
The topic of naval units and buildings is a bit complicated.
Naval units cannot be attacked from melee units in Warcraft 2. To recreate this in Warcraft 3 i had to classify all ships as "ancient" within the editor, so that ranged units may target them as ancient and melee units not. The reason why melee units cannot attack naval buildngs is because Submarines cannot attack ground targets in Warcraft 2. If naval buildings were not ancient as well it would have meant that Submarines were able to attack ground structures too. Hence, in order for this old Warcraft 2 mechanic to happen and be as balanced as possible i had to sacrifice the possibility for melee units to attack both ships and naval buildings. It was either them or the Submarines able to strike towards land. I preferred the first option.
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Level 4
Jan 6, 2019
Yep I've deleted the comments because I've received a warning to not post too much stuff, instead I've updated a single message. Anyway the 60 gold bug appears even with base Town Hall. When you upgrade to Keep the gold is 66
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Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Maps/chapters should start after the previous finishes. Every chapter's end leads to the campaign screen.
The B hotkey from the Oil Platform doesn't work when pressing the key B.
The Oil text in descriptions is mostly invisible.
Destroy the orc base=/=everything on the map though (Zul'Dare chapter).
Saving the mages and peasants did nothing. They were all converted but the quest didn't finish. It did complete after moving some units there and destroying more walls.

It's a neat recreation but not perfect. The Fireball sometimes doesn't damage all units and prioritizes over air or ground units.


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Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
The Oil text in descriptions is mostly invisible.
I don't understand this. You mean because of the black text color?

Destroy the orc base=/=everything on the map though (Zul'Dare chapter).
Hey, don't tell me. I'm just remaking the game. :D

Saving the mages and peasants did nothing. They were all converted but the quest didn't finish. It did complete after moving some units there and destroying more walls.
Can you be more specific about this? Which map are you talking about? Which conversion? Which quest? Moving some units where? Destroying WHICH walls? Enhanced or Classic mode?

It's a neat recreation but not perfect.
Nothing is, but there is still time for improvements.

The Fireball sometimes doesn't damage all units and prioritizes over air or ground units.
I already mentioned how much tinkering i had to do with spells, yet it's still difficult because most of them are hardcoded, like Carrion Swarm.

Thanks for the approval.

Yep I've deleted the comments because I've received a warning to not post too much stuff, instead I've updated a single message. Anyway the 60 gold bug appears even with base Town Hall. When you upgrade to Keep the gold is 66
Ok so what's the bug then? i don't understand. :D


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
I don't understand this. You mean because of the black text color?
Yes, the colour is almost invisible especially on the winter tileset.
Can you be more specific about this? Which map are you talking about? Which conversion? Which quest? Moving some units where? Destroying WHICH walls? Enhanced or Classic mode?
Classic mode. The chapter where you fight Alterac traitors. It's the only one where you have to "save" mages and peasants.
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
When peasants go in the gold mine to harvest gold they bring 60 gold instead of 100 into the town hall. When it's upgraded to Keep they bring 66 instead
Alright, so that's NOT a bug. I'll copy it below but next time PLEASE read the description in the main post.

An element of warcraft 2 not possible to 100% replicate in Warcraft 3.
In warcraft 2 workers spend 4 seconds inside a mine, and 4 seconds inside a Town Hall during the resource gathering process. Although it would seem slow, the player could send an "unlimited" number of workers at once into a single mine, without one waiting for the other to come out first. I could set a simultaneous cargo possibility too, but in warcraft 3 workers make an instant drop-and-go to the Town Hall/Saw Mill, and it cannot be changed, so it would disrupt the economy rhytm. Hence I had to balance this up making calculations of resource trains over a pre-fixed amount of time. With the invaluable help of Clownboss calculations, the final result was setting the "mining time" to approximately 0.90 seconds and the gold harvested to 60 units per trip. This is the closest remake for warcraft 2 economy, as the standard for Warcraft 3, as i said, was too much disrupting.
Level 4
Jan 6, 2019
Understood, sorry I've read the description but missed this part. I like this idea to replicate the resource harvesting of Wc2! Paladin healing is superb, IMO even better than original WC2 version
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Level 4
Jan 22, 2021
As a remake it is very good, and the work that must have taken to do this has surely been gigantic. But honestly, I am completely bored of playing the same, most of everything that is uploaded are remakes, especially of warcraft 3, although now it seems that warcraft 2 are becoming fashionable... This is just a personal opinion that I wanted to express, your work is excellent, although for me, boring.
Level 4
Jan 6, 2019
As a remake it is very good, and the work that must have taken to do this has surely been gigantic. But honestly, I am completely bored of playing the same, most of everything that is uploaded are remakes, especially of warcraft 3, although now it seems that warcraft 2 are becoming fashionable... This is just a personal opinion that I wanted to express, your work is excellent, although for me, boring.

There are TONS of custom campaigns in almost 20 years of WC3.......remakes are maybe 1% of the total campaigns. Since you talk about playing the same.......have you played the enhanced mode?
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
As a remake it is very good, and the work that must have taken to do this has surely been gigantic. But honestly, I am completely bored of playing the same, most of everything that is uploaded are remakes, especially of warcraft 3, although now it seems that warcraft 2 are becoming fashionable... This is just a personal opinion that I wanted to express, your work is excellent, although for me, boring.
Since you talk about playing the same.......have you played the enhanced mode?
I was going to say the same. It's perhaps the main reason why i wanted to carry on working on this remake, even with the team of people working on the one for Reforged. I thought of adding a touch of originality and diversity in what would instead look like a dull product.
Level 4
Jan 22, 2021
I was going to say the same. It's perhaps the main reason why i wanted to carry on working on this remake, even with the team of people working on the one for Reforged. I thought of adding a touch of originality and diversity in what would instead look like a dull product.
Maybe I explained myself wrong, when I say that I am bored of playing the same things, I mean that I am tired of playing the same stories. In most campaigns "remakes" of wc3 there are not even changes in the gameplay but this is not your case, as I said, your work is excellent. What bores me is playing the same story.
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
Campaign updated:

Enhanced Mode

- Created a new unit for Azeroth subfaction: Human Destroyer. This ship replaces the Elven Destroyer with the only difference of being able to reveal invisible units(like submarines) at a short range. The idea came after receiving a report that Azeroth could not build Sumbarines in the last map. Azeroth subfaction is supposed to be "humans only". However, due to the Oil System code, which specifies Human Shipyards and Refineries as drop-off points for oil tankers, i cannot clone them in order for them to be dependant upon the Azeroth Lumber Mill(as originally planned) in the techtree, so i had to leave the Elven Lumber Mill instead.
The Human Destroyer will feature human ships voice sounds from Warcraft 2. Yep, I had to make an exception for this unit.
  • Azeroth Catapults Burning Oil has been deleted. This unit will now be able to target Debris upon researching Catapult attacks lv2(useful in the Dark Portal map to open a path for expansion north of the Burning Blade base or elsewhere), instead of being able to hit them by default previously.
  • AI wasn't working in the last map due to a detection error regarding specific Azeroth Town Hall. This issue has been fixed and the AI works normally now.
  • Corrected Oil Platform hotkey and fixed the glitch within the Alterac map where you need to rescue peasants and mage. Now you must destroy the barricade in order to get in and be able to rescue the prisoners. Thanks to @deepstrasz for this report.
  • Corrected a series of trigger imperfections throughout the campaign, minor tooltips errors and some cinematics.
  • Completing missions will send you back to the campaign screen.
  • Oil text in tooltips is still black colored.

Added known bug: Loading a saved game will show "username" in the defeat/victory screen, instead of a forced "sub/faction name".
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Level 7
Jun 9, 2015
an interesting project, but one thing disappointed me greatly in the first minute of trying to play it.
where are the original unit and building voicelines, and whats up with gathering gold at 60 and not 100? :(
and one more thing, buildings seem to build at an adequate speed, but units seem to move slower than in wc2.
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Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
where are the original unit and building voicelines
Why no WC2 voices?
1) It would skyrocket the whole campaign file size.
2) Because of their low quality, Wc2 voice files would not fit well along the rest of warcraft 3 sounds
3) No "voice-attack" sounds whatsoever.
So far the only exception i did was with Azeroth Destroyers. I may do another exception with Heroes within the expansion. I may.

and whats up with gathering gold at 60 and not 100?
sigh Make sure you read the description in the main post.

and one more thing, buildings seem to build at an adequate speed, but units seem to move slower than in wc2.
They move at a Warcraft 3 speed. Every unit scaling value has been slightly increased(as of in my Warcraft 1 remake) in order to replicate as much as possible(but not too much) the building/units size difference in Warcraft 2, and the maps are obviously outscaled compared to their corresponding Warcraft 2 sizes.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
1) It would skyrocket the whole campaign file size.
2) Because of their low quality, Wc2 voice files would not fit well along the rest of warcraft 3 sounds
3) No "voice-attack" sounds whatsoever.
Size matters little nowadays. Otherwise, all maps would be using no custom material at all.
You'd need few Warcraft III sounds to go with the originals from Warcraft II. You can export all sounds from the second game, those for attacks, spells.
When attacking you could simply use a voice line that plays when ordered to move. Only downside with replacing the soundsets is that you'd have to duplicate some of the sounds.
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
Size matters little nowadays. Otherwise, all maps would be using no custom material at all.
You'd need few Warcraft III sounds to go with the originals from Warcraft II. You can export all sounds from the second game, those for attacks, spells.
When attacking you could simply use a voice line that plays when ordered to move. Only downside with replacing the soundsets is that you'd have to duplicate some of the sounds.
I know right? I already did that with spells. Downside is that when replacing sounds the user needs to restart the game or he'll hear them on the original units whose sounds have been replaced.
Replacing all sounds would also take forever because each sound has to be imported with a custom path to where it goes. I have little time to work on the campaign already due to my job and stuff i got going in life, let alone going through this. I wasn't going to do it even if i had it, though. What's the big deal about it?? It's a remake, not a total conversion. You can select 12 units, not 9. You can attack-move, while you couldn't in Warcraft 2. Ships and air units glide around smoothly, they don't get stuck in between commands. Etc. Etc. do we really need to be this picky for missing voice sounds?? Give me a break.