Tides of Darkness - Orc


This campaign was made by Enoshima. He is the author of this campaign. The campaign is being posted on HiveWorkShop on his behalf with his express permission.

The campaign was originally posted here: Enoshimashrine


Tides of Darkness - Orc
Tides of Darkness - Orc
This campaign follows Orgrim Doomhammer and the Horde. This campaign is comprised of 9 playable missions and 3 cinematic missions, and follows the style of the Blizzard campaign with RTS-style missions as well as RPG-style missions.

It is recommended to play the campaign using the most recent patch.

List of Enoshima's Campaigns
List of Enoshima's Campaigns

1. Tides of Darkness - Orc
2. Scarlet Frenzy I


Orgrim Doomhammer: The warchief of the Horde and chieftain of the Blackrock clan.

Rend Blackhand: The son of former warchief Blackhand the Destroyer.

Zul'jin: The chieftain of the Amani tribe.

Teron Gorefiend: The former follower of Gul'dan, currently resurrected as a death knight.



Message from Enoshima (creator): Thank you hiveworkshop for supporting my campaign. If the models I need are collected, then I might continue with the preparations for the next campaign.

These are the hiveworkshop resources in use, based on the automatic credit generator:
Resources in Use by Tides of Darkness: Orc | HIVE

Miseracord, dmitry rommel, eXciTe, Mister X, minkeun0806, sc_freek, Wyrwuulfe, Meanmachine, wingednosering, YoshiRyu, General Frank, Blizzard Entertainment, Carrington2k, Final Tyrant, darklord_avalon, Prmosquito, vile, Jetfanginferno, Waggawagga, Kuhneghetz, Tranquil, dickxunder, taurer, cavman, anteabte, takakenji, deolrin, sellenisko, cloudwolf, wandering soul, epsilon, anvil, proxy, handclaw, freddyk, whitewolf8, dhguardianes, dcrimson, herrdave, 67chrome, olyvian, mr.goblin, shiik, darkfang, twovenomous, gottfrei, blazekraze, sin’dorei300, mister_haudrauf, ujimasa hojo, Alok, zephyrius2412, A.R., mrhoon, scias, Stefan.k, prizraknadache, nightelfbuilder, loktar

Special Thanks

Message from Enoshima (creator): Thank you hiveworkshop for supporting my campaign. If the models I need are collected, then I might continue with the preparations for the next campaign.

These people helped in various ways in bringing the campaign to hiveworkshop.
Quinten- map description title picture, Deepstrasz/Cleavinghammer- various things, Tuwnew- map template.

Change Log

ToDOv0.027- Initial Upload

ToDOgre - Deepstrasz fix for Ogre Crash
ToDOOE- Edit of Deepstrasz fix (Portrait)
ToDOOgre2Ed- Invis Cho'gal chapter 8 fix


Tides of Darkness: Orc v2.0 (Campaign)

It's a good adaptation that doesn't quite follow the original game. Approved. If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange! R U L E S Site Rules Map Submission Rules M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N BB CODES...
Level 27
Jul 26, 2008
Just to remind you all: The author of this campaign is Enoshima. The campaign is posted on hiveworkshop on his behalf with his express permission.
The campaign was originally posted here:



This is a campaign from the Chinese language warcraft 3 community. Hopefully we can "give back" in the sense that by sharing many campaigns from their community, it will inspire Hiveworkshop creators to make more campaigns, and then their community can play those campaigns when their translators bring Hive campaigns to their community (so in this way, they can benefit also).
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Level 4
Aug 30, 2017
Map01) Interesting opening map. The optional mage boss on hard difficulty is quite hard to beat, since we only have a few starting units.

The terrain was a very good example of how normal terrain can create a great environment/atmotsphere. This mission was interesting in that it reminded me of the first human mission in Reign of Chaos, except the roles were switched with the humans being the enemy.

The final boss fight was good.

A key aspect of this mission that I enjoyed was that it acknowledged it was an easy fight. In many campaigns, the majority of missions are shown as the player VS very difficult enemies or impossible odds. In this mission, it was accepted that the humans had mostly fled, and only a few forces remained, so basically it was the not a fair fight, i.e the horde easily slaughtering the remaining humans. This was a good aspect.

Map02) I think it is unfair for the optional quest in this mission to give potions as one of the options. The people who choose the hard difficulty bonus mission cannot choose it, so there is only 1 choice--- the weapon. The human healers are overpowered. Having chain heal makes it so we are forced to lure units 1 at a time. If we lure an army, the healers will keep healing the front-line units, making it impossible to win the fight. For the final hero guarding Zuljin, it was very difficult to defeat her, because nearby enemies joined the fight if we moved around.

Good dialogue--- witch talks about herbal bag being stolen... which normally is the start for a quest, but then she backtracks, says bag not important, and she wants eyes of the bandit instead!

Map03) It would be easier if we knew at the start where the fountain of health was on this map, maybe through a ping or hint or vision. It was hard to discover the fountain without those things, since the humans were constantly pressuring the base, so there was no time to explore except at the start.

The biggest issue with mission is that without knowledge of the healing fountain, slowly the enemy forces will overwhelm our forces because the orc units will die one by one. The best way to finish this mission is probably to rush collecting the oil. Otherwise, it becomes too difficult (hard difficulty)

Also, the optional boss available on (hard difficulty) makes this mission far too difficult, since unlike the other optional bosses, this one will actively actually attack our base. If it attacks at the same time as an enemy wave, it is almost guarenteed that the entire orc forces will be close to death.

Map04) Sea missions are always really fun. The key to this map is knowing where the enemy zeppelins come from. If you know this, you can place towers in the correct position that will destroy the zeppelins before they can land on your base.

I liked that it the optional quest showed Orgrim Doomhammer as not a very nice person. Basically, the human sailors were in a predicament, and Orgrim took advantage of their misfortune and killed them. So it showed Orgrim/the Horde were not necessarily the "good" side.

Also, it was nice in the map description that the part about the Sirens were added. This directly foreshadowed the naga forces in the next mission.

Map05) My favourite mission of this campaign. I love the ally AI a lot! I have 3 points to say about this mission:
A) The only way the naga boss can be defeated in the time limit is to use ships to destroy trees near the boss's location, and then lure the naga to the ships. The truth is, if players try to go the normal path, it is impossible to kill the naga boss in time, because you need to fight past too many naga units (including that hydra unit). So basically, this mission is designed so the only way to kill the naga boss before the time expires is to make your own path with ships destroying trees.

B) I think giving static enemy heroes the phoenix ability is a big mistake, since there is a chance it will destroy your ally AI (green). For example, when I was playing, the green ally AI (left side) would keep starting to move, but then would return to the base without attacking anything. Why did this happen? Because Warcraft AI targets the closest enemy unit/structure in the region. If this unit is a phoenix, then as soon as the phoenix "dies", for 0.001 second, the phoenix unit does not actually exist in the game (and then it turns into the egg). During this 0.001 second period, the ally AI will realize the unit it is targeting does not exist, and then will return to the base. So, only after I killed the phoenix unit, then the green AI started to target other enemy units, and was able to work properly.

If the archmage or another unit was closer, then the green AI would not have problems. But the issue is, the phoenix will have a very high chance to be the closest unit to the green base, since Green cannot kill the archmage/guards on the first attack. When units come into range, they move to engage the enemy, so the archmage/guards/phoenix will likely move left/west to engage the green attack wave. Because on hard difficulty green's attack wave will likely die on the first attempt, the remaining archmage/guards will move back right/east to their original position. But the phoenix, because it is likely to die/respawn during the fight, will adopt the new position as its normal guard position, which means it will be more left/east than the other units, and thus the Green AI will target it for attack waves.

It is best to avoid this possibility from occurring by not giving static units the phoenix ability when there is AI in a mission. Otherwise, there is a high chance that this will happen to other players (green attack wave constantly moving to attack, then retreating before it attacks anything, since its target has "died" before the attack wave reaches it).

C) The light blue base is a lot closer to the orange AI base than the green base. As a result, the green base was able to kill the teal base easily (though this is also because Teron Gorefiend is a stronger hero than the orange base's hero), whereas for the orange base, it would unable to kill the Gilneas base, and was always close to dying (since both Gilneas + Light blue will attack it) and I was forced to always defend the orange base. I think it would have been more balance if the light blue base was in the exact center, so that then it would have a chance to attack the green base.

Map06) If players have not learnt Stormbolt on Orgrim before the mission starts, then the starfall ability from one of the windrunner sisters will wipe out the orc forces early game, since it is hard to get behind the elf melee units to kill her quickly (later in the mission when Orgrim levels up then the player can learn stormbolt).

I personally think Zul'jin's monsoon ultimate is the worst ultimate of all the playable heroes.

Also in regards to Zul'jin, the ending line of the mission from him missed the chance to emphasize that the Horde leaving Quel'thalas caused a split/friction between the orcs and the trolls. I think his last line was something about he will stay and fight until the last drop of blood has been bled dry. There was nothing in that line that signified he was angry at Orgrim for breaking the promise he made to the trolls to destroy Quel'thalas in return for the trolls allying with the orcs ( at least based on the book ).

One part of the alterac interlude I liked was that Perenolde was never named, he was only "Man". Not revealing his identity made the cinematic better.

Map07) This mission took forever to complete. There are many enemy bases. Also, because there were many static human forces placed to the south of our base, our ally (orange) spent most of the time attacking them, instead of attacking the enemy bases. Dragons are the key to winning this mission, especially with the healing fountain on this map.

Map08) In the quest description, it said the "Great Wavethrasher" (Hydra) lived in Azshara, but it did not explain why it was currently in the broken isles.

I think this mission + the next mission are interesting, because we are basically controlling the two idiot heroes who do not play a significant role in the story. The main characters are Gul'dan/Cho'gall. Even in the opening cinematic of this mission, Gul'dan and Cho'gall speak a lot, and then Rend only says 1 line, something like "Kill them all" ha ha. Rend + Main are idiots.

Also, there was no indication in their dialogues that they resent Doomhammer for killing their father. It would be a nice addition if they had some argument with Doomhammer about this. The only thing they argue with him about currently is when Rend doesn't understand why they are splitting their forces before capturing Lordaeron city. Basically, Rend and Maim were presented as too loyal/subservient to Ogrim Doomhammer.

The demon unit summoned by one of the enemy orc heroes (i forget if it was the Stormreaver or Twilight's Hammer clan) was very overpowered on hard difficulty.

In the opening cinematic, Urluk I thought was killed by Gul'dan, but then it seems we fought it him later?

Also, the quote for Urluk should have been changed, since it is based on the shaman quote"... for the Horde..." (I forget the exact line). At that moment, he would not be serving the Horde at all, so perhaps that sound quote is not accurate.

Final comments)
There was a very high integration with World of Warcraft. Perhaps for people who played Wow, they will enjoy this aspect greatly. I did not play WoW much so it did not affect the game for me.

Even though the names of named units are written in full on the units themselves, when they speak, it is always only the first name. For example, during map05, someone called "Tess" speaks when you fight against her. On the unit itself, it has the full name "Tess Greymane", but when the transmission is spoken, it only has the name "Tess". For players not familiar with WoW, they won't know who these characters are if it is just the first name, at least with a last name it can give them hints as to who they are.

This issue is also present in cinematics. People who have not read the book will not immediately identify who Rend and Main might be, since it only uses their first names in cinematics, but if "Blackhand" was added, it would give them hints as to who they actually are.

A good point about this campaign is that even though there are very few cinematics lines at the start/end of missions, it does not affect the gameplay at all, the "story" is often told through the fighting/mission itself.

I wish there were more missions like 05, because having strong AI allies is really fun. Maim/Orange base in 07 was basically doing very little, at least in the hard difficulty. He role was just to act as meat shield.

Also, it is interesting to compare Enoshima's view towards the Tides of Darkness novel compared with Rondstat's "Legacy of the Master" campaign.
Legacy of the Master
Both campaigns tell the same story, but the campaign are very different based on the approach of the individual author (in that campaign Zuluhed (Dragonmaw Chieftain) is the main character).

So, is Enoshima doing any more campaigns that are adaptions of Warcraft books?
Level 9
Dec 29, 2017
Is it me or is there more and more chinese translated maps being posted here?

I mean i don't mind but why the sudden influx?
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Playing on 1.31 until I run into the Missing Triggers Of Doom.

Text in campaign menu screen is cut off.

Orgrim's tooltips aren't for his hero class.
Amani Berserker's defensive mode has no tooltip for its Switch Forms tooltip (displays correctly in wild mode).
Berserker names should have an indication of what mode they're in, and maybe different icons for each mode. They also have the same tooltips (e.g. Wild berserker's says he has Taunt).
... Hydromancer has a fire spell and summons succubi?
Reign of Fire->Rain of Fire
Shouldn't the trolls be axethrowers, since this is the Second War?
Zul'jin's switch button should mention what form he goes to.

First level:
Grunt Training Complete leaderboard appears before Grunt training is finished.
Pike Militia->Javelin Militia
Prescott: skewered?->skewered!
Wizard sidequest text has weird syntax.

Second level:
Rend starts at level 4 and can't gain experience.
Villagers should turn hostile when running.
There's at least 3 Jailor Kassans running around.
No cutscene or dialogue when Zul'jin is rescued?
Sidequest should be better-placed, it's entirely possible to miss it.
Nyx's "I don't care about that" line doesn't make sense.
Nyx (the unit) is called Nix.
Sidequest text should just say reward instead of potions.
Final quest requirement has Zul'jin twice instead of Rend.
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Level 27
Jul 26, 2008
Interesting fact: One of the youtubers who has been posting those Wc3:R videos has actually started posting videos of Enoshima's campaign. Since the beta is in theory patch 1.32, then if this youtuber can play the quelthalas mission/broken shore mission without crashing, then in theory people who are using 1.31 just need to wait a few weeks for Reforged to come out, and then the entirety of Enoshima's campaign will be playable.

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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Warlock upgrade tooltip is for Witch Doctors.
Troll Berserker upgrade tooltip is cut off.
Why do humans have dwarf ranged units (apart from the actual dwarf factions) instead of elves?
Troll Batriders have no model and so can't be selected. On the fourth level I didn't even know you started with any until I saw burning pots thrown from midair and shadows moving on the ground.

Third level:
Loading screen: "troll companions will in order" -> needs a verb
Menu button names are shifted from the buttons (and Log disappears completely).
Hydromancers have all spells but no caster icon.
On Normal: Enemy gets all caster spells, one level of upgrades, knights, and fully upgraded casters. I deem this abnormal.
Zixil sells a net with no name.
Orgrim's final line should be two sentences. And "this world will be our world"->"this world will be ours".

Fourth level:
Ships shouldn't cost food.
Hydromancers now have blank tooltips.
Sometimes the AI kept sending zeppelins with only a single unit aboard.
Different factions keep sending waves at the same time.
Juggernaut model has a bug where the front "splash" is a grid of water droplets.
Head Sailor->First Mate
Shipwrecked Sanders' Crew->Sanders' Shipwrecked Crew
There's a floating ship doodad near the island, which doesn't make sense for shipwrecked people to have.
There was no warning or indication for completing the sidequest quickly.
When Proudmoore showed up, he had no model and no portrait. Also not sure what bringing him in does.
Only 100 gold for beating the pirates?
Leaderboard says "remaining human".
Final cutscene:
* this land (Lordaeron) -> Lordaeron
* Juggernaut models are the standard ones.

Should you know->You should know
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Death Knight tooltip says they can learn Baofa and doesn't mention Death Coil.
Death Knights need a Fortress to be built.
War Bears should move faster.
Dragon Roost makes a Tauren Totem sound.
Why can Siege Engines attack units?
Mana Ward has no name in its tooltip.
Blue Naga Sirens have no name.
Freezing debuff inflicted by naga has no tooltip.

Fifth level:
Orgrim keeps referring to his allies as orcs.
bridges back working -> bridges back up
Again with the simultaneous attack waves. Even with the bridges up.
Allied bases should send an attack wave as soon as the bridge is up.
An enemy hero has Finger of Death. Why does he have Finger of Death.
No one comments on the fact that your old base has been overrun by naga?
The Royal Guard boss only drops a rune.
There's a bunch of neutral dragon riders on the west side of the map that can't be rescued.
Should the south human bases be seen, the allies try to attack them, accumulating their ground forces in your base. They should also be removed if you cleared them out in the previous level/they shouldn't be made destroyable in the previous level.
Why no Goblin Lab on this mission?
Both northern lakes should be accessible without having to rebuild a shipyard, such as putting two waygates on either side of the bridge or my making the NW area accessible by land.
It's sometimes possible for your allies to get their act together and destroy the base, there should be an additional requirement for finishing the level like bringing Orgrim to the northern pass so you can finish the rest of the map and sidequest.

And that's as far as I can get in Enoshima's campaign until a patch comes up that hopefully stops deleting triggers.
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Level 12
Jul 29, 2014
O...my...God!! I'm going to give this campaign a whirl right a way. As a guy who loves the events of WC2 and judging by the given screenshots, I can already say this campaign is going to be very interesting and enjoying to play. Expect my revision of the campaign as soon as I finish it! :grin:
Level 1
Nov 3, 2019
Ok i tried to play this and i came across some problems. First problem batriders are invisible they are not selectable i can see their shadows and they attack but cant use them. Second problem is the game is just crashes every time on chapter6 loading screen.
Level 4
Aug 30, 2017
Ok, this is really awkward. Someone was posting on reddit about a Chinese video maker stealing that Reforged video of Enishima’s campaign only 1 day after it was posted on youtube.


There are two issues with this. First, that person did not acknowledge he took the video directly from the youtuber who originally posted it (cooperthecamper).

Second, and the most shameless aspect, is that the campaign was originally made in Chinese, then brought to English community, then posted on youtube (for users who understand English to watch), and then stolen by a Chinese user and posted on a Chinese video website. He was even too lazy to provide the link to Enoshima’s blog (cooperthecamper actually provided the link to Enoshima’s blog in the youtube video description.)

So, Chinese people who watch that video on that Chinese video platform will not even realize that they are watching a Chinese language campaign, because the uploader did not add the link to Enoshima’s blog.

This is really embarrassing. And it happened only ONE DAY after it was posted on youtube. Seriously, at least wait a week before you steal videos!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@
Level 3
Mar 11, 2019
The campaign really good but in chapter 5 in Hard mode the SCQ is really hard cannot do it in 7 minutes because :
+ you start with only 5 unit 2 Death knight and 3 dragon rider
+ the game start with food only 40 and it already 33 your time build the Orc Burrow , ship and train units took a lot of time
+ During Sail to kill Tide Princess the Gilneas legion clear half of my base only have 3 minutes left to kill her
i have to cheat in order to completed the quest , have anyone complete the SCQ in 7 min ?
Level 12
Jul 29, 2014
The campaign really good but in chapter 5 in Hard mode the SCQ is really hard cannot do it in 7 minutes because :
+ you start with only 5 unit 2 Death knight and 3 dragon rider
+ the game start with food only 40 and it already 33 your time build the Orc Burrow , ship and train units took a lot of time
+ During Sail to kill Tide Princess the Gilneas legion clear half of my base only have 3 minutes left to kill her
i have to cheat in order to completed the quest , have anyone complete the SCQ in 7 min ?
Wait 'till you play the next chapter (six) on Hard and see if you can survive at least 10 minutes on Hard :eekani:
Anyway, in chapter five I rushed in the enemy bases, destroyed the magical pen and stepped on both eastern and western platforms to activate the bridges to make the allies attack the humans. But I DID NOT attack any enemy unit whatsoever. I only rushed to activate the bridges. Doing so will make your day a lot easier. The allies will start attacking humans until they destroy the northern human base, plus the humans will start attacking them as well, so you'd take some pressure off your base that way too. So I recommend activating the bridges as soon as possible, while at the same time paying some attention on building your base.
Level 3
Mar 11, 2019
Wait 'till you play the next chapter (six) on Hard and see if you can survive at least 10 minutes on Hard :eekani:
Anyway, in chapter five I rushed in the enemy bases, destroyed the magical pen and stepped on both eastern and western platforms to activate the bridges to make the allies attack the humans. But I DID NOT attack any enemy unit whatsoever. I only rushed to activate the bridges. Doing so will make your day a lot easier. The allies will start attacking humans until they destroy the northern human base, plus the humans will start attacking them as well, so you'd take some pressure off your base that way too. So I recommend activating the bridges as soon as possible, while at the same time paying some attention on building your base.
wao nice :d i will rush to activate the bridges as soon as possible
p/s : have tried your ideas and both my allies team had been cleaned by uther :d so i cheated to win
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Level 3
Mar 11, 2019
Wait 'till you play the next chapter (six) on Hard and see if you can survive at least 10 minutes on Hard :eekani:
Anyway, in chapter five I rushed in the enemy bases, destroyed the magical pen and stepped on both eastern and western platforms to activate the bridges to make the allies attack the humans. But I DID NOT attack any enemy unit whatsoever. I only rushed to activate the bridges. Doing so will make your day a lot easier. The allies will start attacking humans until they destroy the northern human base, plus the humans will start attacking them as well, so you'd take some pressure off your base that way too. So I recommend activating the bridges as soon as possible, while at the same time paying some attention on building your base.
I see the chapter 6 is easier than chapter 5 there is some tips for you and some new to map :
- TheSCQ : you need a lifesteal item from chapter 5 for Zul'jin and buy a scroll of speed in the shop for him to rush to 3 generators and destroy it
+ the Frist one : easy to destroy , solo kill with those units
+ the second one : use MoonSoon to clear fast
+ the third one : you have 2 options , one is lure and kill all of them slowly , two give Zul'jin some tank item to use Monsoon on them remember NOT standing on tower range
- Defense base : maxed revive skill and aura level 2 for Teron , buy bear , spear troll , some tanky item for ogrim , build at least 4 tower Remember to stun the starfall and wait to revive 6 units back and you win the chapter
Level 12
Jul 29, 2014
I see the chapter 6 is easier than chapter 5 there is some tips for you and some new to map :
- TheSCQ : you need a lifesteal item from chapter 5 for Zul'jin and buy a scroll of speed in the shop for him to rush to 3 generators and destroy it
+ the Frist one : easy to destroy , solo kill with those units
+ the second one : use MoonSoon to clear fast
+ the third one : you have 2 options , one is lure and kill all of them slowly , two give Zul'jin some tank item to use Monsoon on them remember NOT standing on tower range
- Defense base : maxed revive skill and aura level 2 for Teron , buy bear , spear troll , some tanky item for ogrim , build at least 4 tower Remember to stun the starfall and wait to revive 6 units back and you win the chapter
I'll try it out. Thank you.
I remember I was having huge problems holding out against three constant enemy waves with three Windrunner Ranger heroes. In my opinion, the AI mechanism isn't really suitable in this campaign. It's kinda weird... The attack waves are very frequent, almost abnormal. Now, I haven't been using any cheats, because I don't wanna be a noob, but, come on... Having so much struggle on Easy difficulty in chapter six is ridiculous. The difficulty system looks as if it isn't balanced well, in my opinion.
Level 12
Jul 29, 2014
Phew, now this was a helluva adventure that I yearned for to see in a WC2 campaign remade into WC3. I've just finished the campaign and, as I previously mentioned, here's my review:

Let's start with the things I liked:
- the story was pretty interesting. It covered most of the events from WC2. Also the overall WC2 spirit of playing the campaign. Almost every unit that is imported is made to look and even sound like the actual unit from WC2. For example the Death Knight unit looks completely the same from WC2, except without Frost Armor and Death and Decay abilities;
- one thing that I personally liked is what creator did about the Horde's honor. I didn't know the orcs fought with honor in WC2, since they fought after consuming the demon blood, having Warlocks, Death Knights and Dragons amongs their ranks (especially Warlocks and Death Knights, who raise dead and only seek death and destruction in brutal ways for the Horde), etc. I thought they were just a bunch of bloodthirsty savages, pillagers and murderers in control of the demon masters from Outland. So good job for the creator making clear the fact the orcs are no longer in control of the demons after Orgrim became the Warchief :thumbs_up:;
- characters are interesting too. Although this is the orcish campaign, I suppose there could be some more focus put on human characters rather than just the orc characters. On Anduin Lothar as a Supreme Commander of the Alliance for example. Than there were Urok as second-in-command of Orgrim in the original WC2, Tharok, Killrog The Deadeye, the leader of Bleeding Hollow, who appeared only in the last cinematic of the campaign, etc.
My favourite character is definitely Orgrim for being a reasonable, honorable and inspiring leader of the orcs, which is how he was presented in this campaign. Although I imagined him being ruthless, bloodthirsty and merciless Warchief instead :smile:;
- the custom units were amazing, especially the Amani Trolls and orc female units. It's unfortunate the Amani Trolls aren't playable in a base-building chapters, but instead only in a macro missions. Same goes to Berseker orc female units. They are much too similar to Amani Trolls. I liked the Amani Trolls and Bersekers for having a Frenzy, I found it really handy. Also, I liked the Amani Bear Rider for being a great tanky unit with the amazing Pulverize ability, mixed with Bloodlust makes him a real beast. Couldn't have agreed to put anything else on him. Slow but deadly, a perfect tanker;
- challenge missions. Even though I only succeeded in three missions, I enjoyed playing such challenges and have hoped to play some more, but I was a bit disappointed there weren't any after fifth chapter. Maybe it's because those secondary objectives are only available on a Hard difficulty and I've been playing on Easy after beating third chapter? I'm not so sure;
- the terrain of maps is well made. Lordaeron is really made the way it should look like during the Second War.

Now, the things I disliked:
- goblins haven't been introduced in the campaign. We all know goblins are skilled engineers and were crucial to the Horde in Second War. They were building Zeppelins and their Seppers' Kaboom could've been very useful when fighting through large troops of enemy humans;
- humans didn't have Paladins. Paladins were first introduced in WC2 as a main enforcement group of humans, made to match Ogres and Death Knights of the Horde. And here the only paladin was Uther, if I remember correctly. Having paladin knights in this campaign would surely make the campaign more challenging and harder to beat;
- shamans in chapter eight. On both Blackrock Clan and Twilight's Hammer/Stormreaver Clan there were Shamans amongs the ranks. Plus, they are trained at the Spirit Lodge. They also appear in some other chapters. In the original WC2, there was no Shaman as a regular spellcaster unit. Only Warlocks and Death Knights, since Gul'dan casted aside Durotan and his Shaman followers even before WC1, stating they are focused on nature which is a downfall of the orc ways;
- in chapter five and seven, Rend was missing. He only appears at the ending cinematic of the seventh chapter and is nowhere to be seen while fighting the humans. In my opinion, he should've been fighting alongside Maim, or even have a seperate base;
- strange and unexplained events. Events that caught my eye are next:
1) How are there Ogre Mages in chapter five under the ranks of Blackrock Clan led by Maim (eastern ally base) when Altar of Storms hasn't been made by Gul'dan just yet?
2) Gul'dan and Cho'gall are both Warlocks? Isn't Cho'gall the Ogre Mage in the original WC2?
3) How are Gul'dan and Cho'gall chanelling the runestone's magics to create an Altar of Storms when the Altar of Storms existed since the beginning of the campaign? And how is that Altar never made?
I suppose the creator should replace the Altar of Storms with, for example, Altar of Fallen with a different model of building to respawn player's fallen heroes.
4) Why is Gul'dan's stats based on Strength instead of Intelligence? (this one is not so important, but I suppose it should be changed too);
5) What happened to Zul'jin after chapter six? It hasn't been explained. Did he die off-camera?
The question that made my head feel dizzy is how did the humans regroup and drive the Horde from Lordaeron's Capital City all the way back to Blackrock Fortress in Blackrock Spire after their Capital City lied in ruins in chapter seven? Mixed forces of Orgrim's and Maim's Blackrock Clan units have pushed all the way to the main king's gate, destroying all the Alliance's bases on the way. The Alliance stayed without any strike force after that impact, so how did they recover so fast?
Orgrim's scouts should have informed Orgrim that Gul'dan and Cho'gall abandoned them before attacking Lordaeron's Capital City. What creator did here with chapter seven has no sense.
Why is the main quest in chapter eight to kill Cho'gall? Isn't he supposed to live and join the Old Gods after Twilight's Hammer and Stormreaver Clan's defeat at the Broken Shores?
Why are there crucial heroes presented like random, unimportant after beating the challenge quests? For example, Garithos in chapter four and Daelin Proudmoore in chapter five? They are alive and well in WC3 THT, not dead in a WC2 timeline lol.

By the way, there are some minor bugs I've ran into while playing the campaign. I'll list some of them:
- Amani Troll's form change has no description in chapter two;
- Orgrim's Bladestorm's description says "Blademaster" instead of "Orgrim";
- Enchanted Shield (not sure that was the name of the item, but the icon was the same as a tier two orc armor research in a War Mill), the item that gives 4 armor and 50 hit points, actually gives 3 armor;
- Troll Batrider has no model and can't be selected. I suppose this is a patch issue, since the same problem appears in some other custom campaigns of WC3;
- in chapter seven, Orgrim's Storm Bolt has no description;
- in chapter eight, Barracks, Spirit Lodge and Beastiary have no description.

Overall, the campaign is very enjoyable to play. As a fan of WC2, I've been having some great time playing it, but the AI difficulty system doesn't seem to be balanced well, so in my opinion I think there has to be some work on improving it a little.
And I think there should be one more chapter where a player has to defend the Blackrock Spire against the onslaught of the humans while the orcs make their way throught the portal back to the Outland. Since there are some major story events that happened there, like Orgrim killing Lothar, in my opinion, a well-made campaign like this deserves a crucial tenth chapter to fit the storyline and the epicness just fine :grin:
Also, Rend and Maim's faction is called "Black Tooth Grin Clan", not just "Blackrock Clan". So it might has to be fixed, but not super important.
I'll give 8/10 to the campaign, mostly because of many unanswered questions and strange events that were imported in the campaign. #ForTheHorde :grin: :thumbs_up:
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Level 3
Mar 11, 2019
I think Zul'jin return to his tribe and fight along there vs high elves , i really confused where he was
Level 4
Aug 4, 2018
I still haven't tested it, so I can't answer to that.

What is your current patch?

Ineed help too, myn ended error during i want to play mission 6 Split, how can i fix it ?

Interesting fact: One of the youtubers who has been posting those Wc3:R videos has actually started posting videos of Enoshima's campaign. Since the beta is in theory patch 1.32, then if this youtuber can play the quelthalas mission/broken shore mission without crashing, then in theory people who are using 1.31 just need to wait a few weeks for Reforged to come out, and then the entirety of Enoshima's campaign will be playable.

Sorry i need help everytime i try play level 6 split this happent, how can it be fix ?

Playing on 1.31 until I run into the Missing Triggers Of Doom.

Text in campaign menu screen is cut off.

Orgrim's tooltips aren't for his hero class.
Amani Berserker's defensive mode has no tooltip for its Switch Forms tooltip (displays correctly in wild mode).
Berserker names should have an indication of what mode they're in, and maybe different icons for each mode. They also have the same tooltips (e.g. Wild berserker's says he has Taunt).
... Hydromancer has a fire spell and summons succubi?
Reign of Fire->Rain of Fire
Shouldn't the trolls be axethrowers, since this is the Second War?
Zul'jin's switch button should mention what form he goes to.

First level:
Grunt Training Complete leaderboard appears before Grunt training is finished.
Pike Militia->Javelin Militia
Prescott: skewered?->skewered!
Wizard sidequest text has weird syntax.

Second level:
Rend starts at level 4 and can't gain experience.
Villagers should turn hostile when running.
There's at least 3 Jailor Kassans running around.
No cutscene or dialogue when Zul'jin is rescued?
Sidequest should be better-placed, it's entirely possible to miss it.
Nyx's "I don't care about that" line doesn't make sense.
Sidequest text should just say reward instead of potions.
Final quest requirement has Zul'jin twice instead of Rend.

i need help, sorry i mean when i plan to play chapter 6 Split i got an error, how do i fix it ?


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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
i need help, sorry i mean when i plan to play chapter 6 Split i got an error, how do i fix it ?
Re uben please stop spamming the thread with the same message.
It is mentioned here Tides of Darkness - Orc you should not play this with 1.31.1 but probably with 1.28+.
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Level 4
Aug 4, 2018