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Scarlet Frenzy I


This campaign was made by Enoshima. He is the author of this campaign. The campaign is being posted on HiveWorkShop on his behalf with his express permission.

The campaign was originally posted here: Enoshimashrine


Scarlet Frenzy I
Scarlet Frenzy I
This campaign follows Renault Mograine and the Scarlet Crusade. This campaign is comprised of 7 playable missions and 2 cinematic missions, and follows the style of the Blizzard campaign with RTS-style missions as well as RPG-style missions.

It is recommended to play the campaign using the most recent patch.

List of Enoshima's Campaigns
List of Enoshima's Campaigns

1. Tides of Darkness - Orc
2. Scarlet Frenzy I


Renault Mograine: Commander of the Scarlet Crusade and son of the Ashbringer, Alexandros Mograine.

Demetria: A young priest that Mograine meets on his journey.

Saidan Dathrohan: The Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade, and one of the founding members of the Silver Hand.



Message from Enoshima (creator): Thank you hiveworkshop for supporting my campaign. If the models I need are collected, then I might continue with the preparations for the next campaign.

These are the hiveworkshop resources in use, based on the automatic credit generator:
Resources in use by Scarlet Frenzy I

Horusrogue, kellym0, JetFangInferno, florent86 , Sexylycan, eubz, Cavman , 67chrome, Ujimasa Hojo , Daenar7 , Fingolfin, DCrimson , AndrewOverload519, Darkfang, General Frank, ana, gookywooky, GooS ,
PureOwnage , CRAZYRUSSIAN, (Hermit), deathgod.scythe, CloudWolf, Sin'dorei300, chr2, Mc !, Gottfrei, Sunreaver , BETABABY, JollyD, Afronight_76, Kael Theron, Abbendis, NFWar , Mr.Goblin, Bart_Illidan, Tranquil , alfredx_sotn, hellblazer-14 , Sunchips, b17rider , Juice_F, Gottfrei, Sellenisko, ILH , ApeJI , Cavman, Champara Bros, Darky29, nGy , Darkfang, Kael Theron, Lord_T, Xardian, sPy , Daenar7, Hawkwing, Nasrudin, CreatorD3292, Thrikodius, Wandering Soul , Pins , Fingolfin , Draknyte1 , Peacegette, WILL THE ALMIGHTY, Boogles , WyrWuulfe, NhazUl, Talavaj , kangyun, WerBackIII , Forgotten_Warlord and Takakenji , Ezikielth - Rommel, Teaspoon, epsilon , Kwaliti, sunwarrior25 , Kimbo, Bart_Illidan, olyvian , JetFangInferno, Mike, spong3bob, Carrington2k , Lender , hellblazer-14, Caeyra.

Special Thanks

Message from Enoshima (creator): Thank you hiveworkshop for supporting my campaign. If the models I need are collected, then I might continue with the preparations for the next campaign.

These people helped in various ways in bringing the campaign to hiveworkshop.
Quinten- map description title picture, Deepstrasz/Cleavinghammer- various things, Tuwnew- map template.

Change Log

-SFIv0.49 Initial Upload


Scarlet Frenzy I (Campaign)

Scarlet Frenzy Review and Thoughts on Hard difficulty Chapter 3 Continued: Cool intro cutscene with the gargoyles Silencing the Lich seems to make him not cast any spells which is good, his combination of that nova and sleep AND finger of Death is a...
Approved based on @Footman16 and @w3maniac's reviews. If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange! R U L E S Site Rules Map Submission Rules M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N BB CODES BB Codes | HIVE MELEE...
The Nightmare Book
Hello there, dear author and @tulee. First of all - thank you, @tulee, for continuing to bring campaigns from China and their specific sites, I really like to see how they do some stuff and how their custom mapmaker community thrives and blows - and...
Level 27
Jul 26, 2008
Just to remind you all: The author of this campaign is Enoshima. The campaign is posted on hiveworkshop on his behalf with his express permission.
The campaign was originally posted here:



This is a campaign from the Chinese language warcraft 3 community. Hopefully we can "give back" in the sense that by sharing many campaigns from their community, it will inspire Hiveworkshop creators to make more campaigns, and then their community can play those campaigns when their translators bring Hive campaigns to their community (so in this way, they can benefit also).

This campaign has a randomized item drop system. For RPG missions, the randomized drop is normally from named Boss units, while for RTS missions, it is the first time an enemy hero dies/main building dies. Some of the later missions go a lot smoother if you have better items, especially on harder difficulties, so it might be worth considering using quick save/load f5/f6 before you kill one of those units mentioned above to try to get the best item drop.
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Level 14
Jan 25, 2023
Question, does difficulty setting affect anything? Such as unique items/etc?
Yes,different levels of difficulty will have different enemies and dropped equipments.Also the enemy has dropped more than one piece of equipment, and they divide the probability of dropping equally,you can do multiple times save/load and kill the enemy to obtain different equipment.
Level 1
Feb 18, 2020
Thank you for your translation of this campaign @tulee. Hope that you will translate other campaigns of Enoshima too. Really waiting for your next translation of Enoshima's campaigns will be Scarlet Frenzy part II and The Ashen Verdict ( I think his campaign translated like this).
Scarlet Frenzy Review and Thoughts on Hard difficulty

Chapter 1:
  • Good start, atmospheric but quick to get into gameplay.
  • Unique item in initial crate gives a good idea of what to expect
  • Custom music is good
  • Terrain is good so far
  • Encounter with Ghost Woman is a nice touch to add more to the atmosphere
  • "Scarlet Crusade Commander" seems a little redundant since we know its the Scarlet Crusade; "Commander" is smaller and quicker to read.
  • Renault uses Arthas' icon
  • Enemies focus the peasant; if you didn't pick Holy Light, you're screwed.
  • Discipline Learn icon is the passive not the active
  • Building a Camp quest has green icon
  • Allied Colour and Creep Camp toggle not disabled
  • Rune and item drops are generous enough and keep things moving nicely
  • I would give visibility or Fog of War over objective locations with pings every so often so the player knows the general right direction or whether they're exploring side areas.
  • Banshees seem to move around weirdly
  • All quests have green icons
  • Requirements for Side quest don't turn up in quest log
  • Rune dropped by Voss had no name
  • Fried Shrimp has no name either as an item on the ground
  • New Priests are suuuper strong, but they're on my side so I don't mind. Shame they don't have one of the cool Scarlet Crusade skins though
  • Stephen's body disappears so I set fire to the ground as well as the dead bodies
  • Giving only a short time to pick up the boss drop item before the end cine is stressful, instead maybe make a circle of power appear to end the mission
  • Also a Scarlet Crusade UI would be cool, Chasing the Dawn has one
  • Forgot to Hide all items in End Cinematic
  • Also should probably fade to black at end of End Cinematic
  • Campaign Background image is wrong resolution so is offset and cuts off Renault's head

Chapter 2:
  • Argent Dawn led by Gavinrad the Dire rather than someone from lore like Eligor Dawnbringer?
  • Quest pings this time which is nice, but they last a little too long they should be briefer and maybe red coloured instead of white
  • Holy Light being able to target self is a lovely QoL change
  • If you try to build somewhere you can't it plays Orc Peon sounds
  • Maybe make the camera pan to the Alliance Remnant and give visibility briefly when they arrive otherwise it feels random with the Archmage voiceline
  • Ok those Forsaken attacks on Hard are definitely hard, there's definitely a difficulty spike here
  • Arcane Vault items are interesting but cool
  • Archers in Training Centre as Tier 2 is kinda rough
  • Jesus these Forsaken units are so tough, they seem maybe a little too tough, also level 10 Sylvanas with charm vs level 4 Renault is rough
  • Ok yeah on hard the Forsaken attacks are too much, too strong and too frequent. It's not fun and I'm not really up for being slaughtered constantly with only footman, archers and steam tanks vs their full tech tree. The Forsaken also have Healing Wave and Death Coil on basic units which is ridiculously strong and I have no counter.
  • Siege Engine Icon isn't accurate
  • Lordaeron Remnants have Night Elves? Are they meant to be Lordaeron Remnants or Alliance forces?
  • I see Siege Tanks can attack units now, they're probably the only way to beat the Forsaken on hard
  • Scourge units spawn in as well as get trained which doesn't look or feel good
  • Allied Arcane Vaults sell unavailable items
  • Items in End Cinematic not hidden again

Chapter 3:
  • Demetria's abilities are cool but I'd make the chain heal in the first spot then silence in the second and dispel in the 3rd position.
  • Quest's have green icons again
  • "Red-Clothed Battle Mage" is a bit of a weird name, I think "Battle Mage" would suffice
  • Flame Strike and Polymorph on the Red-Clothed Battle Mage has no tooltip
  • Ooookkkk… that Lich is insane, again the difficulty is a big spike and his abilities are insane, he almost insta kills all your footmen with that Nova and again I'm not sure what the counter is meant to be.
  • I stopped at this point after the defeat but will come back to it at some point.

So far, a very good and high quality campaign with only a few small issues, so far I'd say 4/5.
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Level 5
Jun 2, 2018
The gameplay is seamless, there are some new spells, items and units. Terrain is good as well. This campaign is great in general. Definitely 5/5.
(I play this on hard difficulty.)

That said, I do have some things to say:

1/ Since there are so many items, it would be nice to have them combine in certain ways to make them more powerful (if that would make sense in regards to game balance).

2/ Side quest rewards are often worse than randomly looted items. That does not really entice you to complete the side quests.

3/ Bugs:
  • Some items do not have description, e.g. the meat you loot from the body of the chicken you slaughter for "Thank you" side quest.
  • Some spells do not have description, e.g. Red-clothed Battle Mage's Flame Strike and Polymorph.
  • For some reason, Spellbreaker is way taller/larger than it should be and Gnoll Overseer is smaller.
4/ There are some unexpected difficulty spikes, e.g.:
  • The Lich in the third chapter. That "mass frost nova" spell decimates my entire army. After reloading a few times, I could eventually finish the fight without losing any unit (or maybe I lost like one footman or whatever), but it does not seem balanced.
  • The beginning of chapter 5 is too hard. You are constantly being attacked from three sides (and Larian is basically immortal). It's very demanding to just survive, let alone leave your base and actually do something.
  • I eventually managed to finish chapter 5.... and to my surprise chapter 6 is A LOT harder still. That Sun hero is way too strong. Even with 100 food army, Pink team regular attack on my base is undefendable. I can trick them by positioning an unit far from my base, which they kill and then turn around, but how do I actually attack and defeat Pink team? No idea. And the timer does not help. After many reloads I managed to defeat Green and Blue in those 40 mins, but I didn't even start to attack Pink (not that I see any way of actually defeating them). I know I'm playing on hard difficulty, but this is just too much. It truly does seem impossible.***
5/ There are some issues with key bindings. I don't know if the campaign uses some of my own custom keybindings or not, but I think not (since I see some differences between what I have set and what this campaign uses). Some examples of wrong/weird bindings:
  • Both Archer's skills are bound to E.
  • Both Priest's spells Inner Fire and Restoration are bound to R.
  • Red-clothed Batttle Mage's Polymorph spell is bound to O. It's uncomfortable to use.
Long story short: it would be the best, if you bound every unit's spells to W-E-R-T.

6/ IMHO Archers should be tier 1.

7/ Flame Strike and Blizzard do too much damage too quickly. You barely have enough time to try to select targeted units and move them away. Most of the times, they die anyway. If enemy has more casters, or the space is confined, your units will die a lot regardless of your micro skills etc. Even on hard difficulty, these spells don't seem balanced. Your only counter vs. a lot of these things (overpowered casters, heroes with crazy spells etc.) is Demetria's Silence spell. That often isn't enough though. The difference between success and losing half the army in just a few seconds should not rely on literally just one single spell.

*** On subsequent attempts I managed to reach the Crystal with about 90s left on the timer with about 90 food army (minus peasants), which by far was not enough time (or army for that matter) - I couldn't just attack the crystal and hope for the best. The units waiting for you there are really strong again, so they completely destroyed my army in like 30s.
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Scarlet Frenzy Review and Thoughts on Hard difficulty

Chapter 3 Continued:
  • Cool intro cutscene with the gargoyles
  • Silencing the Lich seems to make him not cast any spells which is good, his combination of that nova and sleep AND finger of Death is a little insane, I just left my units behind and fought him with heroes. His nova will one shot your priest if hit by it and he will probably kill another unit with his FoD if they're anything below full health.=
  • Also the Lich having a red apple that fully heals and restores mana also feels cheap and unfun.
  • Second mage encounter on hard, again enemies with chain heal on almost no cooldown and with tons of mana, 2 of them casting it with a bunch of gargoyles and I have only 3 ranged units including a priest. Also a bunch of crypt fiends too on top of that. I'm not sure how these encounters are meant to be fought but its almost essential to just kite back continuously in order to win
  • After the cutscene ends I'm not sure which way I'm meant to run, back the way I came? Left or right?
  • This no build mission is definitely a lot slower to go through, even though you do get some runes and healing items the encounters themselves are impossible to face head on without losses and the more units you lose the slower you have to take the encounters.
  • Graphical bug with the corpse hanging in the spider area
  • Not sure how I'm meant to rescue the priest or why he can't just be rescued right there and then in spider area
  • Ally and Creep camp toggle still not disabled
  • Attacking the priest releases him but that's not very intuitive, maybe make the web a hostile unit attached to him?
  • Ok going right again with such limited forces the only saving grace is the battle mage with Flame Strike until you get ambushed from behind by a huge force that wipes out your priest. This mission on hard is... not fun, there are some cool encounters and fun bits but overall its a little over-tuned and needs maybe more dialogue and just a little more polish to make it feel less punishing. Encounters can be fun as you have a cool unit set and toolkit to play with but some bits are just too much and without flamestrike maybe impossible since Demetria's toolkit is support, and her dispel doesn't even aid your own troops.
  • The attention message on the Battle Mage implies she doesn't do friendly fire damage with her spells but she 100% does.
  • It's a minor point but some of the messages, quest messages, hints, new units etc don't follow the blizzard format which doesn't make any real difference but I prefer it to be consistent.
  • Unburrowing Crypt Fiends don't have their skin changed to the custom one
  • Crypt Fiends in the spider area moving about is a bit tricky and can screw you over
  • The mountain bit with the 3 items at the end is a little bleh terrain wise but the terrain has maintained quality so far
  • Again a level 15 banshee hero who isn't as bad as the earlier lich but in some ways worse as no Renault this time, sleep spam is just annoying and frost nova with your healers slept means your units will die.
  • High magic damage on some of the UD units will just shred footmen, since magic is 2x to heavy then that 26-30 magic damage is closer to 52-60 damage.
  • … Roguerny the Dark, here we go again, some of the mini-bosses are fun and too many are just not. Roguerny is actually a cool idea he has tons of summons and Demetria has the direct counter with her dispel. However he is supported by two Spirit Towers which isn't good, he has a death coil that one shots footmen and he also has items to replenish his mana after you expertly counter his summons to drain his mana, his basic attacks also kill footmen in very few hits.
  • Kite him away and it seems like you can break his AI I'm not sure if it's the combo of silence and kiting that does it but when they don't cast their abilities they become a lot easier but he has crit so will still annihilate your footmen if you're not careful.
  • On top of the Hero the Nerubian mini-boss, he's not so bad though as he does piercing so defend counters pretty nicely as long as you watch your priests. Overall the Side Quest was fun enough
  • Item collection quests that take up inventory space are a bit Eughh
  • Quest icons are all green, also items like the chicken meat and red potion have no names or tooltips
  • More quest items your forced to carry taking up a slot is not good especially when you have lots of permanent items you want to juggle and carry with you anyway
  • Items not hidden in cutscenes again.
  • The path south of the town opens up but it seems its faster to just go back the way you came.
  • Once again mission ends and I can't run back and pick up an item for my now empty slot.
  • Overall quite a long mission with a lot included, generally good but difficulty is a bit much at times even for hard. Also the side quests were nice but the later part of the mission after reaching Tyr's Hand feels quite bland as there's no enemies left on the map other than the demon and then you have to run halfway across the map to the cave entrance.

Chapter 4:
  • No intro cinematic?
  • Custom music, shade appears with dialogue, burning crypt fiend, very atmospheric so far.
  • sigh a bunch of tough enemies at the top of a ramp you can't see up... bit cheap.
  • Demetria's Resurrection is on a small cooldown which is a nice safety net... in most circumstances.
  • Oh dear, Fallen Mage mini-boss over 100 magic damage, so that's over 200 damage per attack, footman die in two hits, priests and Red-Clothed mage don't fare much better. No point fitting her with my units.
  • Why does Frederick need to die? I can heal him, why won't his wife believe me? I can bring his body to her. I honestly thought we were going to get a couple of free units from this SQ, but the items are nice.
  • In chapter three the aboms are buffed but they're back to normal here and I can definitely notice.
  • Again, "Red-clothed bodyguard" seems like a weird name.
  • Paladin, cool unit but that's on top of 2 other unique units with 2 active abilities each and 3 more active abilities on the paladin as well as getting Renault back, it's a lot to micro manage.
  • My Heroes can't pick up the Tome of Knowledge +2 :(
  • Ah great another side quest boss with finger of death that insta-kills a 675 hp unit... not fun.
  • Hmmmm yes another mini-boss with holy light that can target themself on a short cooldown and 1250 mana this will take a while.
  • Octavia drops a key for the gate right behind her, why not just open it the moment she dies? Seems a bit pointless
  • Yep Ramstein fight is when I lost most of my troops attacks from both sides by around 40 ghouls is too much to micro together and keep alive. Kept one sorc and one priest alive until I lost them too eventually and now it becomes a Hero RPG fest for the rest of the map. On the flip side they've become strong enough to take most fights themselves which makes things easier than before.
  • The Scarlet Fortress terrain is a bit bland and simple compared to the quality of the rest of the maps so far
  • Saidan's player name is invisible above his units that spawn after saving him
  • I love the story so far too seems pretty good and interesting if tragic.
  • No end cine either?

Chapter 5:
  • Similar to Chapter 2, you get your 5 minutes of peace before constant waves from 3 sides with level 10 heroes, including Starfall and Liadrin who can heal herself. It is a lot.
  • Oh neat Liadrin has Finger of Death too and Divine Shield!
  • And I call it quits there, just like Chapter 2, I honestly don't know what your supposed to do or how you're supposed to play with this kind of pressure and it's not even a defence mission, the healing staff in the crates is a nice tough though.
  • On Normal, still too tough, no break constant attacks, massing Steam Tanks and aiming their buildings and workers before you die feels like the only option.
  • The Elite enemies at the end are also insanely powerful.

Chapter 6:
  • ... I managed to take down the Wretched base super early with my starting units... and pink and blue were still able to wear me down, that Phoenix hero is ridiculous. The only saving grace is the Ranger hero goes down super quickly but that's about it, Swordsmen are even Spell immune.
  • The side objectives and enemies are cool though.

(I play this on hard difficulty.)

How did you manage chapter 2, what was your strat?

In conclusion, in terms of overall quality a 4/5 easily. In terms of difficulty... I'd love to see someone else attempt these missions on hard to see how they do it, because I have had many attempts with different strats and I just don't see it.
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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Approved based on @Footman16 and @w3maniac's reviews.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

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If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Level 5
Jun 2, 2018
How did you manage chapter 2, what was your strat?
Honestly, it did not strike me as very hard (definitely not compared to chapter 5 and especially 6). The bottom base did not attack me at all - they kept fighting (and kinda losing) the two Cyan bases. By the time I defeated Sylvanas, Cyan had already destroyed 4 or 5 Spirit towers.

As for Sylvanas: towers are very important since your access to units (and upgrades) is still very limited at this point. When they attack: mana towers immediatelly on Sylvannas so that she can't use Health siphon more than one or two times. Cannon towers on casters. Guard towers on gargs/casters.
You can create kind of a choke point with the towers and Footmen with Defend ability - then towers deal with enemy ranged units, while your ranged units (Archers, Steam engines) deal with melee units.
Advanced Masonry is a must so that Meat wagons don't destroy your towers too quickly before you deal with them.
I had to rebuild only like one tower (and repair some of the others) and retrain two or three units after each attack wave - with the exception of the first wave that includes Sylvanas - it comes kinda quickly before you've had enough time to build up proper defenses/army - I barely survived this one, but after that, it only gets easier.
Eventually I amassed 100 food army (minus peasants) including a few Steam engines, which could defeat Sylvanas' base. Priests' dispell is of importance here as well - to get rid of skeletons (and Curse). Also War hound has its use as cannon fodder & its Taunt ability "confuses" enemy units for a while, which somewhat relieves pressure on you.
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Level 3
May 22, 2021
Good campaign, but I really dislike randomized drops, and some chapters are too difficult for me
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Issues possibly/probably due to the current patch:
  • Some items and potentially units are invisible if playing on a loaded game, their shadow still visible.
  • Custom music doesn't play on a loaded game.
  • Some portraits (like the undead ogre) use the default skin.

First level:

Loading screen image cuts off the characters' heads. Text should have a final line like "Renault Mograine's campaign log".

Renault's lines sound like they're from a shopkeeper NPC. His icon is the standard ungoatee'd Arthas.

Quest icons are green squares.

Nothing happens after Jane disappears.

Peasant shows up: he must not -> she must not

Banshees keep moving around at random.

Stephen starts rotting before Renault even finishes his next line. And not even an attempt to Holy Light him?

Death Skeletal Mage -> Skeletal Death Mage, although it's redundant.

Ending cutscene:
  • White background is visible.
  • Units blink out of existence, there should be a doodad to hide them.
  • Screen should fade to black on Sylvanas.

Second level:

Loading screens should be consistent, either Renault is talking or the narrator, but not either/or.

The "I can't build there" response from the Peasant gives Peon attack lines instead, finishing a building gets Priest attack lines.

NE section of map should have creeps so you have something to do while the base builds.

Peasant tooltip: it -> she

Army Hound (unit name, Archer & building tooltip) -> War Hound

Why are ranged units T2?!? Why are ranged units T2?!?

Archer only has 500 range?

Siege Engine tooltip doesn't say that it can attack units.

Priest tooltip: "powerful Heal spell" -> looks like the same 25 heal to me.

Ended up wyd the blue base. They should not send that many units, ranged units should not be T2, they should not have a level 10 hero. And this was on "normal". Shame, because it could have been fun.

Alliance Remnants don't share vision (and are called Lordaeron Remnants), so you keep hearing about them being attacked but can't see them.

Lordaeron Remnants hero sometimes stops attacking and stays where he is.

Final Boss:
  • nodules -> nodes, but maybe a different name would be better.
  • Spirit Towers should have SFX on them so they look like they're maintaining a shield, or use a different model since they have much higher armor.
  • Quest doesn't update when you kill a Spirit Tower.
  • Bossfight was disappointing, not much to do but attack and dispel.
Level 28
Jun 11, 2017
Interesting campaign. I am looking forward to posting my humble impression and walkthrough in the future.
Hello there, dear author and @tulee.
First of all - thank you, @tulee, for continuing to bring campaigns from China and their specific sites, I really like to see how they do some stuff and how their custom mapmaker community thrives and blows - and thanks to You, we can see some of their blossomed flowers of content making.
But what about the campaign at all? Well, I'm on mission 3 right now and it seems that the author likes some indirections or rather opted for "guess where" game design.

I agree with issues that has been posted above by @cleavinghammer, @Footman16, and @w3maniac, but maybe due to playing on "Easy" - I felt that campaign is fair in RPG missions at least. The second mission with LVL 10 Sylvanas was tough, and I nearly skipped the main fighting with Araj due to Sylvanas. Is she fighting against the Scourge or has she already started cooperating for the sake of the GRAND ZOVAAL MASTERMIND PLAN?

Overall voicing would improve this campaign's flavor and atmosphere, but currently, I like this campaign.
If you want to know how Chinese society creates its campaigns or want to see so not-so-frequently seen Scarlet Crusade storyline - here you are.
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Level 6
Jan 10, 2021
Chapter 5 is a joke, even on easy mode. I can defend off the first couple waves of attack, destroy undead's expansion in the beginning and wall off top base with towers and farms. Then i get hit with a timing attack from undead and elves with mass air and aoe spells from two angles. Anyone got tips for this chapter?
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Third level:

Loading screen should mention why Renault is going.

All quest icons are green squares.

Young Priest -> Young Priestess

After Demetria gives her name, her messages still call her Young Priest. Her hero class is Lordaeron Survivor.

friend units -> allied units

On rescuing the casters:
The sorceress-based caster is called Sorceress (message) / Battle Mage (hint) / Red-Clothed Battle Mage (unit) and has no description.

Flame Strike and Polymorph have no tooltips.

Fried shrimp item has no name.

The crate near the tower after the evil archmage drops a rune that has no name (description says it heals HP and mana).

Attacking the webbed priest should be clearer, maybe have him talk about cutting himfree.

A recurring issue: Enemies tend to join fights from far away, so it makes the initial fight harder and the next fight easier.

Wailers and skeletal death mages should look much more different than regular banshees/skel mages as the skin is too similar. Size, tint etc.

Revived Footman -> Reanimated Footman (especially since Demetria's abaility uses "revive" in the sense of "resurrect").

The AD dwarf questgiver's lines make it seem like Demetria should be talking between each one.

Quest givers/items don't actually explain the quest, you have to go to the quest log.


Dead Branch:
  • many plants purified another mode of survival. -> ?
  • A highly poisonous tree -> A branch from a highly poisonous tree?

Selaginella: It gets its name -> According to Wikipedia they're also called "resurrection plants", should probably use that or the flavor text makes no sense.

Mavis calls Demetria a Priest.

The bodies should be permanent corpses since their healthbars are still present/they should both get ZZZs.

If you zoom the camera out to the maximum, the red fog makes it impossible to see anything. Not sure if that can be fixed while keeping the atmosphere of the map.

Mavis' ring and Scarlet Robes have the same effect but different prices.

The Virginia sidequest areas should be blocked off until you activate the quest.

Virginia's report should mention the miniboss.

The dwarf should say he lost his explosives inside the camp instead of having to scour the entire map for them.

Despite the constant backtracking, I have to say the second part of the map was quite fun.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Fourth level:

Loading screen gives no information.

The usual blizzard bug: Loading a game causes some units to lack models (seen near the fountain of mana and the troops leading up to Faerlina), prevents custom music from playing and sometimes crashes the game.

Battle Mages should not use the same name, icon and model if they have different spells.

Ice Battle Mage:
  • Freezing spell has no tooltip.
  • Not sure how much damage the Blizzard spell does but it's a hell of a lot more than 15 per wave.

Level 1 spiders spawned from eggsacks (shortly before you find Renault) are way too big, they're same size as the spitting spiders.

Resurrected Battle Mage/Footman/Archer -> Reanimated Battle Mage/etc.

  • No Defend?
  • Why call it Holy Light Flash if the effect is no different from Holy Light?
  • Tooltip uses different ability names.

No one comments on the city being full of Scourge all of a sudden?

Is the Abomination boss meant to be killed normally? I managed it, but only by tanking with both heroes and keeping the mages busy hit-and-running with spells, other units just can't survive even with revivers.

Stronger variants of units with different skins (Ghouls, Crypt Fiends, Living/Undead Battle Mages etc.) should have different names.

Three footmen as reinforcements -> can we have archers/casters instead? Also maybe have them explain why they aren't with the rebels.

  • Faerlina's first taunt is too long and/or should have subtitles.
  • Faerlina should not have Finger of Death, that limits you to sending just heroes.
  • Item dropped by Faerlina (heart staff that casts Polymorph) has no tooltip, name or description.

It's possible to kill Hamley and that miniboss on the south edge of the map early from behind the barrier. Not sure if that breaks anything but it made life a lot easier.

Description for Sandals is "No attributes".

Saidan's text box is empty.

The portal Saidan opens is the wrong way around. It should function like a Waygate instead of needing units to walk into the region.

Scarlet Crusade has no player name once allied.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Fifth level:

This one sucked.

Constant pounding from swarms of enemies, no hero AoE (but plenty on the enemy side), workers vulnerable to enemy attacks, the works. You don't even get your own battlemages, so the overpowered AoE that made the previous level doable aren't there.

Sidequest didn't trigger.

Glaive Thrower -> Ballista

End cutscene: this all -> all this

Sixth level: Everything wrong with the fifth level, but worse!

Enemy heroes dealing at least 100 damage per shot and who knows how much in spell damage, swarms that hit at the same time, no real siege weapons, no hero AoE. Joy.

How do they know it's a mind-control crystal?

Sidequest name is "Demon Footprints (2)"

End cutscene: of Holy Light -> of the Holy Light

Epilogue: Had to wyd on the Sylvanas run since Greater Dark Minions get hit with the no-model-on-loading bug. Dark Swordsman's Devour Magic (I assume) has no tooltip.


Overall, didn't like this one much, mostly because the RTS segments are so badly implemented and the techtree ridiculous. The plot seems like there are parts missing and threads that go nowhere, leading to "why are we suddenly going here, who are these people, where are we". Presumably those who played WoW can fill in the gaps.

The non-base segments are well done, even if there is a lot of backtracking.
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