Insanity - Gold Rush

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Gold Rush Insanity

This map is an alternate version of Gold Rush. The main gimmick of the map is that, everyone can produce overpowered units in large numbers for low costs (Doom Guardians, Infernals, Ancient Hydras etc.). Upkeep is less punishing and heroes can level up easier in the creep camps. Hero level cap has also been increased to 15.

There are also some new custom "Gimmick units", which can be made using a Gimmick totem. Each player can only have one Gimmick totem at a time, in which you can produce units that are overpowered in a specific way (Infernal Juggernaut that can spam stronger Infernals, a high DPS Marine, Superfast Tauren, which has a lot of AOE damage etc.) Each one the units is explained below.

Each player plays as an Orc. Peons and building were made a little bit tankier, so they can withstand the stronger units. Old Orc heroes were replaced with 3 new custom ones, which are stronger than the ususal hero. Each custom hero also has a passive ability. The Tavern heroes were also buffed, so they are at least playable.

The creep camps on outside borders were made stronger (there are still weak creeps around the player starting area)

The middle of the map has also been modified. The 4 Gold mine camps are connected with one Fountain camp. This camp contains Gimmick Units, making it one of the hardest camps to clear. The creeps drop a Crown of kings +5 and three +6 items, each for one hero attribute. The fountain they guard heals and restores mana.

Some units you can make can be upgraded. (Increase stats of Doom Guards, enable Rain of Chaos for Infernal Juggernauts etc.)


Assassin: Agility Hero. Has a lot of attacking power and can move really quickly, in battle or outside.
Passive: Critical Strike: The chance to Crit and its damage scales with Hero level.

Swift Slash: Dashes to an enemy and damages them for a tiny amount. Cooldown and Mana cost lower in levels, which makes it easily spammable at high levels.

Poison Knife: It's basically Shadow Strike but stronger.

Fast as Keemstar: Passively increases attack speed and movement speed of the Assassin.

ULT: Pet Wolf: Summons Pet Wolf, a strong, fast attacking unit with critical strike and wind walk. This ability has no cost or cooldown, which makes it really hard to get rid of the wolf, unless you kill the Assassin.

Heaven's Squire: Intelligence Hero. Has a quite high auto attack cooldown but has very powerful abilities with low cooldown.
Passive: Heaven's Aid: Restores 30 mana when killing a unit and removes all forms of spell imunitties from a unit when you attack such a unit. This is so she stands a chance against many spell immune units.

Heaven Blast: Basically Shockwave but with less damage. Cooldown and mana cost lower with level, which makes this the primary damage source for this unit.

Blessing: Heals a non-mechanical unit. Has a low cooldown and can be toggled on and off, but is quite costly if spammed.

Holy Strike: Fire blasts down from the sky in a small area. Damages and stuns units that are cought in the blast.

ULT: Armegeddon: Channels for 3 seconds. Enemies can easily notice when Heaven's Squire is channeling, so they can react to it. After the channel, she incinerates anything in a medium radius around her, dealing enoromus damage over time. (150 every 0.3 seconds). This ability can easily demolish a whole army, so enemies must kill the Squire fast or move away from her.

Slasher: Strength Hero. Is tanky and has a lot of AOE damage.
Passive: Cleaving Attack: All the damage that the Slasher does through auto attacks will also be applied to units around the main target

Pulverize: Gives a % chance to damage all units around him during each attack

Iron Defense: Grows larger and gains armor and health for a short duration.

Curse: Basically, Pit Lords' Doom, but much weaker at earlier levels (Deals 1 damage per second at level one).Summons a Fire/Lightning/Death Reveneant. The duration of the unit scales with ability level. Death Revenant also now has the ability Unholy Frenzy, which can make the Slasher even deadlier.

ULT: Berserk: Gains 160% attack speed and 20% movement speed for 30 seconds, which synergises with Pulverize and Cleaving Attack.

Gimmick units:

This unit is made in the Spirit Lodge, instead of Gimmick Totem: Sasquatch Friend. Can cast Rejuvenate on allies and has 6 auras, making it a good cheerleader (it's pretty meh in combat). Auras are: Unholy, Brilliance, Endurance, Vampiric, Command and War Drums.

Superfast Tauren: A Tauren, but a bit tankier and attacks extremly fast, making Pulverize procs much more common. Deals heavy damage to multiple enemy units.

Marine: Squishy, but has insanely high DPS.

Glaive Destroyer: Glaive Thrower, but has higher damage, attack rate, HP, range and attacks multiple units at once.

Tank Golem: The tankiest unit (3500 HP and 12 Armor). Has insanley high damage, but attacks very slow. Also has Slam+ for an ability, which has a one second cooldown.

Nightmare Juggernaut: Better Infernal Juggernaut. More HP, damage, range, but also, has better Rain of Chaos and Inferno. The infernals it summons are stronger and have better immolate abilities. Also the cooldwon on the abilities is lowered.

Wendigo Friend: Has bash, war stomp and Reincarnation Supreme, which has only a 12 second cooldown. SO as long as it can survive those 12 seconds, it can kepp coming back to life.

Living Plague: Very tanky, but low attack damage. Has ability Plague, which is stronger Poisonus Cloud. Deals 40 damage per second for 60 seconds to any enemy near it.

Nuke Dude: Can explode on enemy units, dealing enoromus damage, killing almost anything, except the tankiest gimmick units or heroes. Also explodes on death, which can kill your own units if you are not careful.

Other small notable changes include:
-Queen of Pain can Charm level 9 or lower units
-Regular Infernals don't have spell immunity, since they can so easily be spammed
-Watch Towers can be upgraded to be tankier and deal more damage
-Watch Towers require a Stronghold to be built, beacuse they could have been pretty deadly in the early game
-To see the Tavern hero changes, just open the map in World Editor and see for yourself. There is way too much to explain, but here are some notable ones:
-Toggle on/off arrow abilities for Dark Ranger and Naga Sea Witch cost no mana at level 3
-Pit Lords' Doom instantly kills a unit, Alchemist's Transmute gives gold and lumber.
-Dark Ranger's Black arrow spawns more skeletons with level (3 Greater Dark Minions at level 3).

Update (1.1):
-Author name changed to match the one I have on HIVE
-Creature camps are not a mess and actually make some sense.

Insanity - Gold Rush 1.1 (Map)

Author and username difference. Please specify why. You basically replaced all units in the buildings for all races with incredibly strong units which have a lower cost and take less food. Creature camps are totally random. Hero spells are usual...


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Author and username difference. Please specify why.

You basically replaced all units in the buildings for all races with incredibly strong units which have a lower cost and take less food.
Creature camps are totally random.
Hero spells are usual Warcraft III ones with meager modifications.
You can add glow to heroes which have none: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling
Wendigo Fiend takes 8 food but is almost as strong as other units requiring 4 or 3 food...
Two Juggernaut units!?

This map is a joke. Altered Melee looks like this:
How to: Create a Full-working Custom Race
Custom Race Creation: Advanced Mechanics
UB - Ultimate Battle v1.99c AI+
Deforestation of Felwood v2.1.1
Nightborne v1.04
Planetary Domination v2.04
Sands of Time [v1.9]
The Grand Citadel (Racial Issue 1.6)

Set to Substandard.

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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

Level 4
Jun 17, 2017
Author and username difference. Please specify why.
Oops. I used the username I used for other accounts in different websites. That's my bad.
Creature camps are totally random.
Yeah, I was quite lazy with those ones. I'll probably havw to modify those.
Wendigo Fiend takes 8 food but is almost as strong as other units requiring 4 or 3 food...
Well, I was thinking that in a way, they were units that can be infinitely used, so they need some sort of balance. But you are right in a way, since the power they have really doesn't make up for it.
Two Juggernaut units!?
One is supposed to be the early game infernal spammer, the other one makes better infernals in the late game.
This map is a joke.
To be fair, I didn't really plan to make anything competitive of sort. I just wanted to make something completely chaotic and crazy. It's called insanity for a reason.
he he xd

Will fix some issues