High Elves skins for melee

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Melee map with High Elves Skins
( Alliance - Silvermoon)
(Night elf - Eversong Rangers)
This map is open for edit and its can opened in editor
Play with classic graphic
Required 1.32
Nature healing Ray - NFWar
Crystal Blade - Static
ANALightningSmash - Warseeker
High Elf upgrades icons - Zephyrius2412
Arcane Blast - Darkfang
BETower - Darkfang
BluePotion - Static
Ice Crystal Element - Edge45
CrystalysBow - The Panda
Elder - Deon
ElfRogue - Tenebrae
Elven altar of kings - Ujimasa Hojo
Elven scout tower - Ujimasa Hojo
Evasion - Don Valentino
Faerie - donut3.5
Fire Shield - Darkfang
Forest Creature - Sin'dorei300
Forge - Palaslayer
FrostMissiles - Vinz
GuardianWispSpirits - ~Nightmare
Wisp - Andreitch,JesusHipster
HeroCharredAncient - Grendel
HighElfArcher - 67chrome
HighElfBallista - Zephyrius2412
HighElfSentry - 67chrome
HolyAura - b17rider
HolySphere - Darkfang
Ice - 67chrome
Icey Bow - The Panda
IceBolts - The Panda
IceLance - L_Lawliet
Icy Arrows - maxor_gan
LiquidArrow - trippledota
MagicOrb - frEAk49
Manabolt - D.ee
ManaBreathe - D.ee
MiscTreant - Marcos DAB
PoisonBow - The Panda
Queen of the forest - ~Nightmare
RunestoneShield - Blood Raven
Rok - GhostThruster
SearingArrowsAlt - BETA
SearingArrows (Moon Head Arrow) - Darkfang
WaterBolt - Darkfang
WaterOrb - Darkfang
WaterPearl - Marcos DAB
WaterElementalRemastered - Artork312
WateryShield - Darkfang
WispMissile - ~Nightmare
Special thank to
XGM.ru for UI
I3lackDeath for Cursor and special area effect
Sartwo for Cursor
Dalaran_Building_Quel'dorei - Spinel
HighElfArcher - 67chrome
WaterLieutenant - Kitabatake
HighElfFarstrider - nightelfbuilder
Water Slow - JetFangInferno
Altar of the Queldorei - Ujimasa Hojo
Chakram - AlienAtSystem
Ancient Explosion SFX - WILL THE ALMIGHTY
Arcane Observatory and Derivatives - Ujimasa Hojo
Arcane Glaive - Infrisios
Blood Elf Arcane Guardian - AndrewOverload519
Frost Arrows - Vinz
original Arcane Arrow Ballista Missile - Snirou
Blink Vol. I - Vinz
Blizzard effect- Vinz
BEBallista - Edge45
BlueFireBolt - UgoUgo
Cold Buff - dhguardianes
Fortitude Rune Aura - xw1995327www
Conflagrate - Vinz
CrystalGolem - Mc !
Eversong Lynx - Cavman, Kuhneghetz
Elven Ranger - supertoinkz
Tower (Elf) and Derivatives - Ujimasa Hojo
Elven Swordsman - Elenai
Fire Arrows - Vinz
Fire Missiles - Vinz
Forest Blessing - Yours Truly
Frost Bow Enchantments - Vinz
Frost Orb - Hate
Frostcraft Crystal - Vinz
Frosty Crystal Drop - The_Spellweaver
Frozen Mana - Daelin
Frozen Shell - Daelin
HeroGlow - assasin_lord
Great Elementals - Himperion
HawkStriderRider original model - RavenBlackbird
Heal - Vinz
Healing Touch - Champara Bros
NagaBirth - JetFangInferno
Hero Druid - Tranquil
Charred Ancient - Grendel
Huntress - VGsatomi
RiddenWarEagle - garfield
HighElfPriestess - Sin'dorei300 and Uncle Fester
Liquid Arrow - Gamegear
MaleElfArcher - Mc !
Mana Storm - Vinz
Mana Wyrm - Eagle XI
Night Elf Aura - s4nji
Orb of Poison - General Frank
Orb of Water - General Frank
Priest - Ujimasa Hojo
High Elf Geomancer - Lordaeron Creator
Queen of the Forest/Spirit of Vengeance - Sellenisko
Radiance - Vinz
Runic Aura - Direfury
DivineBarrier - JesusHipster
Shots Vol. II - Vinz
Soul Bow Enchantments - Vinz
Sweep Attachments - Hate
WarMage - armel
HighElfWatcher - 67chrome
Water Shot - Azure Phoenix
Water Orb Attach - JesusHipster
Water Egg - Vortigon
WispExplode - JetFangInferno
Guardian Wisp - JesusHipster
BE and HE Worker - 84chrome
ArcaneRocket_Projectile - sPy
Elven Lumber Mill - Ujimasa Hojo
Hunters Hall - Ujimasa Hojo

Eversong Forest (Map)

There's no proper gameplay details in the description. It's just a credits list that occupies the screen. Sorry, but this is just a reskin, so to speak. Nothing really original or custom about it other than replacing names, icons, models. Makes no...


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
There's no proper gameplay details in the description. It's just a credits list that occupies the screen.

Sorry, but this is just a reskin, so to speak. Nothing really original or custom about it other than replacing names, icons, models.
Makes no sense for buildings to turn into living trees and it's buggy as well.

You should take inspiration from proper altered melee maps:


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

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