High Elves V3.0



Map Info:

An alternate melee in my series of maps involving lore races from the Warcraft universe. This addition allows the players to explore and play as the graceful race of High Elves.

The High Elves, or the Quel'dorei, are an ancient race of elves with an insatiable thirst for magic. They derive their power from the sacred Sunwell, which they revere and guard fiercely. Once akin to the Night Elves, their paths diverged—while the Night Elves dedicated themselves to safeguarding the forests, the High Elves embraced the arcane energies of the Sunwell.

The High Elves employ a balanced combination of melee, ranged, and magical combat to strike down their foes. Through the casting of holy and arcane magics, they maintain their strength alongside their battle-hardened frontline warriors, who stand ready to lay down their lives for the Sunwell and their kingdom.


Play as a new race, and behold the tactics and abilities to utilize their various strategies to bring the fight to the enemy.

- 4 Custom Heroes: Liberator, Ranger-General, Arcanomancer and Grand Magus.

- a list of new items reflecting the High Elven race.

Sunwell Blessings: The forces of the High Elves draw their strength and resilience from the radiant light of the Sun. During daylight hours or while under the effects of Daylight Aura, High Elven units gain additional combat effects, along with increased health and mana regeneration.
Runed Stonework: High Elven structures were crafted and imbued with powerful runes to enhance their resilience during times of hardship. As a result, these structures regenerate hit points during the day or while under the effects of Daylight Aura. This effect can be further enhanced through the Bejeweled Plating upgrade.
Guardposts: The workers of the High Elven forces, known as Artisans, are proficiently trained in the use of shortbows. These dedicated laborers can be stationed within Main Structures, Silverworks, or Sawmills to fire arrows at nearby enemies. Each additional Artisan garrisoned increases the number of arrows fired.
Refuge: In times of dire need, the humble citizens of the High Elves serve in whatever way they can. Injured warriors may take refuge within the Abode, the primary food structure, where they gradually regenerate hit points while remaining protected from harm.

How to Play:





Change Log:

- Small Changes

  • Unit Balance
  • Triggers fixes

  • A new ability that activates when it is daytime.
  • Multiple new icons.
  • Saint switched ability to Intake Mana from Frost Armor.
  • New Triggers
  • Guides attack air units as well.
  • Now a dialoge box gives a choice to play as the race or not.
  • Fixed the Sawmill problem (No animation of researches)
  • A lot of tooltip fixes.
  • Small error Fixes.

  • FAR Improved "Strength of the Sun"
  • All new abilities for the Saint.
- Arcane Bombing
- Guided Magic
- Mage Barrier
- Hope (Changed)
- NEW Guardian ability
- Awakening (Changed)
- NEW Master Ranger abilities
- Focus Fire
- Haste (changed)
- NEW Heliomancer abilities
- Solar Flare
- Ray
  • Changed Burning Quiver
  • Changed "Keeper" to "Ballista"
  • Changed "Anti-Siege Mode" to "Stationary Mode" with new functions
  • REMOVED hero glow for Guides and Bannerets
  • Retextured Highborne
  • Siphon now requires an upgrade
  • Tooltip fixes
  • Sun Stone now changes the time of day
  • Grand Hold and Sacrarium have a far-ranged, siege attacks instead of "Release Mana Spirits"
  • Sentinel Tower now requires a Saw Mill
  • Many NEW icons
  • Mana Reach no longer restores Highbornes' mana.
  • Changed Mana Char, now also autocast
  • etc.

Small Changes

Complete Overhaul.


Ujimasa Hojo


High Elves V2.5 (Map)

High Elves v3.0 (Map)

16:57, 23rd May 2013 Orcnet: Hell_Master's review:




16:57, 23rd May 2013
Orcnet: Hell_Master's review:
Hell_Master;2344176 said:
Heya, another melee map from you! Played this and I was amaze by the new race, High Elves. For me, they are balance enough but some problems in icons, models and such. Your problem in icon is you used some icons such as BTNs to UPG icons and that is wrong. For the models, dont use models with glows or hero models to units. And when was upgrading I think the Saw Mill, a screen like object appeared behind the Sawmill.... weird. So by the way, here is my review:

High Elves Review
[+] Good Points:
-Terrain is good. Its not that flat but you have some problems such as empty atmosphere and you only used few doodads to give details to the terrain.
-This map has the needed resources such as: Gold Mines and Shops.
-The map is huge enough perfect for huge melee battle. Area is open and perfect for any possibilites such as ambushes. Symbolizing a good melee.
-Really good and balanced race, the Nigh Elves. I had fun playing that race.

[-] Bad Points:
-Terrain is good but you have problems such as empty atmoshpere. You only used few doodads to give details to the terrain but that is not enough. Fill it with more love and maybe add some waterfalls for better results in each ends of the river in the middle.
-Good and balanced race, High Elves but noticed some bugs such as improper icons used on units, hero model used on units, Sawmill when it is build a large screen appears behind it when I upgrade it and the second skill of the Guardian doesnt seem to work because I have turned it on so it will give me HP with cost of mana but the problem is it doesnt even give me life but it stll consumes mana.
-I noticed that when a computer uses the Human Race, they dont convert to High Elves. You said that for Human it is Night Elves right?

[] Suggestions:
-Improve your terrain by giving more details into it. Fill the terrain with some more doodads and also you might want also to add in each end of the river in the middle a waterfall.
-Fix those bugs and problems that I have said about the new race, High Elves... well, except for the awmill because you said it is the model's fault but how about finding a different model for it?
-Fix the bug about the computer cannot use High Elves race.
Overall, this is a good melee map that I enjoyed. Nothing more to say, I would like to rate this 4/5 and +3 REP to you!

Voting for Approval also.
This looks really nice, I can't wait to play it.
Ok, I played it. And thats not just nice, that is amazing!!! +2 rep. 5/5. Easily the best custom race I've seen with the exception of I saw on director's cut list. Seriously balanced, innovative spells, an excellent selection of models. Though I have a small complaint about the units which have some red in them. They don't look so great in blue. e.g. Blood Mage. The names given to units and spells are very creative. All in all, this is a refreshing change from the norm and a high quality piece of work.
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Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Heya, another melee map from you! Played this and I was amaze by the new race, High Elves. For me, they are balance enough but some problems in icons, models and such. Your problem in icon is you used some icons such as BTNs to UPG icons and that is wrong. For the models, dont use models with glows or hero models to units. And when was upgrading I think the Saw Mill, a screen like object appeared behind the Sawmill.... weird. So by the way, here is my review:

High Elves Review
[+] Good Points:
-Terrain is good. Its not that flat but you have some problems such as empty atmosphere and you only used few doodads to give details to the terrain.
-This map has the needed resources such as: Gold Mines and Shops.
-The map is huge enough perfect for huge melee battle. Area is open and perfect for any possibilites such as ambushes. Symbolizing a good melee.
-Really good and balanced race, the Nigh Elves. I had fun playing that race.

[-] Bad Points:
-Terrain is good but you have problems such as empty atmoshpere. You only used few doodads to give details to the terrain but that is not enough. Fill it with more love and maybe add some waterfalls for better results in each ends of the river in the middle.
-Good and balanced race, High Elves but noticed some bugs such as improper icons used on units, hero model used on units, Sawmill when it is build a large screen appears behind it when I upgrade it and the second skill of the Guardian doesnt seem to work because I have turned it on so it will give me HP with cost of mana but the problem is it doesnt even give me life but it stll consumes mana.
-I noticed that when a computer uses the Human Race, they dont convert to High Elves. You said that for Human it is Night Elves right?

[] Suggestions:
-Improve your terrain by giving more details into it. Fill the terrain with some more doodads and also you might want also to add in each end of the river in the middle a waterfall.
-Fix those bugs and problems that I have said about the new race, High Elves... well, except for the awmill because you said it is the model's fault but how about finding a different model for it?
-Fix the bug about the computer cannot use High Elves race.
Overall, this is a good melee map that I enjoyed. Nothing more to say, I would like to rate this 4/5 and +3 REP to you!

Voting for Approval also.
Level 27
Feb 19, 2011
Heya, another melee map from you! Played this and I was amaze by the new race, High Elves. For me, they are balance enough but some problems in icons, models and such. Your problem in icon is you used some icons such as BTNs to UPG icons and that is wrong. For the models, dont use models with glows or hero models to units. And when was upgrading I think the Saw Mill, a screen like object appeared behind the Sawmill.... weird. So by the way, here is my review:

High Elves Review
[+] Good Points:
-Terrain is good. Its not that flat but you have some problems such as empty atmosphere and you only used few doodads to give details to the terrain.
-This map has the needed resources such as: Gold Mines and Shops.
-The map is huge enough perfect for huge melee battle. Area is open and perfect for any possibilites such as ambushes. Symbolizing a good melee.
-Really good and balanced race, the Nigh Elves. I had fun playing that race.

[-] Bad Points:
-Terrain is good but you have problems such as empty atmoshpere. You only used few doodads to give details to the terrain but that is not enough. Fill it with more love and maybe add some waterfalls for better results in each ends of the river in the middle.
-Good and balanced race, High Elves but noticed some bugs such as improper icons used on units, hero model used on units, Sawmill when it is build a large screen appears behind it when I upgrade it and the second skill of the Guardian doesnt seem to work because I have turned it on so it will give me HP with cost of mana but the problem is it doesnt even give me life but it stll consumes mana.
-I noticed that when a computer uses the Human Race, they dont convert to High Elves. You said that for Human it is Night Elves right?

[] Suggestions:
-Improve your terrain by giving more details into it. Fill the terrain with some more doodads and also you might want also to add in each end of the river in the middle a waterfall.
-Fix those bugs and problems that I have said about the new race, High Elves... well, except for the awmill because you said it is the model's fault but how about finding a different model for it?
-Fix the bug about the computer cannot use High Elves race.
Overall, this is a good melee map that I enjoyed. Nothing more to say, I would like to rate this 4/5 and +3 REP to you!

Voting for Approval also.

I don't really like to interfere with Blizzard's maps when I am making a custom race. But on my next map, I shall include my own map with the races. I could look around for a new model, even though I do enjoy the model and it's looks. I didn't make an AI for the High Elves, so that is why they don't show up when you wanted them.

The Gaurdian's ability heals nearby friendly units, not himself, that be a bit OP.

I'll look into the icons and models. But there are a few problems: some models fit perfectly and I wish i could remove the hero model from it, and the Icons can be a bit pesky at times, but I'll try to fix them.

Thanks for the review! :grin:
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
I don't really like to interfere with Blizzard's maps when I am making a custom race. But on my next map, I shall include my own map with the races. I could look around for a new model, even though I do enjoy the model and it's looks. I didn't make an AI for the High Elves, so that is why they don't show up when you wanted them.

The Gaurdian's ability heals nearby friendly units, not himself, that be a bit OP.

I'll look into the icons and models. But there are a few problems: some models fit perfectly and I wish i could remove the hero model from it, and the Icons can be a bit pesky at times, but I'll try to fix them.

Thanks for the review! :grin:

No problem, looking forward for more of your maps!
Level 13
Jul 2, 2008
Its blank but the browser is not loading anything (it works on other map discreptions).

Tried the map once and found a problem and some stuff i dislike.

The Horse Archer unit has a bug when dying. Also it has an aura and i can click the icon which opens 2 more icons??? Whats the purpose of that?

I honestly dislike some of the hotkeys and the choice of icons. For example i dislike the Orc Spear Upgrade Icons beeing used for ranged upgrades.
Also i dislike the Human blacksmith beeing used. It doesnt fit the other buildings.
The hotkey for the elven farm is really badly placed ("O"), i think "E" is better.
The hotkey for the sundering shield is "U" and really hard to use when in battle.
Level 27
Feb 19, 2011
Its blank but the browser is not loading anything (it works on other map discreptions).

Tried the map once and found a problem and some stuff i dislike.

The Horse Archer unit has a bug when dying. Also it has an aura and i can click the icon which opens 2 more icons??? Whats the purpose of that?

I honestly dislike some of the hotkeys and the choice of icons. For example i dislike the Orc Spear Upgrade Icons beeing used for ranged upgrades.
Also i dislike the Human blacksmith beeing used. It doesnt fit the other buildings.
The hotkey for the elven farm is really badly placed ("O"), i think "E" is better.
The hotkey for the sundering shield is "U" and really hard to use when in battle.
Well you see, for the horse archer's aura there is no one ability that can increase ranged damage and return melee damage. So I combined two auras so that it will have the effects. I could have given the horse archer two separate abilities, but I chose to keep them in one with the spell book ability. Unfortunately I can't fix that problem.

As for the blacksmith, I thought it was a pretty good fit. In the campaign, that's what the high elves used. And if there is a model that works for the race, please tell me.

You brought up a good point about the hot keys. I'm not the best melee player so I can't really catch those problems. I will try to fix the hot keys up, or maybe just make a universal hot key system depending on where the Icon is located.
Level 27
Feb 19, 2011
The cosmetic stuff is just my oppinion.
I didnt try all ability hotkeys but the building hotkeys are fine in general, just edit the 2 i listed above.

I have no checked ingame but maybe this is fitting?
or one of these?
Oh those are perfect. how did I not find them before. They can also show the tower animations when upgrading and building. Nice! I will edit the 2.
Level 13
Jul 2, 2008
The Guide unit has a hero model and therefore it has hero glow and no decay animation.
I think you should use the Ballista model hidden in the editor instead of the Night elve Glaive thrower. A Ballista fits more to High Elve (or you use the one from the Scars of Conflict model pack).

This skin might fit the Highelve archer (the standard one has very low quality) http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/..._by67chrome-blp-172440/?prev=d=list&r=20&c=75
and this one might fit the Spellbreaker, because right now he looks like a Bloodelf
This model might be a good replacement for the Dragonhawk
This guy instead of the bugged guide?

I just realized that the winning conditions are missing?

Is it intended that Highelve only has one weak air unit?
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Level 27
Feb 19, 2011
The Guide unit has a hero model and therefore it has hero glow and no decay animation.
I think you should use the Ballista model hidden in the editor instead of the Night elve Glaive thrower. A Ballista fits more to High Elve (or you use the one from the Scars of Conflict model pack).

This skin might fit the Highelve archer (the standard one has very low quality) http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/..._by67chrome-blp-172440/?prev=d=list&r=20&c=75
and this one might fit the Spellbreaker, because right now he looks like a Bloodelf
This model might be a good replacement for the Dragonhawk
This guy instead of the bugged guide?

I just realized that the winning conditions are missing?

Is it intended that Highelve only has one weak air unit?
Well I find that the Guide's model fits that unit type perfectly. Except for the glow. One of the things I look for when making a new race is not to make the file size to large. Because of this i try to make use of as many natural models as I can, and still make it fit and look good.

The Pegasus doesn't really fit in -mainly because I have never seen them in the lore.

Oh snap, I gotta fix that. Yea, the weak air unit is intentional (but not the weak part, its suppose to be medium strength)... and because there aren't any other high elven air models.
Level 3
Feb 21, 2014
I don't know, this has never happened to me before... When I started playing the game zoomed... I don't know how to explain it so here's an screenshot:
(yes, I was cheating, I'm so badass)
Level 3
Feb 21, 2014
Fixed. It was a trigger I had forgot to turn off during testing.

So I just download it again and I play it? Anyway... I've been playing your dark iron clan faction and it's AWESOME! Dude, you should make a map with all thy factions :goblin_good_job:
Level 27
Feb 19, 2011
So I just download it again and I play it? Anyway... I've been playing your dark iron clan faction and it's AWESOME! Dude, you should make a map with all thy factions :goblin_good_job:

Yea, sorry about that. Kinda ironic that I look for errors but make my own in the process. Glad you enjoy the Dark Iron Clan. :)
As I have stated before: making all the factions into one map would incur multiple issues e.g. large filesize, long process, and very boring for me.
Level 3
Feb 21, 2014
Yea, sorry about that. Kinda ironic that I look for errors but make my own in the process. Glad you enjoy the Dark Iron Clan. :)
As I have stated before: making all the factions into one map would incur multiple issues e.g. large filesize, long process, and very boring for me.

I see... Aaaand... are you going to make more of these really cool factions?