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Garithos' campaign: Phoenix

Level 1 "The runaway"

This is the first level. I already did some maps so I know a little bit about world editor and all, but I might be missing a lot of details. I tested the map but I'm not sure that I found all the bugs so if you do, please report them. If you have any ideas on how to improve the story, the map and the gameplay, you can share it to me, it would help a lot. Thanks.
I wanted to do a campaign based on Garithos. Unfortunatelly, he died in tft killed by Sylvanas (maybe he survived, I don't know, I don't really play WoW), so I made him survive their confrontation.
I want the campaign to be more of a RPG with a hero destroying armies but the first level is a simple road with a defence.
The first level that i called "The runaway" (I don't know if it's the perfect word, I don't really speak english) happens in the south of the Silverpine forest, with the Sepulcher and Ambermill as main locations.


Version 1.1
Bug fixes
  • I don't know why but the map posted on hiveworkshop was it's test version. Now the map should be playable, please report bugs.
Map changes
  • I upgraded the cinematics a bit, not something incredible but it shouldn't be as flat as it was before.
  • The mana stones weren't working and they weren't necessary so I cut them off.
  • I gave the mana regen aura to the mage because priest's mana was depleting too quickly.

Level 2: The recapture of Dalaran
This is the second level of my campaign. The plan is to do a sort of RPG map with lots of quest and getting the hero stronger. If you have any ideas on how to improve it, please tell me using the comments. Thank you.
!!Important!! The map is not lore friendly, so don't tell me that something didn't happened in the lore, I already know it. (First of all, Garithos is alive)


Version 0.4Version 1.0
Bug fixes
  • There was a bug with the bridge building quest and the abilities.
Map changes
  • Now you can arrive to Dalaran using the way around, for now it's useless because there is no quests there.
  • Added a murloc camp
  • There should be units spawning from some of the attacked neutral buildings if chosed medium difficulty
  • Added a difficulty window, only medium changes anything, not sure if all works properly
Bug fixes
  • Fixed everything I saw but there might be still a lot of them out there.
Map changes
  • The map is finaly done, with a begining and an end. I'm not sure about the bugs though


Level 1 (Map)

Level 2 (Map)

Hasn't been updated but I think it can get approved though.
Level 4
May 5, 2017
You are not able to pick up mana stones and no units exept for the captain has voicing. The tooltibs for the sorcerer and his spells are also wrong.
Level 4
Mar 8, 2015

Is it really supposed to be played in current version, or is it like alpha version of the map ? I couldn't even play first map (actually I could if I go as teal (so not garithos), but there is no win condition and game isn't supposed to be played with the base team I think), the game is simply over before it starts. On 2nd map there is simply way too many bugs to list all of them, but I'll say the most annoying :
  • If you cut the cinematic, the bridge doesn't exist
  • If you go near bridge builder, the cinematic comes again and again
  • if you go on the other side of the bridge, the cinematic for bandit starts again and again and launches the optional quest (but doesn't reset count which is good).
  • Bandit boss is bugged, but I think you know that, if I face him, I'm stuck.
  • Map not finished ? or is there some triggers not working ?
Also is it normal that there is the captain lvl 17 or something outside of the door doing nothing ? You can kill him (slowly...) and an item drops from him, it felt weird but on purpose.
And probably make units fighting each other (from humans and undead) that blocks the way heal to full every time they lose 20% hp, so waiting isn't an option to go this way.

If I guessed right (alpha version, not finished and you're not used in making maps) here are some advice I could give :
You should probably try to finish one map entirely (even if it has bugs remaining), then try the map, try to fix the bugs you can see and list those you can't. While trying to find bugs, try to think a bit outside the box, every player doesn't play the game exactly the way you intend.
Finishing a map completely before launching it is probably more efficient and faster.
When you listed bugs you can't fix, share them in the description, so people don't get stuck in them and maybe give you a solution ?

About Bandit boss fight, I'm really not good with wc3 editor, but maybe there is a trigger that is executed when there is no more allies around ? Or maybe when a certain number of units dies ? If you can't figure out maybe just put a timer before he gets targetable again, people will either way be forced to kill all bandits coming as fast as possible if they don't want to be overwhelmed. Would be easier if you told us exactly what you struggle to do.

I won't give a note to the map yet. Good luck with it, hope it gets very good with time.
Level 3
Jan 3, 2022
Hi, first of all, thank you for your review, it helped me a lot.
Is it really supposed to be played in current version, or is it like alpha version of the map ?
The first map should be possible to finish, but the second one isn't. I'm currently working on it's ending.
  • If you cut the cinematic, the bridge doesn't exist
  • If you go near bridge builder, the cinematic comes again and again
  • if you go on the other side of the bridge, the cinematic for bandit starts again and again and launches the optional quest (but doesn't reset count which is good).
Ok, I'll check that, but I'm surprised that I left a cinematic repeatable, maybe I posted another version of the map.
Also is it normal that there is the captain lvl 17 or something outside of the door doing nothing ? You can kill him (slowly...) and an item drops from him, it felt weird but on purpose.
Well, I've put him there so he can be used again later and didn't intended to let him be killed. It wasn't on purpose but maybe there will be some things like that. I'll fix him, thanks
And probably make units fighting each other (from humans and undead) that blocks the way heal to full every time they lose 20% hp, so waiting isn't an option to go this way.
I thought that giving them 10000 life and 30 armor will be enough but I can do that too.
You should probably try to finish one map entirely (even if it has bugs remaining), then try the map, try to fix the bugs you can see and list those you can't. While trying to find bugs, try to think a bit outside the box, every player doesn't play the game exactly the way you intend.
Finishing a map completely before launching it is probably more efficient and faster.
Yeah, I made a mistake by posting this map in alpha version, should have waited. For the next ones I'll post them when they'll be finished. Also, I'm trying to do a map that has one way of finishing it so there won't be bugs but I'll try yo think more outside of the box from now on.
About Bandit boss fight, I'm really not good with wc3 editor, but maybe there is a trigger that is executed when there is no more allies around ? Or maybe when a certain number of units dies ? If you can't figure out maybe just put a timer before he gets targetable again, people will either way be forced to kill all bandits coming as fast as possible if they don't want to be overwhelmed. Would be easier if you told us exactly what you struggle to do.
About that one, I've fixed it yesterday, there was a bug that was putting every unit from the map into the unit group that had to be destroyed, just one little trigger hidden among others. Now it's working but I'll go with your advice and finish the map first before posting everything.
I won't give a note to the map yet. Good luck with it, hope it gets very good with time.
Thanks a lot.
Level 4
Mar 8, 2015
The first map should be possible to finish, but the second one isn't. I'm currently working on it's ending.
The first map should be playable ? It's not, not for me at least. When I launch the map, I get the sound victory when the map ends the loading, so theoretically even before I start the game. Then the map shows Garithos team but I can't select anything, nothing happens beside the priest healing slowly other units (that seem to be damaged ? I can't even see their HP beside Garithos' one, and only because he is a hero that appears top left.). So I'm just forced to give up and do something else.
That's typically the kind of bug I had few times playing a custom campaign/map in the wrong version of wc3, that's why I asked if it's actually supposed to be played on the current version of wc3 reforged (which is 1.32.10), or on another version.

If you could try fix it or tell me how to play it, I'm a bit curious and would like to play it. I tried many manipulations, I could either play as the undead base, or the human base, but never as Garithos 😅
Level 3
Jan 3, 2022
The first map should be playable ? It's not, not for me at least. When I launch the map, I get the sound victory when the map ends the loading, so theoretically even before I start the game. Then the map shows Garithos team but I can't select anything, nothing happens beside the priest healing slowly other units (that seem to be damaged ? I can't even see their HP beside Garithos' one, and only because he is a hero that appears top left.). So I'm just forced to give up and do something else.
That's typically the kind of bug I had few times playing a custom campaign/map in the wrong version of wc3, that's why I asked if it's actually supposed to be played on the current version of wc3 reforged (which is 1.32.10), or on another version.

If you could try fix it or tell me how to play it, I'm a bit curious and would like to play it. I tried many manipulations, I could either play as the undead base, or the human base, but never as Garithos 😅
Well, that's weird. When I was testing the map, nothing was wrong exept the lack of originality. I did the map for the classic version of Warcraft but I don't see why it shouldn't work on reforged as well, maybe because of the custom models. Also, I don't know why you can play as human or undead, I'm gonna check it right away.
Thanks for the review.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
A credits list in the map description with the names of the authors whose resources you've used is mandatory. That includes models, skins, icons, custom spells, systems. Also, sounds, music and everything outside this site.
This helps you with the models, skins and icons from Hiveworkshop:

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

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Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
  1. The Priest doesn't have autocast on Heal.
  2. There's a lot of green icons on game pause. Learn about DISBTNS: Complete Icon Tutorial - All About Icons
  3. Terrain is pretty much flat and repetitive, also linear.
  4. Any difference between the Fire and Frost bolts?
  5. The Catapult's selection circle is too small.
  6. Villagers are useless, they get in the way.
  7. Workers look like Militia. There's no visual difference between them. One of them remained teal and allied. Both have the same hotkey and the Firebolt description doesn't say how much damage it does or how much time the stun lasts.
  8. Going Around quest did not complete; wasn't marked as completed.
  9. There are more than 3 levels per ability but the description only shows 3 levels. Holy Light has the same description with 2xStrength.
  10. Garithos is a dark knight but he has some paladin spells.
  11. In chapter two he loses the Attribute Bonus.
  12. Apparently, Maximov works somewhere where there's nothing but a patch of grass. This map is an edit of the original from the Frozen Throne.
  13. "Racist but good" :D What cognitive dissonance.
  14. Magical worker who can build a bridge alone and hero who can chop the required wood for it in a few hours.
  15. Sleeping elementals. Guess they can kill some time before dissipating?
  16. Swindling Milt's name should be the hero name not the unit name.
  17. Might of the Syndicate=the claw item from the Dreadlord. Literally give the same thing.
  18. Past level 3 all ability levels have the level 3 description.
  19. Why night elves?
  20. Would have been nice for another custom optional quest then the same as Kael's. But didn't Kael take the caches?
  21. You don't have to activate the runes to get the cache. Simply, use the siege treant.
  22. The Guardian Golem is not undead?
  23. Could make quest items runes/variables to avoid cluttering the inventory with unusable stuff.
  24. Druidic Staff's description doesn't say what it gives. I dropped and lift it several times to see what the hero gets and loses on his stats panel. Actually, the description shows when the item is down and you select it. But you can't cast Cyclone, sadly.
  25. Heal the Forest and Omega's minimap signals don't disappear after you finish these quests.
  26. Apparently Garithos learned how to magically raise a bridge after gathering wood and seeing the worker do it.
  27. Lady Deathwhisper doesn't have hero glow. You can simply add it: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling Also, her hero name is switched with her hero name.
  28. Destroyed the blue base and killed every blue undead; nothing happened.
Seems promising from chapter 2 albeit the terrain isn't original. I'd remake chapter 1 from scratch really as it's simple and not immersive at all compared to the following map.
The techtree is also 99% human and abilities are regular ones but I appreciate the enhancement/modification through triggers in chapter 2 of the Holy Light although I'm not quite sure it works how it says it does.
I'm going to wait for more chapters to see where this is going before approving. I wanted to leave it in Pending but since the second chapter is not finished,

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N
BB Codes | HIVE

Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact: