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Modeling Contest 17 - Air Units

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Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
WIP of the plane itself:


the stars are team colour.

Plane has got 185 polies atm.

Rat-Head has got 340 polies atm.


  • Wipplane.JPG
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Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Haha! Very cute. :)
Will you add a propeller in the front, a cockpit on top of it, and a tail, though? It seems kind of basic so far.

The ears on the rat kind of suck(should be much bigger), and you could borrow the gyrocopter's googles with an added-in leather strip going through them. Also, perhaps consider changing the eyes(pupils) a bit, they look strange.
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
Thanks for the comments :)

Yes, I will work on the mouse/rat head ofc. Will see what I can do :)
Oh, and thx to you for the orc-car texture, I checked all my models for some cool ideas I could mix up, and found the orccar model you gave me once and when I saw the texture I got the idea :D

And, yes I will add a propeller in the front, and the cockpit will be like in this pic:

only with one seat though.
and, what exactly do you mean by "tail"?
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
Personal opinion, but I don't really like the "double wings", and I think the back part of the plane should be more "round".

well, the screenshot shoes the back part really bad, it's rounder normally :/ and, what do you suggest to do with the back wings? should I delete them or scale or anything?

I think the "wings" should be a bit bigger. Oh and the glass looks messy right now.

Wich ones? And...do you mean wider/longer or general bigger? And yes, I also noticed it now, will correct the wrap later :3

Thanks for the critics. Will work on it later :)
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
Oh, it looks awesome now! :)

Thanks :)

It's looking great, Fan!
Are you going to use that mouse you showed previously? He'll fit in nicely! I loved his scarf!

Thanks to you too :)
And yes, ofc I will use him. I will finish him next, then merge everything together and give everything the right animations :D

Thanks for the feedback guys :D

Oh and, nice WIP Mr.Bob :D


New WIP :3
Fixed some of the Wrap, gave the mouse new glasses, (thanks to Debode for the gyrocopter texture idea :3) and merged everything together. The chest and the hands of the mouse are still missing though, as well as particles and animations ;)

- 565 polies atm. I think it will go to ~650 or so.



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Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
Thanks :)

Thanks to you too :)
And yes, ofc I will use him. I will finish him next, then merge everything together and give everything the right animations :D

Thanks for the feedback guys :D

Oh and, nice WIP Mr.Bob :D


New WIP :3
Fixed some of the Wrap, gave the mouse new glasses, (thanks to Debode for the gyrocopter texture idea :3) and merged everything together. The chest and the hands of the mouse are still missing though, as well as particles and animations ;)

- 565 polies atm. I think it will go to ~650 or so.


Cool concept, although I think Steward Little already flew an airplane but I'm not so sure.
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008

Cool concept, although I think Steward Little already flew an airplane but I'm not so sure.

Damned, you got me :3

I think the googles should be bigger, and he should get a back to his head. :p
Also the pupils look weird - he looks evil.

Ok, will make the googles bigger, but, he has got a back at his head. It's just unseeable here.

Yeah, perhaps you could give him some blue or green iris and white sclera (the white part of the human eye). He'd look cute!

Ok, will see what I can do with the eyes :) Thanks for the feedback :D
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
@Fan: The wrap on the back of the fusilage still needs some work. It looks stretched and twisted in an unnatural way.
Other than that, great mesh and great use of ingame resources!

Thanks :D
Mhm yes, I already thought about the wrap of it, but since the texture is so small (the plane part) that this is the best I could pull outa it :/ but I will see what I can do :)
Level 15
Jan 25, 2008
Rhinolox Coleoidus


I'm submitting this as it is now just in case something happens and i don't get to finish it properly.

The name comes from the latin terms for 'nose', 'elephant' and 'squid', basically that means 'big-horned elephoctapus' despite the fact that it flies somehow.

*things left to add:

-event objects
-origin of species


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Level 31
Apr 17, 2009
My model is now wrapped and animated.
I just need now Particles and Sound Effects etc.
Unfortunately I made a big mistake at animating.
The anims are okay, but they're backwards if you understand.
How can I rotate all bones, without having to redo all animations?
I somewhere read about adding a Root bone, but I don't understand what that means.
Can I do it in Magos?


  • EyeBotAnimated.mdx
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My model is now wrapped and animated.
I just need now Particles and Sound Effects etc.
Unfortunately I made a big mistake at animating.
The anims are okay, but they're backwards if you understand.
How can I rotate all bones, without having to redo all animations?
I somewhere read about adding a Root bone, but I don't understand what that means.
Can I do it in Magos?

Been ages since I've touched magos, but I think this is how you do it:
- Make a new bone
- Make all of your "top level" bones be children of that new bone
- Add some sort of sequence to it so it is always rotated
Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
Pyramidhe@d mentioned it. He said you just rotate the root bone 180 degrees. Don't know if it works tho.

And about my model, idk if I will finish it by the deadline...
Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
Must be accident. There is no way that you took the idea from that Pokemon. Absolutely no way, not in any galaxy, universe or dimension. Just simply no way.
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