OK there is it...
Ok I only have problems with:
A: The death anim.
It just kinda disappears. Go look up vids of building demolition. All of them sink into the ground. Buildings do not explode into the sky. They lose stability and colapse. As a side note, I don't understand why people hate my death anim so much. It is completely accurate.
B: The decay anim.
There is just a gate and smoke. I don't really get it. Is there something in the World Editor that can not be seen in the Model Editor?
A: I don't want to make it look realistic its fantasy game everything can happen
B: No need to add much details on the decay animations
just few small fires and the smoke
and also the towers and gateway get some dark illumination color
*some stuff is not visible in Model viewers
If you look at the Town Hall, it pretty much vanishes/explodes for it's death animation.
...conclude on April 28, 0:00 AM, 2009 GMT[/indent][/indent][/b]