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The lesser evil takes over

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The local bandit lord Garabandi suffered a great defeat by the hands of Lord Andre and his militia crew, and count Balander's clerical sect. By narrowly escaping capture, Garabandi is wandering the lands of the kingdom in search for a home to settle in. During one of his retreat-raids, his second-in-command dark wizard, Xarden, came across a group of mangled peasants that claim to have fled the village of Bellevoire due to an undead infestation. When Xarden told the news to his master, Garabandi ordered the creation of a fleet and set sails towards his promise of a new home, ignoring the protests that Xarden imposed.


Version 1.1 modifications

Cutscenes and triggers:

- Dialog durations have been increased by an additional 6-8 seconds
- New units included in the final cutscene
- the selection system of attackers has been changed to remove defeated players from being elligible to attack.
- cutscene 2's instamove has been fixed


Bandit faction Changes:

- New Unit: Marauder- high damage cavalry unit with the ability to attack faster. Can learn the cleaving strike ability
- The Bandit Lord's Cleaving Strike has been replaced with Howl of Terror to prevent a functional overlap with the Marauder
- Unit Descriptions now include all abilities used
- Jagged Javelin Tip's description adjusted to reflect's it's anti-hero utility
- Rogue Wizard collision size adjusted to 18

Heretic changes:
- Heretic Adept Training upgrade 100-> 75 mana
- Ray of Disruption cost: 35->25 mana
- Healing wave cooldown: 10->15
- Healing Wave cost: 90->100

Undead Faction and Miscellanious changes:

- Ice Renevant drop changed from Frostguard to Searing Blade
- zombies except the Vanepir do decay, and can be raised
- Undead Priests get the Purge ability

The lesser evil takes over (Map)

None of the heroes have hero glow but a unit does because it uses a hero model. It can simply be added: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling Note that hero models on units will make their bodies remain on the ground. Same with Zombie Archer, Vanepir...
Level 11
Aug 1, 2019
nice map however the cutsences are a bit fast and that make it hard to read all what is written + i think purple and green stopped attacking after the third time or maybe i destroyed them before they attack again don t know :) also i think the bandits are a bit op but are missing a cavarly unit at the same time so maybe you should nerf them a bit and add a cav unit instead that s all I have tbh however keep up the good work my friend :) (sry for any grammer mistakes english is not my first langague)
Level 4
Apr 5, 2022
nice map however the cutsences are a bit fast and that make it hard to read all what is written + i think purple and green stopped attacking after the third time or maybe i destroyed them before they attack again don t know :) also i think the bandits are a bit op but are missing a cavarly unit at the same time so maybe you should nerf them a bit and add a cav unit instead that s all I have tbh however keep up the good work my friend :) (sry for any grammer mistakes english is not my first langague)
I'll try to look into the issues of attacks not commencing. I might need to rewrite how the attacking system works.

I was thinking of turning the bandit lord unit into a cavalry version of the knight, but i couldn't come up with a compelling way to incorporate it into the tech tree and do something different than the Bandit Lord hero. Also, which Bandit units, techs or abilities are overpowered?

If I get the time, I will adjust the cut scenes to be more readable.

Your English is all right, you don't have to worry about it. Thank you for playing and thank you for your feedback! :D
Last edited:
Level 11
Aug 1, 2019
I was thinking of turning the bandit lord unit into a cavalry version of the knight, but i couldn't come up with a compelling way to incorporate it into the tech tree and do something different than the Bandit Lord hero. Also, which Bandit units, techs or abilities are overpowered?
well i think nerfing the heretic healing wave should do the trick because a spam of healing wave to heal the units in the middle of the fight makes it easy to win fights without losing to much units


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
  1. None of the heroes have hero glow but a unit does because it uses a hero model. It can simply be added: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling Note that hero models on units will make their bodies remain on the ground. Same with Zombie Archer, Vanepir, Death Knight. Mugin or whatever the sea revenant hero is named, has no hero glow. Same Abominatus, Winthorpe.
  2. Garabandi freezes animation for a few seconds after the "Onward dogs" thing.
  3. Transmissions run too fast.
So, it's a nice little thing. Not too over the top, pretty much base game stuff, but maybe it can go forward to a mini-campaign or something.


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