Diablo 3 Lesser Evils

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Level 7
Feb 16, 2011
Looking to get the Diablo 3 Lesser Evils made in Warcraft 3 style modeling and texturing.

I have found a decent Baal model already.

Looking for Azmodan:


Second is Belial:


Third Andariel: Found

Trying to make my own Andariel and Failing!

And lastly Duriel: Found


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Level 7
Feb 16, 2011
You could use Mannoroth for Azmodan, and Archimonde for Belial. And I guess a tan pitlord model would do for Duriel (Don't know where any are, sorry). And im clueluess as for Andariel

I appreciate the advice, but id really like to see these models created. I dont like to use substitutes. :pmeh:

Plus i have found Baal, Mephisto, and Diablo models that were created and would like the whole Evil family made for WC3. lol
Level 7
Feb 16, 2011
eubz already made a Duriel model : http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/requests-341/diablo-2-model-request-207193/
and ironmaiden made an Andariel :) !!

ps : I've tryed to make an Belial and Azmodan one time but infortunatly I can't animate models http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/members/216177-albums5745.html !!

I really appreciate the help! Saves a lot of time. Yea im sure Azmodan would be the hardest model to create too.

Oh and i think the same Ironmaiden made the baal i found also. Here is a link: Baal

Hey Grunt, do you have the andariel model? I cannot get a response from Ironmaiden?
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Level 19
Nov 11, 2005
Base Model for Azmodan :
If considering 4 legs = Crypt Lord, Crypt Fiend/Nerubian, Makura
If considering 6 - 8 legs = Spider
Combine with Ogre or Pit Lord upper body and Felguard Head

Base Model for Belial :
Lich, Shade/Voidwalker, Fire Lord

NOTE : You will need to edit the mesh to make them look similar to the picture...
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Level 7
Feb 16, 2011
Base Model for Azmodan :
If considering 4 legs = Crypt Lord, Crypt Fiend/Nerubian, Makura
If considering 6 - 8 legs = Spider
Combine with Ogre or Pit Lord upper body and Felguard Head

Base Model for Belial :
Lich, Shade/Voidwalker, Fire Lord

NOTE : You will need to edit the mesh to make them look similar to the picture...

Wow, thank you very much for the detailed descriptions. One question, when using say the spider, whats a good program to xfer bones from the upper body of an ogre to the spider model?
Level 19
Nov 11, 2005
I don't know any program that can transfer bones from one model to another...
Usually you have to create a new bone and position them to the model...
This can be done easily with MdlVis, but War3ModelEditor can also create new bones however it will be tricky...

If you don't have MdlVis, you will face the problem of attaching the mesh to the desired bones (unless you have a modeling program similar/greater than MdlVis)...
If it were me, I will create the mesh first, then reskin and finally create & attach the bones to the mesh...

Then comes animating the model... It will be a pain since some animation transferring program cannot copy the movement of certain bones (because of their bone name)...
I overcome this by manually transfer the animation via Notepad (Be warn; the method is very tiresome and sometimes confusing)...
You can try animating the bones from scratch, but I won't recommend if you are still new to animation (I have seen people making animation from scratch and most of those animations are 'odd', only a handful of people did a great job on it)...
Level 7
Feb 16, 2011
I don't know any program that can transfer bones from one model to another...
Usually you have to create a new bone and position them to the model...
This can be done easily with MdlVis, but War3ModelEditor can also create new bones however it will be tricky...

If you don't have MdlVis, you will face the problem of attaching the mesh to the desired bones (unless you have a modeling program similar/greater than MdlVis)...
If it were me, I will create the mesh first, then reskin and finally create & attach the bones to the mesh...

Then comes animating the model... It will be a pain since some animation transferring program cannot copy the movement of certain bones (because of their bone name)...
I overcome this by manually transfer the animation via Notepad (Be warn; the method is very tiresome and sometimes confusing)...
You can try animating the bones from scratch, but I won't recommend if you are still new to animation (I have seen people making animation from scratch and most of those animations are 'odd', only a handful of people did a great job on it)...

Wow well i really appreciate the advice and help. You're right i cant find any programs that xfer bones. But i have figured a way to xfer animations 1 by 1, just have to do some 'tweeks' to fix any issues with the bones being different. Thank you very much for the info. :ogre_haosis:
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