Why is the map author different from your username?
VolcanicMelodies was my global nickname.
Changed as you requested.
Not really that different from
Risk Reforged 2.0f What's so special about your map? Both support 24 players. That one has more options.
World War Risk provides World Map instead of Europe. It has rebels and sphere world modes, commander system, unit upgrade system, flying units, expensive and powerful units. If both we're the same, i would have many players like it has.
Write the game type commands in the description as well. I didn't pay attention and was lost why the game didn't start.
Game type commands and descriptions added to F9
Changed as you requested.
It was my bad. I was realized some icons paths we're ReplacableTextures instead of ReplaceableTextures.
Fixed as you requested.
Hero spell positions in the learn ability menu are different from after learning them.
Fixed as you requested.
Wow. That was a critical bug and it seems no one realized this one yet. Thank you for report
Wow. That was a critical bug and it seems no one realized this one yet. Thank you for report
I don't understand the combination of WWI/II troops with Warcraft or magical medieval stuff.
You are right about that and you can suggest me the World War units with the present ones. I want to make it only WW or Medieval. Or simply i can say "it is alternative future" but i don't want to do this actually. I would be happy if you or someone can find WW units. I was looked and changed many units but still there are few units needs to be changed
It was my bad. I was realized some icons paths we're ReplacableTextures instead of ReplaceableTextures.
Fixed as you requested.
What's the use of Defensive Towers if their range is lower than the attackers?
Defensive towers are providing cover for few rounds against the attackers. There is no "best" thing in WW Risk. Defensive towers only covers defenders territory against attacker and gives the defender to time for build an army against the attacker. By the way we are talking about the towers that we can build right?
Some armour/weapon icons on units look passive, others active. Use the program linked above to make them look like proper attack/armour icons.
It was my bad. I was realized some icons paths we're ReplacableTextures instead of ReplaceableTextures.
Fixed as you requested.
Homing Missile and Upgrade to Rocketeer Veteran have the same icons.
Yes i realized it after released the version. Created new icon for that
Changed as you requested
Imagine moving a technician from Norway to Africa because his tower killed a unit on a control point.
Hmmm you found a bug. I have checked the trigger and it was possible. Prevented units teleports for tower kills.
Thank you for report. Fixed.
It was my bad. I was realized some icons paths we're ReplacableTextures instead of ReplaceableTextures.
Fixed as you requested.
Cobra's Repair has a passive icon. Basically, the ability because it's shared by other units too.
Created new icon for repair, extended description
Changed as you requested
Divine Shield on snipers? Also, Eagle Eye has an active icon and basically looks like the unit's.
Divine Shield ability makes huge difference against enemy sniper. It determines who wins on 1v1 sniper duel. Created new icon for Eagle Eye
Cobras don't take over control points?
Yes. Flying units and navals cannot take control points. By the let me tell you my history about control points
1-) Back in the days there was no kill & teleport system in the map. Basically you need to capture it manually by entering into it and only the infantry units we're able to capture
2-) After few months i have decided to add kill & teleport system
3-) Then people told me mechanical units cannot capture, so i have added functing when you kill the unit within circle, one of your infantry based units within 1200 range, will teleports within the circles
4-) Then i have decided to mechanical units able to capture too. But it would be absurd when enemy tiger tank kills last unit within circle and teleports from 1000 range.
After the each change, my professional friends making jokes like "hey you decided to change your dark souls difficulty into witcher 3 difficulty right?"
Here is the story of my system. If i will enable cobras capturing circles, i need to nerf them and if i nerf them they would be weak. Besides it seems everyone is happy about the new system.
Gattling Gun has an active ability looking icon. Also, that icon has been used for other stuff like upgrades.
Created new icon for Gattling gun
Changed as you requested
Scorpion Armour has no DISBTN. The icon is used on an armour type for some units and the ability triggers the buffs Slow and Roar. I mean, at least change their icon and description.
Scorpion Armour icon is used on an armour type for some units and the ability triggers the buffs Slow and Roar. I mean, at least change their icon and description.
Scorpion Armor icon, buff icon and description extended, incorrect shortcut fixed
Generally, if possibly, units should have better roles and maybe more factions wouldn't hurt. Everybody playing with the same units might be easy balance but it gets boring faster.
Yes. That was i waiting for. I am the person who likes the major changes. I can say this honestly, i can call my map at "casual" map. Because sadly most of the players are lazy and don't want to see complicated maps. My heart goes with major changes, more units, selectable countries with their own bonuses BUT my brain tells me "you need to get players first" and i am not just a warcraft 3 mapper. I am modder on many games and 90% of my games are total overhaul and complicated mods. People are telling me "it is difficult bro"
And after 34 years i have realized, they are right. And i have started to "soften" my map. Still my heart goes for the major changes.
In the other hand, many of the risk players prefers simple gameplay. You are telling me it is similar to Risk Reforged. But Risk Reforged have 100 times more players than mine. If both of them are the same, i would have to at least dozens of players. Actually i can talk much about that part.
By the way i have fixed it on 1.2.4, so you need to wait for 1.2.4 and i will let you know when i released.
And thank you honestly. Thanks to you i have fixed many things in 1 version.