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Risk World War (v1.3.5)

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Reactions: FeelMyRash
World War Risk (v1.3.5)

Release Date: 10/11/2020

--- General ---

Experience gain range increased from 2000 to 3000

--- Units ---

TX-90 repair time increased from 40 to 60
TX-90 armor decreased from 10 to 5
Rocketer hit point decreased from 180 to 135
Rocketer training duration decreased from 4 to 3
Rocketer Veteran hit point decreased from 360 to 270
Cobra fly speed increased from 330 to 380
Scorpion attack damage decreased from 21 to 11
Scorpion armor decreased from 8 to 4
Technician hit point decreased from 200 to 60

--- Fixes and Visual Changes ---

Fixed income issue of Indonesia
Fixed incorrect armor value of Rocketer
Fixed incorrect armor value of Rocketer Veteran
Fixed incorrect armor value of Cobra
Fixed incorrect description of TX-44 movement speed

--- Release notes ---

Cobra helicopter was good but only in mass production. They are dangerous in theory but when it comes to practice, it is extremely difficult to mass production against good player due to their cost. They are fragile against Rocketers and their Homing Missile ability. Their power not changed but their speed increased by 50 and give them to more chance to get close to enemy Rocketers.

Japan have 2 advantages. They have the best anti-armor and anti-infantry units. None of the infantries are no match for the Scorpion even the Rocketers. They we're powerful, durable and can get repaired by technician at no cost. It's armor and attack damage decreased by 50% but still deadly against infantries. Same goes for the TX-90. Even the mass Rocketers barely stops TX-90 and now it's armor decreased by 50%

When it comes to Rocketer and Rocketer Veteran, they are durable against infantries. Yes, they are designed for destroying enemy armor but they were pretty durable against infantries. And technician had the absurd hit point when compared with other infantries.

And this update increased experience gain range. Your commanders should NOT be in the front lines but when we started to war with many units, commanders were staying far behind because of the crowd and barely was getting experince from the front lines. Now their experience range increased by 50%

--- Units ---

Tiger Tank cost 80 > 60
TX-90 upgrade cost 60 > 50

--- Fixes and Visual Changes ---

Fixed incorrect message of Scandinavia bonus
Removed informative messages at the center of the map
Increased Scale Size of the Scorpion

Release notes: Tiger Tank was nerfed few versions ago but after the new faction system, it was not a good choice for the Germany. Because 2 Siege Tanks we're able to destroy 1 Tiger Tank at the same cost.

World War Risk (v1.1.0)

--- General ---

All units descriptions changed and extended
Experience gain range decreased to 2500

--- Units ---

New naval unit: Shark. Well trained sharks effective at destroying enemy ships.
New ground unit: Commando Veteran
New ground unit: Rocketeer Veteran
APC and BTR icons changed
APC and BTR cargo capacity increased from 8 to 10
APC and BTR now can carries only infantry based units
Battleship now 260 minimum attack range
Battleships splash range decreased by 50%
Battleship sail speed increased from 100 to 150
Battleship attack damage decreased from 681 to 350
Cobra hit point reverted back to 250 from 380
Cobra flying speed decreased from 400 to 330
Commando attack damage decreased from 30 to 24
Commando life regeneration decreased from 3 to 2
Guardian attack damage increased from 26 to 80
Guardian life regeneration increased from 3 to 5
Rocketeer splash range increased by 50%
Rocketeer now deal splash damage to air units too
Siege Tank minimum attack range decreased from 450 to 320
Tiger Tank minimum attack range decreased from 450 to 320
TX-44 build time decreased from 7 to 5
Warship now 260 minimum attack range

--- Fixes ---

World War Risk (v1.1.1)

--- General ---

-cam 4400 limit increased to 8000
Added teleporters to top and bottom for -sphere mode

--- Fixes ---

Fixed incorrect description of Soldier

World War Risk (v1.1.2)

--- Fixes ---

Fixed incorrect hit point of rebels and -cam command
Fixed major bug when sometimes game crashes when player leaves

--- General ---

World War Risk (v1.2.2)

--- General ---

All ground units now can capture circles. But they will not be teleported after the kill.
Added "Replace" ability to all units who captures circles. You can swap your defender with any ground unit.
Rocketeer and Rocketeer Veteran now can regenerate 1 hit point per seconds
Sabotage ability removed from commanders

--- Units ---

Siege Tank attack range decreased from 1000 to 900
Tiger Tank attack range decreased from 1300 to 1100
Siege Tank attack damage decreased from 260 to 200
Tiger Tank attack damage decreased from 600 to 400

--- Fixes and Visual Changes ---

[Gameplay] Fixed incorrect location to one of the towers in Australia
[Multiboard] Fixed incorrect values of Commando, Commando Veteran, Rocketeer and Guardian
[Multiboard] Fixed Shark and Rocketeer Veteran values
[Visual - Multiboard] Changed text color of Defensive Commander
[Visual] Fixed incorrect icon of Scorpion Armor
[Visual] Added "Naval" classification on naval units
[Visual] Fixed incorrect text of Greenland
[Text] Fixed incorrect description of Gatling Gun
[Text] Fixed incorrect description of Siege Tank

World War Risk (v1.2.3)

--- Units ---

Warship attack range decreased from 1400 to 1000
Battleship attack range decreased from 1350 to 1000

--- Fixes and Visual Changes ---
[Gameplay] Fixed the repair ability not working on TX-44, TX-90 and Scorpion

World War Risk (v1.2.4)

--- Units ---

Shark swim speed increased from 330 to 350

--- Fixes and Visual Changes ---

[Gameplay] Fixed the repair ability not working on TX-44, TX-90 and Scorpion
[Gameplay] Fixed critical bug about Agility and Intelligence stones
[Gameplay] Units no more teleports when the killer is defensive tower build by technician
[Text] Game type commands and descriptions added to F9 menu
[Visual] Added new icon for Replace ability
[Visual] Fixed icon positions of all spells after you learn
[Visual] Fixed disabled button of APC
[Visual] Fixed disabled button of BTR
[Visual] Added new icon for Rocketeer Veteran
[Visual] Created new icon for Repair
[Visual] Created new icon for Gatling Gun
[Visual] Fixed incorrect description and icon of Scorpion Armor
[Visual] Fixed all known icons passive and turned off icons
[Visual] Fixed incorrect icon of Rush ability

World War Risk (v1.3.0)

--- General ---

New game system: Factions.
There are 4 factions available now.

Each player need to select their faction at the beginning. Factions provides different units to players.

French infantry are the best in the game. They can use specially trained infantries in their armies
Special Units
Commando Veteran (anti-infantry)
Rocketeer Veteran (anti-armor&air)
Sniper (anti-infantry&commander)

Germany has the only flying unit; the Cobra Helicopter. Whilst not necessarily durable, it is very versatile
Special Units
Cobra Helicopter (Anti-infantry)

Japanese generals always know how to counter the enemy. They can use TX-90's and Scorpions to negate enemy armored units and infantry respectively.
Special Units
TX-90 (anti-armor)
Scorpion (anti-infantry)

Russia specialize in powerful tanks, including the best tank in the world. They're expensive and sluggish but deadly.
Special Units
Tiger Tank (advanced strike tank)

World War Risk (v1.3.2)

--- General ---

Added 45 seconds faction selection time. IF you do not pick within 45 seconds will random a faction

--- Units ---
Transport Ship II sailspeed increased from 400 to 520
Frigate sailspeed increased from 160 to 400
Battleship sailspeed increased from 150 to 300
Battleship damage decreased from 350 to 190
Warship sailspeed increased from 100 to 170
Defensive Tower damage decreased from 32 to 30
Soldier hit point increased from 75 to 90

--- Fixes and Visual Changes ---

New model for the Soldier Rifleman Kul-Tiras HD
Fixed a bug about teamcolors now works

Risk World War (v1.3.4)

--- General ---

Placed all units at starting location for new players who wants to see all units

--- Units ---

Rocketeer Veteran model changed
Siege Tank defense 20 > 14

--- Fixes and Visual Changes ---

Fixed graphical issues of Rocketeer Veteran

Capture many barracks as you can.
* Each barracks provides you the +1 income.
* If you capture the region with 5 barracks, you will get 5 income for 5 barracks AND +5 bonus gold.
* If the region have 8 barracks, you will get another +8 as bonus.
* Every turn takes 60 seconds. At the end of each turn, you will get bonus gold as your income.
* For the capture enemy barracks, you need to kill last enemy unit within the circle

Game Modes


-remake If you want to play again, you don't need to leave and host again. Just type -remake for the remake and you can select other game modes but for the remake, all the players must type -defeat or -lose (or already defeated)


-classic Each player have 4 barracks given by random. Rule is simple. Conquer the World!


-capital Capital mode is difficult to play because you're starting with just 1 circle and this circle is your Capital. If you lose it, you lose... Of course you can defeat other players with capturing their capitals
Recommended for 1v1 games but of course you can use it with many players

Capture The Point

-ctp (round count) randomly one circle is selects as main circle. If someone captures this circle and if he can holds until the specified time (-ctp 5 means 5 rounds) this player wins the game
Reminder: Not a popular mod, if you find any bugs about it, let me know.

Optional - Rebels

-rebels Suggested for the players who wants more challenge! I'm inspired this system from the Play Station 1 game Risk: The game of global domiation. Every round, rebels appears randomly 14 circles and captures circle if it's not defended. You can guard your circles with few soldiers, tx-44's or guardian.
Recommended if you think players getting rich quickly

Optional - Sphere:

-sphere If you don't want to play on flat world. Adds teleporters at the edge of the world for the teleport opposite direction.

Click pictures to enlarge

Click pictures to enlarge

Offensive Commander

Defensive Commander

Economist Commander

Click pictures to enlarge

There are 3 Commander types.


Offensive Cmmander is for the aggressive players. He can increase units attack speed, attack damage and movement speed

Defensive Commander for the players who prefers plays defensive. He can increase units defensive abilities

Economist Commander for the players who interest about only money

You can decide which stat you want to increase with your stones. There is one stone at their inventory. If you've clicked, it changes form. You can change it anytime you want.


+60 Life
+3 damage
+1 life regeneration


+1 armor
+10% attack speed
+25 movement speed


+30 mana

APC model by Kofi_Banan M113 Apc
BTR model by Kofi_Banan Btr-80
Shark model by olofmoleman Sharks
Cobra Helicopter model by Illidan(Evil)X Cobra Attack Helicopter
Cobra button by Illidan(Evil)X BTNCobra
Sniper projectile by Talon the Mage Konstrukt_SniperMissile01
Submachinegun projectile by Talon the Mage Konstrukt_SubmachinegunMissile
Rocket projectile by WILL THE ALMIGHTY Rocket
Rocket Launcher attachment by Champara Bros Rocket Launcher
Assault Rifle attachment by Fingolfin Sta-52 Assault Rifle
Commando and Rocketeer Veteran model by Fringolfin Helghast Shock Trooper
Tiger Tank model by Fingolfin TigerTank
Oak tree by Fingolfin Oak (variation 1)
Scorpion model by Gottfrei Lt-1
Barracks model by Mechnaical Man Barracks
TX-90 model by -Grendel WolfsBane
Metal Plating icon by The_Silent BTNMetalPlatingLevel3
Light Armor icon by NFWar BTNLeatherShirt
Siege Tank model by ikillforeyou Goblin super heavy tank "Revilgaz"


World War Risk (v1.3.5) (Map)

Why is the map author different from your username? Not really that different from Risk Reforged 2.0f What's so special about your map? Both support 24 players. That one has more options. Awaiting Update. If you want more reviews, you should...
Required changes made, approved.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Credits must be given (in a list preferably) to the authors of the resources you've used including stuff outside this site, music, sounds etc.
This can help you for the things taken from the site: Resources in Use by World War Risk (v1.1.2) | HIVE

Please read the site rules.

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N
BB Codes | HIVE

Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Daffa the Mage
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
Credits must be given (in a list preferably) to the authors of the resources you've used including stuff outside this site, music, sounds etc.
This can help you for the things taken from the site: Resources in Use by World War Risk (v1.1.2) | HIVE

Edit: Sorry i was typing on phone i wasn't realized :D Hello. I was using this before in my previous map but after this resources used function, i was started to think no more requires because people was able to see resources in the link. But i have updated it.
Last edited:


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Why is the map author different from your username?

  1. Write the game type commands in the description as well. I didn't pay attention and was lost why the game didn't start.
  2. Replace has no DISBTN which makes it look like a green square on F10/game pause. You can make one and you can also make it look active since it's not a passive ability: Button Manager v1.8.2 Some knowledge about icons:
    Complete Icon Tutorial - All About Icons
    How to Make an Icon
  3. Hero spell positions in the learn ability menu are different from after learning them.
  4. The hero stones permanently give +1 to respective attributes when clicked except for Strength. It always happens.
  5. I don't understand the combination of WWI/II troops with Warcraft or magical medieval stuff.
  6. APC has no DISBTN.
  7. What's the use of Defensive Towers if their range is lower than the attackers?
  8. Some armour/weapon icons on units look passive, others active. Use the program linked above to make them look like proper attack/armour icons.
  9. Homing Missile and Upgrade to Rocketeer Veteran have the same icons.
  10. Imagine moving a technician from Norway to Africa because his tower killed a unit on a control point.
  11. BTR has no DISBTN.
  12. Cobra's Repair has a passive icon. Basically, the ability because it's shared by other units too.
  13. Divine Shield on snipers? Also, Eagle Eye has an active icon and basically looks like the unit's.
  14. Cobras don't take over control points?
  15. Gattling Gun has an active ability looking icon. Also, that icon has been used for other stuff like upgrades.
  16. Scorpion Armour has no DISBTN. The icon is used on an armour type for some units and the ability triggers the buffs Slow and Roar. I mean, at least change their icon and description.
  17. Generally, if possibly, units should have better roles and maybe more factions wouldn't hurt. Everybody playing with the same units might be easy balance but it gets boring faster.

Not really that different from Risk Reforged 2.0f What's so special about your map? Both support 24 players. That one has more options.

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N
BB Codes | HIVE

Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Daffa the Mage

(previous comments: World War Risk (v1.2.4))
Last edited:
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
Why is the map author different from your username?
VolcanicMelodies was my global nickname.
Changed as you requested.

Not really that different from Risk Reforged 2.0f What's so special about your map? Both support 24 players. That one has more options.

World War Risk provides World Map instead of Europe. It has rebels and sphere world modes, commander system, unit upgrade system, flying units, expensive and powerful units. If both we're the same, i would have many players like it has.

Write the game type commands in the description as well. I didn't pay attention and was lost why the game didn't start.
Game type commands and descriptions added to F9
Changed as you requested.

Replace has no DISBTN
It was my bad. I was realized some icons paths we're ReplacableTextures instead of ReplaceableTextures.
Fixed as you requested.

Hero spell positions in the learn ability menu are different from after learning them.
Fixed as you requested.

Wow. That was a critical bug and it seems no one realized this one yet. Thank you for report
Wow. That was a critical bug and it seems no one realized this one yet. Thank you for report

I don't understand the combination of WWI/II troops with Warcraft or magical medieval stuff.
You are right about that and you can suggest me the World War units with the present ones. I want to make it only WW or Medieval. Or simply i can say "it is alternative future" but i don't want to do this actually. I would be happy if you or someone can find WW units. I was looked and changed many units but still there are few units needs to be changed

APC has no DISBTN.
It was my bad. I was realized some icons paths we're ReplacableTextures instead of ReplaceableTextures.
Fixed as you requested.

What's the use of Defensive Towers if their range is lower than the attackers?
Defensive towers are providing cover for few rounds against the attackers. There is no "best" thing in WW Risk. Defensive towers only covers defenders territory against attacker and gives the defender to time for build an army against the attacker. By the way we are talking about the towers that we can build right?

Some armour/weapon icons on units look passive, others active. Use the program linked above to make them look like proper attack/armour icons.
It was my bad. I was realized some icons paths we're ReplacableTextures instead of ReplaceableTextures.
Fixed as you requested.

Homing Missile and Upgrade to Rocketeer Veteran have the same icons.
Yes i realized it after released the version. Created new icon for that
Changed as you requested
Imagine moving a technician from Norway to Africa because his tower killed a unit on a control point.
Hmmm you found a bug. I have checked the trigger and it was possible. Prevented units teleports for tower kills.
Thank you for report. Fixed.
BTR has no DISBTN.
It was my bad. I was realized some icons paths we're ReplacableTextures instead of ReplaceableTextures.
Fixed as you requested.

Cobra's Repair has a passive icon. Basically, the ability because it's shared by other units too.
Created new icon for repair, extended description
Changed as you requested
Divine Shield on snipers? Also, Eagle Eye has an active icon and basically looks like the unit's.
Divine Shield ability makes huge difference against enemy sniper. It determines who wins on 1v1 sniper duel. Created new icon for Eagle Eye

Cobras don't take over control points?
Yes. Flying units and navals cannot take control points. By the let me tell you my history about control points
1-) Back in the days there was no kill & teleport system in the map. Basically you need to capture it manually by entering into it and only the infantry units we're able to capture
2-) After few months i have decided to add kill & teleport system
3-) Then people told me mechanical units cannot capture, so i have added functing when you kill the unit within circle, one of your infantry based units within 1200 range, will teleports within the circles
4-) Then i have decided to mechanical units able to capture too. But it would be absurd when enemy tiger tank kills last unit within circle and teleports from 1000 range.
After the each change, my professional friends making jokes like "hey you decided to change your dark souls difficulty into witcher 3 difficulty right?"
Here is the story of my system. If i will enable cobras capturing circles, i need to nerf them and if i nerf them they would be weak. Besides it seems everyone is happy about the new system.

Gattling Gun has an active ability looking icon. Also, that icon has been used for other stuff like upgrades.
Created new icon for Gattling gun
Changed as you requested
Scorpion Armour has no DISBTN. The icon is used on an armour type for some units and the ability triggers the buffs Slow and Roar. I mean, at least change their icon and description.

Scorpion Armour icon is used on an armour type for some units and the ability triggers the buffs Slow and Roar. I mean, at least change their icon and description.
Scorpion Armor icon, buff icon and description extended, incorrect shortcut fixed

Generally, if possibly, units should have better roles and maybe more factions wouldn't hurt. Everybody playing with the same units might be easy balance but it gets boring faster.

Yes. That was i waiting for. I am the person who likes the major changes. I can say this honestly, i can call my map at "casual" map. Because sadly most of the players are lazy and don't want to see complicated maps. My heart goes with major changes, more units, selectable countries with their own bonuses BUT my brain tells me "you need to get players first" and i am not just a warcraft 3 mapper. I am modder on many games and 90% of my games are total overhaul and complicated mods. People are telling me "it is difficult bro"
And after 34 years i have realized, they are right. And i have started to "soften" my map. Still my heart goes for the major changes.
In the other hand, many of the risk players prefers simple gameplay. You are telling me it is similar to Risk Reforged. But Risk Reforged have 100 times more players than mine. If both of them are the same, i would have to at least dozens of players. Actually i can talk much about that part.

By the way i have fixed it on 1.2.4, so you need to wait for 1.2.4 and i will let you know when i released.

And thank you honestly. Thanks to you i have fixed many things in 1 version.
Last edited:


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
VolcanicMelodies was my global nickname.
Changed as you requested.
You can write an AKA if you want to keep it. The idea is to make the fact known.
World War Risk provides World Map instead of Europe.
I understand that but the gameplay is not much different. Also, there's already some map like yours: Risk Next Gen 3.2i Team
. I was looked and changed many units but still there are few units needs to be changed
HerrDave has a lot of models for that, SonsOfSami has too, just search the Models section: Models | HIVE
By the way we are talking about the towers that we can build right?
Obviously not, those have at least 1000 range while the ones near buildings/control points have a much lower range or at least lower than needed to actually defend against ranged unit which are like 99% in this map.
In the other hand, many of the risk players prefers simple gameplay. You are telling me it is similar to Risk Reforged. But Risk Reforged have 100 times more players than mine. If both of them are the same, i would have to at least dozens of players. Actually i can talk much about that part.
If people like McDonalds, that doesn't mean the FDA has to approve it as healthy.
Maybe, people are just more used to that risk map version than this.

So, I'd really like to see more improvements as the game is pretty much nothing new from the many risk maps we've got here already.
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
So, I'd really like to see more improvements as the game is pretty much nothing new from the many risk maps we've got here already.

My abandoned project was approved even with its flaws. But new one (extended map, more balanced, new game modes, more new player friendly) not approving. My players and our community (risk players) prefers simple gameplay. Besides my map is already complicated and hard to play when i compare with other risk maps and if i improve it as i wish, i will probably lose half of my players. After 34 years finally i have understand one thing. Since today, many of my maps wasn't popuılar and everyone told me "your maps complicated,hard to play, not everyone is professional, you should't make it difficult" and after these years i don't want to make it like i wish. My heart says improve it but this time i will gonna listen to my brain. So, i cannot provide the map as you liked. This time i will listen to my players. Not even myself.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
My abandoned project was approved even with its flaws
As mentioned already
If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Daffa the Mage

It's not like the map would be removed, just not in the Approved category but in the Substandard one. It will still be downloaded and found via search.
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
As mentioned already

It's not like the map would be removed, just not in the Approved category but in the Substandard one. It will still be downloaded and found via search.

Yes i know other ones available too. I just wanted to end our conversation before i talk with someone because i don't find this ethic. Still you have my thanks because of you i have seen my errors and fixed it.
Level 6
Sep 18, 2017
My heart goes with major changes, more units, selectable countries with their own bonuses BUT my brain tells me "you need to get players first" and i am not just a warcraft 3 mapper. I am modder on many games and 90% of my games are total overhaul and complicated mods. People are telling me "it is difficult bro"
And after 34 years i have realized, they are right. And i have started to "soften" my map. Still my heart goes for the major changes.
In the other hand, many of the risk players prefers simple gameplay.

Ignore your brain, pure brain in wc3 is joyless insectoid tryharding -- listen to your HEART, brother. What do you have to lose? Add unique countries, more leaders, factions paths, whatever EXCITES you. Wc3 maps are about the joy of creation, and the ability to freely host that creation with anyone. If it's a map you enjoy playing and thinking about, others will enjoy it too.
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
Ignore your brain, pure brain in wc3 is joyless insectoid tryharding -- listen to your HEART, brother. What do you have to lose? Add unique countries, more leaders, factions paths, whatever EXCITES you. Wc3 maps are about the joy of creation, and the ability to freely host that creation with anyone. If it's a map you enjoy playing and thinking about, others will enjoy it too.

If i we're 24 years old instead of 34, i would try that. But after my major changes, even the professional players tells me it's difficult. And back in the days, only the players who talented we're able to play my maps. And it is the "first" time i am following my brain. After this years, only the 1 time i want to see one of my maps playing by more than 15, 20 people. I just need to help about marketing side.
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
This vanity doesn't even bring money.

I am saying "I have developed many maps and mods for other games and i have never get players more than 10-15" and you think it is vanity?
I am honestly saying how many times i have failed and you think it is Vanity?
I am telling "no more i will follow my heart, i will listen and obey my players, this is why i am trying to keep my map simple" and you think it is vanity?
You are so weird or probably i have misunderstanding because of my english grammar.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
You are so weird or probably i have misunderstanding because of my english grammar.
Wanting player numbers instead of evolving creatively, if it's not vanity, call it attention desire, if that is less odd.
It's OK to want whatever but that doesn't make your map better or adequate for approval from my point of view.
So, yet again, if you're not willing to improve the map because, quoting, now you're using your brain and not following your heart anymore, then you should find another reviewer with a softer heart.
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
Wanting player numbers instead of evolving creatively, if it's not vanity, call it attention desire, if that is less odd.
It's OK to want whatever but that doesn't make your map better or adequate for approval from my point of view.
So, yet again, if you're not willing to improve the map because, quoting, now you're using your brain and not following your heart anymore, then you should find another reviewer with a softer heart.

1-) Ok fair enough. We can call it as "attention desire" because since my career starts, many players we're complained "bro enough! keep it simple" and they we're right. They we're loving my maps and mods but they we're couldn't find players for the play. And after 34 years my priority changed the first time. I have learned Risk maps and no more i force people to my personal, advanced tastes.

2-) Its obvious you don't have a knowledge about Risk maps. Otherwise you wouldn't say "it is same like reforged". It is the "FIRST" time in my life i am trying to keep simple one of my maps/mods and majority of Risk players preferes to simple gameplay. Besides i was already implemented advanced things like heroes and powerful units (people don't like heroes in risk maps, they are not playing for it) and still i want to make it advanced but not this time

3-) You are simply asking to don't listen the majority of the players just listen to me and yourself and make your map differenent. It is like the person tells someone "BRO FOLLOW YOUR HEART DONT THINK MUCH! FOLLOW YOUR IDEALS" but this guy have a no idea what kind of life they has. Ok example is not the good one but i hope you understand what i try to say. Suggesting and telling someone what he must do are totally different things. I cannot ignore majority of players. I am trying to find a compromise.

4-) It is not about reviewer with "softer heart" for an example it would be absurd if i review tower defence maps. Because i have played few of them few times. At this point, you are forcing people for your personal choices "even myself not doing that no more" because it is NOT the risk players wanted. They are already complaining about my map because of "new, different things" but tells me it's ok. What would you do if you we're in my situation?

5-) Ok let us make something clear. What is the "improvement" you meant? I know i can find another reviewers but it is not the point. I just want to hear improvement from you. Maybe i will find it nice idea after i hear? Because reviewer or not, you are just a human who played my map and maybe you can suggest good idea? Please give me the example about "improvement"
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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Its obvious you don't have a knowledge about Risk maps.
My brother owns a board Risk game. I know pretty much enough but am no expert. Also, that's besides the point. Objectively, most risk maps are copies of each other and I've been lots since I was made a reviewer and there are those which obviously went beyond the monotony of the board game.
You are simply asking to don't listen the majority of the players just listen to me and yourself and make your map differenent.
I'm asking you to improve the map because it's quite simple compared to other risk maps. Who said anything about not thinking? As I've already mentioned, your marketing wise thinking values little when you don't earn any real credits but popularity. But if that's what you want, then, again, it won't make your map good just because.
At this point, you are forcing people for your personal choices "even myself not doing that no more" because it is NOT the risk players wanted.
I'm not forcing you to do anything. You can ask my colleagues to review instead. I simply won't approve every map out there because people like them when they objectively are too similar to other maps or are in need of improvements.
5-) Ok let us make something clear. What is the "improvement" you meant?
Either differentiate units more and heroes or even better add more factions since everyone plays the same thing over and over. Even a game like Warcraft: Orcs & Humans has at least two factions albeit partially mirrored.
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
Ok then thank you for your patience and proper discussion. Let me answer the final part.

Either differentiate units more and heroes or even better add more factions since everyone plays the same thing over and over. Even a game like Warcraft: Orcs & Humans has at least two factions albeit partially mirrored.
I am capable of that and i was told you "i want to do that" and both of are thinking the same. But no more i don't want to take a risk. Imagine you have a group of 10+ people and still 7 of them haven't learned which units counters which ones. Damn. It was the first time i was trying to something simple but as i can see, universe telling me to do everything with my own way. But you are missing a point, original warcraft 3 units are the same too but people love it and we can see professional 1v1 games. It is about the "how you can control the units". I need to think about that.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Imagine you have a group of 10+ people and still 7 of them haven't learned which units counters which ones.
I mean, you make the factions similarly. Everybody's got a sniper unit of sorts, a unit carrier etc. and only for instance make each faction have an unique unit which is not similar to any other in the game.
original warcraft 3 units are the same too
No they are not? There are similarities which is normal but they are not exactly the same like say the grunt and footman of Warcraft II.
Can you checkup the BTR model? In my run it shows nothing except shadow trail, and not selectable without group control.

Anyway, I tried this and the other risk (one by Saran) and true, it does feel similar to a sense (gameplay mechanic on the map control is what I felt being SO SIMILAR). I think this is something that risk maps shared for the most part, map control. I do get the difference, terrain and gameplay-wise. Now, when I looked into RF log I noticed it is quite similar to WWR and this puts me into thinking if this map truly means an update to the old map.

In regards to the map, I would like to confirm the BTR issue and an explanation of the reboot of the project (is it majorly different from the old entry?). The amount of difference from Saran's Risk Reforged is decent enough from what I discern, though it might felt subtle for some players, especially upgrades mechanic.

AWAITING UPDATE in regards to the BTR model issue and reboot details (the difference between this and Risk Forever).

Something that one might put into the mind is to have mirroring units that technically 'statistically different' despite having the exact same ratio value might be an option to deal with the monotone choice of troops. Or the very least is having exact stat but with different aesthetics.

I haven't played this online, but that would be something interesting to look for as well.
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
Can you checkup the BTR model? In my run it shows nothing except shadow trail, and not selectable without group control.

Anyway, I tried this and the other risk (one by Saran) and true, it does feel similar to a sense (gameplay mechanic on the map control is what I felt being SO SIMILAR). I think this is something that risk maps shared for the most part, map control. I do get the difference, terrain and gameplay-wise. Now, when I looked into RF log I noticed it is quite similar to WWR and this puts me into thinking if this map truly means an update to the old map.

In regards to the map, I would like to confirm the BTR issue and an explanation of the reboot of the project (is it majorly different from the old entry?). The amount of difference from Saran's Risk Reforged is decent enough from what I discern, though it might felt subtle for some players, especially upgrades mechanic.

AWAITING UPDATE in regards to the BTR model issue and reboot details (the difference between this and Risk Forever).

Something that one might put into the mind is to have mirroring units that technically 'statistically different' despite having the exact same ratio value might be an option to deal with the monotone choice of troops. Or the very least is having exact stat but with different aesthetics.

I haven't played this online, but that would be something interesting to look for as well.

First of all thank you for your review. Probably you have noticed many grammar, icon, button fixes, new and unique icons (thanks to the deepstrasz) and it seems i have missed 2 or 3 things during the process and because of no feedback i haven't noticed (i am working on my 3 other maps in these 2 months)

About my old map (RF) i was changed the entire map design. If you download and see the horrible europe design, you will understand the difference. Plus, i was spent the only the world map design to 20 days.

People already complaining like this "it is more of like RTS game instead of Risk" and about the part of different gameplay, i was already told deepstrasz and already told all of you are right. It was my first time to try to keep simple one of my gaming modes. Because risk players prefers simple and plain gameplay. Otherwise of course i can create unique systems and honestly, i am planning to make these changes. But in the other hand, many risk players already find this map complex and hard to play because of the micro management. I really don't know what should i do. Anyway, tomorrow i will check everything one by one, fix the all models and think about the aesthetics you told me. Thank you again.
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Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
Ok. I have fixed everything and decided to follow my ideas again. Created faction system. At the start, players will select one of the 4 factions. Each factions have different special units. Started with 4 factions, maybe i will increase number. I will test the new system and update the map.
Level 6
Jan 20, 2016
Deserves approval.

I'm quite amazed that people are able to see similarities between two such different maps as Risk Reforged and World War Risk. From my gameplay experience it mainly shares the standard risk mechanics.
Non-risk players might perceive them similar, that's true. But almost every mechanic has some differences. Such as training time of units, really important in risk maps.
Not to mention completely different units and the upgrade mechanic.

Screenshots would be cool to include in the first post.
Level 18
Jun 2, 2009
Version 1.3.0 ready with major change

World War Risk (v1.3.0)

--- General ---

New game system: Factions.
There are 4 factions available now.

Each player need to select their faction at the beginning. Factions provides different units to players.

French infantry are the best in the game. They can use specially trained infantries in their armies
Special Units
Commando Veteran (anti-infantry)
Rocketeer Veteran (anti-armor&air)
Sniper (anti-infantry&commander)

Germany has the only flying unit; the Cobra Helicopter. Whilst not necessarily durable, it is very versatile
Special Units
Cobra Helicopter (Anti-infantry)

Japanese generals always know how to counter the enemy. They can use TX-90's and Scorpions to negate enemy armored units and infantry respectively.
Special Units
TX-90 (anti-armor)
Scorpion (anti-infantry)

Russia specialize in powerful tanks, including the best tank in the world. They're expensive and sluggish but deadly.
Special Units
Tiger Tank (advanced strike tank)