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Rafia: Bladesurge - Teaser/Progress Thread

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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Alright people, this is the teaser/progress thread for the next Rafia RP which i do NOT plan to close down until NOONE wants to play it anymore.
Here i will post teasers and/or any progress i make, even though the main thing i am working on (the charecter system which is currently dubbed 'Lorepainter') will not be posted in any form or way until it's nearly finished.

First up, i have a map of Rafia.
This is the first time EVER i show anyone how Rafia actually looks, but i feel that you guys need a solid shape to relate to.

Next up is some juicy rules.

The Rafia RP system uses dice rolls to determine the magniture of an action like so many other RP systems.
The system is though slightly diffirent from what you may have seen other places.
Here you can read how it all works.

In Rafia a basic Dice Roll looks like this:
[Roll Title]: Roll ([Amount of Dice and Bonuses]): [Base Result] ([Result with added Bonuses])
In praxis, that may look like this:
Melee Attack: Roll (1d6 +7 from Strength): 4. (11)

A dice roll is required whenever your actions are 'out of the ordinary'.
For example, jumping over a cliff or climbing a wall.
Your actions also require a roll when they affect other players' charecters or NPCs in a hostile way or in any other way they would not like you to.
Ofcourse, ordinary actions like talking does NOT require rolls.
Positive actions towards other players' charecters, like casting a healing spell or guarding them with your shield, still requires a roll as such actions count as inordinary.
A dice roll is ofcourse also required whenever the DM says so.

When performing an action that requires a dice roll you should never fully post the action, but only the beginning of it.
For example, you should NEVER post
"My charecter runs toward the enemy, swinging his sword at him and cutting off the enemy's head."
What you SHOULD post is more like this:
"My charecter runs toward the enemy, swining his sword at him..."
Once that is posted, you should wait for a dice roll to be made and for the DM to finish your action.

When rolling dice there is a pretty big chance that you will sooner or later get some neat bonuses.
These bonuses can be caused by anything from your charecter's stats to the current combat situation.
Bonuses from stats only apply if the action you are performing is related to a stat (which most actions will be).
Each stat is related to a specefic kind of actions. For example strength is related to melee attacks and physical defense.
You always get half (rounded down) of your related stat in bonus to rolls.
Some rolls have two or more related stats. For example Dexterity is ALSO related to physical defense.
Such rolls automatically uses your highest stat.

In the Lorepainter system, there are NO CLASSES.
Instead your charecter's role is defined by what feats you take, and there will be MANY feats available which you can choose from whenever you level up (The Level System will be explained in a future update).
Feat-Types that will have great impact on your charecter's role are:

-Fighting Styles
Feats that determine which stats that give bonuses to melee and ranged attacks, or simply gives you bonuses to certain attacks or actions.
Even though they are passive abilities only one fighting style can be active at a time.
-Casting Specialisation
Casting and casting specialisations will be explained further down in this post.
Oaths are very special feats that your charecter can take.
Oaths can give your charecter great power or incredible skills, but they also put some very restrictive limits on what your charecter can do.
For example an Oath sworn to a God grants you great power in this Diety's domain, but if you do something against this god's will or denies a task given by the god you will recieve great penalties.
The penalties for breaking an oath varies depending on the power it grants.

Apart from these three major feat types there are also many minor feats that add to your charecter's uniqueness and allows you to specialise even further.
This includes a very special crafting system which i am personally very fond of, but it will be explained in a future update.

In the Lorepainter system ANYONE can cast magic.
You might though be more or less successfull depending on how many points you put into your Will stat.
BUT, you can also choose to specialise your casting by taking a stat in one of the three Casting Specialisations.
The three specialisations are Wizardry (or Rune-Mastery), Channeling and Fury.

The Wizardry feats grants acces to Runes.
Runes are incredibly powerfull spells that even at a low mastery level can cause great devastation or other effects.
But, once used they have to be restored. Restoring a rune either takes a great deal of Ingame time or a Runic altar.
And Runes are not something that you just go around throwing at every rat you see.
For instance even a Master Wizard only has 10 Rune Slots.
He might KNOW a hundred diffirent runes, many of which he has invented himself, but he can only prepare ten of them.
The first level of Wizardry gives three runes slots and allows you to learn ten runes.

Channelling is a much more casual form of magic.
Unlike wizardry, channelling allows you to tap into an unending stream of magic.
But keep in mind that channelling is not nearly as strong as wizardry, takes longer to master AND is VERY specialised.
For instance there are several types of Channelling, ranging from Elemental Channelling to Psychic Channelling.
And unlike the wizardry feat which is just one feat that has to be upgraded so and so many times you have to upgrade each type of channelling seperately.
Channelling is though a much more flexible playing style in combat.
Whenever you make a successfull magic-related roll you active all channelling feats that you have, allowing you to channel magic without further rolls.

The Fury Casting-Style allows you to every once in a while unleash incredible amounts of magical energy upon the world.
During battle your charecter's fury will slowly build up, allowing you to tap into it and cast great magic.
If you have no fury then the you have no bonuses at all from the Fury-Specialisation.
There are though very little limitation on how high your fury level can get, so saving up for long enough can very easily pay off.
There are also things that can both decrease and increase your fury while outside combat.
For example, sleeping completely depletes your fury, while having a loud argument with someone very quickly can get your fury level up high.

For anyone interested, here's lore and foreshadowing teasers:

I have been cursed with a blessing, greater than all wealth,
I have been relived of a welcome burden.
Know that I were once a bringer, of light and good health.
But the old harbinger is nowhere to be found.

Now i am a titan, a slayer of many.
A warrior of the gods, a bringer of doom.
But amidst my newfound glory, i look back at my old life.
I see what i left behind: Both love and strife.

I venture back as a shadow, now and then,
But i find no comfort, in my old den.
Know that i will one day return,
And rebuild my kingdom, as old lamps start to burn.

Who am i then, and why am i here?
The better question is who i was, and why i went there.
But listen up, and press your ear against the frozen ground,
For i am the Knight of the Wintersound.

-Written in The Book of Untold Lies, on The Obelisk of Blood and on a statue of a faceless elf at the foot of The Black Tower.

...and that's all for now.
More will come later, and i will try to update this with artwork and gameplay info every second day, even though i'm pretty sure i wont be able to do so. :p

Thank you for your patience everyone!
(If you do not know of the previous Rafia RPs, check the now-abandoned threads out.)
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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
The map's epic, not how I imagined it, better!
Scared about this char system... I'll attempt to play either way but if I feel like I'm creating a MMORPG character I might cry :D

Nah... I have faith you in D, bring us a forum rp worthy of your reputation.
Oh and this; "i do NOT plan to close down until NOONE" - deserves rep but I can't give it you just yet, remind me to give it you if I forget :p
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
For Rafia: Bladesurge i will also be rewriting the rules for dice rolls and combat, as the old rules were very lacking in some ways.
All they did was pretty much to say "You need to roll a dice when you do things!" and then eventually when you rolled really high or really low good or bad stuff happened.
The new rules i'm writing will put more weight of what you actually need to roll in order to succeed and on what affects your rolls (something that was unclear with the old rules).
I'l post the new rules here over time.

The Rafia RP system uses dice rolls to determine the magniture of an action like so many other RP systems.
The system is though slightly diffirent from what you may have seen other places.
Here you can read how it all works.

In Rafia a basic Dice Roll looks like this:
[Roll Title]: Roll ([Amount of Dice and Bonuses]): [Base Result] ([Result with added Bonuses])
In praxis, that may look like this:
Melee Attack: Roll (1d6 +7 from Strength): 4. (11)

A dice roll is required whenever your actions are 'out of the ordinary'.
For example, jumping over a cliff or climbing a wall.
Your actions also require a roll when they affect other players' charecters or NPCs in a hostile way or in any other way they would not like you to.
Ofcourse, ordinary actions like talking does NOT require rolls.
Positive actions towards other players' charecters, like casting a healing spell or guarding them with your shield, still requires a roll as such actions count as inordinary.
A dice roll is ofcourse also required whenever the DM says so.

When performing an action that requires a dice roll you should never fully post the action, but only the beginning of it.
For example, you should NEVER post
"My charecter runs toward the enemy, swinging his sword at him and cutting off the enemy's head."
What you SHOULD post is more like this:
"My charecter runs toward the enemy, swining his sword at him..."
Once that is posted, you should wait for a dice roll to be made and for the DM to finish your action.

When rolling dice there is a pretty big chance that you will sooner or later get some neat bonuses.
These bonuses can be caused by anything from your charecter's stats to the current combat situation.
Bonuses from stats only apply if the action you are performing is related to a stat (which most actions will be).
Each stat is related to a specefic kind of actions. For example strength is related to melee attacks and physical defense.
You always get half (rounded down) of your related stat in bonus to rolls.
Some rolls have two or more related stats. For example Dexterity is ALSO related to physical defense.
Such rolls automatically uses your highest stat.

Rules coming up next: Magic and Multiple-Dice Rolls.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
IN due time, in due time. ;)
The reason for the lack of updates is that i've been working alot on the charecter system frequently, which i wont post 'till finished.
Also i've got very little time in general. :p

Yes it is.
And i KNOW. I've been thinking the stuff through alot. ;)
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Grah. I still havent gotten around to preparing some more bits of info for you guys, so here's some nice plot foreshadowing:

I have been cursed with a blessing, greater than all wealth,
I have been relived of a welcome burden.
Know that I were once a bringer, of light and good health.
But the old harbinger is nowhere to be found.

Now i am a titan, a slayer of many.
A warrior of the gods, a bringer of doom.
But amidst my newfound glory, i look back at my old life.
I see what i left behind: Both love and strife.

I venture back as a shadow, now and then,
But i find no comfort, in my old den.
Know that i will one day return,
And rebuild my kingdom, as old lamps start to burn.

Who am i then, and why am i here?
The better question is who i was, and why i went there.
But listen up, and press your ear against the frozen ground,
For i am the Knight of the Wintersound.

-Written in The Book of Untold Lies, on The Obelisk of Blood and on a statue of a faceless elf at the foot of The Black Tower.
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Yeah. It is.
You will hear the full story in time, but only if you play well in Bladesurge.

If any of you guys figure out what the small bit of text is talking about BEFORE the start of Bladesurge, imma gonna hand out some serious respect to that person.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
that means it should be stated in one of your previous RP's OR in a story you wrote and posted, hmmm... lets think.
Level 4
Jan 28, 2011
Name: Ohforf'sake
Gender: Male
Race: Sky Elf
Class: Mage
Stats: +5 will, +2 cunning +3 dexterity
Specialization: He normally use his environment as a shield and fire behind the objects. He want to have very good attacks and he is adept at hiding.
Soulblade: It is a short teak stick that have two ruby focus with a steel focus guard each end that is actually blades to cut stuff. The 2 blades are affected by will, not strength.
Biography/Description: He have just entered Rafia and settled at the Elven District.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Alright people, it's time that i post some more rule teasers.
At the moment i'm going to explain two very essential areas in my new system
(which i've so far dubbed 'Lorepainter'): Casting and Charecter Specialisation.

In the Lorepainter system, there are NO CLASSES.
Instead your charecter's role is defined by what feats you take, and there will be MANY feats available which you can choose from whenever you level up (The Level System will be explained in a future update).
Feat-Types that will have great impact on your charecter's role are:

-Fighting Styles
Feats that determine which stats that give bonuses to melee and ranged attacks, or simply gives you bonuses to certain attacks or actions.
Even though they are passive abilities only one fighting style can be active at a time.
-Casting Specialisation
Casting and casting specialisations will be explained further down in this post.
Oaths are very special feats that your charecter can take.
Oaths can give your charecter great power or incredible skills, but they also put some very restrictive limits on what your charecter can do.
For example an Oath sworn to a God grants you great power in this Diety's domain, but if you do something against this god's will or denies a task given by the god you will recieve great penalties.
The penalties for breaking an oath varies depending on the power it grants.

Apart from these three major feat types there are also many minor feats that add to your charecter's uniqueness and allows you to specialise even further.
This includes a very special crafting system which i am personally very fond of, but it will be explained in a future update.

In previous RP's people have asked things such as 'when can i cast spells?', 'Do i have to learn spells to cast them?' and 'What are the requirements for casting spells?'.
So, i thought that with the Lorepainter system i will deal with this subject with a set of rules that specifies exactly how casting works.

In the Lorepainter system ANYONE can cast magic.
You might though be more or less successfull depending on how many points you put into your Will stat.
BUT, you can also choose to specialise your casting by taking a stat in one of the three Casting Specialisations.
The three specialisations are Wizardry (or Rune-Mastery), Channeling and Fury.

The Wizardry feats grants acces to Runes.
Runes are incredibly powerfull spells that even at a low mastery level can cause great devastation or other effects.
But, once used they have to be restored. Restoring a rune either takes a great deal of Ingame time or a Runic altar.
And Runes are not something that you just go around throwing at every rat you see.
For instance even a Master Wizard only has 10 Rune Slots.
He might KNOW a hundred diffirent runes, many of which he has invented himself, but he can only prepare ten of them.
The first level of Wizardry gives three runes slots and allows you to learn ten runes.

Channelling is a much more casual form of magic.
Unlike wizardry, channelling allows you to tap into an unending stream of magic.
But keep in mind that channelling is not nearly as strong as wizardry, takes longer to master AND is VERY specialised.
For instance there are several types of Channelling, ranging from Elemental Channelling to Psychic Channelling.
And unlike the wizardry feat which is just one feat that has to be upgraded so and so many times you have to upgrade each type of channelling seperately.
Channelling is though a much more flexible playing style in combat.
Whenever you make a successfull magic-related roll you active all channelling feats that you have, allowing you to channel magic without further rolls.

The Fury Casting-Style allows you to every once in a while unleash incredible amounts of magical energy upon the world.
During battle your charecter's fury will slowly build up, allowing you to tap into it and cast great magic.
If you have no fury then the you have no bonuses at all from the Fury-Specialisation.
There are though very little limitation on how high your fury level can get, so saving up for long enough can very easily pay off.
There are also things that can both decrease and increase your fury while outside combat.
For example, sleeping completely depletes your fury, while having a loud argument with someone very quickly can get your fury level up high.

And that's all for now people.
Remember that none of this is certain! ^^
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