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Rafia: Trials of the Sixth Plane [RP Thread]

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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
The Beginning
Welcome to the Five Planes, be you player or observer.
This is the RP thread for Rafia: Trials of the Sixth Plane, and if you are yet not aware what that is then click the nice little link and read the huge amounts of text.

All those that has made a charecter and has discussed a way to get themselves introduced to the game with me, may post here.
Remember to use OOC/IC, and follow the rules.
Thank you.

The Black Tower.
A wonderous work of architechture that has been in existance as long as anyone can remember.
But, there is something slightly diffirent about it this instance.
The numerous people that live and work there are almost silent, and there is no trace of the nine Dragonpriests anywhere in the tower.
None of the tower's protecters appear to be present, not even the infamous Xall Planebreaker or any of the other powerful people that haunt the tower are there today.
For it is, in fact, not the real tower.
This, is the tower's twin, in the sixth plane.
But, amidst the hordes of busy people that live in The Entity's copy of The Black Tower, is a small band of normal persons walking around, blending in with the masses.
Each are they aware of all the others, and all do they know why the others are here, for they are all in the sixth plane for the same purpose.
All, are their current target the same too. For they are all walking towards the elven district, where the power of The Entity is eminating stronger than ever.
Ashen's heavy lids coaxed open under the strain of the light. He Remembered not why he was here, He only remembered walking down a road, then... noise, thundering noise... and... Blackness. He shifted slightly, His leg arching up, and turning onto his back. His eyes fluttered open, the light quickly forced them shut once again. He wondered if he had simply fallen asleep. 'Not likley' a voice in his head told him, he could almost imagine its voice, sniggering. He knew it was right, he did somthing again, he always did. Maybe, just maybe, he was dead. 'That would be too lucky' he thought bitterly. The voice Laughed.

He tried to blink open his eyes, catching glimpses of the landscape. 'No clouds, so... $%%#' he thought desperatly, falling to his back dejectedly. back, looking up above him, his eyes adjusting.

He closed them again. The voice tuttered in his mind. 'Why so sad? Its not like things are any worse!' The boy laughed out loud at this, but quickly silenced himself. 'Then theres no reason to be happy yet is there?' he spat at his demon. Closing his eyes tighter. His whole body ached. He stuggled to a stand, his eyes fluttering again.

He felt... strange...

...Like... there was... somthing... Growing inside of him...

He growled to himself, shaking the feeling off, and took in stock of his surroundings. (DM?)
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Llyw leaned his head on his hand as he sat down for a moment, currently in a tavern. He had a tremendous headache that was spreading throughout his whole body and the pain was barely bearable. He cursed the damn plane and he cursed everything he could think of. Moaning, he raised his head and looked around in the tavern, where the people were simply and silently drinking their beer. Nothing like where he had lived. He stood up and shoved the stool back, turning around and opening the door, leaving the tavern.

As he entered the outside world, he once more looked around and only saw silent people walking around and doing their business. Too silent to be real, in his opinion. Nonetheless, he had absolutely no clear idea what to do. Suddenly, he felt attracted to something and he turned to the direction that had been.. in his opinion, attract him.

''Mhm.. wasn't there the Elven district?'' he softly whispered to himself. He shrugged and walked forward, blending in through the masses. Perhaps he would meet others there too.. which weren't so silent. Even though he normally loved silence, this was just terrifying.. oh well. He quickly felt his sheated blade and then moved on, through the crowd.

While he was walking towards the direction, he suddenly felt the attraction grow stronger and stronger, and with a surprised frown, he thought about all what had happened one more time...

Perhaps, his dream was the most terrifying. Perhaps. Llyw thought back of the dream he had, recently.. ah, he remembered it, as if it was yesterday. In front of him, he saw a huge and terrifying dragon, and behind him there was absolutely nothing. In stead of running, he would walk forward and carefully touch the dragon, which resulted in immense agony. Not such a very good sign to him, but meh...

Time to move on.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Adinhina woke in the rented tavern room, clutching his soulspear. He had slept with it in hand and with a drawer in front of the door to his room, hardly trusting the silent and... well, creepy people that lived in this plane. Even the tavern itself seemed quiet, which was the equivalent of blasphemy to any tavern drunkard in the mortal realm. Gathering his belongings, he restored the furniture to its original state, went downstairs and left the tavern, having paid for his room last night.
He paused for a moment, wondering where to go. He knew that there were other travelers from the mortal realm here, and wondered how he could find them. The thought of the Elven district struck him; why, he couldn't say, but it seemed like a good enough idea. Adinhina set off for the Elven district, pushing his way through the silent masses.

Can we tell other adventurers apart on sight, Dragonson? It seems like that is the case, but I want to be sure; you didn't specify how aware we are of each other.
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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Mex was walking trough the trade district, looking around and trying to remember things from his past as he did so often. trying to collect his thoughts put them on a straight line, but as always to no avail. his memory's were always scrambled, he could remember shards and yet still know nothing more.

as he arrives on a crossword he awakens from his pondering and looks around, he was in a world that looked exactly like the real one and yet was nothing like it. It was to silent, no merchants selling their goods out whit the usual yelling, no children screaming while playing hide and seek, and a strange presence that could always be felt but was very strong right now. The entity's power, it was comming from the Elven district and it was very strong, Stronger than he had ever felt before.

he takes a right turn on the crossroad and keeps walking to the elven district.
Before Ashen could react to what he saw around him, somthing, or to be more accurate, somone, caught his attention.

A small man, rougish, and shifty in appearance was walking hungrily towards him, as if.. as if... he was drawn by somthing.

He tried to catch his eye, the man, somehow, Ashen felt... like he knew him... or.. he needed to.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
OOC: Sorry for not being active guys, i have been very busy.
And sadly, i still am.
But i will have WAY more time online tomorrow. :)

And YES, you can all instantly tell another traveller from the mortal plane apart from the Entity's silent masses.

IC: As each of the travellers begun 'waking up', they all instantly realised each others' pressence, all of them standing out of the silent masses as shining beacons of life and thoughts.
Ashen realised that he was standing outside what looked like the entrance to the Elven District, a place that he had been before.
And he soon realised that there were others like him too.
He recognized them on sight, like a blue blot of ink on a gray paper, apparently all moving towards him, or towards the elven district, and they all saw him too.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Llyw stopped and furrowed his brow as he stared at Ashen.. quickly, his focus shifted to Mex and the Dwarf, and confused he looked at them all, shifting glares and looks. He stepped back, amazed, and closed his eyes before he rubbed them and once more opened them.. Yet, he had to admit that the sight was the same.
''How is this possible?'' he whispered to himself in surprise.. He simply stood there, not knowing what to do. Llyw simply waited for the others to do something.. if they could see him, of course. He would not take the first step.. mhm.. maybe he was mistaken.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
as Mex was walking towards the elven district he became aware of others like him, of the real world. He knew there were others but he never actually saw them. they were different somehow of the rest of the world, they were somehow more "real" he couldn't really describe it. Mex started to think, nobody of them really knew what the entity was, so perhaps it was smarter to go there in a group. he looked around and saw a Dark elf and a small man staring at each other. he walked towards them.
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Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Adinhina was suddenly struck by the sight of three people that stuck out of the surrounding landscape almost painfully. He almost laughed as he realized that these were other thinking creatures, instead of the silent puppets surrounding them. There was some kind of aura surrounding them that spoke of rationality and individuality that the whole place lacked.
A Dark Elf, a normal-looking human, a somewhat monstrous man twice Adinhina's height and Adinhina himself were all converging on the gates to the Elven district. The others were just arriving, as well, so Adinhina figured introductions all around were necessary.
"Hail!" shouted Adinhina, wincing immediately as his voice pierced the unnatural silence. Nearby people looked at him, then turned back to their tasks. Adinhina got closer to the group before speaking again, somewhat more quietly. This place seemed to demand whispering.
"I'm guessing you aren't exactly natives here, are you?" he said to the others.

I think Phoon was referring to me, being a dwarf.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
OOC: Me and TWIF are the ones staring at each other?

He stepped closer and quickly observed the Dwarf before nodding.
''Indeed, my friend.. and who might you be, if I can ask?'' he asked in a whisper to the Dwarf with a mix of curiosity and relief that he finally had found someone like him in this Dragonpriest-forsaken place.. though, he wasn't exactly surprised. Maybe there were more of them in this place, maybe they were shattered across this plane? He didn't know for sure, but meh.. it was not high on his list of priorities right now.. he only hoped that the others could explain more.
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
From the alley's opening, Avi watched those real people. They stood out so clearly from the pleasantly unreal'ish locals.

Earlier this morning, she'd gotten up and put on her usual, brown, masculine clothes with padded shoulders and hood.
After that she sat for awhile in the boring tavern, and stared at her boring breakfast on the table.
She'd felt unusual, weird surges through her willowy body this morning... It was the entity, she knew, and she knew why. Somewhere nearby, around the elven district, it was stronger than usual. '...But heck, what do I care', she'd thought to herself most of the morning.
Alas, she felt it was time to check out this unusual activity, and went lazy out of the tavern door.
'Ahh, might as well save some time and hurry up', she thought to herself. So she hustled on the shortest cut leading through alleys and gardens.

When she finally reached the elven district, she stopped in an alley's opening to catch her breath. From here she spotted them. They stood out from the rest of the citizens. They were pretty real, yes.
There was another human, a man, who simply dressed like a commoner. Though, Avi thought there was something in his eyes...not quite civil. She smiled.
But then there were these others close by... A dwarf, and a dark elf. And who could overlook that big guy?! She chuckled inside.

Avi finally walked forward, slowly, meaning to be seen, looked at them all, smiling, but said nothing... She wouldn't interrupt those who were talking.

OOC: I've been unexpectedly busy today. I'll (hopefully) have more time tomorrow.
"My name is Ashen" The boy spoke up in his small, miserable voice. "Who are all of you?" he asked so innocently, some of them were taken aback by the small child's purity.

"Do any of you know why the people here are so dark? Have any of you got a place to sleep?" he asked, with little emotion asides from a duster of hope, some of them may have felt a smidgen of concern for the boy, his strange power unnoticable, but its effects lightly felt.

He was exhausted, and these strange adults made him even more tired. his head hung, slightly dejected, but he couldent hold back the hope that these people who had come had awnsers.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
I'm Mex, Mex Morkson. It's good to finally see real people in this godforsaken world, it's almost depressing here. anyway, any of you feel the entity's power pulsing strongly nearby? it's stronger than usual, almost frightening.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
''Name's Llywyinon, master Dwarf, but friends call me Llyw.'' he answered before he made a deep and mocking bow. After he was up again, a grin could be seen, making it obvious that it was a joke. ''Anyways, no, I'm not familiar with the origins of Dwarves, so where are you from?''

As Avi walked forward, he quickly shifted his gaze from Adinhina to Avi, quickly taking a look at the girl. Llyw wondered why she didn't say anything and only smiled, but that was probably none of his business. Still..

Once more, he turned his complete focus to the Dwarf, ignoring the kid.. a kid. He didn't quite get it. A child in this Dragonpriest-forsaken plane? Oh, fate could be so cruel and ironic at times. Llyw only wondered if he was supposed to take care of him.. mhm, oh well.

Luckily, his headache stopped pounding like a hundred explosions in his head, yet, he still felt the pain. Mwah, at least it had stopped being so painful.. yet, he never really understood why he had got it.. oh, well.
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
Finally Avi sensed that her smiling perhaps wasn't valued by anyone at this moment.

She walked past Llyw and some of the others, towards Ashen who'd allready introduced himself. That child, he had asked something and none of the others had replied. Avi moved to his side, trying not to frighten him, and in a soft voice said:
'Hi Ashen. I'm Avi.' *she smiled* 'I think that man...' *Avi nods at Mex* 'I think er..M-Max? - or Mex just talked about... You heard he said entity, right? Well, that's what there is about this world.' *She sighed* 'It's a little hard to explain, and even a little hard to understand for me, so why not stick close just for now and we will try to understand as much as we can together, right?'

Avi met whatever gazes would come afterwards.
'Hello, everybody. Really nice to see some real people for a difference. I'm called Avi, by the way. Glad to see so many also, by the way.' She felt a little awkward the way it came out.
She did not display any negative feelings, and in fact she didn't know what to expect. That was essentially what caused her mood to rise at the moment, not knowing entirelly what to expect.
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Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Fractures of dull light pierced the thin veneer of a dusty glass window, shedding light upon an almost desolate room. The room itself was not big enough to house a person for more than a night, and was devoid of appeal. The centerpiece of this void was a circular rug, appropriately colored black and white; with bits of old string protruding from its rough edges. Across from this rug was a bed pressed against a wall. The bed itself was but a shoddy metal frame with a thin mattress upon which was a deflated pillow and foliage of disorderly covers. In the vicinity of shadows, near the bed itself was an antique wardrobe. As one gazed upon the smooth, oak exterior, it could deceive you into thinking a master of woodwork and carpentry created such a beautiful testament to his art. However, as one loomed over its rusty, brazen handles, it was seen to be a fake.

However, there was hope and color for this place. Near a window was a chair, and upon that chair, with the posture of a noblewoman, was a girl. She could not be older than twenty , as the menace of the years was not visible on her Arian face. Her body was draped in a silken azure cloak that cuddled her physique, and her white-blond hair fell down into her cowl, bound by northern metallic bracers. Her gaze was fixated on a select few who, to her, radiated like torches in the foggy darkness of a cool valley morning before the Sun rose high above the peaks. To her, they were like markers on wartime strategy schemes she used to study. She had to investigate, and thus left her room to pursue them.

The woman went out into the hall, down the stairs and into the swarming masses of silent, inaudible people that walked by as if routine. One thing she had noticed is the lack of noise in the tavern, or even the city, and the ashen nature of the Black Tower that had not been present a few days before. Her icy blue eyes gazed out toward the radiant figures that had began to move together. She could not help but wonder that they were, and concluded that had most likely been proven true over the past weeks in Rafia. They were assassins from the north.

She had two options – run or fight. However, not yet. She would observe them for a while. She raised her cowl and strategically repaired it to keep her face in the shadows. She then looked as casual as she could without raising the attention of her potential adversaries.
Ashen merely nodded to alvi. He didnt know what to think of all this strangeness, his demon snickering in the back of his mind. Then he felt somthing, it sent the hairs on the back of his neck up. A... Gaze? He turned around, looking vor the source, and finding it, another one of... Us? He started ealking in its direction, just a small boy.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
''You seem a bit paranoid, Master Dwarf.'' he commented, chuckling. ''Anyways, I must say, it's good to have someone normal in this plane.. because, to be honest, this is just creepy.'' were the words of Llyw, and it could be felt that it was completely meant. ''Anyways, I'm just wondering, how did you get into this mess? I mean, I, myself, honestly can't remember it well, but I'm just wondering about you..'' he finally finished, glaring around if he could spot somebody else. He saw nobody that was really special amongst this crowd, and so he waited for Adinhina to react.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
"Well," Adinhina said, "I came to Rafia after hearing that the whole undead army business had broken out again. Before I could do much, though, the whole mess with the Thing happened. I can't remember much, like yourself, but I know what happened; the Thing was pushed out of our realm and made a new one." He paused a moment, thinking about what happened. "I came to standing in the Merchant District, but it wasn't. I knew that I was in the new realm made by the Thing, and there was the feeling that there were others here, but other than that I didn't know what to do. So I stayed in a tavern for the night and came down here this morning."

By the way, Wolfe, that was the best post I have ever seen made in a roleplay before.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
As Ashen spoke, Avi noticed something moving through the crowds, towards them.
Like the rest of the group, it radiated life and thoughts, something uncommon in The Sixth Plane, but for some reason there was something strange about this particular creature.
She couldn't really see it yet, but she caught small glimpses of it in the crowd.
Whatever it was, it was wearing a green hood, and carrying a finely decorated bow that had possibly cost a few hundred thousand gold pieces.
But, when it was just about to be close enough for her to catch a good glimpse of it, it changed direction and started walking towards the entrance to the Elven District.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
''Sounds familiar.'' he chuckled, responding to the Dwarf. Yes, it was pretty much the same story as his, yet, it was a bit too familiar for him.. He didn't think it was coincidence, but if it was, it was damn strange coincidence. He looked once more around, hoping to see something.. and he did, but he wasn't sure at all. As he closed his eyes and rubbed them, opening them once more, he saw nothing anymore. Whatever it was, it was gone. Sigh..
''Anyways, do you have any idea what we're supposed to do..?"'
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
Avi had turned away and tried to analyze the approaching thing through the corner of her eye. She did not knew why, but she'd have hesitated to welcome it warmly had it come over to the group.
When the person was walking the other way, she turned to the rest, laid a palm at Llyw's shoulder, and said:
"Psst!" She continued in a low voice, she tried to poke in: "Can you see who the boy's staring at?!" directed at Llyw. She nodded in the direction of the thing that carrying a valuable bow.

OOC: (Everyone close can probably here her if not too busy in a sentence, but she's looking at Llyw)
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
''Mhm?'' he asked her, looking to the direction of the green-hooded man. He frowned, and wondered why he was walking away. ''What boy?-- Agh.. nevermind.'' he reacted, irritated. ''Wait for me here, or if you must, you can already go.'' was the final sentence of Llyw before he silently followed the man through the crowds, hoping to catch up with him and see who and what he or she was, and why he or she would walk away of them, seeing as he or she seemed to be the same kind of person in this plane. Ah, perhaps, his time of sneaking around and often being unnoticed had served some purpose..
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
Aviley looked quite surprised, turning her head to Adhina with an apologetic look before, like some pet, going with Llyw immediately. Then after a few steps, she separated from Llyw, trying not to look too sneaky, blend in with the crowd, and generally keep to the other side of the street from where he was. She'd try to casually close in on the thing.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Just as Llyw went to pursuse the hooded person he allmost instantaneously lost sight of it, and a split second later an arrow came whistling through the air.
DM: Dodge: Roll (1d6 +2 for Dex): 5. (7)
Llyw manages to dodge it, and it disappears the moment all chances of hitting it's target are gone.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
''What the..'' he whispered to himself as he suddenly saw an arrow flying past him in incredible speed. For a moment he simply stood there, bleak and shocked by the arrow and by the fact that he or she had tried to kill him. However, as soon as he recovered, he started sprinting imto the crowd, still determined to catch the archer that had tried to kill him. He or she would answer for her or his deeds, he was sure of that.. he wouldn't tolerate such a thing from someone.. of that he was rather sure. Or, rather? No, of that he was completely sure. Even though he had lost sight of him, Llyw still knew he was somewhere here, and so he fastened his pace.
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
OOC: Ok, just in case. Also, I'm assuming the others are close enough to notice if I called upon them.
In that moment when the arrow whistled past Llyw and vanished, Avi, confused, saw Llyw among strangers, riled up, and then sprinting. She toppled the pile of thoughts that began in her head, and ran after, zigzagging through the annoying obstacles of strangers.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Llyw kept trying to run harder, kept trying to fasten his pace. For a second he believed he saw some kind of shadow in the air as he ran, but he quickly thought he imagined it and ran futher, pushing and pressing his way through the crowd. Many people looked up, but none said something and they would continue with what they were doing. Nonetheless, he gave most of what he had as a reserve and started sprinting harder, hoping to finally catch up with the man or woman.
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
Avi gasped at the sight of this frightful shadow of nightmares. She'd walked without suspicion until now, knowing not what to expect, but now she thought she knew what. She immediately connected it to overpowering men her blade had crossed in the past, whom often transformed into shadows in recent, untold dreams of hers. Avi could not allow such a being to take control of her body and soul, so she drew her dagger, which was a symbolical action of sorts. The rogue lady turned and turned, gazing upwards to see if it was heading somewhere, or perhaps looming right above her as a mist of desire soon to come down on her.
Whatever it was that she really saw, the tricks of her mind could not be altered by this vision belonging to at least her eyes.
The silence in the quarters of phantom men and women was shattered when a fierce roar plunged in all directions from this little, frightened lass in the street.

OOC: I'm actually not making this dream stuff up right now. Noticed I haven't posted an introduction on entering the plane? I wrote it yesterday but somehow managed to forget posting it first - shadows are such a common idea that this isn't such an amazing coincidence. Trust me. I think it would be better revealed in dialogue now that we're begun :)
EDIT OOC: I hope it was understood right that we saw it properly if our characters looked.

IC: Avi had noticed that Llyw had pressed on, which she thought had something to do with his gender.
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
OOC: Nice. ^^

Suddenly, a figure cloaked in brown appears before Llyw, points his left hand at him and...
DM: Spell Check: Roll (1d6 +20 for Unknown Bonuses): 2. (22)
Sends Llyw flying backwards with a spell of incredible force, landing infront of the surprised Ashen, but does not actually hurt him.
When Llyw looks up, he sees only the silent masses.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
He stared at the silent crowds, managing to keep his moans of pain inside him.. questions wandered his empty mind. Who was that?.. why did the figure run away and how come such a powerful magician wandered this plane? Nonetheless, he was finally certain that he wouldn't find the figure anymore.. he or she had disappeared in the crowds. Possibly streets away, he figured by now. Sighing, Llyw stood up and looked around one last time, to see if he saw something..
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
"What?" she exclaimed after silence sank back, her feet frozen fast to the pavement. She looked at running Ashen with ashen eyes. With grief in a voice climbing up her throat, exhausted from roaring, she whispered, "The forfeited runs away...", though in her heart the sentimental brew also had a twist of nostalgia. "The running kid..." She was reminded of her mother.

Avi was watching her above and her back and her forth plus flanks, but could see no shadow lurking anywhere. She melted out of her position and restrained her feelings before walking, soon hustling to Llyw.

"Hope you're all right by now, Mr. what-was-your-name?"
She paused shortly before adding: "I'm sorry for you that you had to take that beating...
"And I wonder where he left? Was it a he?!"
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
OOC: um, i feel like we have somewhat separated and eh im a bit desoriantated, who is where and ding what oO?
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
OOC: I agree with Phoonix that we've desorientated, though.

Llyw rose from the cold street, and when he finally got up he look at Avi with a mix of curiosity and anger. The anger, mostly, because of what just had happened, but still, she was an annoying girl, in his opinion, overloading him with questions as soon as he stood up. Nonetheless, he nodded and then opened his mouth, answering her question by simply saying; ''Llywyinon's the name.. and no, I haven't been able to see the gender.'' he finally concluded.
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