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- Jun 23, 2009
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Welcome to Planesedge!
This thread is a sub-thread to the Rafia: Trials of the Sixth Plane RP.
If you do not have an active charecter in that RP you cannot participate in Planesedge Arena.
Do note that your Rafia charecters exist both in Planesedge AND wherever they are in the normal RP thread at the same time.
In Charecter Welcome:
Suddenly, completely out of the blue, a great force rushes through your body.
It leaves again as quickly as it came, but takes something with it.
The force carries this something, this small part of your soul, with it to somwhere else.
To another plane.
Suddenly you find yourself existing in two places, at the same time.
It is confusing at first, but you quickly get used to it.
In front of you two men stands.
One of them may be familar. He is Niahcluc, the heavily armored Weapon Master.
Beside him though, a less familiar man with feathery wings is standing.
Around you you see your friends, your groupmates, and hundreds of others that you have no idea who is.
All of them bear marks of the Entity's ability, and are apparently just as confused as you.
Niahcluc clears is throat.
"Welcome, all of you, To Planesedge arena.
We are sorry for ripping your soul in half like that, but deperate times leads to deperate measures, as they say.
This is a training facility for those with Entity Powers that me and my friend Lucien have set up with the help of Scardrake, Dragonpriest of Earth and some other things i can never remember.
Here you will be able to hone your skills in battle against each other or some of the entity's minions that we have captured."
He gestures at the great colloseum behind him, and the many buildings that are linked lying around it on flying cliffs.
"In theese halls you will battle, meet up with other adventurers and upgrade your equipment.
All experiance, new powers and equipment that you gain in the battles here will automatically be transfered to your other self in The Sixth Plane.
Any wounds you recieve in theese battles will not affect you in The Sixth Plane and will be healed once the battle is over, even though we cannot prevent a few scars every once in a while."
He takes a deep breath.
"And now i leave you to explore the facilities on your own.
You can find information about tournaments and battle groups in the main room.
If you have further questions both me and Lucien will be in the beforementioned main room."
The two men turn around and begin walking towards the big colloseum.
Niahcluc turns head while walking and speaks to the great mass of adventurers one last time.
"Oh and, if you do not wish to participate in the activities here..."
He draws out one of his four swords and throws it into the air.
There, a teal shine appears around the blade, and it begins moving downwards with dangerously high speed.
It hits the ground infront of the mass of adventurers and a shockwave of energy emerges from it, causing those of the adventurers standing in the row closes to Niahcluc and Lucien to fall over.
It then disappears and re-emerges in Niahcluc's hand.
"...that's just bad luck for you then."
Due to gameplay issuses, battle with not work exactly like it normally does in Rafia RP's while your charecters are in Planesedge.
In planesedge, everyone has HP.
Everyone, and i say EVERYONE, starts out with 100 HP at the beginning of a match.
All armour and other health boosting abilities now solely prevent damage.
For example a warrior without armour takes normal damage.
A warrior with armour takes reduced damage.
A mage that does not for some reason have any abilities that allows him to wear any armour other than thin leather will take increased damage.
Also, if you are in a battle with another player, i will not roll for your actions until all participating players have posted an action.
Whose action get's rolled for first is determined by an initiative roll that uses the dexterity stat.
If you are invisible or stealthed then send your actions to me over PM.
This IS still a RP thread, so keep the OOC at a minimum i you are not discussing battlegroups or issusing challenges.
Apart from this all other Rafia rules apply.
Also note that as your win streak rises, so does the difficulty of the battles.
In Planesedge Arena you can earn titles.
Every player can have one title on at all times, which will be displayed over their charecter in the charecter list.
All players have the title Breeze per default.
Here is a list of the basic titles that anyone can get simply by having a high enough win streak.
All titles up until Storm are permanently available once gained.
Storm, Snowstorm and Hurricane are only available for the three players with the highest win streaks.
Win streaks are affected by all types of battles.
If you loose ANY battle ANYWHERE your win streak ends.

Everyone starts out with this title.

Available once a win streak of 2 is achieved.

Available once a win streak of 3 is achieved.

Available once a win streak of 4 is achieved.

Available once a win streak of 5 is achieved.

Available one a win streak of 6 is achieved.

Have the third-highest win streak.
Must be over 6.
If you loose a battle while you have this title you go down to Frostbite.

Have the second-highest win streak.
Must be over 6.
If you loose a battle while you have this title you go down to Frostbite.

Have the highest win streak.
Must be over 6.
If you loose a battle while you have this title you go down to Frostbite.
Theese titles require you to do more specefic things in order to ge them.

Participate in 50 battles.

Win a battle without taking damage.

Kill the last enemy in a battle with multiple participants on both sides without that enemy being aware of your pressence.
Summoned or small creatures do not count.

Roll three crits in one battle.

Win a battle with a spell.
The spell must kill more than one enemy.

Win a battle in three combat rounds (DM Posts).
Without taking damage.
While you have a kill streak of six or more.
Arena Tokens
Each time you win a battle you will recieve Arena Tokens.
These can be used to buy new equipment in the Arena shop.
Tournaments and other special challenges will provide extra tokens and Purple Coins.
Mex: Wins: 1. Losses: 0. Win Streak: 1
Ashen: Wins: 1. Losses: 0. Win Streak: 1
Llyw: Wins: 1. Losses: 0. Win Streak: 1
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