Rafia: Trials of the Sixth Plane [Planesedge Arena]

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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009

Welcome to Planesedge!
This thread is a sub-thread to the Rafia: Trials of the Sixth Plane RP.
If you do not have an active charecter in that RP you cannot participate in Planesedge Arena.
Do note that your Rafia charecters exist both in Planesedge AND wherever they are in the normal RP thread at the same time.

In Charecter Welcome:
Suddenly, completely out of the blue, a great force rushes through your body.
It leaves again as quickly as it came, but takes something with it.
The force carries this something, this small part of your soul, with it to somwhere else.
To another plane.
Suddenly you find yourself existing in two places, at the same time.
It is confusing at first, but you quickly get used to it.
In front of you two men stands.
One of them may be familar. He is Niahcluc, the heavily armored Weapon Master.
Beside him though, a less familiar man with feathery wings is standing.
Around you you see your friends, your groupmates, and hundreds of others that you have no idea who is.
All of them bear marks of the Entity's ability, and are apparently just as confused as you.
Niahcluc clears is throat.
"Welcome, all of you, To Planesedge arena.
We are sorry for ripping your soul in half like that, but deperate times leads to deperate measures, as they say.
This is a training facility for those with Entity Powers that me and my friend Lucien have set up with the help of Scardrake, Dragonpriest of Earth and some other things i can never remember.
Here you will be able to hone your skills in battle against each other or some of the entity's minions that we have captured."
He gestures at the great colloseum behind him, and the many buildings that are linked lying around it on flying cliffs.
"In theese halls you will battle, meet up with other adventurers and upgrade your equipment.
All experiance, new powers and equipment that you gain in the battles here will automatically be transfered to your other self in The Sixth Plane.
Any wounds you recieve in theese battles will not affect you in The Sixth Plane and will be healed once the battle is over, even though we cannot prevent a few scars every once in a while."
He takes a deep breath.
"And now i leave you to explore the facilities on your own.
You can find information about tournaments and battle groups in the main room.
If you have further questions both me and Lucien will be in the beforementioned main room."
The two men turn around and begin walking towards the big colloseum.
Niahcluc turns head while walking and speaks to the great mass of adventurers one last time.
"Oh and, if you do not wish to participate in the activities here..."
He draws out one of his four swords and throws it into the air.
There, a teal shine appears around the blade, and it begins moving downwards with dangerously high speed.
It hits the ground infront of the mass of adventurers and a shockwave of energy emerges from it, causing those of the adventurers standing in the row closes to Niahcluc and Lucien to fall over.
It then disappears and re-emerges in Niahcluc's hand.
"...that's just bad luck for you then."

Due to gameplay issuses, battle with not work exactly like it normally does in Rafia RP's while your charecters are in Planesedge.
In planesedge, everyone has HP.
Everyone, and i say EVERYONE, starts out with 100 HP at the beginning of a match.
All armour and other health boosting abilities now solely prevent damage.
For example a warrior without armour takes normal damage.
A warrior with armour takes reduced damage.
A mage that does not for some reason have any abilities that allows him to wear any armour other than thin leather will take increased damage.

Also, if you are in a battle with another player, i will not roll for your actions until all participating players have posted an action.
Whose action get's rolled for first is determined by an initiative roll that uses the dexterity stat.

If you are invisible or stealthed then send your actions to me over PM.

This IS still a RP thread, so keep the OOC at a minimum i you are not discussing battlegroups or issusing challenges.
Apart from this all other Rafia rules apply.

Also note that as your win streak rises, so does the difficulty of the battles.

In Planesedge Arena you can earn titles.
Every player can have one title on at all times, which will be displayed over their charecter in the charecter list.
All players have the title Breeze per default.

Here is a list of the basic titles that anyone can get simply by having a high enough win streak.
All titles up until Storm are permanently available once gained.
Storm, Snowstorm and Hurricane are only available for the three players with the highest win streaks.
Win streaks are affected by all types of battles.
If you loose ANY battle ANYWHERE your win streak ends.


Everyone starts out with this title.


Available once a win streak of 2 is achieved.


Available once a win streak of 3 is achieved.


Available once a win streak of 4 is achieved.


Available once a win streak of 5 is achieved.


Available one a win streak of 6 is achieved.


Have the third-highest win streak.
Must be over 6.
If you loose a battle while you have this title you go down to Frostbite.


Have the second-highest win streak.
Must be over 6.
If you loose a battle while you have this title you go down to Frostbite.


Have the highest win streak.
Must be over 6.
If you loose a battle while you have this title you go down to Frostbite.

Theese titles require you to do more specefic things in order to ge them.


Participate in 50 battles.


Win a battle without taking damage.


Kill the last enemy in a battle with multiple participants on both sides without that enemy being aware of your pressence.
Summoned or small creatures do not count.


Roll three crits in one battle.


Win a battle with a spell.
The spell must kill more than one enemy.


Win a battle in three combat rounds (DM Posts).
Without taking damage.
While you have a kill streak of six or more.

Arena Tokens
Each time you win a battle you will recieve Arena Tokens.
These can be used to buy new equipment in the Arena shop.
Tournaments and other special challenges will provide extra tokens and Purple Coins.

Mex: Wins: 1. Losses: 0. Win Streak: 1
Ashen: Wins: 1. Losses: 0. Win Streak: 1
Llyw: Wins: 1. Losses: 0. Win Streak: 1
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
The Colloseum
This post contains information on battlegroups and available battles/tournaments.

If you want to create/join a battle group you have to follow these rules:
1: No Out-of-Charecter names.
Name it like your char would.
2: Battlegroups can be either 2-Person or 3-Person.
You can be a member of as many of each type as you want, but you can ofcourse not fight a battlegroup that you are in yourself.
If someone blames another person from their Battlegroup for a loss then the flaming person will be DM-Smitten.
Your charecters can flame as much as you want as long as it stays in the RP.
The moment it leaves those borders i will pull out Mjölnir.

Contain a list of all battlegroups.

No battlegroups yet.

1v1 Battles can be played at any time.
You can play both against NPCs, Entity Minions or other players.
If you wanna play against other players you have to issue a challenge and they have to accept.
Every 1v1 Battle you win gives you 100 Arena Tokens.
Note that 1v1 Battles may not actually be 1v1 when fighting NPCs.

Available Battles:
"Rend" [NEW]
Back in the Mortal Plane "Rend" was a crycon gladiator of some renown.
He uses two one-hand axes, and masters runic magic to a high level.

Hrivu of the Hidden Blade [NEW]
Hrivu is a famous assassin from Blackwind mountains.
Not much is known about him, but he is a master of the Art of the Hidden Blade.

Aen Quelragazzoconilcavallofuoco
Aen is a fire mage of relative power.
He is though mostly known for his long name, and most of his friends call him Aen Q.

Woarakk is a Workan, said to be the direct descendant of the legendary werewolf Kloth.
He is a mean foe in battle, and his soulblade is a greataxe.

Ekel of Auchin'Mor
Ekel is a wizard from the great crystal city deep below Blackwind Mountains.
His power is great, but he is slow and not a very good strategican.

Crazed Adventurer
Fight a crazed adventurer, one of the Entity's many minons.

Pack: Purple Wolves
Fight a group of ten purple wolves, some of the Entity's many minions.

2v2 and 3v3 can only be played in tournaments.
Each tournament consists of 6 groups, an the winner will no only be awarded with Arena Tokens but also Purple Coins.

Available Tournaments:
Jungle Skirmish (2v2):
Fought in the jungle-colloseum, this turnament's enviroment has everything from poison plants to poisonous bugs.
Free Spots: 2.
Reward (Finale): 500 Arena Tokens and 3000 Purple Coins for Finale Victory.
Reward (Single Battle): 100 Arena Tokens.

Storms at Sea (2v2):
This tournament takes place in the water-colloseum.
There the participants will have to fight on the rickety tree-bridges and slippery rocks.
Free Spots: 3.
Reward (Finale): 500 Arena Tokens and 3000 Purple Coins for Finale Victory.
Reward (Single Battle): 100 Arena Tokens.

Great Plains (3v3):
On a great plain, inside an even greater colloseum, six people will meet in battle.
...and that's it. It's a tournament on a a big plain. Deal with it.
Free Spots: 1.
Reward (Finale): 1000 Arena Tokens and 6000 Purple Coins for Finale Victory.
Reward (Single Battle): 100 Arena Tokens.
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Arena Shop:

Runed Shoulderpads:
A pair of Runed Shoulderpads.
They Are very heavy, but reduces all kinds of damage.
+2 Strength
+2 to all Defence Checks
-3 Dexterity
Price: 400 Arena Tokens

Chaos Ore Helmet:
A Helmet made from 20% Chaos Ore.
It is very heavy, but provides a magical shield for the entiry body.
+4 Strength
+4 to all Defence Checks
-3 Dexterity
Price: 1000 Arena Tokens

Plated Mage Robe:
A light robe with plated shoulders and chespiece.
Just light enough to not affect spellcasting.
+5 Will
+1 to all Defence Checks
-4 Dexterity
Price: 600 Arena Tokens

Skeletal Glove:
A glove made from the bones of a baby Corpse Worm.
+5 Will
Price: 800 Arena Tokens

Enchanted Leather Straps:
Leather straps fashioned to be wrapped around a person's hand.
+2 Dexterity
+1 Strength
Price: 400 Arena Tokens

Fire-Imbued Chainmail:
This chainmail armour, even though it is heavy, has many uses.
It has been imbued with fire magic, and it can be re-forged into fitting any body part that the owner wants at will.
It also grants some serious protection from both fire and water magic.
+1 Dexterity
+1 Strength
+4 to all Defence Checks
+Resistance: Water and Fire Magic
Price: 800 Arena Tokens

More will be added daily/when i have time.
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
"It's all on the bulletin boards in the Main room, as far as i understand."
One of the other adventurers says as he begin walking towards the colloseum.
Soon most of the other adventurers follow him.

OOC: RP going to the main room and signing up. I will pit you against Aen after that. :)
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Calliope looked around, quite surprised. It looked like a shattered world. However, it felt much more real to her then the realistic, yet lifeless Sixth Plane.
However pointless battles hardly seemed like something worth doing. It reminded her too much of the battles she has seen in human cities, the arenas where slaves and chosen fought to the death with beasts, humans and those who have become like beasts.

However, this seemed like a way to get much power so that if she survived the trials of the Entity and wouldnt win the great race, she would has had enough powers to do anything she wants in the real world.

Suddenly she remembered of something and smiled lightly. This place seemed like a place where she could find much interesting things to explore and perhaps get better understanding of some powers...

Calliope found a big stone step and sat on it. The feeling of existing in two realms at the same time was... uncomfortable. But perhaps this condition could be useful...
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
OOC: Dibs on Eker of Auchin'mor

.. what? What gave these idiots the right to suddenly take him away, he realized. In anger, he wanted to say something to himself, but he kept his mouth shut. This was not the time.. besides, maybe this could get interesting. Meet real enemies, a step in his goal.. He would become more powerful, destroy his opponents. Ah, yes, maybe. He wasn't sure, though, for you should never become too over-confident, he realized. It was time to pay attention for now, and he saw the people walk to the bulletin board.

He merely followed them, as Llyw knew following the masses normally worked for him, when in doubt. During this walk, he thought of this Lucien. Interesting man, he realized. Just like that Niahcluc. Ah, perhaps he would get to know more of them.

Llyw walked at the bulletin board and examined it as all the other.. blegh, adventurers, he hated the word, massed to look at it. Even through the mass, he could see the names, and he had picked his opponent.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
So your not Taiion... Then who is?

Was the first thought that attacked Meyla's mind as she checked herself over.
The transition had been... strange.
Realising she'd dawdled Meyla sprinted after the others into the main room, there she approached the crowd surrounding the bulletin board.
"Interesting..." she mused gently.
Here was an opportunity to go all out, to hone her skills and erase that pathetic aura.
Training. Right. So shall it be, she thought and with that in mind, signed up for the '3v3 Great Plains Tournament'.

No holding back Meyla she told herself, she was going to go all the way.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
I should start simple, thought Calliope. Who knows how my powers and even the way I fight were affected by the transition... she then noticed one of the enemies on the board. Crazed Adventurer.
Perhaps it is better to start with freeing the souls of those, corrupted by the Entity. And to find out how to control them herself.
Calliope stopped her journey to the board at that moment. Where did that thought come from? She has to be weary... the corruption is a danger she must always beware of.

Calliope came closer to man, she heard was named Lucien and watching him with slight suspicion, natural to her, said:
"Hy accept the challongo to free the soul of an adventureer."
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
OOC: dragon, is my dragon like in planesedge to? and Woarakk fight plax.

IC: Mex looked around, this was a weird place but he was always up for a fight so he didn't think to much about it.

he walked up to the bulletin board and read 'Woarakk' a wielder of The Greataxe, a melee fighter just like himself. he would take this challenge.he walked up to the desk and filled in the form.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
DM: Arena Status.
Ashen V.S. Aen (Ready to be Fought)
Llyw V.S. Ekel (Ready to be Fought)
Meyla signed up for Great Plains (3v3) Tournament
Calliope V.S. Crazed Adventurer (Ready to be Fought)
Mex V.S. Woarakk (Ready to be Fought)

Yeah, it's with you in Planesedge Phoon.

Lucien looked slightly confused when he first heard Calliope, but then his eyes shone slightly brighter for one second, and a smile spread across his face.
He nodded and wrote it down on some paper, which disappeared into thin air once he was finished.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
IC: Mex stepped back outside and when to the arena, ready to fight his first match. after a few steps he realized Herox was with him here. "so you're here to eh buddy?" he said while patting the dragon on the head. "Lets go." he entered the arena and waited for his Match to be announced.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
As he entered he saw two other combatants leaving.
They were both laughing, which made the words 'Now that's just unnatural...' spring to Mex's head.
As he entered, he saw that his opponent, Woarakk, was already waiting for him.
"Hail, Warrior! It seems we will be evenly matched."
The workan shouted as mex Entered.
As a Workan, Woarakk was just as tall as Mex and had slightly broader shoulders.
The arena they were fighting in was rocky, and there were several cracks in the ground here and there.
None of them was big enough for any of the two giants to fall into though.
Around them hundreds of adventurers were looking down upon them seats far above, many of them waiting their own turn in the arena.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
"so it seems" Mex said and smiled. He looked around the Arena, a suitable terrain for Mellee combat, that was for sure. He turned to Woarrak again and drew his soulblade. "Lets not waste any more time shall we?!!" whit those words he charged at Woarakk.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
"Agreed!" Woarakk roars and swings at Mex, his axe's range allowing him to get the first strike.
DM: Melee Attack: Roll (1d6 +8 From Strength): 5. (11)
His axe soars through the air, with direction towards Mex's left shoulder...
DM: Defence Check: Roll (1d6 +3 from Dexterity and -2 from Charge): 2. (3)
...which Mex only narrowly manages not to be decapitated by.
DM: Mex has 85 HP Left.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Mex surprised by the far reach of his opponents axe Jumps into the air grabs his sword with both hands and tries to Hit him right in the head.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
DM: Melee Attack: Roll (1d6 +7 From Strength): 6. Ravager!
Rolling Extra Dice: 3. (16)

Mex swings at Woarokk with great strength...
DM: Dodge: Roll (1d6 +4 from Dexterity and +2 from Blatant Attack): 3. (9)
...which hits on his left shoulder, creating an open wound.
Woarokk howls and goes into a defensive stance.
DM: Woarokk has 70 HP left.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
not giving his Foe any chance to rest Mex once again charges trying to cut his opponents leg, to cripple him.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Lucien pointed towards a nearby colloseum entrance.

DM: Melee Attack: Roll (1d6 +7 from Strength): 2. (9)
Mex swings at Woarokk...
DM: Defence Check: Roll (1d6 +4 from Dexterity and +5 from Defensive Stance): 6.
Rolling Crit Chart: 6. Übarpwn!

...but Woarokk roars and performs an incredible counterattack, sending Mex flying backwards.
DM: Mex now has 60 HP Left.

Oh and if you guys hadnt realised:
If a defence check's result is higher than the attack's result then it is successfull.
So even if he hadnt critted he would still have blocked your attack.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Mex lands on the floor, and gets up a bit dazed by the attack. "This is some fight." he says and then casts Sphere of Supremacy.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Infront of him stands a tall sky elf clad in red robes.
He looks at Ashen and nods.
"You are my opponent, i take it?"

DM: Entity Ability: Roll (1d6 +7 from Strength): 3. (10)
A green sphere sprouts out from Mex, spreading five meters around him, covering only a little bit of the arena.
Woarakk growls and once again goes into a defensive stance.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Mex grabs his blade and sends one of his black air slashes towards Woarakk after that he jumps to the side and charges aiming to attack simultaneously whit his air slash.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
"eh, clever trick. but I can still fight." He grabs a bit of sand from the ground and throws it at Woarakk to try and blind him. he then dashes to the side and charges forward once again to cut him.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
OOC: oO it doesn't move whit me? thats to bad :'(

IC: as mex noticed he left his sphere he dashes backwards back into it, and takes a defensive stance.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
OOC: Sorry if I forgot something.

Llyw sighed and shrugged. He was done here, he had picked his opponent and now he was going to fight him, or so he hoped. He left the bulletin board and walked to the arena, looking at it in all it's glorious grandeur. Ah, it was really beautiful, he thought. Nonetheless, he wouldn't wander off with his thoughts.. now was not the time for that. He chuckled at his own foolishness and then stepped in the arena, hoping to see his opponent.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Llyw simply nodded and unsheated his soulblade, grumbling a prayer to whoever was above there.. mhm. It was best to evade the first couple of attacks to see how he attacked were the thoughts that flew through his mind. Yes, it was the best course of action, since he knew, well, not very much of him. Ah, he would let the fight go the way the fight would go.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Ekel's eyes begun glowing a strong purple.
"Very well then."
DM: Spell Check: Roll (2d6 +12 from Will): 2+3 (17)
Ekel lifts both of his arms towards the sky.
A blue light shines from his hands, and a great crystal sphere burning with blue fire appears, speeding down towards Llyw.

Just an explanation on Multiple Dies:
When there's more than once dice it does not mean that the charecter making the roll is stronger, it means that the roll is harder to perform.
For example, 8 would be a good result when performing a one-dice roll.
But when performing a two-dice roll 8 would be 4 below the natural max, 12, and be an almost-failed roll.
When performing a two-dice roll the equilevant of 8 would be 16.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
IC: Mex looks Woarakk in the eyes prepared to counter any attack he makes.

OOC: seems we have a stare down.
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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Mex frown as Woarakk sits down. "what, you giving up?" he said. he didn't trust this and he didn't like the situation either. if he left the Sphere he would lose he combat bonus yet if he stayed inside there would be no progress at all.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
"hmpf... fine then." he wouldn't wait any longer, he suspected a trap but would attack anyway. Mex charged at aiming to cut of his head.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
DM: Mex left Sphere of Supremacy.
DM: Melee Attack: Roll (1d6 +7 from Strength): 2. (9)

Mex rushes forward, swinging his sword at Woarakkk...
DM: Defence Check: Roll (1d6 +4 from Dexterity and +10 from Ancestor's Call): 1. (15) Critical Failure!
...who opens his eyes, no glowing bright red, and gets up with incredible speed to block the attack, but still fails to block Mex's hit, and Mex gives Woarakk a cut on the chest.
DM: Woarakk has 50 HP left.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
OOC: No problem TWIF. :)

DM: Strength Duel:
Mex: Strength 15 (3 Dice)
Woarakk: Strength 14 +10 from Ancestor's Call (4 Dice)
Dice 1: 4.
Dice 2: 1.
Dice 3: 5. (10)
Dice 1: 5.
Dice 2: 6.
Dice 3: 6.
Dice 4: 2. (19)

Mex grabs Woarakk and tries to hurl him into the sphere of supremacy, but Woarakk manages to hold his ground and uses the suddenly very close range between him and Mex to punch Mex in the face.
DM: Melee Attack: Roll (1d6 +7 from Strength, +10 from Ancestor's Call and -15 from Barehanded Attack): 5. (7)
DM: Defence Check: Roll (1d6 +3 from Dexterity): 4. (7)
But mex manages to block the attack with his left arm.

"Agreed, let us get started."
Aen says and...
DM: Spell Check: Roll (1d6 + 10 from Will): 5. (15)
...sends a small volley of fireballs at Ashen...
DM: Dodge: Roll (1d6 +1 from Dexterity): 2. (3)
...which hits him in the chest.
He manages to not get knocked over but the flames hurt him a great deal before they fade.
DM: Ashen has 85 HP left.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
''Good luck.'' he quickly whispered before he examined the situation in mere seconds. Ah, wonderful, blue fire raining down on him.. he could use his powers now, but he realized it'd be a waste of energy. This was most likely nothing of what the man had to field, and so he just tried to jump aside, hoping to evade the sphere.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
OOC: On a site note: Gate of Lies is already active.
It hasnt been de-activated. ;)

DM: Entity Ability (Teleportation): Roll (1d6 + 7 from will and -5 from Multiple Actions): 6 (8).
Rolling Crit Chart: 2. Unexpected Success!

Instead of the intended teleport, Ashen flies through the air and rams directly into Aen, knocking him over and interrupting the channel.
DM: Aen has 80 HP left.
DM: Bonus Gained (Ashen): Ram (Allows the charecter to, using the Gate of Lies Ability, perform a high-speed magical charge ignoring all obstacles as long as the target is visible to the charecter).

DM: Other actions cancelled due to Change of Surroundings.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
OOC: Yeah sorry, i got kinda confused there. :p
Hadnt expected you to shoot at amnora so i instantly thought i were in the Planesedge thread.

I'l make some edits and increas his HP abit.

DM: Entity Ability: Roll (1d6 +7 from Will): 1. (8) Critical Failure!
Ashen's teleportation fails, sending shockwaves of enetity energy through the child's body.
He screams as the entity's corruption takes further foothold in his arms, causing black scaly plates to emerge, granting slight protection to his arms.
The amounts of energy unleashed does though deal great damage to Ashen's psyche.

In the middle of this, Ashen finds himself flying away from Aen due to the explosion of entity energy he himself let free.
Ashen lands on his back, but is not hurt and soon manages to get to his feet.
At the same time, Aen has taken the opportunity to do the same.
DM: +2 Strength, +2 Will and -2 Cunning for Ashen.
DM: Ashen has 75 HP left.
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