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Rafia: Trials of the Sixth Plane

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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009

NOTE: See Rafia: Blackwind Mountains and Necropia for some lore references and information about how dice rolls work.

Once again i welcome all that wish to step through the door, to a world of new roles and experiances.
Those of you that have played with me before may be slightly familiar with the ground that we will be exploring, but whether you are a recruit or a veteran will not matter much in this game.

You are all heroes.
Whether you are good or evil, a mage or a barbarian, you are a hero to those that share your views on the world.
You are great persons that have fought hard to acheive your skills and abilities, or have simply been gifted with power by forces too big to comprehend.
But no matter who you are, your life is about to change.

You see, not long ago, all of you were present on the isle of Rafia.
Maybe by coincidence, maybe by luck or misfortune, you were all present when a foolish mage opened a portal to a place beyond creation.

He did not open a portal to the black void that surrounds the five planes, he did not open a portal to the playground of the Archbeing, Godspace, he opened a portal OUTSIDE Godspace, and the moment it opened, something terrible passed through.

Immediately, all of the nine Dragonpriests, the protectors of the five planes and the island of Rafia, rushed to the place the event had occured by their master's, Ahmon'Zan the Great Dragon, command.
There they managed to force the entity that had passed through back through the portal.
But they did not manage to send it back to from where it came.

Instead, the entity slipped through a crack in reality and entered a plane of volatile creation.
It's mere pressence shaped the newfound dimension into a real plane, looking somewhat like a darker version of Rafia and the rest of The Mortal plane.
And here, in this dark mirror-plane, the entity settled.
And from there, it slowly begun spreading it's terrible influence and power to the other planes, wreaking havoc in Ahmon'Zan's world.

All the gods and the nine Dragonpriests combined their powers and managed to hold the dark intrusion at bay, but if a single one of them as much as tried to enter the sixth plane and deal with the entity, the entity's dark power would immediately begin slipping into the space left behind by the travelling god.

The gods realised that this could very well be the end of creation, as they could not hold up their defences forever.
But then, one of the mortals that had been present on Rafia when the catastrophe happened made a great discovery.

A small group of people that had been present on Rafia when the catastrophe happened had been granted a special power, one that allowed them to tap into the entity's terrible force and use it to command a new type of magic.
These mortals could travel into the Sixth plane, these mortals could challenge the entity, these mortals could save creation.

As the gods realised this, they were of course overwhelmed with releif and joy.
They promised a great reward to any mortal that defeated the entity, a reward so great that many mortals willingly entered the sixth plane to try their luck against the entity.

Any mortal that emerged from battle with the entity Victorious, would ascend to new heights of power, and become a god.
And each of you, that have read this tale, are one of these gifted mortals, out to try your luck at the trials of the Sixth Plane.

Fill out this charecter sheet and send it to me.
I will then Approve or Reject your charecter.

Race: See the races in Rafia: Blackwind Mountains and Necropia.
Warrior: +3 to Strength and +2 to Dexterity
Rogue: +3 to Dexterity and +2 to Cunning
Mage: +4 to Will and +1 to Cunning
Everyone has ten points that they can spend in the various stat pools.
Every "Important" (I define what is and what is not "Important") action you make in the game will be affected by your stats in one way or another.
Remember to also apply the stat bonuses from your classes.
Affects things such as
-Melee Attacks
-Hard Work
Affects things such as
-Psychic Strength
Affects things such as
Affects things such as
-Understanding Complex Technological Systems
-Understanding Complex Magic
-How much others like you
Describe how your charecter fights, what he is good at and what he/she wants to learn/become.
Describe your charecter's soulblade.
What does it do, how does it look, etc.
MUST be a bladed weapon.
Describe your charecter's looks, maybe write abit about his or her backstory.

Once your charecter has been approved, you will have to chose one of the five Charecter Paths.
Each path has diffirent ways to use the Entity's magic, all with diffrent effects on your charecter.
They will not provide any information on what specefic abilities the diffirent paths grant you though, not until they have been explored by a player.

-Follow the Unwritten RP Rules.
-Dont be a Douche.
-THINK! Use your brain!
I'm not going to grant nice abilities and cool bonuses to people that RP badly and perform acts of incredible idiocy.
-DONT godmod.
Whenever an action has been posted I will roll some dice to determine it's outcome.
DONT post both the action and the result yourself. It WILL result in a serious DM smite!
-You controll YOUR CHARECTER.
Not any NPCs, not anyone else's charecters, but YOUR charecter.
-Be nice to other players.
If anyone treats another player badly outside the game due to ingame actions then i will be very angry.

When there's more than once dice it does not mean that the charecter making the roll is stronger, it means that the roll is harder to perform.
For example, 8 would be a good result when performing a one-dice roll.
But when performing a two-dice roll 8 would be 4 below the natural max, 12, and be an almost-failed roll.
When performing a two-dice roll the equilevant of 8 would be 16.

Locations of Importance and Landmarks

Blackwind Mountains:
A big mountain chain in Northwest Rafia that is completely overrun by the undead.

Lake D'Shevaen:
Rafia's biggest lake that houses Shevaen, the great capital of the Dragonkin.
Shevaen is known for mostly consisting of small platforms that float on the surface of the lake, each with several great houses on them.
All the platforms are conected via underwater tunnels, and at the bottom of the lake lies the Dragonkin Council.
Lake D'Shevaen lies in South Rafia.

The Towershield Farmlands:
The home of the Towershield Family, the most powerful group of people in Rafia.
The Towershield Farmlands lie around The Black Tower.
Like the Black Tower, the Towershield Farmlands lie in Central Rafia.

The Sliverpeak Mountains:
The Silverpeak Mountains are the biggest mountain chain in Rafia.
It is also the home of the Legendary Stoneforge Dwarves.
The lie in Southeast Rafia.

The Great Forests:
The Great Forests in East Rafia house the numerous woodelves, and is known for the great amount of rare and exotic animals that live there.

The Temple District:
The Great Temple District that lies around Ahmon'Zan's only temple is the biggest district in The Black Tower.
It contains temples for all the diffirent gods, and houses several schools of divine magic.

The Elven District:
Home of the Sky Elves, the race that first inhabited The Black Tower.
The Elven District is the biggest Center of Magic in the Five Planes, and it's libraries are humongous.

The Trade District:
You can find ANYTHING in the trade district, for the right price.
Aswell as being a great center of trade, the trade district houses several assassin groups and the Headquarters of the infamous Black Spectres.
Watch your back, for in the trade district the law is blindfolded.

The Tower Slums:
Down in the tower itself is an enormous slum, inhabited by all kinds of shady people.
Aswell as being full of plague and crime, the Tower Slums also house the famous Obelisk of Secrets, an ancient artefact that wizards have been studying for ages without finding any clue to it's meaning apart from the words "Loras Eternum".

The Black Pyramids:
The Capital of the Crycons is The Black Pyramids, an underground city that, on the surface, looks like three, enormous black pyramids.
The City itself is humongous, but many of it's tunnels are no longer inhabited, atleast not by Crycons.

The Worm Wastes:
The Worm Wastes are a big stretch of land in the middle of Urnung's frozen deserts.
It is believed to be the birthplace of the Corpse Worm Race, and it is FULL of them.

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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Charecter Paths
This post will contain the diffirent charecter paths that each of you can choose to follow.
Each path has it's Pros and Cons, most of which will first be revealed when a player walks down them.
Only ONE path can be chosen, and it's a No-Way-Back choice. So choose wisely.

When playing this RP you will receive Entity Points every once in a while.
Entity points can be spent in your path to do several things.
-You can spend Entity Points to unlock a new Tier of Entity Abilities for your path.
Tier one is unlocked upon deciding which path to use.
-You can spend Entity Points to learn abilities from the ability tiers that your charecter has unlocked.
Upon Unlocking a new tier you will automatically be able to pick ONE ability from this tier.
If you want more than one ability from a specefic tier you will have to spend points on it.
-You can spend Entity Points to upgrade a previously learned ability, unlocking side-paths and extra abilities based on the ability you upgraded.
Once an ability has been upgraded three times it becomes warped, adding new possible uses and giving it a considerable power boost.

NOTE: All rolls related to Entity Abilities automatically uses the charecter's highest stat.


The Entity's energies are strong inside your charecter, allmost TOO strong.
Whenever it is used it has a corrupting effect on those it affects, the surrounding landscape and the caster himself, but the magic itself will allways be strong.

Tier 1:
Corrupt Life:

The charecter uses some of his or her own life energy to deal vast damage to a living creature.
Any defence roll made against Corrupt Life will have the total sum of the target's lowest stat deducted from the result.
If Corrupt Life is successfully cast, the charecter will have to make a defence roll against permanent mental scarring.

Corrupt Magic:

Allows the charecter to corrupt any outgoing spells cast by enemies.
Corrupt Magic HAS to target a specefic spell that already HAS been cast, or be cast as a shield surrounding a specefic person, area or item.
Corrupt Magic can either deflect projectile spells, warp positive spells into negative spells, dispel area based spells or sap a spellcaster's powers.
If Corrupt Magic fails or is resisted by the target, the charecter will have to make a defence roll against permanent mental scarring.

Upgrade 1:
All charecters with Corrupt Magic Level 2 gain +3 to Their Highest Stat.
Redirect Magic:

Whenever a spell is cast, the charecter has the ability to, using a normal entity ability roll, make the spell target another person/object/area.
The roll made by this charecter has to be higher than the caster's spell check.
Also, this charecter gains a +6 to Spell Checks until end of combat every time it is targeted (not hit) with a spell.

Amplify Magic:

Whenever a spell is cast, this charecter has the ability to make a spell check him/herself.
If this spell check does not roll a 1, the effect of the targeted spell is doubled.
Also, this charecter gains a +2 to Spell Checks until end of combat every time a spell is cast.


Your charecter has made a deal with the dark energies inside him or her, allowing it to feed directly on the charecter's life energy.
The result is an immense power, allways at hand for the charecter to tap into.
But the price of symbiosis is high, and this shows off both physically and mentally.

Tier 1:

Morph allows your charecter to focus some of the Entity's energy in a body part of the charecter's choice, exept the head, allowing the charecter to temporarily shape this body part as he or she pleases.

Symbiotic Defences:

Allows your charecter to create a thick layer of the Entity's force around his or her body.
This will protect your charecter from most types of attack, but requires a dice roll (Using your strongest stat) every once in a while to maintain.
If the roll is failed the symbiotic defences will dissipate and leave permanent scars to your charecter's physique.

Upgrade 1:
All Charecters with Lv2 Symbiotic Defences gain +2 to their highest stat.

If Symbiotic Defences is active, all projectile-based attacks made against this charecter will be deflected back at the attacker if this charecter makes a successfull defence check.
If the roll to maintain symbiotic defences fails, you also now have ONE chance to perform a defence check against it, without symbiotic defences' bonuses.


If Symbiotic Defences is active, all spells and magical attacks made agains this charecter will be absorbed and heal the charecter if the charecter makes a successfull defence check.
The roll to sustain Symbiotic Defences will now be done with every DM post in which the charecter with this ability performs an action.


Your charecter holds the Entity's energies in strong grip, not letting it do anything at all without the charecter's approval.
This results in a fairy weak magic, but easily controllable and VERY reliable.

Tier 1:
Shape Weapon:

Allows your charecter to shape the Entity's energies into a weapon.
This weapon can be used to dual-wield along with your soulblade, or even to throw at your opponents.

Force Projectile:

Allows your charecter to shape the Entity's energies into a projectile that can be shot at enemies.
The projectile can be any shape and it is possible to manipulate it's flight mid-air.

Upgrade 1:
People with Upgrade 1 of Force Projectile now have +2 to all Ranged/Magic Attacks.

The charecter can now perform 2 combat related actions (Including: Healing and Using Items) that normally only take one turn to perform per turn.
Combat related actions that take longer than one turn to perform now only take half the basic time.


All projectile-based attacks now have +5.
If the attack is targeted at a specefic place or part of the target's body the attack will hit this place unless a 1 is rolled.
The target also has -3 to Dodge.


Your charecter has let his soul be completely consumed by the Entity's energies, allowing it to flow freely in his or her body.
The result is an immensely powerfull force that will let the charecter do incredibly things, but will sometimes let the charecter down.
Your charecter's body has also been greatly scarred by the Entity's energies, darkening the charecter's skin, turning his or her eyes pitch black and warping both of the charecter's hands into twisted claws.

Tier 1:
Power Burst:

Your charecter lets out an enormous burst of power, giving your charecter a +40 to all rolls for a liminited time.
Once the power dissipates, the charecter will be exhausted and only able to perform simple actions that does not require rolls.
The state of exhaustion lasts until a successfull recovery roll using your charecter's weakest stat is rolled.
Healing magic and other power boosts grants +'s to the recovery rolls.

Consume Life:

Allows your charecter to completely kill off an enemy by draining all of the enemy's life force.
If Consume Life is successfully cast a defence roll will be made for the target, using the target's highest stat. For Consume Life to succeed your charecter's highest stat must be higher than the target's defence roll.
If Consume Life is successfull then the Charecter regains all power.

Tier 2:
Gate of Lies:

Creates a link between the charecter and the Sanctum of Lies, allowing the charecter to use the Arts of the Hidden Blade.
While this gate spell is active the charecter can perform Short Distance Teleportations, cast invisibility and summon shadow minions.
All of these use an entity ability roll, but has no penalty upon failure.
Only one gate spell can be active at a time.

Gate of Fear:

Creates a link between the charecter and the Citadel of Fear, allowing the charectter to use the Arts of the Iron Sphere.
While this gate spell is active the charecter can create iron spheres and use them as projectiles, enhance melee attacks to cause knockback and summon golem minions.
All these use an entity ability roll, but has no pentalty upon failure.
Only one gate spell can be active at a time.


Your charecter does not let the Entity's energy permanently inside his or her body, but forces it to remain around the charecter at all times.
The charecter does not suffer from any physical or mental scars, but has very little control over the Entity's energies, resulting in unexpected spell results and other strange happenings.
Unleashed magic is also very unreliable, but is stronger than all other kinds of magic when your charecter is consumed by such emotions as rage, sorrow or fear.

Tier 1:
Sphere of Supremacy:

The charecter shapes the Entity's energy into a sphere-shaped forcefield.
Inside this forcefield, the charecter Gains a +20 to all Combat-Related Rolls.
Can only be used ONCE per combat.

Upgrade 1:
The Sphere grants +25 instead of 20.
Also Grants access to ONE of these passive abilities.
Extra Entity Points can NOT be spent to get both, so choose wisely.

All crits you make are automatically rolled as a 4 (Extra Dice) on the crit chart.
Additionally, both the highest and second highest rolls possible count as crits.
You do can though max recieve +1 stat point whenever you make a crit, no matter how many times you crit while rolling extra dice.

Building Power:

Whenever you make a melee attack you gain +2 to all Combat-Related Rolls.
This bonus will keep adding to itself until it reaches +10.
When this happens the charecter permanently recieves +3 to his/her highest stat.


The Charecter uses the Entity's energies to create a powerfull energy vacuum.
The Vacuum will suck in all enemy magic and projectile attacks, and even unlucky enemies.
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Charecter List

Name: Llyw, originally from Llywyinon.
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Strength: 8
Will: 6
Dexterity: 12
Cunning: 7
Specialisation: If he can, he won't get into fight. If he is forced to, he usually just avoids taking any hits and then attacks with small hits until, if the wished result is gained, the opponent falls on the ground, completely harassed. Futhermore, Llyw is currently finishing his training as a carpenter. That aside, he is fairly good in sprinting and has a good physic state. Lastly, he has a strange obsession with clocks and time.
Soulblade: The soulblade of Llyw is actually a small sword that seems entirely normal, but if you look a while at it you begin to see the silver-esque glow it emits. Llyw himself doesn't know yet what it actually does as he usually avoids getting into fights.
Undiscovered Soulblade Abilities:
-When in a great hurry or rush, it is able to increase speed and silence for him, thus, in a fight, he will be able to sprint faster away.
-With the blade his reflexes grow incredibly fast in a fight or in any form of danger. This only occurs when his blade gets a very clear silver glow.
-The combination of the silence and the reflexes he is able to hide himself very quickly or become almost invisible to people that don't look specifically at him.
Llyw was born in a relatively simple family, in a farmer family to be correct. In the noons and evenings he would often play with his little sisters as a kid, but after he got to the age of twelve, his family gave him to a carpenter as apprentice, hoping that he would send money back to provide them with all kinds of stuff. He did, sending the little payment he got over the years back, even though he despised them for handing him over for their own goods. Now, he's busy with his last test to become a master carpenter, with a last test, which is to decorate a room with stools, couches and tables all made by himself. Lately, he has gotten numerous nightmares and started noticing that time somestimes would slow down and his eyesight has improved immensely.
Futher, he often just wears unnoticable clothes you would encounter in a typical crowd. His eyes are.. yellow. His face is usually calm and he makes it for other people very hard to read his emotions if they try to judge from his face.
Charecter Path:
Entity Abilities:
-Symbiotic Defences


-1000 Purple Coins


Name: Adinhina
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Class: Mage
Strength: 7
Will: 9
Dexterity: 5
Cunning: 5
Adinhina usually stays back and supports his allies with supportive magic, with a few attack-oriented spells thrown in.
Adinhina's soulblade is a spear. The head is made of some silvery metal, and the shaft is plain wood. Adinhina hasn't had it long enough to discover its powers.
Adinhina used to be a normal, headstrong, drunk dwarf. He spent most of his early life as a warrior, fighting the enemies of his clan. However, that changed when he got in a drunken brawl with three dwarves, one of them his brother, and killed them all. Struck with grief and banished from his clan, Adinhina traveled aimlessly until he came across a wandering cleric. Inspiration and a chance to alleviate some of the suffering he had caused had been put right in front of him, and Adinhina traveled with the cleric for years, learning the ways of healing magic. He later struck out on his own, providing healing services for villages, adventuring parties, and once even the lord of a small kingdom. He has recently traveled to Rafia, hearing of the undead menace there, but before he could find an adventuring party to join the crusade against the undead, the Entity was unleashed...
Adinhina looks like a typical dwarf. He has long, red hair, with a large beard in a single braid. He usually wears chain mail or robes, depending on who he is with, and has a worn and battle-scarred face. He doesn't drink at all, as well.
Charecter Path:
Entity Abilities:
-Force Projectile


Name: Meyla
Gender: Female
Race: Faerie/Remnant
Class: Warrior
Strength: 7
Will: 9
Dexterity: 7
Cunning: 5
Meyla is/was (in her origin world) a Valkyrie, a term borrowed from old legends, though the meaning has changed. Rather than being those who "decide who is slain in battle" it is now "Those who slay in battle".
They are trained in the use of offensive arcane magic, longswords and wear a light ceremonial armour, which in all honesty looks better than it performs, if it weren't for magical rune enhancements, it wouldn't be worth wearing at all.
Meyla has wings and uses them to her advantage in battle.
Meyla's soulblade is an rune covered longsword, it's guard is a complex Celtic-like pattern of thin twining metal, the hilt is long, intended for two hands. A small emerald is embedded within the hilt's end. The inscription is that for a powerful feedback spell, it allows the blade to deflect/absorb magical energy (dependent on power) and transfer it to the wielder.
Meyla is rather short, standing just above 5' (5, 1 - 5, 3).
Her hair is a rich, dark auburn. It's naturally wavy and usually held back in a large, loose fox tail by a cotton/leather tie.
Her eyes are deep, dark and green (almost emerald).
Her eyebrows are sharp, her nose small and ears 'tucked' back.
She almost exclusively commits her apparel to her armour, and/or a light silk overall, worn much like a toga.
Being a peaceful and magically tuned people, Meyla's people have never had much need or desire for metal and war.
The Valkyries act not only as their only warriors, but also as their law enforcers, agents and guardians of sacred ground.
Thus, only the most honoured and skilled individuals are chosen for such a station. Meyla followed her sister Anaita, into the Valkryie. It took her many years of practice and repeated attempts but she was finally admitted into the order. The best day of her life became her worst as word came that her sister, her best friend, her idol - would not live to see it.
Charecter Path:
Entity Abilities:
-Force Projectile

-Force Projectile Level 2
+2 to all Ranged/Magic attacks.

-1000 Purple Coins


Name: Ashen
Gender: Male
Race: Dark Elf
Class: Mage
Specialization: Powerful, uncontrolled magic, usually controlled by his emotions.
Soulblade: Kris, a knife on a long rod, the blade is of obsidian with etching that glows a faint white. When it feels a certain powerful emotion from Ashen, It amplifies its effect, great fear makes the source afraid and emboldens Ashen, caring or attraction calms and sooths, ect. Anger causes harm... Somtimes to Ashen.
Bio: At 13, he is young, innocent, impressionable, and vaunerable. His power does not come easily, and he usually cannot control it. When it does come, it is powerful, but often hurts friends. If he feels a strong emotion, his magic can sieze upon it... If he feels self loathing, his magic might cause him to writhe in pain, working in tandem with his blade...
The only thing he knows of his lineage is that his mother was a prostitute and wanted nothing to do with him.
Str: 7
Will: 18
Dex: 3
Cunning: 6
Charecter Path:
Entity Abilities:
-Power Burst

-Gate of Lies

Allows the charecter to, using the Gate of Lies Ability, perform a high-speed magical charge ignoring all obstacles as long as the target is visible to the charecter.
Upon colliding with the target a wave of energy will be unleashed from the charecter.
-1000 Purple Coins


Name: Aviley (Avi) Sorcite
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Age: 19
Strength: 5
Will: 7
Dexterity: 11
Cunning: 7
Specialisation: Being on her own has taught Avi to keep a distance from aware enemies. She throws weapons or use a crossbow to take them down. When they're too close, she tries to feint them or simply dodge away. But Avi actually prefers it if she can work as an agent before or instead of assaulting, since she's a much better "negotiator" (manipulator). She once stole a thick, confusing spellbook from an actor and illusionist. Bored one night, she started studying it, and soon gained some insight into that province of magic and mechanics. Since then, she's had great interests in illusion magic that can allow her better results from subterfuge and stealth, but hasn't learned much yet.
Soulblade: This dagger has a mirrory blade, with tiny red dots up the flat sides that can be mistaken for drops of blood. The blade reflects the stars in the night under the open sky.
- During any kind of excitation or thrill, including combat, some tenderness, and thrilling falls, the dagger gives her fine grace, allowing her to slip out of tight clutches and, like a cat, be good at falling without getting too hurt.
- In moonlight or starlight, the dagger's abovementioned power also improves her vision. She will have an air of playfulness around her at this point.
- Wrath is not a thrilling sensation.
A typical rebellious youth, Aviley Sorcite comes from a rich and cultivated background. Her parents removed her from the house at the age of 13, because of her inappropriate relations with at least a couple of young men of lacky standing.
She was sent to a disciplining institution, where she spent a half year before she managed to escape. Filled with hormones, and both unwilling and unable to return to an aristocratic life, she travelled to other towns and started hooking for a short period. When she grew tired of this business, some of her customers lost their wallets, while others found a blade at their throats when attempting to abuse her. She became an active outlaw and joined a viscious gang, instead, before she could catch various diseases that could have killed her.
She was never considered the best thief in the gang. At the contrary, she very often blew it because of her personal agendas, so her leader only used her for special tasks and pleasure. She later became highly renowned for the latter, being called such things as maneater and manipulator.
Avi finally made a spontaneous move during a robbery, killing her own leader in cold blood, not looking quite enough like an accident. This was a way to say thanks after all he'd pushed her through, and how he used to mop the floor with her. She was chased away by the gang that was now out to kill her. For 3 years she struggled with survival, avoiding the authorities and her former gang. This had been a process of learning and maturing, which made her ready to join and take refuge among a group of adventurers, out of tiredness of authorities and jerks.
Avi is a dark, black-haired, sly and slim lass with powerful, rogueish charms and attractiveness. She can be quite provocative at times. She has adapted to a cruel underworld, but wishes to find people who are a little bit more trustworthy than the ones she used to hang out with in her hell'ov'a past. Two things she's definitely missed - are love and trust.
Charecter Path:
Entity Abilities:
-Force Projectile

-1000 Purple Coins


Name: Mex Morkson
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Strength: 15
Will: 5
Dexterity: 7
Cunning: 4
Specialization: Mex specializes in handling a Greatsword, his skill whit this kind of sword his pretty good and fast for the size of the sword. he is the kind of warrior that goes by rage, and does things before thinking it over, often to regret it later.
Soulblade: Mex his soulblade is a black Great sword, the handle is about 35 cm long and decorated whit Ancient Demon paterns. The crossguard is imbued whit a green Gem and on both sides small demon heads carved out of metal. the blade itself about 2 meters long and 20 cm wide, it has a carving on it that literally says "Demon Blade" in elfish. the blade has the power to send out a black air slashes towards it enemy's.
Biography: Mex is a long man that stands about 2.3 meters tall. he has long black hair hanging till his waist. he wears a long black travelers cloak and has a naked torso. he wears a loose linen pants (somewhat Arabic like) wich is bound around his waist whit a leather Belt. he wears black leather boots witch are strapped whit leather bands.
Mex doesn't remember much about his past, when he was 32 years old he was captured by demons and tortured to near death, the trauma of those events caused amnesia. when he remembers things it are all lose fragments and deformed memories. for years he wandered around looking for answers about his past. this brought him into contact whit even more demons and at one time when he was fighting a demon something happened. when the demon stabbed him he could feel a strange power surge go trough his body, since that day he could feel this surge every time he became angry.
Charecter Path:
Entity Abilities:
-Sphere of Supremacy

-Entity Power Channeling Glove
+2 to all Entity-Related Rolls

-100 Purple Coins


Name: Amnora Helene Moraine
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Strength: 5
Will: 18
Dexterity: 8
Cunning: 6
Amnora is a gifted sorceress whose lethality not only originates from her abilities of evocation, but her watchful gaze. This gaze is the source of her power, examining every movement of her opponent and every inch of exposure, weakness and strength, that may become useful in the battle. Such feats attained by her horrific circumstances fighting in the War of the Spider. In battle, she is calculating every possible strategy to take down her opponent without using her fragile body.
Rulaan, Viperstaff of Arcaith
Upon his last breaths, Rulaan Moraine gave his sister one last gift to keep her from the hand of malice during her exile. He gave her the Viperstaff of Arcaith, a symbol of magical power amongst the sorcerers of her homeland, and an artifact only meant to be possessed by the ruling archmage of The City of Lights. She then blessed the staff with a name to honor her late brother and left to fulfill her exile in Rafia, where her staff changed, and became bound to her.
Rulaan is long and slender, forged from arcane-tempered metals, and pulsating with magic equal to that of its owner. It is covered in runes that radiate with a dark glow when a magical entity is nearby. Upon its tip is the head of a cobra in its attack pose, and then upon that is her soulblade, a narrow dagger that sprouted from the viper’s head when she came to this darkened land. The dagger is engraved with the word for ‘corruption’ in the tongue of her homeland.
“Amnora Helene Moraine was the greatest sorceress to ever walk the bloodied soil of the north. She was also the only one of her kind, but even she could not withstand the malice of her people. For you see, dear reader, the north was not a world in which harmony presided. It was a cruel and unpredictable place, dangerous to the very core, where the malevolence of humanity unveiled itself in every corner. Across the greatest expanse of these beautiful lands blanketed in white snow ruled the Northern Empire, a collection of provinces that once sought to destroy each other. The people of these lands are malevolent, oppressive and brutal, yet cunning and blessed with the ingenuity of man.

Presiding over this monstrosity was the Emperor Kaelan Moraine. He had no empress, but ruled with cold and unforgiving relentlessness and enforced his own beliefs upon his people. One of these primary beliefs was that “men are superior and women will not excel – they are tools for reproduction and preserve our glorious empire”. Due to this, women were forced to the lower castes where few provisions were provided for while men rose and became rich and powerful. It was expected that men produce one daughter to help continue the line of another family, but produce sons to continue their own legacy. Not only that, but men were all gifted with the ability to call upon the world’s energies and culminate it, while women were not.

However, there was one exception…

Amnora was born to the emperor and a concubine. Her mother was then discarded into the slums of another city, and so too would Amnora. The birth of Amnora was an inconvenience for the emperor, who had just officially declared war on a province beyond the expanses of his empire. For six years, he was gone, and Amnora was under the care of her older brothers Itheriel and Rulaan. When the emperor returned, he was disgusted, and decided that such an abomination to his family was to be slain immediately. Upon almost killing her, Amnora created a shield of arcane energies that reflected his attack, scarring his arm. The emperor, though outraged, began to love his daughter and even envied her potential. However, to preserve his image amongst the men of his empire, he hid her away where she would teach her younger brothers (and even herself) magic.

When Amnora was seventeen, her father and another concubine gave birth to another girl. The emperor believed that when she grew older, she too would show magical promise. However, Valessa grew up to show no arcane prowess. Upon her assessment, Amnora attempted to create the illusion that her sister could wield magic, but to no avail, as her father detected her trickery and sentenced Amnora to participate in the grueling campaign known as the War of the Spider. The elite magi of the empire fought this war, in the extreme north, and survival was not guaranteed for such an amateur in combat and magic. Nonetheless, Amnora participated and harnessed her magical abilities to the fullest, then returned to the capital. Her father, who had called a conference for the houses of nobility in his kingdom, did not know until she stormed through the doors of his great hall with eyes of pure ice and lightning buzzing around her. Her anger was righteous and her abilities unsurpassable. She slaughtered most of the nobles, left only a few alive, and revealed that she was the daughter of the emperor.

In this spectacle, the emperor revealed that he had killed Valessa, and sentenced Amnora to be exiled from the Northern Empire or be killed instantly. Amnora, cornered by her emotions, obeyed her father and left just as her younger brothers departed for their arcane education. Now, her only choice, to go south. However, as she ventured south, her eldest brother (now the Archmage of Arcaith) followed her. Unknowingly, his father had sent mercenaries to kill him, and when he caught up with his sister, was slain. His last breaths were to avenge him and to one day return to the empire and save them from their father, and then gave her his staff, which would eventually become her soulblade in her journey to Rafia…”

Hanir Doravin
Historian of the North
Amnora is arian by nature, with piercing, sky-blue eyes that glisten like diamonds and long, golden locks bound by four metallic bands. Her hair runs down to her waistline, but she keeps it dangling over her shoulder. Her cheekbones are high and her skin made pale by the chill of the north. In whatever circumstance, be it hot or cold, Amnora is draped by an azure-blue cloak with the symbol of the Northern Empire upon it. This symbol is of a strange rune that looks like an eye. It is violet, and stands out. Her shroud is trimmed by white and is connected by an obsidian brooch at her waist. Her neck is hidden by a mantle of the same material and color as her cloak. She wears leather gloves, which at the palm, are charred by the velocity of arcane power. Her body is weaker than normal in terms of muscle, and she is extremely petite and feminine, but she makes up for it with her magic.
Entity Abilities:

-Amplify Magic

-1000 Purple Coins


Name: Calliope
Gender: Female
Race: Half-Sky elf, Half-human
Class: Mage
Strength: 7
Will: 8
Dexterity: 8
Cunning: 5
Calliope is known as Spirit of Music. Her main ability is her incredible voice the power of which is so great it can force other people into doing her bidding or feel like she wants them too. However she is also quite potent at magic, which she sadly doesnt know good enough, so usually she manipulates the elements and energy. Calliope over long years of being hunted has become quick and agile, but not physically strong.
Calliope's intentions are yet unknown, but she wants to become a lorekeeper and learn any knowledge she can find.
Singing Blade
It is a short silver blade, covered with mysterious lines. It glows when needed and is said to be so sharp it can rip through the matter of the space surrounding Calliope, allowing her to go almost anywhere in the Sixth Plane, but at a cost.
Calliope's origins are unknown. What is known is that she has been travelling Rafia for years of her short life, always denied and betrayed by people, hated for her strange looks and her powers. Her, being a halfbreed was the main reason of the hate towards her. Hiding and running, she has been learning and over time her adoration for knowledge grew and she saw that only the wise ones for whom lore is the point of life are wise and good and since then she has been interested in lorekeeping. What brought her to the point of the Entity's release is still a mystery, but it could be a call of destiny.
She looks quite interesting, but sadly is hated for her distinguishing features. She has snow-white hair. Her eyes are of different colors, one blue and one green. On her pale skin they look like two gems. Her ears are much longer then those of a human, but their ends are like those humans have. She is dressed in grey hood and simple, yet artistic comfortable clothes. Sometimes one can see a flute hanging on her waist.
Charecter Path:
Entity Abilities:
-Force Projectile

-Force Projectile Level 2
+2 to all Ranged/Magic attacks.

-1000 Purple Coins


Name: Zeyn Praq Britlu
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Rouge
Strength: 5
Dexterity: 10
Will: 4
Cunning: 7
Specialization: Zeyn is agile and quick and uses shadows to help kill him enemies.
Yezan and Coparq: Yezan and Coparq are sister daggers, Yezan has a dark goldenrod tip and Coparq has a red-orange tip, the rest of the dagger is colored with a dark red/cyan mix. They are both a little over average size of a regular dagger. Yezan and Coparq are both imbued with a magic poison that will impair the movement of whoever is struck, even allies. Yezan and Coparq create voices inside the wielder's mind and they sound as if the daggers are bickering with one another. Neither of them can be separated from one another and if they do the wielder is magically injected with a deadly poison that will kill unless treated as soon as possible. The tips of the daggers can glow on command to make a lantern, but it is only a faint glow just enough to make you see about three yards away. Yezan and Coparq are as light as a feather so they can be swung very fast and they are very deadly, if the first strike doesnt kill the second one will...
Biography/Description: Zeyn is 17 year old boy who has dark blond hair and has grayish-blue eyes that seem to flicker every so often, His favorite color is brownish-orange and he seems to be somewhat weak to magic. Zeyn comes from a small town where murder is everywhere, if you didn't watch your step it would be the last step you take. He had to learn to hide or else he would be killed. The small town was raided and burned by a large group of bandits and Zeyn's family was murdered. He had to relocate himself in order to survive, he started walking until he couldnt walk anymore, it led him to a beach, and there was a boat not to far away, he laid down and started to rest and after about an hour he got on the boat and he drifted to an island called Rafia
Charecter Path:
Entity Abilities:
-Sphere of Supremacy

-1000 Purple Coins
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009

This contains info of the storyline so far and what your current objective is.

The Beginning
After the Entity's unleashing the group found themselves in The Sixth Plane, located in The Black Tower.
They quickly banded together and begun using the Entity's powers.
After a quick encounter with the Entity's minions and some of the other adventuers in The Sixth Plane they got through to the Elven District, which hosted a great source of Entity Energy.
The Elven District
Once in the Elven District the group had a showdown with a crazed dwarf that had been fully possessed by the Entity.
After they defeated him the group managed to spread some color and life to the Elven District, turning it into a beacon of light in the soulless Sixth Plane.
Current Goal
The Group is currently working to find the mysterious Taiion, who is supposed to know what the hell is going on.

This contains a list of locations available for Travel.

The Black Tower Slums:
Currently there is no other way to get out of the Black Tower than through the slums.
The slums is a place bathed in crime, but how it is in the Sixth Plane is unknown.

This contains a list of things that needs doing around the world.

The Awakening:
The inhabitants of the Elven District have begun realising that something is wrong, that the world around them is dark and corrupt and that they not long ago were just like that.
The moment they realised this the Entity started assaulting them with monstrousities of all kinds, hoping to wipe them off the face of the Sixth Plane.
Help the inhabitants of the Elven District defend themselves against the purple hordes, and most importantly: Find out exactly who they are.

Into the Wilderness:
A great amount of Entity Power is present somewhere in the Wilderness surrounding Black Tower City.
Go out upon the uncharted lands that are the Great Platform, and find out what is going on.
But beware. In the mortal plane the Platform is a grim place, as entirely new types of plants and animals have sprouted up there.
How it is in The Sixth Plane is a thought most people might not want to think.

Death to the General:
A mighty creature has emerged from the Purple Hordes, a general of the Entity's Armies.
It wanders around the Elven District, commanding the endless hordes of wolves and other twisted creatures.
Eliminate the General and disorganize the Purple Hordes again.

This contains a list of all available dungeons.

Gateway Library:
The legendary Gateway Library has re-emerged as a great building nex to the place where the adventurers fought the crazed dwarf.
But it is swarming with the Purple Hordes, and the inhabitants of the Elven District has to be on guard at all times to prevent them from overrunning the district completely.
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Name: Ashen
Gender: Male
Race: Dark Elf
Class: Mage
Specialization: Powerful, uncontrolled magic, usually controlled by his emotions.
Soulblade: Kris, a knife on a long rod, the blade is of obsidian with etching that glows a faint white. When it feels a certain powerful emotion from Ashen, It amplifies its effect, great fear makes the source afraid and emboldens Ashen, caring or attraction calms and sooths, ect. Anger causes harm... Somtimes to Ashen.
Bio: At 13, he is young, innocent, impressionable, and vaunerable. His power does not come easily, and he usually cannot control it. When it does come, it is powerful, but often hurts friends. If he feels a strong emotion, his magic can sieze upon it... If he feels self loathing, his magic might cause him to writhe in pain, working in tandem with his blade...

The only thing he knows of his lineage is that his mother was a prostitute and wanted nothing to do with him.

Str: 1
Will: 10
Dex: 1
Cunning: 3
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Well, your charecter is OK exept for the stats and the specialisation.

The specialisation doesnt really need to be detailed, you can just write "Uses magic for pretty much everything."
Or "Specialises in Magical Spheres" or something.
But your charecter needs to have SOME kind of specialisation.
Just describe your fighting style.

And no, i will not assign your stats for you. :p
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009

Name: Llyw, originally from Llywyinon.
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Not yet completely developed, with traits of a rogue-ish behaviour.
Rogue: +3 to Dexterity and +2 to Cunning

Strength: 2
Affects things such as
-Melee Attacks
-Hard Work
Will: 3
Affects things such as
-Psychic Strength
Dexterity: 5
Affects things such as
Cunning: 5

Specialisation: If he can, he won't get into fight. If he is forced to, he usually just avoids taking any hits and then attacks with small hits until, if the wished result is gained, the opponent falls on the ground, completely harassed. Futhermore, Llyw is currently finishing his training as a carpenter. That aside, he is fairly good in sprinting and has a good physic state. Lastly, he has a strange obsession with clocks and time.
Soulblade: The soulblade of Llyw is actually a small sword that seems entirely normal, but if you look a while at it you begin to see the silver-esque glow it emits. Llyw himself doesn't know yet what it actually does as he usually avoids getting into fights.
damn hippie

Undiscovered Abilities -

When in a great hurry or rush, it is able to increase speed and silence for him, thus, in a fight, he will be able to sprint faster away.

With the blade his reflexes grow incredibly fast in a fight or in any form of danger. This only occurs when his blade gets a very clear silver glow.

The combination of the silence and the reflexes he is able to hide himself very quickly or become almost invisible to people that don't look specifically at him.

He was born in a relatively simple family, in a farmer family to be correct. In the noons and evenings he would often play with his little sisters as a kid, but after he got to the age of twelve, his family gave him to a carpenter as apprentice, hoping that he would send money back to provide them with all kinds of stuff. He did, sending the little payment he got over the years back, even though he despised them for handing him over for their own goods. Now, he's busy with his last test to become a master carpenter, with a last test, which is to decorate a room with stools, couches and tables all made by himself. Lately, he has gotten numerous nightmares and started noticing that time somestimes would slow down and his eyesight has improved immensely.

Futher, he often just wears normal, unnoticable clothes you would encounter in a typical crowd. His eyes are.. yellow. His face is usually calm and he makes it for other people very hard to read his emotions if they try to judge from his face.
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
I like your char fuss, and i see that you've spent time on it, but i have a few things to point out.

1: I think you managed to Over-Detail your stats. ;)
Do it something like this instead:
Strength: 2
Will: 3
Dexterity: 5
Cunning: 5

2: Even though your charecter is well written and has loads of RP potential, you really should add a tiny bit more heroism. ;)
I know that in my last RP i stated several times that you all started out with a power level equal to that of "Level 1 Gnome Warlock", but in this one i'm kinda imagining you all to have the power equaling a Master Wizard.
If for nothing else, due to the influence that the Entity had on your charecters.
You can keep everything about your charecter being a carpenter and being sent away by his family all you want, just add abit of heroism to the soup of plainness. ;)
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Name: Adinhina
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Class: Mage
Strength: 3 (0+3)
Will: 6 (4+2)
Dexterity: 3 (0+3)
Cunning: 3 (1+2)
Adinhina usually stays back and supports his allies with supportive magic, with a few attack-oriented spells thrown in.
Adinhina's soulblade is a spear. The head is made of some silvery metal, and the shaft is plain wood. Adinhina hasn't had it long enough to discover its powers.
Adinhina used to be a normal, headstrong, drunk dwarf. He spent most of his early life as a warrior, fighting the enemies of his clan. However, that changed when he got in a drunken brawl with three dwarves, one of them his brother, and killed them all. Struck with grief and banished from his clan, Adinhina traveled aimlessly until he came across a wandering cleric. Inspiration and a chance to alleviate some of the suffering he had caused had been put right in front of him, and Adinhina traveled with the cleric for years, learning the ways of healing magic. He later struck out on his own, providing healing services for villages, adventuring parties, and once even the lord of a small kingdom. He has recently traveled to Rafia, hearing of the undead menace there, but before he could find an adventuring party to join the crusade against the undead, the Entity was unleashed...

Adinhina looks like a typical dwarf. He has long, red hair, with a large beard in a single braid. He usually wears chain mail or robes, depending on who he is with, and has a worn and battle-scarred face. He doesn't drink at all, as well.
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
I like your char fuss. :)
And it's pretty much approved. I will oficially approve it once you fix your soulblade.

Also, about your soulblade:
Just describe how it looks and then write "Abilities Undiscovered" or something. :p

I'm currently working on the "Talent Trees" or Charecter Paths, as i choose to call them, and everyone that has an approved charecter will be able to pick one of the five General Paths that i am planning to have in the game.
It may end up being more or less, but five's the plan.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
OMG, omg, omg bout time =D
The presentation makes me druel!
Just one thing, are the races locked, or can we be something else (within reason ofc, so a well known fantasy race).
I have no idea if I even would choose a race outside those, but it'll at least clear it up for others =)
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Well, yes. Generally you can only use the races from Rafia BM&N.
But tell me which race it is you are thinking about and i will answer your question.

Allrighty then! Your charecter is Approved!

EDIT: The five charecter paths has been posted!
Anyone with an approved charecter can pick one!
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Well, maybe not exactly "A Deal".
What it generally is, is that your charecter has allowed the Entity's energies to live inside his/her body.
The symbiose is allways a thing that happens willingly, but not nessecarily while the charecter is fully conscious.
The "Deal" might, for example, have been made by the charecter's sub-consciousness.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Name: Meyla
Gender: Female
Race: Faerie/Remnant
Class:Warrior: +3 to Strength and +2 to Dexterity


S = 0 (+3) = 3
W = 3 (+0) = 4
D = 3 (+2) = 5
C = 3 (+0) = 3
Describe how your charecter fights, what he is good at and what he/she wants to learn/become.

Meyla is/was (in her origin world) a Valkyrie, a term borrowed from old legends, though the meaning has changed. Rather than being those who "decide who is slain in battle" it is now "Those who slay in battle".
They are trained in the use of offensive arcane magic, longswords and wear a light ceremonial armour, which in all honesty looks better than it performs, if it weren't for magical rune enhancements, it wouldn't be worth wearing at all.
Meyla has wings and uses them to her advantage in battle.

Meyla's soulblade is an rune covered longsword, it's guard is a complex Celtic-like pattern of thin twining metal, the hilt is long, intended for two hands. A small emerald is embedded within the hilt's end. The inscription is that for a powerful feedback spell, it allows the blade to deflect/absorb magical energy (dependent on power) and transfer it to the wielder.

Meyla is rather short, standing just above 5' (5, 1 - 5, 3).
Her hair is a rich, dark auburn. It's naturally wavy and usually held back in a large, loose fox tail by a cotton/leather tie.
Her eyes are deep, dark and green (almost emerald).
Her eyebrows are sharp, her nose small and ears 'tucked' back.
She almost exclusively commits her apparel to her armour, and/or a light silk overall, worn much like a toga.

Being a peaceful and magically tuned people, Meyla's people have never had much need or desire for metal and war.
The Valkyries act not only as their only warriors, but also as their law enforcers, agents and guardians of sacred ground.

Thus, only the most honoured and skilled individuals are chosen for such a station. Meyla followed her sister Anaita, into the Valkryie. It took her many years of practice and repeated attempts but she was finally admitted into the order. The best day of her life became her worst as word came that her sister, her best friend, her idol - would not live to see it.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
I like your char fuss. :)
And it's pretty much approved. I will oficially approve it once you fix your soulblade.

Also, about your soulblade:
Just describe how it looks and then write "Abilities Undiscovered" or something.

Soulblade now filled in.
By the way, unless you have discovered my secret multiaccount scheme, I think you meant to say "CC."
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009

Allright! I will now begin work on the writing and artwork for the first Symbiose Unveil!

Name: Meyla
Gender: Female.
Race: Farie/Remnant.
Class:Warrior: +3 to Strength and +2 to Dexterity


S = 0 (+3) = 3
W = 3 (+0) = 4
D = 3 (+2) = 5
C = 3 (+0) = 3
Describe how your charecter fights, what he is good at and what he/she wants to learn/become.

Meyla is/was (in her origin world) a Valkyrie, a term borrowed from old legends, though the meaning has changed. Rather than being those who "decide who is slain in battle" it is now "Those who slay in battle".
They are trained in the use of offensive arcane magic, longswords and wear a light ceremonial armour, which in all honesty looks better than it performs, if it weren't for magical rune enhancements, it wouldn't be worth wearing at all.
Meyla has wings and uses them to her advantage in battle.

Meyla's soulblade is an rune enscripted longsword, it's guard is a complex Celtic-like pattern of thin twining metal, the hilt is long, intended for two hands. A small emerald is embedded within the hilt's end.


Being a peaceful and magically tuned people, Meyla's people have never had much need or desire for metal and war.
The Valkyries act not only as their only warriors, but also as their law enforcers, agents and guardians of sacred ground.

Thus, only the most honoured and skilled individuals are chosen for such a station. Meyla followed her sister Anaita, into the Valkryie. It took her many years of practice and repeated attempts but she was finally admitted into the order. The best day of her life became her worst as word came that her sister, her best friend, her idol - would not live to see it.

Me likes!
It seems a little like the Biography should have a continuation, as it cuts off very sharply and leaves alot of unanswered questions. :p

Apart from that i would like to have it straight exactly where Meyla is from though.
She could be from Urnung, a great land neighbouring Rafia.
Urnung was once a land known for it's great forests and grassy plains, but it's people insulted the powerfull smoke demon "Shroud" so badly that he covered the whole land in an inpenetratable smoke, turning it into a cold and barren desert of ice.
The people that live there are called Crycons, who are a viking-like civilisation that use rune magic.

This actually fits suprisingly well, exept for the part where Meyla's people are peacefull, since the Crycons show great pride in their massive armies.
Meyla COULD be from a small tribe living in the mountains though, as there are several of those.

Lol, sorry CC. XD
Got kinda' confused as you can probably tell. :p
Your charecter is now APPROVED!
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Yes, your charecter can join up with the group after the game has started. :)

I will begin work on the necessary artwork and writing for the first Control Unveil. :D
I posted some information about how Charecter Paths will work in the game at the top of the post containing the Charecter Paths.

Tier 1 Abilities for Symbiose is now posted!
Anyone with Symbiose as their Path can choose one of them!

Tier 1 Abilities for Control is now posted!
Anyone with Control as their Path can choose one of them!
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Alright. Forgot to add class stat bonuses, so I'll do that.
Also, I'll take the control path. It would probably be best if the healer can actually heal consistently. I'll take the projectile ability.
By the way, this RP looks great, maybe even better than the first one. Everything is organized and clear... I like it a lot.

Updated stats. Changed them around a bit, too.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Glad you think so. :) I've learned alot since Rafia BM&N.
I'l update your char sheet with the path and ability.

Your charecter is now Approved!
I will add it and begin work on the first Consumation Unveil. :)

I will add it to your sheet!

Tier 1 Abilities for Consumation added!
Anyone with Consumation as their path may now pick one.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
I will add it to your char sheet. :)

There are two more players that are currently working on their charecters.
Wolfe and Hugget Sukker both whispered/Vm'd me that they would like to join and are working on their charecters.
And unless they take FOREVER at making their charecters then we wont start until they are finished.

I DO though have something for all you people with a charecter to do while you wait:
You have to decide where you want to start.

Upon gamestart all players will be inside the Sixth Plane, and you all have to decide where you want to be.
I would prefer it if you started as a group, since that would make the game easyer to get running and therefore result in a better RP experiance for all of us.
So PLEASE start atleast SOMEWHERE near eachother.

Since the Sixth Plane technically is a darker copy of the Mortal PLane all locations that you know from Rafia BM&N are possible places to start, but this time you are not liminited to Blackwind Mountains, or even the isle of Rafia.
You can start anywhere in Rafia, Urnung or The Black Tower.

I cant remember how much lore i posted about The Black Tower in the old Rafa RP, and i know that i havent posted ANYTHING about Urnung before i had to find out where Grey's charecter is from, so i will post a list of Locations that you can start in in the first post.

And even though the Sixth Plane is a mirror plane to the mortal plane all the way down to it's population, remember that some things may be slightly changed. *Evil DM Laughter*
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
Name: Aviley (Avi) Sorcite
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Age: 19
Strength 1
Will 4
Dexterity 5
Cunning 5
Spec: Being on her own has taught Avi to keep a distance from aware enemies. She throws weapons or use a crossbow to take them down. When they're too close, she tries to feint them or simply dodge away. But Avi actually prefers it if she can work as an agent before or instead of assaulting, since she's a much better "negotiator" (manipulator). She once stole a thick, confusing spellbook from an actor and illusionist. Bored one night, she started studying it, and soon gained some insight into that province of magic and mechanics. Since then, she's had great interests in illusion magic that can allow her better results from subterfuge and stealth, but hasn't learned much yet.
Soulblade: This dagger has a mirrory blade, with tiny red dots up the flat sides that can be mistaken for drops of blood. The blade reflects the stars in the night under the open sky.
- During any kind of excitation or thrill, including combat, some tenderness, and thrilling falls, the dagger gives her fine grace, allowing her to slip out of tight clutches and, like a cat, be good at falling without getting too hurt.
- In moonlight or starlight, the dagger's abovementioned power also improves her vision. She will have an air of playfulness around her at this point.
- Wrath is not a thrilling sensation.
A typical rebellious youth, Aviley Sorcite comes from a rich and cultivated background. Her parents removed her from the house at the age of 13, because of her inappropriate relations with at least a couple of young men of lacky standing.
She was sent to a disciplining institution, where she spent a half year before she managed to escape. Filled with hormones, and both unwilling and unable to return to an aristocratic life, she travelled to other towns and started hooking for a short period. When she grew tired of this business, some of her customers lost their wallets, while others found a blade at their throats when attempting to abuse her. She became an active outlaw and joined a viscious gang, instead, before she could catch various diseases that could have killed her.
She was never considered the best thief in the gang. At the contrary, she very often blew it because of her personal agendas, so her leader only used her for special tasks and pleasure. She later became highly renowned for the latter, being called such things as maneater and manipulator.
Avi finally made a spontaneous move during a robbery, killing her own leader in cold blood, not looking quite enough like an accident. This was a way to say thanks after all he'd pushed her through, and how he used to mop the floor with her. She was chased away by the gang that was now out to kill her. For 3 years she struggled with survival, avoiding the authorities and her former gang. This had been a process of learning and maturing, which made her ready to join and take refuge among a group of adventurers, out of tiredness of authorities and jerks.
Avi is a dark, black-haired, sly and slim lass with powerful, rogueish charms and attractiveness. She can be quite provocative at times. She has adapted to a cruel underworld, but wishes to find people who are a little bit more trustworthy than the ones she used to hang out with in her hell'ov'a past. Two things she's definitely missed - are love and trust.
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
@Hugget Sukker
Okay, lemme' say a few things:
1: Your charecter is VERY WELL WRITTEN, and once you fix your soulblade i am pretty sure i will approve it.

2: Basically ANYONE can cast magic.
Atleast if they have a bit of practice or a natural talent, which usually is written into the charecter's backstory, which is allready checked off the list in your case.
The only thing you really need apart from that is a decent will score.
Without a good will score your magic will be rubbish 80% of the time.

3: Welcome to Rafia. :p
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Name: Sven Aubry
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Strength: 3 rewriting
Will: 2
Dexterity: 6 (3+3)
Cunning: 4 (2+2)
Specialization: rewriting
Soulblade: rewriting
Biography: Sven has short black hair, he has a scar over one of his eyes. he always wears black assassin robes whit a hood. aside from his soul blade he also Carry's smoke bombs, throwing knives and injection blades for poison.

Sven was born into a familly of assassins and from a young age he was trained to feel no emotions and fade away into the shadows. his youth was not exactly whit you would call good. his parents ruthlessly trained him to be one of the best assassins the family had ever had. they would often attack him during the night, trying to kill him, and eventually instead of them killing him he killed them. this was at the age of 25, he killed his own parents and left the house, after this he went into the world as an assassin mercenary. after a few years of traveling around doing assassinations for money.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
First of all phoon, i'd like to say that it's nice to see you here again. :)
Then i have a few things to say about your charecter:

1: Your soulblade is KINDA overpowered. :(
Only one form please, and keep the abilities low.

2: You arent allowed to pick a path before i have approved your charecter, and it seems you have completely misunderstood what paths work like.
Your path just says "Consume Life", which is an ability from the Consumation Path, while it shows an icon for the ability "Force Projectile", which is from the control path.

Please remove the path part until i have approved your charecter and balance your soulblade. :S
Once that is done i will take a second look at your charecter and probably approve it.
THEN you can pick a path and an ability from that path.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
oh sorry i probably forgot to change the picture as i re-created it it a few times, I'll edit everything by tomorrow tough, to tired now. i know there are many flaws so, meh... i'll edit it tomorrow.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
BUT REMEMBER that you are in THE SIXTH PLANE not the REAL MORTAL PLANE. And even though the Sixth Plane is a mirror plane to the mortal plane all the way down to it's population, remember that some things may be slightly changed. *Evil DM Laughter*

Wait... does this mean that each individual has a clone in the Sixth Realm? If so... does that include us?
And seeing as its a different realm, I doubt that the heroes from BM&N are going to be around, even if they didn't move from Rafia once their adventures ended.
And Dragonson, how will we get to the Sixth Plane? Are we suddenly transported there, knowingly or unknowingly? Can we move between the two at will?
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
Hi. I think my character is almost done now. Tried to put some energy into that soulblade, but here I am with a somewhat funky idea. I have a hard time coming up with a better one, but should probably have made something supporting ranged combat. I just can't balance it right without knowing how combat works in this.
Is a Will score of 4 okay? How often would it fail?
Be back in 9 hours.
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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Looking at everyone else's stats (bar TWIF ^^) 4-5 seems to be the highest skill values, so I think it's quite safe to say it's not going to fail TOO much, although obviously we won't start the game as master magicians! There will/should be room for improvement?

Of course, Ashen will succeed in casting (theoretically) twice as much as everyone else (9 Will) but his strength and dexterity are abysmal... It's just like a real RPG would play out, you can't be a master magician, war-hammer wielding assassin (at least not a very good one ^^).

Jack of all trades, master of none.

As for the combat/interaction, if it's exactly the same as Rafia, Dragonson rolls a dice and uses some formula that incorporates a chosen stat (strength if you hit someone, dexterity if your trying to dodge..) and maybe some other bonuses (if certain events influence the action).

Depending on how high the roll (+bonuses) is, depends on what he'll say happens, roll really low and you'll probably fail casting, maybe blow your friends up (at worst xD) - roll really high and baddies say bye bye !!!!!

It's a very good system that DS should be proud of, it doesn't bog progress down with mounds of numbers, let it still leaves some element of chance and variation to be seen =D
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