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NOTE: See Rafia: Blackwind Mountains and Necropia for some lore references and information about how dice rolls work.
Once again i welcome all that wish to step through the door, to a world of new roles and experiances.
Those of you that have played with me before may be slightly familiar with the ground that we will be exploring, but whether you are a recruit or a veteran will not matter much in this game.
You are all heroes.
Whether you are good or evil, a mage or a barbarian, you are a hero to those that share your views on the world.
You are great persons that have fought hard to acheive your skills and abilities, or have simply been gifted with power by forces too big to comprehend.
But no matter who you are, your life is about to change.
You see, not long ago, all of you were present on the isle of Rafia.
Maybe by coincidence, maybe by luck or misfortune, you were all present when a foolish mage opened a portal to a place beyond creation.
He did not open a portal to the black void that surrounds the five planes, he did not open a portal to the playground of the Archbeing, Godspace, he opened a portal OUTSIDE Godspace, and the moment it opened, something terrible passed through.
Immediately, all of the nine Dragonpriests, the protectors of the five planes and the island of Rafia, rushed to the place the event had occured by their master's, Ahmon'Zan the Great Dragon, command.
There they managed to force the entity that had passed through back through the portal.
But they did not manage to send it back to from where it came.
Instead, the entity slipped through a crack in reality and entered a plane of volatile creation.
It's mere pressence shaped the newfound dimension into a real plane, looking somewhat like a darker version of Rafia and the rest of The Mortal plane.
And here, in this dark mirror-plane, the entity settled.
And from there, it slowly begun spreading it's terrible influence and power to the other planes, wreaking havoc in Ahmon'Zan's world.
All the gods and the nine Dragonpriests combined their powers and managed to hold the dark intrusion at bay, but if a single one of them as much as tried to enter the sixth plane and deal with the entity, the entity's dark power would immediately begin slipping into the space left behind by the travelling god.
The gods realised that this could very well be the end of creation, as they could not hold up their defences forever.
But then, one of the mortals that had been present on Rafia when the catastrophe happened made a great discovery.
A small group of people that had been present on Rafia when the catastrophe happened had been granted a special power, one that allowed them to tap into the entity's terrible force and use it to command a new type of magic.
These mortals could travel into the Sixth plane, these mortals could challenge the entity, these mortals could save creation.
As the gods realised this, they were of course overwhelmed with releif and joy.
They promised a great reward to any mortal that defeated the entity, a reward so great that many mortals willingly entered the sixth plane to try their luck against the entity.
Any mortal that emerged from battle with the entity Victorious, would ascend to new heights of power, and become a god.
And each of you, that have read this tale, are one of these gifted mortals, out to try your luck at the trials of the Sixth Plane.
Fill out this charecter sheet and send it to me.
I will then Approve or Reject your charecter.
Race: See the races in Rafia: Blackwind Mountains and Necropia.
Warrior: +3 to Strength and +2 to Dexterity
Rogue: +3 to Dexterity and +2 to Cunning
Mage: +4 to Will and +1 to Cunning
Everyone has ten points that they can spend in the various stat pools.
Every "Important" (I define what is and what is not "Important") action you make in the game will be affected by your stats in one way or another.
Remember to also apply the stat bonuses from your classes.
Affects things such as
-Melee Attacks
-Hard Work
Affects things such as
-Psychic Strength
Affects things such as
Affects things such as
-Understanding Complex Technological Systems
-Understanding Complex Magic
-How much others like you
Describe how your charecter fights, what he is good at and what he/she wants to learn/become.
Describe your charecter's soulblade.
What does it do, how does it look, etc.
MUST be a bladed weapon.
Describe your charecter's looks, maybe write abit about his or her backstory.
Once your charecter has been approved, you will have to chose one of the five Charecter Paths.
Each path has diffirent ways to use the Entity's magic, all with diffrent effects on your charecter.
They will not provide any information on what specefic abilities the diffirent paths grant you though, not until they have been explored by a player.
-Follow the Unwritten RP Rules.
-Dont be a Douche.
-THINK! Use your brain!
I'm not going to grant nice abilities and cool bonuses to people that RP badly and perform acts of incredible idiocy.
-DONT godmod.
Whenever an action has been posted I will roll some dice to determine it's outcome.
DONT post both the action and the result yourself. It WILL result in a serious DM smite!
-You controll YOUR CHARECTER.
Not any NPCs, not anyone else's charecters, but YOUR charecter.
-Be nice to other players.
If anyone treats another player badly outside the game due to ingame actions then i will be very angry.
When there's more than once dice it does not mean that the charecter making the roll is stronger, it means that the roll is harder to perform.
For example, 8 would be a good result when performing a one-dice roll.
But when performing a two-dice roll 8 would be 4 below the natural max, 12, and be an almost-failed roll.
When performing a two-dice roll the equilevant of 8 would be 16.
Locations of Importance and Landmarks
Blackwind Mountains:
A big mountain chain in Northwest Rafia that is completely overrun by the undead.
Lake D'Shevaen:
Rafia's biggest lake that houses Shevaen, the great capital of the Dragonkin.
Shevaen is known for mostly consisting of small platforms that float on the surface of the lake, each with several great houses on them.
All the platforms are conected via underwater tunnels, and at the bottom of the lake lies the Dragonkin Council.
Lake D'Shevaen lies in South Rafia.
The Towershield Farmlands:
The home of the Towershield Family, the most powerful group of people in Rafia.
The Towershield Farmlands lie around The Black Tower.
Like the Black Tower, the Towershield Farmlands lie in Central Rafia.
The Sliverpeak Mountains:
The Silverpeak Mountains are the biggest mountain chain in Rafia.
It is also the home of the Legendary Stoneforge Dwarves.
The lie in Southeast Rafia.
The Great Forests:
The Great Forests in East Rafia house the numerous woodelves, and is known for the great amount of rare and exotic animals that live there.
The Temple District:
The Great Temple District that lies around Ahmon'Zan's only temple is the biggest district in The Black Tower.
It contains temples for all the diffirent gods, and houses several schools of divine magic.
The Elven District:
Home of the Sky Elves, the race that first inhabited The Black Tower.
The Elven District is the biggest Center of Magic in the Five Planes, and it's libraries are humongous.
The Trade District:
You can find ANYTHING in the trade district, for the right price.
Aswell as being a great center of trade, the trade district houses several assassin groups and the Headquarters of the infamous Black Spectres.
Watch your back, for in the trade district the law is blindfolded.
The Tower Slums:
Down in the tower itself is an enormous slum, inhabited by all kinds of shady people.
Aswell as being full of plague and crime, the Tower Slums also house the famous Obelisk of Secrets, an ancient artefact that wizards have been studying for ages without finding any clue to it's meaning apart from the words "Loras Eternum".
The Black Pyramids:
The Capital of the Crycons is The Black Pyramids, an underground city that, on the surface, looks like three, enormous black pyramids.
The City itself is humongous, but many of it's tunnels are no longer inhabited, atleast not by Crycons.
The Worm Wastes:
The Worm Wastes are a big stretch of land in the middle of Urnung's frozen deserts.
It is believed to be the birthplace of the Corpse Worm Race, and it is FULL of them.
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