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Rafia: Trials of the Sixth Plane

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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
THAT is where i say "Go find out yourself." ^^
Except about the planar transport related question.
YES, you can move between the planes at will.
It is part of the whole entity power thing.

A will score of 4 will be fine as long as you dont do magic as your main combat style.
About your Soulblade:
Ranged soulblades are somewhat Rare in The Five Planes, as soulblades technically are the physical form of an individual person's battle style, and it is not possible for people to choose their own soulblades.
The few ranged soulblades are known as Arrow Soulblades, in which the soulblade is generally just an arrowhead that will grow a shaft and feathers if the person it belongs to uses a bow, or become longer and grow a handle if the person it belongs to wants to use it as a throwing knife.
Arrow Soulblades are the only soulblades that can be longer than ten meters away from their owner without the owner dying.
(SIDE NOTE: just to calm you all down, it is NOT a simple matter to remove a soulblade from it's owner. 'just saying.)
All arrow soulblades also return to their master when the target is hit.

Oh and, also guys: I will be away for most of today.
I'm going to one of my cousins' place and i'm first coming back tomorrow.
So, have fun. :S
And if someone has any questions that one of you Rafia veterans think you can answer then PLEASE try.

EDIT: Gray, you ninja! :p
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
And if someone has any questions that one of you Rafia veterans think you can answer then PLEASE try.

Will do command! :D

EDIT: Gray, you ninja! :p

Bahahaha :D I admit I have a little haxxy program that tells me when your typing out a reply, a little icon flashes in my taskbar! I then quickly jump on thw and INTENTIONALLY NINJAH!
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
Thanks Grey and Dragonson. I should explore DS's game info further.

My character is done. The soulblade says:
This dagger has a mirrory blade, with tiny red dots up the flat sides that can be mistaken for drops of blood. The blade reflects the stars in the night under the open sky.
- During any kind of excitation or thrill, including combat, some tenderness, and thrilling falls, the dagger gives her fine grace, allowing her to slip out of tight clutches and, like a cat, be good at falling without getting too hurt.
- In moonlight or starlight, the dagger's abovementioned power also improves her vision. She will have an air of playfulness around her at this point.
- Wrath is not a thrilling sensation.
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Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
@Fuss, seeing as he said we can swap back and forth between planes, the answer would be... :D

However leading on from that, I have my own question; which plane do we start in..? o_O

And even though the Sixth Plane is a mirror plane to the mortal plane all the way down to it's population, remember that some things may be slightly changed. *Evil DM Laughter*

Sorry, it confused me. Besides, it'd be pretty cool to switch between planes uncosciously. Like a thin line between the two planes.
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
@Grey: Well, it seems we're supposed to pick a place where we all approximately start in the same general area. It wouldn't make sense if two started in Black Tower, and the rest somewhere completely remote from there. My summarized impression is this:
Rafia = classic fantasy country
The Black Tower = civilization and culture
Urnung = adventure and secrets
Now I technically can't say my opinion before my character has been approved, but... :]

Edit: Misread plane as place xP ... But anyway, do we have a shared general PLACE to start?
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Allright, i'm back!

@Everyone Asking About Which Plane You Start In
You start in the Sixth plane, and you are all aware of it.

Thy Charecter is Now Approved and thou may choose a path!

Allright, it seems that we are allmost ready to start.
I am still waiting for Phoon to Rewrite his char, and i am currently discussing Wolfe's char with him over PM, and Hugget still needs to chose and path, but apart from that we are ready once you guys have picked a place to start. :p
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Hehe. ^^
Well, i learned how to cope with my illness.
I even (FINALLY!) got a diagnosis explaining why it happens so frequently.

It's 'cause i lack something which in general tongue is Called MBL. I cant remember what it stands for, but it's something latin.
What it generally is is the "Wall" preventing illnesses and infections from getting into your body.
It's not the part of the Immune system that FIGHTS the illnesses, it's more like a mote of lava that takes off most of the assaulting bacteria.

But for me, sadly, it's more like a nice little stretch of forest with clearly marked paths to walk on. :S
You see, normal people have 'round 500 Units of MBL.
I have 17.

Yes, it sucks.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Good to know you have an answer. Sounds like your problem is the kind of thing that nosehairs and such do, right?
Also, if its in 'units' there has to be something to measure, and it would make sense that there are booster shots or something similar to them, Like TWIF said.

Back to the topic of where to start...

@Grey: My summarized impression is this:
Rafia = classic fantasy country
The Black Tower = civilization and culture
Urnung = adventure and secrets
Now I technically can't say my opinion before my character has been approved, but... :]

If I understand you correctly, you want to start at Urnung because it is full of adventure and secrets. That would certainly be a great place to explore, but we don't want to start there for the same reason. We are entering an alternate reality controlled by an evil creature of god-like power; it is probably our enemy, and the nature of the thing in general suggests that the world will be much more dangerous than the actual Mortal Plane. Starting at a civilized location that can easily be found again (the Black Tower lies dead-center in Rafia, if I am not mistaken) would be best. We need to get our feet and a sense of how dangerous the world is before we start adventuring.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
I actually dont know the exact details of how to measure MBL, but i know that i had to get my blood sampled five times in order for them to come to the conclusion that i lacked it. :S
And as for what a "unit" of MBL is, i have no idea. :p
I just know that regular people have 500 of them.

I have though been informed that there is absolutely nothing i can do about my lacking MBL, except just treating all the illness i get like you would treat any normal infection.
There are alot of people working on finding a way to increase MBL, though, since if they found a way to do that it would be revolutionary.
Imagine being able to, at will, give people a mega boost to the outer layer of their immune system. I'm just saying.

Anyways, even though i myself think that this is an interesting topic for obvious reasons, i think we should leave my illness behind and get back to discussing where you guys are going to start. ;)
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Name: Mex Morkson
Gender: Male
Race: (can i be human demo hybrid?)
Class: Warrior
Strength: 6 (3+3)
Will: 2
Dexterity: 5 (3+2)
Cunning: 2
Specialization: Mex specializes in handling a Greatsword, his skill whit this kind of sword his pretty good and fast for the size of the sword. he is the kind of warrior that goes by rage, and does things before thinking it over, often to regret it later.
Soulblade: Mex his soulblade is a black Great sword, the handle is about 35 cm long and decorated whit Ancient Demon paterns. The crossguard is imbued whit a green Gem and on both sides small demon heads carved out of metal. the blade itself about 2 meters long and 20 cm wide, it has a carving on it that literally says "Demon Blade" in elfish. the blade has the power to send out a black air slashes towards it enemy's.
Biography: Mex is a long man that stands about 2.3 meters tall. he has long black hair hanging till his waist. he wears a long black travelers cloak and has a naked torso. he wears a loose linen pants (somewhat Arabic like) wich is bound around his waist whit a leather Belt. he wears black leather boots witch are strapped whit leather bands.

Mex doesn't remember much about his past, when he was 32 years old he was captured by demons and tortured to near death, the trauma of those events caused amnesia. when he remembers things it are all lose fragments and deformed memories. for years he wandered around looking for answers about his past. this brought him into contact whit even more demons and at one time when he was fighting a demon something happened. when the demon stabbed him he could feel a strange power surge go trough his body, since that day he could feel this surge every time he became angry.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
yea i was going for the anime style claymore but no i don't read that tough. is it an anime to? and yea, it is huge eh? but unrealistic but meh.
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
Hurr hurr hurr :ogre_hurrhurr: Are we all excited? I am :ogre_rage:

I'm choosing the Control path.
Actually, I'd vote for Black Tower, not Urnung. I figured by the multitude of races, great libraries, trade district, and all that, Black Tower was probably the safest starting point. But Urnung could certainly be of later interest.

Ay, cool char Phoon.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Yes, you can be a demon-human hybrid.
But the only demon feature you can have is your height, and maybe something else if you play well in the game.
AND your race will be written on your sheet as "Human". :)
But, your charecter is Approved.

Now, i have a feeling that everyone is going to murder you if you dont pick your Charecter Path very soon. :p

Allright, Control it is.
But what ability do you choose?

@Everyone Else
You going for the black tower i take it? :p

Oh yeah, just one thing:
For everyone impatient to get started, there's ClickQuest.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Force Projectile will be added.

Well, if you read up on it, it says in the post with the Charecter Paths that each path contains a TRUCKLOAD of abilities, but that they will first be revealed when someone explores the paths.
I will begin work on the first Unveil for Unleashed. :)

AAAND, once that's done, we're just waiting for Wolfe. :)
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
I havent made all the diffirent icons and abilities for all the paths yet, no.
I can make them pretty fast on the go, and i prefer to leave a lot of room for changes.

If you read up on the thread you will see that every time someone has chosen a path no one else has chosen before i have said something along the lines of "I will start Work on the first Unveil for [INSERT CHAR PATH NAME HERE]."

I DO have a general plan for each path, and a pretty big list of abilities that i plan to make, but i also plan to just throw in a few more as i go along.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
i know, i just ask because if it's gonna take long i could start up another game, and if it's gonna be finished soon I'd just wait ^^
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Tier 1 Abilities for the Unleashed path has been posted.
Anyone with Unleashed as their path may pick one.

Just something i forgot to tell you guys:
All rolls relating to Entity Abilities automatically uses the charecter's highest stat.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora Moraine
Name: Amnora Helene Moraine
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Path: Corruption
Strength: 1
Will: 7
Dexterity: 2
Cunning: 4
Amnora is a gifted sorceress whose lethality not only originates from her abilities of evocation, but her watchful gaze. This gaze is the source of her power, examining every movement of her opponent and every inch of exposure, weakness and strength, that may become useful in the battle. Such feats attained by her horrific circumstances fighting in the War of the Spider. In battle, she is calculating every possible strategy to take down her opponent without using her fragile body.

Rulaan, Viperstaff of Arcaith

Upon his last breaths, Rulaan Moraine gave his sister one last gift to keep her from the hand of malice during her exile. He gave her the Viperstaff of Arcaith, a symbol of magical power amongst the sorcerers of her homeland, and an artifact only meant to be possessed by the ruling archmage of The City of Lights. She then blessed the staff with a name to honor her late brother and left to fulfill her exile in Rafia, where her staff changed, and became bound to her.

Rulaan is long and slender, forged from arcane-tempered metals, and pulsating with magic equal to that of its owner. It is covered in runes that radiate with a dark glow when a magical entity is nearby. Upon its tip is the head of a cobra in its attack pose, and then upon that is her soulblade, a narrow dagger that sprouted from the viper’s head when she came to this darkened land. The dagger is engraved with the word for ‘corruption’ in the tongue of her homeland.

“Amnora Helene Moraine was the greatest sorceress to ever walk the bloodied soil of the north. She was also the only one of her kind, but even she could not withstand the malice of her people. For you see, dear reader, the north was not a world in which harmony presided. It was a cruel and unpredictable place, dangerous to the very core, where the malevolence of humanity unveiled itself in every corner. Across the greatest expanse of these beautiful lands blanketed in white snow ruled the Northern Empire, a collection of provinces that once sought to destroy each other. The people of these lands are malevolent, oppressive and brutal, yet cunning and blessed with the ingenuity of man.

Presiding over this monstrosity was the Emperor Kaelan Moraine. He had no empress, but ruled with cold and unforgiving relentlessness and enforced his own beliefs upon his people. One of these primary beliefs was that “men are superior and women will not excel – they are tools for reproduction and preserve our glorious empire”. Due to this, women were forced to the lower castes where few provisions were provided for while men rose and became rich and powerful. It was expected that men produce one daughter to help continue the line of another family, but produce sons to continue their own legacy. Not only that, but men were all gifted with the ability to call upon the world’s energies and culminate it, while women were not.

However, there was one exception…

Amnora was born to the emperor and a concubine. Her mother was then discarded into the slums of another city, and so too would Amnora. The birth of Amnora was an inconvenience for the emperor, who had just officially declared war on a province beyond the expanses of his empire. For six years, he was gone, and Amnora was under the care of her older brothers Itheriel and Rulaan. When the emperor returned, he was disgusted, and decided that such an abomination to his family was to be slain immediately. Upon almost killing her, Amnora created a shield of arcane energies that reflected his attack, scarring his arm. The emperor, though outraged, began to love his daughter and even envied her potential. However, to preserve his image amongst the men of his empire, he hid her away where she would teach her younger brothers (and even herself) magic.

When Amnora was seventeen, her father and another concubine gave birth to another girl. The emperor believed that when she grew older, she too would show magical promise. However, Valessa grew up to show no arcane prowess. Upon her assessment, Amnora attempted to create the illusion that her sister could wield magic, but to no avail, as her father detected her trickery and sentenced Amnora to participate in the grueling campaign known as the War of the Spider. The elite magi of the empire fought this war, in the extreme north, and survival was not guaranteed for such an amateur in combat and magic. Nonetheless, Amnora participated and harnessed her magical abilities to the fullest, then returned to the capital. Her father, who had called a conference for the houses of nobility in his kingdom, did not know until she stormed through the doors of his great hall with eyes of pure ice and lightning buzzing around her. Her anger was righteous and her abilities unsurpassable. She slaughtered most of the nobles, left only a few alive, and revealed that she was the daughter of the emperor.

In this spectacle, the emperor revealed that he had killed Valessa, and sentenced Amnora to be exiled from the Northern Empire or be killed instantly. Amnora, cornered by her emotions, obeyed her father and left just as her younger brothers departed for their arcane education. Now, her only choice, to go south. However, as she ventured south, her eldest brother (now the Archmage of Arcaith) followed her. Unknowingly, his father had sent mercenaries to kill him, and when he caught up with his sister, was slain. His last breaths were to avenge him and to one day return to the empire and save them from their father, and then gave her his staff, which would eventually become her soulblade in her journey to Rafia…”

Hanir Doravin
Historian of the North
Amnora is arian by nature, with piercing, sky-blue eyes that glisten like diamonds and long, golden locks bound by four metallic bands. Her hair runs down to her waistline, but she keeps it dangling over her shoulder. Her cheekbones are high and her skin made pale by the chill of the north. In whatever circumstance, be it hot or cold, Amnora is draped by an azure-blue cloak with the symbol of the Northern Empire upon it. This symbol is of a strange rune that looks like an eye. It is violet, and stands out. Her shroud is trimmed by white and is connected by an obsidian brooch at her waist. Her neck is hidden by a mantle of the same material and color as her cloak. She wears leather gloves, which at the palm, are charred by the velocity of arcane power. Her body is weaker than normal in terms of muscle, and she is extremely petite and feminine, but she makes up for it with her magic.
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