Rafia: Trials of the Sixth Plane [RP Thread]

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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
OOC: My character doesn't like nor dislike your character. perhaps you haven't noticed be he isn't exactly NORMAL either... he's 2 meters tall i mean :/ so they could become friends.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
OOC: I think we should leave such discussions to the actual thread, not the roleplaying thread. =/
Level 7
Sep 14, 2008
OOC: So Dragonson you gonna use the dnd dice i found for ya? And im on vacation for the week so i should be online more often

IC: Well are we going or not?
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
OCC: you'll find the role-play much more satisfying of you DON'T plan making friends/enemies and events (sept dm of course).

IC: Meyla sighed and backed away from the pet stall with a quick nod of thanks to the merchant. She was reluctant to leave the bird, but had no desire for a companion of such sorts. She was better off alone.

She swept back over to the group and after listening intently announced.
"I can fly over, scout out some suitable locations to hole up?".
She really couldn't care less but she knew many here desired the warmth and comfort of stone and hearth.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
IC: yes lets go look for a Tower were we could create our headquarters.

OOC: i have posted a description of a tower in the creation thread.

IC: Mex looks around and a Tower close-by catches his eye. it was a bit ruined but it would do, they could repair it after all. "look over there, everyone." pointing in the direction of the tower. "we could use that as our headquarters."
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Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora sighed, analyzing the tower. "I'll take the top floor." She proclaimed, pacing herself towards the tower. It was in ruins. The wooden framework that held it together was beginning to show in places where stone bricks had been removed. The roof was still in tact, and the tower still had a door. The door looked thick, which would prove to be an advantage if they were besieged.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
"little man, it's a tower... there as to be someone on the top floor." Mex said a bit irritated and amused by this child's nativity.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
''And I'm that one.'' he reacted to Mex, chuckling and making his way to the tower. Meh, he had to find a place anyway, and the sight would be nice.. besides, he had never actually been in the top of a tower, so that'd be pretty nice for once, for once. Llyw shrugged and fastened his pace.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
"Be my guest, i don't care what room i get anyway. just remember, we don't have any furniture yet so we will need to buy some." what thit he walked inside the tower and took one of the two rooms on the second floor. it was fairly large, whit some broken furniture tough nothing special. it would do for now tough.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora sighed. "You need someone with ranged capabilities in case of a siege. I am that someone." She declared, arriving at the door of the tower.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Meyla slid effortlessly through the cracked glass panes that once separated the upper common room from it's balcony. She could tell immediately that this tower had been meant for permanent residence as opposed to a place for citywatch to practice their vigil.
The room was bare, whomever had abandoned it hadn't been in any hurry - or more likey - she thought, thieves had already taken what little had been left.
There was an array of small holes in the roof, rainwater had since fallen in and weakened much of the floor beneath, she thought of the men. Mex and Llyw. They'd have certainly put the rotting supports to the test.
To put it plainly, it was a dump and needed work, but it'd do she nodded to herself. It'd do nicely.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Calliope unnoticebly sneaked inside and looked at the ruined insides. The ceiling was seemingly damaged as light was getting through and the place seemed to be long abandoned. Perfect. She smiled delighted. Such places were her favorites.
However living with the rest of the people, didnt seem like such a good idea to her. Some were rather suspicious to her and the rest... she simply couldnt live close to humans, she simply couldnt.

But then she once again smiled. Buildings and architecture have always attracted her. And getting a base and living in a tower... didnt seem like such a bad idea. Perhaps everything was much better then expected and they could make a great force... but still, she needs a safe haven even inside this tower.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Llyw, walking up the tower, which could be seen as rather tiresome, finally reached the upper floor. He took a pause to quickly breath, followed by coming the room very silently and then noticed Meyla, a bit surprised how fast she got there.. He shrugged and looked around, seeing the dump this place was, yet he smiled at this place, as it was something that could keep him busy for the next weeks.
''You know, I could probably fix this, seeing as I'm a carpenter..'' he told her with a grin, hoping she hadn't seen him yet and trying to scare her with his sudden presence. Ah, a joke is always good.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
OOC: MREAH! Sorry for my inactivity yesterday people, as i also said in the Construction Thread.
While i finish up the journal, just make yourselves at home in the tower.
As far as i can see you dont need my help to argue over who gets what floor. :p
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
He frowned as she called him by his name. First time anybody of this 'group' called him by his name, as far as he remembered, though, he wasn't sure. Llyw returned her smile with a chuckle and nodded to her in thanks.
''So.. anything else?'' were the words spoken as he opened his mouth.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora inspected the interior of the tower and sighed. She missed the Northwing Library of her fathers palace - it was spacious, comfortable and kept her well-occupied. "This is truly a hovel," she spat.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Meyla's smile faded slightly as she bowed her head, "We need to find Taiion, slay the entity and restore peace. We cannot afford to stray...".
She brought her head back up abruptly and caught
Llyw's gaze. He didn't notice her approach, now only a foot away from him.
"Do you trust me? Do you think I trust you?" her smile faded completely.
With practiced speed and finesse she grabbed his left hand with both her own and placed something inside it, something small, cold edged and green. A small emerald adornment.
"A token of my trust, I pray it's well placed" she finished, blinking once and returning to examine the room as if nothing, nothing at all had taken place.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
''W--'' was the only word that was able to come out of his mouth before he received her token of trust. He was amazed at how fast she had managed to turn the subject, and was also amazed at how fast she could get serious and then just.. act like nothing had happened. Llyw merely stared at her for a second, speechless, as she was examining the room. His glare shifted towards what was in his hand, and he looked at the green diamond in curiosity, before he shook his head and focused on Meyla again.
''Yes, I trust you..'' he mumbled softly, answering her questions whilst following her example, examining the room.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
''Eh.. at highest a week.'' he told her while he was still thinking what just had happened. Nonetheless, he shrugged, as it wasn't time to think about this now. ''I'll have to replace the supports and close the leaks.. besides that, if you bring me enough wood I can make you a table, stools or couches.'' he reacted to her.
''And no mage is touching my stuff.'' he finally finished with a smile.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
He looked one last time at the emerald and whispered to himself four words,
''I am not losing you.'', before he allowed the stone to glide into his pocket. He sighed and looked around, calculating the work he had to do. Suddenly, he got an idea to deal with the leaks, without having the wood rot. Llyw looked around for a piece of wood, hoping to start immediatly.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
OOC: Wow, i'm busy the whole day and for once there's NOT a grazzillion things i need to reply to.
Thanks guys! :D

Also, your charecters will be able to find the Journal's information on bulletin boards around the town, and they will most possibly know 80% of what's on there by now.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora heaved with disgust. She would not reside in such a cesspool. "Tell me when you're done," the sorceress proclaimed as she left the tower in search of something to do. She knew she should not stray, but she was sure that she would not be quelled by anything less than the Entity itself.

She gazed beyond at a gathering of elves. They were adorn in beautiful armor of varying silver, teal, blue and gold. From their helmets, strands of ribbon glided with the wind. They wielded long, ivory spears that jutted beyond curved tower shields that covered a great deal of their almost-perfect physiques. They were in defensive stances, shields held proudly, with their spears parallel. "I wonder..."

OOC: The 'Awakening' quest, Draggy.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora inspected the situation, and in her daze of curiosity, ran back to the tower and yelled. "There is a gathering of sorts in the district. I think it would be worth investigating." She pointed towards the group of elven guardians.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora smiled and lead the way. The elves had shifted their positions - they seemed to be less in numbers. "There were more of them earlier," she said, gazing into the horizon. Shadows danced along it, and from those same shadows came the sound of metal against... something.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
A cry of "The Gate's fixed! Retreat!" sounded through the district.
The sound of heavy metal doors closing thundered through the district, and the elven guards lowered their shields.
Two mages came into sight, apparently discussing something related to what had just happened.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
OOC: OK people lets start fixing this tower ^^

IC: Mex walked outside his room and went downstairs, the tower wasn't in the best shape but they could repair it. It would take a week maybe two and then they would be able to live there. "Whoof you people knows how to repair this thing?" he yelled and then sat down waiting for a response.
Level 7
Sep 14, 2008
OOC:Sorry guys i've been playing Minecraft and i'm addicted to suiciding into skeletons and creepers and living in holes like moles...
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