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Rafia: Trials of the Sixth Plane [RP Thread]

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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
"You know an awful lot about battle, for one so young" Meyla stated simply, eyes tracking him. She was right, there was something about him, something he refused to let on.
She inclined her head to Amnora discretely, hoping she'd get the message.
"But regardless, there is no need to attck them, that defeat may have been sufficient to see them off for some time".
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
@The Awakening
"I fear you are wrong."
Coren says while looking at the gate, now re-repaired.
"There are thousands of those things, and i do not think that they know of such feelings as fear."

@The Tower
OOC: In the whole tower, which is quite big, there are around 50 support pillars spread over the lower levels, not including those that are built into the walls.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora, surprisingly, agreed with Ashen. "War is about casualty. Whether it be you, your allies or your foes. Casualties are unavoidable." She paused, contemplating her time in the horrific north.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
"I partially agree with you, boy,"
Coren says, facing Ashen.
"But what exactly makes you think that this enemy cares one bit if we kill it's minions in thousandfold?
As far as i have seen they dissolve into some purple goo when they die, and then straight into nothingness.
I would bet my soulblade that they are created from nothingness too."
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Meyla snorted. ''You can't make something out of nothing, no one can''.
She brandished her sword, ''the entity's minions aren't limitless, one fact alone proves such. Were still alive''.

'Five Teams of three, we hit the east, west and north. Anaita, myself and Meyla are to take the latter, Bako, Nima...'

Meyla reached for the leather tie, restraining her hair.
''I won't be joining you on this... Assault'' she informed them.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora glared at Meyla disapprovingly. It was a look she seemed to be perfecting in sentence in the Sixth Plane. "You'd rather let these soldiers be lead to the slaughter like lambs?" She commented, producing a less than satisfactory mental image for herself. She cringed.

Amnora looked at Coren, and nodded. "You lead these soldiers - I'm sure it'd be better if you'd organize these attack groups for them." She analyzed the street and surrounding buildings. "There are many windows - I suggest mages and archers station themselves there. Have a group of warriors guarding the door to their stations. We need a frontier, and then a back-up line of defense."
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
OOC: Well I might return if I get more time and wish, but I doubt, as from this little adventure I learned that text Rp is not only not my favorite type, but also that my real life socialisation problems pass on, on my character as well, as I have trouble actually gaining allies or sticking with other people's story.
Plus overall the crazy trials, two dimensions at the same time, abilities to develop and text arena are just too much for simple me. I prefer the crazy anarchical Daily Peon where we have endless political intrigues(seriously), alliances, plots, agreements, betrayals and amazing(or totally lame) surprises. And of course I need to find many new players and get rid of shit lore some players made >>

Lol, Im a spammer Oo
Well anyway, have a nice roleplay guys! =D
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora sighed and gazed at Coren. "You better organize your troops." She said, Rulaan growling with power. She gazed at the gate and began to pace herself toward it.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
@The Tower
OOC: In the whole tower, which is quite big, there are around 50 support pillars spread over the lower levels, not including those that are built into the walls.
well in the walls doesn't really matter yet right? as we don't want to rebuild the WHOLE tower, just restore it. so that would make us repeat the process 50 times and after that we would just reinforce the walls, t'is all.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
OOC: Well guys, personally i think i failed at this.
This RP had some great potential and great gameplay elements that could have become something awesome, but i did not succeed at the execution of it all.
I did something wrong, and even though i cannot really explain it i am quite certain of what it is.

You know what i want to do right now?
I want to re-do this.
I want to take all of this raw potential that we have here and put it into an enviroment and setting that works for it.
And i can do that.

I think that my main error here was to make what is technically Rafia B&N 0.2
While that does sound like an appealing idea, it is not an idea that will work. Atleast, not the way i did it.
The first Rafia RP was generally so good 'cause it was diffirent.
At the time i hosted it pretty much all the roleplays on the Hive consisted of a bunch of people telling a story they made up as they went along. Rafia turned that into a game.

Rafia TotSP was a step in the right direction, but i'm not at the goal yet.
I can do this better, and i will.
What i think i am going to do is host an entirely new RP.
Atleast, a new RP thread.
It will still be the Entity-Plotline, and you will be able to use your charecters from this RP.
But at the same time it will be so much better. Believe me.

If you do not instantly yell "NOOOOOOOO!" when you read this, and give me a chance to improve what i have already made, i will make sure that it will be worth the wait.

It will, as i imagine it, be less like an expansion pack and more like a new game with all the best traits of the old one.
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