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Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
Ok, so this is where we do our actual RP. All non-rp, character posting and such stuff is to be done in this thread. Please use the IC/OOC system. Thanks.


World overview:
This Rp contains the main world where mortals live, which has yet to be named, as well as planes for the mightiest deities. The planes that exist so far is:
The Fields of Eternal Combat
The Plane of Souls
The Plane of Eternity


To clear some stuff up:
Only Demigods may walk on the planet's surface without an avatar of some kind, as they are closer bound to the mortal world than pure deities.
Gods get their power from the Ley Lines of the universe, but also from their mortal followers. A gods Divine Might is determined by the importance of their role, their number of followers, their respect and the blessings of the Upper God. The god of death for example, has indisputably one of the most important roles, he got few followers, but every sentient beeing pay him respect and he is considered by the Upper God to be one of the most Important Deities and that the Universe would collapse without a god in his position, thus making him a Greater God.
All gods answer to the Upper God

---Have fun---

This thread is monitored and maintained by Me and Fussiler1
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Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
I shall claim the bragging rights of the first in-character post on this RP.
Also, a question: do the Demigods get summoned by the Upper God, as well? I am assuming so, but just want to make sure. I would also like to know exactly how he communicates with us.

"Thank you for your business!" Jeerax called after the God of Love. Jeerax had just handed the other God an ornately decorated shield (which also protected the user from lightning, although Jeerax doubted that his fellow God knew of that), with the promise that Jeerax would soon meet his one true love. While Jeerax doubted the authenticity of the claim, he would keep his eyes open.
Once Love had left, Jeerax stood up and stretched, yawning wide. Getting up off the silk pillows he had been sitting on, he walked down the long rows of artifacts he had on display. There were many valuable things here that could catch the eye of even a god, albeit a lesser one: a pot that was always full of water, a spear that turned its target into stone, and even a few prized weapons crafted by the legendary Khuqua. Jeerax made a fair amount of trade with other Gods, and even received visits from some of the more powerful Gods every once in a while (their avatars, actually, but it was the same difference).
Reaching the entrance to his temple/residence, Jeerax spread his wings and took off on his daily flight. Because he was not quite a God, Jeerax could still get fat if he was lazy, and therefore he still needed to exercise every once in a while. Jeerax lived in a mountain right smack in the center of the dominating continent on Earth, quite accessible by any God that wished to come here. Jeerax was not nearly as powerful as some of the most powerful Gods, such as Death and War, and therefore did not get his own little realm to rule over. Jeerax was fine with that, however; it seemed that having your own realm was quite a bit of work. Thinking along this train of thought as he flew above the mountain chain his home was part of, he failed to see the coming attack until it hit him.
An enormous Roc, a bird larger than even Jeerax, swooped down and raked Jeerax's back. Despite being almost immortal, Jeerax could still be wounded, as evidenced by the long gashes running down his back. Crying out in pain, Jeerax turned to face his attacker and shook off the rings he was wearing on his front talons.
The rings shortly burst open, and from them uncurled ten Mimic wasps. These were adults, and therefore the size of a human head, and gathering in a small swarm they dived after their master's attacker. The Roc had trouble hitting its small foes, and forgot about Jeerax while it tried to shake off the new attackers. The Mimics were clawing and biting the Roc, doing very little damage, as well as stinging it, which did a lot more damage. A powerful poison was seeping through the Roc's veins even now, and in a minute or less even such a large creature would die. Jeerax didn't feel like waiting for that to happen, however, and so folding his wings to his sides he dove down and smacked right into the Roc.
The power of the attack drove the Roc out of the air, sending the two of them along with Jeerax's Mimics on an uncontrollable dive. The Roc was clawing Jeerax's belly and pecking at his head, but Jeerax ignored the attacks and went right for the enormous bird's throat. After a quick struggle, Jeerax succeeded in getting his jaws clamped around the bird's neck and proceeded to rip the creature's throat out.
Pushing away from the dead bird and stopping his mad dive, Jeerax hovered for a moment, panting heavily. The Roc's body soon smacked into the mountains with an audible crunch, even from Jeerax's height. Satisfied that the bird was dead, Jeerax whistled his Mimics back to his side. Nine of the wasps curled around his talons and turned into rings again, but the tenth was nowhere to be seen. Turning back to his temple, Jeerax wearily flew back, confident that he had exercised enough for the day.
Once he reached the temple, Jeerax slipped into one of his many side rooms. This one had a large pool, with several humanoid servants attending it. As wonderful as the Mimics were, they had very limited capabilities when it came to attending Jeerax's non-militant desires. Allowing the servants to take off his various rings, necklaces, and other jewelry, as well as clean the various scrapes he had received, Jeerax entered the now-heated pool, letting out a sigh of relief and settling down to rest.
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
A Divine Herald entered the courtyard in Sharûk's castle. He rolled out a scroll and spoke out: "The Upper God are calling all deities to his palace at the Plane of Eternity. He, O Almighty, wishes to see his children before he leaves us."
The Divine Herald rolls up his scroll and disappears into thin air.
Sharûk, the God of War, understood the urgency of the message. One does not disobey the Upper God, no matter how important your business was. The only exception was the God of Death. "I'll better leave for The Plane of Eternity. Arechesh, ready my Boars!" Sharûk shouted to Arcechesh, his son with the Mortal human Shalay.
"At once Father." The young demigod replied, then hurrying for the stables, leaving Sharûk with his thoughts. Sharûk started polishing his ornate Celestium Breastplate, the blood from the last hundred years wouldn't look good in the Upper God's presence.

The Upper God call all gods, be them Greater or Demigods, to his palace by sending Divine Heralds to each and every one of them.
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Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Jeerax's relaxing bath was interrupted by one of the Divine Heralds, messengers of the Upper God.
"The Upper God, father of all lesser deities, has summoned every God and Demigod to his palace in the Planes of Eternity," the Divine Herald droned in a bored voice. He had obviously been saying exactly that all day. "He is dying, and wishes to see all of his children before he passes away," he finished. Without another word, he dissipated in a puff of smoke.
Jeerax was stunned for a moment. He had never personally seen the Upper God, being only barely a Lesser God, and was surprised that he would get that chance. Unfortunately, that chance would never come again, because the Upper God was dying. It was very rare for a God to die, and the death of the Upper God himself would unleash the barely-contained chaos that was outright war between the Gods. After those Gods that actually cared about the Upper God stopped grieving, the world itself would be sundered by the war to gain his vacant seat and title. Jeerax would undoubtedly make another fortune then, and might even take a shot at removing Grandol, Jeerax's only real nemesis.
Getting up out of the pool, Jeerax had his servants dry him off. As they drained the slightly red-tinted water, Jeerax left the pool room and entered another side room; his personal quarters. The pillows in the main room were just for display, and it was here that Jeerax spent his time sleeping. It was also where most of his jewelry was kept. Putting on the best that he had (mostly silver with onyx gemstones), Jeerax summoned a fresh batch of Mimics and prepared to leave for the Plane of Eternity. Having his servants go over him one more time to make sure his wounds had stopped bleeding, Jeerax took flight and started the journey to the palace of Bandal, situated high above the clouds in the sky. If Jeerax remembered properly, Bendal had a portal to the Plane of Eternity, and if he was correct, Jeerax could get an easy lift to the residence of the Upper God.
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
Sharûk and Arechesh was moving at a terrible speed in a cart towed by to giant, celestial boars. They was traveling through space and time from the Fields of Eternal Combat to the Plane of Eternity to the deathbed of the Upper God. He, a greater god and one of the mightiest gods in the universe, had only seen the Upper God twice. Once when he conquered the Throne of War and attained his current status, and the second time when the gods imprisoned The Primeval, a beeing of pure destruction. Sharûk himself was a chaotic beeing, but not one beeing was as wicked, chaotic, wild and destructive as The Primeval. Their cart sped through the dome of stars, they were now in The Plane of Eternity. Far away he could spot the Palace of the Sun and Moon, the residence of the Upper God.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
"The Upper God, father of all lesser deities, has summoned every God and Demigod to his palace in the Planes of Eternity," the Divine Herald said.
''He wishes to see the Gods once more..'' he mumbled, and then he faded away.
''Aha..?'' asked Nicanor after he saw the Herald disappear.
He shrugged and sighed.
''Oh well..'' he mumbled.
As he stretched himself, he grinned as he looked at his dusty clothes.
Certainly not clothes fit, but he liked them.
Even not the Upper God could change that fact.
But now, as the Creator and the Shaper, the One was destroyed, what would come?
A war that would devastate the earth, the God Wars, he thought.
He frowned and imagined a dead earth, where everyone charged into each other and he was forced to watch as they ripped each other apart.
Jeerax, Sharuk and many others, all brand on utter rule or wanting to make their fortune.
He looked at his spear.
He remembered the past.
And he feared for the future.
Very few gods would probably survive..
Yet, the Upper God could choose an heir, a mighty God that would be able to rule the world.
With an official declaration they wouldn't make war.
But then again, there were too many hot-headed fools that somehow were destined for Godhood, and wouldn't stop to undermine the rule.
He was certain of this, but yet, he doubted. What if something would happen during the council?
Agh, questions.. he was said sometimes to think too much.
He mostly agreed with that, but it was his nature, after all?
Oh well.. he would have to go now.
Slowly, he closed his eyes and breathed deeply in. He didn't use this technique for long, seeing as it hadn't been neccesary.
He was forced to the ground, and his arms started to grow feathers, while his mouth transformed into a beak.
He shrimped and feathers appeared everywhere.
It was done, he finally noticed.
He jumped and flew to the Eternal Plane..
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
Sharûk's cart landed in the courtyard of the Palace. One of the Archon guards looked at the God of War with awe. He was indisputably the tallest god of all. "I have arrived as I was asked to. Please, lead me to the Almighty One." The Archon bowed before him and then walked towards a doorway. "Follow me." He said, then tossed his claymore over his back.

Sharûk was apparently the first to arrive, as no other god was to be seen. "Please, Sharûk, sit down, you are safe here. I can see that you are troubled. Haunted by the dead perhaps? Or troubled by the future?" A singing voice, echoing all around him, sounding like howling wind and a thousand harps, had filled his mind with the words. He sat down in silence, waiting for the other gods to arrive.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Finally, the palace came in sight of his raven eyes.. He slowly stopped moving with his wings and came closer to the ground, until he safely landed. He made a large sound and slowly transformed back into his major form.
After a quite long process, he was back again.
He looked around and walked in, such normal clothes unfit for such a beautiful palace. He knew the way here, and he managed to reach the council room. He saw Sharuk sitting and he frowned. He bowed a bit mockingly and sat down, putting his spear against the table.
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
Sharûk could see the bed of the Upper God. It looked like it was made of silver threads spun into the shape of an ornate boat. It was large, much larger than his own. Inside it, the Upper God lay, though Sharûk could only see bright light emitting from the bed. He knew how the Upper God looked, he was a slender, handsome man with silver wings and pure skin. He usually wore a plain white robe and wielded the Staff of Creation. Sharûk silently wondered what would happen when the Upper God passed away, and who would be the one to take his place. Sharûk thought of the Death God as a likely candidate, though he had to admit that he himself longed for the throne.

Sharûk barely noticed Nicanor entering and mumbled a swift greeting. He was deeply worried, but he retained his usual emotionless expression.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
OOC: Can I?

He observes Sharuk as he grabbed some bread.
It was quite easy to look through, that was his opinion.
Sure, unbeaten on the battlefield, but hiding his emotions and expressions? That wasn't really a part of his job.
''So, I see you are troubled?'' he asked.
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
"I usually don't open my mind, Nicanor, remember that. I fear for the safety of the universe. If the Upper God dies, the whole world will tip over, the scales of balance will be toppled. War and chaos will reign, too much for me to control. And I fear the return of our ancient mutual enemy, The Primordial." Sharûk says, lowering his head as he speaks. His son, Arechesh appears in the room. "Father, do not dwell on the future, nor the past, but the present."
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
OOC: Stand in?

IC: "Since i am going to visit the Upper God, you are to take care of the castle, Jin." Psion was starting to astral project himself into the Upper God's residence. He could sense the two other Deities there, it seems the god of war was there, along with a deity that wasn't of high rank.
"Yes Master." Jin replied calmly, he could sense the shifts in time and space from Psion's projection "Anything Else?"
Psion thought for a second " That would be all, now i bid you farewell." and with that Psion blinked through time and space, and found himself standing next to Sharuk, his arcane robes took a second to calm down, he then turned " You are troubled Sharuk, don't let your guard down, i got a glimpse of your emotions there."
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
"Sorry, that I'm late. An little battle was going on the Grey Planes. Sharûk, I have great warriors for you." Said methos as he appeared out of nowhere with his sword being sheathed. He sat down on his chair in the room. It bone made craft made it look scary but glorious.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
He looks at the son of Sharuk and grins.
''But then you shall not be prepared for what is to come, and your enemies shall take you by surprise.'' he reacts.
He turns his attention to Sharuk again.
''What you say is true, but fact remains that the Upper God is wise enough to choose a successor, and he shall be known as the ruler amongst the Gods.
''However, he shall not have the authority the Creator would have..''
''I think they will plot against the heir..'' he mumbles.
Suddenly he looks at the Death God, and then glimpsed at Psion.
''By the Five Stones of Azarin.'' he says.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
"Psion, don't get yourself in trouble. I still have a spot for you in my dungeon if the others wish it. Hows the plane of war." He walked over to Sharûk and held out a hand.
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
"We're fighting and feasting as always. Though a great battle have just been fought in the mortal realms, and many more souls have arrived. Of course you know that. However, I've felt strangely vulnerable these last few days." Sharûk answered and absently started tossing a dagger in his lower left hand. "I believe the Demons are planning to assault me again, looking forward to slaughter them!"
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Sitting on his throne,Bandal overlooked anything happening in his palace.The Divine God's task was simple;to bring judgement to both good and bad people.But the way of doing such thing was rather difficult.He couldn't handle all his followers at once,as a result he sent some of his divine followers to carry out such tasks.
The god descended from his throne and walked outside of his palace.He rarely took a walk in the human world,to see if things were going smoothly.Today he teleported at the grassy plains,lying outside of a bustling human city.He wore poor clothes and carried a staff,which he used it as in order to walk without problems.He headed toward the city's gates with a slow pace.

OOC: You're supposed to come to the Upper God palace.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
"I see, it happening at my plane as well. All of us there are felling weaker then normal."
His red eyes glowed for a bit then went back to normal.
Level 5
Nov 1, 2009
A blinding flash of light encase the whole room for a second and the next second it suddenly disappeared.An old man with golden plated armor and a warhammer appeared and greeted the Gods "My humble apologies for being late...I had some difficulties at my palace" he admited.
Level 5
Nov 1, 2009
Bandal stood there,simply hearing the gods' conversation.He was too tired to talk and to wait.He utter a sigh of relief and tapped his right foot,as he waited for the rest of the Gods to show up and the meeting to begin.
Level 5
Nov 1, 2009
He deeple bowed before the Goddess of Love,truly amazed by her beauty.He then continued tapping his foot,waiting for the Forgemaster.
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