The New God-RP Construction Thread. (Up and running again!)

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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
@HolyFireX: You don't give a good first impression by 1337-speaking in the RP section. It makes you seem less roleplay oriented, and fewer people wants to roleplay with you. I advise you to not use 1337-speak in the RP forums. And please don't advertise for your own roleplay in other people's threads.

I didnt wanna' bring this up yet, but i agree strongly.
You should check out The Unwritten RP Rules.
They're stickied at the top of the RP forum.
Level 6
Sep 22, 2010
Thxs for the advice guys cuz tis is my 1st time in RP glad u guys can help out (without any harsh words), onve again thxs for helping me out in RP

BTW i might join soon jus thinking about the magic.......
I feel like we need an empire sheet to simply define our empires.
Name: Charyban (Car-Rib-Ban)
Population: around 2,500,000 people.
Standing Army: Valkyrie Militia, 1000 warriors.
Major races: Shiivan, Beautiful elf like maidens make up nearly 98% of the cities population. They are an entirely female society, no males exsist. Little is known about their culture, or their creation, however they are famed acoss the land for their warriors, the Valkyrie guard, of wich only 1000 may be active at one time. They are also famed for some other attributes.
Description: Completly matriachal. Their standing army is the Valkyries, warrior-priestess' who ride beautiful white horses. Their political system is Completly driven by their religious devotion to their goddes, Yaerstra. They are famed across the world for their beauty. The entirety of their culture is in one massive, beautiful city, and most of their income is from... tourisim, theirfore, their city is always pristine, filled with gorgeous temples, although brothels are also a commmon occourance. Suprisingly, most of the citizens are distrustful of males. considering them vulgar and usless.

late to the party, but here i am.

Name: Yaerstra Vindrae
Age: 7945
Preferred Appearance: A Irresistably beautiful woman.
Frequently used appearances: All manner of females, Somtimes as a succubi or classical demon, red skin, firey hair.
Personality: She is a manipulator, her personality ca change to match those around her, she is usually witty, cynical, sarcastic, and rather unmodest. She enjoys purveying desire of all kinds.
Bios: She Reveals almost Nothing about herself, preferring to reveal it to those close to her. She has a long history of manipulation, and her beauty is unmatched, she has been 'with' several other gods at times, but usually only long enough to get what she wants... while powerful, she keeps to the background, watching, occasionally offering assistance, but only when she can profit in some way.
Strengths: Her ability to seduce nearly anyone, male or female, god or mortal is her greatest strenght, she uses it often, along with her affinity with fire magic... however, she is no great fighter.
Weaknesses: Her lack of incredible strenght is her primary weaknesses, although she has many others.
Other Abilities: She has the ability to make seperate, weak (in the sense that they cannot use her fire magic, and are easily killed) copies of herself to roam the mortal world. She once 'shared' herself with fourty bar patrons, using her power.


The whole society is rather manipulative, And their are usually around a hundred thousand 'tourists' in it at one time.

The Valkyiries are a small but highly elite group of warrior-priestess' and have all been blessed by yaerstra vindrae herself. they are the only army, although a militia may be made if things are dire. the city is well fortified.

Hope its not to imba, it probably is.
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