The New God-RP Construction Thread. (Up and running again!)

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Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
After some thinking and idea-generation, time have come to post my ideas for a new God-RP. My last one was quite successful and popular, and several people were interested in getting a new one started.

The approach is going to be a little different, now for the introduction.

"You are the Immortal...
You've wandered the surface of the world for milleniums...
You are the heirs of a long lost empire whose glory have long since faded into ruin and oblivion...
You are... Gods."

Several milleniums ago, when the world was young, there was an empire spanning continents, huge and glorious. Its people was gifted with immortality, and had long ago learned the secrets of magic. They built huge cities with towers as high as the mountains, and castles deep into the earth. For this, they created slaves, the mortals. Every immortal bloodline had its own breed of slaves, among these were the Humans, the Minotaurs, the Orcs and the Ogres. This empire lasted ten milleniums, until one fateful day, when it all fell into ruin. The Slave breeds had become numerous, and not only did they outnumber their immortal masters, but they were growing dissatisfied with their endless servitude. The slaves lived in vast slums on the ground while their masters walked and lived in towers spanning the skies and with hanging gardens among the clouds. Towers built by them, the slaves of the immortals. This fateful day, a rebellion rose. Like war-ants the slaves swarmed the empire and destroyed it, overwhelming their master and anihilating everything in their path. The empire lay in ruins, and the slave breeds spread across the world. And soon, the era was lost in oblivion. Not all of these immortals were dead however, a handfull of them had taken refuge in the Cloudstorm Mountains. For milleniums they watched the slave breeds build their own societies, wage war against each other, and empires rise and crumble. The small kingdom of immortals ruled by the ancient Suer Thanak, oldest of their kin, was waiting for when the time was right to rise again and rule mortality.

You are decendants of the empire, you are the immortal beings from Cloudstorm Mountains. You have access to powers long lost and are almighty in the eyes of the mortals. But as you rise to power and begin ruling the empires of mortality, the power struggles among the immortals intensifies.

We play the Immortals, the Sharu'amn, an ancient and powerful race from ancient times. We are immortal of course, and have access to many powers only dreamt by others.

  • An Immortal can alter its shape, recieving its shape's physical attributes, you can take the shape of an animal, human or anything else living on the planet, you can even become a mix between them. The maximum size you can take is four times your original size, while the minimum is one tenth. This has lead to the mortal legends of dragons, sphinxes and other mythical creatures.
  • An Immortal can detect mortal beings within a one mile radius
  • An Immortal can influence the minds of mortal beings, but not control them directly. Which means you can make a minotaur warlord attacking your castle believe breaking the walls is impossible, but you cannot hinder him from trying, that is his own choice.
  • An Immortal has the gifts of magic, it can control the elements, make the sky rain fire, or bring winter to a tropical region. Its magic is strongly tied to the forces of nature, and it does cost a certain degree of life force to use it, depending on the power of the spell. Making it snow might not be more tiresome than lifting an arm, but making a giant volcano appear in the middle of a vast city might make you totally exhausted.
  • An Immortal have the powers of telepathy, meaning that you can use your mind to talk to someone, even over impossible distances.
  • An Immortal have the powers of telekinesis, it can lift any non-living thing within three hundred feet with its mind, but at the expense of life force, just like using magic.
  • An Immortal can grant a mortal a small share of its powers, learning them their secrets of magic.
  • The most powerful of the Immortals can learn the secrets possessed by few of their own kin, to create and alter living beings, and create their own breeds of mortals.
The original shape of the Immortals, is that of a ten feet tall human, with impossibly perfect skin and gray eyes, their bodies have no flaws unless they want it to have. An Immortal Warlord might grow deep scars on his face, simply to show viciousness and to intimidate opponents. To the Immortals, their bodies are tools to achieve their goals, and their looks does very often reflect this. Their gray eyes can often change colours reflecting strong feeling such as love or rage, and the colours are different for each individual. One Immortal might have eyes virtually burning when they are enraged, while others might become bright red or jet black. When it comes to personality however, the Immortals are not any more perfect than the mortals, some Immortals are as stubborn as the mountains they come from, while others are raging hot-heads, some are cruel, some are loving and caring, some are arrogant and some are humble.

The Immortals speak their own language as well as any mortal language they have heard. They are not sure themselves how they can learn a language by simply hearing somebody speaking it, it simply is that way.

Since this is where we post our characters and everything else not belonging in the RP thread, we need a character sheet.

Name: (The Name of you Character)
Age: (The Age of your character)
Preferred appearance: (The Appearance your character prefers to use)
Frequently used appearances: (Appearances frequently used by your characters)
Personality: (Your character's Personality, this will change as we rp and your characters develop)
Bios: (The story of your character's life so far)
Strengths: (Your character's strengths)
Weaknesses: (Your character's weaknesses)
Other Abilities: (Other stuff your character is good at)

I'm open for suggestions.

This is a sample character for reference

Name: Danth'ur Gaarh
Age: 7452
Preferred Appearance: Danth'ur usually takes the shape of a huge, red snapjaw turtle with vicious spikes on its shell.
Frequently used appearances: Danth'ur often takes the shape of a vampire bat or a tall Minotaur with black skin, in his minotaur form, he usually wear a pitch black spiked plate mail and wields a huge, wicked-looking spear.
Personality: Danth'ur is quick to anger and cruel to the bone. He has a black and vicious form of humor, and loves to torture his victims. After a battle, he puts the corpses of his enemies on stics and split open their stomachs to let their intestines hang out. He then drinks their blood and eat their hearts.
Bios: Danth'ur was born in Cloudstorm Mountains, in the deepest caves of the City of Gods. He grew up playing near a stream of magma, using his growing magic powers to allow him to swim in it. He grew a deep connection to fire, and also to the magma turtles living there. His hot temper led him to become the war god of a tribe of minotaurs living deep into the mountains, and he led them to war with a kingdom of Deep Elves, winning a glorious victory and conquering their cities. He grew into a more and more terrifying leader, demanding sacrifices every day and warring with all neighbours.
Strengths: Danth'ur have incredible skill wielding fire, and this combined with his incredible physical strength and unbelivable bloodlust makes him a terrifying opponent and is undoubtly his greatest strength.
Weaknesses: Danth'ur weaknesses is first and foremost his temper and recklessness, his deep connection with fire have also left him vurnerable to frost and cold.
Other Abilities: Danth'ur is a quite skilled wrestler, and he often arranges wrestling tournaments in his castle, he has only been defeated once, and the victor got incinerated shortly after.

Of course, this character is just a sample, and I have not spent particularly much time developing him.

Earth: Magic connected to earth, stone and nature. The Opposite of Air.
Air: Magic connected to air and wind. The opposite of Earth.
Fire: Magic connected to heat, fire and destruction. The opposite of Water.
Water: Magic connected to the sea, water and cold. The opposite of Fire.
Light: Magic connected to healing, protection and light, the opposite of Darkness.
Darkness: Magic related to darkness, disease and death (though not neccesarily reanimation), the opposite of Light.

Rules are important in any good rp, and we do of course need some. This rp will be done in the Free-Post style, like the previous God-RP and the Warhammer 40,000: The Lost World RP. This means that there are no dice rolling, and you as players are left with quite a lot of freedom in your hands. But we need some rules.

  • First of all, NO GOD-MODDING! God-Modding ruins the roleplay experiece of other players.
  • Don't use other peoples characters and npcs unless it is fine with them.
  • You do not always hit, you do not always dodge, you cannot create ten-thousand miles of mountains without even beeing tired, You cannot stop an army with your mind alone, please use common sense when roleplaying.
  • Remember that while this is a free-posting rp, the DM is still in charge, I will take action if I see something that I and others do not agree with.
Other than that, the Unwritten Rp rules is a good thread for reference on how to behave when rping and what rules to obey.

But hey, this is the construction thread, the world needs to be built. The planet we all roleplay on is a planet around the size of Saturn, with a climate and gravity resembling that of the earth. It orbits a twin star, consisting of a huge, sun-like star and a smaller white star. The world has four moons of different sizes. Manara is the largest of these, about the size of mars and resembling the Earth's Moon in colour and appearance. Sinara and Quara, also known as the twin moons, are about the same size, and orbiting very close to each other, they both have a warm, yellow colour. Thanara is the smallest of the moons, it shines with a bright red colour, and is always on the opposite side of Manara.

On this world, known by the mortals by many names, lives the breeds of mortals. Each and everyone of these breeds decend from the slaves of the Immortal bloodlines. These races are the Minotaur, the Ogres, the Orcs, the Humans, the Elves, the Deep Elves, the Gnolls and the Kobolds, and of course you can come up with more.

But you do not only control your character. As the gods of the mortals, you have followers, and most likely an empire of some sorts. This empire, kingdom or whatever is what you need to accomplish your goals. To rise in power among the gods, you need the mortals, you need an army. Many gods wage wars among each other, using their mortal armies to ravage eachothers empires. Some gods use their empires to accumulate incredible wealth, trading or sacking other empires. Not every empire or kingdom is ruled by a god, and the gods rules in many different ways. Some build huge temples and demands human sacrifices, others build fantastic castles and stands as a beacon of safety for their mortal followers. The size of you empire is up to you to decide, wether you control hundreds of small nomad tribes that does plgrimages to your holy city every year, or a mighty city state ruled by an allpowerful divine inquisition. But please, use common sense when creating your empire. You live in the Medieval era technology-wise, and few empires have more than a few million souls living in them.

I feel like we need an empire sheet to simply define our empires.
Name: (The Name of your empire)
Population: (How many people lives in it)
Standing Army: (How large is your army, rarely more than five percent of the population)
Major races: (What races are most dominant in your empire)
Description: (Contains landmarks, describes your empire's geography, politics and everything in general. What natural resources that are to be found in your empire, and what kind of features dominates it)

Again, this is the construction thread, I want your opinion and suggestions.:goblin_good_job:

The Roleplaying Thread Has been opened!
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Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Name: Assiml
Population: 600.000
Standing Army: The current army is more of an assembly of the city-states and nomadic tribesmen then a real army, consisting of horse-archers and light cavalry along with levy 'civilized' troops mainly existing out of spearmen. At the most dire times, the minotaur can be mobilized. In normal times of warfare it can field maximum 25.000 men, in very dire times 30.000.
Major races: Humans, but there are also a couple of minotaur tribes in the north-eastern mountains.
Description: In the north-east and south the terrain is very rocky and the mountains of the Alahnam begin there, but if you head futher to the west you will find a fertile plateau. The nomad tribes are mainly wandering near the mountains while in the lower parts of Assiml there are a few cities, made out of the men of a country far away, colonists of far away, who had recently settled and were called the Achaens. The nomads and the minotaurs were the original inhabitants, but after decades of battle they were expelled to the mountains. Years later a confederation was made to protect themselves from the influences from outside, because both sides were very fragile without each other. Nonetheless, the confederation is very fragile due to it's mutual hatred of each other. The capital would be Asser on the fertile plains down to the west, minor cities would be Lassina and Jinan, with very few villages, yet most of them exist
of a mix of the nomads and the men of the cities. These cities were made from the ground, built up in years., not allowed to grow. The ground is full of iron and in the mountains gold can be found, however, this is unreachable due to the nomads killing any man from Asser and the other cities, despite the agreement.

OOC: This is for now.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Name: Grem Dath
Age: 5000
Preferred appearance: An old man dressed in black robes and holding a black staff.
Frequently used appearances: Skeleton in black holding a scythe, Cloaked rider with a skeleton handle sword, A white man with black royal clothing and crown holding a orb.
Personality: Grem has a more calm and caring attitude towards mortals, this is because he is more of a ruler of compassion then strength. He is considered a old man with a big heart but when you do get him angry then run. His anger knows no bounds as he will pursue you until dead or beg for mercy.
Bios: Born Cloudstorm Mountains, deep within dead bodies of slave races and the fallen immortals. Grem rose and felt the darker ways of magic, this made him realize the potential he had. Also among the dead bodies, he began to care about the slave races and began to learn about death. His darker magic grew until the day, he found how to create undead. These were mindless but Grem still began to grow stronger as he rose from that cave and into the world. Taking a large island, he rose to make more undead and experimented with them. After a few years, he created a empire that had undead as it's labor and army source.
Strengths: Undead mastery/creation and skilled sword master makes grem a powerful Immortal indeed.
Weaknesses: Light magic, over caring about his people and weakened by the Undeath magic.
Other Abilities: He is a master at planning and experimenting, this is due to his wanting of a powerful undead warrior.

Name: Grem'Dal
Population: 10,000
Standing Army: The army is about 3000 strong but slowly growing. This is because all troops are undead with bows or spears. Only when the battle is dire will their be a necromancer of great skill. When all hope is lost then all the necromancers will be in battle. In a normal battle field will there be 700 undead units and when it is dire, all off the 3,000 will be in battle. If all hope is lost then the undead at the labor camps will join the fight.
Major races: Undead at 6,000 strong with the human being 3,000 and 1,000 other kinds of people.
Description: On a big island in the west with black forest and one big mountain range surrounding the island. This was were Grem began his empire, the human villages soon accepted Grem and help him built a grand city with a temple in the middle. This city would be known as Dal and soon a new river would pass through it made by Grem as a thank you to his people.
The government is based on the rules Grem made to make sure every thing ran smoothly. The leader will be chosen of the people to govern themselves, this leader will become the role model for his people. five will be chosen by the leader to help him govern the people, let these five take on elemental titles. If the people are driven away from their path then wrath of god Grem will correct the problem. When a leader or his chosen die, a new one will rise from the blood of the old.
The resources are good for a small group of living things but they are slowly fading.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Well it's kinda based on Methos's undead magic which was magic either animating the body to the Castor's will or place a dark soul in side the body and creating a greater undead.

Zombies and skeletons are animated while vampires and Liches are greater undead. Ghost fall under the greater even though they do not have a body.

This takes a powerful immortal to do and will cost extra magic to create undead.
Sounds fun. I'm in:

Name: Sed
Age: 964
Preferred appearance: A male human (young, with tan skin) with the head of a black jakal, dressed in loincloth and armed with a khopesh
Frequently used appearances: Fully human male wearing the same clothing and weapon, a black jakal and a falcon for travelling longer distances.
Personality: Mild and peaceful towards his worshippers, but agressive and unfriendly to strangers and anyone who tries to harm his people. Impulsive but proud.
Bios: Sed is the last heir of an old and powerful line of immortals who ruled a giant empire in the deserts. Their slaves built huge monuments of stone to worship the gods and rose to cultural heights. But long before the rebellion, the empire was overrun and destroyed. All that remained were the temples and pyramids of the past centuries. In the Cloudstorm Mountains, they were long the most influential family, but infightings and some not-settled conflicts with other pantheons extincted most of their members. Sed was born long after the destruction of the old empire and had to watch the decline and decadence of his house up to the point where he was the only one left. Now he tries to regain his familys honor and empire.
Strengths: He is a master of the desert and can bend sand to his will. Most of his foes find themselves lost in a sand-storm. He is also expert in fighting with his khopesh.
Weaknesses: He draws his strength form the sand and is weak outside the desert. And du to his rather unarmored appearance, he is vulnerable to anything that can not be blocked by his blade.
Other Abilities: He has a good singing voice when completely human.

And his "empire":

Name:Tribes of Ta-wer
Population: 375 ± 1
Standing Army: Does not really exist, but theoretically every male is able to at least hold a weapon, so a bit more than 100.
Major races: Gnolls
Description: Ta-wer is not an empire in the literal meaning, it is a collective term for several tribes and packs of gnolls that worship Sed. They live a nomad life in the large Meden desert and the adjacent savannas. Some settled along the river Wadj where the old empire was once located.

If anyone feels reminded of egyptian mythology, he is right.
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Level 8
Jan 8, 2008
Looks cool, it's too late to write my things out now, so tomorrow morning I'll write it up :)

Edit: Here it is
Name:Beriadan the Divine
Main Appearance:A tall and slender elf of the high knowledge, or more commonly known as a "High Elf". Beriadan's skin is pale and golden like most high elves and his eyes are a piercing and shimmering blue. Beriadan commonly wears comfortable and fine-lined clothing coloured white with gold lines and a embroidered eagle on his chest.
Other Frequently Used Appearances:A pure white metallic golden, a discrete shade and a large white eagle.
Strengths:Has a deep knowledge of magic and historical events. Specializes in the manipulation of mortals.
Weaknesses:His main weakness is his lack of physical strength and without feelings or pity for anything, he sometimes misjudges his armies strength, morale and ability causing many causalities.

Biography:Beriadan unlike most other immortals was born in a mortal society, the high elven kingdom of Arcania. This was arranged by his father who has done this in order for his son to gain a different approach towards mortals and perhaps one day find out a way to successfully manipulate and rule the kingdom. Beriadan's father with the help of his lesser immortals found out a way to block off Beriadan's power until unlocked again by an immortal. Beriadan grew up as an adopted son of the powerful Lord Savarile, third in line to the elven throne and was tutored in the way of the elves and had a multitude of human slaves. Beriadan was the most prominent student in every single aspect (Apart from Warfare) and soon became the jewel of Savarile's household. Savarile's two biological sons had something else to say on the matter and soon arranged for Saravile's courtesan to be assassinated and Beriadan framed for the murder. Not long after Beriadan was imprisoned and soon the day of the trial came... Beriadan called upon his female companion and childhood sweetheart to testify spending the night together but she accused Beriadan of threatening to kill her the same way he had murdered Saravile's courtesan. Betrayed on all sides Beriadan was sentanced to death by hanging. The day before the execution one of the lesser immortal agents disguised as a servant was sent to break Beriadan free and return him to Cloudstorm Mountains. Soon after Beriadan's father explained his true destiny and then he gathered the other lesser immortals and arranged a ritual to take place in the Golden Chamber. Unknown to the immortals Beriadan was not a mere immortal and his powers surpassed even his fathers. When his powers had been unlocked a surge of pure energy was unleashed from Beriadan unwillingly and destroyed the entire Golden Chamber. One lesser immortal remained, Altharian, the agent sent to rescue Beriadan. Altharian quickly gathered a few remaining books and carried Beriadan's unconscious body far away from the mountains. Hundreds of years later Beriadan had learnt to manipulate magic and many other godly abilities and together, Altharian and Beriadan devised a plan to take over the kingdom of Arcania. Altharian had witnessed an empire rise and fall and knew that if Beriadan was to rule over Arcania, he needed not to conquer it by might, but through religion. For two hundred years Altharian and Beriadan scoured the lands searching for fifty powerful artifacts and relics and finally were successful in finding them. Beriadan and Altharian entered Arcania secretly and travelled around the various villages spreading word of the corruption and evilness of the royal family and how the elven elite must be eliminated. Ironically Beriadan's very plan to cause an uprising to defeat the monarchy was the very same plan used to destroy his race's civilization countless millennia ago. Of course the rulers of Arcania stood no chance against the thousands of slaves who had turned on their masters and soon the last Loyalist bastion was the capital. Beriadan chose this moment to reveal himself as the one true god, who had descended from the heavens in order to liberate the human race from the opposing elves, even though Beriadan himself had taken the form of an elf.
Beriadan gathered fifty ex-slaves and granted them each an artifact and called them forwards to the city centre, which had been deserted by the guard. Beriadan siphoned the energies of the fifty humans and caused the artifacts to activate, instantly killing the holders but granting Beriadan immense power. Beriadan used this power to cause a magical explosion that destroyed the entire city, leaving nothing alive except for the two immortals. Many years later and Beriadan had established himself as the god of his new kingdom, Vallea, named after the new Capital city. Although the new royal family was human and ninety percent of the population was human the true power was still held by the elves, the only race allowed to become priests of Beriadan.

Beriadan's Nation:

Name: Kingdom of Vallea
Population:Roughly 585,000
Standing Army;
-The Army of Vallea (Controlled by the King and comprised of many Lord's, Duke's, Count's and Baron's armies. Field many different kind of infantry, archers and cavalry.)
-40,000 during peace.
-During war can range up to 68,000 due to peasants being conscripted.
-The White Army (Controlled by the Divine Order and comprised of very elite infantry, controlled by the High Priest and ultimately Beriadan.)
-3,000 Always, not one more, not one less.
Major Races: Humans, High Elves, Half-Elves
Description: Vallea is the new kingdom built in the place of old Arcania. Vallea is large in size and comprises of many cities, towns and villages. Vallea is truly ruled by Beriadan the Divine however, a figure head, the king is put in place.

Hope you liked it.
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Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
Nice, I love having many players.

And please, come with suggestions for new races and other stuff that you feel I don't cover well enough.

A truly well-made character and kingdom. Definately approved! He seems to be quite powerful, make sure he does not get overpowered, but I'm sure you'll manage. I'll post my own stuff later this evening.

EDIT2: Added my own Character and Empire.

Name: Jabor Skathr
Age: 6072
Preferred appearance: Jabor prefers the appearance of a tall, muscular, black skinned minotaur bull, wearing typical minotaur wargear and a huge war axe. He has yellow eyes and a second pair of horns below his first pair.
Frequently used appearances: Other appearances used frequently by Jabor is that of a powerful, black skinned hyena, with the same yellow eyes as all his forms, and the shape of a tall and muscular human-like man, with deep maroon skin, twelve fingers on each hand and horns encircling his bald head.
Personality: Jabor is a fierce and industrious immortal, known both for his strength and skill in battle, and his fierce determination and tendency to work hard. He appreciates hard labor and warfare, and is a highly disciplined individual. He means that nothing in life is free, one has to work to achieve something. He is cunning and has a brilliant tactical mind. He protects his people and is revered as a god of strength, protection and might.
Bios: Jabor was born and raised in the Cloudstorm Mountains, born as the eight son of a mighty immortal lord. He was given the symbol of the eight-tipped chaos star tattooed in his forehead at birth, to represent his place in the family line, and this tattoo shows on his forehead no matter his current form. He was trained to become one of his family’s ring-warriors, fighting in the ring of swords against the fighters of other families, and won many battles during the first two centuries of his life. When he reached nearly three hundred years of age, he left Cloudstorm, and travelled to the vast Aborian Highlands, where he appeared in front of a large tribe of minotaurs as they were preparing for war. He claimed to be one of the ancient gods, that their legends told about, and was challenged by the minotaur chieftain to prove his divinity. Jabor won the duel, defeating the chieftain in a minotaur wrestling match, and became their divine leader. He led them to war against a nearby enemy tribe and was victorious, conquering the enemy tribe. He spent the next century fighting to unite the Aborian Minotaur Tribes, and he finally succeeded, now ruling a true minotaur empire. Three hundred years after the founding of the empire, when Jabor was around seven hundred years old, human tribes settled in the highlands, and were adopted into the empire. The highlands were almost impossibly rich with iron, and the empire grew vastly economically and industrially in the next millenniums. Today, the Aborian Empire is still ruled by Jabor, as one of the mightiest empires in the region.
Strengths: Jabor possesses incredible physical strength, and a skill and determination in battle that can hardly be matched by any mortal. He has millenniums of experience and is a feared opponent in most situations. He has been studying and practicing magic the two last millenniums, and have begun to master fire and earth magic.
Weaknesses: Jabor, like all beings, possess weaknesses, but he hides them well. He is quite vulnerable to the attacks of agile, dexterous warriors, because of himself relying on techniques more focused on brute force and resilience rather than mobility and acrobatics. He is also vulnerable to attacks that immobilize him, as he is a melee combatant. His strong will and determination makes him hard to manipulate, but he is proud and self-confident, traits that can be used against him.
Other Abilities: Jabor is an excellent tactician and military leader, traits that are responsible for much of his success. Other than that, he has a passion for strong alcoholic beverages, and is known to create a few brews of his own.

Name: The Empire of Aboria
Population: 4 724 660 people, about 54 percent human and 44 percent minotaur, the last 2 percent being mixed.
Standing Army: The Aborian Imperial Army consists of about two hundred thousand soldiers, minotaurs and humans being almost equal in numbers. The army is well disciplined, and military training is effective and thorough. In addition to the army, Aboria can raise almost one million farmers, miners and other workers as militia, resulting in Aboria being a very military powerful nation. The military is composed of several branches. These are the Cavalry, the Infantry, the Artillery and the Black Guard. The Black Guard is Jabor’s elite army, composed entirely of black-skinned minotaurs. They number around four hundred soldiers, and are by far the empire’s finest soldiers. The cavalry consists mostly of horse archers and light armored lancers, the Infantry is divided into footsoldier battalions and the archery battalions, and the artillery regiments are responsible for operating the army’s powerful ballistae and other siege weapons.
Major races: Most of Aboria’s population is made up by minotaurs and humans.
Description: Aboria consists of the vast Aborian Highlands, being dominated by a harsh climate with fierce winters and relatively short summers. A few large lakes lies in the western areas of the empire, while most of the landscape is dominated by twisting rivers, rocky plains and hills, and thick forests of evergreens. The rocky hills that dominate the landscape are extremely rich on irons, and mines can be seen dotting the landscape. Several mining towns are spanning the empire, and the population in general lives quite spread out. The capital of Aboria, Ralu Khar, is a huge fortress-city located almost in the centre of the empire, it is known for its impassable walls and incredible fortifications. This is the city where Jabor lives and rules from the Iron Palace, a huge tower built entirely in iron. While the seasons are harsh, many people still farm the countryside, and agriculture is one of the empire’s major industries besides the mining. Currently, the empire is not at war, but it has waged many wars and always emerged victorious, its army is experienced and mighty.


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Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Rage how did I not see this!!!!! Question do we have to have an empire or can we be more solo?
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
Name: Valendion
Age: 9.800
Preferred appearance: Valendion often takes the appearance of a six-winged angel, wielding a holy scythe with great agility.
Frequently used appearances: Valendion doesn't change much from his angel form, but when he does, he takes the shape of a blue wyrm. This form enables him consuming slight amounts of magic from his environment.
Personality: Valendion is light-hearted when it's up to communication and assisting others, but he's fearless and fierce in combat.
Bios: Born in a respected family of Angel-Gods in the he wasn't pleased with the empire they ruled, named Khalia. People were disgraceful and mean, traits inappropriate for citizens of an empire ruled by Angels. One day, he decided to search for a better land; as an immortal with holy powers of healing, he has wondered around the world, searching for a nation of honor and power, which he would try become the leader of. He values warriors with honor and grace, and that's why he would embark on this quest. After many, many ages of searching, he knew that it's hopeless to search - because the empire he wanted could only be made my himself. That's why he returned to his homeland, Khalia, to claim his title as the king of it. And it was his time to take the royal duties - soon, Valendion became the ruler of Khalia. He did everything he could to change people in to kind and brave warriors, which he accomplished trough long and hard years. Now, his empire is strong and brave, filled with heroic warriors and noble paladins.
Strengths: Valendion is quite fast and agile with the holy scythe, giving him the advantage of speed in combat. He has numerous healing powers and the same amount of deadly offence spells. His big advantage is also the ability to fly high into the skies with the angelic wings, enabling him to land a fast strike to the opponent below him.
Weaknesses: While being able to fly, Valendion's move speed is pretty low. Due to to size of his wings, his flight is limited to just a couple of hours a day, after which he must rest. Also, the offence spells he has aren't very strong, since the Angel powers are only supposed to be used for healing.
Other Abilities: Valendion is able to do a quick phase shift, so he can pass trough walls and barricades.

Empire: Kingdom of Khalia
Population: 900.000 humans, 250.000 elves
Standing Army: Current army of Khalia is made mostly of battlemages, at least 50% of it. The next 40% is composed of elven archers and warlocks, as a support army, and the final 10% are basic human knights. The reason for this is that the army is mainly focused on having less damage inflicted to them, while also being able to heal with holy spells. The worker population is composed of 180.000 farmers, 40.000 of them ready to turn into militia.
Major races: The whole population of Khalia are humans and elves. Human and elf sex is strictly forbidden.
Description: Khalia is set in a great valley, near the seaside. The eastern part of the empire is set on the high, snowy mountains, while the west is in the lower, often sunny part of the land. The royal tower is located in the very middle of the Empire.
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Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
@L2love: You don't have to control an empire, go more solo if you like. But that is why you control both an empire and a character, so that you can go as much solo as you like, but still be a powerful entity in the Immortal power struggle.

@Narrat0r: Your character seems alright, powerful yet balanced. Your empire on the other hand is slightly unbalanced, mainly because its army seems to be almost entirely made up of elites. That is just not realistic enough. Please do some changes and I will approve.

And just for curiosity's sake, can healing magic be classified as a branch of water magic? Any opinions? I was thinking water is soothing right? Healing is soothing powers in a way, then water magic?
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
Well, not all are elites. Knights aren't specialized well, and battlemages have very limited use on the battlefield due to vulnerability. I will do some changes tomorrow.
And healing being water magic... I don't think that works, it goes more with light magic.
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
Well, but your empire sheet claims that at least 70% of your army is elites, that is way to much. Knights and cavalry in general are quite 'elite' troopers to, light cavalry however is not, but knights are heavy, elite cavalry, at least in the definition of the word.

As for healing magic being light magic, sure that works, lets say one has access to six elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light and Darkness. I'm pretty sure you can define these elements by yourself, I highly doubt you need an explanation, but if there are any questions, please ask.

But, some quick explanations just to be sure.
Earth: Magic connected to earth, stone and nature. The Opposite of Air.
Air: Magic connected to air and wind. The opposite of Earth.
Fire: Magic connected to heat, fire and destruction. The opposite of Water.
Water: Magic connected to the sea, water and cold. The opposite of Fire.
Light: Magic connected to healing, protection and light, the opposite of Darkness.
Darkness: Magic related to darkness, disease and death (though not neccesarily reanimation), the opposite of Light.

Any additions, oppinions etc.?
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Name: Assyr,
Age: 8494
Preferred appearances: A tall man with an Achaen sword and nomad clothes, like a bastard between the two peoples. Brown hair and brown eyes. He is recognizable due to a scar on his hand. Besides that, he can also appear as a mountain wolf.
Other Appearances: A heavily armoured rider on a great stallion, completely armoured, with a silver helmet on his head that covers most of his face and a spear in his hand, even though this appearance is very rare.
Personality: He's a grumpy Immortal, always sober and dark. He is also very interested in history. He does not fear a fight, but neither will he try to cause one.
Bios: Born at the Cloudstorm Mountains, he descended from one of the less powerful nobles of the Sharu'amn. His family had ruled a mountainous area before being overthrown by the human nomads of the area. His childhood was fine, but he was generally disliked by his parents and family members as the last of five sons. He grew older and he grew wiser, usually buried in his books, eager to learn, still he was forced to follow sword-training for a long time. When he was finally an adult in Immortal terms, he left his home without any word and descended down into the world of the mortal with just a sword and some clothes. He wished to leave behind what he had known and go to places unknown. And so he did, for ages he travelled the world and effectively sketched a map of where he had gone, however, over time, as he learned more and more, he became depressed about what he had learned, for mortals can be evil and twisted in their minds. However, when he finally arrived in the lands of Assiml, he stayed there for a while and interacted with it’s inhabitants, the nomads. He realized they were like him and he befriended these people along with the minotaurs. He left once more and started wandering again, only to return shortly as the Achaens arrived and the Wars of the Plains erupted. He forged a fragile confederation between the two peoples and stayed, watching his creation.
Strengths: Years of travelling have given him great knowledge about the world and it’s inhabitants. He is quite good in fighting with the sword and was able to master the magic of fire.
Weaknesses: Easily inflammable, is not very social and most Immortal warriors would defeat him in melee combat.
Other Abilities: He has a reasonable sense of tactics and strategies.

Say it if he's a bit OP, because I have the feeling he is.
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
@Levdragon: I'm not sure, actually, I never thought about the arcane too much, I was aiming for having magic being closely related to nature. But, lets say the arcane magic is energy, flowing in streams across the universe and the world. At certain areas you find great nexuses (or is it nexi...? simply nexus? I don't know its plural form :p), where all several of these energy flows gather and spread out. At these points, with the right knowledge, one can recieve enhancements to one's power, by absorbing powers from these "wellsprings". Oppinions?

@Narrat0r: Dude, I'm sorry, but Paladin sounds too elite for my liking even when it states intermediate. Paladins are like the elite core of ones army, in my mind paladins are the right hands of the light, leading troops into combat as brave leaders wielding great physical provess and extensive knowledge from years of training and education. You are free to disagree, but please prove how paladins can make up the largest part of your army.

@Fussiler1: As long as your character is not an "I've seen it all/ I know it all" character, he seems fine with me, remember that overpoweredness is also about how one plays. To me it seems my character is more overpowered than this one. And one interesting detail is that his weaknesses is also his strengths, if you get it.

Anyway, Approved!
Level 8
Jan 8, 2008
Sounds good I think, About paladins perhaps if you'd really want them make them a smaller portion of your army, I believe that is what is being implied, correct if I'm wrong. If you want a pure elite army, make a very and I mean VERY tiny army like the one Beriadan owns.
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
@Levdragon: I'm not sure, actually, I never thought about the arcane too much, I was aiming for having magic being closely related to nature. But, lets say the arcane magic is energy, flowing in streams across the universe and the world. At certain areas you find great nexuses (or is it nexi...? simply nexus? I don't know its plural form :p), where all several of these energy flows gather and spread out. At these points, with the right knowledge, one can recieve enhancements to one's power, by absorbing powers from these "wellsprings". Oppinions?

@Narrat0r: Dude, I'm sorry, but Paladin sounds too elite for my liking even when it states intermediate. Paladins are like the elite core of ones army, in my mind paladins are the right hands of the light, leading troops into combat as brave leaders wielding great physical provess and extensive knowledge from years of training and education. You are free to disagree, but please prove how paladins can make up the largest part of your army.

@Fussiler1: As long as your character is not an "I've seen it all/ I know it all" character, he seems fine with me, remember that overpoweredness is also about how one plays. To me it seems my character is more overpowered than this one. And one interesting detail is that his weaknesses is also his strengths, if you get it.

Anyway, Approved!

So, to remove paladins and add something else?
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
Sounds good I think, About paladins perhaps if you'd really want them make them a smaller portion of your army, I believe that is what is being implied, correct if I'm wrong. If you want a pure elite army, make a very and I mean VERY tiny army like the one Beriadan owns.

Exactly, this is what I'm implying. Now, paladins are not the problem, it is the great number of them, an army needs "expendable" footsoldiers, some sort of standard infantry, wether they are poorly equipped irregulars, or a well disciplined imperial army, like mine.
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
Would it be possible to not control an empire?
I'd like, if possible, for my character to just dwell alone, in some isolated area where the locals might just see him as some sort of nature "god", or spirit. He's more of a humble being, and he distastes the way that so many of his surviving fellows have carved out empires for themselves out among the mortals.

And thanks for the name-drop :D
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
Oh, I did not see.. kind of rushed through the mid-part of the thread, kind of low on time.
I shall post my own character sheet soon enough, once I can be sure that it's satisfactory.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
This RP was, and will allways be a good idea.
I'm in, again.

Name: Eruqc
Age: 50.000
Preferred appearance: A tall man whose body is allmost entirely covered by a red cloak.
His face is allways covered by a light-blue mist, and from beneath it his eyes shine teal at all times.
Frequently used appearances:
A enormous grey wolf with a red color and teal eyes.
A raven with red eyes.
A minotaur with an enormous Axe, red fur and legs made of steel. (When Infuriated)
Eruqc is patient, incredibly patient.
This is sometimes mistaken for stupidity or lazyness, but is still something Eruqc's few followers revere him for.
He is also very stubborn, which kindof is a dead giveaway along with the patience.
He is though easily annoyed when downright defied, and can be in legendarily bad moods if his patience ends up being all for nothing.
If there is one thing he is not, it is forgiving.
Eruqc were told at the beginning of his life that if he waited long enough, all would go well.
So in the first many years of his existance, Eruqc patiently waited for everything to turn out fine and everyone to be happy.
Things did though, not really turn out as he wanted.
One day, after once again having heard bad news from the world outside, he went into a great rage, angry with the world and the apparent futility of his patience.
He soared down from the mountains that he lived in, in the form of a great raven, and soon after arrived at the nearest city, where a battle was going on.
The city had been under siege by superior forces for months, and were on the verge of defeat.
When Eruqc saw this, he realized that patience alone was not enough.
Like him, the city had been waiting inside it's inpenetratable walls, hoping to last longer than the beseiging forces.
But the attackers had the world on their side. Fresh supplies of food and water arrived every day, and they had great feasts while the city starved.
Eruqc were distressed about this.
It did not seem fair to him that the beseigers should live in luxury while the stalwart city starved. Someone should do something.
Then he realised, he could.
That night, a cloaked stranger appeard in the city center.
He talked with a mighty voice to the awestruck citizens. He told them that he could free them from their attackers, that he could win the battle for them.
If they promised to strike back at their enemy when the battle was over, and not lie dorment like he had done.
That night, the sky rained fire upon the beseigers, and Eruqc, Lord of Resilliance, Patience and Vengeance, was born anew.
Strengths: Eruqc never gives up, and his mind bogging patience tends to drive his enemies mad.
He is a lord of destruction, not afraid to unleash cosmic fury upon his enemies when needed, and known for never forgiving anyone.
And the longer he waits, the more his power grows.
Weaknesses: Eruqc's enormous patience sometimes leads to great periods of inaction, even though he tries to avoid them.
And if his plans go wrong, and his patience turns out to have been all for nothing, he is unable to think right and goes into a rage of irrational thoughts and rushed decisions.
Other Abilities: Eruqc is a great manipulater of the Fire Element, and has a fancy for shaping it and using it like it was one of the other elements.
One of his most frequent tactics is letting a wave of fire scour the land, or letting raindrops of molten rock fall from the sky.

Name: Serevoya
Population: 400.000
Standing Army: 30.000
Major races: Humans and Minotaurs
Description: Serevoya lies in the colder parts of the world, up near the big mountains in the hilly grasslands.
Around the entire empire Eruqc has erected a "Natural" wall of stone spikes, with a few well guarded gates here and there.
The empire's politics and social system is quite simple: The more you work, the more you get.
Eruqc rewards patience more than anything else in his followers, and anyone working hard enough might end up living a life of prestige and luxury.
Lazyness is though something that Eruqc stikes down on with an adamantium fist, so if a person that thinks he has acheived all he wants stop working and begins living a life of idleness Eruqc will find a suitable way to have said person destroyed.
But for the one prepared to do some work, Serevoya is a place of opportunity and new horizons.
Serevoya mostly survives on the great amount of agriculture that it's inhabitants practice, but the empire is also quite rich on Iron, which has resulted in Serevoya being a center of smithing and other ironworking industries.

Hope this will do. :S
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
Gyro, I'd try and make an empire, but I think I'll just make a small town of people who worship me every-so-often, although my guy is kind of a humble person.

Name: Ûthun (Also known by commoners as the Wildman of Illien Falls, the Crowfeathers Man, and the Penitent of the Illien Grove by some learned scholars.)
Age: 76,000
Preferred appearance: He usually appears as a thickly-muscled and tall human man, with a chiseled face and high cheekbones, which form a rather handsome face that seems to contain some great sadness. His hair, a deep auburn-brown chestnut shade, is short and extremely thin on the sides, but thickens in the middle, although it is still cut short. The whites of his eyes are permanently a pitch-coal black, with a tiny pupil in each that appears to be formed of tiny flecks of blue ice. His skin is nearly white, with a hint of something darker in it. He also has a small scar on the right side of his lip.
Frequently used appearances: Ûthun often appears as a crow, a large and thin specimen, with his characteristic eyes and a scar above it's beak.
Personality: He is a mournful being, often glum and unfocused, and above all, will not brook hatred or revenge, seeing such things as low and base. He also has great care for humanity, and hates those tyrants that would force their fellow men to war or other acts in their name. Overall, he is a kind and compassionate person, loved by the people in the region, although few if any have ever seen the 'Wild Spirit'. He will usually see the negative side of a problem, but is nonetheless very courteous towards all who mean no harm to his lands.
Bios: Long, very long ago, a young immortal came out of the far North-East lands, a stripling of only a few hundred years of age. He at once was initiated into the Immortals' city culture, as he had been born out in the outer territories, where the masters and their creations lived much closer.
He was raised by Lin MacGluh, a master at the shaping of new life, who at the time was working on a new creation, mankind. When Lin died from a terrible injury, it was Ûthun who carried on the work, along with a good hundred or so of the other people involved, although it was largely done at the time that the young immortal began his work. During the fall of their Empire, he withdrew himself from the city, and was able to secure himself passage out through the invading slave-armies. For this, many of those he worked with saw him as a coward, although Ûthun had no wish to fight those his people had created, as he had put something of himself in those races, and found he could understand why they acted so.
Eventually, after many hundreds of years of wandering around the no longer Immortal-ruled regions he had known as a young one, he settled himself down in the mountains of Illien Falls, a place where the compassionate Lin MacGluh had once meditated. In these modern times, many small villages dot the area, mostly farming towns, and those peasants have all by now heard the tales of an undying being dwelling in solitude up in those mist-capered peaks of stone and fir trees. Ûthun only wishes to be left alone, and although once in a while the commoners bring him offerings of fresh foods and grain, he has been mostly left alone. Sadly, he often hears news of the distant empires where Immortals have re-founded themselves from the crows of Illien Falls, and he greatly distrusts all such people. Secretly though, he misses his people greatly, for he was a much-loved immortal before the Fall.
Strengths: Ûthun has no particular strengths, although he is very physically powerful, able to uproot a mighty tree, or kill an elephant, although it would be against his nature to do either. He manifests an amount of Earth magic, but is limited to things of nature, finding himself unable to bend stone or other things the Earth school of magic is usually centered around.
Weaknesses: He is quite easily manipulated, as his good intentions for humanity lead him to help the people of the surrounding villages during certain seasons, such as the yearly harvest, and the colder times where raiders may come in from distant territories. He also is a little uneasy around women, finding himself unable to really understand them well.
Other Abilities: He is good at farming, and knows how to plant and care for just about any plant, while he can identify most wildlife and their properties. He will go out of his way to help animals, who are always calm around him. Some could, and have in the past years, see him as a sort of nature god.
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Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
@Dragonson: Approved!

@Cthulus: Approved!

@Narrat0r: Hmm... A really powerful army, but ok, I'll approve.

Ok, I guess we are enough people to begin roleplaying. I'll love if someone can create a map out of the different empires descriptions and place them on it, with the Cloudstorm mountains close to centre.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Dun dun here my character is.

Name: Lord Dredmor
Age: 5788
Preferred appearance:Dredmor likes to appear as a tall bulky man dressed in silver armor wearing a crown made out of roses he also wields a massive silver claymore that shines in like a beacon in sunlight.
Frequently used appearances:A massive white bear with snow white eyes.
Personality:Lord Dredmor is a kind and benevolent man, he refuses to use mortals as any thing but friends and he does everything either by him self or with the help of his loyal magical guard the White Rose.
Bios:Lord Dredmor was born after the mortal rebellion in Cloudstorm mountain with his birth roses grew around his body, but soon he became a strong warrior and hungering for adventures. Dredmor later settled in the northern planes after leaving Cloudstorm, building a great fortress out of the rock there. While Dredmor began to build his castle he soon realized the mortals came to fear him and he promised them no harm while Dredmor began to now understand the mortals rebellion and promised to those mortals that he would never harm any innocence again and so he did all while biding his time in his castle in the northern planes.
Strengths:Dredmor is a master of enchanting and can make lifeless objects fight for him he is also a master at earth magic.
Weaknesses:Being a very benevolent immortal he refuses to harm any innocent being and will even exchange his life for a innocent one. Dredmor is also a slow fighter he relays on heavy hits which take away from his speed.
Other Abilities:Drednor is a great strategist and melee fighter.

Below is a entry enchantment magic.

Enchantment magic isn't the strong of magic but it is one of the most used. Enchanting is doing something to a inanimate object such as a sword by enchanting that sword you do something to it that gives it a small piece of life like making it attack anyone that tries to harm you or taking a suit of armor and making it your sparing partner. To use enchantment it doesn't require must skill but it does require incantations and the proper ones because if gone wrong enchantment is deadly. Overall enchantment is a well know magic weak if used wrong but strong if used correctly.
Level 6
Sep 22, 2010
Err can i jus cre8 an empire???? sort of alien like??? without any heroes and such...

BTW, come n visit n join my Area 99 RP
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
I'm afraid that isnt really possible.
The point of this RP is controlling a god, not an empire.
The empires are merely a sub-element to make the gods seem more like gods and give the gods a set amount of power, based on their empires.

Also, this is a fantasy RP. :p
No aliens, please.
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
@HolyFireX: You don't give a good first impression by 1337-speaking in the RP section. It makes you seem less roleplay oriented, and fewer people wants to roleplay with you. I advise you to not use 1337-speak in the RP forums. And please don't advertise for your own roleplay in other people's threads.
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