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After some thinking and idea-generation, time have come to post my ideas for a new God-RP. My last one was quite successful and popular, and several people were interested in getting a new one started.
The approach is going to be a little different, now for the introduction.
"You are the Immortal...
You've wandered the surface of the world for milleniums...
You are the heirs of a long lost empire whose glory have long since faded into ruin and oblivion...
You are... Gods."
Several milleniums ago, when the world was young, there was an empire spanning continents, huge and glorious. Its people was gifted with immortality, and had long ago learned the secrets of magic. They built huge cities with towers as high as the mountains, and castles deep into the earth. For this, they created slaves, the mortals. Every immortal bloodline had its own breed of slaves, among these were the Humans, the Minotaurs, the Orcs and the Ogres. This empire lasted ten milleniums, until one fateful day, when it all fell into ruin. The Slave breeds had become numerous, and not only did they outnumber their immortal masters, but they were growing dissatisfied with their endless servitude. The slaves lived in vast slums on the ground while their masters walked and lived in towers spanning the skies and with hanging gardens among the clouds. Towers built by them, the slaves of the immortals. This fateful day, a rebellion rose. Like war-ants the slaves swarmed the empire and destroyed it, overwhelming their master and anihilating everything in their path. The empire lay in ruins, and the slave breeds spread across the world. And soon, the era was lost in oblivion. Not all of these immortals were dead however, a handfull of them had taken refuge in the Cloudstorm Mountains. For milleniums they watched the slave breeds build their own societies, wage war against each other, and empires rise and crumble. The small kingdom of immortals ruled by the ancient Suer Thanak, oldest of their kin, was waiting for when the time was right to rise again and rule mortality.
You are decendants of the empire, you are the immortal beings from Cloudstorm Mountains. You have access to powers long lost and are almighty in the eyes of the mortals. But as you rise to power and begin ruling the empires of mortality, the power struggles among the immortals intensifies.
Since this is where we post our characters and everything else not belonging in the RP thread, we need a character sheet.
Name: (The Name of you Character)
Age: (The Age of your character)
Preferred appearance: (The Appearance your character prefers to use)
Frequently used appearances: (Appearances frequently used by your characters)
Personality: (Your character's Personality, this will change as we rp and your characters develop)
Bios: (The story of your character's life so far)
Strengths: (Your character's strengths)
Weaknesses: (Your character's weaknesses)
Other Abilities: (Other stuff your character is good at)
I'm open for suggestions.
This is a sample character for reference
Name: Danth'ur Gaarh
Age: 7452
Preferred Appearance: Danth'ur usually takes the shape of a huge, red snapjaw turtle with vicious spikes on its shell.
Frequently used appearances: Danth'ur often takes the shape of a vampire bat or a tall Minotaur with black skin, in his minotaur form, he usually wear a pitch black spiked plate mail and wields a huge, wicked-looking spear.
Personality: Danth'ur is quick to anger and cruel to the bone. He has a black and vicious form of humor, and loves to torture his victims. After a battle, he puts the corpses of his enemies on stics and split open their stomachs to let their intestines hang out. He then drinks their blood and eat their hearts.
Bios: Danth'ur was born in Cloudstorm Mountains, in the deepest caves of the City of Gods. He grew up playing near a stream of magma, using his growing magic powers to allow him to swim in it. He grew a deep connection to fire, and also to the magma turtles living there. His hot temper led him to become the war god of a tribe of minotaurs living deep into the mountains, and he led them to war with a kingdom of Deep Elves, winning a glorious victory and conquering their cities. He grew into a more and more terrifying leader, demanding sacrifices every day and warring with all neighbours.
Strengths: Danth'ur have incredible skill wielding fire, and this combined with his incredible physical strength and unbelivable bloodlust makes him a terrifying opponent and is undoubtly his greatest strength.
Weaknesses: Danth'ur weaknesses is first and foremost his temper and recklessness, his deep connection with fire have also left him vurnerable to frost and cold.
Other Abilities: Danth'ur is a quite skilled wrestler, and he often arranges wrestling tournaments in his castle, he has only been defeated once, and the victor got incinerated shortly after.
Of course, this character is just a sample, and I have not spent particularly much time developing him.
Rules are important in any good rp, and we do of course need some. This rp will be done in the Free-Post style, like the previous God-RP and the Warhammer 40,000: The Lost World RP. This means that there are no dice rolling, and you as players are left with quite a lot of freedom in your hands. But we need some rules.
But hey, this is the construction thread, the world needs to be built. The planet we all roleplay on is a planet around the size of Saturn, with a climate and gravity resembling that of the earth. It orbits a twin star, consisting of a huge, sun-like star and a smaller white star. The world has four moons of different sizes. Manara is the largest of these, about the size of mars and resembling the Earth's Moon in colour and appearance. Sinara and Quara, also known as the twin moons, are about the same size, and orbiting very close to each other, they both have a warm, yellow colour. Thanara is the smallest of the moons, it shines with a bright red colour, and is always on the opposite side of Manara.
On this world, known by the mortals by many names, lives the breeds of mortals. Each and everyone of these breeds decend from the slaves of the Immortal bloodlines. These races are the Minotaur, the Ogres, the Orcs, the Humans, the Elves, the Deep Elves, the Gnolls and the Kobolds, and of course you can come up with more.
But you do not only control your character. As the gods of the mortals, you have followers, and most likely an empire of some sorts. This empire, kingdom or whatever is what you need to accomplish your goals. To rise in power among the gods, you need the mortals, you need an army. Many gods wage wars among each other, using their mortal armies to ravage eachothers empires. Some gods use their empires to accumulate incredible wealth, trading or sacking other empires. Not every empire or kingdom is ruled by a god, and the gods rules in many different ways. Some build huge temples and demands human sacrifices, others build fantastic castles and stands as a beacon of safety for their mortal followers. The size of you empire is up to you to decide, wether you control hundreds of small nomad tribes that does plgrimages to your holy city every year, or a mighty city state ruled by an allpowerful divine inquisition. But please, use common sense when creating your empire. You live in the Medieval era technology-wise, and few empires have more than a few million souls living in them.
I feel like we need an empire sheet to simply define our empires.
Name: (The Name of your empire)
Population: (How many people lives in it)
Standing Army: (How large is your army, rarely more than five percent of the population)
Major races: (What races are most dominant in your empire)
Description: (Contains landmarks, describes your empire's geography, politics and everything in general. What natural resources that are to be found in your empire, and what kind of features dominates it)
Again, this is the construction thread, I want your opinion and suggestions.
The Roleplaying Thread Has been opened!
The approach is going to be a little different, now for the introduction.
"You are the Immortal...
You've wandered the surface of the world for milleniums...
You are the heirs of a long lost empire whose glory have long since faded into ruin and oblivion...
You are... Gods."
Several milleniums ago, when the world was young, there was an empire spanning continents, huge and glorious. Its people was gifted with immortality, and had long ago learned the secrets of magic. They built huge cities with towers as high as the mountains, and castles deep into the earth. For this, they created slaves, the mortals. Every immortal bloodline had its own breed of slaves, among these were the Humans, the Minotaurs, the Orcs and the Ogres. This empire lasted ten milleniums, until one fateful day, when it all fell into ruin. The Slave breeds had become numerous, and not only did they outnumber their immortal masters, but they were growing dissatisfied with their endless servitude. The slaves lived in vast slums on the ground while their masters walked and lived in towers spanning the skies and with hanging gardens among the clouds. Towers built by them, the slaves of the immortals. This fateful day, a rebellion rose. Like war-ants the slaves swarmed the empire and destroyed it, overwhelming their master and anihilating everything in their path. The empire lay in ruins, and the slave breeds spread across the world. And soon, the era was lost in oblivion. Not all of these immortals were dead however, a handfull of them had taken refuge in the Cloudstorm Mountains. For milleniums they watched the slave breeds build their own societies, wage war against each other, and empires rise and crumble. The small kingdom of immortals ruled by the ancient Suer Thanak, oldest of their kin, was waiting for when the time was right to rise again and rule mortality.
You are decendants of the empire, you are the immortal beings from Cloudstorm Mountains. You have access to powers long lost and are almighty in the eyes of the mortals. But as you rise to power and begin ruling the empires of mortality, the power struggles among the immortals intensifies.
We play the Immortals, the Sharu'amn, an ancient and powerful race from ancient times. We are immortal of course, and have access to many powers only dreamt by others.
The Immortals speak their own language as well as any mortal language they have heard. They are not sure themselves how they can learn a language by simply hearing somebody speaking it, it simply is that way.
- An Immortal can alter its shape, recieving its shape's physical attributes, you can take the shape of an animal, human or anything else living on the planet, you can even become a mix between them. The maximum size you can take is four times your original size, while the minimum is one tenth. This has lead to the mortal legends of dragons, sphinxes and other mythical creatures.
- An Immortal can detect mortal beings within a one mile radius
- An Immortal can influence the minds of mortal beings, but not control them directly. Which means you can make a minotaur warlord attacking your castle believe breaking the walls is impossible, but you cannot hinder him from trying, that is his own choice.
- An Immortal has the gifts of magic, it can control the elements, make the sky rain fire, or bring winter to a tropical region. Its magic is strongly tied to the forces of nature, and it does cost a certain degree of life force to use it, depending on the power of the spell. Making it snow might not be more tiresome than lifting an arm, but making a giant volcano appear in the middle of a vast city might make you totally exhausted.
- An Immortal have the powers of telepathy, meaning that you can use your mind to talk to someone, even over impossible distances.
- An Immortal have the powers of telekinesis, it can lift any non-living thing within three hundred feet with its mind, but at the expense of life force, just like using magic.
- An Immortal can grant a mortal a small share of its powers, learning them their secrets of magic.
- The most powerful of the Immortals can learn the secrets possessed by few of their own kin, to create and alter living beings, and create their own breeds of mortals.
The Immortals speak their own language as well as any mortal language they have heard. They are not sure themselves how they can learn a language by simply hearing somebody speaking it, it simply is that way.
Since this is where we post our characters and everything else not belonging in the RP thread, we need a character sheet.
Name: (The Name of you Character)
Age: (The Age of your character)
Preferred appearance: (The Appearance your character prefers to use)
Frequently used appearances: (Appearances frequently used by your characters)
Personality: (Your character's Personality, this will change as we rp and your characters develop)
Bios: (The story of your character's life so far)
Strengths: (Your character's strengths)
Weaknesses: (Your character's weaknesses)
Other Abilities: (Other stuff your character is good at)
I'm open for suggestions.
This is a sample character for reference
Name: Danth'ur Gaarh
Age: 7452
Preferred Appearance: Danth'ur usually takes the shape of a huge, red snapjaw turtle with vicious spikes on its shell.
Frequently used appearances: Danth'ur often takes the shape of a vampire bat or a tall Minotaur with black skin, in his minotaur form, he usually wear a pitch black spiked plate mail and wields a huge, wicked-looking spear.
Personality: Danth'ur is quick to anger and cruel to the bone. He has a black and vicious form of humor, and loves to torture his victims. After a battle, he puts the corpses of his enemies on stics and split open their stomachs to let their intestines hang out. He then drinks their blood and eat their hearts.
Bios: Danth'ur was born in Cloudstorm Mountains, in the deepest caves of the City of Gods. He grew up playing near a stream of magma, using his growing magic powers to allow him to swim in it. He grew a deep connection to fire, and also to the magma turtles living there. His hot temper led him to become the war god of a tribe of minotaurs living deep into the mountains, and he led them to war with a kingdom of Deep Elves, winning a glorious victory and conquering their cities. He grew into a more and more terrifying leader, demanding sacrifices every day and warring with all neighbours.
Strengths: Danth'ur have incredible skill wielding fire, and this combined with his incredible physical strength and unbelivable bloodlust makes him a terrifying opponent and is undoubtly his greatest strength.
Weaknesses: Danth'ur weaknesses is first and foremost his temper and recklessness, his deep connection with fire have also left him vurnerable to frost and cold.
Other Abilities: Danth'ur is a quite skilled wrestler, and he often arranges wrestling tournaments in his castle, he has only been defeated once, and the victor got incinerated shortly after.
Of course, this character is just a sample, and I have not spent particularly much time developing him.
Earth: Magic connected to earth, stone and nature. The Opposite of Air.
Air: Magic connected to air and wind. The opposite of Earth.
Fire: Magic connected to heat, fire and destruction. The opposite of Water.
Water: Magic connected to the sea, water and cold. The opposite of Fire.
Light: Magic connected to healing, protection and light, the opposite of Darkness.
Darkness: Magic related to darkness, disease and death (though not neccesarily reanimation), the opposite of Light.
Air: Magic connected to air and wind. The opposite of Earth.
Fire: Magic connected to heat, fire and destruction. The opposite of Water.
Water: Magic connected to the sea, water and cold. The opposite of Fire.
Light: Magic connected to healing, protection and light, the opposite of Darkness.
Darkness: Magic related to darkness, disease and death (though not neccesarily reanimation), the opposite of Light.
Rules are important in any good rp, and we do of course need some. This rp will be done in the Free-Post style, like the previous God-RP and the Warhammer 40,000: The Lost World RP. This means that there are no dice rolling, and you as players are left with quite a lot of freedom in your hands. But we need some rules.
- First of all, NO GOD-MODDING! God-Modding ruins the roleplay experiece of other players.
- Don't use other peoples characters and npcs unless it is fine with them.
- You do not always hit, you do not always dodge, you cannot create ten-thousand miles of mountains without even beeing tired, You cannot stop an army with your mind alone, please use common sense when roleplaying.
- Remember that while this is a free-posting rp, the DM is still in charge, I will take action if I see something that I and others do not agree with.
But hey, this is the construction thread, the world needs to be built. The planet we all roleplay on is a planet around the size of Saturn, with a climate and gravity resembling that of the earth. It orbits a twin star, consisting of a huge, sun-like star and a smaller white star. The world has four moons of different sizes. Manara is the largest of these, about the size of mars and resembling the Earth's Moon in colour and appearance. Sinara and Quara, also known as the twin moons, are about the same size, and orbiting very close to each other, they both have a warm, yellow colour. Thanara is the smallest of the moons, it shines with a bright red colour, and is always on the opposite side of Manara.
On this world, known by the mortals by many names, lives the breeds of mortals. Each and everyone of these breeds decend from the slaves of the Immortal bloodlines. These races are the Minotaur, the Ogres, the Orcs, the Humans, the Elves, the Deep Elves, the Gnolls and the Kobolds, and of course you can come up with more.
But you do not only control your character. As the gods of the mortals, you have followers, and most likely an empire of some sorts. This empire, kingdom or whatever is what you need to accomplish your goals. To rise in power among the gods, you need the mortals, you need an army. Many gods wage wars among each other, using their mortal armies to ravage eachothers empires. Some gods use their empires to accumulate incredible wealth, trading or sacking other empires. Not every empire or kingdom is ruled by a god, and the gods rules in many different ways. Some build huge temples and demands human sacrifices, others build fantastic castles and stands as a beacon of safety for their mortal followers. The size of you empire is up to you to decide, wether you control hundreds of small nomad tribes that does plgrimages to your holy city every year, or a mighty city state ruled by an allpowerful divine inquisition. But please, use common sense when creating your empire. You live in the Medieval era technology-wise, and few empires have more than a few million souls living in them.
I feel like we need an empire sheet to simply define our empires.
Name: (The Name of your empire)
Population: (How many people lives in it)
Standing Army: (How large is your army, rarely more than five percent of the population)
Major races: (What races are most dominant in your empire)
Description: (Contains landmarks, describes your empire's geography, politics and everything in general. What natural resources that are to be found in your empire, and what kind of features dominates it)
Again, this is the construction thread, I want your opinion and suggestions.

The Roleplaying Thread Has been opened!
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