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Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: Okay... I have to admit that I'm a lazy person, so I'm not going to read 67 pages of posts, instead, I'm just going to start a solo-post, and see if I can interact with other people =D)

IC: Nilicto sighed "Atleast these few people are safe... I should rebuild together with them... but it'll take time..." Nilicto Sighs again "What a boring and bland landscape this is... nothing changes at all" He said while turning a flower into a mushroom "Even this small act, takes away so much energy... if only so many of my people didn't die...
Nilicto was in the form of a purple monkey with feathers instead of hair "Maybe I could atleast scout around to see if there's something interresting around" he said to himself, and he changed into a bird with a fish-like skin and flew out to scout.

OOC: Is this an RP where you're going to tell me what I see, or do I have to think of that myself?)
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: Well, my main body is different always, as I described, so that shouldn't be a problem =D)

IC: "A village, with set architecture... yuk, still, maybe they like change, and these are desperate times..." Nilicto said to himself, he then looked at his people, they were planting their plants, and already set up camp... but it was somewhat static... the Nilicari couldn't make their buildings everchanging without Nilicto's help... but Nilicto was just too weak to make the buildings everchanging, it obviously depressed the Nilicari
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Methos was even in greater pain. He god side was losing to his demon and his merged was winning. Inside his mind is a great battle field. His body still even in pain. Soon all will be over as one side will win. Sharuk, help me. Need the fountain of Power. Body failing .............. I'm at the ................ eternal palace. He used part of his fading strength to get that message sent.
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Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"I think I'll take someone with me, and try to convince the local inhabitants to worship me..." Nilicto said as he was moving towards the Nilicari "My people, I need one person to go with me" the majority of Nilicari raised their hand, wing, fin or tentacle "Just one please, choose one of all before I come back, I need to see something..." and with those words, Nilicto turned into a small normal bird, and flew towards the village.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
OOC:Sorry if I contributed to the death of this RP was pretty nice one but I saw to many flaws in some things and it affected me by not wanting to play so I must say I am sorry for the death or dying of this RP. Maybe one day it can be resurrected into a glorious rebirth.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Dear future DM or DMs.
I write this summery for you. This is a god RP. The main cast is Methos, god of death. Sharuk, god of war. Psion, god of mental powers. Nicanor, god of travel. The primeval, the villain upper god of all evil. Now, the good upper god has died and a war has begun amongst the gods. Methos vs Gods vs Primeval. Now a review of the game tips. First off, Methos is as scary as Sharuk and Psion. That because they are greater gods. Which means other greater gods are of equal power. Second, Each god has a order or priest. A group of followers. If they die you are weakened unless your a greater god of importance. Gaining followers is a really good goal unless you like using lay lines of power. Third, no one god can defeat the primeval. He is as powerful as the upper god. It toke the might of all the gods to defeat the. Fourth, like or not, your roles are very important. Even a human hero can be important. They and Demigods can traverse the land without some sort of anchor. That what keeps gods to the mortal lands. Now, Since you got down my tips for this game. Here's a review. Methos and Psion's armies fight in the new world as methos and the shadow do in the old world. Several gods have turned towards the evil upper god. While others band together to fight themselves and demons.
Sincerely, SoLmaster AKA Methos

OOC: Is this good?
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