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Rafia: Blackwind Mountains and Necropia

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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009

Rafia is a small part of a huge realm (The Five Planes) i've used a long time to put together.
In this RP, we will be playing in the part of Rafia called Blackwind mountains, and maybe if people get long enough into the game, in Necropia.
But! Let us get the basics first:

A Black Spectre is a person that has merged with his soulblade.
They beleive that to acheive ultimate power they must become one with their soulblade and form a greater unity.
They go through a ritual where they break their soulblade to peices and bond them with their bodies in various places (Heart, brain, lungs, hands, feet, etc.).
When this is done the person acheives a peace of mind that is normally only acheivable by a lifetime of meditation. This peace of mind is constant, and the only situation a Black Spectre is not calm is when a alien pressence is within it's mind.
A Black Spectre is practically a undead creature (therefore the last part of the name) but works like a living being in all other aspects than the mind.
Part of this peace of mind is that their mind exists partically in the Chaotic Plane. How that makes them calm noone has ever figured out.
Due to this connection with the chaotic plane all Black Spectres are constantly surrounded by a field of energy that turns Pitch-Black when in combat (therefore the first part of the name).
The calmness allows them to complete extremely tense and diffucult tasks as easy as scratching your left chin, therefore making them brilliant assassins.
The first Black Spectre was Xall Planebreaker, who for some strange reason acheived godlike power when merging with his soulblade. This was what made others follow him, although none has ever gained the same power as him.

Rafian Lore Volume One: Introduction
The Five Planes were created long ago by The Archbeing, as one out of thousands of worlds.
The Archbeing created three planes, The Chaotic Plane, The Plane of Order and The Plane of Circles.
The Archbeing created three gods for this world. He told them "You Three will rule over this world. One of you will rule the Chaotic Plane, One of you The Plane of Order, and One of you The Plane of Circles."
As the ruler of the Chaotic Plane, The Archbeing chose Sirfas, The Snake.
As the ruler of the Plane of Order, The Archbeing chose Melsen, The Eagle.
As the ruler of the Plane of Circles, now known as the Mortal Plane, The Archbeing chose Ahmon'Zan, the Dragon.
When this was done, the Archbeing left The Five Planes to create new worlds. Leaving the Three Gods to themselves.
They started filling out their planes with all kinds of creations, but when this was done, they turned towards each other.

When the Three Gods had populated their planes, they turned their gaze toward eachother. Sirfen wanted to bring chaos the Plane of Order, and Melsen wanted to bring order to the Chaotic plane. Soon a war were raging, between chaos and order.
It hasn't stopped yet, even though both Sirfas and Melsen are dead.
You see, Ahmon'Zan remained neutral. He waited, thought, planned.
He knew that the two other gods had to kill each other at some point, and when they did, he seized full power over the realm.
There isn't much known about the death of Sirfas and Melsen, but it is known that the first thing Ahmon did with his new power was to Create two new planes: The Wall, and The Gate.
The Wall and The Gate Seperates the Chaotic and The Mortal Plane from the Plane of Order, and they prevent free crossing between the worlds.
No one knows exactly what is going on in the wall and the gate, since nobody have ever returned from a trip there.

When Ahmon'Zan had seized the ultimate power over what now was The Five Planes, he created new gods.
He created five gods for the Chaotic Plane, and five gods for the Plane of Order. These gods have now become far too numerous to count, since gods apparently breed faster than rabbits.
These gods were all lower gods to Ahmon'Zan, and they looked at him like mortals look at them. He became known as The Great Dragon.
Since then Ahmon have been watching the world with joy, observing how the gods worked out their petty squabbles both on earth and in the skies.
Enjoying how he had made a world that before was meaningless war into a "Real" world.
But Ahmon'Zan were not made to be omnipotent, and at some point he got bored.
He created his own little playground, his own little world where he constantly tested out all kinds of things.
He created Rafia.

More lore coming soon!

It is known how Rafia were created, since Ahmon himself have passed it down through his priests. But the Black Tower remains a mystery, since Ahmon refuses to tell his priests it's secrets.
It is a huge black tower, standing right in the center of Rafia.
It continues into the sky, and the top of it cannot be seen from the ground.
Ontop of it though, is a huge platform.
This platform seems to be going on in all eternity. Some say it goes all the way around the globe. Yet, things like light from the sun and rain are completely unaffected by this platform. If you didn't know it were there you wouldn't notice. Unless ofcourse you fly into it. Then suddenly the clouds around you will disappear and you see a large surface of indestructible rock below you. For the platform is, indestructible.
Nobody has ever charted theese misty wastes of rock, also known as the Wastes, and people get lost there everyday.
There's alot of exotic animal and plant life sprouting around out there, and there's rumors about hidden civilisations.
Near the top of the Black Tower a huge city lies, which constantly grows.
In this city, all races are allowed. A real utopia aslong as you don't get into the backstreets. In the center of this city, is the Temple of Dragons. The only temple ever created in honor in Ahmon'Zan. It is his wish that it be the only temple, and nobody disobays his direct orders without getting smited in some way.

There's ALOT of lore about the Black Tower, and i hope i didn't forget anything crucial. If i remember something i've forgotten i'l add it :)


Towershield Libary: Workan.
The Workan are a Gnoll-Like race living in the Blackwind Mountains.
They have been oddly silent for the last couple of years...

Towershield Libary: Chaotic Demons
There are demons from all of the five planes.
Demons from the chaotic plane are marked with their "non-existing" fields.
If a creature tuches a "non-existing" field, the part of the creature tuching the field will become "non-existing", therefore warping the mind and body of the creature and turning it into a chaotic demon.

Towershield Libary: Serpa
Serpa is a demon from the Chaotic planes.
It wreaked havoc in The Black Tower a while ago, but were banished.
It's "non-existing" fields are head, right arm and tail.


Towershield Libary: Chaos
Chaos is a extremely strong chaotic demon.
It is one of the five chaos demons simply named "Chaos."
This particular one is "Chaos of the Mind".
It's "non-existing" field is it's body, with abit of all of it's limbs.

The island (or continent) of Rafia is generally the center of the world known as The Five Planes.
On this island is a great deal of architectural wonders, and magical marvels, such as The Black Tower. But for now, we are going to the Specific part called Blackwind Mountains.
Blackwind Mountains is a huge group of mountains infested with a undead plague coming from the Death-City Necropia.
Blackwind Mountains is though also, one of the biggest sources of loot known to mankind. Therefore: it's swarming with adventurers. In this game, you will be playing one of theese adventurers, doing dungeon crawls and such things.

It's pretty simple:
-Don't lame.
-Don't be a jerk.
-Think about what you do before you do it.
-The GM generally decides everything.
-Do not discuss the GM's discussions with the GM.
-The GM is me, Dragonson.
-Follow The Unwritten RP Rules
-Obey the other rules, or else!

Whenever an action of general importance is posted i will roll one or more dice to determine it's result.
A basic Dice roll looks like this:

DM: Melee Attack: Roll (1d6 + 6 for General Awesomeness): 5. (11)

RED: Just for showing you that a roll or announcement by the DM is coming up.
GREEN: This tells you what type of action the roll is for.
BLUE: This tells you how many dice are being rolled and of what type.
PURPLE: This tells you what bonuses will be added to the roll.
TEAL: This tells you the general result of the roll.
DARK GREEN: This tells you the result of the roll with bonuses added.

If somebody rolls the highest possible number on a check or other dice rolls,
a dice will be rolled on this chart to determine what happens.
1: Extreme Success.
Whatever the charecter was doing, he/she has extreme success with.
2: Unexpected Success.
The charecter has success with whatever he's doing, but not nessecarily in the way he/she hoped for.
3: Good Stuff.
Something good happens, like discovering a new spell or gaining a new feat.
4: Extra Díce.
An extra dice is rolled, which will be added to the previous roll result.
The extra dice can also result in a crit, which will lead to another roll on this chart.
5: Pwn.
Something really awesome happens, like getting a Soul-Buff (When you get one you will know why this is awesome. beleive me.)
or instantly killing a monster that is more than thrice as strong as you.
6: Übarpwn.
Like Pwn, just with abit more AWESOME.
When Übarpwn is rolled, you might be saved by a angel, or maybe have a demon from the chaotic planes kill your opponent.
Who knows? It's Übar.

I have a feeling that i have missed important information, but i can't think of anything right now.
Please tell me if there's something that critically needs to be added.
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009

-Sky Elf: Adept at general magic.
-Forest Elf: The typical Druid.
-Human: ITS A HUMAN!
-Orc: Fighting Stereotype 101.
-Dark Elf: The typical necromancer, or something.
-Gnome: Invents stuff, and usually blows it up too.
-Dwarf: Eh... dwarves... drink things?
NOTE: Theese are just general explanations, not requirements for charecters of the specefic Race.

My general idea for ACTUAL GAMEPLAY in this was that you would do dungeon crawls in groups.
Until we are more than five players (if that ever happens :p) You will all be in the same group.

Now, the tweak (thought not entirely a new concept) on the rp:
NONE of you will at ANY point in the game be picking up or looting weapons.
For the isle of Rafia has a special trait (or... it actually has alot of them, nvm.) that was discovered by the first to colonize it: Soulblades.
When a person (with just enough brain to be qualified as a humanoid...) sets foot on the island, a bladed weapon of any type materializes in this hand of choice.
This blade is like a materialization of his agressive side and hidden (or just general...) intentions.
Example: A virtuos paladin might receive a giant Two-Bladed Axe, while a cruel rogue might receive a spiked dagger in black and red colors.
Once a person has created a charecter, and made a proper description, i will generate a soulblade from the information given to me.
Your soulblades will change during the game, and may be augmented with various kinds of shine baubles you find in dungeons.

Once we have atleast two (preferably three) players, the first dungeoneering will being.
You first choose one of the Three starting cities/outposts:

Fort Fartalon
Fort Fartalon is a place of great military forces, and it is the only remaining fort of the orgininal ten stationed in Blackwind Mountains.
Auchin'Zel is minor outpost of the Crystal City of Auchin'Kor. Auchin'Zel is only protected by the magical shield surrounding it, so if the undead find a way to dispell it, the inhabitants are doomed. Auchin'Zel does though also have a great amount of traders residing, and you can find almost anything you should need there.
Melk is a typical human village, protected by a legendary Shaman that lived there as a child. This city is small and with few traders, but absolutely no danger of undead assault.

After choosing a city, the group must choose a dungeon to enter. I am still working on the dungeons, so they will come later.

Name: Niahcluc
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Age: Eh. who knows? :p
Gender: Male
Description: He's a rather absent warrior that only shows his true self on the battlefield. Futher he can be a bit cynical and harsh, but people can get over it. Also, he refuses to tell anyone about his past, but if you forget that he's not much more then the average human.
Ravager is a typical longsword, exept for the strange red runes covering it's blade.
Everytime it takes a life, one of the red runes begin to glow, and whenever they all glow, something completely random happens.
10000 Gold Pieces
Allows you to perform a "Deflection" roll whenever a projectile is about to hit you.
If succsessfull, the projectile is deflected, and is now possibly flying at the original shooter.

Name: Brandan Steelbeard
Race: Dwarf
Class: Fighter
Age: 58 (not that old in dwarf years)
Gender: Male
Description: Brandan is powerful dwarf fighter that judges people on their combat ability. However, he is very distrustfull of magic, he thinks those who use it are 'Immature cowards playing with their magic tricks'. He preffers the use of two handed weapons that deal the most pain per strike and armour that can absorb the most amount of pressure. Don't anger Brandan, for his signature strike once cleaved a man in two.
Soulblade: Bonesunder
Bonesunder is a two-handed axe with blunt blades that smash things more than they slice them. It's a very versatile weapon capable of handling almost any situation, even close combat, since it can be split in two to be two one-hand axes, Bash and Break.
Bag of Preservation

Name: Lord Taiion Methuselah Lucifer
Race: (Special) Half Elf Half Vampire.
Age: Unknown, although he is a hundered thousand years old at least.
Gender: Male
Description: Taiion was a great and powerful half vampire. He has mighty wings and wields great magics. After he came to this world he found that most of his powers had vanished, so he will have to slowly bring them back. He is the land he came from, was a wise and pwoerful hero. he does not feed on blood anymore. He is relativly immune to the blood-urge of his race.
SOULBLADE: Soulsplitter.
Soulsplitter is a so called "Psychic Blade".
It has no hilt, and is hovering around it's owner, it's movement controlled by his mind.
It is pitch black, with some green-ish runes that glow when they make contact with blood.
The blade itself has the size of a normal longsword.
Dark Spellbook
Rise of the Dark Moon: Charges caster with dark power.
Dark Order: Converts previously mentioned power to pure offensive energy.

10000 Gold Pieces
Raw Power:
Taiion has a bonus to all spells due to his great amount of Raw Power.
Gives +9 to all Spells.
Allows the caster to temporarily turn the target into a undead creature.
The type of undead creature is the casters choice. The duration depends on the caster's will and the spell roll.

Name: Huntico Relikem
Race:Dark elf
Class: Warrior.
Age: 56 (still a young man)
Gender: male
Description: Huntico Relikem is a cunning ranger that blood lines enhance his elf powers. He trained to be a fighter then he ran from his dark elf home to seek vengeance for his father's death by the hands of his mother. He can use powerful magics as well as swords. He lives in the forest and his home is in a cave that was made to look like an house inside.
The Barkfin Harpoon
The Barkfin Harpoon is a large throwing spear with a barbed spearhead.
It is a cruel weapon, and if it hits (which it usually does) it does large amounts of damage.
Slingshot of Diversion
10000 Gold Pieces

NAME: Mourg
CLASS: Necromancer
AGE: 22
DESCRIPTION:Mourg has lived all his life inside the mighty trade city of Auchin'Zel, under the threat of the undead monsters. Instead of worrying about them, like most others have, he has learned as much about them as possible. He is about as level-headed as an Orc can be, ignoring other's half-whispers that there is an Elf in his ancestry. He is completely able to function on his own, learning most of his information on death through his own studies. But he grows tired of hiding behind the magical shield of Auchin'Zel, and with his trusty Soulblade at his side is ready to take his knowledge from theory to practice. Leaving the peace of Auchhin'Zel behind, he has traveled to FarTalon in the hopes of finding a way to hone his talents.
SOULBLADE: Lifetwister. A cruel dagger with the ability to drain a dying person or creature's soul. It's blade looks like it's made of glass, but is nohow fragile enough to be that.
Chaotic Spellbook
Ring of a Thousand Eyes
Bones To Boiling Lead: (Spellbook Provided)
Allows the caster to transform the target's bones into boiling lead.
Shadow Volley:
Sends out a volley of shadowy spheres, striking down on what/whoever might be their target(s).
This ability has been upgraded with Pierce. The mentioned spheres are shadowy Spikes instead.

Name:Geeron Silvermane
(SPECIAL)Race: Half Vampire, Half elf ( like fendora)
Class: Rogue/fighter
Age: 183 ( looks 25ish)
Gender: Male
Description: Conceived when a vampire raped his mother and killed her husband, he has been brought up to hate all that is unliving, even though he is half vampire, he's a hunter of the undead. Fueled by his hatred he roams the land seeking the one who violated his mother, and thus brought him to the world.
Melkon Ormath: (Hiding Serpent)
Melkon Ormath is a simple but stylish sword, with a VERY small but deadly Crossbow-Mechanism built into it's hilt, allowing the wearer to fire a small projectile on close range.
Soul Gem: Fire (Augmented)

Name: Darek Mor’khan
Race: Orc
Class: Barbarian
Age: 46
Gender: Male
Description: Darek stands tall at about 2.3 Meters (7.6 Feet) He is a buffed and seasoned Warrior. Darek is bald, he wears a leather shoulder pad on his right shoulder, his shoulder pad is hold in place by two leather bands around is arm and one thick leather band across his back and chest. He wears a bears pelt around his waist hold in place by a belt, also of black leather, to his belt two skulls are attached. His boots are nothing more then a pelt wrapped around his feet and hold together whit bands of leather or some tendons. Around his wrists he wears bracelets whit teeth of all sorts of creatures attached to it.
Ragecleaver is like a scythe, but the handle isn't curved, making it easy to use as a weapon.
It's blade is black, covered with runes, and it's handle is covered in orcish warpaint.
The runes on the blade sometimes cause random magical stuff to happen, which varies depending on Darek's mood.
Soul Gem: Reave (Augmented)

Name:Mardmip Greatgear
Gender: Male
Description: Mardmip is a rather crafty gnome and intelligent.With his skill in engineering,he can create from an arclight spanner to flexible explosives and helicopters.Should you choose to fight him,he will reciprocate you by using a mixed fighting style of engineering and magic.Although he may seem short and bald,he posseses a giant's spirit.

Name: Zarator Katarim
Race: (special) half human half demon
Class: Necromancer (if you think i should have another class based on my description just say it)
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Description: Zarator was born thirty four years ago, somewhere in the wilderness outside the village of Melk his mother died right after the birth, leaving the child alone. As a strike of luck there was an old couple going by, they found the child. the old couple who always wanted a child adopted the boy and named him Zarator Katarim. Because of his slightly reed skin he was mocked in his childhood. At the age of twelve his "parents" died, this made Zarator very unstable, and one day a rich trader traveled through the village, one of the traders guards Kicked zarator into the dirt "stay of the road scumbag!" was the words of the guard. This made Zarator succumb to a terrible rage wich resulted in the guard death. When Zarator awoke he fond himself in the wilderness, with scars from the battle of the day before. He was drained for energy and the will to live. after some day he wandered of onto a road leading him to the city of Auchin'Zel were he became the disciple of a necromancer. this is what he did for twenty tow years, learning the ways of a daemon tamer. not knowing his forbidden ancestry he now setssets out on a quest to find his origins.
Rend is a psychic blade, like Taiion's.
It's shaped like a saber and is extremely sharp.
However, it is not known if it has any special abilities.
10000 Gold Pieces.
Dark Warcry:
The caster cries out in dark glory, giving all nearby allies a +5 to attack, defence and spell checks.
Verbal Exellence applies to this spell, giving it extra power if the caster words his warcry with skill.
If a critical is rolled on this spell, the caster gets a +30 to ALL ROLLS until end of combat.

Name: Lucien Karvayn
Class: Fencer (Likes rapiers, one on one duels and 'fancy' sword play, feints, parries etc...)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Description: Tall, 6' 2", lean face, small, sharp brown eyes. Medium (ear length) black hair, parted evenly down the middle, the back is in a small ponytail.
He is very well spoken, keeps to himself for the most part unless he knows the person he is speaking to, he is confident in his own skills but finds it hard to trust others, especially with his own life... due to past events
Soulrank 2
Viper is an incredibly powerfull soulblade. It is a Hybrid between a Longsword and a Rapier, with a finely decorated hilt and pommel.
Viper also contains several valueable Saphires that are charged with Lucien's personal energy.
(+7 to Melee Attack Rolls and +2 to all Defence Rolls)
Nothing important.
Whirling Defences:
If the charecter succsessfully blocks an attack with a defence check, the charecter automatically lands two attacks on the attacker. These attacks can't be blocked.

Name: Raylik
Sky Elf/Half-Shadow
RogueAge: Unknown, somewhere around 700
Gender: Male
Height: 5 10
Hair: Deep Brown
Not much is known about him. One story says that he was an elf that was banished from the halls of the elves, and has therefore taken up the way of the shadow and that is why he despises anything that came from the elven halls, including his elemental magic, instead trading it for a type of shadow magic that has rarely been seen before. A shadowy figure, never trusts anyone, would mostly prefer to be left alone. Immerses himself in shadow, draws his power from the shadows themselves. It is not known why he has not turned evil yet because of this, however it is obvious that he has to fight against the temptation of it, as occasionally he stops for a couple seconds and looks like there is an internal conflict happening inside him, and because of the fact that he can never draw as much power as necromancers.
Sting is an Arabian-Style dagger, with a pitch-black blade.
It can be used in melee battle as well as a throwing knife, as it allways re-materializes in Raylik's hand after it hits the target.
Nothing Important.
Ritual of Power:
The caster creates a pentagram around him, then sits down in the middle of it.
For each round the caster sits in the middle of the pentagram without being interrrupted all allies gets +2 to all rolls.
After every five rounds a demon is summoned under the caster's control.

Name: Sestina Lamente
Race: Sky Elf
Class: Ranger
Age: When you are as old as she is, concepts such as counting the years do not appeal to you as much.
Gender: Female
Description: Sestina’s appearance epitomizes the grace and beauty that all sky elves are reputed very well for. She stands modestly at 6’1” with attire that highlights her feminine and delicate physique, yet in battle, she is as dexterous and fierce as a stalking feline. Ivory hair shimmers past her neck and down to her lower spine where it curls slightly while two orbs of decadent sky-blue nest underneath her crown. Sestina has the face of a cherub: outstanding crimson lips, skin as soft as velvet and a fragile nose.

During a raid on her regiment, Sestina tasked herself with the defense of the last sorceress in her regiment. All went well as her arrows peppered the enemy ogres; however, one managed to break the ranks, and charged straight for the sorceress. Sestina, a mere ant compared to the ogre, was pummeled into a nearby rock, knocking her head and eliminating her from the battle. The last thing she heard was the screams of her regiment as ogres crushed them into nothing.

To this day, she is unable to remember anything before that day but the war cries of her regiment. Sestina feels constantly alone, as if her mind was a void - all of her efforts, her training, and her race, forgotten. The only thing she finds solace in is her bow, which had been snapped in the battle, which is a constant reminder that she was once a champion of some sort. Her story starts in Rafia, the lonely place in which she awoke from that terrible nightmare.
Lokh'Urka (Stonefang):
Stonefang is one of the rare Arrow Soulblades, and has a slightly blunt arrowhead to cause maximum impact.
While the arrowhead is white the arrow feathers seem to be the same as those of a pheonix, and a small trail of fire allways follows the arrow when it flies throught the air.
Chaos Gift - Warp Vision:
Allows the charecter to see living beings and their weak points even if said beings are behind cover that obstructs the charecter's normal eyesight.
Practical Effect: Adds one extra dice to all attack rolls. If extra dice crits, another extra dice will automatically be rolled instead of using the normal crit chart.

Name: Kloth
Race: Werewolf, originally a Wolf
Class: Barbarian
Age: Unknown, but he's already an adult in Wolf terms of Maturity
Gender: Male
Kloth is a Wolf from the Bloodhowl pack. Like all members of this Pack, he has a Pitch-Black Fur and Blood Red Eyes. One night, it's just like any other. He went on to hunt some deer with other wolves. However, what they found in their hunt is not any deer. Instead, they found a strange Demon, formed of Pure Darkness. They tried to fought the Demon to no avail. Eventually, Kloth do one brave act that he will regret for his entire life: he bit the Demon's head. Unfortunately, the Demon is not something as weak as he think, as the Demon effortlessly dug its claws inside Kloth's body, delivering an unimaginable pain. He does survive, however, and become insane in the process, ravaging the Demon and tearing it to pieces. Realizing that it won't be safe to return for both him and the pack, he ran off to the forest. Three nights after that, he encountered a feral Werewolf, who bit his back with a powerful force, infecting Kloth with the Werewolf Curse. This turns out to be Kloth's advantage, however. As he transformed into a Werewolf, he he ripped his attacker without any effort, and also regained some of his sanity in the process. With his sanity regained, he now has only one goal: To purge Rafia of all Demons, no matter what the cost.
Tall and Lanky with a muscly body, with lean but strong limbs. As the history said, he has a Pitch-Black fur and Blood Red eyes.
Also, he's Half-Insane.
Hunger is a huge, two-handed axe.
It is extremely sharp, and is weighted so that attacks both bash and cleave.
It does though have the side effect that the wielder constantly thirsts for battle
Vaccuum Strike:
Allows the charecter to strike with such an immense force that a temporary vaccuum appears whereever the attack lands, causing extra damage and wreaking havoc with the blood flow of organic targets by sucking out blood from open wounds.


1: Entrance.
2: Mine Restricted Area.
3: Mine Depot.
4: Mine Valueables-Vault.
5: Chaos Ore Vein.
6: Mining-Site.
7: Bluesilver-Crystal Deposit.


This is where the citizens of Brenrok post things that they would like your attention on.
Checking this once in a while is not a bad idea.

Defence: 30 (+20)
Maintenance: 15 (+5)
Strength: 18 (+8)
Wealth: 45 (+35)
Morale: 35 (+25)
Repuation: 29 (+19)

Gold: 100000 (Player Gold not included.)
Stored Wood: 650T
Stored Stone: 2000T (NOTE: Stone weighs alot more than wood.)

Employed: 520
Unemployed: 200
Soldiers: 120
Mages: 30
Mage Apprentices: 40
Farmers: 105
Constuction Workers: 350
Resource Gatherers: 150

Here's a list of contruction projects the Brenrok's citizens has proposed:
-Building a Windmill (Under Progress)
-Re-Constructing the Barracks Done (+10 City Defence)
-Re-Constructing the Libraries Done (+10 City Reputation and +5 City Wealth)
-Renovating the Shezka's Church (Under Progress)
-Enlarging the Tavern
-Spicing up the city with Flora (Under Progress)
-Re-Constructing the General Store (Under Progress)

All letters that you receive will go here.


Greetings, New Lords of Brenrok!
I am Mezarch Dominar, of the Dominar family.
We run a huge buisness on trade with ore, stone, wheat and other daily life-essential wares.
We were wondering if a trade route would interest you?

We are most pleased to hear that you are willing to trade with us!
Our first caravan will arrive in a few days and we will make sure it brings some books for your library along.
DM: +20 City Wealth and +5 City Reputation.

Scout Reports:
The energy of the lich Taiion obliterated has been tracked to Fort Talongate.

A citizen has reported that undead creatures keep showing up in his cellar.
He has no idea of how they get in there, and he pleads for investigation.

Solving Reward: +5 City Morale and +2 City Reputation.

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Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
Name: Brandan Steelbeard
Race: Dwarf
Class: Fighter
Age: 58 (not that old in dwarf years)
Gender: Male
Description: Brandan is powerful dwarf fighter that judges people on their combat ability. However, he is very distrustfull of magic, he thinks those who use it are 'Immature cowards playing with their magic tricks'. He preffers the use of two handed weapons that deal the most pain per strike and armour that can absorb the most amount of pressure. Don't anger Brandan, for his signature strike once cleaved a man in two.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Brandon Steelbeard Approved.
Bonesunder is a two-handed axe with blunt blades that smash things more than they slice them. It's a very versatile weapon capable of handling almost any situation, even close combat, since it can be split in two to be two one-hand axes, Bash and Break.
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
Brandan felt his new weapon materialise in his hand. After a brief moment of suspense, he looked down to see his blade. It was alot like his battleaxe from the mainland, only the edges were more blunt. Brandan realised, after a moment of dissapointment, that this was actually on purpose, so that the blade would not only create an admittadely thick cut, but also crush bones. Along the shaft was written in silver letters 'Bonesunder'. He also noticed that, if he twisted the handle clockwise, the battleaxe separated into two smaller hatchets with simmalar style blades to the main weapon. Along one was written 'bash' and along the other 'break'.

Sliding them back into the battleaxe form, Brandan took his new soulblade in both hands and began his exploration.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
OOC: I would really like to begin RP now, but before we can do a dungeon crawl we need atleast two players :( If you can get any of your friends, please do. I will ask some of mine :)
If we can't get more players, we will just do some exploring with your char :) "Leave no RPer Behind!"
NAME: Fendora
RACE: (May I be a special race? Half Vampire, Half Elf. (Not a bitten elf, but a child of a vampire and an elf, in this case a dark elf, called a Bloodelf.)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Description: She is a warrior-Necromancer; she is powerful, but dark, angry, unpredictable, and dangerous. Both of her parents were killed by elfish vampire hunters. And she almost was as well. She is also stunningly beautiful, more so than a vampire or an elf.

Is this ok?
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Name: Huntico Relikem
Race:Dark elf
Class: Ranger.
Age: 56 (still a young man)
Gender: male
Description: Huntico Relikem is a cunning ranger that blood lines enhance his elf powers. He trained to be a fighter then he ran from his dark elf home to seek vengeance for his father's death by the hands of his mother. He can use powerful magics as well as swords. He killed his mother and now helps the other races to fight the spider queen's and king's grasps of power. He lives in the forest and his home is in a cave that was made to look like an house inside.
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Thanks for Joining People!

You may have your special race ;)
Fendora Approved.
Kiroth Elem (Broken Moon)
Krioth Elem is a typical Caster Sword. Long and Sharp.
The blade is black, the hilt White, And on the Pommel a ruby is mounted.
Kiroth Elem has the strange ability that it funtions just like a vampire's teeth: It drains blood.
Whenever the blade touches the red substance, it drains it in and uses heals Fendora, also satisfying any vampiric needs.

Well... I know i just allowed another custom race, but there actually already IS something called a true elf in this world, and they are a race of Demi-Gods that live in the plane of the Gods.
So no, you can't be a true elf. :(
And i would really like to know what Spider Queen you're refering too? :p
This is not DnD, ya know :p
So... i would really like to approve your charecter and generate your soulblade right away, but i need theese issuses figured out first :(

I will wait, I will wait, for you to leave through the gates of hell!
I state, I will state, that you ripped through the black lightwell!
For on the way too the skyyyy....

Sorry, no more Kamelot lyrics today ;)

Looks like were getting a rp after all! Glorious!
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Okay :) You just gotta get the others to agree.
As it says in the first post: you will be a team.
The dungeon crawls i designed are made for atleast two persons. (shouldnt be a problem... When Fuss and SoL has their chars finished we're gonna be 4 persons.)
For now you should discuss with Jsprat about what happens now.
It had been a month since Fendora had arrived here. This place was an escape, from the terrible memories of her childhood. her blade, Kiroth Elem, was one of the many boons in this place. it was wonderful, long and wicked... One of the others was that people dissapeared all the time. thus she could hunt without fear of detection... Fort fartalon was a perfect location for her nightly jaunts into nearby villages to feed. and it was on her way back form one of these trips that she saw a strange dwarf, towing with his soulblade. she gave a quiet snicker as she watched his duminutive stature. but to her great suprise, the little man heard her. she quickly hid he suprise and glared at him, studying up and down...
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Well, this is my first RP, but as I have learned in the past the best way to learn is jump on in. So... character...

NAME: Mourg
CLASS: Necromancer
AGE: 22
Well, I don't know much about the world we are living in, so I can't make my character description quite as detailed as I want. But might as well try...

Mourg has lived all his life inside the mighty trade city of Auchin'Zel, under the threat of the undead monsters. Instead of worrying about them, like most others have, he has learned as much about them as possible. He is about as level-headed as an Orc can be, ignoring other's half-whispers that there is an Elf in his ancestry. He is completely able to function on his own, learning most of his information on death through his own studies. But he grows tired of hiding behind the magical shield of Auchin'Zel, and with his trusty Soulblade at his side is ready to take his knowledge from theory to practice. Leaving the peace of Auchhin'Zel behind, he has traveled to FarTalon in the hopes of finding a way to hone his talents.

Now, a few quick questions. What, as a Necromancer, will I be able to do? Summon undead minions, control other's undead minions, shoot bolts of death out of my fingers, or what? I imagine that the afore-mentioned stuff is higer-level abilities, but what will I be able to do right now?
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Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Name: Niahcluc
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Age: Eh. who knows? :p
Gender: Male
Description: He's a rather absent warrior that only shows his true self on the battlefield. Futher he can be a bit cynical and harsh, but people can get over it. Also, he refuses to tell anyone about his past, but if you forget that he's not much more then the average human.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
@Crazy Cow
Welcome to the RPing Buisness!
Well, first of all: Anything you post that is not something your charecter does, should have the letters OOC: infront of them :)
Anyways, i like your Charecter, and approved he is. But about necromancers:
In my rps, i usually base the classes on a basic thing that most people know what is, Example: Mage, A person that uses magic.
What the class can do is developed during game, allowing the player to fully custimize their charecter AND roleplay.
If you want to be a Dart-Out-Of-Fingers necromancer, then you can!
If you want to be a "Typical" necromancer, then you can!
It's your decision, as long as it's not lame.
And now...
A cruel dagger with the ability to drain a dying person or creature's soul.
It's blade looks like it's made of glass, but is nohow fragile enough to be that.

Approved. Indeed Approved ^^
Ravager is a typical longsword, exept for the strange red runes covering it's blade.
Everytime it takes a life, one of the red runes begin to glow, and whenever they all glow, something completely random happens.

Okay... That should be it.
Niahcluc and Mourg will be added to the charecter list later today.
Right now, your task is to roleplay how the team meets and groups up.
And then... i have prepared a dungeon crawl for you. :mwahaha:
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Mourg was preparing to leave Auchin'Zul. As he approached th emagical barrier that formed the outer wall, he spied a lone zombie mindlessly walking into the barrier over and over again. Thinking it as good of a start to his journey as any, Mourg stepped through the barrier and faced the zombie. He did not notice, however, the malice of the shield as he passed through it. Facing off against the lone zombie, he prepared the only spell he really knew how to do. Quickly mumbling a handful of words, he made a simple gesture at the zombie shuffling towards him. It stopped for a moment, and then turned back to the barrier and started walking into it again. Walking up to the zombie, he tested his spell's limits by thrusting his blade, Lifetwister, into the shoulder of the undead creature. It completely ignored him. Noting the spell's sucess, he dispached thed creature with a thrust to the head. As he expected, the strength he gained by killing the monster was negligible, at best; it was already dead. Turning to the road to FarTalon, he set out on the long jorney.

OOC: I believe my Necromancer will focus on manipulating and destroying undead creatures. That makes sense, considering his background and his purposes for becoming a Necromancer. The spell used on the zombie up there is a mind-altering thing that causes an undead creature to ignore the caster, although more powerful ones can resist him if they are notably more powerful than him. It is also hard to cast en-masse, so I won't be completely untouchable in the undead-themed dungeons (that would piss someone off, I'm sure.).
Just to let you know a bit more about my character, he isn't the evil kind of Necromancer that hates life and stuff (aka the cliched kind). He just specializes in destroying undead, so don't think of him as the bane of all life (although your characters, of course, are free to treat him as such).
OOC: i am going to ignore the dwarf for now...

Fendora Stared at the dwarf incredulusly. The se turned and walked away towards her quarters.... The next day, she was strolling the battlements spying for any lone travelers to feed on... when miraculously, she spied an orc walking down the path towards the fort... She hated orc blood, but this orc might be a fair ally to have on her side, so she leaped from the battlements and fell the massie distance to the ground. the she ran, covering the half mile distance to the orc in a matter of minutes. She slowed to a walk and rounded a corner and faced the orc, her black blade glowing a sickly black-non-light.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
OOC: I'll start in fort FartAlon. But let's say I followed Flat.

He raised one eyebrow, fairly surprised. This.. woman was incredibly fast, not natural.. In the distance he examined the two, ready for a big show. His hand rested on the hilt of the strange sword that appeared out of the ground when he arrived. Why he came to this.. isle, actually? He shrugged. Life at home was dull and bad. Also, the urge to travel to distant lands had lured him, and the journey refreshed himself. Suddenly he realized he distracted himself and he focused on the two. He just knew she was up to something.. but what?
Suddenly, she decided to make this orc suspicious, so she hissed at him quickly in a way only vampires can, and then she dashed into the trees on one side of the road, quickly runnig back towards the fort. It was all part of the plan... As she approached, she noticed a strange man on the battlements looknig at her, he must have seen me go up to the orc, she tought. so quckily she walked up to the battlements and with one massive thrust of her legs (and a some extra magical power) She lept onto the battlements next to the human. She drew her blade. and asked in her otherworldy voice: Who are you?
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
Name:Geeron Silvermane
(SPECIAL)Race: Half Vampire, Half elf ( like fendora)
Class: Rogue/fighter
Age: 183 ( looks 25ish)
Gender: Male
Description: Conceived when a vampire raped his mother and killed her husband, he has been brought up to hate all that is unliving, even though he is half vampire, he's a hunter of the undead. Fueled by his hatred he roams the land seeking the one who violated his mother, and thus brought him to the world.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
The fortress of FarTalon was within sight, it's looming walls towering over the surrounding forests. Mourg was lost in thought, considering the pros and cons of magical shielding versus physical walls such as the FarTalon fortress, when a hiss - the kind that makes your hairs stand on end and think of getting your throat torn out - came from something behind him. Turning about, he only caught a glimpse of something darting into the trees. Quickly running through the possibilities in his mind, Mourg began to worry. It could be a large cat, but those were rare; and why would it attack him, on an open road? And it would hardly be playing games with him like this. Another option would be a vampire, and while Mourg would be able to put up a better fight than most he seriously doubted that his powers would be enough to match such a creature. Praying for the best, Mourg decided to continue on to FarTalon - preferably very qiuckly.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
The debate in Mourg's head about physical vs. magical walls was still raging, and currently magical was on top: Mourg couldn't find the gate. He had seen a figure simply jump up onto the walls, possibly the thing from his previous encounter, but he seriously doubted that he could do the same. To his suprise, the same dark figure was standing on the wall in front of him, menacing a human with a long blade. She was most definitly a vampire, probably an elvish one; and it seemed that the human she was confronting was having a discussion with her. Deciding to take the simple way out, he bellowed up to the fugures: "Hey, how do I get in this place?"
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
After the vampire heard his call, she jumped down from the human, landing in front of him. Pointing to a tower in the distance, she said; "Greetings, Orc. I am Fendora. That there is the gate. But first, who are you?" She drew here blade. Thinking the worst, Mourg jumped back and rapidly began his spell, hoping that the vampire would be slow enough to let him get his spell off. Just in case, he had his dagger in hand, ready to meet Fendora if the spell didn't work. "One more for magical walls," he muttered, thinking about how much simpler the whole buisness would be if he could just walk inside the fort.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Welcome to Rafia Mato2!
Geeron Silvermane Approved.
Melkon Ormath: (Hiding Serpent)
Melkon Ormath is a simple but stylish sword, with a VERY small but deadly Crossbow-Mechanism built into it's hilt, allowing the wearer to fire a small projectile on close range.

Also people, my "plot" will begin tomorrow, so you have until then to get the starting RP going. (if you want more time tell me. Tomorrow is just my base Deadline.)
I haven't added charecters to the charecter list today (or done anything else on hive) 'cause i had to go get a X-Ray scan on my lungs and get my blood sampled. Sorry guys :(
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
Geeron rode into the open field from the forests, the fort of FarTalon was towering in front of him. He had been there before but it never ceased to amaze him. He headed for the gates and the most peculiar thing caught his glimpse. What smelled like a vampire was talking to a pretty lost orc, they didn't keep his attention because what he thought was a vampire didn't give off enough energy to be one, or was very young. He would look into it later, right now he needed to find an Inn.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
The vampire assumed a less threatening stance apon seeing he was a necromancer. Cancelling his spell and assuming his own non-threatening stance, he responded to her question: "I am Mourg, of Auchin'Zel. I assume you live here?" Keeping in mind that vampires can pull many tricks, he kept his dagger in-hand, ready to respond to any kind of physical attack.
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
OOC: Fussi we should stay at the same inn, the characters need to get to know eachother before the first dungeon.
edit: flat you too :D

"Find me at the inn," she continued. And she lept over the wall and into the fort. landing gravefully. most just assumed she was an elf, and she was glad of the confusion. She walked into the inn an immediatly smelled the potent scent of a vampire. damn, she thought to herself, competition! She spotted him easily and stalked up to him, amazed to see that he was in fact a half vampire, like her. she smiled to him and said sweetly, nice to meet you mr.?
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
Geeron had gotten his room, and went to the mess hall for a drink. He noticed the young vampire from before, to his amazement she just smiled at him and asked to know his name. He realized she wasn't just a very young vampire, she was half elf!
My name's Geeron, and what might yours be?, he responded smugly, giving her a look with his piercing silver eyes.
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
Sorry for my long absense

Brandan sat in the inn alone, drinking like a parched animal, a parched animal that had a taste for bitter stout. Well, when he says a taste, more of a reliance. No, an alliance. Drinking was an ally just like any fighter or knight, giving him courage and dulling his senses so battle seemed simpler. Even better, as a dwarf he had a hard mind, so inhebriation would only start on his 10th tankard. He was on his 8th, still going strong.

He spun on his bar stool to scan the inn. He saw fellow fighters, knights and rouges, sharpening their soulblades and chatting. Real men weild swords that kill - those were real men. He also saw dagger weilding casters, faeries and imps, sat playing with their magic tricks. Freaks - all of them. Magic wasn't meant to be tapped into. The acients kept the magics, Dwarves were meant to worship and fight for survival. Survival was hard to come by in their snowy homelands, so Dwarves were proven durable warriors, and to see some throw around flame and frost whilst wearing dresses made Brandan sick.

He also saw different people, strange people, people who were neither dwarf nor elf, people neither human nor gnome, people who had a vampric embrace about them. It was true that they had human like features, but vamprism was clear. There were the signs - pale skin and blood red eyes. Brandan was a monster hunter in his last job and had ways of finding things out. Vamprism was easy to spot. Lycan's pre-transformation were harder. Werewolves were exactly like normal if their uncurable wounds weren't showing. You could only tell at night, when their appetite increases and they become irrational and confident. Thinking about it, there was a human sitting at the side of the bar that was a werewolf. He had the tell-tale scratch across his face that didn't bleed but never heals.

Turning his eyes back to the analysed vampires, Brandan listened closely to their conversation. Creatures of darkness shouldn't be in Fort Fartalon.
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