Legacy of Legends RP

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Here is where all the Legacy of legends rp-in wll happen! Please join in the char thread, and post ideas in the Construction threads.

Let the RP begin!

If somebody rolls the highest possible number on a check or other dice rolls,
a dice will be rolled on this chart to determine what happens.
1: Extreme Success.
Whatever the charecter was doing, he/she has extreme success with.
2: Unexpected Success.
The charecter has success with whatever he's doing, but not nessecarily in the way he/she hoped for.
3: Good Stuff.
Something good happens, like discovering a new spell or gaining a new feat.
4: Extra Díce.
An extra dice is rolled, which will be added to the previous roll result.
The extra dice can also result in a crit, which will lead to another roll on this chart.
5: Pwn.
Something really awesome happens, like getting a Soul-Buff (When you get one you will know why this is awesome. beleive me.)
or instantly killing a monster that is more than thrice as strong as you.
6: Übarpwn.
Like Pwn, just with abit more AWESOME.
When Übarpwn is rolled, you might be saved by a angel, or maybe have a demon from the chaotic planes kill your opponent.
Who knows? It's Übar.

Part one: The Mysteries of the Jaal

We will start in a small village called Eyyan In northern Intika.
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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
It was hot, too hot. The heat enveloped her like a net, constricting her, suffocating her. She tried to scream and thrash, but her body was locked down, her mind a prisoner within.
She longed to get out, to escape from the heat and the sickness it bestowed upon her.

She wasn't aware of her surroundings, she could remember little, the beating, the banishment... and a boat. Yes, she had taken a boat somewhere...

Then the heat had come, it was a mere nuisance at first, but she could ignore it by staying below deck but as they approached their destination and the sun filled the sky for the majority of a day's cycle it became too much to bear. So different to the icy wind and crisp snow of her homeland. One to which she could never return.

Voices, she could hear voices, people were coming! But just as the thought occurred to her another wave of heat dragged her back down within her unconsciousness.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Exo stood on the ship watching to the island closing in, Intika... finaly, he let the hood of his green clock slide of his head so that his scarf became visible. the place he so longed to reach, maybe she was there. she heard rhumors about a dragon slayer in intika tough they were to vague, he wasn't sure.

the ship arrives at the shore a few moments later and Exo enters the town, looking around for a moment he just stands there enjoying the moments peace, he had lost much of his strength in the travels. he should get a meal, tough this would be hard. where in the world does one find fire to eat? not suere were to go Exo just decides to ask for a bowl of burning oil in one of the taverns, that should do for now. it should be enough to replensih his strenght after this yourney over the sea.

Exo puts back on his hood and enters the tavern, he walks stright to a table in to corner where he is sure no one will bother him. as one of the waitreses comes to him he makes his order, she looks very surprised but eventualy he can convince her that is realy what he needs. a few momentsz later she returns whit the bowl of burning oil. the moment she turns around he starts to channel the fire towards his moulth and sucks it in, as he does so he can feel his strenght returning.

not the best fire i have ever eaten but it will do for now. Exo takes another look around and then stands up. he walks to the bar and takes a wanted poster from under his robe. the poster reads: 'Mexas Arisoun, Toxic dragon slayer and wanted criminal: Dead or alive. Reward: 500000' he puts the poster in front of the bartender and asks "Have you seen this woman? i am looking for her." the man looks at the poster whit a shock "I... I... i know nothing sitr i am sorry." he then turns around and walks away. "Hmpf... always the same reaction... they'r just to scared of her. he then turns around and leaves the tavern.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Silvares was wondering around a village the northern Intika, called Eyyan. "Time to enter the village." He entered will his cloak and walked to the nearest sign post. 'Wanted: Silvares the black Citean. Dead or alive. Reward: 20000.' He quikly tore down that poster to replace it with a fake one. 'Wanted: Silvares the black Citean. Alive. Reward: A sword made of Farium.' This one didn't have a good picture of him.

He entered a tavern and sat in the barest corner he could find. Which was next to the back door. A waitress came over and ask what he would like. "A glass of rum and some of deer." The waitress hurried off, she never meet a citean who ate. On the wall he could see a board with wanted posters on it, his was not on. Yet one did catch his eyes. "Wanted: Kreasit the Hasit-Citean Leader. Dead or alive. Reward: Title of Citean Owner. 10 Shev-Citeans. 90000 gold.' So they want my brother, that rich. He lives in the mountains.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Alyssia awoke to a rich aroma of herbs and spices, she came round slowly and looked around, squinting through the haze that clouded her eyes. Slowly a room swam into view, it must have been a small dwelling of some kind, a hut or lodge perhaps. Alyssia looked down, she had been stripped of her furs and lay on a hay bed in her under-garments. As always her eyes were drawn to her left arm, upon which was branded her Sho'ka. The mark of shame, the sign of a Kyrrin no longer welcome home.

No one else seemed to be around, the small woooden room had only one window and door, both were locked and shuttered respectively. Her clothes, armour and weapons were nowhere to be seen. She tried to move, her limbs responded slugishly, still bruised and strained from her long trek starting at Karthek and leading all the way to the coast. She shuddered at the memory, a tear falling from her eye as she recalled the pain as she dragged her bruised and bloody body down a moutain. She managed to prop herself up on one elbow but the strain showed; her usually pale skin taking on a shade of pink. She lowered herself back down and cursed in frustration, nothing to do but wait then she decided.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
As the mist disperse, Zarion transforms himself to Eagleman forme. After having his bag in place, he takes off to Inkita, directed by his wanderlust.

OOC: Good enough?
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
It wasn't long before Alyssia tried standing again, she felt too scared and helpless to just lie in wait. With a burst of newfound energy and several chest-wracking coughs she managed to pull herself onto her feet long enough to grab at the table in the middle of the room, for support. Her head was spinning, but she couldn't stop now. A quick rummage in some draws across the room brought out some typical cotton shirts and a pair of shorts, she donned the latter and one of the former. She then tried the door...
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Alyssia screamed. The door had swung open and revealed a mechanical being set upon by several, heavily armoured men. They carried clubs and beat the machine with brutal efficiency. Frozen in shock the young girl just stood there, mouth open, hands clasped on each cheek, skin pasty pale once again.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
"Hold on." He smiled. His body glowed and he with the other prisoners because of the link. Teleport to tavern. Teleport to tavern. His body start to fade.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
"Damn... I've never thought that Inkita would be this far... Maybe a little magick and flying lower would help..." *Zarion enchants his wing and gains increased speed, and fly lower*

OOC: How many posts would it take to reach Inkita from Sylovoth?
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
The Northrend Star had stood still for thousand years..
Then, suddenly, something could be seen falling down from the star.
It was heading towards the mountains. The Niador didn't pay much attention to it.
But he did.
Akador sprinted and sprinted, hoping to follow the star to where it would crash into the earth and leave nothing but ash.
A great light on the heavens. This was not normal..
And so he sprinted on, travelling to the point where it would land.
OOC: okok


Citean: (spell check) d6: 2, -20 from magic dampaner in prison; -18; The spell peetered out and failed, seeming to draw from the magic, leaving him exhausted.


Alright i want all of you, sept dead man walking and Dragonson to be in the same large cell.

@dead man: lets say we skip some time. get here in your next post.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Exo looks down to the sword "hmm? that thing... can't cut me." he throws of his robes and starts growing some dragon scales over his body "turn around... the bit of values i have whit me is not worth you getting killed for."
"ohohoho!" the man said. "I'm not here for gold... I'm here for the price on your head!" and with that him, ad two other men attacked. Along with the ment who had beaten up the citean and taken the girl only a few feet away.


Defense roll: 4, +2 for dragon mode, -10 for enemy numbers; -4; Athough he manages to fiercly wound one, and shake off another, two men come from behind and batter hm with clubs. he is soon lying in the prison with the rest...
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Elvor, tired of listening to the blabber of the other mages, had finally gotten the daily council discussion closed.
He simply couldn't take all these mages constantly going on about THEIR problems, THEIR issuses and THEIR purses.
It litterally made him sick.
He had closed the council discussion with the excuse of "having to go see a doctor with an important brain infection issue".
When he got out of sight of the other mages, he sighed with releif.
"Reading books all night is one thing, preventing tsunamies and natural disasters is another, but oh allmighty lord of the sea, spare me the politics."
He begun walking down towards the docks, hoping to snatch up on some interesting rumors.
As he walked, he mumbled a silent spell.
And when he arrived, nobody would think that he was the High Mage-Counciler of Alentika.
Now, looking like any apprentice mage, he could blend in with the lowly life of the commoners.
Smiling, he slowly wandered down the docks, looking at the ships, the traders, the exotic animals that were being sold.
But in truth, he were listening.
DM: a rowdy group of men were laughing at a small tabe by the docks... "ahahahahaha! and so! i came up behnd the big rumbling dragon-thing! and a smart pair 'o whacks right on the noggin send him down! ahahahahah! i be theres a whole bunch sitting lounging about in ee-ould prison! ahahahahaha!

OOC: guys, while this is a player made world and rp, i would prefer if you let me do some of the descibing, for thse of you in Rafia, this should happen in the same style.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
That didn't sound right.
People with a bounty on their heads without committing any apparent crimes?
Though he weren't really that clean on justice himself, Elvor didn't like it when things like that happened on his continent.
And nonethelss, these sounded like interesting people.
Ruining his disguise, he unfolded his blue wings and shot into the air.
This could prove quite interesting.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
em... flat i don't have a price on my head? I'm not a wanted criminal. I'm hunting one :/ or did you put a price on everyones head? and about the systems i personal think it kinda sucks :/ i joined this one since i thought it wouldn't be like that eh :/ it kinda limits many possibility's of battle.
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