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[Lorepainter Beta] Cries of Urnung: Book of the Bladebringer

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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009

Urnung. A land once filled with grassy valleys and snowy mountain ranges.
But that is long, long ago. For ages, Urnung has been a Desert of frozen sand, Origin of the Corpse Worms.
The only thing that marks the great wastes are the Black Pyramids of the Crycons.
The Crycons are the only civilised creatures that live on in Urnung.
They are tough, big, and live by strict laws.
They refuse to leave Urnung, as they are the ones that caused it’s undoing.
For they are the ones that angered Shroud, the great smoke demon.
The demon that covered the whole land in a black cloak of thick smoke, blocking all sunlight.
The exact story of what happened is unknown to this day, but it is known that Holo Dragonson himself took part in Shroud’s vengeance.
And it is known that Shroud gave Holo a gift. Something which even Ahmon’Zan, the Great Dragon could not grant.
And it is known that the gift still lies within Urnung’s borders.
This, is where our story begins.
You are a small group of adventurers that have known each other for years, part of a great organisation founded by Lord Taiion himself.
You are looking for this gift, and unlike everyone else you have a lead to go by.
You know that the gift lies within the Pyramid City of Roag, and you know, most importantly, the gift’s name.
Whatever it might mean, you know that you are looking for the Book of the Bladebringer.

Hello and Welcome to another RP in my varyingly successful Rafia series. :) If you have played a Rafia RP before, you’l be familiar with the basics and ready to proceed, but if you are not you might wannna scrape around in the old threads to pick up some juicy lore and such.
This RP is slightly special though, as it is NOT the planned continuation of the Rafia series (Rafia: Bladesurge), but instead a test run for my new ‘Lorepainter’ Role Playing system that will be used in Bladesurge.
At the same time, this will also serve as Prequel for Bladesurge, and unless you all screw up and die there will be a lot of lore unveils.
As a last thing before we get started you should know that the test run does not yet contain all the systems that it will when Bladesurge is launched.
Some will be applied as the game runs, but some wont.
Have fun playing!

NOTE: As this is a beta, things may be changed,added or removed on the spot.

Your Role Ten years after the great catastrophe and the Unleashing of the Entity, the war has solidified.
Neither side can do much to hurt the other, and even though the number of people touched by the entity’s power grow most of them join the fight against it.
Both sides look for something that can tip the balance, and some just look to use the situation for personal gain.
The hunt is on.

In Cries of Urnung: Book of the Bladebringer you play as part of an adventuring group, which in turn is part of a huge organisation.
You, the players, have known each other for years, and have experianced many a’ things together.
You are veterans, but yet you are about to enter a world unknown to you.

Any players entering the game ‘Late’ will be reinforcements sent from the leaders of the great organisation, Which is called ‘Loras Mthorena’, by the way.

The Lorepainter System Just as a short explanation to how my Rps work:
You post your action, I tell you what happens.
Make sure to clarify exactly what you do.
Any rolls needed are done by me.

The Lorepainter system bases itself on one simple thing: Being easy to learn.
It has complexity and loads of material to create unique and fun charecters, but at the same time it is very simple.
The core principle is to have as few Charts as possible.
In pretty much any system i’ve ever played in i’ve had to constantly ‘Roll on the Fear Chart’, ‘Unconsciousness Chart’ or ‘Cooking Eggs Chart’.
Looking up these charts in huge rulebooks every five seconds has always annoyed me, so in Lorepainter I try to have as few charts as possible.
And so far, we have ONE. The ‘Difficulty Chart’.
The Difficulty chart is applied to every action that requires a roll, deciding how hard the action is.
What difficulty an action has and what bonuses you get to your roll is decided by the DM, even though some specefic actions will have preset bonuses or difficulties.
The difficulty chart and the setup of dice rolls can be found below.
Note that, as this RP is online, I will do all the rolls for you.
Also Lorepainter ONLY USES D6’s! That’s your regular dice, for those of you that arent tabletop gamers.
Multiple D6’s will though be used every once in a while.

DifLevel 1: Straightforward
Requires a Roll of 3 or More to be successful.
A Critical Success is a Roll of 6 or More, and Critical Failure is a Roll of 1 or Below.
Examples: Performing a Straighforward attack with any weapon, Casting a simple spell (such as a projectile Spell) or any action that has a high enough chance of failure to need a roll.

DifLevel 2: Simple
Requires a Roll of 6 or More to be successful.
A Critical Success is a Roll of 12 or More, and Critical Failure is a Roll of 1 or Below.
Examples: Performing an attack or spell faster than normal or at a specefic time, casting a more complex spell such as Healing a companion or any action that normally would have around 20% chance of failure.

DifLevel 3: Moderate
Requires a Roll of 12 or More to be successful.
A Critical Success is a Roll of 18 or More, and Critical Failure is a Roll of 4 or Below.
Examples: Performing a precision strike, operating a machine or weapon that you have no experience with or any action that normally would have around 35% chance of failure.

DifLevel 4: Chancy
Requires a Roll of 20 or More to be successful.
A Critical Success is a Roll of 30 or More, and Critical Failure is a Roll of 10 or Below.
Examples: Performing a highly athletic attack, performing more than one action in one turn or any action that normally would have around 50% chance of failure.

DifLevel 5: Challenging
Requires a Roll of 40 or More to be successful.
A Critical Success is a Roll of 50 or More, and Critical Failure is a Roll of 20 or Below.
Examples: Dodging a full-speed arrow, casting a complex spell in a snowstorm or any action that normally would have around 65% chance of failure.

DifLevel 6: High-Risk
Requires a Roll of 60 or More to be successful.
A Critical Success is a Roll of 100 or More, and Critical Failure is a Roll of 30 or Below.
Examples: Snatching a full-speed arrow out of the air, getting direct contact to a god or any action that normally would have around 80% chance of failure.

DifLevel 7: Near Impossible
Requires a Roll of 100 or More to be successful.
A Critical Success is a Roll of 150 or More, and Critical Failure is a Roll of 40 or Below.
Examples: Creating a hole in a brick wall with your bare hands, wrestling a shark while underwater or any action that normally would have around 95% chance of failure.

DifLevel 8: Impossible
Requires a Roll of 200 or More to be successful.
A Critical Success is a Roll of 400 or More, and Critical Failure is a Roll of 50 or Below.
Examples: Banishing a god, creating a hole in creation itself or any action that normally would have 100% chance of failure.

All dice rolls are set up like this:
Melee Attack: Roll: (1d6 +4 from Preparation) 4 (8).

Green: Action Name Red: Number of Dies (Dice) Orange: Bonuses
Blue: Roll result without applied Bonuses Teal: Roll result with applied Bonuses

If you Roll a 6 on a dice and you have not reached a crit yet another dice will be rolled and added to the final result.
This can be repeated.

A dice roll is required whenever your actions are ‘out of the ordinary’.
For example, jumping over a cliff or climbing a wall.
Your actions also require a roll when they affect other players’ charecters or NPCs in a hostile way or in any other way they would not like you to.
Ofcourse, ordinary actions like talking does NOT require rolls.
Positive actions towards other players’ charecters, like casting a healing spell or guarding them with your shield, still requires a roll as such actions count as inordinary.
A dice roll is ofcourse also required whenever the DM says so.

When performing an action that requires a dice roll you should never fully post the action, but only the beginning of it.
For example, you should NEVER post
“My character runs toward the enemy, swinging his sword at him and cutting off the enemy’s head.” What you SHOULD post is more like this:
“My character runs toward the enemy, swining his sword at him...” Once that is posted, you should wait for a dice roll to be made and for the DM to finish your action.

In the Lorepainter system you will see the terms 'Turns' and 'Actions' be used several times, so here's a short explanation to what is what:
An Action is, for example, attacking someone.
You have one action every turn.
But, if a spell says 'Lasts 5 actions' it does not mean that they are all YOUR actions.
This spell would for example end after you and four of your friends have performaned an action.
A Turn, though, can contain many actions.
A turn is started whenever everyone has made their actions (even though a turn might sometimes be ended early if only a few people are missing).
So if a spell says that it last for five turns, you will be able to make five actions before it ends.

When rolling dice there is a pretty big chance that you will sooner or later get some neat bonuses.
These bonuses can be caused by anything from your charecter’s stats to the current combat situation.
Bonuses from stats only apply if the action you are performing is related to a stat (which most actions will be).
Each stat is related to a specefic kind of actions. For example strength is related to melee attacks and physical defense.
You always get half (rounded down) of your related stat in bonus to rolls. Some rolls have two or more related stats. For example Dexterity is ALSO related to physical defense.
Such rolls automatically uses your highest stat.

On any attack or spell roll, the damage dealt to the target is the final result (bonuses added).
If the target makes a successfull defence check, the final result (with added bonuses) is deducted from the original damage.
Some spells and special attacks (Like runes) have set damage.

If somebody rolls a crit on a check or other dice rolls,
a dice will be rolled on this chart to determine what happens.
1: Extreme Success.
Whatever the charecter was doing, he/she has extreme success with.
2: Unexpected Success.
The charecter has success with whatever he's doing, but not nessecarily in the way he/she hoped for.
3: Good Stuff.
Something good happens, like discovering a new spell or gaining a new feat.
4: Extra Díce.
An extra dice is rolled, which will be added to the previous roll result.
The extra dice can also result in a crit, which will lead to another roll on this chart.
5: Pwn.
Something really awesome happens, like getting a Soul-Buff (When you get one you will know why this is awesome. beleive me.)
or instantly killing a monster that is more than thrice as strong as you.
6: Übarpwn.
Like Pwn, just with abit more AWESOME.
When Übarpwn is rolled, you might be saved by a angel, or maybe have a demon from the chaotic planes kill your opponent.
Who knows? It's Übar.

As for Combat and character Customization, Lorepainter uses a wide variety of feats and a simple Stat system. Also note that (unlike the other Rafia Rps) Lorepainter uses a set amount of hitpoints. They do though replenish themselves after every battle, unless you get some pretty severe wounds.
The feat list will be posted lower down in the character creation part (Even though the full one will not be posted yet, but revealed gradually).
The stat system, though, might aswell be explained here.

The stats in Lorepainter are like a permanent bonus to roll.
The DM decides which rolls use which stats, even though some rolls have presets.
Some feats change which rolls uses which stats.
When a roll gets a bonus from a stat, the bonus you get is equal to half the amount of points you have in that stat, rounded down.
There are five stats.
Affects melee attacks and (ofcourse) your charecter’s strength.
Affects how good your character is at magic.
Affects ranged attacks and your charecters agility.
Grants no actual combat bonus but is required for a lot of feats.
Also works as your charecter’s general intelligence.
Increases your charecter’s hitpoints.
Base hitpoint pool is 50. Each point of endureance increases the hitpoint pool by 10 points.

Here’s a short explanation on Magic in Lorepainter if you’re gonna be a caster.

In the Lorepainter system ANYONE can cast magic.
You might though be more or less successful depending on how many points you put into your Will stat.
BUT, you can also choose to specialise your casting by taking a stat in one of the three Casting Specialisations.
The three specialisations are Wizardry (or Rune-Mastery), Channeling and Fury (Fury is not included in the Beta).

The Wizardry feats grants acces to Runes.
Runes are incredibly powerfull spells that even at a low mastery level can cause great devastation or other effects.
But, once used they have to be restored. Restoring a rune either takes a great deal of Ingame time or a Runic altar.
And Runes are not something that you just go around throwing at every rat you see.
For instance even a Master Wizard only has 10 Rune Slots.
He might KNOW a hundred diffirent runes, many of which he has invented himself, but he can only prepare ten of them.
The first level of Wizardry gives three runes slots and allows you to learn ten runes.

Channelling is a much more casual form of magic.
Unlike wizardry, channelling allows you to tap into an unending stream of magic.
But keep in mind that channelling is not nearly as strong as wizardry, takes longer to master AND is VERY specialised.
For instance there are several types of Channelling, ranging from Elemental Channelling to Psychic Channelling.
And unlike the wizardry feat which is just one feat that has to be upgraded so and so many times you have to upgrade each type of channelling seperately.
Channelling is though a much more flexible playing style in combat.
Whenever you make a successful magic-related roll you active all channelling feats that you have, allowing you to channel magic without further rolls.

The Fury Casting-Style allows you to every once in a while unleash incredible amounts of magical energy upon the world.
During battle your charecter’s fury will slowly build up, allowing you to tap into it and cast great magic.
If you have no fury then the you have no bonuses at all from the Fury-Specialisation.
There are though very little limitation on how high your fury level can get, so saving up for long enough can very easily pay off.
There are also things that can both decrease and increase your fury while outside combat.
For example, sleeping completely depletes your fury, while having a loud argument with someone very quickly can get your fury level up high.

As one last note before you guys make your charecters, know that the system now contains character Levels.
You get 5 Stat Points and 1 Feat Point per level. During the Beta Levels will simply be granted by the DM (me) when I think it appropriate.
A proper level system will be added upon the release of Bladesurge.

character creation has also been simplified in Lorepainter, but you can read about that below. :)

[FONT=”Palatino Linotype”]Character Creation[/FONT] To create your character you have to fill out this sheet.
Below it you will find explanations on all the steps that arent obvious.
You can edit ANYTHING on your character until your game starts, so if i add/remove something that makes you wanna edit your character, go ahead and do so.

Description and Biography: Describe your character.
Weapon: Pretty much any medieval-times weapon.
Armour: Cloth, Leather, Scalemail or Plate.

In Lorepainter races do not have stat bonuses.
You simply have to pick the one you want for your character.
Some races have special abilities that can be chosen, flight For Example, and choosing to have these abilities will reduce the amount of feats you can start out with.
The races you can pick in this RP are:

Typical Fantasy Setting Humans as you know them.

Just like the humans, sky elves are pretty stereotypical.
There are three sorts:
Sky Elves (High Elves), Wood Elves and Mountain Elves (Dark Elves).

Crycons are the big, tough and Viking-like inhabitants of Urnung.
They live by a strict honor code, and have a great talent for rune magic.
Racial: Crycons can choose to sacrifice one feat point and learn Basic Wizardry (at the normal cost of 1 feat point) without any stat restrictions.

The Drak’Ron are a Sub-Race of the Scaleborn, also known as Half-Dragons Both Scaleborn and Drak’Ron are covered in scales from top to toe, and have the heads of a dragon.
Their most unique trait, though, is that their bodies change as they raise through the ranks of their own hierachy.
Not all of them have wings, but those that do are highly regarded among kin.
Unlike the Scaleborn, which almost only have green scales, the Drak’Ron have all black scales and are a slight bit more aggressive.
Over the years the Drak’Ron have also managed to grow more numerous than the Scaleborn, and are now highly regarded for their knowledge in stone architecture.
Racial: Drak’Ron can sacrifice two feat points to have wings, and gain the ability to fly.

Picking your stats is one of the most simple processes.
You get 20 stat points which you can put in any of the stat fields you want, but you might wanna check out the feat list first as most feats have stat requirements.
Note that all stats start at 1, not zero.

To start out, everyone gets 5 feat points which you can use to pick feats from this list.
For Lorepainter I have created LOADS of feats, but the majority of them will not be available to you from the beginning.
There are two major feat types:
Fighting Styles and Casting Styles.

Fighting Styles are feats which determine which stats grant bonuses to melee and ranged attacks.
The are passive, but only one can be active at a time.

Casting Styles are feats that unlock new ways of casting spells.
There are three types: Wizardry (Runes), Channelling and Rage.
Rage is unavailable in the beta.

Oaths will be included later in the Beta.

Here’s the feat list. Incase you didnt pick that up, note that it will change as the game plays.

Fighting Styles:
-Controlled Fighting
Does not affect the which stats attacks get bonuses from.
Grants melee and non-magical ranged defense bonuses from Endurance.
5 Strength
5 Dexterity

-Brutal Fighting
Adds an extra +2 to all melee and ranged attacks for every 5 Strength you have.
5 Strength
5 Endurance

-Dextrous Fighting
Converts the bonus that melee attacks get to Dexterity.
7 Dexterity

-Athletic Fighting – Novice
Grants you a +5 to all Weapon-Based attacks which you compliment with a small trick, such as whirling the weapon in your hand.
Attacks using these tricks does thoug also have the border for critical failure raised by 1.
10 Dexterity
5 Cunning

-Athletic Fighting – Adept
Grants you a +15 to all Weapon-Based attacks which you compliment with a small trick, such as whirling the weapon in your hand.
Attacks using these tricks does thoug also have the border for critical failure raised by 2.
Athletic Fighting - Novice
12 Dexterity

-Way of the Spellblade
Your character receives a +2 melee damage for every magic-related roll since the beginning of the battle, feeding on the magical energies.
Basic Wizardry
10 Cunning

Casting Styles:
-Basic Wizardry
Allows the learning of five runes and grants three rune slots.
8 Will
4 Cunning

-Channelling: Elemental
Allows the character to channel magic through one of the four base elements (Fire, Earth, Water or Air), allowing him/her to gain momentary controll over that element.
Channelling is activated upon any successful spell check, and the elemental controll does not require any further rolls.
The Channelling effect dissipates after two actions OF ANY KIND.
The element that can be channelled must be chosen upon taking this feat.
10 Cunning
4 Will/Endurance

-Channelling: Psychic
Allows the character to channel magic through his own mind and the minds of others, performing such acts as creating illusions, telekenesis and mind controll (mind controll requires seperate Will V.S. Will roll).
Channelling is activated upon any successful spell check, and the elemental controll does not require any further rolls.
The Channelling effect dissipates after two actions OF ANY KIND.
10 Cunning
4 Will/Endurance

-Channelling: Shadow
Allows your character to magically control the light and darkness around him, being able to create both concentrated darkness or completely illuminated areas.
Channelling is activated upon any successful spell check, and the elemental controll does not require any further rolls.
The Channelling effect dissipates after two actions OF ANY KIND.
10 Cunning
8 Will/Endurance

-Channelling: Chaos Energy
Allows your character to tap into the chaotic energy that resides in the lower plane. This can manifest itself as green fire, a corrosive black substance and a swirling violet stream of energy.
All of these manifestations deal immense damage to anyone that touches them.
Channelling is activated upon any successful spell check, and the elemental controll does not require any further rolls.
The Channelling effect dissipates after two actions OF ANY KIND.
Any Channelling Feat
8 Will/Endurance

-Advanced Wizardry
Allows the learning of 10 Runes and allows 4 Rune Slots. Also allows characters to pick runes rom the 'Advanced Runes' section.
Basic Wizardry
20 Will or 15 Cunning
Elemental Attunement, Runevision or Imbue

-Entity Touched
Your character has been touched by the energies of The Entity.
You can commune with the Sixth plane, and you have the ability to consume the magical energy of dead enemies or friends.
Every time you consume the energy of someone you gain an amount of ‘Entity Markers’.
For every ten you have, you gain one cunning.
For every fifty you have, you get a chance to get an extra feat point (You roll 1d6. If it rolls 5 or 6 you get a feat point).
But if you do not succeed at getting the feat point, the Entity will claim part of your soul.
There is no set effect for this, but know that it will be bad.
Post-Start Edit: Characters with the Entity Touched feat will at all times be able to spend entity points to try and save a failed roll.
For each entity point spent on a failed roll you will get an 1d6 added to the roll's final result.
If entity points have been spent and the roll still fails, your character will take the roll's final result (Entity Point bonuses Added) as direct damage.
Entity points can only be spent once per roll.

Your character has gained the ability to see in dim light.
10 Cunning

-Steel Fists
Your character has hard skin on his or her hands, allowing them to be used as a blunt weapon.
5 Strength
10 Endurance

-Warp Gifted
Your character has been touched by the Warp.
This allows you to cast spells using your Cunning stat.
But, everytime you cast spells this way you have to make an Endurance check.
If you fail you will take heavy damage.
10 Cunning
5 Endurance

-Strong Willed
Grants a +10 to rolls against mind control and negative morale-effects.
5 Will
5 Endurance
5 Cunning

Your character has spent years learning the ways of survival in Urnung’s cold wastes.
You know what signs to look for if a corpse worm should be near, you know where to find frozen water and you know just how to get a tent raised on the rock-like surface.
While out in the wastes you will get a DM warning if something bad is about to happen and if something hidden is nearby.
10 Cunning

-Battle Veteran
Your character has been in the midst of battle a few more times than is healthy.
You are a veteran for what it’s worth, and you’ve learned when to hide and when to strike.
Grants +3 to Attack and Defence.
10 Cunning
5 Endurance

-Swift Striker
After making a successfull attack against an opponent you can choose to make two attacks against that opponent on your next action, but at one DifLevel higher.
If you succeed at both attacks, you can choose to make three attacks next turn but again at one higher DifLevel.
This can be continued until you are at DifLevel 5.
If you fail ONE attack during this you will fumble and drop your weapon.
5 Strength
5 Cunning

Allows you to use an action to knock down an opponent within melee range.
If they make a successfull DifLevel 3 endurance check they manage to stay on their feet, and this has no effect.
10 Strength
5 Endurance

-Read the Wind
Allows you to spend one action to prepare your next ranged attack.
Your next ranged attack (Projectile Based Spell, Arrow or Thrown) has +20 to the roll for every 5 cunning your character has (Only the first 20 count towards a crit, and only if the roll is DifLevel 4 or higher) and +10 damage for every 10 dexterity your character has.
10 Dexterity
5 Cunning

Allows you to instantly land a melee attack on anyone that misses against you.
5 Strength
5 Dexterity
5 Cunning

Allows you to enchant the weapon of one of your allies with a rune that you have prepared.
The rune's effect will then be applied to the next person struck with the weapon.
This uses up the rune.
If the attack that triggers the rune is a crit, the rune is replenished in your rune slot.
Basic Wizardry
10 Will
5 Cunning

-Hardened Skin
Your character gains the ability to twice per battle shrug off damage.
You must make a Successfull Endurance check (Varying DifLevel) in order for this to work.
10 Endurance
5 Strength

Allows your character to throw or shoot multiple nonmagical projectiles.
The DifLevel of this action goes up by 1 for every two projectiles shot.
The Default DifLevel for this action is 2.
10 Dexterity
5 Cunning

Allows your character to enhance his/her vision with magic.
This allows your character to see the streams of magic, and also removes lighting-restrictions from your character's vision.
Basic Wizardry/Any Channelling Feat

-Adept of Silence
Grants your character a +10 bonus to all stealth-related rolls.
5 Cunning
8 Dexterity

-Athletic Movement
Your character moves with grace and skill, granting a +10 bonus to all movement-related rolls.
You receive another +10 if the roll is acrobatics-related, and yet another +10 if your character is currently using Athletic Fighting.
12 Dexterity
5 Cunning

-Elemental Attunement
Grants your character a +10 bonus to all magic rolls related to one of the 4 basic elements (Fire, Water, Earth and Air. The element has to be chosen upon picking the feat.) and reduces all damage taken related to that element by 50%.
If you also have the feat Channelling: Elemental, Elemental Attunement will share Channelling: Elemental's element.
Channelling: Elemental/Basic Wizardry

-First Aid
Your character has basic knowledge of how to heal a living creature, and receives +15 to all healing-related rolls.
This effect goes for both magical and nonmagical rolls.
Nonmagical healing rolls use Cunning.

-Inspiring Pressence
Gives all allies a +1 to all rolls for every 6 points you have in your highest stat.

Your character deals +20 damage (nonmagical and magical) when below 50% HP or 50 HP total.
10 Strength
5 Endurance

-Herbal Lore
Your character has knowledge of a great variety of plants, and know both positive and negative effects of most plants that one can encounter.
Your character also has the ability to make a DifLevel 3 roll to identify unknown plants.
5 Cunning

Your character deals +20 damage to enemies below 50% HP.
Swift Striker
5 Dexterity

-Inscribe Rune
Allows your character to inscribe a rune onto a flat surface, causing it's effect to be applied to anyone that touches it.
This uses up the rune completely, but the rune will be replenished if the triggered effect kills the victim.
Basic Wizardry
8 Cunning

-Steel Skin
Your character's skin has taken many blows and all damage taken is now reduced by 10.
The damage reduction is increased by 2 for every 5 points in Endurance you have.
Steel Fists
Hardened Skin

-Runic Memory
Your character can learn 2 new runes.
Basic Wizardry

Allows your character to revive unconscious allies if a successful DifLevel 3 Cunning Check is made.
5 Cunning
First Aid

-Augment Weapons
Allows you to (If Blacksmithing Equipment is Present) upgrade weapons with things such as enchanted gems, chains, mechanical gizmoes or other useful apperatus.
Note that this may have both positive and negative effects on the item, depending on the item itself and the item attached to it.
10 Cunning
5 Strength

-Shadow Step
Allows your character to instantly move behind an enemy. Once shadow step has been successfully performed, your character performs an attack against the target for free.
10 Cunning or 10 Dexterity
Assassination, Athletic Movement or Adept of Silence

-Clockwork Assault
If an ally attacks a foe which you have previously (in current encounter) attacked and which you are within melee range of you make a free attack against that foe.
5 Dexterity
10 Cunning or Swift Striker

If you have picked the 'Basic Wizardry' feat you will need to pick some runes.
Note that how many runes you know (Basic Wizardry allows you to learn 5) is not the same as how many Rune Slots you have.
Rune slots are what you use to prepare runes.
If you have three rune slots (that's what basic wizardry grants) you can have three runes prepared.
Once a rune is used, the slot is empty and has to be re-filled.
This can be done by rune altars, which can be found in most cities and sometimes in dungeons.
To keep track of your runes, just add a 'Runes:' section to your character sheet.

-Rapid Regrowth
Uses inundulated life force to heal the target for 10d6 HP.
If the target had less than 30 HP left or were otherwise near-death, this rune is not used up and can be used again.
This rune does not take up a runeslot to prepare, but still needs to be replenished at a rune altar if used up.

-Stone Prison
Imprisons the target in stone, paralyzing it for 10 turns.
If the target is of great size or has a strength of 50 or higher this rune has no effect.
Other factors may also render this rune useless.

-Breath of Life
Allows the caster to breathe life and a simple consciousness into an object made out of organic material, such as wood or bone, or stone.
This rune allows only one animated object at a time, and if a new object is animated the memories and consciousness of the old object will inhibit the new body unless the caster wishes otherwise.
This rune will also occupy a rune slot as long as an animated creature is living.
The strenghts and weaknesses of an animated creature depends on the object which was animated.
Unless the rune is used on something that already has a shape, such as a statue, the creature will take shape depending on what it is made from and from where it's materials originate.
Objects of great size may end up not being under the caster's control.

-Stone Spike
Conjures a spike of stone beneath the target which will shoot from ground level up towards the target's position.
Upon impact this deals 5d6 damage.
If the target is standing on the ground this deals 10d6 damage.
If the target is lying down this deals 30d6 damage.

-Greater Intervention
Heals the target to full HP and negates the next incoming damage.
If the target dies within one turn after this is cast it is brought back to life at 10 HP.

-Hastened Growth
Causes a target plant to grow with great haste, allowing the caster to shape it to his will.
If this is used on an already grown plant it has a chance of gaining a simple consciousness.

Rune List:
-Phoenix Arrow
Your character conjures a small sphere of fire that when fired takes the visage of a pheonix.
Upon impact it sets anything near the point of impact on fire, dealing 3d6 Damage per action until put out.

-Fire Lance
Conjures a ray of flame from the tip of your character's fingertips, dealing 6d6 damage to anything it hits for 3 actions.
If you character moves his/her hands during this time the spell ends early.

Causes the ground beneath the target to turn into molten lava, killing the target unless it moves away in it's next action.
If the target survives it takes 5d6 damage for the next two actions.

Heats up any metal armour that the target is wearing to extreme heights.
This deals 10d6 damage for three turns if the target is wearing plate armour, and 5d6 if the target is wearing armour that is part metal.
Upon casting this, roll 1d6. If this die rolls a 6, any metal armour that the target is wearing gets so warm that it melts, causing intense burns all over the target's body.
This deals 20d6 damage for 5 actions.

-Flash Freeze
Instantly deep freezes the target, paralysing it for five turns.
If the target makes a successful DifLevel 4 endurance check the spell ends after 1 turn.

Conjures a spike of frost beneath the target, killing it if it does not make a successful DifLevel 2 endurance or will check.
If the target succeeds the check, the spell deals 10d6 damage.

-Black Echo
Your character lets out a horrible scream, forcing all enemies to drop all that they're holding and cover their ears unless they make a successful DifLevel 3 Will Check.
If an opponent fails the check and still does not mange to cover his/her ears, this spell deals 10d6 damage. You are healed for 20 HP each time this happens.

-Death Pact
Your character makes a deal with death to turn the tide of battle.
Your character goes unconscious, all other party members are fully healed and have all negative effects removed.
If the battle is won, your character pops back to life. But if ANY party member dies, so does your character.
Can only be used once by ANY party member per battle.

-Death Oath
Your character swears an oath to kill one of the enemies you are fighting.
All party members receive a +10 bonus to all rolls against this enemy.
If the enemy is still alive after 10 actions, your character goes unconscious and the bonus disappears.
If the enemy survives or gets away, you die.
Can only be used once by ANY party member per battle.

Heals the target to full HP.

-Shapeshift: Drake
Allows your character to take on the shape of a young dragon, giving you +10 Endurance, Strength and Dexterity for 4 turns.
Also allows you to fly.
When this spell is cast, roll 1d6.
If this die rolls a 6, you turn into a fully grown dragon instead.
This doubles the bonus you get, and makes the effect last for 6 turns.

-Razor Word
Your character imbues a single word with immense magical power.
When it is spoken, all enemies within earshot have to make a DifLevel 3 Will save in order to not take 10d6 Damage.
If they make a critical failure on their will saves they die.

Can be resisted with a DifLevel 2 will or endurance check.
Makes all the air inside the target's body vanish, creating a vacuum.
This deals 25d6 damage for three turns.
If the target survives, it is unconscious for 5 turns.

Pushes an enemy and all enemies near the target away from you with incredible force, dealing 10d6 damage if they hit any solid obstacles.

-Crushing Wave
Forces all enemies in front of you to make a DifLevel 3 Endurance check in order to not be knocked down.
If they succeed the check, crushing wave does 5d6 Damage.
If they roll a critical failure they are also unsonscious for 4 turns.

If the target does not make a successfull DifLevel 2 Will Check, it is turned to stone (Paralyzed) for 10 turns.

-Black Shroud
Creates a cloud of black smoke around your character, which makes him/her untargettable for 3 Rounds.
This ALSO means that your allies cannot heal or buff you, or anything else along that line.

-Spirit Shield
Creates a shield of magic energy which feasts on the souls of dead opponents.
It can either surround the caster like armour or be placed as a barrier. It is not possible for anyone to pass through the shield.
For each opponent killed in this battle the shield has 40 Hitpoints.

Instantly removes all magical effects from the area.

Spreads a thick black mist over the battlefield, obscuring anyone within 15 meters of the caster.
This cancels all actions targeteted against anyone within the mist. The mist makes everyone within it untargetable for one turn, after which it will disappear.
Shadowshroud's does not make affected characters untargetable to characters with special sight feats such as runevision.
This rune can be used thrice before depletion.

-Inner Storm
Taps into the inner forces of an ally.
This doubles the effect of the next successfull roll this ally makes.
If the roll is a critical success this rune is not depleted, and the next time it is used the effect of the target's next successfull roll will be trippled.

-Inspire Valor
Makes all your allies immune to fear and other negative morale effects for the remainder of the battle.
If used outside of battle, this lasts for five turns.
Each time an affected ally would have suffered from a negative morale effect while this rune is active the caster gets a +10 to his/her next spell check, stacking up to +50.

Causes any damage dealt to the target enemy to heal the caster for 10 HP.
If the target dies while this effect is active the caster permanenty gainst +1 will.
Leech lasts for 2 turns.

[Requires 'Wreck']
Causes gravity to affect the target with ten times it's normal effect.
The target must make a DifLevel 4 Endurance Check or die.
If the target successfully makes the Endurance Check the caster takes 50 points of damage.
Targets that are mid-air or flying slam to the ground and take damage depending on how far they fell.

-Phoenix Volley
[Requires 'Phoenix Arrow']
Sends out a volley of flaming arrows.
The arrows will automatically hit their targets (cannot be dodged. Defence checks are though still valid), which can be anyone standing in a specified area or a single person.
The amount of arrows sent out per default is 10, each dealing 10 points of damage.
For every 4 points the caster has in his/her will stat another arrow is shot.

Gives the target +300 Maximum HP, +20 Melee Damage, +10 Ranged Physical Damage, +30 to Defence Rolls and doubles the size of their physical body for 6 Turns.
This rune may not work on some targets.

-Rage of Fenris
Summons the essence of the North, surrounding the caster with an aura of frost.
Enemies within 20 Meters have to roll a D6.
If they roll 1 their blood is frozen and they die immediately.
If they roll 2-5 they take 50 points of damage and are forced to cancel their current actions.
If they roll 6, nothing happens.

Instantly moves the caster to a desired location within 50 Meters.
The desired location must be fully within the caster's view.
Using Phasejump does not consume the caster's action in the current turn, and one further action may be made.
Phasejump can though only be used once per turn.
This rune may be used 6 times before depletion.

-Arcane Singularity
Centers the flow of magic around the caster, granting a +50 to all spell checks for the next turn.
Everyone but the caster additionally suffers a -10 to any magic-related rolls while Arcane Singularity is active.
For each failed spell check while Arcane Singularity is active the caster is healed for 30 HP when the effect is over.
If the caster fails a spell check while Arcane Singularity is active the effect ends immediately and the caster takes 100 points of direct damage which cannot be prevented.

-Chaos Field
Creates a magica siymbol on the ground which opens a direct gate to the Whirlpool of Creation, the lowest of the five planes.
Being inside the field for more than one turn has a completely random effect.
The size of the field depends on the roll.

-Planar Call: The Citadel
Sends out a cry for help to the Citadel, the plane of Order.
The inhabitants of the Citadel may choose to ignore your call, but if they heed it a being at ten times the caster's level will come to your aid.
The summoned creature will leave once the caster is out of imminent danger.

-Planar Call: The Gate
Calls out to The Gate, the battlefield of the gods, opening a tunnel which will allow one creature to pass through.
One of the warriors of the gods is bound to pass through, the power of the creature will though vary greatly with each cast, as will the time it stays summoned.
If a critical is rolled upon the activation of this rune, a Seraphim Lorekeeper or a Chaos Apperation will come to the aid of the caster.

Sends out a single bolt made up of the caster's inner energy.
This bolt deals 50 direct damage for every 10 HP the caster is from max health.
If any of the caster's allies or summoned creatures have been slain by the target, the damage is doubled.
If the target has not damaged the in the last 5 turns the damage is halved.
The bolt cannot be dodged.

Last edited:
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Character List


Name: Ekrion Iriona Elbachro
Race: Crycon
Description and Biography: Ekrion stands about 6.5 Feet tall and has a very muscular build. His long brown hair which he wears in a ponytail hangs to his waist. He has a scar running across his eye, and many more on his chest.
Ekrion has lived in Urnung all his life, he comes from a noble family which goes back many generations, and was once highly regarded. Unhonorably actions in the past however had caused it's downfall, Ekrion has since devoted his life to regain his families honor.
from when he was little he was trained to be a warrior, it is one of the few things he is good at, even excels at. He has fought many battles and feels at home one a battlefield, just like a wizard would feel at home in his lab.
Strength: 17
Will: 3
Dexterity: 8
Cunning: 5
Endurance: 10
-Brutal Fighting
-Basic Wizardry (Racial)
-Entity touched
-Lifebranded (Special)
-Inspiring Pressence
-Hardened Skin
Progress Points:
-1/4 towards unlocking an Unknown Strength Feat.
Weapon: On his back he carries a bastard sword engraved whit the words "Draw me not without reason, Sheath me not without honor." engraved into to blade. the handle is strapped whit leather bands and on the end a red Gem is socketed, On both ends of the cross guard a Dragon skull is carved out of the metal whit utmost detail. The weapon was that of his ancestors, given on from generation to generation, a blade filled whit Pride and honor. Aside from that he carried a large round wooden shield, on the rim small spikes are mounted, useful for bashing into the enemy. In the middle of the shield is Ekrion's family crest, a Lion's head.
Armour: He wears a a simple scale-mail armor to protect his chest and waist, over it he wears a bear-fur mantle for warmth, he also wears Fur gloves and fur Strapping boots.
Runes: (Green = prepared.)
-Rapid Regrowth
-Stone Prison
-Breath of Life
-Stone Spike
-Greater Intervention
-Hastened Growth

Name: Agron Agraeva
Race: Drak'Ron
Description and
He is 5'6'', he has many scars in his scales. His body is rather small than most Drak'Ron.
He was raised in the rage of war. Blood is the only thing he saw. He didn't know any peace out there.
Agron grown as a warrior. He even treats battle as a game, and enjoying it, even holding himself not to kill the enemy and enjoy the battle as long as possible. He refuses to kill enemies that cannot battle anymore, but still merciless. Battleground is his home, battle is his soul.
Strength: 15
Will: 3
Dexterity: 6
Cunning: 10
Endurance: 10
-Steel Fists
-Brutal Fighting
-Wings (Racial)
-Swift Striker
-Hardened Skin
Progress Points:
-1/4 towards Unknown Strength Feat.
Weapon: An large Battleaxe he ever picked up in a battleground. He always used it before it broke. Then the axe has improved with some sharp stones at the end. Carried everywhere, he even ignore the rustyness of the axe.
Armour: Plate armor covers his upper body, the rest is leather. At some parts there are holes or slashmark. He wears a Plate helmet to covers his head, making it difficult to see his face.

Name: Leo Ferathor
Race: Drak'Ron
Description and Biography: He is six feet tall and has a scar on his chest.
He was once a proud prince of the Ferathor clan until he was about to take the throne, his brother, Sky Ferathor, out of hate and jealousy, killed everyone. All of this he witnessed as he witnessed the death of his father in the hands of Sky. As Sky was about to kill him, Leo fought back but he was no match for him. He slashed him in the chest and the pain overwhelmed Leo so he passed out. Sky dragged Leo to the edge of the cliff and threw him into the sea but 3 weeks later, he was found floating in the sea by a magic knight. Leo has forgotten everything when he woke up, no remnants of the past was left in him, so the knight took care of him and made him his own son, teaching him everything he knows about fighting, survival, and magic. 6 years later the knight died of a strange sickness that gradually made him weak, and so Leo vowed a life of silence but he communicates through his mind and others'.
-Channelling: Psychic
-Wings (Racial)
-Channelling: Chaos Energy
-Swift Striker
Weapon: A short sword and the magic gauntlet, that his master used, on his left hand.
Armour: He wears a chest plate, scale mail for his shoulders, plate bracers for his arms, he doesn't wear a helmet, and the others are plate.



Name: Illios
Race: Sky Elf
Description and Biography: A relative-normal seeming Elf with tired face expressions and if you don't count the fact that he conceals his face, except for his eyes. Green eyes, a blond beard and blond hair. He also wears a brown cloak. Besides all this he's also fairly tall.

Illios was born in a normal family, comprising of his brother, mother and father. The mother died at childbirth and as he grew up a rivalry was created between the two brothers for their father’s love, since he was usually gone. Illios lost it and became more isolated from the world, becoming asocial. After moving out he married a beautiful Elf – but alas, she died, and he was in sadness. Many tears were shed on her grave, but finally he just packed his bags and left. After wandering a long time, he joined a band of mercenaries, since he was running out of food. He befriended them, and slowly became their leader for many years. However, whilst fighting the enemy of their master they were surrounded and slaughtered to the last and the cowardly fled, which included Illios. He was enraged and started wandering again, a lost soul, a saddened heart.

Strength: 10
Will: 5
Dexterity: 5
Cunning: 17
Endurance: 6
Weapon: Elven Sword
-Battle Veteran
-Warp Gifted
-Clairvoyance (Spirit Vision)
-Strong Willed
Progress Points:
Armour: Chainmail, wears a strange black cloak that seems to be made out of smoke (Shroud of Lies).

Name: Nimrod Silas Arvenklaus
Race: Crycon
Description and Biography: A 6-feet-6-inch tall grizzled fighter who loved nothing more than fighting, Nimrod often has trouble to speak with women. He's actually pretty calm when nothing is happening, but will jump from his seat at the bar at the first opportunity of fighting, even if it meant gettting his ass dragged out of said bar after wards for breaking prety much everything. His face is decently decorated with a bushy mustache and a short beard.
Strength: 5
Will: 5
Dexterity: 2
Cunning: 10
Endurance: 5
-Battle Veteran
-Brutal Fighting
-Strong Willed
(Left 2 feat points to be used later)
Weapon: A sledgehammer. He keeps an obsidian-bladed machete on his belt. When asked, he will always say "It's for cutting meat!", although Shroud knows how many horses he have beheaded to test the damn thing
Armour: He wore a simple leather clothing and a bearskin mantle. Oh, he also carries a satchel

Name: Meyla*
Race: Remnant (Rafian Faerie)
Description and Biography: Meyla comes from a clan of forest(or was it mountain?) dwelling elf-sub-breeds deep within Urnung.
She is a quiet, composed individual with long, light and silky dark hazel hair which she holds in a pony tail and a two bang fringe either side of her face. She is young but has traveled far and wide, including the Sixth plane. She has a very short temper, but hates (and usually regrets) snapping at people.
She often seems distant or uninterested, often sitting for hours on end staring into space, reflecting on past events. She's extremely loyal to those she cares for and can more than put up a fight if necessary using a combination of deft light, two-handed swordplay and a small selection of Arcane magic.
She possesses wings and uses them to her full effect.
She has run in to various figureheads around Rafia including the head Dragonpriest himself (at whom she continues to bear a grudge).
Strength: 8 (10)
Will: 8 (10)
Dexterity: 13 (15)
Cunning: 13 (15)
Endurance: 4 (6)
-Dextrous Fighting
-Entity touched (20 Pts)
-Swift Striker
-Athletic Movement
Weapon: Meyla has during her travels with her group (Ingame) picked up a magical sword by the name of 'Soulflame'. When she holds it it's blade radiates a purple light, the entire sword apparently radiating white light when noone holds it. The sword grants her a +2 to all stats.
Armour: She wears a long, pleated emerald skirt and overall, upon which various ornate armour is worn, including a breastplate**, bracers, pauldrons and greaves. The arms, legs, neck and head are free. The Armour is light and unenchanted. Nor is it particularly robust, designed for ancient ceremonies not battle. Outside of battle she dons light, silky, layered togas of a varying degree.

*The creator requests kindly that this Character is not now or in the near future, ever used as a Rafian NPC - as she is too awesome. :ogre_hurrhurr:
** Due to possessing wings Meyla's Breastplate is merely one piece of metal for the front chest, her lower back is covered by the light cloth, upper back and shoulders are bare skin (as that's where her wings are)!

Name: Unan Stoneheaven
Race: Dark Elf
Description and Biography:A noble and known warrior to all of his kin, Unan Stoneheaven's reputation among his people had shocked them in awe and admired him as a champion due to his actions for taking down his foes only with the might of his strength and endurance but lacks the ability to intake magic for his own. although his unbreakable body does not envy him to his people's addiction for magic, he stands ready to all odds with the empowering faith of true power. He is 5.7 feet tall, has an athletic body, has a short white mane, he had maroon eyes and grey skin.
Strength - 6
Willpower - 4
Dexterity - 5
Cunning - 2
Endurance - 10
-Controlled Fighting
-Brutal Fighting
-Steel Fists
-Hardened Skin
Weapon/s: He wields a two-handed hammer that was made by a crystal-like green glass and had a black sheath.
Armour: He wears a full bronze set similar to the spartan warrior's actual armor without the helmet.

Name: Piverou of Nyviara
Race: Human
6 Strength
6 Dex
8 Will
5 Cunning
2 Endurance
-Swift Striker
Bio: 6'6'' Large, dull blue eyes, sandy brown hair, lightly tanned skin, he tells only few of his past.
Weapons: Rapier, Crossbow
Armor: Fine, noble cloth

Name: Marais Lamente
Race: Sky Elf
Description: Marais confidently stands at 6'3", sporting an athletic build created from years of his martial training as a ranger. His hair is a dark, chocolate-like river that ends above his colour, brightened by the orbs of sky blue that rest symmetrically underneath his crown. His skin is pale, like that of snow, but blood flows freely through his lips, making them smooth and crimson like that of a ripe blood orange.
Biography: For years, Marais was overshadowed by his elder sister. He grew tired of hearing of her progress as a ranger, of how useful she would be to the growing threats outside of the Sky Elven Kingdoms. Marais was always trying to best her, to be seen by his father as more than just 'the second child'. His conviction and desire to prove himself were futile, humiliating him more than aiding in his success. It was when his father called him a disgrace that he truly felt hatred for his family. Thus, he left them, and in search of enlightenment he came to a wizard's academy. Here, he would become something that even his sister could not compete with.

Over the course of many years, Marais developed quite well as an adept sorcerer, being at the top of his class. However, his success made him overconfident. He shed all of his morals, believing them to be a waste of time. It was this overconfidence that lead him to fall in love with one of his mentors - a fatal attraction. This attraction grew, and was soon discovered. His mentor was condemned, for both consorting with a pupil and engaging in a relationship with a male. Marais could not face up to the harsh penalty that would soon follow, so he escaped and fled, abandoning his robes and seeking a greater, freer life as a nomad. During his nomadic years, he became accustom to the way of the ranger and soon dabbled both magic with marksmanship.

Marais is overconfident and shameless, living by his motto 'a long life just means longer fun'. He is rarely caring, seeking pleasure above any form of work, commitment or engagement.

  • Strength: 1
  • Will: 12
  • Dexterity: 10
  • Cunning: 5
  • Endurance: 3
  • Dexterous Fighting
  • Read The Wind
  • Multishot
  • Elemental Channelling (Air)
  • Darkvision
Weapon: Marais' key weapon is his bow, a finely crafted metal beauty adorn by traditional sky elven battle patterns. It is a short, suited for Marias' skirmishing battle style. This bow has later been transformed into the powerful weapon 'The Second Wind', a bow which channels the powers of lightning.
It generates lightning arrows, which deal great damage (+10 Lightning Damage).

He also wields two longswords, or falcata's. He is not a skilled advocate of these impeccable blades, however, and thus rarely uses them.

Armour: Despite his exile, Marais keeps up with the latest elven combat wear. A plate tunic adorn with elven patterns protects his chest and abdominal area, while the remainder of his armour is an assortment of teal, purple and blue cloth with gold weaving patterns. He wears a flexible leather garment behind his chest plate, which runs to just above his knee's. In battle, he covers his face with a bandanna, which can be seen coiled around his neck.

Name: Galkerz
Race: Sky Elf
Description and Biography: He is six feet tall with large ears, green eyes, and white hair, but with a face that brings the ladies near in a heartbeat.
Galkerz was once a mighty Sky Elf that had all he needed, a home, friends, a kind and wonderful family, but that all changed when he was accused of doing wrong from the local guards. They accused him for taking lives from innocents, but still his family believed in him, and sought out a plan to free him from the confused guards and save him. As soon as he was to free himself from this nightmare, his family members were attacked and forced to die for believing his actions and Galkerz just ran as fast as he could to the nearest forest line and was on the run ever since. Hiding his identity from anybody that might take him in for a reward, Galkerz would do anything to help the right face over the wrong.
-Entity touched
Weapon: Elven crafted staff, with enchantments that make the staff look actually good when he fights and he has a pouch with little supplies in which he saves for people in need. He keeps a small dagger close by just in case, if he needs it to skin a animal for food, or cut things; like rope, grasses, and other things.
Armour: Elven robes that are tinted green with feathery shoulder pads, a belt crafted in wood and green gloves that he wears for his travels. He even has a hood for when if it gets chilly on nights.

Name: Samael “The Forgotten”
Race: Crycon
Description: Samael is a 7 feet tall medium build Crycon with short white hair that looks like snow. Samaels body is mostly covered in mystical tribal Crycon like tattoos that glow a white when using any form of magic. His hands also have two broken shackles bound upon them at the moment that cannot be removed, but they do hurt his wrists from time to time and prevent him from being stealthy yet they amplify his ability to control and assert his magic.
Biography: Most of Samaels past is unknown to him because of some traumatic event in his life where he lost all of his memories. When Samael 1st lost his memories he found himself in an old elven tomb full of bloody corpses. As he began to search around in this forgotten tomb all he found was more dead bodies but soon his eyes in shock found the body of a women with scarlet red hair, face covered in blood and her eyes like sapphires all she had besides her clothes were a massive claymore (See weapons) which Samael took for himself to honor this maiden. After escaping the tomb he wandered for a few days taking odd and various jobs till one fateful day he encountered some bandits upon a road he was traveling. Soon after encounter them they threatened him and attempted to fight him but Samael killed all of the mercilessly and a few minutes after that some villagers stumbled upon him and thanked him for ridding of the bandit problem and rewarded him. After these events Samael soon became a mercenary for hire and after becoming well known in the area the Loras Mthorena hired and soon he became one of there more reliable member.
Strength: 5
Will: 5
Dexterity: 1
Cunning: 12
Endurance: 6
-Basic Wizardry
-Controlled Fighting
-Entity Touched
-Strong Willed
Progress Points:
-1/6 towards unlocking an Unknown Cunning Feat.
Weapon: Samael carries a massive fine dwarven claymore wrapped in black & scarlet cloth. During Samaels awakening in the crypt he found this on a corpse of a woman with scarlet hair he chose to keep it in memory of this woman who he saw in awe and beauty.
Armour: He wears a heavy and strong dark gray armor with a golden outline upon it and some Crycon designs. The armor is quite strong forged with steel to withstand many and even some bloodstains and dents to show the strength of the dark armor. The armor also comes with a fur cloak out of bear fur if the need arises they can latch on the armor and act as a coat or a cape.

-Death Oath (Prepared)
-Shapeshift: Drake (Prepared)
-Black Echo
-Razor Word (Prepared)

Name: Daegor Silvermane
Race: Human
Description and Biography: Born into a wealthy familly, he was trained and educated in the arts of combat by Master Trainers. Very athletic. Trained from a young age in both ranged and melee combat, he has developed fine reflexes and strength. His fortune did not last long, his family competed for power, which ended fatally for his parents. He however, was spared. Age 29. Short black hair, 193 cm high, built athletically.
He has seen death, he has shed blood, sweat and tears, he has been in so many battles that he can control his adrenaline rushes, he does not fear pain, he is trained in almost every aspect of melee fighting, and has used it alot, they say practice makes perfect, but no one really is. He is always vigilant, always expects the worst, and he is very rarely caught of guard. Besides all that, he has never used magic, and probably never will.
-Controlled Fighting
-Brutal Fighting
-Battle Veteran
-Warp Gifted
Weapon: A heavy iron battlestaff, swordbreaker and a one handed mace for melee combat.
Repeating crosbow for ranged.
Small leather buckler for defence and mobility.
Armour: Scalemail, with leather on areas of the body that aren't too vital(for added mobility), a hard plate horned helmet ( father's heirloom)

Race: Wood Elf
Description: Lean, tall, upright and confident composure. Dark green eyes and long dark hair over shoulders. Wears a long robe with a leather top which blends with the forest. An unchanging expressionless face, but holds an admiration for loyalty and those who try their very best. Regards the wood and everything concerning nature as home. Treats fighting as a last resort and dislikes bloodlust and destruction unless necessary. Skilled with the quarterstaff and contains an extensive knowledge on herbal treatments and bushcraft remedies.
Biogrphy: A product of rape, Arcisal was abandoned as a child. But good fortune was with him when he was brought up by a Human Barron, Lord Augustire. Initially brought up by humans, learning to hate and despise other primitive beings, Arcisal, as he was nicknamed, escaped his human captors at a young age after he found out the humans plans of turning him against his own king.

With his traumatic childhood, Arcisal fled to the woods, where a small branch of wood elves brought him into their community. Earning their trust and his honor, Arcisal discovered of his incredibly sharp and observant mind, photographic memory and his unnatural psychic and telekinetic powers. During his years living among elves, Arcisal learned most of his healing methods and herblore from his fellow wood elves, who accepting him as much as they would accept one another. Being an unorthodox, but skilled fighter, Arcisal was given Yer'shrryl, the greatstaff of the elven tribe's leader.

But misfortune struck once more. An entire human battalion slaughtered defenseless and outnumbered elves. Led by Arcisal's former captor, Lord Augustire, Arcisal slew the Barron and fled the village with the clothes on his back and his staff. Fleeing to the mystical wood elven capital, Arcisal quickly found deep respect and admiration from his own kin. Eventually he was made Head Cleric of the Wood Elves.

Arcisal also quietly kindled a grudge against humans. When a human-elven war was sparked, Arcisal was at the forefront, striking down human knights while manipulating minds. But he finally realized that not all humans were the same, after an encounter with a falsely convicted human mercenaries who showed kindness and respect to Arcisal when he was lost in the mountainous regions. With this newfound knowledge, Arcisal, after the war, seek to create a human-elven pact, tirelessly trying to accomplish his mission of human and elven peace.
Strength: 2
Will: 13
Dexterity: 1
Cunning: 12
Endurance: 7
-Channeling: Psychic
-Channeling: Elemental
-Herbal Lore (Rank 2)
-First Aid
Weapon: A long quarterstaff made of precious willow wood, with a central core of extremely light elven steel. Can be separated into two pieces. Contains simple but elegant runes engraved upon it and lights up upon command. Made specifically for Arcisal by the leaders of the Wood Elves during his time as head Healer. A Short bladed curved dagger, with small runes of inscription engraved upon the blade. Simple weapon with an extra enchant.
Armour: Forest-shifting Leather on top with color-changing cloak on the bottom and shoulders.
Other: Arcisal has a Pouch of Rare herbs, which grants him a +5 to Herbal Lore checks.
-Tear of the Storm
A normal healing remedy with the herb 'Silent Tear' added to it.
When consumed it revives anyone unconscious and replenishes magical energy.

Name: Amnora Helene Moraine
Race: Human
Description: Amnora is arian by nature, with piercing, sky-blue eyes that glisten like diamonds and long, golden locks bound by four metallic bands. Her hair runs down to her waistline, but she keeps it dangling over her shoulder. Her cheekbones are high and her skin made pale by the chill of the north. In whatever circumstance, be it hot or cold, Amnora is draped by an azure-blue cloak with the symbol of the Northern Empire upon it. This symbol is of a strange rune that looks like an eye. It is violet, and stands out. Her shroud is trimmed by white and is connected by an obsidian brooch at her waist. Her neck is hidden by a mantle of the same material and color as her cloak. She wears leather gloves, which at the palm, are charred by the velocity of arcane power. Her body is weaker than normal in terms of muscle, and she is extremely petite and feminine, but she makes up for it with her magic.
Biography: “Amnora Helene Moraine was the greatest sorceress to ever walk the bloodied soil of the north. She was also the only one of her kind, but even she could not withstand the malice of her people. For you see, dear reader, the north was not a world in which harmony presided. It was a cruel and unpredictable place, dangerous to the very core, where the malevolence of humanity unveiled itself in every corner. Across the greatest expanse of these beautiful lands blanketed in white snow ruled the Northern Empire, a collection of provinces that once sought to destroy each other. The people of these lands are malevolent, oppressive and brutal, yet cunning and blessed with the ingenuity of man.

Presiding over this monstrosity was the Emperor Kaelan Moraine. He had no empress, but ruled with cold and unforgiving relentlessness and enforced his own beliefs upon his people. One of these primary beliefs was that “men are superior and women will not excel – they are tools for reproduction and preserve our glorious empire”. Due to this, women were forced to the lower castes where few provisions were provided for while men rose and became rich and powerful. It was expected that men produce one daughter to help continue the line of another family, but produce sons to continue their own legacy. Not only that, but men were all gifted with the ability to call upon the world’s energies and culminate it, while women were not.

However, there was one exception…

Amnora was born to the emperor and a concubine. Her mother was then discarded into the slums of another city, and so too would Amnora. The birth of Amnora was an inconvenience for the emperor, who had just officially declared war on a province beyond the expanses of his empire. For six years, he was gone, and Amnora was under the care of her older brothers Itheriel and Rulaan. When the emperor returned, he was disgusted, and decided that such an abomination to his family was to be slain immediately. Upon almost killing her, Amnora created a shield of arcane energies that reflected his attack, scarring his arm. The emperor, though outraged, began to love his daughter and even envied her potential. However, to preserve his image amongst the men of his empire, he hid her away where she would teach her younger brothers (and even herself) magic.

When Amnora was seventeen, her father and another concubine gave birth to another girl. The emperor believed that when she grew older, she too would show magical promise. However, Valessa grew up to show no arcane prowess. Upon her assessment, Amnora attempted to create the illusion that her sister could wield magic, but to no avail, as her father detected her trickery and sentenced Amnora to participate in the grueling campaign known as the War of the Spider. The elite magi of the empire fought this war, in the extreme north, and survival was not guaranteed for such an amateur in combat and magic. Nonetheless, Amnora participated and harnessed her magical abilities to the fullest, then returned to the capital. Her father, who had called a conference for the houses of nobility in his kingdom, did not know until she stormed through the doors of his great hall with eyes of pure ice and lightning buzzing around her. Her anger was righteous and her abilities unsurpassable. She slaughtered most of the nobles, left only a few alive, and revealed that she was the daughter of the emperor.

In this spectacle, the emperor revealed that he had killed Valessa, and sentenced Amnora to be exiled from the Northern Empire or be killed instantly. Amnora, cornered by her emotions, obeyed her father and left just as her younger brothers departed for their arcane education. Now, her only choice, to go south. However, as she ventured south, her eldest brother (now the Archmage of Arcaith) followed her. Unknowingly, his father had sent mercenaries to kill him, and when he caught up with his sister, was slain. His last breaths were to avenge him and to one day return to the empire and save them from their father, and then gave her his staff, which would eventually become her soulblade in her journey to Rafia…”

Edition 2 - "It is a known fact the Amnora Moraine was in fact present in the Sixth Plane. What she did there is currently unknown, but her efforts have earned her greater respect and infamy in the north, especially amongst the womenfolk."

Hanir Doravin
Historian of the North

Strength: 1
Will: 20
Dexterity: 3
Cunning: 7
Endurance: 5
Entity Touched
Basic Wizardry
Channelling: Chaos Energy
Elemental Attuenment (Fire)
Runic Memory
Advanced Wizardry
-Fire Lance
-Phoenix Arrow
-Phoenix Volley
-Spirit Shield
-Black Shroud
-Chaos Field
Weapon: Rulaan, Viperstaff of Arcaith
Upon his last breaths, Rulaan Moraine gave his sister one last gift to keep her from the hand of malice during her exile. He gave her the Viperstaff of Arcaith, a symbol of magical power amongst the sorcerers of her homeland, and an artifact only meant to be possessed by the ruling archmage of The City of Lights. She then blessed the staff with a name to honor her late brother and left to fulfill her exile in Rafia, where her staff changed, and became bound to her.

Rulaan is long and slender, forged from arcane-tempered metals, and pulsating with magic equal to that of its owner. It is covered in runes that radiate with a dark glow when a magical entity is nearby. Upon its tip is the head of a cobra in its attack pose, and then upon that is her soulblade, a narrow dagger that sprouted from the viper’s head when she came to this darkened land. The dagger is engraved with the word for ‘corruption’ in the tongue of her homeland.

Armour: Amnora has essentially discarded most of her old apparel, except for the obsidian brooch. Her body has become accustomed to chaotic energy, and is constantly in heat. Draped around her neck is a blood-red cape which falls down and follow her like a train. A dark green shirt is loosely wrapped around her chest, then both sleeves, but leaves a midriff. Her skirt, also blood-red, is long and ripped, bound across her waist by a golden sash. She also wears boots and thin, silken gloves.

Name: Nyviara

Race: Fairy Like Creature

Description and Biography:

Nyviara, Queen of the Gendahtsie, a regal and haughty figure, with wealth, responsibility, and power. now in Rafia, she has little of this, but her demand for respect, and her airy nature will never be taken from her.

She stands nearly 6 inches tall, with light blue skin, dappled down her sides, running down to her does, and up to her head. She has long black hair, and dark eyes. Beautiful, as all pixies are, and has a pair of wings, like a butterfly's, that glow faintly. Embellished with a beautiful pattern, and fairly translucent.

Raised to be the queen by ordinance of birth and blessing, Nyviara had great power in her world. A practitioner of the highest of divine magic. In rafia, her ability has been cut to its lowest form, something that frustrates her endlessly. She is of an unknown age, but has been queen of her people for thirty years..

She loathes being titled "Fairy, or Faerie." She has pride in her species and culture, and demands respect for it.

Strength: (1 + 0) 1
Will: (1 + 14) 15
Dexterity: (1 + 4) 5
Cunning: (1 + 14) 15
Endurance: (1 + 0) 5

-Channelling: Psychic
-Channelling: Elemental (Earth)
-Elemental Attunement (Earth)
-Herbal Lore
-Inspiring Presence
-First Aid

Weapon: She carries a small, miniature staff, inlaid with an emerald. It is magical, standing around 5.5'' inches tall, and embossed with silver.

Armour: Regal silk, inlaid and adorned with emeralds and silver, she wears very little, as is pixie way, a simple, bare covering of human 'decency'. Pixies have little tradition of clothes wearing. She also has a beautiful cloak made of woven silver threads.
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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Name: Ekrion Iriona Elbachro
Race: Crycon
Description and Biography: Ekrion stands about 6.5 Feet tall and has a very muscular build. His long brown hair which he wears in a ponytail hangs to his waist. He has a scar running across his eye, and many more on his chest.
Ekrion has lived in Urnung all his life, he comes from a noble family which goes back many generations, and was once highly regarded. Unhonorably actions in the past however had caused it's downfall, Ekrion has since devoted his life to regain his families honor.
from when he was little he was trained to be a warrior, it is one of the few things he is good at, even excels at. He has fought many battles and feels at home one a battlefield, just like a wizard would feel at home in his lab.
Strength: (1+9) 10
Will: (1+2) 3
Dexterity: (1+4) 5
Cunning: (1+0) 1
Endurance: (1+5) 6
-Brutal Fighting
-Basic Wizardry (Racial)
-Entity touched
Weapon: On his back he carries a bastard sword engraved whit the words "Draw me not without reason, Sheath me not without honor." engraved into to blade. the handle is strapped whit leather bands and on the end a red Gem is socketed, On both ends of the cross guard a Dragon skull is carved out of the metal whit utmost detail. The weapon was that of his ancestors, given on from generation to generation, a blade filled whit Pride and honor. Aside from that he carried a large round wooden shield, on the rim small spikes are mounted, useful for bashing into the enemy. In the middle of the shield is Ekrion's family crest, a Lion's head.
Armour: He wears a a simple scale-mail armor to protect his chest and waist, over it he wears a bear-fur mantle for warmth, he also wears Fur gloves and fur Strapping boots.
Runes: (Green = prepared.)
-Phoenix Arrow
-Shapeshift: Drake
-Razor Word
-Crushing Wave
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Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Name: Agron Agraeva
Race: Drak'Ron
Description and
He is 5'6'', he has many scars in his scales. His body is rather small than most Drak'Ron.
He was raised in the rage of war. Blood is the only thing he saw. He didn't know any peace out there.
Agron grown as a warrior. He even treats battle as a game, and enjoying it, even holding himself not to kill the enemy and enjoy the battle as long as possible. He refuses to kill enemies that cannot battle anymore, but still merciless. Battleground is his home, battle is his soul.
Strength: 5
Will: 1
Dexterity: 1
Cunning: 8
Endurance: 10
-Steel Fists
-Brutal Fighting
-Wings (Racial)
-Swift striker
Weapon: An large Battleaxe he ever picked up in a battleground. He always used it before it broke. Then the axe has improved with some sharp stones at the end. Carried everywhere, he even ignore the rustyness of the axe.
Armour: Plate armor covers his upper body, the rest is leather. At some parts there are holes or slashmark. He wears a Plate helmet to covers his head, making it difficult to see his face.
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Level 16
Oct 17, 2009
Name: Leo Ferathor
Race: Drak'Ron
Description and Biography: He is six feet tall and has a scar on his chest.
He was once a proud prince of the Ferathor clan until he was about to take the throne, his brother, Sky Ferathor, out of hate and jealousy, killed everyone. All of this he witnessed as he witnessed the death of his father in the hands of Sky. As Sky was about to kill him, Leo fought back but he was no match for him. He slashed him in the chest and the pain overwhelmed Leo so he passed out. Sky dragged Leo to the edge of the cliff and threw him into the sea but 3 weeks later, he was found floating in the sea by a magic knight. Leo has forgotten everything when he woke up, no remnants of the past was left in him, so the knight took care of him and made him his own son, teaching him everything he knows about fighting, survival, and magic. 6 years later the knight died of a strange sickness that gradually made him weak, and so Leo vowed a life of silence but he communicates through his mind and others'.
-Channelling – Psychic
-Wings (Racial)
Weapon: A short sword and the magic gauntlet, that his master used, on his left hand.
Armour: He wears a chest plate, scale mail for his shoulders, plate bracers for his arms, he doesn't wear a helmet, and the others are plate.

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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Nice to see some charecters already. :)
A few things though:
Peper and Phoon, Both of you still have one Feat point left.
I see that this is pretty much 'cause you dont have the required stats to take any more, so i gotta deal with that.
So, a few rule changes:

-All Stats now start at 1, not zero. (that's how i intended it but i forgot to write it. Sorry.)
-You now get 20 stat points instead of 15.
-More feats will be added to the startout collection as soon as i've added the section with runes.

Also, on a dm's note, you might wanna spread out your stats a little.
For those of you that are Drak'Ron with wings, just ad '-Wings (Racial)' to your feats. :)

Apart from that and the spelling mistakes in your biographies, your charecters are pretty ok. ^^
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
Name: Galkerz
Race: Sky Elf
Description and Biography: He is six feet tall with large ears, green eyes, and white hair, but with a face that brings the ladies near in a heartbeat.
Galkerz was once a mighty Sky Elf that had all he needed, a home, friends, a kind and wonderful family, but that all changed when he was accused of doing wrong from the local guards. They accused him for taking lives from innocents, but still his family believed in him, and sought out a plan to free him from the confused guards and save him. As soon as he was to free himself from this nightmare, his family members were attacked and forced to die for believing his actions and Galkerz just ran as fast as he could to the nearest forest line and was on the run ever since. Hiding his identity from anybody that might take him in for a reward, Galkerz would do anything to help the right face over the wrong.
-Entity touched
Weapon: Elven crafted staff, with enchantments that make the staff look actually good when he fights and he has a pouch with little supplies in which he saves for people in need. He keeps a small dagger close by just in case, if he needs it to skin a animal for food, or cut things; like rope, grasses, and other things.
Armour: Elven robes that are tinted green with feathery shoulder pads, a belt crafted in wood and green gloves that he wears for his travels. He even has a hood for when if it gets chilly on nights.
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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Yes i had thought that there had been a little mes-up in the stats, editing it now.

BTW, its looking VERY good Dragonson.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Name: Illios
Race: Sky Elf
Description and Biography: A relative-normal seeming Elf with tired face expressions and if you don't count the fact that he conceals his face, except for his eyes. Green eyes, a blond beard and blond hair. He also wears a brown cloak. Besides all this he's also fairly tall.

Illios was born in a normal family, comprising of his brother, mother and father. The mother died at childbirth and as he grew up a rivalry was created between the two brothers for their father’s love, since he was usually gone. Illios lost it and became more isolated from the world, becoming asocial. After moving out he married a beautiful Elf – but alas, she died, and he was in sadness. Many tears were shed on her grave, but finally he just packed his bags and left. After wandering a long time, he joined a band of mercenaries, since he was running out of food. He befriended them, and slowly became their leader for many years. However, whilst fighting the enemy of their master they were surrounded and slaughtered to the last and the cowardly fled, which included Illios. He was enraged and started wandering again, a lost soul, a saddened heart.

Strength: 4
Will: 2
Dexterity: 2
Cunning: 11
Endurance: 6
Weapon: Elven Sword
Feats: Battle Veteran, Wastelander, Darkvision, Warp Gifted
Armour: Chainmail, concealed by a cloak.

OOC: Miscellaneous feats are available, right?
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
@Warlord Az
You're missing five stat points. :)
Also, you cant do the thing with basic wizardry without requirements unless you're a crycon.

Remember that you can only have one fighting style active at a time.
I'l be adding a lot of feats as soon as the rune list is up, so you might 'just wanna wait and see what comes. :)

@Gunslinger and Phoon
Both of your charecters work pretty well now. GJ. :)

All feats are available if you meet the requirements.

Added rules about hit points!
Basic hitpoint pool is 50. You get 10 HP for each point of endurance.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
one thing Dragonson, I think you're forgetting the runes xD I can't wait to see how epic they're.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
Name: Nimrod Silas Arvenklaus
Race: Crycon
Description and Biography: A 6-feet-6-inch tall grizzled fighter who loved nothing more than fighting, Nimrod often has trouble to speak with women. He's actually pretty calm when nothing is happening, but will jump from his seat at the bar at the first opportunity of fighting, even if it meant gettting his ass dragged out of said bar after wards for breaking prety much everything. His face is decently decorated with a bushy mustache and a short beard.
Strength: 5
Will: 3
Dexterity: 2
Cunning: 10
Endurance: 5
(Left 2 feat points to be used later)
Weapon: A sledgehammer. He keeps an obsidian-bladed machete on his belt. When asked, he will always say "It's for cutting meat!", although Shroud knows how many horses he have beheaded to test the damn thing
Armour: He wore a simple leather clothing and a bearskin mantle. Oh, he also carries a satchel
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
aw :/ thats a drag. well we can wait, we have waited for this so long so an hour or two won't make a difference.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
well, that is the thing about Dragonsons RP's, they somehow have a higher success rate then other RP's. It's weird, but it is true.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Before i post the startout rune list, here's a few rules about the destinction between Turns and Actions:

In the Lorepainter system you will see the terms 'Turns' and 'Actions' be used several times, so here's a short explanation to what is what:
An Action is, for example, attacking someone.
You have one action every turn.
But, if a spell says 'Lasts 5 actions' it does not mean that they are all YOUR actions.
This spell would for example end after you and four of your friends have performaned an action.
A Turn, though, can contain many actions.
A turn is started whenever everyone has made their actions (even though a turn might sometimes be ended early if only a few people are missing).
So if a spell says that it last for five turns, you will be able to make five actions before it ends.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
'jes saying Phoon, you might not wanna declare your character finished 'till i've got all the extra feats added.

And, on a related note:
You can edit ANYTHING on your character until your game starts, so if i add/remove something that makes you wanna edit your character, go ahead and do so.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
well Peper that all depends on what you are used to. I myself also use meters, but many other people use feet so.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Added some new feats. :) More runes coming up.
Also, suddenly reaslised you guys dont really know how damage works on basic attacks, so here's a short explanation:
On any attack or spell roll, the damage dealt to the target is the final result (bonuses added).
If the target makes a successfull defence check, the final result (with added bonuses) is deducted from the original damage.
Some spells and special attacks (Like runes) have set damage.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Ya still got one feat point left Peper. :)

Anyways, as soon as i've got the new runes up and everyone's all happy with their characters i'l begin setting up the play thread.
Remember, you guys have been adventuring with each other for years. You might wanna begin discussing what your characters think of each other.
Who are friends, who hate each other, etc.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
"I hate you all!" ^^

I might join... for testing purposes.
Initial thoughts are: OMFG COMPLEXOR MUCH!?

But that's what a beta is for right???
AND you need a wide audience including people who don't like the looks of it :p

Do I really have to stick to those races though? D:
Elves are so overrated! -.-
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Seriously Grey, that's just being off-topic.
I can take a few jokes, but that's abit too far out.
Please, if you're actually gonna join, i'l be VERY happy to have you. :)
But if not, just go away before i get that narwhal tune stuck in my head again. :p
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
It's not off-topic! I was generally being very, very serious about races for this rp, this thread is about said rp and is therefore not off-topic, your starting to sound like the mods (eurgh..!!).
Guess I'll just play as Meyla again, do I need to fill out a form or can you traverse automagically ??
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Is it any wrong to get annoyed if someone comes into your RP and asks if they can play as a narwhal? :p
No, no it's not. ;) I dont mind you guys having ponies as avatars even though i never would myself, but that doesnt mean you get to make no sense (that's my domain! Get out!).

And yeah, you gotta fill out a new form. She's from urnung, as far as i remember, so i guess it'd make sense for her to be here. :)
She'l be the only one in the group to ever have been to the sixth plane then.
Unless anyone else wants to use their characters from the old RP, that is.
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