[RP Thread] Cries of Urnung: Book of the Bladebringer

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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Roag. One of the Numerous Crycon Pyramid Cities.
A hooded man in a black cloak looks over his shoulder, checking if anyone should be following him.
There are, but he doesnt see them.
High above him, near the city's ceiling, soars three people.
Two winged Drak'Ron and a quite spectacular woman.
Their names are Agron, Leo and Meyla.
Below them, in the shadows of the street, their companions move as silently as they can.
Jumping from roof-to-roof you find Marais and Piverou, followed on the ground by Ekiron, Illios, Nimrod and Unan.
All of them share the same goal: To find the Book of the Bladebringer.
And the hooded man knows which district of Roag to look for it in.
Atleast he SHOULD know according to Sunrah, their 'coordinator'.

As they close in on the man they speak together using Leo's telepathic powers, and suddenly Sunrah's voice could be heard in the heads of the hunters.
"There's a boat waiting for him five streets away. Get him fast.
If he gets to the boat we migh not catch him before he leaves Roag.
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Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Illios chuckled softly. It was cold -- what a good day for a chase! Warming the legs and such. Ah, always was everything going well! Ah well, he checked if he hadn't lost his sword and started walking a bit faster. Cautiousness was always a good thing. Though, back to the chase, he thought. Five streets wasn't enough in his opinion. He'd rather have ten streets, but alas. It'd have to do.
''The flying people and the ones on the roof should get ahead of him and block his way or wait for him near the boat. If we run after him he'll be alerted and scared.'' he said to the group. ''Anyhow, it's probably going to be fun.'' he concluded, shrugging. His hand layed on his sword and he was waiting for the response of the others.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
OOC: I think you mixed up my race. I'm a Crycon not a Drak'Ron. anyhow, thats easily to fix and I assume that means um just walking on the streaats whit the rest of our party.

IC: Five streets away? that wasn't very long was it, He had to come up whit a plan and fast. Multiple scenario's went trough his mind but all of them would just scare him of, or possibly even kill him. No matter what they needed him alive in order to gain this little bit of information! finally he got a plan and shared it whit the rest of the group. "I suggest trying to reach the both first and destroy it, or block his way towards it. Whatever you do don't attack him. one; it might cause a commotion and two, it might scare him off." It was a simple plan but it was solid, and right now it was their best chance of success.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
Rather than sneaking up, Nimrod wanted to just jump in and brawl the needed information out of the hooded man, though he tried VERY hard to resist the urge to beat out the man with his sledgehammer, tightening his grip upon the stupidly-inappropriate-for-sneaking-up-on-someone weapon. "Why can't we just jump on him and threaten to smash his head?" he thought.
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
"Hmmmm?" Reaching through his pockets to pay the bar tender that was kind enough to get him a drink, and he gathered his bag full with supplies, and covered his face with his hood and followed his companions to the mysterious fellow in which he was told to go.
He also pondered what adventures or travels he might take on this journey and would be glad just to be rid of it after a good travel and adventure with a group of good friends.
The thought pleased himself, so he grinned as he walked towards the docks that would change his life around and have him on a journey that would make his life a living hell or just make it a time worth spent.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Marais took one great leap, championing the distance between two buildings and a crowded alleyway. He landed with a graceful thud and took a moment to compose himself before setting off again. The air was cold and bitter, stinging at his eyes like youthful spears. He took another leap onto a lower building and swiftly began climbing upon the next. He gazed down at the streets - his companions were behind. Above him, three great winged shadows passed. He took this as a personal challenge, grinning behind the folds of his bandanna. He could see the harbour in the horizon, a sea of colour and shadow. He turned his head, pulling the bandanna down from his nose, releasing steady puffs of icy air.

"Human, we need to quicken the pace!"

And with that, he jumped across another alleyway, and finally down into the harbour.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
As Marais and the Flyers came in view of the man's transport they were face with another challenge.
The boat was docked by a pier under a big bridge, hiding it from plain sight, and it was guarded by two men in leather armour and what looked like a gryphon.
The Gryphon was in chains, but apparently obeyed the orders of the two men.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Marais landed, his cloak flowing like an azure stream as he descended, and finally came to rest as he knelt. The elf stood quickly, nodding at the great winged creature above him. His training had taught him to seek the shadows, which he did, hiding beneath the monumental shade of stalls and various lodges parked along the harbour. He spotted the pier, his eyes fixed on the two men in leather. However, it struck him suddenly. In chains was a beast that he could not identify from the bridge's shadow.

He unslung his bow, his other hand seeking one of the oaken darts in his quiver. He gazed up to the two drakes and their elven companion. He could not yell out to them - that would simply compromise everything they had worked so hard for. This was an opportunity. One of the only opportunities they had had in months. They had to do this quickly, but efficiently. He gazed down one of the main streets leading to the harbour, spotting his 'hunting party'. He made a motion with his hand, signalling them to quicken themselves. He then stood in the shadows, waiting for Piverous.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Illios saw signal and even though it wasn't very close, it was fine. ''We need to fasten the pace.'' he said to the group and he started walking faster through the crowded street, silently through the masses, until he passed the man, and then he stayed close. Always keep a distance in these scenarios, was his thinking -- but nonetheless he had to stay close on this one. He slowed his pace and started walking at the pace of the hooded man.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
Nimrod chuckled to himself, thinking about the prospect of good fight (there's a gryphon after all), and tries to catch up to the hooded man while resisting his urge to swing his hammer around. Instead, he tightened his grip on his machete, which would prove as yet another counter-intuitive weapon in stalking.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
a Gryphon? this wasn't good, if they spotted us and send that gryphon towards us the hooded man would be able to escape while we were dealing whit the beast, what to do what to do... "Try to freeze the two guards whiteout being noticed, maybe like this the beast will not be alarmed, whatever happens we cannot be delayed by a fight!" he didn't like to be sneaking, it went against his code of honor... but they had no other choice.
Piverou jumped down from the stony ledge above, soundlessly and efficiently. His blue eyes roving the targets from the blackness. He could see the faint outline of two men, or, humanoids atleast, and something else, a black mass in the shadows. He crouched to a knee. Muttering something, he drew up a bolt from his crossbow and rigged it with a jerk, not caring to bother with the drive, it was a simple device, of dark, polished wood, with a few metal toggles and rigs, and a fine twine, the darkness seemed to illuminate the bright metal, and an inscription wrought on the side in some faded tung swirled across the grip gracefully, is smooth curves reminiscent of ancient elven influence.

He pulled up the rigged device, he had a separate rig on the bottom for another bolt, but he left this for now, taking aim at one of the guardsmen's heads.

"Ready when you are, elf." His voice was strained, it had a strange accent to it, a lilt that didn't quite match the gun-ho words he was fond of spouting in situations where he'd rather not be.

He knew his crossbow well, using it many years, he knew how drafts affected the bolts (after all, he made the bow and the bolts himself, such as it were.) and what little arc the crossbow possessed.

He took careful aim.
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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
"Think you boys can handle this?" Meyla smirked, banking to the left and landing on a flat-roofed apartment overlooking the harbour.
"The Gryphon is chained and we have the high ground, let the ground crew take the guards?" she suggested, dropping a hand to the hilt at her side. "It may be tough, but if it doesn't look up, it'll be hardly worth the effort".
She waved a hand lazily in the direction of the harbour. "Death from above" she muttered, kicking into the air, rejoining the other two in formation.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
DM: Ranged Attack (DifLevel 2): Roll (1d6 +3 from Dexterity and +3 from Aim): 3 (9). Success!
Piverou's crossbow sent an arrow flying through the air in a perfect arc, hitting one of the guards in the eye.
The arrow has just enough force to perform a complete piercing and deals enough damage to the man's brain for him to die.
He falls backwards and lands in the canale's water with a splash.
The other guard instantly pulls out a big shield from what appears to be nowhere, crouches behind it and grabs the gryphon's chain with his remaining hand.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
Nimrod hastens his steps, his machete already half-pulled from its righteous place of Nimrod's belt, prepared to strike someone with enough force to behead a horse in a single strike...
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
The battle ensued. Marais nodded at Piverous as he let a bolt pierce the winds, shrieking as it plummeted into the first guard. His companion had successfully dispatched his target. Marais watched as the second guard readied himself. With his arrow and bowstring already, he sets his sights on the guards remaining hand, grasping the chain. He lets the arrow leave the comfort of its bowstring, watching as it careered through the winds.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
DM: Ranged Attack (DifLevel 3): Roll (1d6 +5 from Dexterity): 4 (9). Near-Success.
Marais let loose an arrow.
It flew through the air towards it's target, but an unforseen breeze caused it to stray slightly from it's target.
The arrow hits the gryphon in the side, not doing much damage to it but quite apparently making it angry.
The guard now has problems with holding it back.

DM NOTE: The guard is still unaware of your exact position.
DM: Gryphon took 10 damage. 290 HP left.

OOC: Bytheway guys, if you use your feats post a small note like i did here.
Just without the 'DM' part. ^^
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Marais sighs in disappointment. However, he begins to evaluate the battlefield a lot better, and sets his sights for the now angered gryphon. The breeze ruined him this time, but never again. His eyelids shut, and he feel the movement of the air around him.

NOTE: Read The Wind in preparation, bawss!
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Meyla ignored the Drak'Ron, darting straight up with a quick beat of her wings. She gained height rapidly and stopped about two hundred feet, right above the restless Gryphon.
Drawing her sword in one swift motion she grabbed it in two hands, tip down, arms tensed and wings folded. She closed her eyes and let gravity pull her from the sky.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
DM: Read the Wind preparation bonus applied.

DM: Melee Attack (DifLevel 3): Roll (1d6 +4 from Dexterity and +4 from Airborne Attack): 4 (12). Success!
Meyla plummeted through the air like a diving eagle, landing on the gryphon like she was sitting on a horse.
Her sword penetrates the Gryphon's neck, but not in the center so neither the spine or the air duct takes damage.
The gryphon lets out an incredibly loud screech and tries to Meyla off it's back.
Meanwhile the guard has turned his attention to Meyla, and has pulled something from his pocket that looks like a rune.
He obviously isnt trained in it's use, and he fumbles several times as he mumbles the activation words, but slowly it starts to glow in a dangerous red light.
DM: Gryphon took 72 (12 +60 from Semi-Mortal Wound) damage and has 228 HP left.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Marais observes the other guard, figuring it best to dispatch him before he let loose something even they could not control. He let go of his arrow.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
OOC: Just one thing guys:
WHen you do something, make it clear.
I wont roll for something that's only hinted at.

Also, update for the Difficulty Chart coming up later today.

Yap. :)

DM: Ranged Attack (DifLevel 3): Roll (1d6 +5 from Dexterity): 3 (8). Narrow Success (Read the Wind).
Marais sends another arrow flying through the air, and it strikes the guard in his now-unprotected back.
DM: Guard took 14 Damage (8 +10 from Read the Wind -4 from Leather Armour) and has 116 HP left.
Even though his leather armour takes some of the damage the guard roars with pain and is forced to stop chanting.
He drops the rune and the gryphon's chain to pull out the arrow, and the gryphon instantly takes off into the air towards Marais.
Meyla falls off and slams into the ground, but manages to get her sword with her.
Now Agron comes in with his axe...
DM: Melee Attack (DifLevel 3): Roll (1d6 +2 from Strength, +2 from Brutal Fighting and +4 from Airborne Attack): 2 (10). Near Success.
...but fumbles his attack and slams into the guard.
Agron manages to land on his feet after the collision but the guard falls on his back, pushing the not-yet-pulled-out arrow further in.
The man screams with pain, but his scream is stopped when the arrow punctures one of his lungs.
He dies a few seconds later as the arrow rips off part of his heart.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Dazed, Meyla groaned.
She rested on her sword, pulling herself up and glanced at the dead chanter then nodded her thanks to Agron. ''That didn't go quite according to plan'' she admitted, squinting up at the anguished Gryphon. ''What do we do now?'' she murmured. It was much bigger than the group's fliers and had a much higher altitude. To attempt an aerial assault would be no less than suicide.
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Piverou yanks a pair of yellow-tiped arrows from his quiver, his specialty, noisemakers. without caution, he quickly drives them into place, the locking pin shuddering against the bolt housing, its laqured metal shimmering from the darkness.

He aims quickly, and with a quick squeeze of his gloved hand, a pair of arrows scream away, literally; as they whistled through space, air flowing into frontal intakes forced open a valve, a sharp screaming echoed through the air, violently loud.

NOTE: Activates Quick Striking
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
OOC: 'assuming you're aiming at the gryphon TWIF. :p
I know it's obvious, but i've played with people who've done the most insane things so i'd prefer such things specified.

DM: Ranged Attack x2 (DifLevel 2): Roll (1d6 +3 from Dex): 5 (8) and 3 (6). Success!
Both of Piverou's arrows strike true. The gryphon shrieks and halts in the air for a moment, not sure whether to go for Piverou or Marais.
DM: Gryphon took 20 Damage (14 +6 from Blood Loss) and has 208 HP left.

Sunrah's voice was heard in the adventurers' heads again.
"The target is VERY close now! Prepare for arrival!
Do NOT kill him before we get the info we need!
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Marais watched as the gryphon was struck with confusion. He glanced at Piverou with a grateful expression. "We need to get this over with, or at least our flyers need to lead the gryphon away."

Marais withdrew another arrow, instantly launching it at the gryphon, attempting to strike its jugular.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
OOC: On a side note the update of the Difficulty chart is gonna be delayed 'till later today.
The update will also include a few rules that makes every roll a POSSIBLE success, for as it is now there are rolls which you just cant succeed at.
Also gonna update the 'read the wind' Feat, for as it is now you can use it to make a narrow success on any roll. :p

EDIT: Oh yeah, and if you want to you can now ask me what the diflevel of a Roll will be.
You can though NOT be told what negative bonuses you'l recieve.

DM: Ranged Attack (DifLevel 3): Roll (1d6 +5): 2 (7). Failure.
Marais' arrow strikes the gryphon, but not with enough force to deal any actual damage.
The gryphon has though turned it's attention away from Marais and Piverou, now facing the two approaching flyers.
DM: Melee Attack: Roll (1d6 +2 from Strength, +2 from Brutal Fighting and -10 from Aerial Supremacy (Enemy)): 5 (0). Critical Failure!
Agron swings his axe at the gryphon, but the gryphon dodges the blow and rams into Agron beak-first.
He flies backwards and slams into a nearby building.
DM: Agron lost 20 HP (0 +20 from Critical Failure) and has 130 HP left.
Meanwhile the gryphon has started flying towards Leo at an incredibly high speed from an angle that wont get it hurt by the sword.
Once it's close it performs a maneuver to place itself above him, and It lashes out at him with it's claws...
DM: Melee Attack (DifLevel 3): Roll (1d6 +5 from Strength and +10 from Aerial Supremacy): 2 (17). Near-Crit!
...sending him flying downwards even faster, now towards Marais.
DM: Leo took 17 Damage and has 67 HP left.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
OOC: Not lovin' my luck, lol.

Marais curses under his breath, then noticing one of his allies descending, and where they would. Marais' eyes widened, quickly attempting to roll out of the way.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
"Foolish Drake" Meyla hissed sheathing her sword before kicking off into the air. She beat her wings profusely, trying to gain as much as height as quickly as she could. "This is not going to work..." she muttered, noting the velocity with which Leo was falling. Nevertheless she bit her lip, kicked up once and swooped back down grabbing him by his collar in a vain attempt to keep the Drak'Ron from an ill-desired collision.
Piverou is able to reload with lightning speed, a fancy trick he learned from a drunken dwarf marksman, catching your thumb between the locking bolt and the reciver if you manually cock will cause the entire bolt housing to move forward, essentially doing the job of arming and sealing the bolt in the rail. His smile was only outdone by his haste, these poor sods were in danger. A fire arrow should do the trick. its mechanisim was simple, a packet of flint stones were based near the tip, as the arrow flew, the pressure would force a small valve in the head open and a small coating of explosive liquid would poor out, and when the flint packet struck, sparks would fly, and burning liquid would spray. Unfortunatly, this was his only fire arrow left. shame. the bottom suited a thin headed bolt.

The air was dank, in the shadows here, his breath was short and heavy, the gloom helped him focus, it had always been that way. he prefered indirect confrontation, the coolness of a silent kill.

His eye watched the gryphon lurch through the air, he sneered in a smug fashion. "whats with your aim marias?"

His arrows blew from the crossbow, lancing towards the gryphon. he didnt even pause to look if they hit, reloading as fast as his tricks could carry him.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
Seeing Leo slam on the ground with much force, Unan tries to run quickly for his aid, but to see the beast gliding in the air to strike to its next target, he had no choice but to move into Marais' location on where the flying monster would attack him in the air.

"Stand your Ground Brethen! Let my Hammer crush this insignificant beast into its Misery!" he said to Marais.

With his eyes looking straight forward on the Gryphon, he prepares himself with a battle stance that will give him a chance to hit the beast's cranium before it can reach the two of them.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Dont make up what happens on your own guys. :p
I have yet to roll for whether Grey manages to catch Leo, and has not yet chosen it's next target.

Alright, i'l make it more clear.

If you Roll a 6 on a dice and your have not reached a crit yet another dice will be rolled and added to the final result.
This can be repeated.

DM: Strength Check (DifLevel 2): Roll (1d6 +2 from Strength): 4 (6). Narrow Success.

Meyla manages to prevent Leo from smashing into the ground, but both get dragged down near ground level.

DM: Ranged Attack x3 (DifLevel 3): Roll (1d6 +3 from Dexterity): 3 (6), 4 (7) and 6 +4 (13). Failure, Failure and Success!

Piverou sends three arrows flying through the air, two of them harmlessly hitting the gryphon before falling to the ground.
But the third one pierces the gryphon's skin above it's right front-leg.
DM: Gryphon took 25 damage (13 +12 from Blood Loss) and has 183 HP left.
The gryphon screeches and turns it's full attention to Piverou.
It starts to diver towards him at high speed.

There is no signs of the hooded man yet.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Meyla gasping for breath, half dropped, half threw the weighty Leo to the floor and landed beside him unsteadily. Her hair and face were slathered in sweat but her emerald eyes sparkled and a fraction of a smile showed her relief. "Are you ok?" she queried, being sure to keep her eyes skyward.
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