[Free RP of doom] - Random Roleplaying Thread, September 2014

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Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
"All these days I walked from Brightwing to here, I found NOTHING but tiredness and loneliness. I wasted my time just walking, I wasted myself being a malicious Maniac, I WASTED MY LIFE!!! Now tell me, what should I do now?"


Chen ~ March to Valentine Forest

Chen started to walk 19 days ago, he stopped whenever he likes to, but sometimes he's forced to because of something. He ignored almost everyone who notice him. He wore a old, brown cloak, with his elemental hammer and a memory from his past, the thing he have hidden for many years, a piece of cloth with a name, "Kero'gash". With it, he may find the answer to the question: "Who am I?".

One rainy morning, halfway to where he wanted to go, while in the ruins of the Kael Harbor, he sensed something, he heard something aside from the raindrops, something is below the lake. He ran towards it, and dove to the lake. He found it, the mystery that everyone talks about, something that kills everyone who bypass his lair, and he found another. A shiny blue thing, a neclace! Or more likely an elemental talisman! He swam to it, but the monster of the Lake suddenly attacked! He ignored it, and swam quickly to the rear of the monster. he tried to reach the talisman, but it was surrounded by eggs. He don't wanted to break the eggs, so He won't be attacked by the monster. But no, the monster charged towards him, and he fell unconcious...

He is almost drowned, he is already seeing spirits, spirits of the ones which the monster has killed before. But he don't fear death...
Level 14
Sep 17, 2009

Yorrick, Xenox and Chen ~ Towards Darkness

After the battle with the angle in the mountain city, Bernkastel disappeared. Xenox, who possessed Yarrick's body, tried to help in the fight, but a light explosion made Yarrick's senses totally blind. When he could see again, the hall was empty, and some lightguards gathered around the dead angel, who's Halo was taken.

They must have thought that the kid in the corner died during the fight, but when he started moving, some of the healers ran towards him to help him up. They carried him to a room with beds, to heal his wounds. After a few days Yarrick's body was completely healed (even the broken ribs he got when he fell trough the roof of Ryan's house disappeared like they never were there), but his mind was still opressed. When he woke up in the bed, instead of Yarrick's charming identity, Lord Xenox's evil mind ruled the body.

Xenox rose up, and sneaked into the weaponry to take the time stopping Staff of Am'ar Kardos. He left the building trough the ventilation system - where Yarrick entered before - without anyone to notice, and started his way to find his mistress, Bernkastel. Xenox took his way towards North, to Loch Kael harbor. His final destiny was the North pole, where Bernkastel operated a lot before, and Christmas will arrive in a few months.

On his way to the North, he arrived to a lake. He pulled out the unconscious Chen of the water, and breathed life into him. Kari noticed who is this, since he possessed his mind before. "This is the best way to free Yarrick's body" He tought, and told Xenox to pull his body out the water, since he could be a good servant of Bernkastel. Xenox didn't notice that this is the Panda from the Easter games, and expected nothing.

"You must knock him unconscious as soon as you wake up, Kero'gash." Kari told Chen, entering his mind. Somehow he remembered this name from the last time he possessed his body.


Vincent, Am'ar Kardos & Ga'Chief ~ At War3

The little company crossed the searing under the burning sun. The overly used van; Wayfarer was followed by a group of six taurens, one of which was Ga'chief, the leader of the Strong-hoof clan. In the van sat Vincent, the secret bearer of the Talisman of ice and the explorer of the south, and on his side Am'ar Kardos the successor of the great Kardos Clan. Since Am'ar was not good at sword wielding, Ga'chief gifted him a beautifully curved spear. It was similar legth to Am'ar's former weapon, the Time Staff, and it had beautiful cravings on it, so Am'ar was honored to have it.

Their destination was the southern goblins. They were known users of thannalis herb, and they could make many maniac soldier to come to sanity. If they are still there, that is. Goblins were good in hiding, but they never went too far from their fountains. Thats why the company started the search at the Great Mocar Oasis. This place was the collection of oasises near each other, a mysterious forest and the home of many goblins.

"They are still here." Vincent said to Am'ar when they arrived to Great Mocar. "The trees are still green, are blooming. Without the careful help of goblins, this place would turn grey." They got near the forest, and Vincent turned out the engines.
"We go on foot from here." He said. "Goblins need to see that we respect their territory."
"I don't see any moving in there" Am'ar told raising his eyebrows.
"Oh they are there, and they will come out once they feel safe." Vincent assured him. "I was here before, they are nice people."

Vincent and Am'ar took out some food and blankets from the night from Wayfarer, and followed the Taurens into the forest. The sun was setting, but it got dark just as they entered the forest. The forest looked wild, and deserted from the outside, but as they walked inside, the schene has changed. The leaves were dense, and they didn't let much light trough. On the ground little streams watered the moss, and other flowers and plants. Am'ar noticed some bushes of thannalis, but as much as he would liked to, he didn't collect any of it. At some trees they noticed handmade ropes, ladders or totems.

"This place will be good for the night." Ga'chief told them as they reached a little glade. They settled in a circle, and the Taurens raised a tent for shelter. The forest was quiet and it got cold so they lit a campfire, and the Taurens started singing songs. Vincent joined in some of them, but Am'ar barely knew them, the ones he learned at Go'an Wisehorn's tribe, were different.

They ate dinner, and went to sleep. They left no guards, since the forest is safe. As Vincent told them, the Goblins are scouting out for them, and nothing can pass trough the forest without the Goblins to notice. They were not surprised when they woke up with spears pointing at their necks, by goblins.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Dante, Leprey ~ In the snow void

Dante finished crossing the snow and runned. He was close to the peak. He knew that nobody that had crossed thad peak had came back before, but he had no chance. He still had to find the artictlantis, and getting pass the peak maybe would help. With that in mind, he was going forward.
"Hey, I think I see something down!" Leprey said
"Not good, they are already after us again..." Dante said
He runned faster and finally arrived at the peak. Now he saw why nobody had returned. Big fog was just a few steps in front of him, and as he could see, it was an ice fog, a fairy tale told about fog so deep and so cold, that even solids would stop vibrating
"The absolute zero lies in front of us..." Dante said lighting up a fire in his hand "stay close, maybe even you can freeze"
"that sounds awful" Lepret said shaking and getting as near as possible to Dante
"Here we go..." Dante said entering the fog.
Level 14
Sep 17, 2009

Ga'chief, Vincent, Am'ar Kaardos and Walrin ~ At War

Sleeping in the forest was so nice. The grass, and kind of cold breeze that made the leaves dance, reminded Ga'chief of what The South once was. Although he never seen the blooming slopes, and endless forests his ancestors once walked, he always felt in his nerves what home should feel like. When he fell asleep, he forgot about the pledge, the war, his problems flew away. He dreamt about his wife, who died years ago. The night passed without him feeling it, and it was almost dawn when the whispering of his clan members woke him, up.

"Stay where you are, and dont try anything!" a goblin with golden tattooed face told him, holding a scythe at Ga'chief's throat. All of his group members were alienated from his weapons, and looked upon by a goblin each. At the edge of the glade, more goblin warriors could be seen. The golden tattooed one had an armor made from skulls, and big red colored hair. He seemed to be the leader, so Ga'chief decided to talk to him.

"We mean no harm, we came in peace." He spoke, without moving an inch. "I'am Strong-hoof Ga'Chief and we came to you for help, so please let us speak."
The tattooed goblin raised his scythe slowly, and signaled his soldiers to keep their weapons to the strangers.
"I'm Walrin the Golden Harvest and the leader here. I speak to you and then you leave this place. We dont like intruders since the war is around. Especially the kind of him!" He pointed at Am'ar.

"Thank you for your trust." Ga'chief answered while sitting up, and bowed his head. "We are here in an important matter. We know a way to stop the war, and return peace. I'm hoping you are interested in that." He said calm and slowly. Even when the tauren sat, he was as tall as the goblin, but he crouched, and looked at the goblins feet, so he wouldn't be offended in his home.

"I appreciate your manner, but we stay away from war. Too many of us died already." The goblin crossed his arms. Ga'chief noticed how Walrin's arms were bandaged under the runed, bone bracelets probably scars from defending the forest. He himself must have known, that the maniac army will come back with bigger forces to destroy the thannalis farms.

"I'm sorry i have to disagree. You are already in the war, as your clan might be the biggest thread to the poisoned hordes. And as long as we have the true blood of a Kardos leader on our side" he pointed at Am'ar "We have a chance at winning this. Stay here, do nothing and i guarantee that -I'm most sad to say it- in a month this forest will be burnt to grounds." The tauren leader told, still looking at the ground.

"I'd gladly cut your throat now for saying that, but i'm afraid that you might be right." Walrin said, and splat on the ground. "I need to hear your plan first, and then I will decide."

Ga'chief took a big breath. He knew that it's easy work from here.


While Ga'chief and Walrin talked about the battle plans with the map one of the taurens brought, the others were let go by their captives. Vincent got familiar with the goblins real soon, and few minutes later they were puffing a thannalis joint rolled by the explorer. Some of the tauren's joined the circle, and told stories about the war. Only Am'ar sat aside, he felt the antipathy from the goblins. Maybe his clan was here before him.

The orc knew what was waiting ahead. He had to face his path, to save it. He didn't like the situation, but him becoming a champion of the Kardos clan seemed to be the only solution for this situation. He needs to gain respect from a race he left, and refused. How to do it? He wasn't sure yet. Vincent will surely help him, and with a goblin clan by his side, he will be able to speak up. But if the Kardos clan is already under the effect of the maiac drugs, will talking matter anything? HIe felt like the weight of the world was on his shoulders, and he didn't see a way out.

"In that case, we have to act quickly." Walrin spoke up. "I will have the shamans prepare a way for us right away, we are leaving at dusk." Something in his voice suggested that he was excited about being a part of the plan, but he also didn't give much hope to it. 'I shall keep an eye out for them, if things go rough.' Am'ar thought, and raised from his place.

"This means that i will nead my weapons, if you would excuse me." He told, and was about to leave the glade.
"And i want to bring my car!" Vincent shouted happily, and joined the orc tapping his shoulder. They left the forest while the shamans started the ritual to open the portal...
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013

Chen & Kari ~ Why are you my Karity

Chen then woke up. He swam upwards, and ignored the voice whispering at him. He seems to resist Kari, but he still hearing it until the spirit left his body. He let out a power blast, angering the monster. He trid to reach its neck, climbed up to his head and struck it with his hammer. Knocking the monster to the seafloor. He rushed and reached for the talisman. Success, then he swimmed swiftly to the surface. He now wore the talisman, but it got darker, like his previous one. Now, it indicates an element unknown to him.

And again, Kari entered his mind.

"Kero'gash, help me. Im one of your allies, Im Kari. If you can get rid of Xenox in Yarrick's body, I will tell a secret from your past." The ghost whispered. Chen nodded as he agree.

"Very well, Kari." He said, leaving the ruined Harbor...
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Dante, Leprey ~ Snow void 2.0

Bare coldness, emptyness and desesperation. In the void where the echoes aren't heard, where ice covers the light, the voices and even the spirits. In the middle of the void, stand a figure, tall and brave, fighting, losing, winning, breathing, drowning, living, dying.
In his hand, the most great contradiction the fog had ever seen, it was so contradictive that it meant an insult for the natural order. FIRE. The fire that maintain him alive, ironically killing him every second as it was absorving his life energy to keep burning. At his side a ghost, who seem to feel the coldness even in his form. In front of him, the end of the fog.
He crossed the fog, and lied an eye to the vast ice plane that was just in front of him, and a few meters more, there was a inmense frozen wall, which seem like one of those obstacles you can't just surround. And inside the wall there it was. The legendary ship of ancient times, the artictlantis. He started to make a hole in the ice to get to the ship.
After some hours, he finally made it to the ship, and now he was ckecing it.
"Do you know how to fly this thing?" Leprey said while he searched for anything useful.
"No, but I am sure it works with magic, ah I found it" Dante said
"What is it?" Leprey said apearing at his side
"The helm, and it seems to be missing something" Dante pointed at an empty space the helm had in the middle
"What do you think is missing?" Leprey asked
"Probably some kind of solid magic source... like a jewel or something..." Dante said "But in this cases..." Dante said and created a fire stone in his hand "We don't have time to search for the original" Dante said and put the stone in the helm
"Wait maybe..." Leprey started but he was interrupted by the sound of a heavy explotion and fire surrounded everything, he closed his eyes but them remembered he was already dead, when he opened them and looked around, he saw they where flying, and for his surprise the ship had engulfed itself in fire and looked as a phoenix
"I get it" Dante said taking Leprey away from his thoughts "This ship powers from any magic source and shapes itself as that magic source's power, which means that originally it was powered by an ice stone... Well, doesn't matter know! Now all we have to do is go towards the rising sun!"
After 2 days of flying towards the sun, the saw a town on the distance
"What's that?" Leprey asked, surprised by the shine and beauty of the city.
"I don't know, but probably, the ones that made this ship used to live here" Dante said
"Used?" Leprey asked suprised
"It's logical. Wouldn't it be strange for them to see their trusty ice ship in flames coming towards them?" Dante said
"Yeah, that is very true" Leprey said "Are we going to stop here?" He asked
"Maybe when we come back" Dante said
They passed by.
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