Alright, this is the first, and hopefully last time I add three sub-plots to a post. I'm truly sorry for that - I can't keep myself from doing it ^^
Am'ar Kardos & Dante ~ The Halo Quest Continues
Alwin carried Am'ar and Dante all the way to the Mountain City's northern gate, and then dropped down to the ground with them inside a huge mulberry bush, a common plant in this region apparently. They looked at the city's wall and the gate - it was a beautiful long white wall built all the way into the mountain on their side of the gate. On the other side of the gate, the white wall curved, bordering directly up into the water, until it crossed the other, more famous wall - an enormous structure, with a road on top of it that led all the way across the ocean. And of course to Luithen, on the middle of the ocean, where they had already been. It seemed the only way to get into the Mountain city from this direction was by entering the northern gate. The archway was adorned with the Solar Guards' emblem, a half sun.
Luckily, only two Solar Guards were present, guarding the entrance. However, Am'ar and Dante were wounded and they had no weapons. Not to speak of Am'ar's limited sight due to his missing sunglasses. Just as Alwin was about to leave to the north by flight, back to the others at the shore of Loch Kael, Dante grabbed his wing.
"I just had an idea how we can get inside, and we're gonna need you to do us one last favor, Alwin" he said, with a confident half smile. The black-skinned janitor demon turned around with an irritated look on his face.
"That's what you think. I've put my life and my freedom at risk already, coming so close to the city and the guards. If this idea of yours is going to be dangerous to me, it will cost you dearly - what do you have to offer?" Alwin asked the half-demon. Dante rubbed the stubble on his chin, in a similar matter to what Paillan used to do with his, and looked back at Alwin.
"I have a luxury home in Earth's Core in Hell, that I haven't used since I abandoned my life as a servant of the Idol of Halloween long ago. You can have that - and I always keep my word, don't I, Am?" Dante asked, and turned to the orc.
"Well.. -" Am'ar was interrupted by Dante, after the half-demon had noticed that Am'ar's honest opinion wouldn't be very useful in their situation.
"Oh, and I also promise to teleport you there, once I've gotten my powers back! Deal?" Dante asked, and put up a hand towards Alwin, hoping that the black-skinned demon would shake his hand and agree on the terms.
"Deal... IF you sign your name on this contract..." Alwin said and took up an old piece of paper. Dante sighed and signed the paper, then shook hands with the demon.
"Alright, I need you to distract the two guards, Alwin, making them run over here..." he revealed, and soon, Alwin did as told. Surprisingly it worked, and the two Solar Guards came running after the demon, knowing demons were considered criminals in their country. However, as soon as they got to the Mulberry bush, Am'ar and Dante surprise-attacked them from behind, knocking them out before they could call for aid, and then stole their clothes.
Luckily, they had huge black cloaks, with the yellow sun emblem on the middle, which could hide their inhuman features. The golden mask and breastplate didn't hide their normal clothes very well though, so they had to be careful. Especially Am'ar, whose green skin color could easily be seen.
Alwin left with the contract, while Am'ar and Dante walked through the archway into the Mountain City.
"Paillan, I have to ask you if you are actually going to keep what you promised to Alwin?" Am'ar asked, while they entered the northern part of the city.
"Sure! ... If I remember" Dante replied with a smirk.
Gyro, Lujon & Lizzie Kardos ~ The Final Frontier3
Lujon had been talking with the Grepett for a long time now, about anything from Lizzie's faith, to the Grepett's adventures with Am'ar, to the Gods of the world. The latter seemingly being Lujon's favorite topic. They had not even left the dark alley a single time for all these hours - just talked, but since no sun could reach in between the buildings, only the wind, it had started growing cold, so Gyro had taken a carpet from Ryan's wagon and wrapped it around himself, while he continued to listen to Lujon's stories of old about the many deities of the World.
Gyro had obviously experienced a much kinder side in Lujon, than what Am'ar and Dante had seen. No wonder - everyone usually was kind to the old Grepett, since it was in his nature to be kind to anyone too. However, suddenly the Blue Wizard seemed to remember that he was actually there for a reason, and his face turned serious and Gyro could also sense a slight hint of irritation in Lujon's facial expression.
"Hrmpf... It was late in the evening when they left - now it's midday and they still haven't returned. My patience is not everlasting, and the angel's time is running out..." he explained.
"Oh, but I'm sure they will be back in time m'lor-" Gyro was interrupted. Lujon's arrogant side had returned.
"In TIME, you say?! Half a day have passed now, Grepett... I have already given them more time than I should have! Mortals are not to be trusted with important tasks such as this... You don't even understand what huge risk we're taking by keeping her away from the Heavens right now, do you?" Lujon asked, while stepping slowly towards Ryan McDonald's wooden wagon with the giant mushroom caps.
"No m'lord, but I know Am'ar, and he always succ-" once again Gyro was interrupted.
"AND I KNOW EVERY MORTAL, Grepett... your Orc friend is no different than any of the others. They are WEAK and STUPID, altogether...!" the Blue Wizard spoke, and grabbed Lizzie's body from the wagon, and held her up. He then faced the old Grepett, who was still wrapped in Ryan's carpet.
"Time is up, Gyro. Nice meeting you, but my duty is elsewhere..." the Wizard said, holding the unconscious angel in one arm, and his magical staff in the other. He raised his staff and light started appearing around all of his figure. Gyro walked closer, and talked to Lujon, while the light intensified.
"B-but sir, wizard, she will never be able to return to us if you bring her to the Heavens now! Am'ar will be heartbroken! A-and we can not get out of the elven cities without your aid! M'LORD!?!" Gyro yelled.
"I said it already - the concerns of mortals are not my concerns. How you LIVE, and how you DIE, is up to you... good luck making your way out of the city..." those were the final words of Lujon, before he and Lizzie disappeared in a flash of light!
And the old Gyro was left all alone...
In the middle of a huge foreign city...
A city where he was a wanted criminal...
Clurey McPatrickus & Gyro ~ A Cartographer's Job7
Clurey McPatrickus was tired, thirsty, hungry and grumpy as ever. He had been working constantly, without sleep, since he had gotten his new demon partner. Now he was alone, and had only a stupid hat to continue the job. Yet, he had decided to put his faith in it. He had even left his beloved black bowler-hat behind, on the rock where Yarrick had found him. Additionally, his black suit was no more - it had sunk to the depths along with the rest of his belongings, and now he wore only his white shirt and the tight green tie, as he walked towards the Elven Mountain City, with an unfinished map in one hand, and drawing equipment in the other.
He walked past several mulberry bushes - something he had noticed earlier on during his travels with Alwin, when he had added Loch Kael to the map, was that especially around Loch Kael there were hundreds of these kinds of bushes, and now that he wandered by its shores, he realized there were even more. He grabbed a handful of berries and walked through the beautiful archway into the Elven Mountain City. Strange how no one was guarding the entrance in such a high security place. Must be Am'ar and Dante's work, he thought, but moved on without thinking further about it...
He searched the streets for a shop to sell him a parachute and batteries, like Yarrick had suggested him to buy. While he was no longer in possession of the Pot of Gold, he still had lots of money on him, and luckily he knew it would be more than enough for the items he needed. However, before he could find what he was looking for, he came across a bar, and decided to satisfy his thirst before moving on. It felt like he hadn't drunk a good beer in ages.
The bar was a little too fine for his taste, especially because they didn't have the huge mugs like the bars in Easterland - but a glass of beer would still be satisfactory. He found a nice, dark corner, and spread out his unfinished map on the table, next to his glass. With a pencil, he angrily crossed out Alwin's name from the corner of the paper, and then proceeded to take the long-waited zip from his beer. But just as the glass touched his lips, something touched his arm -
"Hey" a voice whispered, and Clurey got a shock, sounding out a yelp, and his reflex movement nearly made him spill the beer out over the table, and upon his fine map. Close.
"Hey, keep your voice down" Gyro whispered worried. The Grepett was covered in a carpet, only revealing his muzzle with the glasses on - his wings and most of his body was hidden under the carpet, and his eyes were hidden in the shadow from it. Clurey's shocked facial expression quickly changed to a grumpy one.
"Oh, it's only you. What do you want?" Clurey said harshly and looked at his glass, taking the zip that he had been prevented to take moments ago.
"I saw you entering the bar," Gyro said, and continued "And I wondered if you had seen Am'ar and Dante lately? I need to talk to them!"
"They are the reason why I'm here, broke and without plane!!" Clurey replied in a loud angry voice.
"Sssh shh, keep your voice down.. please" Gyro whispered, and looked around the bar worried if anyone had discovered his identity yet. Clurey didn't seem to listen though.
"Had they not flied directly into my flying route I would have been finished with this map already! Look at me now!" the midget exclaimed grumpily.
"Wait.. you flied into them? Are they alright" Gyro's voice got even more worried.
"Of course they are alright. One does not easily get rid of pests... Anyway, if you really want to know, they're already back in this city, looking for something somewhere. I don't know anything other than that" he replied grumpily. Gyro was relieved.
"Thanks, that'd be all" the Grepett said, and left the bar, still wearing the carpet to hide his identity. If he looked old before, he looked even older now...