[Free RP Month] - Random Roleplaying Thread, June 2014

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Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Dante ~ Hidding

Paillan went out slowly and stole some stuff to make his disguise. He found a lot of problem with his wings, but finally decided to tie them... a risk he would had to take is that escaping would be only avaible on foot... He them made a big enought, but not so suspicious cloak to hide his tied wings and put on a helm to hide his eyes.
"This helm is quite strange..." Dante thought

((Imagine that the helm of the image is big enought to cover eyes...))
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Alright, I apologize for another Wall of Text, but I really wanna continue both of my plots at the same time ^^


Clurey McPatrickus and Alwin ~ A Cartographer's Job2

After a looooong time the two new partners, Alwin and Clurey, had finally finished the first part of the new map that Vengeancekael had requested for adding to his personal collection. Clurey had calculated that only half of the Capital City could be drawn on the corner of the map, if there was to be room for the the parts that were much more important, like the Easter Games Arena, and whatever was east of it.

The two new partners didn't talk much with each other - they had both been racists towards the other race for all of their lives, but now they witnessed that they were actually a little bit alike each in some ways. However, none of them felt like sharing this thought with the other, and that resulted in a quiet ride, but with far smaller amounts of grumpy attitudes compared to just a few hours ago.

"So.. is this the next place that we're going to draw?" Alwin broke the silence and pointed at the lake where their wooden plane was heading.

"It is - that is Loch Kael, and that is the ruins of Loch Kael Harbor.." Clurey replied as grumpily as he possibly could. Alwin quickly sent a tired, careless look at the midget, then back on the ruins, and his dark face lighted up.

"Ha! This must be the work of the Hell demons.. that must mean they finally found themselves a proper King to lead them again!" Alwin exclaimed with a slightly teasing voice, that he tried to sound proud. To his side, Clurey raised a red eyebrow. Demons were odd, he thought, but yet he already looked forward to disappoint his demonic partner.

"Don't get too high hopes, Alwin, this place was razed by no demon - it was destroyed by Panda Pirates! ... Ha!" Clurey replied back, witnessing just the facial expression form on Alwin that he had expected and found it quite humorous.

The two were unknowingly starting to bond with each other, even though they would never admit it, they actually had fun as they continued their work...


Ryan McDonald, Gyro, Juno, Dawn, Am'ar & Lizzie Kardos ~ The Story Continues2

It was early in the morning and a beautiful orange sun rose behind the tall elven spires of the lively port city Luithen, which could be seen in the horizon already. The magical wings on Ryan McDonald's wagon flapped automatically and they had to do nothing but enjoy the ride, and try not to fall overboard, as there was already a long distance to the shallow dirty waters below them. It was an odd sight - a wooden wagon with magical feathered wings attached to its sides moved fast through the morning breeze, and inside sat a scarred and deeply wounded, yet relaxed human, comfortably leaned back, using the huge caps from the slain mushroom people's heads as pillows. To his side sat the two cats, Dawn and Juno, close by each other, looking at the beautiful and romantic view. One would think there were only the three of them present in the wagon at the time, but somewhere below the piles of mushroom caps lied Gyro the elderly Grepett bartender, who had fallen asleep, and Am'ar Kardos, sad like never before, with his dying angel wife in his arms. Was this his destiny, he wondered - to lose the ones he loved over and over again...?

Above them, the bald hippie had lot more positive thoughts flowing through his mind, and in the end, he decided to light up a pre-roled thannalis joint, that he had hid in a secret room of his pants. He took the chance, despite it being illegal smoking it and possessing it, after passing the border control. He had never been caught anyway, even though he had smuggled tons of thannalis and other drugs across the borders throughout his life. The thick joint quickly got lid and blew back out the smoke, he smiled and knew the herb's effect was about to make him enjoy this sunrise more than one usually would.

"So there we were..." he couldn't resist saying his catchphrase in this situation, but added "Hey, peeps, come up here man.. you should see this view"

Gyro had woken up, and pushed away the mushroom caps above him, to be a part of the experience. The Grepett was just as amazed as Juno and Dawn. In the horizon before them stood the huge elven wall. Gyro knew this place from old times - the wall that reached all the way across the ocean to the continent of Mordan, but he had never seen it from such an amazing view. He corrected his small round glasses to see it better, and proceeded to think how this wall had changed many lives, both for the better and the worse. His own story was one of the better ones. Back in his youth he had escaped slavery from his family's Panda owners, and journeyed alone to the center of the bridge, where he entered the Luithen Port, and then moved to Easterland where he had lived the rest of his life as a bartender - never even thinking of returning for a second. This was a part of his life that he had always avoided voicing out to the public, and no one in the wagon knew about it. Not even Am'ar, but Gyro had always been thankful for the wall's existence for that exact reason.

Gyro then thought of Am'ar's people - that was a whole other story. The Orcs and other barbarian races of the south had suffered greatly ever since the wall was built by the elven settlers a little more than a hundred years ago. The wall had blocked entrance for the ocean-water streaming from the north to the southern side, which clearly could be seen from this high point of view. The water below them was shallow and muddy, and many small islands had thus emerged from it. It was completely opposite on the other side of the wall - there, the deep blue saltwater reached all the way to the wall's top, where the countless busy piers of Luithen was located. He knew the barbarian races had gotten much more hostile with the decrease of water resources, and increasing heat. Am'ar had explained that their tribes fought each other commonly, as opposed to the old days, long before Am'ar's birth, where they lived in unison and peace.

After seeing this, Gyro suddenly understood much better why Am'ar had spent his reward for winning the Easter Games on a wish for better times coming for the barbarian races. The Grepett felt bad for the orc, and decided to say something that might cheer him up.

"Am'ar, we're almost there. Once we're in the port, Ryan will help us secretly get aboard a ship back to Loch Kael Harbor. I promise that we will be able to find all the help Lizzie needs in Easterland." Gyro spoke, tried to sound as optimistic as possible, but it was difficult for he knew that her chances were few. Even if they were able to get through Luithen Port without getting busted and successfully board a ship to Easterland, they would still have to find a Paladin powerful enough to communicate with the God of Light. That was their only chance - the God of Light was probably the only one who could save the life of an angel who had lost its halo.

Am'ar wasn't replying, although he heard every word Gyro said. No one replied. Either Ryan McDonald was just too high to notice the obvious sarcasm in Gyro's words, or he had finally realized how sad the situation actually was, or... Gyro looked back at the hippie, and his eyes widened up in terror and his breath stopped.

Ryan just lay there smiling towards the sunlight, and didn't move a single muscle in his tired face. The thannalis joint had extinguished itself in the cook's hand, and Gyro realized that Ryan McDonald was no longer with them...
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
((I am going to save Leila... how? I dunno))
Dante ~ solar warrior

Dante walked around city a bit nervous. Some people thend to look at his helm but them they looked away. Slowly he gained more and more confidence... them...
"Sir, I finally found one of you!" an Elven soldier says running towards him "We need a solar warrior urgently in port city!"
"Solar warrior huh?" Dante thought "Must mean this helm represents sun"
"I am in my way..." Dante said
Dante went down lot of stairs and after a long time he arrived in port town's gate.
He walked quietly until he arrived at the point where most vagon's landed. He saw a vagon pretty familiar... and it seemed out off control
"hmm... guess he died... well one roof less to fix I guess..." Dante thought "But who will pilot their vagon... Oh damn... Maybe I should use fire walk.. and make a stair of fire?"
Without thoughting about it any more, Dante made a fire stair, as less suspicious as he could, and slowly came near the vagon. He Put a step on the vagon
"Well fella" Dante said with fake voice looking at Ryan "This is for your roof..." He said in more silent tone
Dante guided the vagon to a safe place. Some quiet and lonely passage. He standed near it, as he knew who would emerge from it.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
((Just don't make up something extremely stupid))

Clurey McPatrickus and Alwin ~ A Cartographer's Job3

The new Partners had flied around the Easter Games Arena for hours now. Clurey quickly realized how much it had changed since the last time he drew a map of it, just before the Easter Games begun. The Tomb had been ruined and the bunny people's militaristic base had changed a lot with new buildings and defensive egg-shooting cannons and whatnot.

After a while, they reached a place that had not changed at all. Mt. Millennium looked just like it did the last time he flew above it - only difference was that now he knew how horrible it actually was. A tear fell silently from his eye, as he thought of his beloved brother who had lost his life inside it. Alwin didn't notice it - he was shocked by another sight, that Clurey couldn't see. Hundreds of ghosts circulated around the building on the mountain's top.

"Wow, what happened here?" he asked, still surprised. Clurey looked at him, believing the demon had discovered his tear.

"What? Nothing! You just flew into a some insect... I still don't understand why my boss chose you as my new partner - you are a horrible pilot, an-" Clurey's grumpy sentence was interrupted by Alwin.

"No.. I meant, who killed all these people at the top of this mountain?"

It took Clurey a few seconds to realize that Alwin knew nothing about his tear, and the death of Leprey. He then turned back to his drawing, and mumbled "... A horrible monster."

The horrible memories from the top of that mountain were still haunting his dreams. His brother's scream, and the horrifying Xenox peaking out from the shadows, and Clurey's fall out from the road cliff's edge. He would never forget, so he rushed a bit with the drawing of the mountain, and asked Alwin to move on, away as fast as possible.


Ryan McDonald, Dante, Gyro, Juno, Dawn, Am'ar & Lizzie Kardos ~ The Story Continues3

A huge swarm of elven citizens had gathered around Ryan McDonald's wagon after its arrival in Luithen. Partly because Ryan was dead, and partly because Juno and Dawn sat in the wagon - the two cats had apparently gotten many fans since their team's victory in the Easter Games. However, the rest of the team wouldn't dare come up from their hidden positions below all of the mushroom caps, which was only smart, for if Ryan McDonald's warning was true, both Am'ar and Gyro would be brought to the robo-prison if noticed by a robo-cop. And what would then happen to Lizzie?

Juno had luckily remembered to throw Ryan's extinguished thannalis joint over board before they landed in the port city. A robo-cop inspector had made his way through the people all the way to the wagon, and asked the cats for more information.

Juno, the white cat explained to the robo-cop that Ryan died on the way from Brightwing Tower, and then made up a lie, in order to save his friends, that Ryan wanted to donate all the mushroom caps, in the wagon, to the cooks in Easterland. When the robo-cop asked what had happened to Am'ar and Gyro, because both had broken several laws that were considered huge crimes in Easterland and had to go to prison because of them, like illegally consuming thannalis herb on live television, and also for sympathizing with the barbarian races in the south, Juno simply replied that team T.H.U.M.P.E.R. had separated right after the Easter Games ended, and that he had no idea where they had gone.

Juno then turned to his many kind fans and made an unexpected announcement - especially to his friends hiding below the mushroom caps, but they sadly couldn't react to the news.

"Dawn and I have had a lot of exciting adventures, met a lot of great friends, and we're happy that we were able to witness it all, but I believe it's about time to say... enough is enough" Juno noticed the fans got silent, so he moved a tad closer to the brown female cat at his side, before he continued "I am about to be the proud father of several small kittens, and I believe this city is the right place for them to grow up! I don't know where my friends from team T.H.U.M.P.E.R. is, but I wish them good luck the rest of their lives, for we might not see each other again"

He was happy that people cheered and congratulated them. With the pregnant Dawn by his side, he then happily left the wagon. He knew he had done what he could to send Am'ar, Gyro and Lizzie safely on their way back to Easterland. Am'ar and Gyro were both very touched by that farewell and wished the best for their two cat friends, and their future kittens. Juno indeed deserved a good life and a still and safe place to call home, after all the hard work he had done for goodness in the past years. Luithen might be just the right peaceful environment for him and his future family.

The robo-cop started move the wagon towards the actual port district, where he could possibly find a ship heading for Easterland, like Juno had told him to. But he was soon stopped by a person wearing the high-ranked city guard's golden armor, disguised as a Solar Guard.

"I'll take care of the transportation of this wagon personally" the fake Solar Guard said, and successfully made the robo-cop go away. Am'ar recognized the voice as Dante's and felt his fists tightening and his teeth pressing hardly against each other. He had a hard time controlling his anger towards the reincarnation of Paillan, especially because he believed Dante had actually murdered Ryan and stolen Lizzie's halo...

Dante moved towards the port district with the wagon, and Am'ar impatiently awaited a time where they were alone, so that he could get revenge on the foul boy...
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
((And them he died... and NOPE))
Dante, Am'ar, Gyro, Lujon ~ the final frontier

Dante went to an abandomed street and sighted. He pull out his sword and blocked Am'ar's surprise attack. But he was still knockbacked.
"Bad... very bad..." Dante thought
The fight started and Dante focused most on evading Am'ar. After all what real chance did he had against an orc with this body, even with his strenght and speed right?
After a while he succeed in making Am'ar loose speed. He was finally getting tired. But them Dante took a bad step and felt from the cliff. He managed to hold in the last moment thought.
He saw Am'ar slowly coming towards him. Am'ar was serious. Dante smiled and closed his eyes, he said:
"The demon has died. Long live the orc" And drop himself before Am'ar could make a killing blow. But them he started floating. He looked around and saw Lujon using his magic
"You old men should not have stopped my iremidiable dead..." Dante said
"Agree" Am'ar said cold "Are you a friend of him? because the friend of my enemy is my enemy"
Lujon yust ignored him and put Dante into safe ground
"Don't try to jump or I will wack you" he warned him
"You really think I would even try to disobey an order from the blue mage? better in front of the mad king or legion king..."
"So you are a demon..." Am'ar said "and a very powerfull one..."
"You musy know I never had demon friends, after I betrayed my race. Besides he is not my friend not my boss. I just fear him I guess" Dante said
"You fearing someone? new. Even in the worst moments you smiled which was kinda annoying" Am'ar said
"Yes, see that's because dead means freedom from life. But this guy here" Dante point's Lujon "He can make you regret that idea"
"Who... is he..." Am'ar said
"Let me introduce myself" Lujon said "I am Lujon, the blue legend, the wizard of life and..."
"The wizard of... life?!!!" Am'ar suddenly remembered something "You mean... THAT wizard of life?!"
"The one of the elvish orc wars? yeah that's me" Lujon said
Am'ar made a grim face
"How do you know this guy... PAILLAN..." He asked harsh
"Hunted me for the whole time I was a half-angel-demon" Dante said
"Nice..." Am'ar put away his weapon "Well what do you want?"
"I want to revive that angel" Lujon simply said
"Why?" Am'ar asked
"Because angel's pain gives him pain..." Dante said "so he kinda hates me"
"Neat" Am'ar said
Level 14
Sep 17, 2009
((Welcome to Totally Irrelevant Titles(TM), pick your title which will definitely not represent your post today!))

Yarrick, Kari, Xenox and Leprey ~ Pot of Gold

Yarrick watched Dante flying away, and disappeared in the clouds. He waited a bit, and saw some flying wagons in the distance, but Dante never came back. This means he could get to the town. He will find Chen soon, and he will return the halo to Leila. Even tho Team T.H.U.M.P.E.R. was against them during the Easter Games, when Yarrick fell down from the sky, it was their first thing that they helped him.

Yarrick was really grateful for that, they really deserve victory if they are selfless like this. Yarrick thought that he would go back to Ryan's coast. He wanted to check on Leila, and help as much as he can until Dante brings back the halo. The road down from Birthwing mountain was long, and steep. Yarrick quickly got bored in the sunshine. He was lucky enough to have three ghost by his side through.

"I'm telling you, the engine didn't get hurt. He got out of fuel, that's all!" Kari explained, he argued about Yarrick's hat with Xenox.
"I still can't believe that you wanted me to use that faulty machine of yours." Xenox nattered. "You only wanted me to fly high, and then break my bones with it. Like this young fella! You never were good with kids!"
"Ah you didn't complain about that when you came to my place for holiday with Kenny" Kari replied in an angry manner.
"That family is a stain in my history!" Xenox replied resentful. He was disgusted when he thought back to his days as David. "You wanted to kill me back then, when i was weak! That's why you designed that ugly hat."
"The design was excellent! You was the one who started panicking! And i caught you anyways." Kari exclaimed, as Xenox tried an earlier version of the hat in the past, and it didn't turn out well.
"I was unable to control it! What would you expect from a skull kid. Your irrespons...."

"Guys! Look!" Leprey shouted, and both Kari and Xenox turned their heads that way, stopping arguing. "A rainbow!" Indeed, there was a beautiful rainbow crossing the sky over the Easter Arena, pointing to the east.
"But it isn't raining." Yarrick mumbled.
"No, and that could only mean one thing!" Leprey said with a huge smile on his face. "Its Clurey, my brother! He is back in business!" He said happily.

All of them watched as the rainbow started fading. Leprey suddenly felt an urge.
"Let me visit him! I can float over there easily, i am so excited! Where is he going? How is he? Who is his new partner?" He looked at the ghost whisperer.
Yarrick wanted to let Leprey go, but he also understood the dangers of the situation. If Leprey gets lost somewhere, there is not a slight chance of finding him in the mountains, or above the ocean. And then he can never be revived.
"You can go, but don't stay long. Ryan's cottage is visible from here, return there before sunset." Yarrick sighed, and knew that Leprey will keep his instructions.

Ryan's cottage was closer than it seemed. Yarrick's ribs were aching, but they got to the house fast. The ugly hole on the roof was still there, and the door was still -as always- wide open. But something's changed.

On the gravel driveway in front of the house stood a new, different colored van beside Ryan McDonald's one!
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Here comes a massive wall of text! Or actually two of them.. sorry for that..
It seems the God of Darkness' role in the story is being expanded more and more as time goes on. Are we going to have a new big player in the game of world dominance soon? :b


The McPatrickus brothers and Alwin ~ A Cartographer's Job4

Finally Clurey and Alwin had finished their work in the Easter Games Arena. Clurey especially found the T.H.U.M.P.E.R.-camp a tiresome place to draw, as it had lots of small features and details, but now they were finally done, and had flied east in the McPatrickus brothers' magical flying machine, to paint new areas.

They reached a beach not so far from the eastern entrance to the arena - a place which Clurey had not drawn before. He admitted that last time the brothers had lazily flied above it, they were ignoring the many things that were actually present on the beach, like the forest with huge mushrooms, and the huge villa on the edge to the ocean, and lots of other things.

"Let's start with the forest, Alwin. The boss would probably like me to include some of those odd mushrooms. Just fly around the area in circles until I'm done" Clurey ordered with a lot less grumpy attitude than usual. Alwin did as his partner had told him, but his attention was soon interrupted by a ghost flying towards their vehicle. Ghosts were a common sight for his kind, but it wasn't common that they flew around freely, except if directly connected to a Ghost Whisperer. He knew that restless souls were often chained to the location where they had died, unless they had been granted a home in either Hell or the Heavens. This one flew directly towards them. He ignored it and continued flying in circles, but to his irritation, the ghost followed them all the way. Then he suddenly noticed that the ghost was completely identical to his partner, except the ghost seemed much happier than Clurey did.

"Hello there mister demon! You can see me, can't you?" the ghost asked kindly, as it flew by the vehicles' side. Alwin looked strangely at the ghost. It was not normal for them to interact with people. He just nodded and resumed his work, steering the wooden plane. The ghost, however, wouldn't seem to stop.

"Can you please say hi to my brother from me?" Leprey asked happily. Alwin looked surprised at the ghost.

"He is your brother?" he asked, but before Leprey could react, Clurey seemed to be the first to reply, obviously believing Alwin was referring to the situation near Mt. Millennium where Clurey had gotten very emotional.

"What?! My brother is none of your concern, stupid demon!! And even if it was my bro-" Clurey was again interrupted by the demon.

"Clurey, stop interrupting us - I was actually having a conversation with your brother over here.." Alwin said irritated to the grumpy midget at his side. At the meantime, Leprey seemed to find it very funny that Clurey hadn't changed one bit. Alwin looked back at Clurey's brother, asking "So what was your name again, mister ghost?"

Clurey thought Alwin was only bullying him over the loss of his brother, and started yelling insults at the demon, who completely ignored all of Clurey's rantings. However, Clurey stopped once he heard the demon say "Oh, so it's Leprey, huh? Well hi Leprey"

Then Clurey understood that the demon was not playing tricks on him. His brother's ghost was actually present. Clurey was stunned for a few seconds, then he put down the unfinished map and drawing equipment next to the Pot of Gold at his feet, and stood up in the seat, looking around, with tears in his eyes.

"Leprey? Leprey, is it you?" he asked, unable to hold back his emotions.
"Leprey, if you're really there, know that I miss you, and that I.. I should never have run away that day! I'm sorry, brother! Please know that I am sorry!"

Alwin talked to the ghost for a while, and then turned back to his partner.
"Don't worry, pal, your brother is not angry at all, only sad that he can not be victim to your bad mood anymore.. Heh"

Clurey looked intensely and attentively at his partner with tearful eyes, like never before. Alwin had never seen such a side from the red-bearded midget and actually got kind of touched by witnessing it, for Clurey had constantly been in charge and control since their work on Vengeancekael's map had begun. However, when Alwin was finished speaking, Clurey turned back to look at the sky around them. He had no idea where Leprey was located, but spoke anyway.

"Lep! If there is anything I can do for you I will! Just say it! I will do it" Clurey said desperately, still not knowing where to look. Alwin kept his sight focused on the road before him, and spoke without turning his head:

"He's gone, pal, a soul like his is not free like you and I - he can't stay away for long. But take my word on this... if you really wanna help him, you should let his soul go to rest. I admit he sounded happy, but no soul, without a home in a deity's realm, is truly happy." Alwin explained, and continued "Hell might not sound like a nice place to you people, but what you do not know, is that we actually provide a home for specific souls. So do the other realms of Gods, but the lost souls that do not find a home... are destined to serve the worst of all the Gods, the Almighty Shadow."

Alwin sounded serious and wise on the topic. Clurey was shocked.

"B-but I don't want Lep to serve an evil God!" Clurey cried, and added "How can I prevent that?"

Alwin looked away from the road while he answered.
"Find the murderer of your brother... and kill him! Only then will your brother's soul vanish, unless he has already succumbed to the darkness at that time." the janitor demon explained.


Dante, Gyro, Lujon, Am'ar & Lizzie Kardos ~ the Final Frontier2

"In short, it's because you mortals are slow and stupid, and can't seem to get your things done right..." Lujon explained arrogantly.
"You're right - I should've killed you long ago, Paillan! You should have died before you caused all that damage to us!" Am'ar angrily threatened the half-demon next to him.
"Could you two PLEASE discuss this at another time?" Lujon asked, irritated with their behavior. They both seemed to ignore him.
"What damage are you talking about? I just saved you from a robo-cop patrol!" Dante replied to the orc, who only got more angry.
"I don't care what you just did Paillan!! Have you forgotten how you killed Ryan?! And now my wife is going to die because of you too! What did you do to her halo!?" Am'ar asked, approaching Dante. Dante was confused.
"What? You really think I did it? That I would kill a part of my own soul? Well guess again, Am! Chen killed Ryan, and Chen stole Leila's halo!"

They were both interrupted as a spell by Lujon tossed them into two different walls in the street, and kept them unable to move back up. But Am'ar continued to look at Dante with a puzzled facial expression. Was it true? Lujon had the answer.

"He is actually telling the truth, orc... now STOP THIS DISCUSSION ALREADY, WILL YOU?" Lujon exclaimed angrily, then closed his angry eyes and cleared his throat, preparing himself to explain the real situation to them.

"I am usually not involving myself too much with you stupid beings, but like I said - sometimes it is needed. And I find it necessary to interact in this particular situation because an angel's death can become a huge problem to all of us." Lujon explained, and shortly after he continued
"You might not know it, bu-"

"I know it." Dante interrupted the Blue Wizard, adding to Lujon's irritation.

"I KNOW THAT YOU KNOW IT, DAMN IT..." Lujon yelled and sighed, before he finally could end the sentence "Fallen angels are the most powerful warriors of Darkness.. and believe me, none of us would like the God of Darkness to return to power. Therefore we must act now!"

Gyro peeked up from the mushroom-filled wagon, behind them and spoke calmly "Excuse me sir, but we have already tried healing her, but nothing seems to work"

Lujon looked at the old Grepett, having forgot his presence until now. His response to Gyro was in a much kinder tone than when he had spoken to the two hotheads chained to the walls by his magic.

"In this state, only the God of Light can help her. However, if I take her to the Heavens to be cured, she will not be allowed to return" he said. This greatly startled Am'ar, who was split in his opinions between keeping her and saving her. Why wasn't both possible.

"You forgot the second option, Lujon" Dante said with a sneaky voice.
"We can also simply retrieve back the halo from Chen."

The Blue Wizard stood quiet, looking at Dante and sighed again. He had hoped this option was not mentioned, for if they didn't find the halo in time it would be too late to even bring her soul to the Heavens.

"Release me from these chains!" Am'ar ordered, and continued "I will find the halo and bring it back! Give me a chance!"

The elf wizard was quiet for a little while once again, and then made up his mind.

"Alright, alright, but be quick about it. We can't wait for long - so BOTH of you two will go - and you WILL work together!! The Grepett and I will stay here, and wait for you. Are you not back very soon, I'll send her soul to the Heavens myself!" Lujon spoke, and then pointed his staff at them.

"Here, this should allow you to go around the cities a little easier!" he then magically transformed their appearances into young elven males.

"GO NOW! Go now if you want to save her!" he ordered.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Dante, Am'ar, Lujon ~ Lujon's pride

"And I thought you could make a halo..." Dante said
"I do not have the ingredients. Unless you can give me an alive demon..." Lujon said
"Well we have one here!" Am'ar said
"I am half-demon... you know I don't mind dying" Dante said
"Shut up and move already!" Lujon said
"Right... right..." Am'ar said
The left and walked side to side silently. They still had a great gap between them.
After a while, Am'ar broke the silence
"Chen... chen why did you..."
"He didn't" Dante interrupted "I think he got a taste of mania's potions"
"Makes sense... after all he was a long time trapped there in the games... to much" Am'ar said
They walked silently again. Am'ar noticed that they where going to the mountain town.
"Ideas?" Am'ar said
"Apart from the fact that we cloud yust have stayed and wake up lizzie no" Dante replied
"What would lizzie help us in?" Sick of the idea of having to see Dante and lizzie walk hand by hand
"Well it's still an angel's body isn't it?" Dante said
He interrupted himself as he felt something
"What?" Am'ar said
"Something dark is coming close..." Dante said
"I hope you are right..." Am'ar said grumpy
"There is... a small source of light coming from behind this darkness..." Dante said
"It must be the halo..." Am'ar said "let's be quick..."
"That lujon is yust so pride of himself..." Dante said
"What has that to do with everything?" Am'ar said
"He didn't told you that a halo has to be reversed and brought back to his carrier in order to make a fallen angel" Sante explained
"Do... Do you think he will take lizzie to heaven anyway?" Am'ar said scared
"I won't let my soul get wasted there... it has more important stuff to do" Dante stopped "he is here"
On the corner of the other street, a shadow with red eyes apeared. It started raining. The shadow touched his neck.and there was a talisman.... it was black purpish... The carrie transformed into a dark-purple dragon. The dragon lauched towards the two.
Level 14
Sep 17, 2009

Vincent and Yarrick ~ A real explorer

Yarrick stared at the van. It was a bit bigger than Ryan's one, but the painting on it was way worse condition. The sides were covered in dirt, and the painting flaked off at some points.

"Way-far-er" Yarrick spelled out the splashy title on the side of the car. It could be hardly read because the sun almost escaped behind the mountains. Yarrick's attention turned towards the house, as he heard some loud talking, and laughing from inside. Yarrick couldn't recognize it, it might be the owner of the van. But who is he talking to? Did Leila wake up yet?

Yarrick left the van, and walked towards the light pouring out the wide open door. He was two steps away from the doorstep, when a stranger appeared at the door.
"What are you doing here, little champ'?" The guy asked friendly. He most salience thing about him was his curly brown beard, and short straight hair. He smiled at Yarrick with his roll in his mouth, and seeing that the kid is too surprised to answer, he continued. "If you want to meet Yer' old star Ryan- that jackass- I have bad news for you. Hes away!" He leaned at the door frame as he sniffed from his joint.

"I'm looking for Leila. Is she better yet?" Yarrick asked, but the guy just shook his head.
"No Leila here either. But hell, you look tired! Come inside and rest with us a for a bit. You want some of the funny cookies?" He grabbed Yarrick's hand, and pulled him inside the house, to the huge living room. There were six guys sitting, talking and smoking. Yarrick noticed some equipment, strange boxes and mounts that weren't there before.
"I'm Vincent by the way, and these are my friends. We are Ryan's staff. Did you know that he will be back on television soon? This next episode will be epic, I assure you!" Vincent said excited. "But how rude I am. Take a seat, do you want anything to drink? You must have come a long way! Not as long as we came though." He added, while pushing Yarrick to an orange armchair. "Wayfarer outside took us home from the outskirts of this world! I am telling you, we were at the very edge. Well, not all these bastards." He said loud, and all of them laughed. "You wouldn't believe what changes the orc tribes went trough the last decades. Horrible, horrible sights. But a little thannalis makes you see a little positive, aint it?" He looked at Yarrick, and saw his confusion. "I'm talking too much again. What was your mate's name?"

"Leila is an angle, and she travelled with a big orc, Am'ar Kaardos. They were here with Ryan, and healed me. But Leila got sick a few days ago."
Vincent and his friends listened with rounded eyes. "We never met anyone. When we get here, the whole house was empty, and messed up. We were a bit worried, but the strangest things always happen to Ryan, so we wasnt worried. This makes me thinking, he should get back in a few days, so we can start rolling the next episode." He silenced, because Ryan's absence meant that they wont be able to finish shooting in time. "This makes me wonder. Do you have any idea where the old champ went?"

"Well, we followed Chen, the Panda who made Leila sick to the top of the Birthwing hill. He went to the Elven city, maybe Am'ar and Ryan followed him, to save Leila." Yarrick said thinking. "They also said something about getting back to Easterland. And that Ryan would help them."

"Well, he is not hear, and that means one very important thing!" Vincent said with a wide grin on his face "His bed is empty, and open for conquering!" He finished the thought loud and laughing. His friends joined him, and the serious talk was over. They enjoyed tannalis, and several drinks.

Later in the night, Yarrick went upstairs to rest. He wandered the room he fell in to. He laid down on the bed, and stared trough hole on the ceiling into the dark night. Thousands of stars shined like little gold coins on the sky, and Yarrick remembered why he got into this whole adventure.
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013

Ralston ~ New Life of Insanity

With his new disguise, Chen thought to start a new life but keeping his loyalty to Mania and still being insane inside. He kept the strong glowing halo at one of Alexandros' boxes. He also changed his clothes from an exercise wear to a black shirt with a brown jacket, he also worn eyeglasses and wore a red tie with white stripes. He named his new self, Ralston, based from his true name, Chenralston. Mania also gave him a black crystal so he can communicate to the Goddess. After that, he brought the things he will use with him and left the cave. He teturned to Thylleon to ask where the flying ferry is, so the gatekeeper gave him a map to the harbor of the flying ferry. He returned to the cave and hid the map on the same box where he put the halo. He placed the black crystal on a table and talked to Mania.

"How's my disguise, my Goddess?" Ralston asked with a deep voice, then he winked.

"How handsome you are now, Chen. Also, you can use the crystal to shoot lasers, and can be used as a bomb. Go on with your plan, Im excited to hear it and see if it will be successful." Mania said.

"Dont call me Chen anymore, Chen is dead, I am Ralston now. Thank you my godess." Chen explained.

"Very well." Mania said and ended the conversation...
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
OOC: I'm going to assume that Chen's last post, "New Life of Insanity" is taking place BEFORE Paillan's latest post, "Lujon's Pride", even though they were written in opposite orders. Otherwise it won't make much sense in my eyes, so excuse me if I am causing any confusion, but I'd like to point out that I only do so, because you guys confused me at first ;)
I'd also like to apologize for being so damn slow ^^
Keep in mind, Chen and Paillan, that even though you guys are on two opposite teams and you both probably want to win the battle that is about to start, you should stay respectful to each other in the story. In case you have forgotten, there's a rule that if a player reports that his character as being misused in a random post by another player, the player is free to strip the other one of the rights to use the specific character in future posts. Again, we're writing an epic story here, it's NOT a tournament about who will win everything... why am I telling you this? I know that you know it already, stupid me :V


Clurey McPatrickus and Alwin ~ A Cartographer's Job5

Done with another part of the new map. This time, Clurey had finished drawing the shore with Ryan's house and the forest next to it, that bordered up to the eastern walls of the enormous Easter Games Arena; of course adding a couple of Mother Shrooms to the drawing among the trees in the forest. Now, the two cartographer partners flied east from the shore in their wooden vessel, to draw a quite spectacular area.

They rode silently through the night sky, saying nothing to each other. Clurey's head was filled with the dark secret that he had just discovered about his brother's ghost - if Alwin had told him the truth, Leprey's soul would be just another mindless slave to the God of Darkness someday in the future.

Alwin knew there was little he could do to comfort him, and didn't felt like doing it anyway. After discovering the new side in his partner, he truly wanted the best for Clurey. However, the best for Clurey was not for him to be happy right now. If it was, Alwin had not explained to him the harsh reality about the homeless souls' connection to the Almighty Darkness. Alwin believed that the best for Clurey, in the long run, was the knowledge how to rescue his brother from infinite darkness. To find a home for Leprey - and Alwin could help with that.

However, despite their thoughts being on other topics, they both worked tirelessly. Clurey noticed the strange terrain below them. The waters here were the shallowest and dirtiest he had ever seen, on his many travels across the world. This water obviously have had no direct connection to the ocean, as it clearly had not been switched with new water for decades. He also noticed that it barely moved - waves were rare around here - and wondered how to depict the differences between ordinary oceans and these kinds of waters on his map.

He started out by drawing the shorelines of the many small islands, peaking shyly up from the low and muddy waters. What exactly were located on these many small islands was hard to tell, as the darkness of the night limited his sight. He decided not to focus further on them, believing few could make a living there anyway, and thus told Alwin to go back to the beach, from where they flied north-east for a short while. Shortly afterwards they arrived at a tall hill on a peninsula which was connected directly to the main-land by a gravel-road. On top of the hill was a beautiful white tower, decorated with golden wings on the towers' sides.

Clurey drew all of it, for he knew that his boss wanted all possible details on the finished map, and the reward was not something he wanted to miss...


Am'ar Kardos, Dante and Ralston ~ The Battle for the Halo

The streets in the elven mountain city had appeared completely empty in the late night hours as Am'ar and Dante had ventured through it. They had learned that the elves of this city and Luithen were all worshiping the God of Light, and despised the darkness of night. However, the silence had now been broken by an unexpected enemy.

Am'ar and Dante parried the long slim dragon's attack by pointing their weapons directly at the approaching creature. The purple/dark blue dragon pushed Am'ar's staff and Dante's sword aside with one claw on each weapon, and then moved in between them. It turned around to face them, from behind.

Am'ar's adventures with Chen the Panda Monk in the Valentine Wars and the Easter Games had shown him that dragons could appear in many forms. Am'ar had seen Chen take form of two kinds of dragons - one white dragon with the element of light, and one fire-breathing red dragon, but this dragon differed a lot from both of them. Its purple navy-colored body was long and slim with oddly shaped spikes on its back. Its head resembled a snake more than a dragon and it appeared more sinister than the others, with big, entirely opened eyes, covered in the familiar glimpse of craziness.

"Fools! Do you really believe you could hide from me with those silly elf disguises? The eyes of Insanity sees all!" the indigo dragon exclaimed, and Am'ar could hint a little bit of Chen's voice among the deep dragon's voice, and realized that his Panda friend had truly turned insane. While still not turning his attention from the battle, Am'ar turned his head to Dante.

"I.. I realize that you were not lying, Paillan - I take back all I said about you earlier" the Orc apologized. Dante just raised his eyebrows for a minute like he cared little about Am'ar's opinion, and then moved slowly closer to the dragon.

"What have you done to the halo Chen? I can feel that it is not with you anymore.." Dante revealed as he moved threatening towards the long dragon. The creature then started transform back into Chen's familiar Panda shape, except he was no longer wearing the usual monk robes. Instead, he wore a formal black shirt with a dark brown tuxedo, and a striped tie, half white, half red. To cover his insane eyes were now round purple sunglasses. Chen wore no weapons to defend himself, only a crystal in his hand and a purple talisman necklace around his neck, yet he was smiling triumphantly.

"Have patience Paillan.. First, let me correct you. The Chen you knew is long gone. All there is left is an improved version of me, which I'd prefer if you call Ralston from now on. Thanks..." the Panda said, still keeping a formal and smiling attitude. Then he continued.
"You see, I finally realized why my long and loyal servitude to the other Gods was a mistake. While I admit they all have a unique way of seeing things, none of their ideologies are true, but Mania's. Mania is merciful to her servants like no other deity - she is the only one to provide us with ultimate freedom and right to unleash our creativity. She sees us for what we are, and respects our individuality to the fullest - look at me, ain't these some fine new clothes I got? It's only Mania who wou-"

Am'ar interrupted him with a loud grunt due to the fact that Ralston completely ignored their serious situation.

"Chen, answer me!! Where is the halo!?" the orc, who was still disguised as an elf, shouted angrily. Chen seemingly enjoyed seeing his former team captain's temper raise that drastically.

"Look at you, so dependent on everything around you. Like the halo, each other and disguises... To be honest, you don't really look good as elves.. let's change that back to normal!" Ralston said and laughed while raising the dark purple crystal, which then removed the magical illusions from Am'ar and Dante's bodies.
"See? Much better! Anyways, I won't be rude - you came to me to ask about the halo, right? Well thought I admit, for I am just the right person to ask about that"

"Well, where is it then?" Dante asked calmly, still moving closer to the Panda with slow steady steps. The Panda maniac spread out his arms.

"I'm sorry to tell you that this ware is no longer available, we're totally sold out, sorry good sir." Ralston joked, but added "No, actually, my Goddess found a much more brilliant use for it, and we're hiding it until her grand plan has reached its final step. As we speak, Alexandros is already doing his job with the first part of the plan - leaving her mark all across the road on top of the Wall from here to Luithen, and further on from there to the gate to Mordan. The Wall has never looked better!"

"Who's Alexandros?" Dante asked curiously, seemingly not caring about Mania's grand plan. Ralston acted like he was surprised that the others didn't know him, but then proceeded to answer.

"Alexandros is someone who was wise enough to realize the necessity for using harsh methods in order to obtain the ultimate liberation that the world requires!"

"Stop this madness now Chen, and give us the halo!" Am'ar ordered in a serious tone, but Chen was still not the slightest bit serious.

"I already told you - it's Ralston, not Chen! Now, I believe we have a battle to fight, don't we?" the crazed Panda said, and immediately transformed back into the slim dragon shape with snake head and spikes on its dark blue/purple back. Dante charged without further ado, and Am'ar did the same...
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Leila, Lujon ~ the lament

Leila was trapped in her dreams. Lizzie was still there but her presence was fading and she wasn't awake. She wanted to wake up... if only she could wake up...
"Why... why does everything turn bad..."
the already dark atmosphery became even darker
"It's... over..." Leila closed her eyes and a single tear came out of her eyes
Lujon saw how the tear came down the beautiful angel's face, he rised an eyebrown.
"She... is some how... confronting the darkness disease by herself..." Lujon said very impressed
"The strenght of life... it's really impresive" He thought
Chen, Am'ar, Dante ~ Da battle1

The battle was going on the worse of situation. Dante had made all he could to keep himself and Am'ar if he could away from the purple insane breath of chen, which he knew wouldn't be very healthy for them. They had already set fire to a lot of stuff, and Dante holded a sword made of fire while Am'ar had retrieved his staff in a dangerous movement. They where now in a status quo, looking to each other, separated by the orange flames Dante had made.
"Cancel your spell, Dante..." Am'ar said
"We need a strategy..." Dante said
"Fire is not going to defeat fire" Am'ar said
"I know, but time-stop won't work either, his skin is to deep, he would be only slowed a bit" Dante said
"Well you are fucked aren't you?" Chen said laughting
Dante just smiled
"I am the one that laughts here. I still got 3 souls to safe so get out of my way!" Dante's voice suddenly began to sound omnipotent
"This is my demon's word!" Dante said with that voice "MOVE!"
Chen was moved an inch behind but them the spell stopped
"I am sorry but you will need more than half-demon powers to do that!" Chen laughted
"it's enought get that fire away!" Am'ar said
The fire turned off and Am'ar attacked Chen but he said
"Sorry your princess is in another castle" Chen kicked Am'ar
"Don't have dragons... a weak point?" Am'ar said standing up slowly
"So it's said... but I never killed a dragon before" Dante said standing up to.
"Are we going to die?" Am'ar said "No I won't die here!" Am'ar said
"There... is a way... maybe..." Dante suddenly thought
"A way? which?" Am'ar said
"Ever heard of demon blood orcs?" Dante said
"Yeah so... Oh... No I won't" Am'ar said
"Thought so... well" Dante said putting flames all around his body "Let's try... ONE MORE TIME!" Dante jumped towards Chen and Am'ar too.
Level 14
Sep 17, 2009

Yarrick and Vincent ~ Rescue Mission

Yarrick woke up to a big hustle. He walked out sleepy from the room with his hat in his hands. Nobody put it away after he fell from the roof, and it looked that it didn't get damaged very much.
"What's happening?" He asked the first person he met, a young boy running through the hallway. As Yarrick walked up to him, the boy looked rather scared.
"Ask Vincent. We are leaving!" The boy replied, and hurried down the stairs with the box he was carrying.

Yarrick found strange that anyone would be scared of him, but he followed the boy anyways, down to the living room. Yesterday's party disappeared, the bottles were nowhere to be seen. In the daylight, Yarrick could see that the boxes by the wall which were brought by Ryan's friends were actually spotlights, cameras and all sorts of gadgets needed for filming. Yarrick went trough the empty room, to search the house behind. He finally found Vincent in the Kitchen. The round headed fellow was making sandwiches for the road.

"Good morning Vincent! What is happening" Yarrick asked, but he didn't like the anger in Vincent's eyes when he turned back.
"I could ask you the same thing!" Vincent exclaimed, but turned down his voice when he saw that Yarrick was totally confused. "I dont know who your friends was, but we found this in the basement." He raised Ryan's broken fire opal glasses. "With blood all around the place! The ol' fella is in big trouble because of your friends. We are going to rescue him!" He said, and walked by Yarrick with long steps as he was finished packing food.

Yarrick catched up with him outside. Vincent was double checking the ropes on Wayfarer, there was a number of suitcases tied down on the top of the van. His friends were packing up on Ryan's car, and they were ready to leave.
"Bring me with you." Yarrick asked. "I had nothing to do with Ryan's accident, but i know who to look for. I can help you!" -and when I find Dante, I can make him revive Leprey, and ask for the Pot of Gold in return he thought, but didn't say out loud.

Vincent turned back to Yarrick, thinking if this little guy could be dangerous for their mission. He decided that Yarrick was not lying, and with Ryan's car, they had some extra seats, so he agreed on bringing him.
"Alright, hop in the first seat. You are coming with us." He said, a bit encouraging. He knew that there is a long road ahead them to the Birthwing mountain, and hell he knew that traveling with an enemy can be worse than anything. "We will search the Mountain city, while the others will go to Luithen. But know this: if we find out that any of your friends had to do with Ryan's assault, we will know no mercy. We wont let our bro down!"

They closed the doors and fired up the engine. They left Ryan's house once again empty, and open for any friends or anyone who should be in need.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
((If they blame me for killing him too... I WILL kill him and I won't care to the fact he is your character))
Dante, Am'ar, Chen, Alexandros ~ no mercy

The cloud of dust dissiped slowly. The shadow of a tired orc and a complicated half-demon was seen behind it. On the other side, a purplish dragon was showing his teeth, like smiling, enjoying the moment.
"Well you have done good. But this is the price of serving such puny gods. Mania's servant know no fatige" Chen said
"Not true. I was a servant of Mania for a small moment and I felt tired" Dante said smiling
"That doesn't help..." Ama'ar said
"Huh, I guess I am tired... of playing with you..." Chen returned to panda form "DIE" He said putting a purplish light towards them. It was a crystal, and as it glew a huge wave of energy was shoot to them. They barely evaded it.
"Laser..." Am'ar said
"Hey you don't have your laser pistol?" Dante suddenly thought
"No I don't... even if I did it has run out of ammo long ago..." Am'ar said "But he is now in panda form... if you can get my close enought..." Am'ar added this last sentence with low voice.
"Deal" Dante turned his eyes red and picked up Am'ar very fast
"WOahhhh, how are you so fast?!" Am'ar said
"Demon... speed... do not use... to much!" Dante just said running
They came near chen and before he could react Am'ar hitted him with the staff. Dante them throwed Am'ar and holded the cristal
"What are you doing!" Am'ar said
"It's going to implode! GO AWAY!" Dante said
Am'ar saw the cristal shining and runned quickly. A huge explotion began behind him. When it ended he turned around and saw a lot of dust and broken stuff... in the middle of it he saw two figures. Dante was heavy wounded, but made a fire sword in his hand and wanted to impale Chen. But Chen reacted and transformed into dragon, he bited Dante and broke his rips, he threw him away as it was just an object. Dante landed near Am'ar and had his eyes closed. Most of his cloths where burnt, revealing a tatoo which had the history of his soul.
"Seems like the one who said he didn't cared about past was obsesed with past..." Am'ar said turning to Chen
"That hurt, I gotta admit" Chen said "Good that my talisman absorved part of the damage, otherwhise..." But them the dragon figure shatered
"Wat!?" Chen said
"The talisman is to... weakened..." Dante said barely standing up and smiled "You are... SO fucked..." Dante took his sword from the ground and launched towards Chen
"Where does he get strenght from?" Am'ar thought going towards chen to...
But them a elf blocked them
"Waaa?" Am'ar said
He saw around, lot of elves had gathered due to the noise, even if it was night
"Right... we are in the middle of a city..." Dante thought
"This members of disgracefull races attacked our humble allies!" Alexandros said, clothed as a solar guard
"Yeah!" Elves said "Throw them to jail!"
"O boy... Right... we are an orc and a demon right... BAD idea..." Dante said
Dante burnt his wounds, screaming in the process and them he walked slowly towards Am'ar
"Actually we have nothing to do here. What we want is in another place..." Dante said slowly
Dante holded up Am'ar and flew away as fast as he could. Elven guards where expecting it and shoot a lot of arrows. Also Alexandros shoot some kind of light attack.
When they where away, Alexandros kneld back to Chen
"You right master?" He wispered
"I would say why didn't you tell me you where a solar guard but there's a 99% chance that you say 'you didn't asked' " Chen just said
"Right you are" Alexandros said
Level 14
Sep 17, 2009

Vincent, Yarrick and Thylleon ~ The Song

The sun shined heavy after yesterday's short rain, and it was already a swelter outside. Somehow Yarrick couldn't feel any of it, the air conditioning must have been good. They were nearing up on the Birthwing tower, after an exciting drive up the hill.

Not long after they left Ryan's house, Wayfarer stopped blubbering and rattling. "You go ahead, i will fix this up in no time!" Vincent told his friends in Ryan's van. He jumped out the car, and checked the bottom by climbing under. He muttered expertly, and opened a case full of tools. Yarrick stood there amused as Vincent fixed the van in no time. Soon they were on the ride again.

Yarrick noticed the hundreds of hanging tribal souvenirs above the windshield.
"They are nice eh?" Vincent asked happily he loved to speak about his adventures south. "They are presents from all around the south. Twenty years of traveling in front of your eyes, kid. The conditions are so bad down there, every village can use your help. Especially if you are an Icetruck man!" He said laughing.
"Where did you get the ice on the south?" Yarrick asked with round eyes. "I tought it was hot and dry there!"

Vincent laughed again, before he continued. "Everything has it's own secret way. I found the way to create ice after my trip in Mordan. Dangerous that place is! Full of furates, bandits and storms." He snatched to his chest. "But if you are ware enough, you can fight them off. One time i got lost in the jungle, and slipped off the road in the mud with Wayfarer. That was the most important mistake of my life, I wouldn't find that secret temple else..." He stopped talking, and stared at the road in front of them. "Ever since that time i became a helper of the South."

He told stories about the miserable conditions on the South while they got up the hill, and Yarrick came to an understanding of Am'ar's Easter wish. Vincent drove trough the gate of Birthwing Tower, and waved at Thylleon.

"Vincent! I didn't know you would return so early" Thylleon returned the greeting, putting down the book from his hands. "Is that Yarrick by your side? From the Easter Games?" He said excited. Vincent was a bit confused, he never watched Easter Games, and Yarrick never told him about that. Yarrick answered instead of him.
"Yes i am! Did you see any Team T.H.U.M.P.E.R. members pass trough earlier?"
"Actually, Chen came trough a few days ago. And so i have heard that Juno and Dawn were in Luithen. Were would you want to go my friend?" This last question he asked Vincent.
"To the mountain city please, I would like to find my friend. He might be in big trouble."
"Well, travel safe, and do what you do!" Thylleon said happily. "And please, if you get south of the wall, bring some of the furry strawberries I love so much!" He waved, and let them trough. The robo-cop restlessly spoke about orders and rules, but he didn't get the chance to investigate the car.

They flew off on the ferry to the mountain city.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
About time I write something, so yeah, here goes another post:


Clurey McPatrickus and Alwin ~ A Cartographer's Job6

Clurey and Alwin headed north from the tower on Brightwing Hill in the McPatricus Brothers' magical plane. The morning sun stood high on the cloudless sky, and cast a powerful ray of hotness down upon the partners, and upon the winged ferries below them, which transported people from the tower to the elven cities. Clurey could easily tell that down here at the border to the southern, barbarian continent, they were closer to the planet's equator than he had ever been before. Most would say that the common weather in this region was incredible. However, in Clurey McPatrickus' grumpy mind the weather was downright sickening. Way too hot for his delicate pale skin, which had already started to get sunburned at places, yet it was too hot for him to keep on the black suit and his beloved bowler-hat. Alwin noticed Clurey's sweaty bald head and was somehow surprised that the thick red hairs from Clurey's chin didn't grow on top of his head as well.

However, before they could get too far north from Brightwing Tower, a voice spoke to them through a megaphone
"Greetings travelers, I am Thylle- wait, where are you going? Stop! Land immediately - you are not allowed to pass without checking in at my tower first! Come back, or we will come after you!"

Clurey looked confused at Alwin.
"Why are you not turning around, you stupid demon?! I assure you, I don't want to pay any penalties for your-"

The black-skinned janitor demon interrupted his partner, and looked carelessly at the red-bearded midget.
"I am not trying to escape payment, Clurey. Money matters little, since your boss is going to pay us handsomely for this map anyway. However, I am trying to escape being caught as a prisoner... that dude, down there, is following the robo-cop laws you know" Alwin said, and moved his attention back to controlling the plane. Clurey was obviously not happy about this.

"So what? Don't you work for the robo-cops anyway - I don't want any trouble with the law!" the midget exclaimed.

"Ironic, isn't it? I work for them, yes, but nobody, but my boss knows that. Outside of the prison, no demons are allowed to trespass Easterland - funny how the elven and human cities of Easterland who agreed to follow robo-cop laws all believe that only human and elven employees work for the robo-cops. It's no wonder my demon masters from Hell, used to call you stupid..." Alwin explained. Clurey grunted grumpily, but said nothing. Alwin was finally starting to get to know his new partner, and knew that this was Clurey's way of accepting his terms.

"You should probably hurry with the next parts of the map though. You will have to add details later on, in case they send robo planes after us - no worries though, I know those planes better than anybody, and can honestly say this one is faster than theirs" Alwin assured.

That was when they arrived at the next place, which they were supposed to add to the map. High above the ground level of Ryan's beach, was located a huge beautiful elven mountain city on the edge of a steep cliff, which was perhaps 50 meters tall, going straight up from the northern end of Ryan's beach. The many tall round white towers of the city were decorated with light brown and golden patterns. Clurey also noticed that some of the houses were built into the nearby mountains, and some were even carved out from mountain walls. Not in a primitive way, however, the city was beautiful altogether, although they had never heard about it. What was its name again?

"Yup, we got company" Alwin said, when he noticed a metallic plane take off from the Brightwing Tower behind them - a plane identical to those that Alwin had been building and repairing for several months back in the robo-prison.

Clurey hurried up the drawing...


Dante & Am'ar Kardos ~ No Mercy2

"I.. I can't carry you much longer, Am" Dante said, as they were flying away from the solar guards. His wounds were too deep, and he clearly needed healing and rest - yet his stamina was their only hope. Without it, they would soon be captured by the guards, and sent to the Robo-prison as criminals.
Funny, this wasn't the first time the two of them had tried escape from the law-enforcers together.

"Dante! Am'ar! Watch oooooooouuut!" they heard Clurey scream from their left, but before they could react, a wooden plane flied directly into them. A devastating blow! Dante let go of Am'ar from their high height, and felt to the ground unconscious himself...
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
((Whyyy us... LOL I Lolled))
A lot of people ~ water

Dante felt and while he felt he saw a weird scene in his head... Leila already being a dark-angel... and he fighting her using Am'ar's weapons... he on the other hand was nowhere to be seen. Also A strange creature with tails was there, the one he saw at the end of eastern games. Weird. He them felt a huge smash and water around him.
"Classy..." Dante thought getting his eyes a bit open...
He saw later a green figure falling to the water, them a black figure and them a red figure, the red figure thought, took him and the other to safe place near the dam of the ocean.
"Whew... those robo-cops will sure find us now..." Alwin said
That was the last thing Dante could hear. Them he heard a scream in his dreams. He just had cutted Leila in two.
Level 14
Sep 17, 2009

A lot of people - Ice

Am'ar Kaardos lost consciousness before they took off, but he woke up to the cold water pouring into his mouth and nose. He thought about Lizzie and the halo. They already wasted too much time. He tried fighting with the water, but it was too much. The current's drifting was too hard for him to get the upper hand. It rolled him down and around, until he totally lost control.

He almost thought that this is end. Thought about his family, about the good he have done to the world. And bad. Kari flashed in his mind. How long years of friendship couldn't stop them from jumping at each others' throats. The vision about Kari got more lively and vivid, he could clearly see his face in front of him with forgiving smile.

Strong arms grabbed him, and dragged him to shore.
"Kari" The orc whispered, and sat up with huge retching when Vincent started pushing his chest repeatedly. Am'ar splat out the water, and looked up. Vincent and Yarrick were smiling at him, being happy that he made it. He saw Dante and Clurey in a blanket near a van oddly similar to Ryan's vehicle.
"Come and get yourself together." Vincent said friendly, but his voice turned threatening. "You better have a damn good explanation of what happened to my 'pal Ryan!" He said turning to both Dante, and Am'ar.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009


Am'ar Kardos, Dante, Clurey McPatrickus, Alwin, Vincent, Yarrick and the Ghosts - What Now?

The Orc was still befuddled, so Dante ended up replying to the question before Am'ar could.
"It was Chen..." he said with hoarse voice, and added "Chen is responsible for Ryan's fate."

"And stole my wife's halo!" Am'ar exclaimed with eyes closed. He had lost his sunglasses in the fall, and his eyes' sensitivity to light forced him to keep them shut.

"B-but Chen was on your team in the Easter Games, wasn't he?" Yarrick asked carefully. The teenager still remembered his numerous quarrels with both Dante and Am'ar. The Orc rubbed his eyes, and faced Yarrick, still without opening them.

"Yes... but the stupid Panda got high on Mania's elixirs and now he calls himself Ralston the Maniac" Am'ar replied angrily, then discovered that his and Dante's weapons were lost too. He ignored this, however, and continued "Where are we anyway? And who are you?"

Am'ar tried look around with narrowly opened eyes. They were clearly no longer in the Mountain city. They were on a shore, near some mountains, but no buildings were nearby. Am'ar noticed Clurey, the captain of team McPatrickus, whom they both knew quite well, stomping around the beach, cursing the Gods and everyone else he could possibly be angered at. A black-skinned demon lumbered towards the confused orc.

"Hi, I'm Alwin" said the chubby demon, and continued "No worries, I'll do you no harm - I haven't been in Hell for months and I'm not even a fan of the demon politics. Anyways, our plane tossed you quite a way to the north from the city, along with us. We had to jump out from the plane, and watch as it fell to the bottom of the lake here.."

A human with a curly beard helped up Am'ar and Dante.
"To be more exact, you are located at the southern shores of Loch Kael. Me and the young lad saw you heading in this direction, and decided to drive through the city's northern gate and up the shore to follow you.. and here, we finally found you and brought you safely to the shore. Oh, and by the way, I'm Vincent, producer of McDonald's cooking show!" Vincent explained happily with a firm voice, that didn't quite match his never-ending smile and choice of facial hair cut.

At the meantime Clurey had returned to the group, now directing his rant at Alwin.
"It's all because of you, you stupid demon!! If you had just landed at that border control and paid the price, my beloved plane and the Pot of Gold would not be on the bottom of that lake now!! They said you were a good pilot! Well, look at us now, idiot!" he yelled while getting all red in his little round face, be it from sunburning or high temper, or most likely a mix. Luckily, he still had the unfinished map in his hands.

"Screw you all! I am going to finish this map.. And I am going to finish it ALONE!!" Clurey yelled, and then started stomping back south along the shoreline, towards the gates to the Mountain City, so that he could walk across the wall to the city of Luithen in the middle of the ocean.

"... alone, and on foot, apparently" Alwin spoke, not loud enough for Clurey to hear it. Vincent and Yarrick laughed from the comment, then Yarrick turned to Alwin.

"Don't worry, he's always like that. He'll cool down eventually" Yarrick said, and smiled. However, Alwin didn't seem to take Clurey's ranting all that personal at all.

"Yeah, I'm starting to get to know him..." the black-skinned demon replied calmly. Dante moved forward, and looked at the rest of the group.

"So what now?" he asked.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
((I exactly know what now...))
lot's of people ~ lot's of stuff

Dante streched and his bones sounded pretty bad
"well... fuck" He said complaining about pain
"We are screwed..." Am'ar said still with closed eyes
"Right right... calm... I had this plan but I think it won't work..." Dante said
"What plan?" Am'ar asked
"Alwin you are a portal guy?" Dante asked to Alwin
"Portal guy?" Alwin asked confused
"A demon or angel or mage who specialises in making portals to everywhere" Dante explained
"Sorry dude, I am just a jarnitor" Alwin said
"Well, plan B" Dante said and lifted his lips. A drop of blood felt
"How can you get a plan B so fast?" Am'ar wondered
"Years of training and a life where everything became screwed" Dante said "So... we need to go to mountain city... to the hall of light..."
"WAT!" Am'ar interrupted "Isn't that the main hall of the temple of solar guards?"
"Yeap" Dante said
"Why on earth would we want to go there?" Am'ar said
"Leila's there" Dante simply said
Am'ar shutterred
"why?" he asked
"There is place called the sleeping light" Dante explained "Hundreds and hundreds of sleeping angels are there, they are being protected from the god of darkness. Most of them lost their halo's... it's a very symbolic but sad place. Anyway, sure Leila is there"
"Why?" Am'ar still didn't got it
"O come on! because there Lujon can protect her better..." Dante said loosing patience.
"But why do we need Leila anyway?" Am'ar said loosing patience too
"Because she can open portals?..." Dante said sighting
"Oh... right... so we need a portal for...?" Am'ar said
"Mania's realm..." Dante said
"Because?" Am'ar still wondered
"The halo is there... Chen literally said it..." Dante said
"It could be a trap" Am'ar said
"Any better ideas?" Dante said
"No actually" Am'ar confessed
"Good, can you get us to mountain city, Alwin?" Dante asked very tired "I feel so broken I think I am not even able to stand right"
"Sure, why not, but I will leave you in the outsides" He said
He them picked them both and flew off.
Level 14
Sep 17, 2009

Clurey McPatrickus, Vincent, Yarrick and the Ghosts - Frozen

"Hey! Wait! Even if you get to Maia's realm, how are you gonna fight your way to the halo without weapons?" Vincent shouted, but the three didn't listen. "They won't get so far with so blinded by their emotions." Vincent said, looking at Yarrick. "If you don't help them, they will probably destroy themselves in searching of that thing."

"But fist I have to help Clurey." Yarrick said worried. He took out the Fan Cap from the Wayfarer's front seat, and ran after the midget. He didn't go far, he was sitting on a rock by a big mulberry. He thought that all this wouldn't have happened if he only didn't let Leprey alone in that cave. No, he got to let his brother go. That's the only way he can help Lep' right now.

"Captain!" Yarrick approached carefully. "I know you didn't like this the first time, but now that your plane is gone, you might reconsider." He handed Clurey the Fan Cap. "I assume you don't want to draw the rest of the map on the back of a demon... And before you say anithing, you can easily buy batteries and a parachute for it in the Elven city.
"How?! All of my money is lying on the bottom of a lake! You are a nice guy Yarrick, but i think this wont do it. Everything is gone now." The red headed former team captain said with less anger in his voice.
Yarrick hesitated.
"Umm... Leprey says you can do it. He says he knows you got it inside you."
Clurey jumped up. "You can hear him?! Is he here?" Yarrick slowly nodded, and looked on his side.
"Lep'! Brother can you hear me?" Clurey fought with his tears. "I want you to know... I.. Lep, don't worry about me! I will be fine. I just wanted you to know, that I don't want to revive you anymore. You better dont say long, Lep! You hear me? Dont worry about me, just leave!" Clurey broke out in tears, and fell on his knees gripping his hat in his hands.


Yarrick got back to Wayfarer, Vincent was blazing in the shadow, with his back at a wheel. Beside him were the weapons that fell from the sky: Am'ar's staff, the Demonhunter blades Yarrick stole once, and the wet GC3 once blew Kari's arm off.
"Sadly, i couldn't save anything from the bottom of the lake. The things drifted away, and too deep."

Yarrick looked at Vincent, and knew that he was only waiting for him, to hand the weapons, and that he would go after Ryan as soon as possible.
"Could you give me a lift to mountain City before you go?" Yarrick asked.
"Sure thing."
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Alright, this is the first, and hopefully last time I add three sub-plots to a post. I'm truly sorry for that - I can't keep myself from doing it ^^


Am'ar Kardos & Dante ~ The Halo Quest Continues

Alwin carried Am'ar and Dante all the way to the Mountain City's northern gate, and then dropped down to the ground with them inside a huge mulberry bush, a common plant in this region apparently. They looked at the city's wall and the gate - it was a beautiful long white wall built all the way into the mountain on their side of the gate. On the other side of the gate, the white wall curved, bordering directly up into the water, until it crossed the other, more famous wall - an enormous structure, with a road on top of it that led all the way across the ocean. And of course to Luithen, on the middle of the ocean, where they had already been. It seemed the only way to get into the Mountain city from this direction was by entering the northern gate. The archway was adorned with the Solar Guards' emblem, a half sun.

Luckily, only two Solar Guards were present, guarding the entrance. However, Am'ar and Dante were wounded and they had no weapons. Not to speak of Am'ar's limited sight due to his missing sunglasses. Just as Alwin was about to leave to the north by flight, back to the others at the shore of Loch Kael, Dante grabbed his wing.

"I just had an idea how we can get inside, and we're gonna need you to do us one last favor, Alwin" he said, with a confident half smile. The black-skinned janitor demon turned around with an irritated look on his face.

"That's what you think. I've put my life and my freedom at risk already, coming so close to the city and the guards. If this idea of yours is going to be dangerous to me, it will cost you dearly - what do you have to offer?" Alwin asked the half-demon. Dante rubbed the stubble on his chin, in a similar matter to what Paillan used to do with his, and looked back at Alwin.

"I have a luxury home in Earth's Core in Hell, that I haven't used since I abandoned my life as a servant of the Idol of Halloween long ago. You can have that - and I always keep my word, don't I, Am?" Dante asked, and turned to the orc.

"Well.. -" Am'ar was interrupted by Dante, after the half-demon had noticed that Am'ar's honest opinion wouldn't be very useful in their situation.

"Oh, and I also promise to teleport you there, once I've gotten my powers back! Deal?" Dante asked, and put up a hand towards Alwin, hoping that the black-skinned demon would shake his hand and agree on the terms.

"Deal... IF you sign your name on this contract..." Alwin said and took up an old piece of paper. Dante sighed and signed the paper, then shook hands with the demon.

"Alright, I need you to distract the two guards, Alwin, making them run over here..." he revealed, and soon, Alwin did as told. Surprisingly it worked, and the two Solar Guards came running after the demon, knowing demons were considered criminals in their country. However, as soon as they got to the Mulberry bush, Am'ar and Dante surprise-attacked them from behind, knocking them out before they could call for aid, and then stole their clothes.

Luckily, they had huge black cloaks, with the yellow sun emblem on the middle, which could hide their inhuman features. The golden mask and breastplate didn't hide their normal clothes very well though, so they had to be careful. Especially Am'ar, whose green skin color could easily be seen.

Alwin left with the contract, while Am'ar and Dante walked through the archway into the Mountain City.

"Paillan, I have to ask you if you are actually going to keep what you promised to Alwin?" Am'ar asked, while they entered the northern part of the city.

"Sure! ... If I remember" Dante replied with a smirk.


Gyro, Lujon & Lizzie Kardos ~ The Final Frontier3

Lujon had been talking with the Grepett for a long time now, about anything from Lizzie's faith, to the Grepett's adventures with Am'ar, to the Gods of the world. The latter seemingly being Lujon's favorite topic. They had not even left the dark alley a single time for all these hours - just talked, but since no sun could reach in between the buildings, only the wind, it had started growing cold, so Gyro had taken a carpet from Ryan's wagon and wrapped it around himself, while he continued to listen to Lujon's stories of old about the many deities of the World.

Gyro had obviously experienced a much kinder side in Lujon, than what Am'ar and Dante had seen. No wonder - everyone usually was kind to the old Grepett, since it was in his nature to be kind to anyone too. However, suddenly the Blue Wizard seemed to remember that he was actually there for a reason, and his face turned serious and Gyro could also sense a slight hint of irritation in Lujon's facial expression.

"Hrmpf... It was late in the evening when they left - now it's midday and they still haven't returned. My patience is not everlasting, and the angel's time is running out..." he explained.

"Oh, but I'm sure they will be back in time m'lor-" Gyro was interrupted. Lujon's arrogant side had returned.

"In TIME, you say?! Half a day have passed now, Grepett... I have already given them more time than I should have! Mortals are not to be trusted with important tasks such as this... You don't even understand what huge risk we're taking by keeping her away from the Heavens right now, do you?" Lujon asked, while stepping slowly towards Ryan McDonald's wooden wagon with the giant mushroom caps.

"No m'lord, but I know Am'ar, and he always succ-" once again Gyro was interrupted.

"AND I KNOW EVERY MORTAL, Grepett... your Orc friend is no different than any of the others. They are WEAK and STUPID, altogether...!" the Blue Wizard spoke, and grabbed Lizzie's body from the wagon, and held her up. He then faced the old Grepett, who was still wrapped in Ryan's carpet.

"Time is up, Gyro. Nice meeting you, but my duty is elsewhere..." the Wizard said, holding the unconscious angel in one arm, and his magical staff in the other. He raised his staff and light started appearing around all of his figure. Gyro walked closer, and talked to Lujon, while the light intensified.

"B-but sir, wizard, she will never be able to return to us if you bring her to the Heavens now! Am'ar will be heartbroken! A-and we can not get out of the elven cities without your aid! M'LORD!?!" Gyro yelled.

"I said it already - the concerns of mortals are not my concerns. How you LIVE, and how you DIE, is up to you... good luck making your way out of the city..." those were the final words of Lujon, before he and Lizzie disappeared in a flash of light!

And the old Gyro was left all alone...
In the middle of a huge foreign city...
A city where he was a wanted criminal...


Clurey McPatrickus & Gyro ~ A Cartographer's Job7

Clurey McPatrickus was tired, thirsty, hungry and grumpy as ever. He had been working constantly, without sleep, since he had gotten his new demon partner. Now he was alone, and had only a stupid hat to continue the job. Yet, he had decided to put his faith in it. He had even left his beloved black bowler-hat behind, on the rock where Yarrick had found him. Additionally, his black suit was no more - it had sunk to the depths along with the rest of his belongings, and now he wore only his white shirt and the tight green tie, as he walked towards the Elven Mountain City, with an unfinished map in one hand, and drawing equipment in the other.

He walked past several mulberry bushes - something he had noticed earlier on during his travels with Alwin, when he had added Loch Kael to the map, was that especially around Loch Kael there were hundreds of these kinds of bushes, and now that he wandered by its shores, he realized there were even more. He grabbed a handful of berries and walked through the beautiful archway into the Elven Mountain City. Strange how no one was guarding the entrance in such a high security place. Must be Am'ar and Dante's work, he thought, but moved on without thinking further about it...

He searched the streets for a shop to sell him a parachute and batteries, like Yarrick had suggested him to buy. While he was no longer in possession of the Pot of Gold, he still had lots of money on him, and luckily he knew it would be more than enough for the items he needed. However, before he could find what he was looking for, he came across a bar, and decided to satisfy his thirst before moving on. It felt like he hadn't drunk a good beer in ages.

The bar was a little too fine for his taste, especially because they didn't have the huge mugs like the bars in Easterland - but a glass of beer would still be satisfactory. He found a nice, dark corner, and spread out his unfinished map on the table, next to his glass. With a pencil, he angrily crossed out Alwin's name from the corner of the paper, and then proceeded to take the long-waited zip from his beer. But just as the glass touched his lips, something touched his arm -

"Hey" a voice whispered, and Clurey got a shock, sounding out a yelp, and his reflex movement nearly made him spill the beer out over the table, and upon his fine map. Close.

"Hey, keep your voice down" Gyro whispered worried. The Grepett was covered in a carpet, only revealing his muzzle with the glasses on - his wings and most of his body was hidden under the carpet, and his eyes were hidden in the shadow from it. Clurey's shocked facial expression quickly changed to a grumpy one.

"Oh, it's only you. What do you want?" Clurey said harshly and looked at his glass, taking the zip that he had been prevented to take moments ago.

"I saw you entering the bar," Gyro said, and continued "And I wondered if you had seen Am'ar and Dante lately? I need to talk to them!"

"They are the reason why I'm here, broke and without plane!!" Clurey replied in a loud angry voice.

"Sssh shh, keep your voice down.. please" Gyro whispered, and looked around the bar worried if anyone had discovered his identity yet. Clurey didn't seem to listen though.

"Had they not flied directly into my flying route I would have been finished with this map already! Look at me now!" the midget exclaimed grumpily.

"Wait.. you flied into them? Are they alright" Gyro's voice got even more worried.

"Of course they are alright. One does not easily get rid of pests... Anyway, if you really want to know, they're already back in this city, looking for something somewhere. I don't know anything other than that" he replied grumpily. Gyro was relieved.

"Thanks, that'd be all" the Grepett said, and left the bar, still wearing the carpet to hide his identity. If he looked old before, he looked even older now...
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Dante, Am'ar, Lujon, Leila ~ to the infinite and beyond

Dante and Am'ar moved slowly and with fear towards the temple of light. They saw 2 other solar guards comming towards them
"Hey you are suppose to wait for the relief at the main gate!" they said
"Sorry, my friend didn't felt so good, and our time to watch the entrace was going over anyway" Dante said joking
The solar guards checked Am'ar and said
"Dude you are very green, sure you are good?" They asked
"Yeah... yeah just something I ate" Am'ar said
They saluted and continued. Dante and Am'ar had a relief. They entered the hall slowly and looked around
"Hasn't changed at all..." Dante said
"Any idea where she is...?" Am'ar said worried
"What better than an angel to ask about another angel?" Dante said going towards a near angel that was writting something
"Hello, your lightness" Dante said nodding
The angel just nodded back
"I was told about a sick angel... could you please tell me where he is?" Dante asked
"You mean she. Lujon brought her to the entlightment place" The angel answered
Dante made a grim face for a second
"Thanks" He said going back to Am'ar
"Come we must be quick" He said to him
They walked fast in corridors, Dante knew where he had to go.
They finally reached the place and opened the door. Only lujon was there. Luckly he hadn't started the entlightment yet.
"O god..." Lujon said looking to the 2 "You guys are really mad... how could you even pass the guards anyway..."
"Doesn't matter know. We need her powers" Dante said
"How are you going to do that?" Lujon asked sarcastic
"This way" Dante said holding Leila's hand. After a few minutes, she standed up slowly.
"Lizie!!" Am'ar said crying
Leila looked at Am'ar and wanted to give him a kiss but Dante stopped her
"Not now. You still aren't saved" He said
Leila looked to her head and constated it was true. No halo.
"Why did you gave me more energy?" she asked with low voice
"We need a portal..." Dante said
"Where to?" Leila asked
"Mania's realm..." Dante said
"I will open it, but without your energy it will be shuted down inmidiately, so you can't go in" Leila warned
"So I have to go there alone while HE holds your hand?" Am'ar said angry
"FINE" Lujon said very dissapointed "You always get me out of my place Paillan... I will go with you... ORC" He said harsh
"What a relief..." Am'ar said sarcastic
"Well, here" Leila opened a portal "Be safe, darling" Leila said
"You too..." Am'ar said and realised something "What will happen if they find you?"
"I will have to fight with one hand and an prayer" Dante joked
"Real funny..." Both Am'ar and Lujon said
They entered the portal.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Your post is cool Paillan except for the fact that Lujon had already gone to the God of Light in my post. But I don't wanna enter in another argument with you already, so I'm just gonna accept it as it is.


Am'ar Kardos & Lujon ~ To Infinity and Beyond2

Am'ar Kardos and Lujon stepped out from the portal, arriving in a familiar grim, underground location with a foggy atmosphere.

"Mania's Realm... I had hoped I would never have to set a foot here again" Am'ar said and looked around. He recalled the last time he was here - the last day of the previous Valentine Wars, on a rescue mission to save Cupid's wife. Now, he was here, to save his own wife. At least he was happy with the decreased light, so his sensitive eyes could finally see properly again.

"I disagree.. I have always liked her unique style" Lujon revealed, and looked at the huge dark blue wall in front of them, which was decorated with statues of snakes. Am'ar looked suspiciously at the Blue Wizard.

"Tell me, whose side are you on?" the orc asked, and felt his fists tightening. He realized now that he no longer was in possession of his beloved battle staff, and only wore the golden Solar Guard blade and shield. Lujon looked carelessly at Am'ar.

"Well... I'm definitely not on the mortal's side.. To be honest, I find you mortals utterly stupid - your idiot friend decided to use the wounded angel's energy on making a portal, which only gives us less time to regain the halo. Who knows - maybe time has already run out - maybe the angel has already fallen to Darkness because of your friend... And what about you, orc? You come here, believing you can defeat a Goddess and take back the halo... and you have only brought a Solar Guard's sword as your weapon and a shield as protection... Why am I even wasting my time helping such foolish beings?" he asked himself, and moved forward.

Am'ar examined the golden blade in his hand. He truly wasn't used to be using a sword in combat. He already missed the feeling of the long unbreakable wooden handle on his battle staff, but believing it was forever lost on the bottom of Loch Kael, this elven blade would have to do for now. Before Am'ar could examine the sword and his shield further, he noticed that Lujon had already started moving through the archway in the center of the thick dark blue wall. Am'ar followed, anxious, not knowing what they would encounter in the Temple of Insanity before them...

"If you wish to save your wife's soul from eternal servitude to either the God of Light or Darkness, you better hurry up Orc... If we haven't retrieved the halo before midnight, I am giving you no more chances. At midnight, I will teleport her to the Heavens myself" Lujon said coldly, and continued to walk towards the temple.

"How can you possibly tell what time it is, down here where the sky is not visible?" Am'ar asked curiously, ignoring Lujon's warning. The Orc knew that he couldn't possibly win an argument with the Wizard.

"I know EVERYTHING Orc..." Lujon stated arrogantly, and stopped up, as he noticed a group of maniacs running towards them. Am'ar entered a battle stance - looking forward to test his skills with this new type of weapon...


Clurey McPatrickus ~ A Cartographer's Job8

"That price is outrageous!" Clurey ranted, the anger turned his little head blood red.

"The price is just, I am the only one selling those kinds of wares in the city after all" the elven merchant proclaimed calmly, from the chair behind his little shop's desk. Clurey knew it was true - he had wandered around the Mountain City's market place for half an hour, and most of the shops only had exotic foods and fine kitchen equipment. And all of it was expensive...

"Alright, alright you greedy fool, I'll take it! One parachute and three crystal batteries... But I will NEVER buy from your shop again!!" Clurey exclaimed. The merchant just ignored the angry midget, received the money and handed over the wares.

Clurey left the shop with his usual short firm steps, and a grumpy facial expression. He kept this gait all the way out of the Mountain City, and on his way across the enormous Wall, until he reached the city of Luithen. Then he inserted the crystal batteries into the Fan Hat, and turned on Kari's odd invention. Propels emerged from the hat's sides and one from the top, and soon he took flight. Hopefully, the batteries would last longer than last time. If not, his parachute could save him.

He flied to the city's tallest white tower, and landed on its roof. The midday sun was still awfully hot, but at least the wind here on the middle of the ocean provided a merciful cool mix to the sun's rays. He took up the unfinished map, and his drawing equipment. Now he could finally add the final part to the map, and finish it off, so that he could receive his payment.

The city of Luithen was a quite spectacular place - a city built on a huge wall was not a common sight after all. The most impressive, however, was the difference between the water levels on the wall's northern and southern sides. To the north, the water was reaching all the way to the top of the wall - and Luithen had several long piers heading in this direction, and a busy port district, with ships constantly arriving and leaving the port. However, the city's southern end led to no water. Instead, there was a 50 meter free-fall until one would hit the shallow muddy waters of the Southern Continent.

Regarding its architecture, Luithen looked very much alike the Mountain City with lots of high white towers, almost identical to those Clurey had seen in the Mountain City. Except that the patterns on the Port City's roofs were blue, whereas they were brown in the Mountain City.

He sat there for a long time, noting that the sun had moved quite a way towards the horizon in the meantime, and the time of day was reaching its late hours. Clurey leaned back and watched his satisfied at his work. The map was finished. Now he would only have to deliver the map to his boss, Vengeancekael.
Level 12
Jan 20, 2011

Lord Saligia ~ The Reminiscence

And thus a new chapter of the sinful lord began. Albeit a human by birth, his ill-fated destiny turned him into something that is both human and not. Lord Saligia, as he is known now, was born as the son of a petty fisherman in Loch Kael. Born as Bran, he spent his early days as all poor children. He lived in bliss through ignorance. But as demons came near Loch Kael, a change in his lifestyle was assured. Only a young man, he was amongst the first who felt the terror of the demons. Surprisingly, one demon, only known as the Sinful One, saw potential in young Bran. Taken away by him, Bran had both his spirit and bones broken. His soul had been ripped apart and seven personas were created... Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride. Luckily for young Bran, the persona of Lust retained most of his true personality, and it went hunting. The first target was gluttony. Staying at a tavern, eating all it could, lust was able to absorb it quickly, quickly enough to catch sloth, who had been resting outside of the tavern. However, unable to control the newfound sins, he was forced to life of gluttony and sloth for a month. Finally, he reclaimed control over his body and ventured back towards Loch Kael, where he found greed working as a loanshark. As he absorbed him, he relieved the people from their debts, however, knowing that the greed shall consume him for a while, he trapped himself inside his old room. It was then, when the pirate attack destroyed his hometown. Able to sustain his greed, he attempted to aid the people in fleeing, however, the Sinful One, knowing that he mustn't allow that, used the little influence he had left over Bran to catapult him into a tree, which left him unconscious for days. Finally, he woke up, only to find his home leveled with the ground. Gathering whatever supplies he could find, he sat near the lake, waiting... "A long time ago, I was Bran." He murmured "But now, now I am Lord Saligia, and one day, I shall rule over the sins that destroyed me..." He proclaimed in a calm manner.
Level 14
Sep 17, 2009

Mania, Momo, Lujon, Am'ar ~ Halo

Mania stood up from the chair, as she sensed the powerful entity stepping into his castle. "Stay here, or follow me, i dont mind. But i have to take care of this." She said to the four-eared girl sitting on the bed.

She left the room, in a fast manner, the doors opened in front of her without touching them, the whole temple beholding to her will. She arrived to the outskirts of the huge structure, where the crystals on the wall were smaller, and dirtier. The elven mage, and Am'ar Kaardos were standing in front of her.

"Lujon." She whispered trough her teeth. "What brings you to My mansion?" She said, sounding innocent.
"You know very well why we are here, Mania!" The orc fighter in solar guard suit exclaimed interrupting the old wizard. "You stole Lizzie's halo, and now she is dying! Give us back what is hers!" He said pointing the sticky part of the sword towards the Godess of Insanity.
"You went too far with this, Mania." Lujon said calm. "You dont want the Darkness to return just as much as we do. You will be crushed under the wrath of the fallen Angel once she turns."
"Why are you so sure i am afraid of darkness?" Mania replied, ignoring the sword pointing at her. "I am far more stronger now than you can imagine, Lujon. You have been sleeping too long i'm afraid."
"You must be blind!" Lujon raised his voice in an angry manner. "You will lose everything if you play with the Darkness! We have to stop this, until it's not too late. Give us the Halo!"
Mania broke out in insane laughter.
"I have plaid with the darkness, and yet I am still swinging!" Mania laughed, and stole a glance back at Momo's way.


Vincent, Gyro, Yarrick and Dante ~ The Grepett

The road to the city passed with stressed silence. Vincent and Yarrick stared at the road, both thinking about the things ahead them. Vincent will go to Luthien to find his friend's dead body, and return it to Ryan's house after he dropped off Yarrick at the Hall of Light. Yarrick was worried that he was too late. Am'ar and Dante were both injured, and they had no clue about the Halo's whereabouts in Mania's realm. He covered their weapons in a blanket, so it wouldn't be sticking out for the guards.

They have just passed the city gate when Vincent trampled on the break. Wayfarer stopped with creaking wheels. Vincent leaned back, to open the rolling door. The grepett in front of the door froze in fear...
"Gyro?!" Yarrick exclaimed surprised.
"Yarrick? Why are you here. What is going on?.." the old bartender grepett asked in confusion.
"Step in, dont worry. It's safe. He is a friend of Ryan, an explorer of the south." Yarrick explained. "I'm searching for Am'ar. Have you seen him? It's pretty important."
"I'm searching for him too." Gyro said, pulling his head down between the lot of clanging souvenirs.
"I will take you to the Hall of Light then." Vincent settled the case. "And if i'm right, you know about Ryan's whereabouts. I'd like to take him home if possible." He said to Gyro, and the grepett gladly presented the directions to the wagon full of mushroom warriors.


At the temple of the light warriors a number of citizens grouped up at the main door. "One of the clairvoyants saw a demon inside" the spectators claimed, some of them grabbed delicious and strange looking snacks to hit the time with, while waiting for the outcome.
"I cant get out of the van, they will recognize me, and take me to prison." Gyro said worried, and decided to stay with Vincent while Yarrick tries to make his way in to the obviously trapped Am'ar and Dante.

Yarrick went around the crowd, and entered the temple in a side door for servants from an alley. He told the guard by the door, that he brought sacrifices to the God of Light. He then located the place where Dante and Leila was held up, and found the closed doors from the inside. Luckily he was just small enough to crawl trough the ventilation system, and appeared at the top of the small room.
"Could you give me a hand?" He asked Dante, who gladly took the blanket of weapons out of his hand.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Dante and Yarrick ~ around the light

"So how's the situation outside?" Dante asked tired
"Lot of elves have gathered, I fear they will enter as soon as 2 or 3 solar guards come here..." Yarrick said
Dante smiled "I wonder why didn't the angel attacked me before... maybe he knew about me?"
"It doesn't matter now, how much do you think the door will resist?" Yarrick asked
"Maybe 2 or 3 attacks..." Dante said
" And how much time do you have left before all energy leaves you?" Yarrick asked
Dante didn't answered and kept smiling
"Dante..." Yarrick continued but Dante stopped him
"It's not one of your whereabouts. Now get prepared"
At an uncertain distance, footsteps could be heard coming close.
Level 18
Mar 21, 2008

Bernkastel ~ Revengeance

A patrol of solar guards arrived at the entrance of the temple as something cast a huge shadow on them and for a moment there was nothing but silence.

Many of the elves set their sight towards the sun, only to see something that they did not expect.
The winged figure prepared to cast a red glowing spear shaped object.

One of the elves yelled "It's her! The devil is not dead!"

A laughter filled the air as the spell launched and smoldered the civilians in it and throwing the rest aside, only leaving the solar guards left.

Even they stuttered as she landed infront of them.
" S-stop! Go back to the shadows! "

She licked her lips and sneered.
" And what are you going to do? Kill me? I died. I died again. And here I am. "

With her wings trailing on the ground, she walked to the solar guard that was pointing her with a bastard sword , and as the blade touched her chest she continued further and laughed until she reached the hilt.

" Don't be scared. I might not like your outer shell. But I like what's inside of you.. "

She inspected the solar guard and caressed his body gently.

" So red.. So sweet... "

" DIE ! "

She screamed as she gripped the elf's face and blew it into a crimson stream of blood.

The other guards fled while the princess pulled the sword out of her chest.

She looked at the entrance for a minute and started drawing a large pentacle with the solar guard's blood.

"Nothing stops me from getting what I desire."
She said as an unlocking sound was heard and the doors clashed wide open.

She walked silently towards the Hall of Light as the shadows followed her.
Finally reaching the room and stopped.

" I've observed long enough. Dante, hand over the angel. I'll take care of her for a while "
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Dante, Yarrick, Kari, David ~ ghosts and Bern

"Is... is that presense a solar guard?" Yarrick said shudering "it's aura is of shards!"
Dante closed his fist and laughted maniacally
"Dante?" Yarrick said worried
"Bern... why do you even walk..." Dante
"Bern?!" Kari said apearing
"Huh? I thought you didn't want to apear in front of..." Yarrick said but Kari stopped him
"Pailllan, what the hell is going on?" He said "I thought we killed her..."
"Well, bless me, my queen is alive!" David said
"Stfu David" Kari said angry "Paillan?" Kari said worried
Dante yust had a black grim in his face
"Huh, I guess here will come the one who has returned 3 times from death. Ironically she is even more stronger... well" Dante stood up and holded Leila under his arm, he opened his wings
"If I am going to die, I will fight. Yarrick" he said with serious voice
"Ye...yeah?" Yarrick asked scared
"There is a secret tunel behind those bricks. Use it, go now and don't look behind. It was.... nice meeting you. Ask Lujon, when you see him, for help. He will revive Leprey" Dante said smiling
And there they stood, Yarrick didn't knew exactly what to do, the aura was getting closer
"I hope that angel out there gives us time" Dante said
Level 18
Mar 21, 2008

Bernkastel ~ Revengeance

She left the shadows and slowly walked towards Dante.

" Nobody has to die, Dante. I am not going to kill her either. I have changed, I only want to help. They will not recover her halo in time. She will die. "

As she reached Dante she stood next to him, staring at his face.

" Or should I just make you look like the culprit and see what happens. "
Level 14
Sep 17, 2009

Bernkastel and Yarrick ~ Revengeance

"You mustn't let her go." the Ghost told to Yarrick after disappearing again. Yarrick was climbing trough the air ventilation system the way he come from. Holding Am'ar's scythe in his hand. "The things he is going to do to Leila is worse than dying. You must help Paillan."

"How can i help? Dante stated that she is too powerful for me."
"The weapon you are holding is capable of stopping time..." the Ghost explained how his old friend's weapon worked. Kari always wanted to recreate it's ability in some of his other weapons, but no matter how deep he looked, he couldn't find out how the weapon is engineered without breaking it.

Yarrick stepped out the tunnels, and looked up to the dark sky. He can't leave Dante in trouble, that is not why he came back. He made his way among the scared, staring elves, and activated Am'ar's scythe. He stepped forward, and without makeing a sound took another step. He moved slow, and quiet like a shadow. Back in his hometown he was able to steal from night tables beside the sleeping person's bed. Step by step he neared up on Bernkastel until he was in reach. The demonic girl seemed to be engaged with the half-demon and angel in front of him.

Yarrick hesitated a bit, then with a big breath he sticked the crystal of the weapon forward, right to the place where he thought the middle of her back was.

He jumped back to see what happened.
Level 18
Mar 21, 2008

Bernkastel ~ Revengeance

Bernkastel's eyes widened as she felt something stick into her back.
" H-huh...? "
She fell down on her knees and started weeping.

" I.. I said that I had c-changed..! You can't just assault me like that.. It's.. Un.. Fair.. "

Her weeping continued as she clawed the ground, her wings were hanging lifeless and she crawled towards Dante's feet.

She tugged Dante's leg and looked at him.
" H-help.. Me.. "
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Dante, Bern, Yarrick, Leila ~ Fire

Dante just made a fire spiral around Bern
"Is it.. over?" Yarrick said confused
"I guess so..." Dante said
But them bern moved.
"I am... LYING!" she said turning and attacking Yarrick, but...
"Dante?!" Yarrick said. The demon figure was betwen him and bern, and berns weapon had crossed his whole chest
"Missed..." Bern said taking out her weapon
Dante just smiled
"Third life is over... Open your eyes, Leila" He said gently
"Is it over?" Leila said serious
"Yes, it's over... you can come with me if you want or you can stay and become a black angel" Dnate said with confortable voice
"I don't want that... I don't want to go either... but It's over... well, it was nice I guess" Leila said smiling to
Dante turned to Yarrick
"It was interesting meeting you... I had to say it again" Dante said laughting "Goodbye!"
Dante and Leila started burning, and the fire quickly expanded over them
"No... NO... NO!" Yarrick said.
((the final song))
Level 18
Mar 21, 2008

Bernkastel and Yarrick ~ Revengeance

Bernkastel closed her eyes and sighed.
"Went and ruined my plan now didn't you, Dante..? "

She turned around to face Yarrick who had fallen on his knees in shock.
" Do not grief. I know how it feels like to lose someone. Especially if this someone was close to you. Especially if you have feelings towards this person. Of course you haven't had such an opportunity have you, boy? A real pity... "

Bernkastel sneered and continued

" The feeling of losing someone you love. The feeling when you gouge out their liver and stuff it into their mouth. The warmth of their blood spilling all over your cheeks. The red sweet taste of death. "

Bernkastel knelt and placed her hand on Yarrick's shoulder making Yarrick raise his head and look her into her eyes.

" Yarrick, I hope you will experience this at least once in your life. It would be a real pity if you didn't. "

Bernkastel rose and stared into the fire with a grumpy look on her face.

" I still want his wife, Dante! Don't be shy.. I won't bite.. Hard... "
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Bern, Dante, Leila, Yarrick ~ owned by portal

Dante slowly moved himself and the fire to the portals direction. when he was close enought, with severe fire wounds, he entered the portal, and shutted it from inside. The fire turned of back on the hall of light
"Did... they burn..." Yarrick said crying
"That idiot... burned himself up..." Bern said. she them turned to Yarrick
"Now we..." She was interrupted by the entrace of the angel that was previous in the hall of light
"RUN!" he said to Yarrick.
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Chen is "dead" and Alexandros will be my new main character. I just wanted to try an elf :) Nah not really, I'll just protect him from Mania :( Meow!
Kay, so here:

Alexandros ~ The Solar Guard

After Chen possessed Alexandros for a hide, He disguised himself as "Ralston" hoping not to be found by Dante, Am'ar and others who look for the halo, but the time he transformed into a dragon to travel from Brightwing to Luithen, Am'ar and Dante saw him, and they fought the dragon. Chen, not wanting Alexandros to die so he can have a disguise after he will battle the two, teleported the elf away to his cave. And Alexandros, corrupted when Chen possessed his body, wanted to save his "master" found a way to do it. He wore his solar armor and ordered his men to imprison the half-demon and the orc. After it, he carried Chen back to his cave...
Level 14
Sep 17, 2009

Bernkastel, Yarrick and Xenox ~ And The Heavens Shall Tremble

"Servant of Darkness. By the will of the God of Light I order you to leave this sacret place. Or else you will be crushed." The angel's voice shook the hall. He stood in the door with streched wings, and a spear pointing towards Berncastel. Sucking in the holiness of the place, his body glowed so hard, that human eyes could barely look at it. He seemed strong, and unbreakable.

Yet Yarrick wasn't convinced in his victory. Ever since he entered the scene, the ghosts beside him gone crazy. Kari started scratching his head, and screamed something about he cant bare this anymore. He was in so big agony that he turned into thin air, but Yarrick knew he would return some day.

On the other hand Xenox, the remaining of the evil demon mastermind in Mt. Millenium was a much worse case. He didn't scream, nor agonize. He became fired up, and more aggressive with the time spent near the mistress. He didn't want to leave. He wanted to reunite with his beloved commander, he wanted to break the chains of death.

"No! No! Don't go away! Stay here. Stay with her!" Xenox shouted insane when Yarrick wanted to leave the palce. The demon ghost threw himself around with flaming eyes, tried to block the young Yarrick's way out. "I kill you if you leave now. I will make you suffer!" He rampaged.

"I will stay with my love!" He finally shouted, when he saw that Yarrick wont make up his mind. He jumped at the boy, and violently possessed his mind.

"I'm not going anywhere!" He exclaimed in Yarrick's voice. "I will serve you, godess." he said bowing to the ground.
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