[Free RP month] - Free RP, August

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Level 14
Sep 17, 2009

Am'ar Kardos Vincent and Ga'Chief ~ At war

The sight of The South was worse than Am'ar remembered. Dry deserts took over the places of the swamp, endless plains of sand with barely anything to grow. That was not the worse thing by far, Am'ar thought; The people also changed. As they rallied trough the South with Vincent on his side, they bypassed many tribes and clans drifting towards extinction because of the maniac poison. Even more of the tribes were already gone, the tents and corpses were devoured by the sand forever. Who was left alive was insane or hostile against any strangers. They couldn't be helped, and that brothered Vincent very much. They didn't expect this, when they left Ryan's house.

It was about two ago when they left the cottage. They fully finished the roof, and tidied the place.
"Couldn't you stay for just a few more days?" Lizzie asked Am'ar the day they were leaving. "We could spend some quiet days together like back in Valentine's Forest. This place is nice." She was afraid that if Am'ar leaves to The South, he might not return.
"Its my whole race that is at danger, and Vincent is sure that we cant waste another day. I dragged as long as i could, to stay with you my love. But now we must go. Dont worry, i will return!" He said sad, and put on Ryan's fixed sunglasses which they found in the basement. He jumped in Wayfarer, as Vincent was already waiting from him with started engines, and waved at the house. Gyro and Lizzie waved back, they will take care of the place until they return.


"How should i help these people if they don't accept help?" Asked Vincent angrily after another time they had to leave in a hurry because the angry orc woman started throwing rocks at them. Vincent had the trunk of Wayfarer full with blocks of ice, but survivors always expected danger, and if they tried to talk to them or get some information in exchange of ice, they ended up attacked or being cursed at. Most of the times Vincent left a cube of ice back for them anyways, since they had a load of it. It almost felt like they had infinite ice, but Am'ar never asked about it, since Vincent acted mysterious when it came to that. Maybe Kari applied a device that create ice Am'ar wondered, and left it at that.

Vincent told stories about how he explored these lands many years ago, helping people fight swelter with ice, thirst with water. All he asked in exchange is food for the night, and a story.
"Although the miserable conditions, this place was still wonderful back then. Thousands of different cultures, and millions of unique stories hidden in the desert. Ten lifetimes would not be enough to collect them all. But now.." He sighed "now the folks are all grumpy, they lost the strong blood what made them what they are. Orcs, tauren. I really hope we are not late, and we can still save this colorful nation."
"We will. We find whoever leads this disgusting organization, and we take him down. You said that you know some thannalis using tribes, they will be able to cure the maniac soldiers, and we will prevent the extinction." Am'ar replied with a firm voice, but he wasn't so sure about the plan either. Everything seemed so wrong so far.


It took them two more days to get to Ga'Chief's tribe. It was located in a valley between a few short hills in the middle of nowhere, but it was beautiful. The village was surrounded with robust natural stone pillars, with huge drawn runes on them. It felt like the giants placed the stones in a circular order, and painted the runes of the gods on them. Between the pillars, Am'ar could see the tauren tents rounding up around the main fireplace.

Ga'Chief was a big one of his type, a tall and strong tauren with carefully plaited beard, and a runic robe. Not to deceive anyone, he would change his robe to war armor, and would launch warcrying at the enemy swinging his huge club at the time of battle, but these times he needed more of praying to gods.

He ran outside the camp with two of his followers to welcome the guests, Am'ar and Vincent.
"You came my friend!" He said happily with open arms, but there was sadness in his eyes. "I'm so glad you came, but it's a bit late. Come in, we discuss everything beside some food, I'm sure you must be tired."

He led them to the tallest tent, and let them in. It was cooler inside than Am'ar would have expected, and it had quite bit of room too. There was a small altar set up at one side, rusty weapons, tools and crates on the other side. They all sat down in a circle, Ga'Chief's family, the elder shaman, Vincent and Am'ar the orc.

"The sad thing is, that nobody is left to save here. Everybody left under the effect of the poison to war. Only the weak, and religious stayed. They left us behind to die under the immortal sun, as we wont be able to gather enough food for everyone. Stay a few nights if you want, but I will leave soon, to get back my tribe. I would like you to come with me."
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Leila, Alwin ~ In hell you rest, in hell we wait

Alwin had been watching gyro's cottage for a long while know. When finally all the dudes left and he was certain Leila was still there, he went inside. Still carefull though, since it was a real angel this time which was going to be in front of him. He saw Leila sitting in the yard, she looked pretty innocent, but Alwin still noticed the huge hammer at her back

"That's gotta hurt" Alwin tought getting slowly closer to Leila

Leila noticed him and lifted up slowly, and took her hammer in her hands. She didn't attack thought, so it was obious she was sued to see demons.

"Son of fire... what do YOU want?" Leila said harsh

"Ummm... there's this guy called Dante, who gave me this" Alwin said taking out the piece of paper Dante gave him

Leila lifted and eyebrown and took the paper carefully. She readed it and them gave it back to Alwin.

"Hm... well, it seems like Dante just passed one of his debts to me, that tricky bastard..." Leila said "Anyway, technically you made it possible to... forgget it" Leila said opening a portal "There you go"

"O nonono, you first" Alwin said at the defensive

"I see" Leila said and walked through the portal

Alwin waited a second and them followed her. When he crossed the portal, there it was. The hell.

"Well, there you go" Leila said going back through the portal, while the portal closed.

And there he was.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
((I thought it was about time for a new Wall of Text. This one is also a little late for the actual timeline, and actually takes place the first of August.))


Clurey McPatrickus, Vengeancekael & Lujon ~ Another Nameless Chapter

Two pairs of feet stepped down the majestic corridor. One pair belonged to a red-haired midget, and to his side walked a much taller figure, an elf wearing a long dark cape. On their way, Clurey McPatrickus noticed that on the colorless walls of the long corridor hung enlarged versions of the many maps that the McPatrickus brothers had made for Vengeancekael throughout their many years of service, yet they had never been invited inside to see them adorning his home before now. Clurey was impressed by the home of his mysterious boss - the Elf lived all by himself, alone in this huge flying castle... who would have thought? The midget had many questions now that he had seen it.

"Ehh.. I never really asked, why is it you want all these maps anyway?" Clurey asked, and broke the silence, not that he found the silence awkward, but he suddenly felt an odd curiosity rising to his head. Vengeancekael kept his sight locked forward on the staircase at the end of the corridor, which lead down to the castle's enormous basement room.

"A simple question needs a simple answer. Your artwork is nothing but terrific.." the elf said without much emotion in his voice. In fact, he used the maps for his secret job as the world's Storyteller. He spent many hours, just staring at them, wondering in which places he could carry out all his new, exciting plots. Clurey clearly found it odd that there were no other reasons - Vengeancekael had paid them handsomely in both gold and sacred artifacts after all. The midget ignored it though, and asked another question.

"So where are you gonna place the new one? This corridor is all filled up.." Clurey asked and looked up to the elf, while they continued forward. The elf looked at the new map in his hand. A valuable map indeed - before now he had no maps of the area east of the Easter Games Arena with the elven cities and the shallow swamp land.

"Finding a spot will be no problem I assure you. The castle's bigger than you could imagine... speaking of which, I have a place that I want to show you - please follow" Vengeancekael said as he stepped calmly down the staircase at the end of the corridor. Clurey followed quietly behind him heading down towards the castle's basement.

"By the way, no offense boss, but that demon you found to assist me, was the worst possible cartographer assistant there is!" Clurey exclaimed, and added
"because of him I lost both my plane and my Pot of Gold and what not!"

"And where is he now?" Vengeancekael asked, while continuing going deeper and deeper down the staircase. It started to get quite tiring for Clurey's small legs.

"I don't know where the idiot is. Dead, probably... I haven't seen him since he tried freaking me out, acting like he could talk with my brother.." Clurey ranted with his usual grumpy voice. Vengeancekael didn't look back, as if he cared nothing about it.

"He's a demon, isn't he? The God of Fire made the demons not only as warmongers, but also as guides for the damned who are destined to rest in Hell... wouldn't surprise me if he talked with your brother's ghost" Vengeancekael said in an ever-calm voice. Clurey got irritated that his boss didn't share the same dislike for the demon as Clurey did, and especially for mentioning Leprey and Hell in the same sentence.

"Are you saying that my brother belongs in Hell?" the midget asked angrily, getting all red in his face, even though he tried to control his anger. The two had reached the end of the staircase and stood before the wooden gate leading into the basement. Vengeancekael stood calmly before the locked door and then turned to face Clurey.

"No... actually, your brother's ghost belongs nowhere, because every generation in your family have avoided serving the deities of the world, thus none of the deities are responsible for taking care of Leprey's lost soul. I know all about the secret McPatrickus Family Graveyard in the Veltheere Pass - even though you didn't mark it on any of your maps..." Vengeancekael revealed. Clurey looked surprised at the elf.

"Wha-" the midget was interrupted.

"Which is why your next project will be to make a map of Valentine Forest." Vengeancekael spoke, and turned to the door, starting to lock it up. Clurey didn't seem too happy about the situation, however.

"I do NOT intend to make another map! I'm DONE with this profession, so go find yourself another cartographer!" he exclaimed, and started walk up the stairs, but stopped when he heard the gate open.

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you, Clurey... I know Alwin told you about a lost soul's fate if not taken care of in time: an endless servitude to the God of Darkness. And I know that despite the lies you tell yourself, if you could you still want to give peace to your brother's soul by burying him with your ancestors in the Veltheere Pass." Vengeancekael said, with a higher and more demanding tone than ever before, and continued
"What if I told you that your plan can not succeed without what is behind this door..."

Clurey stayed quiet and turned around with widely opened scared eyes, a heartbeat that was painfully loud and pearls of sweat gliding down his pale, bald head. The mysterious elf couldn't possibly mean...?
He walked towards the opening to the basement with hasty firm steps, passing Vengeancekael without a sound.

On the other side was an amazing and yet very scary sight. The enormous dark hall was filled up with 3m3 ice cubes, stacked on top of each other all the way to the huge basement hall's roof, arranged in many long rows. There were hundreds of cubes in the room! And worst of it all was that in the center of each one, stood a person frozen in the ice!
... and there, not so far away from Clurey himself, was Leprey McPatrickus!!!

Clurey fell to his knees, tears streaming from his eyes, as he looked at the intact body of his dead brother. He wanted to ask what this was all about, but the words stuck in his throat. Vengeancekael walked up to the emotional midget.

"I do not only collect maps, I have a collection of dead bodies as well, which I save from rotting away alone." Vengeancekael spoke, and looked around the room with pride. Clurey looked to the elf with wet, red eyes.

"Y-you're crazy" he whispered. The elf looked back at the midget, surprised by his opinion.

"Look, you should be happy I gave you a chance to save your brother from the Darkness. I am actually only trying to help your family, you are its last member after all. Draw that map of Valentine Forest for me, and I will reward you with your brother's corpse so you can put him to rest in the McPatrickus graveyard... and this time I want you to include everything!" Vengeancekael ordered. Clurey looked to the floor, but ended up nodding and agreeing to the terms.


After Vengeancekael had showed Clurey the way out of the building, he returned to the basement to look at his collection, which included Kari, Paillan, Alagremm and countless others, who all had their own unique histories. However, common to them all, was that their souls were no longer connected to their bodies. He found Leprey McPatrickus to be a fine addition to the collection, so he closed off the room and walked back up to the corridor, and then followed it to another big gate. One that he opened more commonly - leading into the Hall of Destiny.

The only sources of light in the ancient castle's huge empty dim Hall of Destiny were coming from high above the floor, sending a few rays of natural light through the patterned windows in the roof, yet those few rays of light were just enough as they successfully fell peacefully down upon the entire carpet of gray and yellow colors heading in a straight line from the closed entrance doors to the majestic platform at the other end of the hall. The atmosphere of the enormous silent hall had a magical cling to it. However, soon the silence was broken by a slow creaking sound as the beautifully decorated wooden swing doors at the room's only entrance were pushed gently apart from the outside by Vengeancekael.

Then he proceeded to move into the relatively dim light inside the hall, and begun the long walk across the gray carpet, heading straight for where the rays of light were the most intense in the room - the round platform where the carpet folded itself matching the few steps up the short staircase. The elf was clearly not in a rush, as his tall body moved with short and calm steps, with his long dark cape sweeping the gray carpet behind him.

"Now, where were we?" he asked himself as he continued the walk, although he obviously already knew the answer to his own question.

"The angel got back her halo last month and the T.H.U.M.P.E.R.-gang continued their journey south, Frederica wreaked some havoc in the Mountain City, and both Darkness and Insanity is spreading out on the continents, Dante moved north, and blah blah blah" he spoke, although no one was there to listen but himself. He had finally reached the staircase to the platform, and proceeded to move up into the intense light that fell upon this particular spot.

After passing the final step, and walking onto the circular platform, which was surrounded by smooth handrails as colorless as the rest of the hall, the elf stopped up once again, this time sighing, as he looked forward on the marble pedestal before him. On top of it was a huge sacred book, known only by a small group of hand-selected people, as the Book of Destiny. Vengeancekael was the most prominent of those hand-selected people and the caretaker of its powers.

"So that means it will be another nameless chapter in August..." he spoke with a slightly unmotivated voice, while he opened up the Book of Destiny, and flipped through the many pages stuffed with tiny letters. Together the endless amounts of paragraphs described every past event that had happened in the world's long history. He finally reached the pages where the text ended, and met the blankness which lasted throughout the remaining many pages until the books' very last page.

Except for the Book of Destiny, there was only one other thing on the fine pedestal - a small round glass jar filled with pitch-black ink. Vengeancekael's long narrow fingers reached in behind his dark cape, and when he pulled back out his hand he held a long beautiful black feather in it. Then he dipped it in the jar of ink, and moved back his attention to the book. It was his job to make sure that destiny was unfolding itself naturally, yet excitingly, and this magical book was all he required to be able to do so.

On a blank spot he wrote a new title "August ~ Another Nameless Chapter" with a beautiful handwriting. He looked at his work for a while before finally closing the book.

"Now, let's be patient while the destiny unfolds itself" he spoke, knowing that inside the book the magic had already started. Below his new title, tiny words started to form themselves. That was when a new unexpected voice suddenly echoed inside the hall.

"I had hoped you would learn from your previous mistakes, brother..." Lujon the Blue Wizard said. Vengeancekael looked at the direction of the voice and found his brother standing tall at the entrance of the majestic hall, leaning on the beautiful wooden door. Lujon was apparently not finished.

"Inviting a mortal into your castle... don't you know what trouble that could end up bringing?" Lujon asks angrily.

"The mortals aren't as bad as you think Lujon" Vengeancekael replied.

"Well, they have always been stupid and exceptionally power-hungry!" Lujon exclaimed.

"And so? Don't tell me your beloved God friends aren't power-hungry?" Vengeancekael sent back a new question.

"Some of them are, but that is their job anyway. We both know that the important balance between them requires them to fight back and forth all the time" Lujon replied, clearly not finding the conversation comfortable. Vengeancekael stepped down from the platform towards the Blue Wizard.

"'The mortals isn't any different, Lujon. There is a balance between them as well" Vengeancekael said, with a much more calm voice than his brother. Lujon grunted, knowing he could never win in an argument with Vengeancekael.

"Just don't get us into trouble again, okay... you know just as well as I do the troubling news that the Darkness is spreading..." Lujon spoke, giving up on the discussion, then left the castle without further ado.

Vengeancekael stood still for a while longer in the Hall of Destiny. He knew Lujon knew only the tip of the iceberg, about how strong roots the Darkness had in the world by now...
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Dante, Leprey , Ventus ~ Kari's place/norther

Dante had been moving faster and faster as his last wounds where getting healed thanks to his herbs. This clearly meant a problem for Ventus, who lost him from time to time in the snow storm, but he didn't lost him. When the storm was just begining to get to annoying, they arrived in Kari's place. Dante entered and sat in the cave. He made a Fire with his powers and put herself in meditating position

"I didn't knew demons meditated..." Leprey said

"Oh, they don't" Dante said. Them they both kept silent.

Ventus entered later and hid himself. He was very cold thought.

After a long silence that seem infinity to Ventus, Dante spoke.

"Well, our next stop shall be the Santania"

"Santania?" Leprey wondered "What's that?"

"The place where the Christmas army is" Dante replied

"Umm... you sure it's a good idea to stop there?" Leprey asked

"No, but it's the only place left up there" Dante said

"What about Santa's workshop?" Leprey asked

"You don't want to know..." Dante said

Hours later, Dante standed up and went out and just started walking again

"This dude doesn't get tired?" Ventus thought "He didn't sleept all night, and he didn't eat anything..." Ventus said following Dante at a secure distance.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
(( Well, I had a little time this evening, so why not make a post.. Felt bad for Kari that he had to run the plot in the South all alone anyway :b

I just took the freedom to make a retcon. Back in Christmas 2012, Am'ar didn't arrive to the Valley of Christmas alone. He had two allies with him. Those two are already in the RP, but their names will be changed from now on as well:

Deolrin the Forest Troll ==> Dilrin the Goblin
Gen Bloodhorn ==> Go'an Wise-horn

Oh, and yet another change. Go'an will be the leader of the Niss, instead of Dilrin.

Hope you guys don't mind all this ^^ ))


Am'ar Kardos, Vincent & Ga'chief ~ At War2

Am'ar remained quiet throughout the entire meeting. While Ga'chief explained their current situation to Vincent, Am'ar looked at the rusty weapons piled up in a corner of the huge tent. Their design was unique to the Southern Continent, familiar designs to the Orc, which he hadn't seen for a long, long time...
His thoughts took him years back in time.


The Kardos Clan was a terrible one - especially its leader, Am'ar's father. They lived only for war and bloodshed, and they gladly participated in the wars between other Greenskin clans and tauren tribes. Most fought for the limited resources, but not the Kardos Clan. They thought only of glory in battle.

Am'ar too, and he was raised by his father to be a capable hand-to-hand warrior and mastermind of war strategies. One day he courageously led an attack force on the Wise-horns, a tauren tribe known for their small-sized, cunning members with huge magical potential. Am'ar and his attack force could not outsmart the small tauren people, and most of the greenskin attackers were killed, but Am'ar was shown mercy, under the orders of the Wise-horn's old chieftain.

The Wise-horn took in Am'ar, and forced him to learn their peaceful ways, until he finally started to like them. That was when the old chieftain told his son Go'an Wise-horn, who had become a great friend of Am'ar, that the Gods wanted that they traveled north together, so far that they could go no further. The chieftain promised that they would find their destinies up there.

Am'ar was skeptic at first, but then remembered that the Chieftain had never been wrong before. They left the tauren village, and soon after met a goblin called Dilrin, who joined their adventure north. Long after their journey had begun, they finally arrived at the Valley of Christmas, and the Chieftain's words appeared to be true.

Am'ar found a good purpose to fight for and close friends and allies that he would never have dreamed of in the Kardos Clan. And Go'an soon proved himself worthy to take on a role as commander of the Christmas Elf army. Dilrin stayed with Go'an.

Am'ar hadn't seen them for months. He wondered how they were doing up there.. but one thing he wondered more. What had happened to the Kardos Clan in his absence, and what about the Wise-horns? Had they suffered the same fate as all the other southern civilizations?


"Isn't that right, Am?" Vincent asked, and broke Am'ar's thoughts. He and Ga'chief stood by a round table, with a map sewn onto its surface. A map of the southern continent. They all looked at the confused orc, who raised his bushy eyebrows in a nervous manner behind the round orange sunglasses that he had found at Ryan's villa.

"Uhh, yeah" he said, without knowing what the actual question was. The bulky tauren looked at his human friend.

"Then it's far even worse than I thought, the poison has already engulfed almost the entire continent... We Strong-hooves can only hope to get help from the south-eastern clans and tribes." Ga'chief Strong-hoof said, and grabbed a club next to him. He walked a few steps away from the table.

"And there will be little help to get there. The Kardos clan have probably destroyed all of the other clans already... yet, we have something that might convince them to help us" he said calmly, then turned around and looked at the orc. More precisely, at the tattoo on Am'ar's shoulder, depicting the infamous symbol of the Kardos Clan. Vincent looked surprised towards Am'ar too, never realizing before now that he shared last name with the most unpopular greenskin clan on the southern continent. Am'ar remained silent, and looked away.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Dante, Go'an Wise-horn, Dilrin, Ventus and Leprey ~ Run to the hills

After a hard journey, Dante had finally arrived to Santania, followed by Leprey and Ventus on the distance. He was them there, standing in front of the door, not sure what to do.
"Should be knock?" Leprey said with happy voice

"Now I am not so sure about this... but well, if I don't get food here, I won't get it anywhere, and I will starve" Dante said

"That would be terrible..." Leprey said

"well, them" Dante said and knocked the door

He and Leprey waited. For a long while... He was about to turn away when the door opened. Go'an Wise-horn head popped put of the small spot in the half opened door

"What do you want?" Go'an Wise-horn said

"I am and errand traveler, I lost my way. Could I enter this fortress to get some food and rest? I will pay you" Dante said

"Money is worth nothing here" Go'an Wise-horn starting to close the door

"Wait... I have news from outside, something that may interest you" Dante said

Go'an Wise-horn lifted his eyebrown and said

"Come in... but let all your weapons with the goblin you will see inside" he said

Dante noded and was allowed to go inside. At one side he saw Dilrin, and he gave his sword to him, the only weapon he was carrying

"Now, follow me" Go'an Wise-horn said "You are gonna give me those... NEWS inside that building..." He said pointing the tower in Santania which was new for him. Aparently Santa's house remained untouched but still somehow looked clean. Dante didn't gave it to much importance and followed Go'an Wise-horn.

Later, Ventus arrived in the fortress, and using the ancient emblem of his family which he has stolen, among a secret password, he was let inside by Dilrin

And them, Dante began to talk...

After he had finished talking his news, the reapereance of the darkness named Bernkastel, Go'an Wise-horn and Dilrin looked serious towards him

"If what you said is true, them the efforts and all the sacrifice of last year was for nothing, including Santa's dead..." Go'an Wise-horn said sad

"What are you planing to do now?" Dilrin said

"I am in the search of the artictlantis, the legendary ship" Dante said

"Do you really belive those fairy tales?" Go'an Wise-horn said

"I do. Yes I do belive there is something even northern than this place" Dante said

"Why would you want to go there anyway?" Dilrin said

"There is this legend of a powerfull wizard with the capability of making life" Dante said

"So you are searching for a legend to search for another one..." Go'an Wise-horn said

"Well, destiny was never normal around me, I believe" Dante said

Go'an Wise-horn and Dilrin saw each other

"You said Am'ar and Paillan are friends of you? right?" Go'an Wise-horn said

"And this is your evidence?" Dilrin said pointing the tatoo Dante had shown to prove them his relation to Am'ar

"Yes and Yes" Dante said

Go'an Wise-horn took something out of his pocket, Santa's gear.

"Do you think that wizard could use this to revive Santa?" Dilrin asked "We have already tried everything we knew..."

"Well, it may work..." Dante said

"Them please take it. Christmas is coming, and we need Santa back, otherwise the most important holiday will be riuned again and it will be a sad month" Go'an Wise-horn said

"I will try, you should protect the north so that darkness may not invade it again" Dante said standing up with the gear in his pocket, which was now also full with food

But them, Ventus entered on rush and said

"I know it know, you MUST be that demon guy from the Easter games!" he yelled

"Damn" Dante said jumping out of a near window

"Trap him!" Go'an Wise-horn said desesperated "He has the gear!"

"Why did you gave it to him so quickly?" Dilrin complained

"Why didn't you stopped me?" Go'an Wise-horn complained

"Just get him!" Ventus said, following Dante throught the window

But dante had already jumped of the wall and was running to the ice hills

"Get him!" Dilrin and Go'an Wise-horn said to the soldiers and themselves, as they where getting out of the fortress, a large group of soldiers where going towards the hills, Ventus included.

"Dammed!" Dante said running as he saw the amount of men behind him
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