[RP Thread] Cries of Urnung: Book of the Bladebringer

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Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Well that kinda sucks. I'll be off for a week tomorrow.

Anyway, personally I thought it would be cool to have a real exploration RP. To experience the feeling the Conquistadors had when they first stepped in Latin America. Everybody could be explorers, leaving home and country for personal reasons which could vary from greed to restlessness to exile and learn about a totally new land and civilization. You can try to integrate or just try to conquer everything.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
I'm planning on having it pretty free form... Not many if any dice rolls and pretty 'do what you want' and the DM/World will R.E.A.C.T accordingly :)

Let me know if this disappoints you and I'll change :)
My reasons:

+ Story Driven
- Less, Slow down and Mathematical stuff

EDIT: Started working on the thread! :) Hopefully post tonight or tomorrow!
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I've been hitting up Grey for some details and I managed to get this screenshot.

Totally fucking amazing is what it is. I'm sooo stoked. It sounds like the most fucking awesome roleplay to come to the hive. O_O He's got like a fuck ton of stuff ready.

I can't wait to play. Who is in?
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
I saw this thread in my User CP and that you posted in it...

... got my hopes up...

... now dead. I hate you. :(
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