[RP Thread] Cries of Urnung: Book of the Bladebringer

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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
The guard that had previously pointed his spear at the group now stared at them in horror and confusion.
The other guard was now quite awake, and looked just as afraid as his companion.
Slowly, the guard with the spear handed a key to Illios.
Then, the two of them sprinted down the corridor, running as fast as they could to get away from the group.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora smiled with pride as the orbs dispersed. She laughed mockingly and turned to the pixie. "Like a charm," she said before turning to the sky elf. "Well?"
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Illios stared into the darkness and frowned, then proceeding to chuckle defiantly. He wasn't afraid of darkness, for he had darkvision. Though, the impenetrable fog the pitch-black darkness provided annoyed him, because he could only look so far. It also fascinated him as he wondered what lay hidden. He wondered what things would await them in these once-mighty cities.
He then drew his sword and pointed it towards the darkness;
''Forward, companions, and don't let the sun blind you on the way in.'' Illios shouted with a large grin on his face.

''No insult, no sarcasm?'' he thought to himself.
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Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
The darkness annoyed him, even made him uncomfortable as an elf. The silence only magnified it. In a second, Arcisal made a small ball of flame in the palm of his hand. Small, but enough to illuminate several meters around in them in a radius.

Staying close to Meyla, he turned to warn the others in a low alarmed voice. "Be careful on what you tread on. And think before you execute." He tried to pierce through the darkness around them, his darkvision aiding him well, to look for any signs of danger.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Ahead of them was... More corridors.
It seemed to go on eternally, the darkness always covering the end no matter how far their darkness-piercing vision glared.
But there were side-paths. Thousands and Thousands of side-paths.
Tiny black holes leading away from the main corridor to the right and left, some of them reinforced gates and others simply holes in the walls.
And all around them, the group could hear... movement.
Something moving, that was for certain, but what it was and where it was could not be defined.
At times it seemed to have disappeared, but then it reappeared again.
And although none of them had expected to simply walk through the tunnels and emerge victorious unscathed, they now knew that they already had company.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Arcisal inspected the text engraved upon the walls. It seemed that he too could not understand such words. "These runes are unknown to me." he said as he continued to hold up his ball of flame, illuminating their way. "Nevertheless, we should stop pondering here figuring them out and make our way through this labyrinth".
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
OOC: Player Reminder:
I'm not really sure what we're supposed to do except walk and walk some more :/

Meyla led the party on through the winding complex. After some time she came to a stop and closed her illuminated hand, extinguishing the entity light with a sigh of relief. "I need to save my strength" she explained with an idle beat of her wings. She held her sword up high - its meagre glow of some solace - and pressed on, squinting into the darkness.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora ignored the comment. The flying gnomess continued to think she was the boss. Of course, she failed to remember where she was and who she was with. She was a small little git and if she had her way she would have bathed the tiny thing with fire.

Remember what you came back for... but as she tried too, she couldn't. She couldn't remember much, just scraps. Useless scraps.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Illios walked. And walked. And then walked. These corridor seemed to be fairly long to him and he heard only the footsteps of his companions, while he placed a hand on the wall and dragged it along, absent-minded. He had traversed through a similiar corridor, yet without the runes a long time ago. It reminded him of better days, greater deeds. And of other people. At that thought, he closed his eyes and sighed deeply before withdrawing his hand from the wall. When he opened his eyes Illios saw the smile of a man long gone. Devillish and familiar. As soon as he saw it, it vanished into thin air. Illusions and shades...

''Why?'' he thought with a sad smile.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
OOC: Well, tbh i'd expect some of you to...
Nevermind. Actually, i think it'l work better this way.

After having walked down the corridor for a now substantial amount of time the group saw light ahead of them.
It was only a faint glimmer, but even at this distance the light of an oil lamp was unmistakable.
It was standing wierdly still, though.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Illios approached it with mild curiosity about the state of the flame. He loosened his grip on his sword, for what could light do? He was sure that the light marked some kind of new entrance.. why would they have suddenly put an oil lamp after all this time for an other reason?
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
OOC: me & bladey have been playing so much LoL together. we almost forgot about this. oO I'm sure he'll post today. xD

IC: Ekrion followed behind Meyla, guarding the groups back from anything that might attack them.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
OOC: Myeah... Sorry guys, I've really not been feeling like doing anything on the hive. I'm really sorry, but for once it seems that it's me that doesn't know what to post.
Dont get me wrong, i've got an insanely huge dungeon crawl planned for you people, but...
Myeah, school's been taking bigger and bigger chunks of my time (as to be expected) and i've spent my spare time exercising, writing and playing LoL (what that game compells me so is truly a mystery...).
My huge apologies to those of you that just finally got into the RP, as i honestly feel like a huge dick pulling a dick move, but i'm also running dangerously low on inspiration for this RP as i'm doing A LOT of writing in the Five Planes universe right now.
I'l try to get myself to make a decent post sometime tomorrow. Sorry again. :S
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
04/02/12 - ...No post? <_<
I restah' meh case-uh! - B.U.M.P


"I'm not taking any chances, so let's be careful," Meyla muttered as she breasted through the group, retaking the fore.

"Na ylemitnu dna llew devresed htaed yam uoy reffus, mine hidden foe!"

She cried raising both palms toward the hidden light and pushing out, as if to strike it from afar. She didn't.

She just disappeared, gone as surely as the sun on a deep, dark night.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
i don't expect him to come back anytime soon... I've had contact with him often lately and hes still busy inside the Rafia world but...
he is more interesting in writing than actually role-playing right now.

I'm kinda annoyed at him for it (just as you guys probably) but meh. you can't stay mad at him.

I will try to force him on posting seeing as I to just want to continue this RP.
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Actually, I can stay mad at him. But that's besides the point.

To be perfectly honest the amount of dis-ingenuousness is astounding. Dragonson needs to get his ass back here and explain himself. In stead of just leaving us hanging he needs to write a serious post explaining himself and saying if he is going to DM this thing or not. I've no interest in waiting for him to get his ass in gear.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Too long of a pause and left too unexplained for my liking, sure if you got other things to do np. But an explanatory post doesn't take five mins.. I'm out, I'm not going to waste my time checking for signs of activity if time to explain its lack isn't offered in return.

If anyone else starts an active roleplay, please throw me a PM :/
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep hooooooooooooldiiiiiiiiiing oooooooon cause we're gonna make it through, make it throughhhh staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaandiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing stroooooooooooooooooooooooooooong cause baby i'm here for you here for youuuuuuuuuu
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