[RP Thread] Cries of Urnung: Book of the Bladebringer

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"How curious, a Faerie."

Nyviara said aloud to the creature that had alighted not a meter from her. She was your run of the mill faerie, and carried herself like one. Nyviara thought to herself, saving no love for the faeries of Windlora, not that she had anything against them in particular, but their race carried themselves in a certain way.

Nyviara adjusted her wings, flaring them and fluttering them violently, for a moment, clearing them of dust.

She tried her best to look regal, standing there, and her pose did demand a little respect, if she received it or not.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Meyla didn't look at all startled by the impersonal greeting, she merely turned to face the tiny figure, no taller than the smallest of quills, leaning against a single bar of the rusty sewer gate. Upon completion of her inspection her passive posture took on an air of distant hostility, causing her to body to noticeably stiffen.
"And what.." she wondered.
"Would a Pixie be doing here, of all places?"
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora arrived, the stinging cold caressing her skin. She stood tall, glaring at the faerie. "Another one of the Ashlord's hounds, how lovely." She said mockingly, pushing past to the gate. She breathed through her mouth. There was no way she would even consider using her sense of smell at this point.

She turned around, smiling. "How fares the mighty Ashlord? Still having our forces killed?"
Nyviara turned, her face a mask of disappointment, and humor. Nyviara was feeling admittedly malicious at this time. She didn't like Faeries much.

This creature was irritating beyond the usual. The generic sort of weak minded girl who thinks the world owes her everything, and she is here to collect. She had met humans like with Piverou. They were so petty. She disliked such creatures, they had no honor, no distinction, no empathy. They were so shallow, and would never amount to anything.

Nyviara let out a high, beautiful, but haughty laugh. "So, it seems we've met the harlot, or may hap the jester of the troupe, I could use some entertainment, Sing us a song."

But she said it as an aside, as if she didn't really care. Nyviara was angry, she couldn't help it. She was never usually disrespectful and snarky. She was usually firm and convicted. It was the dust, she tried to convince herself. But that wasn't really it, and she knew it.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora smiled. "You rainbow people are such fun." She laughed, turning her attention to the sewer gate. "Taiion should keep his little halfling nose out of mortal affairs. He has more to worry about than a book."
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Illios, seeing others leave, quickly put the book down. It would be a burden to carry around anyway. He made his way to the sewers by following Amnora. Easy enough. He hadn't experienced any trouble on the way. Perhaps it was his cloak? Or perhaps they knew they shouldn't mess with him? Anyway, he made his way to the sewer gate and noticed the woman and stood still, hearing the name of the Ashlord. He remembered his little adventure with the cape and wondered what was known of him.
''Uh.. a new faerie?'' he asked himself outloud when he saw the woman with wings.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
"She. Is. Not. A Faerie" Meyla corrected him coldly, having taken no small offence at the inaccurate comparison.
"She's a Pixie. She's also likely one of high stature, a magistrate or councillor perhaps?. For she has proven herself to be most annoying, even by her race's exceptional standards.

Despite her obvious distate, Meyla's words carried no discernible emotion and for all the world looked like nothing more than an observation, but the signs were there, should you look close enough: The narowed eyes, twitching wings and rigid stance.
The Faerie struggled for a second, battling some inner emotion before her better judgement won out.
"They're excellent magicians, even if they can't match others for height, strength and... manners. She may prove useful".
"May I request that you relinquish your name, Pixie?" She finished in a rather vain attempt at formality.
Nyviara almost burst out hissing as Illios called her a faerie. But she let the Faerie itself do the speaking. She almost nodded in agreement. Being called a Faerie was belittling.

Then the faerie asked her something. "May I request that you relinquish your name, Pixie?"

Nyviara turned her head slowly towards Meyla.

"I am Her Majesty Queen Nyviara of the Gendahtsie." She said, proudly, but also approvingly, as if she respected the Faerie's gesture towards civility.

"I would request your name as well, Faerie." She nodded, politely.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
OOC: Why do we always meet on such bad terms? BTW

IC: Another one? It was like they were always in an endless supply. "The one you clearly just offended is Meyla. It should be wise to not continue to do so." warned the elf. He wasn't very sure what this newcomer was capable of but he would still give her a taste of what he was if she didn't keep herself in check. "We've already delayed enough. Let's move on." Turning the the sewer bars that gated them from their entrance, Arcisal used the psychic energies to rip them from their places.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
"We're all here," she said. "Except the Crycon," she slowly hissed, distaste evident when she said the word 'Crycon'. Brutes. Big, burly brutes.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Slight DM edit here guys.
There's been a slight Screwup in the lore, which i sadly have to intervene in.
Please disregard anything said by Amnora about 'the Ashlord', as she infact has never heard the name before and does not know anything about the character.
'part from that just carry on with the RP, as it looks like we're finally moving. ;)
Level 16
Oct 17, 2009
Leo flew high as he followed the group, descending to the entrance of the sewers where he saw another new face. Her face beautiful as the sunset, her eyes showing the fire of her heart. Nevertheless, he ignored her and turned to Meyla.
"Are you sure about staying here?" Leo asked.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
"Then it's settled." said the elf with an undertone of slight impatience, his usually calm demeanor twitching with an inkling of irritation at the amount of delays. Ever since he was found in that accursed temple, in hibernation apparently, and with no memory whatsoever. It was good to be back, and he appreciated and was thankful for them letting him be a part of them, but his memories still hid from him, hiding in the forgotten vestiges of his mind.

Turning to Meyla an appreciative look of thanks, a slight nod coming from it as well, he turned to the entrance and looked to the rest. "Well Sunrah, what now?" as he journeyed into the filthy dark tunnel.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Sunrah's voice shot through the minds of the group.
Alright, make your way to the parts of the sewers that turn from being built by the inhabitants of Roag to slowly merging into the ruin city below.
Once you are there, make contact again.
Apart from that, try not to contact me. I'm suspecting that we are being watched.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora laughed, pushing the wood elf out of the way and proceeding in complete and utter carelessness. As it got darker, and her eyes struggled, she paused and raised her hand. The air began to vibrate with tainted energy as violet fire formed, illuminating the area around her.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Ekrion left the sanctuary companied by his Golem and left for the sewer entrance.
he walked trough the many dark and small streets of Roag and finally arrived, finding at the entrance where Meyla waited for him.
"so I'm the last one I guess?" he said.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
The Faerie smiled brightly at his arrival. She jumped to her feet and brushed herself down, the dust having clung to her light apparel.
"The others have gone on ahead" she confirmed, taking a step towards him.
"I thought I'd stay and make sure.. You were alright" she frowned, her usually sharp face soft with concern.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
He smiled. "I am fine Meyla." he said softly. "do not worry about me."
and as he said that he entered the sewers, following the rest of the group.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
"Oh but I do" she whispered to herself as he walked away.
"I really do..."

Then with a low sigh and a heavy heart, she fell into step behind him and watched in despair as the encroaching darkness began painting a sad mural of her life upon the gloomy walls.

OOC: DM, decide if we catch them up without incident or not/when? :eek:
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Meyla and Ekrion soon caught up to the rest of the group, and they wandered through the sewer's corridors together for about twenty minutes without anything notable happening.
After a while though, Illios spots a gate somewhere in the distance.
It doesnt look very stable, and seems to be something quickly set up not long ago.
On top of that, it appears to be guarded. In front of it stands two men clad in bronze-colored armor and black cloaks.
One of them seems to be asleep, and the other appears to be quite busy polishing his weapons.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
The guard polishing his weapons immediately grabbed hold of a well-polished spear lying on the ground and in a quick movement turned to face the group.
"Halt! This area of the sewers is off-limits!
The ruin-city has been closed to all unauthorized visitors by orders of the Rune-Queen herself!"
The sleeping guard kept sleeping.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
''Look.. I'm sure we can figure something out. We all have needs -- we need to go further and I'm sure you also want something. Money, maybe? We can make it magically appear in your pocket and you'll walk away a richer man. Maybe you're afraid of the risks, but you can just say that we overpowered you and forced our way through. You can have some money..

Or maybe a dagger to the throat. My companions aren't very nice people. I'd take this generous gift if I were you.'' he said with a threatening tone, hoping to partially intimidate the guard.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora sighed, the purple fire growing larger as a testament to her impatience. "Then," she said, walking past everybody with a sadistic smile. Her gaze met with the guard and she continued, "you die."

"And maybe," she paused, her two balls of violet fire manifesting in both hands. "Your queen will also die for this... inconvenience." Her eyes then flashed with the raw power of the Entity. Petty fool, your inability to guide yourself from this queen will be your demise.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora ignored her. The two spheres of radiant fire hissed in defiance. The sorceress' eyes were still locked with the guards.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
The other Faerie was clearly out of control. Her lust drives her to abomination! Knowing well that the tainted magicks were out of Arcisal's control, Arcisal stretched his arm out to the two guards and moved them aside telepathically away from their imminent doom.

"We see what they have to say first" said the elf sternly, facing Amnora's lithe form. "They do not deserve to die for obeying commands."
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
"Everyone deserves to die, elf. Even you and I," she said in a tone that would chill you to the bone. She retracted slightly, but the two orbs stilled hissed.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
OOC: Enlighten me - what does nonplussed mean? :eek: It's a scathingly brilliant word!

Amnora smiled. "In the north, we have a saying - 'if you desire something, kill whoever keeps it from you'." The orbs growled loudly.

"And if you continue to act as if we are part of your silly little court of forest skunks," she paused, clearly pleased with the image in her head. "Well, you'll see."
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Illios sighed and was almost seduced into facepalming. These people absolutely didn't know how a bribe worked. The human sorceress apparantly had no intention of leaving these guards alive, which was fairly counter-productive or helpful the way you looked at it. He just hoped the Pixie could restrain her.

''Once more, take the money and go. She,'' he pointed towards Amnora ,''will not hesitate to kill you if you do not. Go quickly, before my companions can't restrain her any longer.''
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
OOC: I'll just asume that they're still alive and I've managed to move them out of the way from Amnora's wierdo spell just in time from being incinerated.

IC: Luck had been on his side. Had he hesitated from executing the spell just a moment longer, the guards would've surely been dead. Information could be gained from them, even without a fight thought the elf.

"There. Your lives have been saved. Now tell us, who is this Rune-Queen that you serve? Is she an enemy of the name Taiion? Answer us or the next time my friend blasts through her way, you will not have another saving you." he spoke slightly louder than usual at their direction.
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