[Lorepainter Beta] Cries of Urnung: Book of the Bladebringer

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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
"Narwahl's they are Narwahl's... Do not let them touch your-"

Yeah she doesn't really get on with Holo from what I recall so that should be interesting.
But honestly? No I wouldn't care a blind bit if someone asked if they could be a narwahl in my rp, I'd say no ofc, but I'd probably +rep them for being :vw_wtf: (that's not a hint... just an example of how un-annoyed I'd be, smiling makes everything better as does randomness!)

Sheet thingy incoming (if I have to do math, sleep with one eye open! >.<)
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
nah, i went for the same kind of character, but mex was a bit :/ well i didn't like him anymore.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Name: Meyla*
Race: Faerie (can't remember the Rafian term)
Description and Biography: Meyla comes from a clan of forest(or was it mountain?) dwelling elf-sub-breeds deep within Urnung.
She is a quiet, composed individual with long, light and silky dark hazel hair which she holds in a pony tail and a two bang fringe either side of her face. She is young but has traveled far and wide, including the Sixth plane. She has a very short temper, but hates (and usually regrets) snapping at people.
She often seems distant or uninterested, often sitting for hours on end staring into space, reflecting on past events. She's extremely loyal to those she cares for and can more than put up a fight if necessary using a combination of deft light, two-handed swordplay and a small selection of Arcane magic.
She possesses wings and uses them to her full effect.
She has run in to various figureheads around Rafia including the head Dragonpriest himself (at whom she continues to bear a grudge).
Strength: (1+3) 4
Will: (1+5) 6
Dexterity: (1+7) 8
Cunning: (1+4) 5
Endurance: (1+1) 2
-Dextrous Fighting
- Fly (2pts)
- Entity touched
- I know I haven't filled this, no other feats req's are met -
Weapon: Meyla's blade is simple, light and long. It has an uncanny ability to absorb and or reflect some small amount of magical matter (I'm guessing that's in the Sixth Plane only...).
Armour: She wears a long, pleated emerald skirt and overall, upon which various ornate armour is worn, including a breastplate**, bracers, pauldrons and greaves. The arms, legs, neck and head are free. The Armour is light and unenchanted. Nor is it particularly robust, designed for ancient ceremonies not battle. Outside of battle she dons light, silky, layered togas of a varying degree.

*The creator requests kindly that this Character is not now or in the near future, ever used as a Rafian NPC - as she is too awesome. :ogre_hurrhurr:
** Due to possessing wings Meyla's Breastplate is merely one piece of metal for the front chest, her lower back is covered by the light cloth, upper back and shoulders are bare skin (as that's where her wings are)!
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
The Rafian term is 'Remnant'. :)
And you REALLY should consider redoing those stats.

Anyways, i guess it's okay that you have wings and use your old char as i promised that you could.
As far as i know, though, there's at least one feat that you can take (Has to Reqs), and as you're using a Sixth plane character it's actually required.
Ya gotta be Entity Touched. ;)
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
HAHAH Missed that one! :D

And I lol'd:

-Entity Touched:
Your character has been touched by the energies of The Entity.
You can commune with the Sixth plane, and you have the ability to consume the magical energy of dead enemies "or friends".

I could care less about more feats - ;)
Personal Char Satisfaction > Ability
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010

Name: Unan Stoneheaven
Race: Dark Elf
Description and Biography:A noble and known warrior to all of his kin, Unan Stoneheaven's reputation among his people had shocked them in awe and admired him as a champion due to his actions for taking down his foes only with the might of his strength and endurance but lacks the ability to intake magic for his own. although his unbreakable body does not envy him to his people's addiction for magic, he stands ready to all odds with the empowering faith of true power. He is 5.7 feet tall, has an athletic body, has a short white mane, he had maroon eyes and grey skin.
Strength - 6 [1+2+3]
Willpower - 2 [0+1+1]
Dexterity - 5 [1+2+2]
Cunning - 2 [0+1+1]
Endurance - 10 [1+1+2+3+3]

Controlled Fighting
Brutal Fighting
Steel Fists
Hardened Skin

Weapon/s: He wields a two-handed hammer that was made by a crystal-like green glass and had a black sheath.
Armour: He wears a full bronze set similar to the spartan warrior's actual armor without the helmet.
Runes: Unable to take "Rune" due to low "Willpower".
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Here is my char.

Please read my notation on feats.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Alright guys, i was adding a few more runes but didnt get far.
If you like the extra few i've added then feel free to use them. Now, on to the newcomers. ;)

One thing for all of you guys:
No matter how awesome TWIF's char sheet is, and no matter how much i appreciate that he's put that much effort into it, it wont work. :(
I need all of your char sheet's in as-simple-as-possible text formats, so that they're easily editable as the game goes.
The best example of an awesome char sheet is the one phoon made.
So, if you'd simplify your char sheets for me so i dont have to do extra work before we can start, that would be awesome. :)

Heh, well if you're satisfied then feel free to save the point.

Well, for one you've 16 out of your 20 points.
All stats start at zero. :)
If you really want to use runes (they dont need to be part of your char sheet if you dont use them) then slam those remaining stat points into will.

Apart from that and the confusing char sheet you've got, it's all cool. :)

Yeah, feat requirments seem to be a problem.
I'l look into it, even though you're going to have some problems with your perfectly balance char as well as if it'dve been a super-specialised one.

I am currently adding more feats and changing feat requirements!
While i'm doing this, it would be awesome if you guys'd organise your char sheets like i asked and start figuring out what the people in the group think of each other.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Dragonson didn't change TWIF, from my eyes it is rather you who changed :/ i can't explain it but it's been bothering me for a while now. not that i dislike you but :/ yea... i can't really explain it.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
I'm not annoyed at you TWIF. :/
Atleast i REALLY dont wanna be, but i must say that i'm on the brink.

Anyways, it's exactly 'cause it's so easy that i ask you guys to do it.
As i see it i've got enough to do already, as i've gotta mix up more feats. :p
Also, as i said, i kinda want it just like Phoon did.
No spaces, categorized just like i posted it and easy to read.
I dont want all of them to look diffirent. :/

On a side note, the requirements for Wizardry will not be changed.
In the system itself, you're not supposed to be able to be a 2H Sword wielding warrior that slams around runic energy.
The only real exception are Crycons, who can do so lorewise, but cant advance beyond basic wizardry.
I will though make channelling easier to get.

EDIT: BTW TWIF, i can figure out what kind of char Grey's is, but i really cant figure out what your char is.
You say there's no feats fitting you. Could you give me some tips on what would? :S
Thats the thing, 'he' isnt anything, he does what he can to get what he can. in a perfect world, he would know a little magic, a little swordplay, a little of everything but master of none. Hes your average joe, not a powerful caster, he doesent expect to wear heavy armor, outfence a swordsmaster, his natural instinct is flight not fight, he doesent expect to outlift a bodybuilder, or outcast a wizard.

I'm not annoyed at you TWIF. :/
Atleast i REALLY dont wanna be, but i must say that i'm on the brink.

Yeah sorry, kinda same. still love you man.

Anyways, it's exactly 'cause it's so easy that i ask you guys to do

Well i kinda assumed you would say that, so thats why i DID it. :p
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
'tis cool TWIF. I've been a total jerk, so i cant blame you.

Okay so... Generally what there's demands for is feats that are 'neutral'.
Well, to be honest i have very few of those in my system, so i'l make some.

Anyways, while i'm doing this i need Everyone who's happy with their charecter to say so.

Once everyone's happy with their chars we can start right away.

(Currently putting all the 'finished' chars into a char list.)
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
Name: Galkerz
Race: Sky Elf
Description and Biography: He is six feet tall with large ears, green eyes, and white hair, but with a face that brings the ladies near in a heartbeat.
Galkerz was once a mighty Sky Elf that had all he needed, a home, friends, a kind and wonderful family, but that all changed when he was accused of doing wrong from the local guards. They accused him for taking lives from innocents, but still his family believed in him, and sought out a plan to free him from the confused guards and save him. As soon as he was to free himself from this nightmare, his family members were attacked and forced to die for believing his actions and Galkerz just ran as fast as he could to the nearest forest line and was on the run ever since. Hiding his identity from anybody that might take him in for a reward, Galkerz would do anything to help the right face over the wrong.
-Entity touched
Weapon: Elven crafted staff, with enchantments that make the staff look actually good when he fights and he has a pouch with little supplies in which he saves for people in need. He keeps a small dagger close by just in case, if he needs it to skin a animal for food, or cut things; like rope, grasses, and other things.
Armour: Elven robes that are tinted green with feathery shoulder pads, a belt crafted in wood and green gloves that he wears for his travels. He even has a hood for when if it gets chilly on nights.

Now he is six feet tall, but what feats do Sky Elves (High Elves) get Dragonson? Well anyway how do you like it so far?
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
@Phoon, Grey and TWIF
Awesome, even though i thought i'd be making some more feats for you before you'd be happy TWIF. :p
I'l have some stuff that suits your char type added when i can.
'till then you just have some free feat points.

Well, it looks pretty good. But well... if i were to really tell you my opinion, i'd say that completely balance characters will have some problems as the game progresses.

Balanced chars work great when you're playing alone, but when you're in a group there will most possibly be lots of other people who does not go neutral.
This means that later on there will be someone that can do pretty much everything you can do, but better.

But well, it is your choice. So i'l make sure to have some feats fitting that playstyle added. :)

Anyways, all those that we need to say 'Ready' are
-Warlord A.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Mreh... And i thought i'd have less impatience once this was posted. :p
Guys, we need to wait for those who are not ready to be so.
We cant just go and leave them behind.

Well, we can. But i wont.
You guys wanna start right away, i get that, but i'm pretty sure none of you guys would like it if you came on and found out that the rest of us 've been playing for ages. ;)

If you think you would actually like that, i'l make sure it happens. :p

And relax guys, we just need Fussiler and W.A.
...and Wolfe, even though he hasnt actually posted in the thread yet.
No worries though. He's been talking to me about his char over PMs so it's pretty much ready for play.

Get on Skype.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
If someone does infact take more than 'till tomorrow then im starting it. 'specially as everyone we're waiting for 'cept Fuss are online on either skype or THW right now.
We're gonna give them time, but not forever. That would be just as silly as starting right now. :p
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Name: Marais Lamente
Race: Sky Elf
Description: Marais confidently stands at 6'3", sporting an athletic build created from years of his martial training as a ranger. His hair is a dark, chocolate-like river that ends above his colour, brightened by the orbs of sky blue that rest symmetrically underneath his crown. His skin is pale, like that of snow, but blood flows freely through his lips, making them smooth and crimson like that of a ripe blood orange.
Biography: For years, Marais was overshadowed by his elder sister. He grew tired of hearing of her progress as a ranger, of how useful she would be to the growing threats outside of the Sky Elven Kingdoms. Marais was always trying to best her, to be seen by his father as more than just 'the second child'. His conviction and desire to prove himself were futile, humiliating him more than aiding in his success. It was when his father called him a disgrace that he truly felt hatred for his family. Thus, he left them, and in search of enlightenment he came to a wizard's academy. Here, he would become something that even his sister could not compete with.

Over the course of many years, Marais developed quite well as an adept sorcerer, being at the top of his class. However, his success made him overconfident. He shed all of his morals, believing them to be a waste of time. It was this overconfidence that lead him to fall in love with one of his mentors - a fatal attraction. This attraction grew, and was soon discovered. His mentor was condemned, for both consorting with a pupil and engaging in a relationship with a male. Marais could not face up to the harsh penalty that would soon follow, so he escaped and fled, abandoning his robes and seeking a greater, freer life as a nomad. During his nomadic years, he became accustom to the way of the ranger and soon dabbled both magic with marksmanship.

Marais is overconfident and shameless, living by his motto 'a long life just means longer fun'. He is rarely caring, seeking pleasure above any form of work, commitment or engagement.

  • Strength: 1 (1 + 0)
  • Will: 6 (1 + 5)
  • Dexterity: 10 (1 + 9)
  • Cunning: 5 (1 + 4)
  • Endurance: 3 (1 + 2)
  • Dexterous Fighting
  • Read The Wind
  • Multishot
  • Elemental Channelling
Weapon: Marais' key weapon is his bow, a finely crafted metal beauty adorn by traditional sky elven battle patterns. It is a short, suited for Marias' skirmishing battle style. To accompany his bow, he uses a set of oaken arrows. Oak, he finds, is the perfect conduit for his elemental magic. It is solid and cruises through the winds well, is flammable and counts as an organic material - a suitable choice for magic.

He also wields two longswords, or falcata's. He is not a skilled advocate of these impeccable blades, however, and thus rarely uses them.

Armour: Despite his exile, Marais keeps up with the latest elven combat wear. A plate tunic adorn with elven patterns protects his chest and abdominal area, while the remainder of his armour is an assortment of teal, purple and blue cloth with gold weaving patterns. He wears a flexible leather garment behind his chest plate, which runs to just above his knee's. In battle, he covers his face with a bandanna, which can be seen coiled around his neck.
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