If i have the Warp Gifted feat, i can cast spells using my cunning right?
Name: Daegor Silvermane
Race: Human
Description and Biography: Born into a wealthy familly, he was trained and educated in the arts of combat by Master Trainers. Very athletic. Trained from a young age in both ranged and melee combat, he has developed fine reflexes and strength. His fortune did not last long, his family competed for power, which ended fatally for his parents. He however, was spared. Age 29. Short black hair, 193 cm high, built athletically.
He has seen death, he has shed blood, sweat and tears, he has been in so many battles that he can control his adrenaline rushes, he does not fear pain, he is trained in almost every aspect of melee fighting, and has used it alot, they say practice makes perfect, but no one really is. He is always vigilant, always expects the worst, and he is very rarely caught of guard. Besides all that, he has never used magic, and he thinks that probably never will. He was last seen at a tavern with his close companion Arcisal conversing with one of the Scaleborn.
Strength:5 + 5 = 10
- Controlled Fighting
- Brutal Fighting
- Wastelander
- Battle Veteran
- Counterattack
- Warp Gifted
Weapon: A heavy iron battlestaff, swordbreaker and a one handed mace for melee combat.
Repeating crosbow for ranged.
Small leather buckler for defence and mobility.
Armour: Scalemail, with leather on areas of the body that aren't too vital(for added mobility), a hard plate horned helmet ( father's heirloom)
EDIT: Arci, why do you have 35 stats?
RE-EDIT: Sorry that im kinda late with finalizing my Character Sheet