[Lorepainter Beta] Cries of Urnung: Book of the Bladebringer

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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Alright. I'l try to be as much on hive chat as i can in these next days. Check if i'm there, and if i am then send me a whisper. Although it may take a little before i reply.

I'l explain what your roles will be then.
But one thing is for sure and that is that your two roles have known each other for quite some time.
Talk to each other and figure out what your two character's relationships are to eachother, and perhaps what adventures they have seen before this RP.
Make sure to send whatever you come up with to me before you start playing, though, as i'l need to approve it.
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
Some last minute changes. :)

Name: Daegor Silvermane
Race: Human
Description and Biography: Born into a wealthy familly, he was trained and educated in the arts of combat by Master Trainers. Very athletic. Trained from a young age in both ranged and melee combat, he has developed fine reflexes and strength. His fortune did not last long, his family competed for power, which ended fatally for his parents. He however, was spared. Age 29. Short black hair, 193 cm high, built athletically.
He has seen death, he has shed blood, sweat and tears, he has been in so many battles that he can control his adrenaline rushes, he does not fear pain, he is trained in almost every aspect of melee fighting, and has used it alot, they say practice makes perfect, but no one really is. He is always vigilant, always expects the worst, and he is very rarely caught of guard. Besides all that, he has never used magic, and probably never will.



-Controlled Fighting
-Brutal Fighting
-Battle Veteran


Weapon: A heavy iron battlestaff, swordbreaker and a one handed mace for melee combat.
Repeating crosbow for ranged.

Small leather buckler for defence and mobility.

Armour: Scalemail, with leather on areas of the body that aren't too vital(for added mobility), a hard plate horned helmet ( father's heirloom)
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Well, in your case it's what feat you choose to receive a bonus from.
You can change fighting style from one action to another, but you can only receive a bonus from one of them at a time.
I might make it battle-locked later, but for now it's pretty open.

Feats and stats updated.
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
if i can switch it with every action than that's fine :D
could it possibly in the future become so i get both bonuses at once?
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
hmm. I'm not sure but, The wizardry feat for Crycon. Does it use up 2 feat points or 1, the way you explain it confuses me a little.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Costs one feat if I am correct it just doesn't take the normal 8 Will and 4 Cunning to learn it.

Edit:Question on Channelling: Shadow can your provide more of a description for that please.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
So am I right in thinking I have two left over?

If so, can I please also add:

Swift Striker
Ah, true. You have two left over since Entity Touched was a mandatory no-cost feat.
I'l add the feats. :)

hmm. I'm not sure but, The wizardry feat for Crycon. Does it use up 2 feat points or 1, the way you explain it confuses me a little.

The wizardry feat for crycon costs 2 points if you learn it through the racial ability (without the stat reqs), but 1 point if you pick it normally (with reqs).

Edit:Question on Channelling: Shadow can your provide more of a description for that please.

It allows you to move and shape both light and darkness in any way you want.
This means that you can illuminate or completely conceal areas, as well as other quite interesting things.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009

By the way guys, ON MONDAY i will be LEAVING for a TWO WEEK TRIP. Please, if someone doesnt notice this then INFORM THEM.
I'm really sorry to be leaving you guys but i both really want to go on this trip, AND I really cant choose to stay home. Soeh, yeah. We'l have a forced break in the RP.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
'jest read up on 'em. It's not that many. ;)
The two of you can be Lv2 as well, considering that you've come in late. So you both have an extra 5 stat points and another feat point.
(I'm talking to arcisal and mato2)

Any news on your char stories? Send them VIA PM. :)
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
There where also delays in the other RPs here on Hive, but yet they still lived on, (world of Darjis, Rafia etc)
Yet again my character sheet edited:

Name: Daegor Silvermane
Race: Human
Description and Biography: Born into a wealthy familly, he was trained and educated in the arts of combat by Master Trainers. Very athletic. Trained from a young age in both ranged and melee combat, he has developed fine reflexes and strength. His fortune did not last long, his family competed for power, which ended fatally for his parents. He however, was spared. Age 29. Short black hair, 193 cm high, built athletically.
He has seen death, he has shed blood, sweat and tears, he has been in so many battles that he can control his adrenaline rushes, he does not fear pain, he is trained in almost every aspect of melee fighting, and has used it alot, they say practice makes perfect, but no one really is. He is always vigilant, always expects the worst, and he is very rarely caught of guard. Besides all that, he has never used magic, and probably never will.



Strength:5 + 5 = 10
-Controlled Fighting
-Brutal Fighting
-Battle Veteran


Weapon: A heavy iron battlestaff, swordbreaker and a one handed mace for melee combat.
Repeating crosbow for ranged.

Small leather buckler for defence and mobility.

Armour: Scalemail, with leather on areas of the body that aren't too vital(for added mobility), a hard plate horned helmet ( father's heirloom)
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Might as well post it here so everyone can see.

mato's story: Daegor, with his family all but dead, sets out to avenge and bring justice to the murderer. Avoiding all contact with other sentient beings, he lives in wilderness and takes refuge under the trees as his second home.

Arcisal's Story: Framed for murder, Arcisal is exiled from his homeland and stripped of his rank of Chief Healer among the Wood Elves. Forced to survive on his own in the woods, the original homeland of his ancestors, Arcisal vows to bring justice on both sides, biased to none, with no sides of good or evil.

Meeting: Daegor stumbles upon a small bandit encampment holding hostage to innocent villagers, including the women, children and elderly. The bandits, in their cruel acts, slay the innocents one by one for pleasure. Enraged, Daegor defeats the bandits and frees the remaining villagers. Among the villagers, Arcisal is also set free, who was previously captured after unknowingly entering bandit land. The two, with much of their life spent in the wilderness, bond quickly. They then set out and traverse the land, seeking justice for all.

Good? Yes No?
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
I think he wanted a tiny bit more description on the feelings between you two, are they like best brothers or do they merely bare a mutual respect for the others skills?

Is one a pacifist and despite being the others friend finds his talent for killing sick and twisted, bla bla ;D

Otherwise I should think it's fine! :)
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
I think he wanted a tiny bit more description on the feelings between you two, are they like best brothers or do they merely bare a mutual respect for the others skills?

Is one a pacifist and despite being the others friend finds his talent for killing sick and twisted, bla bla ;D

Otherwise I should think it's fine! :)

We hold a mutual respect and a good relationship with one another. It's like having only one friend during your time in the wild. We care for each other and still hold a respect for them. We treat each other as companion and friend.

I (Arcisal) is the "pacifist". I won't fight or kill if I have a decision not to, but if it really comes to that or if it endangers what I love, it would be swift and as painless if and as possible.

I don't know about mato's character (Daegor). He's gonna have to decide on that one by himself.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Well, yeah i have already approved your story.
But Grey was right: I did want abit more info on how your characters feel about eachother.
But since you just provided me with that info i see no reason to complain whatsoever. ;)

BTW arcisal, before you enter play you should finalize your char.
And well, since everybody else just leveled up i gave you two the same benefit, so you now have 25 total stat points and 6 total feat points to spend.

Repost it here when you're finished and i'l send the two of you your lore. :)
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Strength: (2+0) 2
Will: (11+2) 13
Dexterity: (1+0) 1
Cunning: (10+2) 12
Endurance: (6+1) 7

Channeling: Elemental
Channeling: Psychic
Herbal Lore
First Aid

I added stat points and 1 feat point. So that mean you guys are level 2 right?
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
Daegor's definitely not over-aggressive but he is no pacifist either.
And as for my character sheet i have already edited it.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Alright. Here you go.


Race: Wood Elf

Description: Lean, tall, upright and confident composure. Dark green eyes and long dark hair over shoulders. Wears a long robe with a leather top which blends with the forest. An unchanging expressionless face, but holds an admiration for loyalty and those who try their very best. Regards the wood and everything concerning nature as home. Treats fighting as a last resort and dislikes bloodlust and destruction unless necessary. Skilled with the quarterstaff and contains an extensive knowledge on herbal treatments and bushcraft remedies.

Biography:: A product of rape, Arcisal was abandoned as a child. But good fortune was with him when he was brought up by a Human Barron, Lord Augustire. Initially brought up by humans, learning to hate and despise other primitive beings, Arcisal, as he was nicknamed, escaped his human captors at a young age after he found out the humans plans of turning him against his own king.

With his traumatic childhood, Arcisal fled to the woods, where a small branch of wood elves brought him into their community. Earning their trust and his honor, Arcisal discovered of his incredibly sharp and observant mind, photographic memory and his unnatural psychic and telekinetic powers. During his years living among elves, Arcisal learned most of his healing methods and herblore from his fellow wood elves, who accepting him as much as they would accept one another. Being an unorthodox, but skilled fighter, Arcisal was given Yer'shrryl, the greatstaff of the elven tribe's leader.

But misfortune struck once more. An entire human battalion slaughtered defenseless and outnumbered elves. Led by Arcisal's former captor, Lord Augustire, Arcisal slew the Barron and fled the village with the clothes on his back and his staff. Fleeing to the mystical wood elven capital, Arcisal quickly found deep respect and admiration from his own kin. Eventually he was made Head Cleric of the Wood Elves.

Arcisal also quietly kindled a grudge against humans. When a human-elven war was sparked, Arcisal was at the forefront, striking down human knights while manipulating minds. But he finally realized that not all humans were the same, after an encounter with a falsely convicted human mercenaries who showed kindness and respect to Arcisal when he was lost in the mountainous regions. With this newfound knowledge, Arcisal, after the war, seek to create a human-elven pact, tirelessly trying to accomplish his mission of human and elven peace.

Strength: 2
Will: 13
Dexterity: 1
Cunning: 12
Endurance: 7

Channeling: Psychic
Channeling: Elemental
Herbal Lore
First Aid

Weapon: A long quarterstaff made of precious willow wood, with a central core of extremely light elven steel. Can be separated into two pieces. Contains simple but elegant runes engraved upon it and lights up upon command. Made specifically for Arcisal by the leaders of the Wood Elves during his time as head Healer. A Short bladed curved dagger, with small runes of inscription engraved upon the blade. Simple weapon with an extra enchant.

Armour: Forest-shifting Leather on top with color-changing cloak on the bottom and shoulders.
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008

If i have the Warp Gifted feat, i can cast spells using my cunning right?

Name: Daegor Silvermane
Race: Human
Description and Biography: Born into a wealthy familly, he was trained and educated in the arts of combat by Master Trainers. Very athletic. Trained from a young age in both ranged and melee combat, he has developed fine reflexes and strength. His fortune did not last long, his family competed for power, which ended fatally for his parents. He however, was spared. Age 29. Short black hair, 193 cm high, built athletically.
He has seen death, he has shed blood, sweat and tears, he has been in so many battles that he can control his adrenaline rushes, he does not fear pain, he is trained in almost every aspect of melee fighting, and has used it alot, they say practice makes perfect, but no one really is. He is always vigilant, always expects the worst, and he is very rarely caught of guard. Besides all that, he has never used magic, and he thinks that probably never will. He was last seen at a tavern with his close companion Arcisal conversing with one of the Scaleborn.



Strength:5 + 5 = 10
- Controlled Fighting
- Brutal Fighting
- Wastelander
- Battle Veteran
- Counterattack
- Warp Gifted


Weapon: A heavy iron battlestaff, swordbreaker and a one handed mace for melee combat.
Repeating crosbow for ranged.

Small leather buckler for defence and mobility.

Armour: Scalemail, with leather on areas of the body that aren't too vital(for added mobility), a hard plate horned helmet ( father's heirloom)

EDIT: Arci, why do you have 35 stats?
RE-EDIT: Sorry that im kinda late with finalizing my Character Sheet
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009

If i have the Warp Gifted feat, i can cast spells using my cunning right?

Name: Daegor Silvermane
Race: Human
Description and Biography: Born into a wealthy familly, he was trained and educated in the arts of combat by Master Trainers. Very athletic. Trained from a young age in both ranged and melee combat, he has developed fine reflexes and strength. His fortune did not last long, his family competed for power, which ended fatally for his parents. He however, was spared. Age 29. Short black hair, 193 cm high, built athletically.
He has seen death, he has shed blood, sweat and tears, he has been in so many battles that he can control his adrenaline rushes, he does not fear pain, he is trained in almost every aspect of melee fighting, and has used it alot, they say practice makes perfect, but no one really is. He is always vigilant, always expects the worst, and he is very rarely caught of guard. Besides all that, he has never used magic, and he thinks that probably never will. He was last seen at a tavern with his close companion Arcisal conversing with one of the Scaleborn.



Strength:5 + 5 = 10
- Controlled Fighting
- Brutal Fighting
- Wastelander
- Battle Veteran
- Counterattack
- Warp Gifted


Weapon: A heavy iron battlestaff, swordbreaker and a one handed mace for melee combat.
Repeating crosbow for ranged.

Small leather buckler for defence and mobility.

Armour: Scalemail, with leather on areas of the body that aren't too vital(for added mobility), a hard plate horned helmet ( father's heirloom)

EDIT: Arci, why do you have 35 stats?
RE-EDIT: Sorry that im kinda late with finalizing my Character Sheet

Yes, you can. That's the point. ;)
Sadly Fussiler1 has so far only used his sword to deal damage, and havent used the feat at all despite his high cunning.

I'l make the changes.

EDIT: Just so you dont get it wrong: You can NOT use runes or channelling without the feats.
It means that you can perform a spell check using your cunning, which basically allows you to do anything. Do though note that performing actions that equal the power of a rune using a spell check will have a diflevel of 5+.
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
What about simple spells, like a bolt, or maybe adding some magic damage to a mellee hit?
EDIT: Do i have 35 stats as well?
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
I start out with 1 stat point for each attribute. Meaning my default stat build (Before I start adding points) would be:

When I begin adding points: (I have 25 points, 5 from level up and 20 from beginning) I will include the default stat build. So Is I place 10 points in Endurance it would look like this.

Endurance: (1+10) 11.

Orange would be my previous amount of stat points I have in total on that stat. Green would be the amount I spent on that stat while Blue would be the total amount after spending the desired amount of stat points.

So all in all, I should have 30 stat points with me. 5 from default stats, 20 from beginning the journey and 5 from level up.

Yes, I am 5 points overboard.

So here's my final stat build.


Race: Wood Elf

Description: Lean, tall, upright and confident composure. Dark green eyes and long dark hair over shoulders. Wears a long robe with a leather top which blends with the forest. An unchanging expressionless face, but holds an admiration for loyalty and those who try their very best. Regards the wood and everything concerning nature as home. Treats fighting as a last resort and dislikes bloodlust and destruction unless necessary. Skilled with the quarterstaff and contains an extensive knowledge on herbal treatments and bushcraft remedies.

Biography:: A product of rape, Arcisal was abandoned as a child. But good fortune was with him when he was brought up by a Human Barron, Lord Augustire. Initially brought up by humans, learning to hate and despise other primitive beings, Arcisal, as he was nicknamed, escaped his human captors at a young age after he found out the humans plans of turning him against his own king.

With his traumatic childhood, Arcisal fled to the woods, where a small branch of wood elves brought him into their community. Earning their trust and his honor, Arcisal discovered of his incredibly sharp and observant mind, photographic memory and his unnatural psychic and telekinetic powers. During his years living among elves, Arcisal learned most of his healing methods and herblore from his fellow wood elves, who accepting him as much as they would accept one another. Being an unorthodox, but skilled fighter, Arcisal was given Yer'shrryl, the greatstaff of the elven tribe's leader.

But misfortune struck once more. An entire human battalion slaughtered defenseless and outnumbered elves. Led by Arcisal's former captor, Lord Augustire, Arcisal slew the Barron and fled the village with the clothes on his back and his staff. Fleeing to the mystical wood elven capital, Arcisal quickly found deep respect and admiration from his own kin. Eventually he was made Head Cleric of the Wood Elves.

Arcisal also quietly kindled a grudge against humans. When a human-elven war was sparked, Arcisal was at the forefront, striking down human knights while manipulating minds. But he finally realized that not all humans were the same, after an encounter with a falsely convicted human mercenaries who showed kindness and respect to Arcisal when he was lost in the mountainous regions. With this newfound knowledge, Arcisal, after the war, seek to create a human-elven pact, tirelessly trying to accomplish his mission of human and elven peace.

Strength: (1+0) 1
Will: (12+0) 12
Dexterity: 1
Cunning: (11+0) 11
Endurance: (5+0) 5

Channeling: Psychic
Channeling: Elemental
Herbal Lore
First Aid

Weapon: A long quarterstaff made of precious willow wood, with a central core of extremely light elven steel. Can be separated into two pieces. Contains simple but elegant runes engraved upon it and lights up upon command. Made specifically for Arcisal by the leaders of the Wood Elves during his time as head Healer. A Short bladed curved dagger, with small runes of inscription engraved upon the blade. Simple weapon with an extra enchant.

Armour: Color-shifting Leather on top with color-changing cloak on the bottom and shoulders.
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