Tales of Earmor - Gladiators of Eria construction

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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
She was once beloved by two men, best friends both.
Their love for her caused them to do terrible things and despite their friendship it wasn't long before one spilt the blood of the other for what he claimed to be her sake. Disgusted she whirled on the man and told him she'd never love him. Not now, not ever. Soon after it was made news to her that his guilt and grief had driven him to take his own life.
Kutari blamed herself for both deaths and swore she'd never lay eyes on another man - For she could not bring herself to look upon the heartache love brought. Thus she took her own eyesight, lest she be tempted to love again.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Hey guys, checking in. I wanted to post to let you know that I am still working on this, no worries. I've been rather busy lately so it might go az tad slowly but even so everything is coming along nicely. Soon i'll have exams so ill even have less time to work with. currently I'm working on feats and the the rune system. I must say, it's coming along nicely.

Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
well, made a bunch of feats, less then I had hoped though. With my exams and all that I have had an awkward shortage of time... and with my minecraft spree... I have even less.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
play minecraft in 2D?

*slaps phoon*
Go read up on the wiki, watch the trailer, maybe play the demo if there is one.
This game only looks like minecraft in the part where you mine, and where you can place blocks.

(also, the characters and worlds you create are not bound together, meaning that you can bring your loot 'n stuff from one world into another world making it feel a lot like an RPG. On top of that you can host any save you have as an online game. Me and my brother are currently foraging for skeletons to make us sum' grappling hooks.)

Then again, i forgive you. It was my first reaction as well. :p

Ahem... Back on topic.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
OK, I tried out Terraria, liked it, me and Drag played together and I got inspiration from it. ^^ round of applause for his Genius.

Now, On-Topic:

I added feats to the Original post, those of the Rafia RP currently going will recognize a few (or er maybe many?) of them. I tried to make Originals as much as possible but that is sometimes very hard. and well... giving something a new name and description while it actually does the axect same thing seemed a little pointless to me, so I worked my copy-paste magic.
Runes and Incantations will be added soon.

Kind regards.
Yours, Phoenix.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Yes they are made in Dragonsons sweatshop made with tiny little orphan hands so they can pack in all the featy goodness you could ever want.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
OK people, I need your Opinion on something. as you know runes in Earmor have a complete other meaning then in Rafia. in Earmor they are contracts that bind you to a spirit.
Previously I was thinking of giving each contract an animal form and upgrades for said animal form (all sorts of upgrades) and aside from that I would give you certain Incantation like Feats.
Right now however I'm thinking of completely overhauling that idea. Right now I am thinking of doing it like this:
A contract with a spirit obviously grants you access over an animal form, there will still be upgrades and such but instead of the upgrades I previously had in mind I would make them look more like real feats. an Animal form would not just be an animal form but I would make it a whole new 'character' on which you can spend points and get feats for. This would allow for a better customization and a better personalization for ones character.
Right now I need feedback on both Ideas, likes and dislikes. also tell me which idea you like best.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
That is try but what I want to achieve with these rune contracts somewhat requires that I think. I want these animal forms to be a part of the character, not just a 'magic spell used to take on a different form' As you get feats for it and spend points on it the animal will change and evolve, it would start to act more and more like a real character o it's own.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Well, you have a pretty tough choice here phoon.
The thing is that if you make these runic contracts too big a part of the system and a too attractive thing to have EVERYBODY will have one.
I'm not saying that wouldnt work, but you have to know what you're stepping into.

You might want to make it so that there are several kinds of contracts, representing diffirent grades of bonding with the animal.
Lemme show you what i mean...

Grade 1: Animal Guide
The character bonds with the animal on a spiritual plane.
This affects the character's stats and the magic the character is able to cast.
In some cases this also allows the character to summon the animal in question to help in combat (not a permanent pet).

Grade 2: Physical Link
This grade of contract does not affect the character's stats, and does not have the same kind of impact on available magic as grade 1.
Instead this grade enables the character to take on the shape of the bonded animal, which will have a seperate char sheet that levels up along with the player.
You should make sure that transition between the two forms is smooth, and not something that has limits to when it can be done so that players can reap full benefits.

Grade 3: Feral Blood
This grade of contract permanently fuses the animal in question's spirit with the character, giving the character a boost to his/her stats depending on the animal.
This also puts a pretty strict limit on what magic the character can cast, but the magic in question doesnt have to be worse than that which other characters can cast.
This also has a great impact on the character's look, giving the character several of the bonded animal's physical features such as claws, horns, ETC.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
hmmm, this is quit interesting. I might do it just like that actually, it is somewhat similar to what I proposed yet I think it would work better. as for the first grade, I have some pretty good idea's for it already.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
OK, I've been working on the runes. I chose to go with dragonsons suggestion and started working on the feats for it. so far I have feats for some wolf, panther, bear, lion and ape spirits. I also made paths for creatures custom to Earmor but I won't spoil what kind of creatures they are just yet.
why I post right now is because I need some input again. I need one or two more creatures and I can think of many but I'd like to know what you guys think.
what creatures should I take next?
Level 1
Jul 22, 2011
Well, since I guess RPing is a big deal here, I'll guess I join.

Name: "An unknown stranger" Lorus
Race: Human
Character description: Someone who is slightly 'racist', who favores humans a little more than other races. He is a male 6ft moderately young person who love to 'play with staves (staffs) when he was young', so he is quite good at magic. He loves to train his agility too, so he is equally agile. He was sent to a slave trade and sold at the gladiator school when he was not even aware of it (very young).
Stats: 11 int, 11 dex, rest 1.

P.S. Sometimes I may quote something that may or may not be relevant to the RP.
OK, I've been working on the runes. I chose to go with dragonsons suggestion and started working on the feats for it. so far I have feats for some wolf, panther, bear, lion and ape spirits. I also made paths for creatures custom to Earmor but I won't spoil what kind of creatures they are just yet.
why I post right now is because I need some input again. I need one or two more creatures and I can think of many but I'd like to know what you guys think.
what creatures should I take next?
Dragon? Snake?
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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
well I have finally gotten some work done on this again. ^^ I added the Incantations (Might add more) Sorry in advance for the use of copy pasta (sorry Drag, I got lazy on this one).
I'm still working on the rune contracts and they're progressing slowly... very slowly...
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