Grey, that is SO awesome.
I'l sig that for you ANY FUCKING TIME.
Yeah, for those that dont know the insider-lore i told Grey about his charecter:
Urnung. A land once filled with grassy valleys and snowy mountain ranges.
But that is long, long ago. For ages, Urnung has been a Desert of frozen sand, Origin of the Corpse Worms.
The only thing that marks the great wastes are the Black Pyramids of the Crycons.
The Crycons are the only civilised creatures that lives on in Urnung.
They are tough, big, and live by strict laws.
They refuse to leave Urnung, as they are the ones that caused it's undoing.
For they are the ones that angered Shroud, the great smoke demon.
The demon that covered the whole land in a black cloak of thick smoke, blocking all sunlight.
The exact story of what happened is unknown to this day, but it is known that Holo Dragonson himself took part in Shroud's vengeance.
And it is known that Shroud gave Holo a gift. Something which even Ahmon'Zan, the Great Dragon could not grant.
And it is known that the gift still lies within Urnung's borders.
This, is where our story begins.
You are a small group of adventurers that have known each other for years, part of a great organisation founded by Lord Taiion himself.
You are looking for this gift, and unlike everyone else you have a lead to go by.
You know that the gift lies within the Pyramid City of Roag, and you know, most importantly, the gift's name.
Whatever it might mean, you know that you are looking for the Book of the Bladebringer.