Tales of Earmor - Gladiators of Eria construction

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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Gladiators of Eria


The endless sand of Eria, an immense dessert wasteland. Home to raiders, nomads, slave Traders and Gladiator schools. Officially Eria is recognized as one Kingdom, but in truth it is split in many territories of raiders and bandits all taking their share of plunder. The Eria Kingdoms Capital city Ghaza is a complex of immense Temple Pyramids and poor houses in between, once located in a Gigantic Oasis now barren, poor and abandoned. Eria however is far and wide known for one thing, 'The Eria canyon Gladiator challenge! Every ten years Gladiator schools from all the far corners of the lands gather around the canyon, setting up camp near the canyon’s border. Spectators from all around the world drawn to the canyon for this spectacle make themselves at home in temporary city's set up around the canyon’s Pyramid stadiums. The Eria canyon Gladiator challenge is the biggest gladiator tournament in the history of Earmor and held only once every ten years. Every gladiator school that participates drops some of the best gladiators in their school in the canyon. This group then has to fight for survival, honor and eventually Victory.

Info & Rules

The rules of the gladiator challenge are very simple, each school drops a group of gladiators in the canyon, depending on the size of this group the gladiators have to gather 2, 4 or 7 Gladiator mark's of honor. Once all the marks are gathered the gladiators will have to find one of the five magical keys that unlock the Eria canyon gate, once the group passes the gate they are declared one of the five winners of the Eria canyon Gladiator challenge!
The Eria canyon Gladiator challenge once sprouted one of the eldest and grandest stories in the history of Earmor, your role in this RP is to crawl into the skin of one of the gladiators that made that story a reality. you will all be dropped into the canyon, experience the The desserts horrors and wonders and eventually you will be branded as hero and mark this world whit one of the grandest legends ever created.

You will all start out as companions in one of the largest gladiator schools in Eria the school of a human named 'Zorak Mumio'. Zorak himself has in the past won the Gladiator challenge five times in a row and is a living legend in these desserts, you as one of his most prised gladiators will step into his footsteps along whit your companions.

Note: Zorak treats all his pupils like sons, he goes on whit this school because he wants to gives slaves a second chance to freedom. YES, slaves. In this RP you ended up in the school the same way, slave trade. so you will have to include this somewhere in your character biography or something. It is the only requirement that your characters history must have.

The Lorepainter System

Just as a short explanation to how my Rps work:
You post your action, I tell you what happens.
Make sure to clarify exactly what you do.
Any rolls needed are done by me.

The Lorepainter system bases itself on one simple thing: Being easy to learn.
It has complexity and loads of material to create unique and fun characters, but at the same time it is very simple.
The core principle is to have as few Charts as possible.
In pretty much any system I’ve ever played in I’ve had to constantly ‘Roll on the Fear Chart’, ‘Unconsciousness Chart’ or ‘Cooking Eggs Chart’.
Looking up these charts in huge rulebooks every five seconds has always annoyed me, so in Lorepainter I try to have as few charts as possible.
And so far, we have ONE. The ‘Difficulty Chart’.
The Difficulty chart is applied to every action that requires a roll, deciding how hard the action is.
What difficulty an action has and what bonuses you get to your roll is decided by the DM, even though some specific actions will have preset bonuses or difficulties.
The difficulty chart and the setup of dice rolls can be found below.
Note that, as this RP is online, I will do all the rolls for you.
Also Lorepainter ONLY USES D6’s! That’s your regular dice, for those of you that arent tabletop gamers.
Multiple D6’s will though be used every once in a while.

DifLevel 1: Straightforward
Requires a Roll of 3 or More to be successful.
A Critical Success is a Roll of 6 or More, and Critical Failure is a Roll of 1 or Below.
Examples: Performing a Straightforward attack with any weapon, Casting a simple spell (such as a projectile Spell) or any action that has a high enough chance of failure to need a roll.

DifLevel 2: Simple
Requires a Roll of 6 or More to be successful.
A Critical Success is a Roll of 12 or More, and Critical Failure is a Roll of 1 or Below.
Examples: Performing an attack or spell faster than normal or at a specefic time, casting a more complex spell such as Healing a companion or any action that normally would have around 20% chance of failure.

DifLevel 3: Moderate
Requires a Roll of 12 or More to be successful.
A Critical Success is a Roll of 18 or More, and Critical Failure is a Roll of 4 or Below.
Examples: Performing a precision strike, operating a machine or weapon that you have no experience with or any action that normally would have around 35% chance of failure.

DifLevel 4: Chancy
Requires a Roll of 20 or More to be successful.
A Critical Success is a Roll of 30 or More, and Critical Failure is a Roll of 10 or Below.
Examples: Performing a highly athletic attack, performing more than one action in one turn or any action that normally would have around 50% chance of failure.

DifLevel 5: Challenging
Requires a Roll of 40 or More to be successful.
A Critical Success is a Roll of 50 or More, and Critical Failure is a Roll of 20 or Below.
Examples: Dodging a full-speed arrow, casting a complex spell in a snowstorm or any action that normally would have around 65% chance of failure.

DifLevel 6: High-Risk
Requires a Roll of 60 or More to be successful.
A Critical Success is a Roll of 100 or More, and Critical Failure is a Roll of 30 or Below.
Examples: Snatching a full-speed arrow out of the air, getting direct contact to a god or any action that normally would have around 80% chance of failure.

DifLevel 7: Near Impossible
Requires a Roll of 100 or More to be successful.
A Critical Success is a Roll of 150 or More, and Critical Failure is a Roll of 40 or Below.
Examples: Creating a hole in a brick wall with your bare hands, wrestling a shark while underwater or any action that normally would have around 95% chance of failure.

DifLevel 8: Impossible
Requires a Roll of 200 or More to be successful.
A Critical Success is a Roll of 400 or More, and Critical Failure is a Roll of 50 or Below.
Examples: Banishing a god, creating a hole in creation itself or any action that normally would have 100% chance of failure.
All dice rolls are set up like this:
Melee Attack: Roll: (1d6 +4 from Preparation)4(8).

Green: Action Name Red: Number of Dies (Dice) Orange: Bonuses
Blue: Roll result without applied Bonuses Teal: Roll result with applied Bonuses

If you Roll a 6 on a dice and you have not reached a crit yet another dice will be rolled and added to the final result.
This can be repeated.

A dice roll is required whenever your actions are ‘out of the ordinary’.
For example, jumping over a cliff or climbing a wall.
Your actions also require a roll when they affect other players’ characters or NPCs in a hostile way or in any other way they would not like you to.
Of course, ordinary actions like talking does NOT require rolls.
Positive actions towards other players’ characters, like casting a healing spell or guarding them with your shield, still requires a roll as such actions count as in ordinary.
A dice roll is of course also required whenever the DM says so.

When performing an action that requires a dice roll you should never fully post the action, but only the beginning of it.
For example, you should NEVER post
“My character runs toward the enemy, swinging his sword at him and cutting off the enemy’s head.” What you SHOULD post is more like this:
“My character runs toward the enemy, swining his sword at him...” Once that is posted, you should wait for a dice roll to be made and for the DM to finish your action.
In the Lorepainter system you will see the terms 'Turns' and 'Actions' be used several times, so here's a short explanation to what is what:
An Action is, for example, attacking someone.
You have one action every turn.
But, if a spell says 'Lasts 5 actions' it does not mean that they are all YOUR actions.
This spell would for example end after you and four of your friends have performed an action.
A Turn, though, can contain many actions.
A turn is started whenever everyone has made their actions (even though a turn might sometimes be ended early if only a few people are missing).
So if a spell says that it last for five turns, you will be able to make five actions before it ends.

As for Combat and character Customization, Lorepainter uses a wide variety of feats and a simple Stat system. Also note that Lorepainter uses a set amount of hitpoints. They do though replenish themselves after every battle, unless you get some pretty severe wounds.
The feat list will be posted lower down in the character creation part (Even though the full one will not be posted yet, but revealed gradually).
The stat system, though, might as well be explained here.

The stats in Lorepainter are like a permanent bonus to roll.
The DM decides which rolls use which stats, even though some rolls have presets.
Some feats change which rolls uses which stats.
When a roll gets a bonus from a stat, the bonus you get is equal to half the amount of points you have in that stat, rounded down.
There are five stats.
Affects melee attacks and (of course) your character strength.
Affects how good your character is at magic.
Affects ranged attacks and your characters agility.
Grants no actual combat bonus but is required for a lot of feats.
Also works as your character general intelligence.
Increases your character hitpoints.
Base hitpoint pool is 50. Each point of endurance increases the hitpoint pool by 10 points.
Here’s a short explanation on Magic in Lorepainter if you’re gonna be a caster.
In the Lorepainter system ANYONE can cast magic.
You might though be more or less successful depending on how many points you put into your Will stat.
BUT, you can also choose to specialize your casting by taking a stat in one of the three Casting Specializations.
The three specializations are Incantation, Channeling and Runes
The Incantation feats grants access to Incantations.
Incantations are incredibly powerful spells that even at a low mastery level can cause great devastation or other effects.
But, once used they have to be restored. Restoring an
incantation either takes a great deal of In game time or an incantation power stone.
Incantations are not something that you just go around throwing at every rat you see.
For instance even a Master incantator only has 10 Rune Slots.
He might KNOW a hundred different incantations, many of which he has invented himself, but he can only prepare ten of them.
The first level of Incantation gives three incantation slots and allows you to learn ten Incantations.
Channeling is a much more casual form of magic.
Unlike wizardry, channeling allows you to tap into an unending stream of magic.
But keep in mind that channeling is not nearly as strong as wizardry, takes longer to master AND is VERY specialized.
For instance there are several types of Channeling, ranging from Elemental Channeling to Psychic Channeling.
And unlike the wizardry feat which is just one feat that has to be upgraded so and so many times you have to upgrade each type of channeling separately.
Channeling though a much more flexible playing style in combat.
Whenever you make a successful magic-related roll you active all channeling feats that you have, allowing you to channel magic without further rolls.
Runes are the secret behind summoning and shape-shifting. A rune is also called a contract with a spirit, and only one can be made at one time. Every spirit resembles a different creature and element in Earmor and making a contract whit such spirits imprints his mark on your body in the form of a tattoo, hence why they are called runes. a runes grants you access over shape shifting abilities which you can then upgrade at a level-up. They also grand you access to a summoning tree, these trees are unique to each spirit. an that note, summoning trough runes is quite different then one would think. The word summoning in runes means calling upon the power of the contracted spirit. this can have various effects such as summoning lesser creatures or even certain natural events.

As one last note before you guys make your characters, know that the system now contains character Levels.
You get 5 Stat Points and 1 Feat Point per level. I will grand levels both in combination whit some sort of an 'experience' system and when I deem it appropriate.

Character creation

Humans are a race born after the first Era of this world, they vary great in both looks and personality's. The humans quickly rose to one of the most powerful races in this world, covering almost two third of the known world with their empires and kingdoms. They are jack of all trades, good warriors and magicians and sometimes even better politicians and preachers.
Humans in Earmor look just like us. In Eria however where our RP takes place their skin is a tad darker and almost everyone wears long robes against the warmth.
Elves are an ancient race, they came to existence almost halfway trough the first Era. Their ancestors are said to be the 'angels' as we call them now, they did however lose their wings. Elves are very in tune whit the spiritual and magical world around them, many of them having a boon in magic and druidism. The elves have always been a divided race and they hold to their different faiths as if they were their own life, faith is almost everything for an elf.
Amongst the elves we can clearly see three groups.
one of these groups are the Tasianian elves. Those who follow the savior prophet, he who defeated the first walker and revere him as if he was a god. They are very strong in their beliefs that the void was warped into darkness by the voidwalkers themselves who saw the 'lesser' races as their play things. They are very strongly against the use of any kind of voidic energy's and have often been known as executors of users of void energy's. The modern form of this religion is in today’s society accepted by many races, humans being one of those. It is probably the primary religion of this world and today known as the Tasian Church.
Tasianian elves are probably the most elegant elves of all. They are often slim whit light tones of hair. Tasianian elves often have tatoos on either an arm or their back. these tatoos can range from prophecies writen down in the Book of creation to personal things. Tasianian elves also have very strong facial features and probably the most pointy ears you could expect from an elf.
Another group of elves however have a different view on the void as the Tasianian's. They believe that the void was corrupted by the touch of lesser races and that it should be purified, for years they preached the word of the old walkers, trying to get the other races to follow them, but they eventually failed. Most of these elves have tried in their life to channel voidic energies and purify them, but in known history there is only one who ever succeeded. Today he is known as 'the Reaped One'. Over the years these elves have been persecuted by the tasiarian's as heretics and betrayers to the Savior prophet who was believed to be send directly by the creator. They became generally known as Dark elves as because of regular contact with the voidic barriers their skin turned Darker, absorbing lesser voidic energies. The main believe of these elves lives on in the organization called 'The reapers' The rest of their races however has been consumed by hatred and feelings of vengeance, they became terrorists and practitioners of voidic sorcery. [Dark Elves are unplayable]
Another group of elves ventured into the great forest, in fear of the prophecy of the blackening, they prepared themselves by harmonizing whit nature and the world around them. They follow the Savior prophet just as Tasianians do and see the void as something warped and corrupted but also believe there is light at the end of the tunnel, and a hope to purify the void to it's former state. They call themselves wood elves.
Wood elves are less tall then any of the other elven races. they are more sturdily build and have many traits you would expect to see from people living their lives deep in the wilderness. many wood elves are fond of their sacred animal tattoos, thus they often have them imprinted on their shoulders and various other places of their body. not many elves ever wander away from the forest, and those that do are seen as outcasts and are rarely allowed to return.
[For 2 feat points the elves can get the feat 'blessed by nature' granting them access to special rune contracts and allowing them to have two rune contracts at the same time.]
The sand Orc's also called son's of the sands are one of the Orc sub-races. They are nomads and live in traveling tribes having survival as their primary goal. In the First Era the Orc's were created by the Dragons, as subjects to their Draconian priests or Isitrium. The Orc's have a very strong feeling of duty towards the dragons and were closely involved in the Black Dragons defeat. As The Isitrium the orc's see it as their personal duty to protect the dragons and keep The black dragon sealed away. The orcish race has brought forth some of the greatest warriors in the history of Earmor and will probably continue to do so again.
Orc's are a big muscled and proud race, their skin can vary from Dark brown to beige. Beige is the color most often seen whit the Sand Orc's. Orc's have on their shoulders and forearms little bone stumps sticking out of their skin, some speculate it is because of their draconian heritage though none know it for sure.
After the Elder Dragons the Isitrium are the very first race created, Their father was the mighty Isith, High Dragon of the walkers. Isith amongst his brothers ruled over Earmor and tamed it's lands, bringing order to the world. From that world rose the great Isith empire, whit Orc's and elves as it's main population and followers. The Isith empire was erected by the preachers of the walkers, who deemed themselves equal to the creator. Eventually the corruption of these walkers led to the twisting of the void and the orb of prophecy's. The orb was said to contain all the prophecies made by Tasar, the Draconian savior prophet who defeated the first corrupted walker and sealed off the voidic barrier whit his own soul.
The Isitrium are a Draconian race. They are humanoid in appearance but are sturdily build like the Orc's. They have the heads of their Dragon ancestors and scales cover their entire body. Some of the Isitrium are able to breathe fire, like their ancestors.
[for 2 feat points Isitrium can have the feat 'Dragon's descendant' giving them acces to a special incantation tree.]
The Herges were the first race ever created, and were created by the Maker himself. They were supposed to be immortal, and so they would have if it was not for the intervention of the walkers. The appearance of new races, not created by the maker led to war between The Herges and these lesser races, many were wiped out. And as the generations passed, their gift of immortality faded. They became few and and up to this that there is only one Herges left from the immortal Days.

Herges are a lizard folk. they were supposed to be shepherd of the world, keeping nature balanced. It was there sacred duty and up to this day some of them still perform it to the best of their ability's. In modern society the Herges have integrated. There is still racism, but it has weakened immensely over years.
Herges Are lizards whit humanoid features. they are evry slim and agile and soft scales cover their body. they are mainly carnivores though some times they have been seen eating plants.
[for 2 feat points you can equip your Herges whit two poison sacks in the back of his mouth allowing you to poison enemies or weapons.]
Nobody knows exactly when or how Megmarks came to exist in our world but many say that they are the children that came forth of the joining of Azeres, the firewarder (A Dragon and one of the first to have existed on Earmor, and sister to isith.) and Elos, the Tiny giant. Both of these were extraordinary masters in their respective element Fire and Earth. And so are the Megmarks, they are masters of Earth and Fire channeling.
Megmarks are a big, proud calculated and self-controlled people. They can stand up to 8.5 feet tall and have skin that varies from red to Orangeish brown. Some of these creatures have horns though not all of them seem to have them, those that do have horns are mostly females. Megmarks have very wide shoulders and thick forearms, making them look bulky and clumsy.
[For two feat points Megmarks can either get the feat 'son of fire' or 'son of earth' giving them immediate access to second level earth or fire channeling feats.]
Picking your stats is one of the most simple processes.
You get 20 stat points which you can put in any of the stat fields you want, but you might wanna check out the feat list first as most feats have stat requirements.
Note that all stats start at 1, not zero.
To start out, everyone gets 5 feat points which you can use to pick feats from this list.
Tha Majority of feats will not be available to you from the beginning.
There are three Major Feat Types:
Combat, Magic and Survival

Combat are feats which determine which stats grant bonuses to melee and ranged attacks. They can be active and Passive.

Magic feats
are feats that unlock new ways of casting spells.
There are three types: Wizardry (Runes), Channeling and Incantations. Some of these Magic Feats also support Magic in general.

Survival feats are feats that Help you survive out in the desert and are very useful when getting lost.

Here’s the feat list. In-case you didn't pick that up, note that it will change as the game plays.

Combat Feats
-Brutal fighting:
Adds an extra +2 to all melee and ranged attacks for every 5 Strength you have.
5 Strength
5 Endurance


Adds a +10 to all melee attacks for the next 3 turns but Disables you to block or dodge incoming attacks.
10 Strength

-Dextrous Fighting

Converts the bonus that melee attacks get to Dexterity.
7 Dexterity

-Precision Striker

After making a successful attack against an opponent you can choose to try and strike the same spot in the next attack, but at one DifLevel higher.
If you succeed at the precision strike you get doubled damage and can choose to make another precision strike next turn for triple damage again at one DifLevel higher.
This can be continued until you are at DifLevel 5.
If you fail ONE attack during this you will fumble and drop your weapon.
5 Strength
5 Dexterity

-Swift Striker

After making a successful attack against an opponent you can choose to make two attacks against that opponent on your next action, but at one DifLevel higher.
If you succeed at both attacks, you can choose to make three attacks next turn but again at one higher DifLevel.
This can be continued until you are at DifLevel 5.
If you fail ONE attack during this you will fumble and drop your weapon.
5 Strength
5 Cunning


your Character gains a +2 for every 3 points of strength when fighting bare handed.
5 Strength
5 Endurance

-Weapon Specialization

Your character becomes more adept at using “weapon” and gains a +2 to all rolls when using said weapon.
5 Strength
8 Cunning


Allows you to instantly land a melee attack on anyone that misses against you.
5 Strength
5 Dexterity
5 Cunning


Allows you to use an action to knock down an opponent within melee range.
If they make a successful DifLevel 3 endurance check they manage to stay on their feet, and this has no effect.
10 Strength
5 Endurance


After making a successful ranged attack against an opponent you can choose to fire two arrows at once in the next attack, but at one DifLevel higher.
If you succeed at both attacks, you can choose to fire three arrows next turn but again at one higher DifLevel.
This can be continued until you are at DifLevel 5.
If you fail ONE attack during this you will fumble and drop your weapon.
10 Dexterity
5 Cunning

-Read the Wind

Allows you to spend one action to prepare your next ranged attack.
Your next ranged attack (Projectile Based Spell, Arrow or Thrown) has +20 to the roll for every 5 cunning your character has (Only the first 20 count towards a crit, and only if the roll is DifLevel 4 or higher) and +10 damage for every 10 dexterity your character has.
10 Dexterity
5 Cunning

Magic feats

-Basic Incantation
Allows the learning of five Incantations and grants three Incantation slots.
8 Will
4 Cunning

-Channeling: Elemental

Allows the character to channel magic through one of the four base elements (Fire, Earth, Water or Air), allowing him/her to gain momentary control over that element.
Channeling is activated upon any successful spell check, and the elemental control does not require any further rolls.
The Channeling effect dissipates after two actions OF ANY KIND.
The element that can be channeled must be chosen upon taking this feat, a secondary element would require an additional Feat point.
10 Cunning
4 Will/Endurance

-Channeling: Psychic

Allows the character to channel magic through his own mind and the minds of others, performing such acts as creating illusions, telekinesis and mind control (mind control requires separate Will V.S. Will roll).
Channeling is activated upon any successful spell check, and the elemental control does not require any further rolls.
The Channeling effect dissipates after two actions OF ANY KIND.
10 Cunning
4 Will/Endurance

-Runic contract

Only one contract can be made with one spirit, for the exception of Wood Elves, who are born with a contract. In order to sign a contract this feat is required. Upon taking this feat you should note wich spirit you sign a contract with.

-Magically attune

Your character gains a +5 bonus for all magic related rolls including activating a channeling feat, activating a rune and even casting whiteout any feat.
15 Cunning

Survival feats

Your character has gained the ability to see in dim light.
10 Cunning

-Void Vision

Your character can see the void energy's around him, he can see where the void has once touched the land and can see who has been scarred by the void.
10 Will
5 Cunning

-Dessert Nomad

Your character is an expert in Dessert survival.
You know where to find water and can see when a sandstorm is coming.
You know what signs to look for when one of the dessert horrors should be near.
10 Cunning

-First Aid

Your character has basic knowledge of how to heal a living creature, and receives +15 to all healing-related rolls.
This effect goes for both magical and nonmagical rolls.

-Herbal Lore

Your character has knowledge of a great variety of plants, and know both positive and negative effects of most plants that one can encounter.
Your character also has the ability to make a DifLevel 3 roll to identify unknown plants.
5 Cunning


Your character has a great knowledge over potions, poisons and their traits. He can easily make up recipe’s on the spot.
Herbal Lore
10 Cunning


your character can find the tracks of animals and groups of people and follow these tracks for many miles.
5 Cunning

Miscellaneous Feats

-Strong Willed
Grants a +10 to rolls against mind control and negative morale-effects.
5 Will
5 Endurance
5 Cunning

-Adept of Silence

Grants your character a +10 bonus to all stealth-related rolls.
5 Cunning
8 Dexterity

-Athletic Movement

Your character moves with grace and skill, granting a +10 bonus to all movement-related rolls.
You receive another +10 if the roll is acrobatics-related, and yet another +10 if your character is currently using Athletic Fighting.
12 Dexterity
5 Cunning

-Flash step

Once per combat your character can telleport himself or a companion across the battlefield.
5 Will
10 Cunning


your character has a silver tongue and is an expert at interrogation and making people give up information. If an NPC is starting to get fed up or doesn't want to give out any information you can choose make a DIFlevel2 roll in order to persuade him.
15 Cunning
If you have picked the 'Basic Incantation' feat you will need to pick some Incantations.
Note that how many Incantations you know (Basic Incantation allows you to learn 5) is not the same as how many Incantation Slots you have.
Incantation slots are what you use to prepare Incantations.
If you have three Incantation slots (that's what basic Incantation grants) you can have three Incantations prepared.
Once a rune is used, the slot is empty and has to be re-filled.
This can be done by rune altars, which can be found in most cities and sometimes in dungeons.
To keep track of your Incantations, just add a 'Incantations:' section to your character sheet.

Conjures a spike of frost beneath the target, killing it if it does not make a successful DifLevel 2 endurance or will check.
If the target succeeds the check, the spell deals 10d6 damage.

Heals the target to full HP.

-Razor Word
Your character imbues a single word with immense magical power.
When it is spoken, all enemies within earshot have to make a DifLevel 3 Will save in order to not take 10d6 Damage.
If they make a critical failure on their will saves they die.

Pushes an enemy and all enemies near the target away from you with incredible force, dealing 10d6 damage if they hit any solid obstacles.

-Fire Lance
Conjures a ray of flame from the tip of your character's fingertips, dealing 6d6 damage to anything it hits for 3 actions.
If you character moves his/her hands during this time the spell ends early.

-Lightning sphere
creates a sphere of lightning around the target dealing 3d6 damage and stunning it for 2 turns.

-absorb & Deflect
absorbs any incoming attacks for 2 turns channeling their power into a sphere. every turn the player is forced to make an DifLevel 3 Will save in order to not take 3d6 Damage. after 2 turns the sphere can be thrown dealing 6d6 damage to anything around the point of Impact.

-Intimidating roar
the player let's out an incredible roar stunning the enemy's around him for 2 turns.

-Time shift
Your character is able to go one turn back in time negating all rolls made that turn and re-rolling them in the next one.

Can be resisted with a DifLevel 2 will or endurance check.
Makes all the air inside the target's body vanish, creating a vacuum.
This deals 25d6 damage for three turns.
If the target survives, it is unconscious for 5 turns.

Instantly removes all magical effects from the area.

The Player creates two copies of himself which will act as scapegoats allowing him to escape or gain some time in the battle. The scapegoats will disappear after three turns.
to be added soon
to be added soon

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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Welcome to once again one of my RP's. The last RP which was... less than successful failed for a multiple of reasons many of which I do not want to think back on. This RP is an re-creation of one i did in the past 'Gladiators of Eria' was a RP and pretty successful for Hive's forum RP standers. This time around however i will as stated in the first post implement a roleplay system using dice AND prepare the story way better then before.

I don't know exactly when this RP will be completely finished and ready to go but i hope it will be done just when the summer vacation starts, that way i will have loads of free time and 0 stress and 0 reminders to the bitch called school. :)
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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
I'm working on it every day, ive writen more lore and parts of the story in one day then i normally do in a week so... it's probably going to be finished soon.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Okey, dokey. I'll be back from vacation this sunday so i'll start working on new feats and update this thread then, if i need something i'll just PM you. ^^
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Oh and, i made this for ya as a small motivator. ^^

Hope it fits ya. :)
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Updated the first post whit some of the playable races, more of them are to come in the days ahead.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
all the races have been added, though i don't think my description of the Herges is very good so I might re-write that.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Alright, as you asked for i have prepared a little feedback on your races.

On the front of being interesting most of your races show just the right amount of lore off to give players that 'Hmm... I'd like to play that.' feeling.
You've got some serious clichés going on, but that's not nessecarily a bad thing.
I've got tons of the stuff, after all. ;)

I'l give you a warning, though:
The more cliché you make something, the more interesting you will have to make all the small bits of lore.
Add depth, add beleivability, add more twists than than on a narwhal's horn.
If you make the small bits interesting, even the most clichéd fantasy setting can pull people in like a black hole.

Apart from this basic feedback i have a few more things to say, but it's basically on the setup.

The way the info on the races is set up it isnt very inviting. Try categorizing the information on them, like having a small box for how they look, a box for lore, etc.
This'l make people's decision on what race to play much easier, and accessibility is VERY important for a RP.
If people come into your thread and think 'This looks pretty cool, but eh... I dont wanna' read all that.' you've already lost two-thirds of the battle.
Another thing is that you have not yet posted any info on how exactly we will make our characters. You have announced that the Lorepainter system will be used, but unless they decide to go check out the lorepainter thread they wont really know what that's about.
This makes the info saying 'you can spend so and so many feat points to get a racial ability' kinda meaningless, as people have no idea what a feat point is worth.
Get some info in about how the stats work, how many points we will have to begin with, the basic things of character creation.
Once that is in you will be able to root everything else in that, which will make writing everything ALOT easier.

Okay, i think that's all i have to say so far.
Really good job on this Phoon. :) I cant wait to play.
But seriously: Do us all a favor and spell 'with' correctly. Whit is something else. ;)
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
thanks a bunch for the feedback. I'm glad to hear you like the races, though you're right. I have to change the setup a little bit, I was thinking of that myself but this made me even more certain of the fact that I had to do it.

about the character creation, the problem is that I am still making lot's of feats and stuff. I was thinking of only updating the character creation when i completely finish implementing lorepainter. It might be just me, but it's more logical that way.

xD my with, whit mistake, I never was and probably never will (I hope not) lose this trait. It's something I always did, I'll try to correct them.

EDIT: I'll try to make the needed changes such as whit and with and more sub-tabs by tomorrow. ^^
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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
I agree with Dragon on pretty much everything... I'd just like to add a bit more, if I may :)

The more cliché you make something, the more interesting you will have to make all the small bits of lore.
Add depth, add believability, add more twists than than on a narwhal's horn.

Cliché - on the subject 'of'
If I have but one talent I've honed over the years, it's seeing two sides of the same coin (metaphorically).

Most people will tell you straight off that being Cliché is bad - Now as Dragon mentioned this isn't always the case but I think it'd help vastly if I included some reasons why...

  • It's exactly what it states - something that's overused - people get bored of storylines, plot elements and themes. Naturally like any food, book or video game, too much of one thing is a bad thing and people won't want it any more.
  • Using cliché elements doesn't give you, as the dm vital experience you would get were you more original. It's like copy and pasting material, it's great for padding out an essay as quotes, but if you never make up anything new and unique to you. You might never reach your full potential. Using someone else's models in a war3 map doesn't make you a modeller (bad example but hopefully you get the gist).

Anyway, I'm sure you knew that...
Here's what you "might" not know:

  • It works. If it's been done before and is "overused" - chances are people love it, or it's good at it's job. Why fix what's not broken?
  • It provides players with a sense of familiarity and comfort, it's quite scary and perhaps even off-putting to jump into someone else's fictional world, whether in a game, book or rp. Your players might feel like their's a lot to learn, the 'rules' of the world (Dragon can probably explain that better than me if you don't already know) - not the just the rp, they have to learn how races act with each other, how magic works, what races there, where they live, what they believe. Adding some cliché elements often gives players a little flag that says 'don't worry - it's not so scary' there are orcs here, you know what Orcs are right? It seems silly but small things like that can actually make a player feel more at home (and so more willing to play).

I actually think your current balance of Cliché elements and original elements is rather grand, but I thought I'd just post the above anyway (well maybe I'm just bored) - hehe

Just keep it up, I really can't wait for more!
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
I agree with you completely on that grey.
I just sent some feedback off to phoon describing which parts of his stuff is cliché and which is not, and several times i've stated that being cliché is not nessecarily bad.
The familiarity feeling that people get when doing relating to a cliché is something i have spent alot of time looking into, and i am really sorry if i said somewhere that a cliché is a 100% bad thing. :(
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
You've got some serious clichés going on, but that's not nessecarily a bad thing.

Most people will tell you straight off that being Cliché is bad - Now as Dragon mentioned this isn't always the case but I think it'd help vastly if I included some reasons why...

Nope your all good :thumbs_up:
I didn't even plan to post all that until you said that and I just thought... Most people don't know why!
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. now as to an answer to a somewhat non existent question...
HOW you dress up the Cliché no matter what kind of cliché changes EVERYTHING, and I experimented greatly whit that in my world.
I have many of the Cliché races but I at least tried to give them a somewhat unique touch. I don't know if I succeeded in that completely though, I leave that decision to you guys.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
I think it's absolutely fine, you included Elves (the mother of all Cliché races) and Humans - Lizardmen aren't uncommon but yours don't appear to be a direct rip and Sand Orcs are a lovely twist (especially since they ain't green ^^)!

The only thing I'd like to see is some more imaginative humans, I fear way too many games, rps and stories under-represent humanity.

There always 'your typical human' or 'jacks of all trades' - I mean that's fine but I'd personally love to see our race given some more attention - Though note this isn't so much a problem with your rp - but my own problem with 90% of RPs!


Sign Here to make Dark Elves playable!
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Sign here to Keep Dark Elves unplayable so that lore will not be screwed
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Gladiators are regarded as warrior slaves, still slaves yes but also warriors. When a slave either wins the Eria championship or the canyon challenge they are free. When their master deems they have fought well enough they are free. when the King finds they have proven themselves to be good warriors they are free. when a Gladiators master dies they are free. meaning they become equal to the normal populace.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
how about... no. look Grey, I understand you like Dark elves but letting you play as one would be awkward. I can agree whit a sub breed but you cannot be a pure blood dark elf.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
I would prefer a Dark/high hybrid. High elves are regarded very highly in Eria so even if he would then be half dark elf he would not be discriminated as much. as for the sympathizing, this is your choice to make. I have nothing to say about your characters personality.

also, I added a simple description of Runes in Earmor, i suggest you read it.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
you can choose weather you want a rune or not though wood elves are allowed to have 2 different animal forms yet still only one contract.
some runes have to be earned though most are just unlocked as you level up. also, you have to see runes as a whole 'skill tree' (for lack of a better word) on itself. The rune is imprinted somewhere in the body and resembles the 'contract' between the spirit and the user. it can be upgraded whichever way you want.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
every spirit will be represented by a certain Rune feat and once a player has acquired that feat they can freely upgrade skills within that contract.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
who's that?
oh and I'm currently making all sorts of feats so. ^^ I needed a little break from the story designing.
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