[Lorepainter Beta] Cries of Urnung: Book of the Bladebringer

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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
The game is ON!
Your positions are assigned, the chase is already started, and Urnung is waiting for all of you. :)

Forgot to add rules about the Crit Chart. For anyone that doesnt know, it's a simple system to find out what happens when you Crit.
Sadly it's a chart. So i'm hoping to make some more simple rules for it, lol.

Here's the crit chart:
If somebody rolls a crit on a check or other dice rolls,
a dice will be rolled on this chart to determine what happens.
1: Extreme Success.
Whatever the charecter was doing, he/she has extreme success with.
2: Unexpected Success.
The charecter has success with whatever he's doing, but not nessecarily in the way he/she hoped for.
3: Good Stuff.
Something good happens, like discovering a new spell or gaining a new feat.
4: Extra Díce.
An extra dice is rolled, which will be added to the previous roll result.
The extra dice can also result in a crit, which will lead to another roll on this chart.
5: Pwn.
Something really awesome happens, like getting a Soul-Buff (When you get one you will know why this is awesome. beleive me.)
or instantly killing a monster that is more than thrice as strong as you.
6: Übarpwn.
Like Pwn, just with abit more AWESOME.
When Übarpwn is rolled, you might be saved by a angel, or maybe have a demon from the chaotic planes kill your opponent.
Who knows? It's Übar.
Level 1
Mar 23, 2011
Name: Merlion 'Cunning' Pendragon
Race: Human
Description and Biography: He is a male with blonde hair and is thin, with green eyes. He wears a conical hat and a robe, which is fastened by a leather belt which contain potions and imbued stones.
Will: 8
Dexterity: 1
Cunning: 10
Endurance: 1
Feats: Darkvision, psychic channelling and basic wizardry.
Weapon: He has one rune.
Armour: He is one with nothing to defend him, but he can use the powers of his rune to create a shield.
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
A few things:
1: You cannot be Merlin. :p
2: No, your staff is not rumored to be able to channel the most powerfull energies in the world. If anything you use it to cast your runes.
I Dont grant my players godlike powers unless that's the point of the RP or they REALLY deserve it.
Your character is an adventurer with a few years of experiance, not a grand wizard.
Level 1
Mar 23, 2011
I Dont grant my players godlike powers unless that's the point of the RP or they REALLY deserve it.
Your character is an adventurer with a few years of experiance, not a grand wizard.
Nope, he isn't godlike, it's just intimidation, lol. He's just an adventurer with a few powers and some potions he bought at a stall. I just place him in a cooler light.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
seconded TWIF :/ Dragonson, not to say what you should or shouldn't do but if this really IS Jordon, accepting him is a VERY bad idea. you could compare him to a 5 year old trying to act like a grown-up.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
I you meed a sword blade with a curled up fist you WILL get cut.
But if the sword isnt extraordinarily sharp you will be able to grab it with a successfull DifLevel 2 endurance check.

Ofcourse i'm currently updating the DifChart, so that might change.

Also, if he IS jordon he's not getting in. No way.
He's trolled me before for no apparent reason.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
I hope this is good enough for this good looking RP and I hope my grammar isn't complete shit.

Name: Samael “The Forgotten”
Race: Crycon
Description: Samael is a 7 feet tall medium build Crycon with short white hair that looks like snow. Samaels body is mostly covered in mystical tribal Crycon like tattoos that glow a white when using any form of magic. His hands also have two broken shackles bound upon them at the moment that cannot be removed, but they do hurt his wrists from time to time and prevent him from being stealthy yet they amplify his ability to control and assert his magic.
Biography: Most of Samaels past is unknown to him because of some traumatic event in his life where he lost all of his memories. When Samael 1st lost his memories he found himself in an old elven tomb full of bloody corpses. As he began to search around in this forgotten tomb all he found was more dead bodies but soon his eyes in shock found the body of a women with scarlet red hair, face covered in blood and her eyes like sapphires all she had besides her clothes were a massive claymore (See weapons) which Samael took for himself to honor this maiden. After escaping the tomb he wandered for a few days taking odd and various jobs till one fateful day he encountered some bandits upon a road he was traveling. Soon after encounter them they threatened him and attempted to fight him but Samael killed all of the mercilessly and a few minutes after that some villagers stumbled upon him and thanked him for ridding of the bandit problem and rewarded him. After these events Samael soon became a mercenary for hire and after becoming well known in the area the Loras Mthorena hired and soon he became one of there more reliable member.
Strength: (1+4) 5
Will: (1+4) 5
Dexterity: (1+0) 1
Cunning: (1+7) 8
Endurance: (1+4) 6
-Basic Wizardry
-Controlled Fighting
-Entity Touched
-Strong Willed
Weapon: Samael carries a massive fine dwarven claymore wrapped in black & scarlet cloth. During Samaels awakening in the crypt he found this on a corpse of a woman with scarlet hair he chose to keep it in memory of this woman who he saw in awe and beauty.
Armour: He wears a heavy and strong dark gray armor with a golden outline upon it and some Crycon designs. The armor is quite strong forged with steel to withstand many and even some bloodstains and dents to show the strength of the dark armor. The armor also comes with a fur cloak out of bear fur if the need arises they can latch on the armor and act as a coat or a cape.

-Death Oath (Prepared)
-Shapeshift: Drake (Prepared)
-Black Echo
-Razor Word (Prepared)

Also I know as a late character I will be support. I believe a good time maybe to send me in as support would possibly when they enter the tunnels which may be a long way away so there could be anther moment but I would like to be sent in a moment when I am require say during a challenging fight or a moment when certain information is needed.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Well, apart from the fact that the stuff you write lacks a little punctuation your character works pretty well. :) Accepted.
As said in the first post you will be a reinforcement sent from the Organisation (That's what most people in it call it) and your first post will have to be either about arriving in Sunrah's Sanctum (You'l have to read abit up on what that is in the RP thread, but basically it's the groups base) or waking up in one of the many rooms there, having waited for the group for some time.
Once you arrive/wake up sunrah will explain who you are to the group, and you'l be in the rp and working as a member of the group. :)
Level 2
Apr 11, 2011
This is my first time playing roleplay here :D

Name: Dracnus Aver

Race: Drak'ron

Description and Biography: He has growing up in war. No peace at all when he grow up, he is smaller and ligtherthan other Drak'runs. He is faster than other drak'runs. His perents died early in war. No sisters and brothers.(Maybe comes more)

Strength: 5
Will: 1
Dexterity: 7
Cunning: 10
Endurance: 1

Dextrous Fighting

Weapon: Two small daggers! Quickly to draw up to fight and very ligth

Armour: Ligth Leather armor
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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Yes. that means I can always activate it, right?

EDIT: oh now i see, seems i miss-read. well you can count it as 'prepared' also.
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009

Race: Wood Elf

Description: Lean, tall, upright and confident composure. Dark green eyes and long dark hair over shoulders. Wears a long robe with a leather top which blends with the forest. An unchanging expressionless face, but holds an admiration for loyalty and those who try their very best. Regards the wood and everything concerning nature as home. Treats fighting as a last resort and dislikes bloodlust and destruction unless necessary. Skilled with the quarterstaff and contains an extensive knowledge on herbal treatments and bushcraft remedies.

Biography:: A product of rape, Arcisal was abandoned as a child. But good fortune was with him when he was brought up by a Human Barron, Lord Augustire. Initially brought up by humans, learning to hate and despise other primitive beings, Arcisal, as he was nicknamed, escaped his human captors at a young age after he found out the humans plans of turning him against his own king.

With his traumatic childhood, Arcisal fled to the woods, where a small branch of wood elves brought him into their community. Earning their trust and his honor, Arcisal discovered of his incredibly sharp and observant mind, photographic memory and his unnatural psychic and telekinetic powers. During his years living among elves, Arcisal learned most of his healing methods and herblore from his fellow wood elves, who accepting him as much as they would accept one another. Being an unorthodox, but skilled fighter, Arcisal was given Yer'shrryl, the greatstaff of the elven tribe's leader.

But misfortune struck once more. An entire human battalion slaughtered defenseless and outnumbered elves. Led by Arcisal's former captor, Lord Augustire, Arcisal slew the Barron and fled the village with the clothes on his back and his staff. Fleeing to the mystical wood elven capital, Arcisal quickly found deep respect and admiration from his own kin. Eventually he was made Head Cleric of the Wood Elves.

Arcisal also quietly kindled a grudge against humans. When a human-elven war was sparked, Arcisal was at the forefront, striking down human knights while manipulating minds. But he finally realized that not all humans were the same, after an encounter with a falsely convicted human mercenaries who showed kindness and respect to Arcisal when he was lost in the mountainous regions. With this newfound knowledge, Arcisal, after the war, seek to create a human-elven pact, tirelessly trying to accomplish his mission of human and elven peace.

Strength: (1+1) 2
Will: (1+10) 11
Dexterity: (1+0) 1
Cunning: (1+9) 10
Endurance: (1+5) 6

First Aid
Channelling: Psychic
Herbal Lore

Weapon: A long quarterstaff made of precious willow wood, with a central core of extremely light elven steel. Can be separated into two pieces. Contains simple but elegant runes engraved upon it and lights up upon command. Made specifically for Arcisal by the leaders of the Wood Elves during his time as head Healer.

Armour: Forest-shifting Leather on top with color-changing cloak on the bottom and shoulders.

Is this alright?
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Hmwell, your character is very good on most parts, but please do use the exact feat names.
I'm assuming that your two first feats are Entity Touched and Channelling: Psychic, but your third feat i am not sure about.

Apart from this, though, your character is fine.
So when it's fixed i can pretty much approve your character. :)

We'l have to find a way to let you join up with the group though, as they are currently in a place that isnt quite easy to access. :p
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
All right. Thanks dude. Never understood he feats section.

About my third feat:
I don't know if there is anything like it but it shows my display in my knowledge of herbs and natural medicines. Anything like that?

Is there a place where I can view all the feats?
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
I would like to join and i hope this character meets all requirements. :)
I played on the first Rafia roleplay.

Name: Daegor Silvermane
Race: Human
Description and Biography: Born into a wealthy familly, he was trained and educated in the arts of combat by Master Trainers. Very athletic. Trained from a young age in both ranged and melee combat, he has developed fine reflexes and strength. His fortune did not last long, his family competed for power, which ended fatally for his parents. He however, was spared. Age 29. Short black hair, 193 cm high, built athletically.


-Controlled Fighting
-Battle Veteran
Weapon: A staff, swordbreaker and a one handed mace for melee combat.
Repeating crosbow for ranged.
Small leather buckler for defence and mobility.
Armour: Scalemail, with leather on areas of the body that aren't too vital(for added mobility), a hard plate horned helmet ( father's heirloom)
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
All right. Thanks dude. Never understood he feats section.

About my third feat:
I don't know if there is anything like it but it shows my display in my knowledge of herbs and natural medicines. Anything like that?

Is there a place where I can view all the feats?

Well, all the feats currently available are in the feat list in the first post.
As for knowledge of herbs and natural medicines... Well, i think i'l have to include a feat for that.
I already have a feat called 'Wastelander' which shows off knowledge of the Urnung wastes. Some other feats of the same type seems to be called for. ;)

I would like to join and i hope this character meets all requirements. :)
I played on the first Rafia roleplay.

Name: Daegor Silvermane
Race: Human
Description and Biography: Born into a wealthy familly, he was trained and educated in the arts of combat by Master Trainers. Very athletic. Trained from a young age in both ranged and melee combat, he has developed fine reflexes and strength. His fortune did not last long, his family competed for power, which ended fatally for his parents. He however, was spared. Age 29. Short black hair, 193 cm high, built athletically.


-Controlled Fighting
-Battle Veteran
Weapon: A staff, swordbreaker and a one handed mace for melee combat.
Repeating crosbow for ranged.
Small leather buckler for defence and mobility.
Armour: Scalemail, with leather on areas of the body that aren't too vital(for added mobility), a hard plate horned helmet ( father's heirloom)

Looks pretty good. :)
But as with Arci (and my old friend Erdniz that might rejoin soon) i'm not sure how to get you into the game.
I have an idea, but it involves me telling you a chunk of inside lore.
It also involves giving you a somewhat important role in the plot, which means that i need at least one of you to be regularily active.
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
i'm regularly active, and seeing as there is more than opne player waiting to join, maybe we can be an off-shot group and meet up with the rest of the players after they're finished with that place.
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
then we sure as hell need to get in :O
maybe we can toggle a trap or something of the sorts that would get us to where they are?
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