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Rafia: Trials of the Sixth Plane [RP Thread]

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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
@The Crafters
Just craft away guys.
Remember though, Llyw is the only of you with any real skill on the subject.
Once your'e all finished deciding what you do, i will make a roll for your success.
The roll will have +'s for each worker and -'s for lack of skill (Llyw's training also serves as a +).
Remember that. ;)
Also, you currently have a lot of resources like stone and wood from the tower itself, but you may need to buy some eventually if i see fit.

Lol. XD Turn peaceful mode on and pour lava down on their heads. ;)

Good job with posting your location before the actual actions.
If you're splitting up in the future too then i would VERY appreciate it if you made posting like that a tradition.

The mages turned and faced Meyla.
"Almost in charge, madam." One of them says and bows.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora gazed at them, examining them head-to-toe. "Do you at least know what is happening?"
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
OOC: You dont have to do it at every post Gray, but every once in a while would be cewl thanks. :)

@The Black Tower: Elven District (Streets, Main Gate)
"That is slightly hard to explain.
Technically there is someone with a higher ranking here than us, but he is not present at moment, so we are in charge. Almost."
A strange sound like something very heavy thumping against metal is heard from the gate and the mage not talking rushes towards it.
"But what is happening here is simple: We are under attack.
It is also quite strange actually. Until a few hours ago i dont really remember what happened here.
Everyone appears to have the same feeling, like waking up and suddenly know everything about yourself and your own capabilities, including your job and other duties, but none of us remember why we are here in The Black Tower or why there is suddenly hordes of strange, purple creatures assaulting our gates."

EDIT: Which reminds me: Planesedge is up!
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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Location: Blacktower - Elven District, streets surrounding Basetower.

Meyla nodded slowly, recognition written upon her face.
"You remember how to do - but you don't remember why you do..." she recited to herself.
She drew her sword from it's back scabbard, the long, rune scarred blade shimmered in the sunlight.
She frowned, fingering the hilt with it's emerald missing. No - not missing - absent. There was a difference.
"Where do yo- Ashen?" she gaped, whirling around at the sound of his voice.
"What are yo-? I thou-? Help Llyw..!" Meyla sighed, her hands and blade falling limp as she slouched and lowered her eyebrows with poorly hid aggravation.
Won't this kid leave me alone? He's sweet, but I'm not his mother, far from it. I'm not cut out for this. I don't have the patience!
She turned to Amnora, rolling her eyes but managing to suppress the groan. Why me? she mouthed.
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Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora gazed down at the atrocious boy, her gaze filled with contempt. She wondered what aid such an inexperienced whelp could bring to such a task. She turned to Meyla, amused by her reaction, and knelt down. Her eyes were reminiscent skies of a mesmerizing spring day, and her long, blond ponytail dangled over her cloak. She smiled, as if she were a child, and spoke. "You can stay with us, but do not expect us to protect you or," she paused and turned to Meyla disapprovingly, "... mother you."

She stood up and turned to the elven mage. "I believe we may be your solution."
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
OOC: Hm, Grey? What did you mean with 'Help Llyw' ?

''Mhm.. I need you to help me replace the pillars.'' he answered Mex. ''You see, most of them are rotten and such, and need to be replaced before this place falls down. You see, we first support the pillar by having two diagonal pieces of wood support the roof.''
He drew it in the air, which resembled something like this. /|\
''Then, we take the pillar away.'' he removed the middle pillar in the drawing. /\
''.. and then we replace it with a good pillar, and so the diagonals may be removed and if neccesary, we could add another piece of wood to lay under the diagonals. After all, the triangle is the strongest form, as far as I know.'' he finally finished with a smile.
''What do you think?''
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
"Interesting... I will have to ask you a few questions later.
But for now, all of us would be most gratefull if you would help us with our defe-"
The wizard is cut off as a great explosion is heard from the gate, and the mage that had run towards it comes flying through the air and litterally splats against one of the many towers.
"Damn it! That's the third student today!"
The wizard yells as he pulls out his soulblade, an ethereal longsword, and charges towards the gate with blue fire burning in his left hand.
From the gate several purple wolves have already come into sight, and behind them a great purple minotaur is running to meet the furious wizard.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
DM: Spell Check: Roll (1d6 +12 from Will): 5. (17)
The wizard sends a wave of blue fire out infront of him, destroying the first line of charging wolves completely and bringing the minotaur up front.
The minotaur raises his axe and swings at the wizard with his enormous axe...
DM: Melee Attack: Roll (1d6 +10 from Strength): 6. (16)
Rolling Crit Chart: 5. Pwn!

...with such strength that it sends ripples of energy through the air.
DM: Defence Check: Roll (1d6 +20 from Silver Blade): 5. (25)
But just as it's about to hit the wizard, he raises his soulblade and neatly blocks the attack.
Both the wizard and the minotaur are dumbfounded by this.
"H-how did i do that?" the wizard mumbles, before he once again focuses on his foe.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
He looked at her and frowned, then answering her;
''Err.. sure, get me some more wood, if you can?'' he asked her before he turned and nodded at Mex. He grabbed the support and carefully maneouvred it near the pillar, finally reaching a point where it could be put on the ground. To support the empty space, he placed a wooden block under and near it so it could not falter.
''Your turn.'' he said to Mex with a nod.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Meyla cursed, her militant mind kicking in.
The wizard's condition might get him killed if they did not intervene, for a multitude of reasons that wouldn't bode well...
Without losing pace she dropped one hand from her sword and shot two quick magic bolts at the Minotaur, praying Amnora was ready to do the same.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
IC: mex also took a support and did the exact same thing at the opposite side of the pillar. "Ready to replace this one."
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
DM: Spell Check: Roll (1d6 + 4 From Will): 2. (6)
DM: Spell Check: Roll (1d6 + 4 From Will): 5. (9)
Meyla sends forth two bolts of magic, both hitting the minotaur.
The sudden attack causes it to stubmle backwards, allowing the wizard to get out of the way.
Ashen spat at Amnora when she finished he dialouge. "I don't Need mothering, never have, I'm here to help, reguardless of whatever you think." He was angry. But he should be used to it.

Then the explosion rocked the ground, and the duel between the mage and the minotaur took place, ashen readied himself, teleporting forward a short distance, and trying to whip off a blast of enegy at the minotaur from just behind it...
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
DM: Entity Ability (Gate of Lies - Teleport): Roll (1d6 +7 from Will): 4. (11)
DM: Spell Check: Roll (1d6 +7 from Will): 3. (7)
Ashen fires a blast of energy at the Minotaur, causing it to roar out and turn it's attention from the wizard and Meyla, now facing Ashen.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Foolish Child! Meyla cursed, using her wings to balance out and turn sharply.
She dived in order to place herself between the Minotaur and Ashen.

Meyla! NO!

She grimaced as she brought her sword to bear, having barely caught her breath.
It wasn't so long ago, she had been in Ashen's position. Young, reckless, ignorant but innocent and naive. She tightened her grip and swallowed, a lump having formed in her throat. "This time, we survive. All of us" she cried.
"Come and get it you big brute" she muttered, blade poised.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
@The Awakening
The minotaur was dumbfounded by Meyla's sudden appearance and apparently didnt know what to do.
This allowed the wizard to launch another attack.
DM: Acrobatic Attack Class 4 (Minimum Result: 10): Roll (1d6 +10 from Silver Blade): 5. (11)
In one gracefull move he jumped onto the minotaur and stabbed it in the neck with his ethereal blade.
It let out a roar of pain, but then dissolved into thin air like the wolves.
"How did i do THAT? I... I cant remember. How am i doing these things?"
He mumbles as confusion spreads accross his face.

In the meantime, the gate had been shut again and the Entity's forces were stopped for now.

@The Tower
DM: Woodworking: Roll (1d6 -4 from Inexperianced Workers, +6 from Amount of Workers and +4 from Experianced Workers): 4. (10)
So far, the group had managed to do some exellent work on the tower.
All of their work so far was durable and well carried out.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora watched the battle, amused by its outcome. "The Entity isn't flexing much muscle, is he?" She contemplated, glaring at Ashen and then Meyla. "Your weakness for this whelp will be your downfall, faerie." She stated, watching the gate in all seriousness. "Shall we descend into the lion's mouth?"
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Meyla bit her lip but said nothing, glaring back at Amnora. Damn it, but she's right. How long before she met the same fate? Accursed, weak, pathetic. She glanced at Ashen but found she could hold no malice towards him, he was just a child. Weren't they all at some point? She shuddered and shrugged, indicating listening to the wizard might be a wise idea.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
"Well standing here like fools certainly won't help either. Who 'leads' the guard? Perhaps regrouping would be the best idea."
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
"Normally i think there's someone named Holo Dragonson responsible for our defences, but i cant remember why or how that works."
The wizard says, sheathing his blade.
"I think my name is Coron Lamente, by the way."

OOC: Made an edit to the construction thread explaining multiple-dice rolls.
It's in the rules section on the first post.
Make sure to check it out or you WILL be confused.
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
"We dont even know what exactly our enemy is.
But there's around three hundred of the elven guard and more mages than i can count.
But as far as i know i think most of them arent here to defend us."
Coron says, looking at Ashen with obvious curiousity.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Llyw nodded to himself and looked around, taking the pillar he had made earlier.. he examined the floor before he carefully put it on the floor, forcing it against the roof. It w as hard to maneouvre, but it wasn't impossible. At the end, he nodded to himself and removed the supports.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora chuckled at Ashen's earlier comment. It was to mock him. She did not care for his empty threats - nor the boy. She only cared for leaving this place. Then the mage told his name.

"Where have I heard that name before? Lamente... hmm, very well. I think we need to take things from here. We need a barricade, firstly."
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
@The Awakening
"Well... I think there is a portal to our storage chambers in Gateway Library.
There's supposed to be all kinds of resources there.
But eh, the place is kind of overrun with those... things.
So i guess we will just have to salvage something from the nearby buildings."
Coren says and scratches his chin.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
DM: Spell Check: Roll (1d6 +7 from Will): 4. (11)
Ashen sends off a purple sphere of energy at Amnora...
DM: Dodge: Roll (1d6 +2 from Dexterity): 6. (8)
Rolling Crit Chart: 1. Extreme Success!

...who neatly jumps out of the way in a quite acrobatic manner.
DM: +4 Dexterity for Amnora.

Edited the post.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
@tower top floor
IC: "well, thats holding neatly isn't it?" Mex said, looking at the New pillar whit approval. At this rate the tower would be up and livable in no time again. "Shall we move on to the next one then?" he suggested while looking at Llyw.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Llyw nodded to Mex and once more checked the pillar. He wasn't s ure.. but meh, it would have to do for now. He gave it a little kick and then walked over to the next pillar. ''Time to work.''

OOC: Eh, we're going to do an exactly the same process.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
OOC: then perhaps it would be better if there was a roll for ALL the pillars and we just make a post like 'They repaired all the pillars' or something.
Ashen spits at her violently again before turning away, forcing himself to calm down.

His breathing was heavy.

After a minute he responded, his voice still raised and sharp.

"We have a large number of people, we should split into a large number of small groups and attempt to preform..." His breathing was heavy again. "Hit and run attacks."

He finished.

All the while he never truely agknowlaged Meylas attepmt to save him.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Amnora smirked as she dodged the furious ball of magic. However, this was not the time or place for such battles to be fought. "The psycho-child has some sense. First, a barricade, then we need to lure them in."
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
@The Tower
How many times will you repeat the process?

@The Awakening
"If you are building a barricade or something i reccomend that you salvage materials from some of the left over towers.
That is, unless you are going into Gatesway Library."
Coren says, while glancing at Ashen.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
OOC: i don't know? how many pillars are there in the tower? lets say like about 1 in every room + 2 on the ground floor and a few more in the dungeon and becement. that would be about 15 pillars perhaps?
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