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Rafia: Trials of the Sixth Plane [Planesedge Arena]

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Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Mex looses his Grip on Woarakk takes his blade sets one foot back and swings his sword to once again try to cut of his foe's head.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Now was his chance, he realized. It was now or never, yet.. hesitation had a hold of him. His soulblade began to glow and he sprinted in all his energy at Ekel, meanwhile trying to activate his defenses.. ah, if he had calculated it correctly, his enemy would probably get hit. If not, he had a defence. Nonetheless, risks should not be taken in battle, he thought to himself. Sprinting, sprinting, and trying to swing his soulblade at him..
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
DM: Melee Attack: Roll (1d6 +8 from Strength): 2. (10)
Mex swings at Woarakk's head...
DM: Defence Check: Roll (1d6 +6 from Dexterity, +10 from Ancestor's Call and +5 from Blatant Attack): 2. (23)
...but Woarakk easily blocks the attack, and jumps backwards into a defensive stance.

DM: Melee Attack: Roll (1d6 +4 from Dexterity and -3 from Multiple Actions): 6. (7)
Rolling Crit Chart: 2. Extreme Success!

Llyw charges forward, and in a rush of immense power he lands a mighty blow on Ekel's chest, and the mage is sent flying through the air.
DM: Ekel has 40 HP left.
DM: +4 Strength for Llyw.

OOC: Like with ashen's gate, your defences dont dissipte unless de-activated Fuss. :)
I do a maintenance check on them after every second combat move you do.

OOC: Eh, are you using the ram ability there?
I'm kinda confused.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
IC: Mex immediately runs after Woarakk and grabs his blade making it seem as if he is about to make another attack, however as he swings his swords he slides over the ground and tries to tackle Woarakk instead.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
He roared, which was followed by a laughter. However, he didn't stop. He had to press on and finish this.. for now his opponent was badly wounded and he should not be allowed to recover. He kept sprinting, though a bit slower this time. Nonetheless, he would finish this now and forever.. If he would arrive, he would swing his sword once more at Ekel and then.. bam.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
OOC: Sorry for the late reply guys.
I've been busy. Believe me...

DM: Melee Attack (Tackle): Roll (1d6 +7 from Strength and +3 from Dexterity): 4. (14)
Mex performs a stylish tackle, and takes the surprised Woarakk off guard.
Woarakk is knocked to the ground.
DM: Woarakk has 40 HP left.

DM: Spell Check: Roll (1d6 +8 from Will): 6. (14)
Rolling Crit Chart: 1. Extreme Success!

Ashen charges towards Aen and sends a huge beam of blue fire at him.
The blue fire hits Aen directly in the face, and the elf screams as the fire consumes his flesh.
DM: Aen has 20 HP left.

Llyw charges forward and reaches the mage's position before Ekel reaches the ground...
DM: Melee Attack: Roll (1d6 +4 from Strength): 2. (6)
...and lands a blow to the Mage's chest.
The mage howls with pain and falls to the ground, now so wounded that he cannot move.
DM: Ekel has 10 HP left.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
DM: Melee Attack: Roll (1d6 +7 from Strength): 5. (12)
Mex's axe sweeps down towards the wounded Woarakk, who manages to roll slightly to the side in an attempt to dodge the axe.
But Mex still succeeds in cutting his right arm off, and Woarakk howls in pain as his limb is severed from his body.
DM: Woarakk has 5 HP left.
Woarakk soon begins to suffer from the great loss of blood, and goes unconscious.
The crowd cheers at Mex, and the Colloseum's gates open.
A green glow, surrounds both Woarakk and Mex, and both have all of their wounds healed.
The defeated Workan stands up and nods approvingly at Mex before he leaves the arena.
DM: Mex has won the battle. (Win Streak: 1)
DM: Mex recieves 100 Arena Tokens.

OOC: Nope.
They just have to surrender of be unconscious.

Aen yelps and signals that he surrenders.
The crowd cheers, and the colloseum's gates open.
A green glow surrounds both Ashen an Aen, and all of their wound are healed.
Aen gets up and scratches his chin, now smooth again, and leaves the Arena with a nod towards Ashen.
DM: Ashen has won the battle. (Win Streak: 1)
DM: Ashen recieves 100 Arena Tokens.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
IC: "I hope we can fight again." Mex mumbles to himself as Woarakk leaves the arena and follows him outside, returning to the Main room, the accept a new challenge.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Lucien looks down at the small boy, clears his throat and starts to talk.
His voice flows through the room like a soothing melody, making Ashen and all other present people feel almost alarmingly at peace with themselves.
"It is quite simple, really.
Two people team up to fight other teams consisting of two people, and the battle goes on until one of the teams are completely wiped out or both members surrender.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
OOC: Ohya, sorry.

Ekel makes a strange burping sound, and magically signals that he surrenders.
Instantly a green glow surronds both combatants, and their wounds are healed.
Ekel teleports himself out of the Arena without a word.
DM: Llyw has won the battle.
DM: +100 Arena Tokens for Llyw.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Mex walks towards ashen and lays his hand on the boys head. "I'll fight whit you." he says.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Llyw walked out of the arena and looked around. Many, many people.. nonetheless, he did spot Ashen and Mex and walked towards them, when an idea invaded his mind, and he smirked.
''Hey, I was wondering, is it possible to do a three-versus-three?''
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
"Yes, that would be to our benefit, the more the merrier." Mex said. "Perhaps we could even start our own Battle Team." he then suggested.
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