Paired Modelling Contest #2 - Spacecraft

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Create a spacecraft. May that be a spaceship(a space vehicle), a space station(a space building) or even a simple satellite.
A spacecraft or spaceship is a craft or machine designed for spaceflight. Spacecraft are used for a variety of purposes, including communications, earth observation, meteorology, navigation, planetary exploration and transportation of humans and cargo.


  • Team consists of TWO PEOPLE. No more, no less. Their roles in the creation of the entry model are not specified.
  • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  • If a submission does not follow the model submission rules the creator will be disqualified.
  • Your submission must be posted before the deadline. The post containing your final submission must also contain the following:
    • An in game screenshot showing your submission in action.
    • The file in the appropriate format.
  • You must show at least one unfinished preview of your submission, before the deadline, as proof that it’s yours.
  • Your submission may not be started/made before the official launch of the contest.
  • Judges may not participate.
  • Your final submission must be bug free.
  • Must contain the following animations, and more if possible:
    • Stand
    • Death
    • Portrait Animations (whether it's for a camera or a separate portrait model)

  • First Place: 50 reputation points and your entry on the award icon
  • Second Place: 35 reputation points and an award icon
  • Third Place: 20 reputation points and an award icon


  • Pending
  • Pending

Vertices and faces/15

How well made or how well WC3 textures have been used/10

Self explanatory/10

How well made or how well WC3 animations have been used/5

How well the model works/5

Appropriate use of additional effects/5
  • 60 % of the winner shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).
  • 40 % of the winner shall be determined by the results of a public poll.

  • The contest shall begin on 16 June 2011 and conclude on 28 July 2011, GMT


Contestant no.1
Contestant no.2 Current WIP
AnarchianbedlamRed_Shift N/A
Shamanyouranus Mr. Bob Current WIP
DonDustin darkdeathknight Current WIP
M0rbid Frankster N/A
Izanagi -Peper- Current WIP
Pyritie The_Silent Current WIP
eubs The Weird Human Current WIP
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i suggest people to try to acquire themselves a partner ACTIVELY. Not JUST post here but go in chat on regular basis if you can or put a notice in your sig. I will, none the less, put a list of possible participants in this post if they state so in the thread.

If are simply joining with no specific role in mind, it is fine. IF you do have a specific role in mind, PLEASE STATE SO.
List of possible contestants without specified partner

Thrikodius needs texturer


anyone who asks "is this a spaceship?" will be ignored and perhaps possibly(ie. most definitely) neg-repped depending on the severity of their stupidity/troll-ness. If you dont know how to differentiate between a tree/frog/monkey/soda can and a spaceship, then sorry to say this but you would be hopeless in this contest. If you do know the difference but you still ask the question, then you are just a person who enjoys neg-reps and bans.
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Level 7
Mar 19, 2011
M0rbid and Frankster? no fair the master modelers will dominate this competition hands down so good luck everyone,
HailFireer said:
Well this will be interesting to see. Good luck to the contestants.

I myself am not that good of a modeler so i wont join and give my partner a heart attack.
I agree with HailFireer, joining a partner would probably kill them seeing as i have no experiencing with models other than making parts bigger and smaller.
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Level 26
Apr 13, 2008
Soooo since Frankster and M0rbid are the best, you are wishing the most luck on them?

both frank and morbid are great artists in their own rights. but a creative idea or clever composition can often times outshine a model that is simply well made. That is not to say that morbid or frank would ever make something mundane. But i'm saying that everyone is on equal footing here if they just put a little effort into all aspects of their model (like the actual concept, instead of all their effort into the technical stuff)

if anyone took the time to notice that 5 points have been deducted from animations and put into the creativity criteria
Level 26
Jun 15, 2006
Would a large zerg transport unit count? Something like the zerg equivalent of a spaceship?



anyone who asks "is this a spaceship?" will be ignored and perhaps possibly(ie. most definitely) neg-repped depending on the severity of their stupidity/troll-ness. If you dont know how to differentiate between a tree/frog/monkey/soda can and a spaceship, then sorry to say this but you would be hopeless in this contest. If you do know the difference but you still ask the question, then you are just a person who enjoys neg-reps and bans.

but to answer your question:

Don't think the actual compitition is started yet, its just a suggestion as far as i can se :)

Can biological things be spaceships, like zerg/tyranid/alien stuff? (no mean to troll),

hence why i didnt specify mechanical
Ugh..... I don't like this theme very much.

anyways, me and 4eNNightmare might participate again. not sure, gonna ask him first
something cool can be done if not stuck to sci-fi shit

EDIT: wasn't there half criteria for skin, half criteria for modelling/animating?
cos in most cases it's one skinner and one modeller... and just 10 points compared to 35 for the modeller (5 are creativity of both) I think it's better like that

and if it isnt too much id like to ask another week of duration now, cos my vacations will begin july 20 x(
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
First one actually reminds me of the scrapped Swarm Guardian unit for SCII, but the tentacles are a nice touch. However, how are you gonna make them grab stuff ingame?
Second looks like a drone and thats kinda nice. Has the evolution feeling.

But wouldn't the zerg spaceship be more of an armored creature with small closed entramnces to keep zerg inside safe and not huge mouths? Leviathan is the only zerg space transport if I recall.

Best zerg spaceship would actually be something like an infested terran ship, merged with a zerg species that is a mix of your concepts.
First one actually reminds me of the scrapped Swarm Guardian unit for SCII, but the tentacles are a nice touch. However, how are you gonna make them grab stuff ingame?
Just make a guess and adjust the unit's fly height. Dunno how else to do it

But wouldn't the zerg spaceship be more of an armored creature with small closed entramnces to keep zerg inside safe and not huge mouths? Leviathan is the only zerg space transport if I recall.
but everything zerg has to be pointy with mouths and stuff!

Best zerg spaceship would actually be something like an infested terran ship, merged with a zerg species that is a mix of your concepts.
yeah, but I kinda want something that's a bit of a challenge to animate - I've been told I'm pretty good at that part and I'd like to practice some more
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