1. Please use some text to differentiate the text on hero descriptions:
Tooltip Tutorial
Creating Good Descriptions
2. Some heroes like Galatron have a smaller selection circle than the model edges. Also, many heroes don't have hero glow; you could add one for them:
How to add Hero Glow without Modeling or request somebody to do it for you manually (by editing the models) or to remove it from those which have it.
3. The lumber/wood icon doesn't look like the one for Souls (undead/Shade True Sight). It's still the tree.
4. Mace and Sword have the same cost but the first reduces attack speed and the difference of damage/attack between them is mere so the Sword is the obvious choice (cost-efficiency).
5. Recipe icons are horrible. You have to make them look like the final item icon not like a letter. I think blank is pretty much obvious so you don't have to write that.
6. Combinations are pretty meh; basically the same thing over and over but at higher attributes. At least, the first shop has that.
7. You could change the hue for the attribute giving rune icons:
Button Manager v1.8.2
BLP Lab v0.5.0
Complete Icon Tutorial - All About Icons
How to Make an Icon
8. You could make gold/resources appear when a creep is killed, like bounty on neutral hostile.
9. Terrain is not that nice with trees being placed artificially in a line. A lot of space hasn't been used. I hope you will add stuff in later versions otherwise it doesn't make sense.
10. Creep positioning is weird, besides so many being in one place, some are unreachable behind trees.
11. Neat that you made Easy even easier by letting the player decide when the waves to come.
12. I don't understand why it's important to show the number of potions a player has in the board instead of things like deaths, kills, or any other information that might be more important.
13. Intended or not, heroes can go and heal in the base while others protect the base until they return.
14. Rune of Invisibility is pretty useless when you can go to the base and get back anyway.
15. Would be nice for the bag to be able to put items in the cube.
16. The vault doesn't know that you've got three items of the same type. You have to put them on specific slots...
17. Why 4 Strong Belts for Belt of the Gladiator and not 3 Warrior Belts? Waste of resources and space... and counterintuitive too.
18. Buff/FX attachement points on Galatron seem weird or it's because the Rune of Haste is on the origin? But it should have a wider FX like that of an aura if the origin is used...
What the heck is that? I suggest making it look normal/better by creating stronger creeps instead of millions of lesser ones... Those higher level ones would give more bounty, simple. They reappear faster than you're able to kill them...
20. Shouldn't the lever be enabled to be pulled after a wave is dealt with and not after a certain time?
21. The wolf does not reappear? I thought maybe some stronger creep bosses will come one after the other.
22. If you use hero models on normal units, their bodies will remain on the ground.
23. Shouldn't the Beast Cavalier's summons be temporary? I see the Fire Elemental is autodestructing, slowly.
24. Why does the Stone Guardian have mana?
25. Earth Spike says Q as the hotkey instead of W. W does not work.
26. Q from Construct Base Tower does not work.