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(6)Tortoise Creek (Custom Heroes)

(6)Tortoise Creek
by Scias

Map Description:

Tortoises have inhabited this creek for decades as it's shallow waters provide perfect living conditions for them. However, once peaceful sounds of the creek have been overrun by sounds of war as warring factions seek to conquer it for other treasures that it offers.

Map Info:

This is a custom 148x116 size map recommended mostly for 3v3 gameplay. There are upper and lower land masses on which each team spawns, the land masses are divided by a creek. There are 3 starting positions on each land mass, but only 2 gold mines. Middle of the map contains additional 2 gold mines that the opposing factions have to contest over, however these gold mines are heavily defended by red neutral creep camps. Each land side has 2 Goblin Merchant and 2 Goblin Laboratories and on each side of the map there are Market Places which are guarded by red creep camps. Taverns are located on the sides of the creek.

Map Features:
  • There are total of 10 custom Heroes, two new heroes per race including neutral, created to fit the original Warcraft 3 content to best of my ability. (more info below)
  • Map includes numerous creep camps which due to being close together are highly exploitable to various early creeping tactics for each race, creeps also aren't overly difficult so this allows for quicker progression.
  • Goldmines are easily accessible and expandable however they are heavily exposed. The inner goldmines which lead to the middle of the map allow for tactical towering to give an advantage over creek paths leading to middle. The outer, more isolated, gold mines allow losing team to regain some strength as these goldmines are harder to defend while trying to control the middle.

Map Overview:



Custom Heroes:






From Creator of the Map:

This is the first map I ever finished, so it's probably not gonna be amazing. It wasn't tested much so there might be some balance issues, I'm open for feedback and I'll update the map accordingly.. I don't know how to make special abilities and I don't know how to make scripts or triggers, I'm just some icon artist. I spent about 5 days on this map, and everything is made just by editing what Blizzard had already made for Warcraft 3.. But anyway, I'm hoping you guys will have fun playing this map.

Known Bugs
(no idea how to fix)
- Corpse Digging doesn't seem to work as intended, should consistently create corpses over time. Suggestion: Don't level it up until you need a corpse.
- Corpse Digging icon doesn't show when researched so I put a placeholder passive for a icon.
- Animation Mecha Gnome does when he consumes a tree while Bouncy Rockets is active
- Somethings wrong with King Shredders selection size.
- King Shredders flight animation continues if the duration of Flight Boots ran out while he was on a terrain which he couldn't land onto.

* Credits *
Thanks to:
Blizzard Entertainment, Em!, SuPa-, Korija2029, Champara Bros, General Frank, CeDiL, EvilCryptLord, CreatorD3292, Boogles, MiniMage, Ergius, EnetheruAnuon, A.R., RavenBlackbird, Misha, Hayate, kellym0, -Grendel, RodOfNOD, UgoUgo, s4nji, dickxunder, Titania, loktar, AndrewOverload519, Callahan, Dmitry Rommel, manasou, DragoonZombie

Blizzard Entertainment, bigapple90, morbent, Traxamillion, Deathclaw24, 67chrome, AL0NE, Darkfang, The Panda, Xezko, JollyD, Blood Raven, 4eNNightmare, exN, LoDown, Sin'dorei300, Huinipachutli, viiva, Elenai, NFWar, zbc, Juice_F, loktar, CRAZYRUSSIAN, PeeKay, -Berz-, BLazeKraze

-Fiery Dispel description updated
-Blessing of Healing has DISATC now
-Blood Rush has DISATC now
-Haste has it's own Haste buff
-Split into Bats description updated
-Bats model fixed
-Bat units health reduced from 200 to 150
-Raise Undead description updated
-Disease Cloud is now a flying unit
-Corpse Digging Duration reduced to 30 (not sure if this does anything though)
-Added Firelord, Tinker and Alchemist back to Tavern
-Stun Rockets stun on heroes is reduced by 1 second on each level

-Mecha Gnome cannot attack air until Bouncy Rockets is active anymore.
-Blight created by Dark Garden ability has reduced AoE from 700 to 400.
-Updated 2 new screenshots to the post

-Mana Harvest can now harvest mana from non-hero units
-Tree Fuel icon fixed
-Necromancers placeholder passive removed
-Silvermoon Sorceress' fire ball spell description updated
-Silvermoon Sorceress' fire ball damage reduced by 20 per level.
-Melee version of the map added.

-No heroes can train same skill twice in row anymore. (this was meant to be a buff for heroes that are weak early game, but considering fast creeping and quick leveling and the heroes scaling ability there was not much point in this buff.)

-Terrain edits.
-Added more doodad details.
-Ramp issues fixed.
-You can now build any races food building near Marketplace (so you can keep an eye on the items).
-Tree placement in bases mostly fixed, so that wisps don't have as easy time hiding as they used to.

(6)Tortoise Creek (Map)

(6)Tortoise Creek (Custom Heroes) (Map)

Please avoid uploading screenshots on other sites and linking to them. I think there should be less spells resembling or even copying original Warcraft III ones. Here are some inspirational Altered Melee maps: How to: Create a Full-working Custom...
What's the patch version you've saved this on? I need someone to check if the rocket switching issue persists on later patches or if it's on my end. Actually, it works now but: -the hero can attack air from a distance without even starting to use the...
Changes made, Approved. Leave the Expansion Amount to 64/default (right click then left click on reset field value) then set the Area of Effect to what you think fits. I thought somewhere between 300-400 is OK.
Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
What a nightmare making this post has been.. Imgur links not working and having to add the Media files.. What a waste of time, I spent like 2 hours making a post just to find out that after having posted it it looked nothing like the preview I was working on did. I don't see myself making or posting a map ever again..
that's what it looked like while I was creating it..

I grab a paragraph and edit it's color, update the file to see what mess I might've created, looks fine, I return to editing and I see this has appeared under the paragraph "[/CENTER][/CENTER][/COLOR][/CENTER][/COLOR][/CENTER][/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR][/size]"

What am I doing wrong?
Last edited:


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Please avoid uploading screenshots on other sites and linking to them.

Map terrain is flat.

-two new intel heroes
-Priestess has Silence=Dark Ranger's Silence; Polymorph=Hex. Not sure autocast actually works on Blessing of Healing. This spell's second level can be chosen when the hero is level 2 which shouldn't be the case since spells are chosen at a distance of two levels (e.g. level 1 on hero's level 1, level 2 on hero's level 3). War Prayer=Howl of Terror.
-Silvermoon Sorceress' Fiery Dispel only works on units with buffs and summoned ones. You should mention that in the spell description. Heat Vision might be strongly overpowered in mide-late game vs Blademaster and Night Elves. Maybe reducing the AoE helps since it's a permanent spell. Firebolt=Warlock's Firebolt. It actually stuns too even if for a brief moment. The description does not mention it. It would be best to make this spell AoE based.
-Blessing of Healing doesn't have a DISBTN. It looks like a green square on F10/pause. You can make disabled versions for icons if there aren't any:
Button Manager v1.8.2
BLP Lab v0.5.0
if not, just add it properly:
Complete Icon Tutorial - All About Icons
How to Make an Icon

-two agility heroes. They move very fast with level 1 Endurance Aura on them.
-Celerity Aura=partial Endurance Aura? Do they stack at least? But anyways, overpowered both of them at once.
-Mana Harvest doesn't require any mana? That's unbalanced considering the hero doesn't even need to stand still. This spell can be cast on friendly (player owned) units too.
-Blood Rush=partial Inner Fire? If yes, then do they both stack? The icon doesn't have DISBTN.
-Haste's buff doesn't look like the spell but like the Boots of Quel'thalas. Also, does this spell stack with Scroll of Speed?
-Storm of Arrows=Blizzard.

-Split Bats says splits the Pandaren Vampiress :D I cannot see the bats, nor select them without having the hero in a control group. This spell is insta hero escape.
-some of the Necromancer's spell descriptions don't look too good. His Raise Dead on autocast has another icon. This spell is basically the actual Necromancer's spell. Not creative. The skeletons are too many from the get-go considering they can be upgraded (attack+armour) unlike usual summoned units.
-Harvest Blood=Cannibalize.
-Placeholder for Corpse Digging but do you really have to look inside the learn spell box for every spell level details? What after the spell's third level? How can you see the description then? The spell's aura/buff's icon=Trueshot Aura. Weird, it turned to Command Aura's, then to Inner Fire's. I guess it depends on the spell's level. What happens to the corpses if they are permanent? You have to use a spell on them to be able to create more somewhere else.
-Disease Cloud has the Hydralisk's soundset and you can move it. Should it be moved? Problem is that it blocks pathing. It should not be treated as an obstacle. Maybe make it fly and maybe reduce its movement speed.
-Bleed=Slow Poison.
-the problem with Dark Garden is that it's permanent and creates blight. It also spawns the Skeletons way too fast. Alright so it's not permanent but it doesn't have a visible timer and the description doesn't say anything about it either.

Night Elf:
-two intel heroes.
-Druid of the Beak's portrait has issues. Maybe you could ask someone to make one for you or just to add Furion's portrait instead.
-Flowers of Kalimdor=partial Unholy Aura?
-Butterfly Dance=Locust Swarm. Even the description mentions the Crypt Lord.
-Grow Plant=Serpent Ward.
-Wild Growth=partial Rejuvenation.
-I suggest Metamorphosis or Bear Form for Wildkin Form since the unit is taken out of the control group (e.g. CTRL+1) after transformation. However, it will come back after the spell ends. Bash and War Stomp are too familiar. Be creative. Also, the Wildkin doesn't have a hero glow. You could add one: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling

-you've removed some heroes instead of adding new ones like for the races... or you didn't save the map on the latest melee patch (in map options) since the Firelord, Tinker and Alchemist are missing.
-Mecha Gnome has Siege Damage. That's unusual and possibly too effective on buildings. This hero has a weird soundset.
-Energy Barrier=Mana Shield.
-Tree Fuel=Eat Tree. Also, doesn't cost any mana.
-Once Bouncy Rockets are used, the hero attack from a distance regardless if he turns off/reverts the ability.
-Stun Rocket=Firebolt/Stormbolt. Problem is, that stun is huge. I hope heroes have a max of 5 seconds.
-Magic Interception=Devour Magic.
-not sure how Detection Goggles is fair compared to Heat Vision. This one costs mana and is temporary.
-there's a problem with King Shredder's model as it can be selected/clicked somewhere a bit far from it's actual selection circle/model edges.
-not sure it's fair for the King Shredder to have a passive ability which deals splash/area damage while other heroes need an orb or to learn a spell for such a capability.
-Kill Button's animation (the rocket) hits the target and only after some seconds does the target get hurt/killed.

You could try finding some new soundsets.

I think there should be less spells resembling or even copying original Warcraft III ones.

Here are some inspirational Altered Melee maps:
How to: Create a Full-working Custom Race
UB - Ultimate Battle v1.96 AI+
Deforestation of Felwood v2.1.1
Nightborne v1.04
Planetary Domination v2.04
Sands of Time [v1.9]
The Grand Citadel (Racial Issue 1.6)

Awaiting Update.


Always check/recheck the Map Submission Rules! (Map Submission Rules)

These will help make a better description:

Screenshots could attract more players to download your work. Make the best of them.

A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.

To make your work run smoother, fix the so called leaks: http://world-editor-tutorials.thehelper.net/cat_usersubmit.php?view=27219

If you want more reviews, come here:
Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
Please avoid uploading screenshots on other sites and linking to them.

Map terrain is flat.

-two new intel heroes
-Priestess has Silence=Dark Ranger's Silence; Polymorph=Hex. Not sure autocast actually works on Blessing of Healing. This spell's second level can be chosen when the hero is level 2 which shouldn't be the case since spells are chosen at a distance of two levels (e.g. level 1 on hero's level 1, level 2 on hero's level 3). War Prayer=Howl of Terror.
-Silvermoon Sorceress' Fiery Dispel only works on units with buffs and summoned ones. You should mention that in the spell description. Heat Vision might be strongly overpowered in mide-late game vs Blademaster and Night Elves. Maybe reducing the AoE helps since it's a permanent spell. Firebolt=Warlock's Firebolt. It actually stuns too even if for a brief moment. The description does not mention it. It would be best to make this spell AoE based.
-Blessing of Healing doesn't have a DISBTN. It looks like a green square on F10/pause. You can make disabled versions for icons if there aren't any:
Button Manager v1.8.2
BLP Lab v0.5.0
if not, just add it properly:
Complete Icon Tutorial - All About Icons
How to Make an Icon

-two agility heroes. They move very fast with level 1 Endurance Aura on them.
-Celerity Aura=partial Endurance Aura? Do they stack at least? But anyways, overpowered both of them at once.
-Mana Harvest doesn't require any mana? That's unbalanced considering the hero doesn't even need to stand still. This spell can be cast on friendly (player owned) units too.
-Blood Rush=partial Inner Fire? If yes, then do they both stack? The icon doesn't have DISBTN.
-Haste's buff doesn't look like the spell but like the Boots of Quel'thalas. Also, does this spell stack with Scroll of Speed?
-Storm of Arrows=Blizzard.

-Split Bats says splits the Pandaren Vampiress :D I cannot see the bats, nor select them without having the hero in a control group. This spell is insta hero escape.
-some of the Necromancer's spell descriptions don't look too good. His Raise Dead on autocast has another icon. This spell is basically the actual Necromancer's spell. Not creative. The skeletons are too many from the get-go considering they can be upgraded (attack+armour) unlike usual summoned units.
-Harvest Blood=Cannibalize.
-Placeholder for Corpse Digging but do you really have to look inside the learn spell box for every spell level details? What after the spell's third level? How can you see the description then? The spell's aura/buff's icon=Trueshot Aura. Weird, it turned to Command Aura's, then to Inner Fire's. I guess it depends on the spell's level. What happens to the corpses if they are permanent? You have to use a spell on them to be able to create more somewhere else.
-Disease Cloud has the Hydralisk's soundset and you can move it. Should it be moved? Problem is that it blocks pathing. It should not be treated as an obstacle. Maybe make it fly and maybe reduce its movement speed.
-Bleed=Slow Poison.
-the problem with Dark Garden is that it's permanent and creates blight. It also spawns the Skeletons way too fast. Alright so it's not permanent but it doesn't have a visible timer and the description doesn't say anything about it either.

Night Elf:
-two intel heroes.
-Druid of the Beak's portrait has issues. Maybe you could ask someone to make one for you or just to add Furion's portrait instead.
-Flowers of Kalimdor=partial Unholy Aura?
-Butterfly Dance=Locust Swarm. Even the description mentions the Crypt Lord.
-Grow Plant=Serpent Ward.
-Wild Growth=partial Rejuvenation.
-I suggest Metamorphosis or Bear Form for Wildkin Form since the unit is taken out of the control group (e.g. CTRL+1) after transformation. However, it will come back after the spell ends. Bash and War Stomp are too familiar. Be creative. Also, the Wildkin doesn't have a hero glow. You could add one: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling

-you've removed some heroes instead of adding new ones like for the races... or you didn't save the map on the latest melee patch (in map options) since the Firelord, Tinker and Alchemist are missing.
-Mecha Gnome has Siege Damage. That's unusual and possibly too effective on buildings. This hero has a weird soundset.
-Energy Barrier=Mana Shield.
-Tree Fuel=Eat Tree. Also, doesn't cost any mana.
-Once Bouncy Rockets are used, the hero attack from a distance regardless if he turns off/reverts the ability.
-Stun Rocket=Firebolt/Stormbolt. Problem is, that stun is huge. I hope heroes have a max of 5 seconds.
-Magic Interception=Devour Magic.
-not sure how Detection Goggles is fair compared to Heat Vision. This one costs mana and is temporary.
-there's a problem with King Shredder's model as it can be selected/clicked somewhere a bit far from it's actual selection circle/model edges.
-not sure it's fair for the King Shredder to have a passive ability which deals splash/area damage while other heroes need an orb or to learn a spell for such a capability.
-Kill Button's animation (the rocket) hits the target and only after some seconds does the target get hurt/killed.

You could try finding some new soundsets.

I think there should be less spells resembling or even copying original Warcraft III ones.

Here are some inspirational Altered Melee maps:
How to: Create a Full-working Custom Race
UB - Ultimate Battle v1.96 AI+
Deforestation of Felwood v2.1.1
Nightborne v1.04
Planetary Domination v2.04
Sands of Time [v1.9]
The Grand Citadel (Racial Issue 1.6)

Awaiting Update.


Always check/recheck the Map Submission Rules! (Map Submission Rules)

These will help make a better description:

Screenshots could attract more players to download your work. Make the best of them.

A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.

To make your work run smoother, fix the so called leaks: Triggers - Memory Leaks and Custom Scripts

If you want more reviews, come here:
The Grand Review Exchange!

That is some amazing feedback. I was expecting a lot of these icon and spell description issues but couldn't find them myself.. Idk first time making a map it seems like a lot to look for and difficult to find.

Going into this project I didn't plan to be really creative with the abilities and stuff since I don't have the knowledge, experience or skills that are required to pull things off right. I mentioned in the post that all the custom abilities are edits of already existing stuff Blizzard has made. My creativity was limited by having to use already existing abilities and introduce them into game in a way so you can make strategies around it. I was thinking how certain heroes would work as replacement for certain units and such.

Having two new same main stat heroes occurred a lot because I wasn't worried about what the primary stat of the hero is but how they would be built-into the game with the current mechanics and strategies. I also had thoughts of updating the map with more heroes in future, so currently I was going with some heroes that would have synergy with the existing ones.. For example Priestess+Archmage+Paladin make for a great defensive synergy, so it balances out against the Bounty Hunter+Tauren Chieftain+Sight Seer's damaging potential, same for Dryad of Kalimdors regeneration aura + Keeper of the Grooves Tranquility being a good healing synergy.


-I was also playing around with allowing heroes to level up same ability 2 times in row, but this happens only with really weak heroes to give them a bit more of a head start. I'd like to hear more opinions on the Priestess ability to use Blessing of Healing level 2 on level 2 rather than having to pick between one of the costly situational skills.. I believe the Sight Seer can also level up Blood Rush to level 2 for same reason, but not sure if I changed that one.

-Fiery Dispel Working only on summoned and buffed units is intended as it is just a dispel tool, used to protect her early on from summoner heroes (I was kinda thinking of her in 1v1 player situations against Far Seer or Archmage). Hmm I'll look into how Heat Vision works, I was thinking since the hero is so weak early on she needs something strong enough to deal with Blademaster harass, since her damage is suffering significantly early on so she wouldn't be too overpowered at lv6. For Fireball I couldn't find an ability that just does damage to targeted unit, editing Shadow Strike I think made it a instakill ability or something, but I should write in description that it interrupts target since stun is less than a second I believe.

-I must've made a mistake when adding Blessing of Healing icon.. Or I removed the DISBTN by accident at some point!


-Like I mentioned before, I think the new auras might balance each other out.
-I don't see a point in it requiring mana tbh, Syphon Mana costs 10 mana for some reason but it drains mana.. Sight Seer is a really weak hero overall, other than the stealing mana he has Blood Rush which gives him 4 bonus damage on Level 1.. Even in Late game he can only cast it on 6 units maximally and that is if he has the mana, the effect gives only 5% more damage bonus than Trueshot aura which is an AoE effect that costs no mana. I made him so weak just because he has the "Map Hack" ultimate.
-I can't remember if I tested Haste with speed scroll


-Oops! XD Not sure why bats are invisible I am pretty sure I could see them.. Yeah I know it's a insta escape but it can also be countered by Bat rider, aren't all the bats in a big bunch once they split? A kamikaze bat rider kills the dreams of her escaping.. and I like encouraging that kind of quick reaction plays.
-The raise dead isn't supposed to be auto-cast so I made a joke secondary icon XD.. Idk how you noticed it! I totally forgot it was autocast myself so when I was testing once I set all my necromancers on autocast and noticed his raise dead was on also haha. And yeah I know they can be upgraded, because summons are so easily countered by dispel and crushed in large army fights later on I felt like giving them a slight buff.
-I guess I'll have to remove the placeholder thing and just go with no icon at all.
-Hmm weird I didn't know it was permanent, I wasn't paying attention to it having tested it against computers I thought it was destroyed by itself after the duration run out but perhaps the computers destroyed it and I didn't pay attention? About the blight that it spawns, it's intended, I thought it's really fun seeing the Necromancer spawn blight all over the map once he hits lv6.. Turning the entire map slowly into undead territory. And I feel like it's balanced considering how easily countered he is by aoe dispels and how costly his abilities are.


-Yeah the portrait has a issue :(
-I didn't wanna go with Metamorphosis because I wanted to give him the new abilities, wanted to make him turn into a neutral creep-like unit after using the ability. It's like he loses his mind goes Volibear into turret dive mode (Idk if you're League of Legends fan and will get the reference). But Idk when I played him it was funny turning into Wildkin and popping my Wildgrowth going straight into a team fight thinking "here comes the tanky guy" and then he gets insta killed. (Not saying the hero is under powered though!)


-That's weird, I'm pretty sure I updated it to latest patch.
-I was trying to make Mecha Gnome a gimmicky hero, starting off with Siege damage. I don't think it's overpowered considering there's not much early rush potential.. Sure later on he can abuse his Energy Shield + Siege damage to cause havoc but that's all the fun about him! I might have to nerf the damage somehow or something like that, but wanna keep that playstyle for him..
-Idea is that he doesn't have Mana btw, which is why none of his abilities cost mana, and the "mana" bar is used as "energy" for his ultimate.. Which is why he has 10k mana from start.
-Hmm that's a strange one, I thought when you turn off the rockets his attack reverts to siege.. I was playing around with harassing enemies expansions like this when I was testing o_O
-Detection Goggles are on a different hero, a hero with more possibilities early on.. The AoE damage on his splash is pitiful though, I was considering removing it for the reason that he can hardly creep a green camp solo, unlike Demon Hunter, Blademaster and other imbalances.
-Stunrocket, ha close.. I made it 6 seconds max on Heroes.. :> You're right I should drop it down to 5.
I set that 3 second delay on the kill trying something out.. There should be a silly debuff that appears on the unit and I was thinking of finding a fitting silly effect to show above. As if the unit goes "Ooh-Ohh, I'm in trouble now!".

Oh and I know the terrain is flat, I just have something against the ups and downs on a map.. don't like seeing units in a weird angle.. I did add a bit of hills in the creek area to make it look more realistic.. but other than that I rather keep it flat and clear if possible?
Last edited:


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
For Fireball I couldn't find an ability that just does damage to targeted unit, editing Shadow Strike I think made it a instakill ability or something
Try Frost Nova (or just look through the spells/abilities until you find one that fits best) with 0 AoE damage and temporary slow instead of temporary stun. Stun is problematic on channeling heroes (i.e. Starfall, Tranquility, Big Bad Voodoo etc.).
Yeah I know it's a insta escape but it can also be countered by Bat rider, aren't all the bats in a big bunch once they split? A kamikaze bat rider kills the dreams of her escaping.. and I like encouraging that kind of quick reaction plays.
I don't know what AoE effect the Unstable Concoction has but I guess you could split the bats? Also, forcing one type of strategy against that isn't too good.
Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
Try Frost Nova (or just look through the spells/abilities until you find one that fits best) with 0 AoE damage and temporary slow instead of temporary stun. Stun is problematic on channeling heroes (i.e. Starfall, Tranquility, Big Bad Voodoo etc.).

I don't know what AoE effect the Unstable Concoction has but I guess you could split the bats? Also, forcing one type of strategy against that isn't too good.

Ah just as you made the post I uploaded updated version of the map. Here's the list of changes:

-Fiery Dispel description updated
-Blessing of Healing has DISATC now
-Blood Rush has DISATC now
-Haste has it's own Haste buff
-Split into Bats description updated
-Bats model fixed
-Bat units health reduced from 200 to 150
-Raise Undead description updated
-Disease Cloud is now a flying unit
-Corpse Digging Duration reduced to 30 (not sure if this does anything though)
-Added Firelord, Tinker and Alchemist back to Tavern
-Stun Rockets stun on heroes is reduced by 1 second on each level


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
h just as you made the post I uploaded updated version of the map
What's the patch version you've saved this on? I need someone to check if the rocket switching issue persists on later patches or if it's on my end. Actually, it works now but:
-the hero can attack air from a distance without even starting to use the spell (still on siege attack type with melee range). So regardless of whether he uses the spell and gets back to normal melee, he still can attack air from a distance as if having an orb on which means his second attack is enabled from the start vs air.

  1. Maybe reduce movement speed on bats or something? Add casting time? Lessen duration?
  2. I think you can edit Silence to do something else than disable spell casting. You could for example disable ranged attacks or special (you have to test that. Don't know what it is).
  3. Same with War Prayer/Howl of Terror. You could make it lower defense instead and or/life regeneration.
  4. Blessing of Healing=Essence of Blight. You could increase the cooldown and healing power.
  5. I've no idea how you could make Polymorph less like Hex without triggers.
  6. Celerity Aura. You could turn that to affect the enemy with negative values as to make it different from Endurance Aura.
  7. Maybe make Storm of Arrows not affect buildings (high damage reduction) to make it less like Blizzard?
  8. Blood Rush to also have life regen bonus?
  9. About that Blight Growth, maybe make the expansion less as the undead already have Sacrificial Skulls.
  10. Blood Tap. Maybe let it also transfer life to other units?
  11. Slow Poison (Vampiress) spell is the same without trigger enhancement.
  12. Harvest Blood/Cannibalize the same as above.
  13. Wild Growth, maybe change it to balance mana and life regain?
  14. Butterfly Dance/Locust Swarm. Not really know how to modify that. Even with triggers it would be pretty difficult.
  15. Flowers of Kalimdor/Unholy Aura. Hmm... also a difficult catch. Maybe you could make it cost mana. Would that turn it into an on-off spell?
  16. Grow Plant/Serpent Ward. Maybe have it cast/use some spells? Say like how the Hydra or Nerubian spawns broodling upon death.
  17. I'm not sure how Mark of the World Tree would work with Anti-magic Shell. Maybe triggers to further modify it.
  18. Cyclone can only be dispelled on level 1. Maybe reduce the duration and create a trigger to make the unit take damage upon the spell's fading.
  19. Magic Interception could also benefit from stealing buffs to replenish the hero's mana.
  20. Maybe Tree Fuel to replenish mana too or only that through triggers?
Just my two pennies.
Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
What's the patch version you've saved this on? I need someone to check if the rocket switching issue persists on later patches or if it's on my end. Actually, it works now but:
-the hero can attack air from a distance without even starting to use the spell (still on siege attack type with melee range). So regardless of whether he uses the spell and gets back to normal melee, he still can attack air from a distance as if having an orb on which means his second attack is enabled from the start vs air.

  1. Maybe reduce movement speed on bats or something? Add casting time? Lessen duration?
  2. I think you can edit Silence to do something else than disable spell casting. You could for example disable ranged attacks or special (you have to test that. Don't know what it is).
  3. Same with War Prayer/Howl of Terror. You could make it lower defense instead and or/life regeneration.
  4. Blessing of Healing=Essence of Blight. You could increase the cooldown and healing power.
  5. I've no idea how you could make Polymorph less like Hex without triggers.
  6. Celerity Aura. You could turn that to affect the enemy with negative values as to make it different from Endurance Aura.
  7. Maybe make Storm of Arrows not affect buildings (high damage reduction) to make it less like Blizzard?
  8. Blood Rush to also have life regen bonus?
  9. About that Blight Growth, maybe make the expansion less as the undead already have Sacrificial Skulls.
  10. Blood Tap. Maybe let it also transfer life to other units?
  11. Slow Poison (Vampiress) spell is the same without trigger enhancement.
  12. Harvest Blood/Cannibalize the same as above.
  13. Wild Growth, maybe change it to balance mana and life regain?
  14. Butterfly Dance/Locust Swarm. Not really know how to modify that. Even with triggers it would be pretty difficult.
  15. Flowers of Kalimdor/Unholy Aura. Hmm... also a difficult catch. Maybe you could make it cost mana. Would that turn it into an on-off spell?
  16. Grow Plant/Serpent Ward. Maybe have it cast/use some spells? Say like how the Hydra or Nerubian spawns broodling upon death.
  17. I'm not sure how Mark of the World Tree would work with Anti-magic Shell. Maybe triggers to further modify it.
  18. Cyclone can only be dispelled on level 1. Maybe reduce the duration and create a trigger to make the unit take damage upon the spell's fading.
  19. Magic Interception could also benefit from stealing buffs to replenish the hero's mana.
  20. Maybe Tree Fuel to replenish mana too or only that through triggers?
Just my two pennies.

I don't have any issues of such sort occurring with Mecha Gnome! :/

1. I was considering this but it doesn't make much sense for bats to move slowly as it is not realistic, and then it wouldn't make for that great of a escape ability (keep in mind that it is also her ultimate) since there's a lot of units that counter air and these bats are really weak. I think the 180sec cooldown and 150 mana cost balance it out enough, considering she's an Agility champion that will likely spam Blood Tap ability and might have mana issues.
2. Problem is that the Silence is meant to be her early on option for countering harass. Hm I didn't know I could make it so she stops certain attacks with the silence, that might actually work well in synergy with her abilities but also might be too overpowered since she's a healer and with her ultimate to decrease damage.. Though in gameplay she runs out of mana really easily by autocasting Blessing of Healing, so it might not work together too bad.
3. Well since she's supposed to be a Healer/Defensive hero I wanted the ability to decrease damage specifically, so it would go well in synergy with her Blessing of Healing ability. Especially the icon used I feel like it suits this kind of spell perfectly, I read the icon as hand symbol for stop, with the lightning giving it a divinity (blessing/divine intervention) touch.
4. I did have it on increased cooldown and more healing power at early stages, but the hero was just much more fun for me to play with in it's current state. Constantly spamming heal and having Paladin as secondary Hero with Devotion Aura for extra tankyness to my army or Archmage with Brilliance Aura to allow her to cast more efficiently just make it fun for me.
5. As you can tell by now I personally don't see that big of a issue with recycling abilities.
6. Hmm possibly, though Idk if this is a huge nerf to the ability. Spells like these (Starfall and such) get cced in a battle, so I doubt this ability will be very effective vs units in team fights, only fun plays I've had with it was harassing basses since the peons/peasants/acolytes move too slow to escape such a large AoE.. And it doing some minor damage to the buildings across the large AoE makes the ability more efficient.
8. I'm not sure about buffing Sight Seer considering his Map hack ultimate, but I might be giving him too much credit for that ultimate.. Not sure.
9. I made a special Blight Growth ability for this (Minor Blight Growth) and set it to 54.00 size, it doesn't seem to work properly though. :/
10. Would that drain life from Vampiress and give to friendly units, or drain life from friendly units and give it to Vampiress?
11. I just wanted to give her some sort of useful passive, I think I couldn't remove the slow attack and movement speed entirely so I set it to very little.
12. Yeah I figured it would be unusual to see Cannibalize as a Hero skill.
13. Wildgrowth is supposed to help him take the front line, it's meant to be a mana costly ability. Having it restore mana aswell kinda kills the purpose.
15. I think I tried making passives cost mana before and it either didn't cost mana or drained mana constantly.. I don't think it worked either way. Making it cost mana would just make it into Blessing of Healing ability I made for Priestess.
16. There's already a difference between the plant and a Shadowhunters Ward ability, it allows you to slow targets so it helps you chase units down and helps you escape in some situations. It costs a lot more mana for this reason, and I believe you can only have total of 3 plants up if you cast one right off the cooldown while you can have more wards up with Shadowhunter.
17. I haven't tested that, they probably stack.
18. This must have been a mistake I made as I didn't know you could set a spell so it's not possible to dispel. It was set to false by default as I was copy pasting the ability most likely! Though I see this as a really good thing, it pains me that Keeper of the Groves entangling roots can be dispelled in original game.. Why have Heros mana costly abilities easily dispelled by a simple units ability I cannot understand.. This is why such heroes can never be balanced against Blademaster, Demon Hunter and such. Archmage's water elementals work because he has mana regeneration aura so he can spam elementals constantly, but even then you see some players forced to respec due to dispel. This is like having firebolt on a unit to counter melee heroes, it makes no sense to me why Blizzard decided to punish spellcaster Heroes.
19. It is supposed to replenish the hero's mana, does it not do that?
20. It might be too strong to have 2 abilities restore his mana considering his ultimate is Mana Shield and he has so much mana to work with.

Thank you very much for your effort giving me this feedback, it's been a great conversation so far for me. I'm enjoying hearing your thoughts and sharing mine with you.

I found out the issue with blight growth! I guess the "Expansion amount" setting is for something else, I thought that was meant for the blight expansion.. I was supposed to edit the Area of Effect? :p
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
I don't have any issues of such sort occurring with Mecha Gnome! :/
Add the hero in the editor. Set him to level 10 and place some enemy air units nearby. Don't choose any spells before attacking them. If he cannot attack air then choose the third level of that rocket spell and don't switch yet. Try attacking air units. If it doesn't work, then switch to ranged attack. See if air units are being attacked. Then reverse and try with the melee mode to attack air units again.
Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
Add the hero in the editor. Set him to level 10 and place some enemy air units nearby. Don't choose any spells before attacking them. If he cannot attack air then choose the third level of that rocket spell and don't switch yet. Try attacking air units. If it doesn't work, then switch to ranged attack. See if air units are being attacked. Then reverse and try with the melee mode to attack air units again.

Ah I see it, this is because both of his attacks were enabled, fixed it.. Thanks and sorry I didn't notice right away. :/

I didn't have time to test around yesterday, so I only thought reducing AoE of the "Minor Blight Growth" would be the solution to the issue with Dark Garden. I was assuming this because only difference between the two original abilities "Blight Growth Large" and "Blight Growth Small" is the AoE size, but having changed "Minor Blight Growth" from 700 to 400, it seems to make no difference..

Edit: I updated the map with a hotfix for the Mecha Gnome, and with this attempted blight fix.. If you care to test the blight and/or have any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong or how to pull this off it would be appreciated very much.
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Ah I see it, this is because both of his attacks were enabled, fixed it.. Thanks and sorry I didn't notice right away. :/
Changes made,

didn't have time to test around yesterday, so I only thought reducing AoE of the "Minor Blight Growth" would be the solution to the issue with Dark Garden. I was assuming this because only difference between the two original abilities "Blight Growth Large" and "Blight Growth Small" is the AoE size, but having changed "Minor Blight Growth" from 700 to 400, it seems to make no difference..
Leave the Expansion Amount to 64/default (right click then left click on reset field value) then set the Area of Effect to what you think fits. I thought somewhere between 300-400 is OK.
Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
Changes made,

Leave the Expansion Amount to 64/default (right click then left click on reset field value) then set the Area of Effect to what you think fits. I thought somewhere between 300-400 is OK.

Thanks a lot for your continuous help through out this! I really appreciate it. And thank you for the approval!

I updated the Minor Blight Growth ability and thanks to you now it works as intended. I didn't think to return the Expansion Amount to default while trying to make it work by myself.
Level 4
Sep 2, 2017
It would be great if you do this new heroes on standard maps. Always wanted a refreshment from choosing the same heroes all the time. Great job! :D

The thing I noticed is bad leveling of the spells in priesstes healing. At second hero level you can choose the same spell again.
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Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
It would be great if you do this new heroes on standard maps. Always wanted a refreshment from choosing the same heroes all the time. Great job! :D

The thing I noticed is bad leveling of the spells in priesstes healing. At second hero level you can choose the same spell again.

The reason behind some heroes being able to level a spell 2 times in row is because I was thinking the hero is under powered and requires the small boost allowing them for quicker progression to keep up with the standard heroes.
Level 4
Sep 2, 2017
The reason behind some heroes being able to level a spell 2 times in row is because I was thinking the hero is under powered and requires the small boost allowing them for quicker progression to keep up with the standard heroes.

I understand, but I think that you should keep wc3 sistem of leveling spells and find another way of balancing the heroes.

And please, make this in 1vs1 and 2vs2 maps, like terenas stand, turtle rock, echo isles and so on. :D This is so refreshing. :D
Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
I understand, but I think that you should keep wc3 sistem of leveling spells and find another way of balancing the heroes.

And please, make this in 1vs1 and 2vs2 maps, like terenas stand, turtle rock, echo isles and so on. :D This is so refreshing. :D

I mean it's not that big of a deal, in this map you progress really quickly early on so reaching Lv3 isn't too hard. So either way when team fights begin you will have these abilities on such levels, I didn't feel like it takes away from the authenticity significantly. But it can definitely be changed back to standard, I'd like to hear more opinions on this before I make the decision though.

Personally I enjoy playing with these heroes and find them refreshing aswell. So I'd love to see them in classic maps, but it takes a lot of effort copying everything over (unless there are some methods I am unaware of). I will possibly put the effort required to do this, but that depends on how many players wish for this to happen.